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fired to hired?

  • 20-05-2013 5:24pm
    Registered Users Posts: 6

    Hi folks,

    Bear with me here for a few minutes while I unwind the cruxof my problem, I worked for a major multinational for 12 years, during those 12years I worked my way up from the floor to a high responsible job, I spent 4 ofmy 12 years doing night courses to advance my qualifications, but my last 2years working with them turned into a nightmare, unfortunately a colleague waskilled in a work place accident, I took this very hard as he & I worked alongsidetogether for 6 years, as the months passed I felt that I was being isolated atwork, I had a lot of roles taken from me, then a big project came my way, I wasn’tallowed any major input into the project but I was made responsible forensuring the project ran smoothly, for 8 months I worked long days & a lot ofweekends to ensure the project ran smoothly,(Without pay), but it didn't, the project engineer constantlyridiculed me in front of others, & on several times raised issues with meover the project, as I wasn’t allowed any major input into the project I couldnot change what was going wrong, the contractors used were very poor, somecontractors didn't turn up for months at a time putting pressure on the wholeproject.

    During this time I raised concerns over the accident whichtook the life of my colleague, I felt that the company were isolating me forblame over his death, I questioned this with the HR manager & was told to usethe EAP resources, this I did & was informed by their legal team that I should get legal representation.

    2 days after I made this call I had an altercation with acontractor, there was no violence or anything like it, we had a loudconversation with each other & that was that I thought, We actually workedtogether the following day unknowns to me of what the company were preparingagainst me, the project engineer saw this & progressed to write a statementfor the individual I had the altercation with to which he signed, I was subsequentlysuspended & a week later sacked for gross misconduct. The project engineerin question got another contractor to write an incident report against me foranother altercation that never happened, I was not allowed to cross examinethese people but they (The company) came to me with these allegations that I couldnot defend because neither I or my union rep was not allowed any access to theinterviews, no transcripts were made with these individuals either, I haveheard since from colleagues that the individual involved in the altercation didnot make any statement to the company but signed the statement the projectengineer gave him because he was asked to.

    It’s a year on now & I have done my best to clear myname, I have gone through 2 internal appeals to no avail, all appeals wereconducted with the same management team representing the company which I feltwas unfair as they were always going to give the same biased result, I have engageda solicitor & he assures me I have a great case for unfair dismissal onseveral grounds. It’s cold comfort really as I would dearly love to have my jobback as I was very good at it, since leaving I returned to college to do adegree course, I have done several interviews now, 28 to be exact but I amsuffering from the same problem every time, I cannot get passed the interviewstage, I had 4 of my previous managers within this company coming forward togive me references which is very comforting but I imagine the instance thehiring company hear “Gross Misconduct” mentioned they drop me like a hot rock. Iam very disillusioned at my prospects, I didn't do a whole lot wrong, I profuselyapologised to the individual for my behaviour & he accepted as did I accepthis as he was equally abusive towards me.

    I feel this project engineer acted irresponsibly to destroyme & my character, I even had the second contractor confess to me off therecord that he was coached (By this Project engineer) in what to put on the report against me so it looked like I wasviolent towards him. Since leaving I have requested that my personal belongingsbe returned to me, I made these requests in writing & registered them tothe company, but yet I haven’t received all my belongings, my personal diarywhich had dates & notes of conversations has “Disappeared” off my desk,emails I sent to HR & my manager at the time have suddenly been deleted, I hadthese saved in my laptop but now they’re gone. For good luck I CC mailed acolleague who forwarded me a copy of a few emails which go a long was to exonerateme. I would dearly love to mention this multinational organisation & theproject engineer but I am above that, I know my fortune will change as I wouldregard myself a s a good person, in a lot of ways I’m glad to be out of thereas I don’t think I was ever rotten enough to be a senior manager there. But I domiss my friends there, I also miss my job as I was good at what I did.

    The reason I am putting this out there as it’s like relievingpressure & it’s also good to see the opinions of others, I have so manypositives in my life, I have 2 beautiful children & an amazing wife whobelieves in me whole heartedly, my family & friends have stood by me, I evenhad a corporate manager praise me for mydiligence & work ethic, my life changed so much on that day I was fired, I feltmy life ended in some way, in hindsight that was a natural reaction, thereality is I feel more empowered now than I did working for this company, 1year at home with my family has instilled in me the real virtues that makes agood person, I will continue to fight against this company, not for money butfor my integrity, I want my name to be cleared not just for me but also for thefamily of my colleague that died, I don’t ever want them to think that I was inanyway way responsible for his unfortunate accident.


  • Registered Users Posts: 184 ✭✭mm_surf

    If everything went as you say, then get a solicitor and go through the Employment Appeals Tribunal.

    This is a textbook unfair dismissal (for the reasons that unfair procedure & natural justice were not followed)

    A competent solicitor won't charge for the initial consultation.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,328 ✭✭✭Mezcita

    MacBerg wrote: »
    The reason I am putting this out there as it’s like relievingpressure & it’s also good to see the opinions of others, I have so manypositives in my life, I have 2 beautiful children & an amazing wife whobelieves in me whole heartedly, my family & friends have stood by me

    This is the important bit. From your description of it your old job sounds like a bit of a nightmare.

    The work thing will sort itself out and by the sounds of it you have a very good case against your former employers.

    Stick with it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 286 ✭✭cfc.forever

    You put plenty of time and effort into this, I fealt very moved by your story. I think you should take legal action immediatley, I hope that the company responsible pay the price and possibly you get your job back.
