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Days like these

  • 20-05-2013 11:10am
    Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭

    Hi guys, sorry anyone flinching in advance of me posting again.

    Yesterday my entire kit died tragically in a mystery murder. My clearos broke in their bag and seeped into the batteries, chargers etc and totally shorted everything out.

    I tried and everything is dead.

    So now I have no kit, next to no money whatsoever and I'm back on the fags like a madman posessed. :(

    So the obvious question: where do I start again? I need soemthing less leaky than clearos, less fiddly than mods.

    I was thinking of an ego-c elips or something similar from Ovale. But even though I know 100 quid = 11 packs of smokes I still am struggling to justify the expenditure! I've had mostly negative experiences vaping and gradually the analogues have crept back in. I'm so used to nicotine now that even the Johnny Blue aren't hitting the spot.

    It's not vaping's fault I'm a dope, but it's not my fault the gear I have bought lately is prone to not working at the drop of a hat.

    Maybe vaping isn't for me? It seems to suit those who enjoy experimenting, wicking, meshing, coiling, modding, testing new things, selling on gear etc. Nothing I have purchased has simply worked without gurgles, leakes, blowing liquid onto tissue every 10 minutes etc. Am I a complete idiot who can't do this properly or is it acutally very messy?

    From my ignorant standpoint even if I had the moeny for a provari I'm still attaching leaky, unreliable junk on top of it that has only been consistent in terms of leaking :(

    What are you guys doing that I don't get? My first starter kit was totally broken, the gear I forked over another 80 odd quid on is now broken after about 2 months of use (they were new clearos in there btw).

    Am I just buying cheapo rubbish or something? I've spent a couple of hundred quid and I have literally nothing to show for it. I'm not angry and maybe I'm running over the same old ground, but I feel there's a manual somewhere I haven't read or I'm just a monster idiot!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,305 ✭✭✭Green Hornet

    I'd recommend the protank in your situation. It's a glass tank and it will not leak. Very well engineered. That's saying something coming from me because I detest clearo's normally.

    Another option is to try some cartomisers. You just fill them and top up occasionally. You could buy a tank as a later option if you liked them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 746 ✭✭✭Nonamigo

    After trying so many different clearos, cartomozers, mods etc I ended up using Eroll with 20mg liquid in it while on the go or at work.And ego twist with kanger t4 at home. Eroll while it doesnt hold too much liquid, I use only as I would with normal cigarette- once ot twice per hour. Thats why I use 20mg liquid with it, to give a quicker nic fix. I normally use 9 or 12 mg.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,026 ✭✭✭grindle

    I thought you were gonna go the pre-filled carto route and feck the expense of it Ross? No leaks, disposable etc etc.
    If you don't mind filling them cartos are the least leaky thing in the vaping world, you just have to fill them right and not mind blowing the two drops of ejuice you might've overfilled it by onto a tissue.
    Or maybe you should go really old school and become a dripper? No need for rebuilding, you can get dripping atties that last from weeks to months if you boil and dry burn them every once in a while. Just plonk a couple of drops in without overfilling, have the vape - no leaking if you do it that way because there's no reservoir of juice.
    On the downside if you do overfill you can flood and short the battery, although if you got a 306 atty you can get a drip shield that'll collect any overfilled juice, the vape will just be a little gurgly until the excess is vaped off.
    It seems to suit those who enjoy experimenting, wicking, meshing, coiling, modding, testing new things, selling on gear etc.
    I can honestly say I don't enjoy any of those things, I just do them because the pay-off is worth it, the same way I'd rather go out of the way to a pub with nice beer rather than the standard pub pißwasser.
    Try and rope a taste-snob friend into vaping->casually mention rebuilding to them->give 'em a month and start offloading any rebuilding you want done onto them->throw them €1-2 per coil or something. Done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭RossFixxxed

    Cool thanks man, I did try the cartos and I made such a complete mess of refilling I went back to the clearos. Again, I'm to blame there but it is putting me off. Also the fact I can't go and buy cartos when I want to try different ones, and am never home for the post means some of my purchases just disappeared into the ether :(

    Tbh my money is so screwed, and I'm so unbelieveably stressed in my personal life atm I can't judge these things objectively at all. Maybe I'll be foreced into cold turkey or something. I dunno. I thought vaping would remove one stress from my life but it has done the opposite at the moment. I hate throwing good money after bad, but cigarettes are idiotic as a habit.

    I tried a tank too! It broke in my pocket and it gurgled and leaked like a mad thing on me!

    I think I need a clear head to assess this properly, if I ever get a clear head!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,201 ✭✭✭quintron

    Sorry to hear that RossFixxxed.
    As mentioned above, I'd recommend an eGo Twist, a couple of XL boge cartomizers and maybe something like the innokin u-can for holding liquid securely. You could also get an eGo lanynard so the twist sits upright around your neck and wouldn't get smashed in a bag.. For me a twist and an evod gives a grand vape but they have leaked on me a few times. A carto sorts that out.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭RossFixxxed

    I really appreciate the replies. Again. I must be the most awkward customer you guys have to face?!

    No harm for others who are having issues to see though, and to see solutions presented. Thanks again guys. I'll have to look carefully before spending. I cannot get my head around how screwed my finances are.

  • Registered Users Posts: 899 ✭✭✭StickyIcky

    Sorry to hear your problems Ross. Would I be right in saying that you're really really really really stressed out at the moment? So much so that it's kind out of control. If your money situation is that bad, do you have, can you get a medical card? Just saying cus perhaps a trip to the GP and get some calming meds would be a good idea. I hope that's not offensive, I mean it with the best intentions. A friend of mine (no not me hah) was having a really bad time lately. She went to the GP explained her situation, he gave her some calming tablets and now she's able to sort the things out that are stressing her out one by one. So by the time she's got it all sorted she all her stresses will be gone and she can go back to not taking the tablets again. I've noticed a change in her and already and it's only been a few days.

    Could be worth a consideration because it could help in a lot of ways. I dont think there's any harm or shame in it. If I ever got into the situation were I was so stressed I couldn't be objective and didn't see an end to it, I'd happily take a something for it! :) Hope you sort things out Ross.

    As for a vaping solution I agree with quintron 100%. Ego Twist, XL boge cartos, innokin u-can looks good too. As long as you don't go mad and overfill the boge carto and you keep the e-cig in a lan-yard around your neck (And not in a bag or pocket where it can get crushed) then I don't forsee any leaks.

    Remember to breathe and be zen brother ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭RossFixxxed

    Yeah you wouldn't be wrong! I can't get a mdeical card to be honest. I might have to take your advice tbh, having a bit of a melt down. Now that's ok, I'll pull through, been through worse in the past. The reason I mention it here, rather than for therapy is that when I get stressed I smoke like a lunatic :( That's a concern atm.

    That said: I massively apprciate your advice. I think maybe I will go to the GP first, and address vaping with a clearer head!

    Sorry this thread went off the rails folks. It's a hell of a thing that you guys have been so nice replying and I MASSIVELY APPRECIATE IT! Fair play!

  • Registered Users Posts: 166 ✭✭MollyZ

    Hi Ross,

    First off, really sorry to hear about your all your gear self destructing. Talk about bad luck!

    I've read a lot of your posts with interest because I can relate to a lot of what you've had to say over the past while. I've been at this for about 8 weeks now and haven't found it to be that easy either for a lot of the same reasons as you like trying to get the hang of the equipment and finding it hard to do without cigarettes and so on.

    I started out with a Biansi imist 2 - just fill the tank with juice and off you go. It's not perfect but it's relatively cheap (€50 for starter kit with two batteries, atomisers etc). What I like about it is it's simplicity, haven't really had any problems with it, it doesn't leak, you don't need to change atomiser heads just clean it, and the two I got originally are still going.

    The imist2 hasn't been perfect (but I'm beginning to think that nothing in this game is!) so over the past couple of months I've tried cartos - didn't like the taste, Kanger Evods - leaked everywhere and made loads of noise and a Protank. The Protank is okay but I have had a lot of leaking problems with it - I'm not sure why as lots of other people haven't.

    So, at the end of the day, I've decided to stick with the imist 2 and over the summer get myself off nicotine and then off vaping altogether. Like you, I think it's not for me in the long term but it has stopped me smoking for almost 2 months so far so for that it's brilliant and I am so glad I made the switch. But I'm still addicted to nicotine, so there are still times when I really would love a cigarette so badly and I get frustrated sometimes with having to clean stuff and fill tanks and the general messiness of liquid etc. It would be so much easier just to have a cigarettes! But I will stick with it as long as I need to to keep me not smoking.

    I don't have the experience of most of the other people here in terms of devices and techniques and all that stuff, but I think I know where you're coming from when you write about your frustrations and I'd recommend the Imist 2 for its ease of use and simplicity if that's what you're after. I really hope it works out for you one way or the other and you get off the cigarettes - that's what really matters at the end of the day.

    Best of luck :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭RossFixxxed

    Thanks MollZ :) I'm turning this into PI. And that's where I usually GIVE advice!

    Well I've booked a doctor's appointment at 4.30 anyway, and I might mention smoking as an issue too. It is causing stress in and of itself, so no harm.

    Thanks again folks. We're rapidly derailing from vaping to mental health here! EEK! :O

    Feel better for booking already, and fingers crossed I get some space to get vaping / not smoking soon!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 899 ✭✭✭StickyIcky

    Sweet as dude. Am happy you're going to see the doc. I think it's a good move. I was going to say just tell the doctor the extent of your stress related issues, how it's effecting you in every aspect. Tell him everything and don't leave until you're happy with the result. But I notice now that you've been to see him and are back by now. Hope you got the result you're looking for. You're right it has turned into a bit of a Personal Issues thread but haha but it is what it is!

    I just know from your previous posts that you've got health related issues due to smoking and if you're going to be under a lot of stress it's not only going to be bad for your mental health but also your physical health if you turn back to smoking a pack or two a day. So really drastic situations call for drastic measures. I mean not that seeing a doc is drastic but you know what I mean. Glad you did it. Hope you get your sh*t sorted out ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 289 ✭✭Rattleshakes

    Yeah hope you start to feel better soon dude,give it time and hopefully you will.

    The first few months of vaping were a right fcuking roller coaster ride for me.Got sooooo piissed off with sub standard products constantly giving me grief and still do to a certain extent,but I'm a happier vaper now than I was back then.
    Like you I was trying clearo after fcuking clearo:mad:,primarily for their ease of use and found at that stage the only one that worked well was the Vision V3.

    If I was to go back,I'd simplify everything and get a couple of 650mah ego twists with an Evod for work,pub etc.Then for home I'd use a decent PV/Mod with some type of RBA and a decent-ish clearo like the iClear30.

    Stay strong and vape on dude.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭RossFixxxed

    Thanks again guys. Back to work today. Am very, very far from feeling better.

    I'm going to have a shop around online for a kit I would like, then work towards saving up for it. Maybe smoking less and putting money aside or something might be a good step. I dunno.

    Mentioned everything and the GP actually started crying. So that's alarming perspective tbh. Lot to work on. Might have to move smoking to a lower priority unfortunately.

    I massively appreciate the support :) Thanks again!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,561 ✭✭✭Ionised

    Perhaps we can have a bit of a whip round of spare gear to get you started if things are a bit tight. I have a couple of T3 clearos and juice I can throw your way. I'm guessing someone else must have an ego battery and charger cluttering up their house. What do you say fellow vapers?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,484 ✭✭✭Elbow

    Any of ye folks based in Dublin city center?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,561 ✭✭✭Ionised

    Elbow wrote: »
    Any of ye folks based in Dublin city center?

    I'm out in Malahide but work in Drumcondra

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,756 ✭✭✭Thecageyone

    Get some vivi nova tanks. they never leak or burn or give dry hits.

    I gave up on the evods and MT3 clearo's - I was spending as much on those, thought I may as well have some better quality tanks that will work well and won't have me pulling my hair out! Since buying the Vamo and a few vivis, couldn't be happier - though recently I started buying boge cartomizers too, and small batteries for out and about. They also seem to work well. They can give burnies though if you don't top up often with juice.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,674 ✭✭✭DirtyBollox

    Get some vivi nova tanks. they never leak or burn or give dry hits.

    Not true, 1 of mine leaks like a bastard. But that was because i left juice in it for about a month...

    So avoid that and you're golden :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 289 ✭✭Rattleshakes

    Ionised wrote: »
    Perhaps we can have a bit of a whip round of spare gear to get you started if things are a bit tight. I have a couple of T3 clearos and juice I can throw your way. I'm guessing someone else must have an ego battery and charger cluttering up their house. What do you say fellow vapers?

    No spare batts but I've some clearos and juice that I'd happily pass on.Id also give my VIP starter kit but the refills are a fcuking rip-off:mad:.May help to at least cut down on the cigs though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,756 ✭✭✭Thecageyone

    I've got some ego spares and the the left overs of a starter kit, with an atty and cone and carts - would get you started at least. I also have a lot of juices going spare. Pm me if you're interested OP

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭RossFixxxed

    I'm absolutely gobsmacked by the responses I've gotten here. I'm genuinely touched, and not in the usual "camoflague jacket outside a public toilet" way that people on boards get touched! :)

    You guys are just awesome.

    I've a few things to sort first and I'll be back in touch with you guys on this :)
