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"Man imposes his own limitations, don't set any"



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Some good quality training the last few days, the body has been feeling good lately!

    Monday 8th of July:
    6 miles on grass in 42:19 @7:03 pace per mile. I taught I was going to melt doing this one but I felt good so just tipped along handy with a group.

    Tuesday 9th of July:
    Track session of 2x2k with a 3 minute recovery. I hadn't done much long stuff in training for a while as speed was the main focus for the last few weeks so I'm building up a bit of strength again. I don't think I even need to explain how hot it was, I tried to leave this session as late as possible but had to have it done before half 6 so it was still roasting. I was sweating buckets after my warm up but luckily when I started my session it seemed too cool down a bit.

    Times were: 6.20 and 6:18.

    I was very happy with this session. It was suppose to be a bit faster but the heat made it tougher so I still feel I got huge benefit from it. The both of them were very consistent, on each I hit the first lap in 76, the 1k mark in 3:10 and the mile in 5:06, on the second 2k I just picked it up a bit more on the last lap thats why it was faster. I didn't feel too bad after it either so it was a good session.

    Wednesday 10th of July:
    10 miles on the road in 67:41 @6:46 pace per mile. It felt even hotter doing this run than the session the previous day probably since I was running for longer. I felt good all the same and went on a route I've never ran before. The lad I was running with had a bottle of water hidden in a ditch half way through the run, absolute life saver!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Lovely 8 miler this evening in 56.17 @7:03 pace per mile. Did half on grass then went out on the road for the second half. Was very warm but the country roads were shaded so it was nice. Felt very good today, it must be the warm weather thats making me feel good lately. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Friday 12th of July:
    Track session today. Initially I was suppose to do a session of 4x1 mile with a 3 minute recovery but I decided to do the IMC 800m in the morton games next wednesday so I did a speed session instead to keep up the speed.

    Session was 1x400, 2x300m, 2x200m, 2x150m with a 3 minute recovery after the 400 and 300s and a 2 minute recovery after the 200s and 150s.

    Times were: 61,45,45,28,28,20,20.

    I was very pleased with this session. I felt stronger as I was going along and the heat didn't seem to affect me much. It was a short enough session and I felt good afterwards. The only thing I would have liked was if the 300s were a bit faster but I wasn't feeling as good doing them as I was doing the 200s and 150s.

    Saturday 13th of July:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Nice run this morning of 8 miles in 53:30 @6:42 pace per mile. Stayed on the road for this one and felt good, went straight after breakfast and the legs were well loosened out after the first mile. Nice morning for it too, not as hot as the last few days.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    I had only decided last week to enter the IMC 800m at the Morton Games so I hadn't been doing much speed work since my last 800m race. I knew I was in PB shape so last Friday I did a final tune up speed session before the race. The weather was perfect with the sun shining all day and there was hardly any wind - perfect racing conditions.

    I was put into the 'D' race which suited me perfectly as nobody had broken 2 minutes previously. Everything about the organisation of it was really professional with a call room in operation and a pace maker in the race. We all had to be in the call room 15 minutes before the race started and we were kept there for around 10 minutes so all my warm up was done at this stage. There was free bottles of water and lucozade sports in the call room area to ourselves hydrated while waiting to be called out onto the track. We were brought out onto the track around 5 minutes before the race started so I had a chance to do a few more strides and keep myself loosened out before the race started after having to stand around in the call room.

    I was in lane 7 which was grand and had planned on going through the first lap in around 61 seconds, a good bit behind what the pace maker was going through in. Once the gun went off the race started pretty quick and the pacer went through 200 in around 27/28 with me going through in 30. Already there looked to be a gap between me and the rest of the pack but then the pace slowed after 300m and suddenly I had pulled everyone back. For some reason my legs felt to be tying up even though it wasn't even that fast and went through 300 in around 45/46, and then went through 400 in 61, exactly where I wanted to be. Apparently the pace maker had slowed a fair bit and went through in 60 seconds so a sub 2 minutes off the cards for the leaders. The third 200 was my slowest and I hit the 600m mark in around 1:33. It seemed like the minute I passed the 600m point I got a sudden burst of energy and picked it up but just as we passed the steeplechase the lad ahead of me dropped out which put me out of stride slightly. Nonetheless I dug deep again and pushed as hard as I could for the last 100m meters and passed the line 4 seconds behind the winner.

    Final time: 2:05.73 and a new PB.

    Overall I'm very happy with the time. The race was one in 2:01 so there was only 4 seconds between the entire field. I didn't feel half as bad after this race as I did when I ran my last 800, I didn't feel like getting sick or collapsing on the ground and I didn't really feel much lactic on the last 100m. Maybe I didn't push myself hard enough or could have gone faster but I'm still delighted with a new PB in a distance I'm not even training for. Afterwards I went and got a free massage after my cool down before sitting down to enjoy the rest of the nights races. Its great too see such times ran on our own turf but its still a pitty more people don't come and support it. People don't seem to realise the significance of these world class athletes. At least I can always say I ran in the same meet as a few Olympians!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 11,394 ✭✭✭✭Timmaay

    pa4 wrote: »
    Overall I'm very happy with the time. The race was one in 2:01 so there was only 4 seconds between the entire field.

    That was me pulling the 2.01, I was hoping for a sub2 but got a pb so still happy. Pace wasn't really where it needed to be I'll admit also, I almost always sit in during 800s, my 1st 200 wasn't as quick as it should have been, I didn't cop that the pace slowed at the 300m mark, but made a decision to burst on the front anyways, only just made it to the front of the pack after the 400m mark (overtaking on bends is a killer for me!), anyways the pacer had pulled abit of a gap but was wondering why no one was going with him so he slowed alittle, he thankfully burst on when he saw me, and dragged me around 1/2 way down the back straight, where all I could do was try push on, but I had left it all too late by then, last 200m is almost always going to be a 31sec for me, and same again at that race! 800m times are made and lost in the middle 200-600m stage in my view!

    Anyways, you doing the national seniors next weekend? Give the pb another shot? The heats for the 800 are a great chance for a pb, no fear of too slow a 1st lap ha!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Timmaay wrote: »
    That was me pulling the 2.01, I was hoping for a sub2 but got a pb so still happy. Pace wasn't really where it needed to be I'll admit also, I almost always sit in during 800s, my 1st 200 wasn't as quick as it should have been, I didn't cop that the pace slowed at the 300m mark, but made a decision to burst on the front anyways, only just made it to the front of the pack after the 400m mark (overtaking on bends is a killer for me!), anyways the pacer had pulled abit of a gap but was wondering why no one was going with him so he slowed alittle, he thankfully burst on when he saw me, and dragged me around 1/2 way down the back straight, where all I could do was try push on, but I had left it all too late by then, last 200m is almost always going to be a 31sec for me, and same again at that race! 800m times are made and lost in the middle 200-600m stage in my view!

    Anyways, you doing the national seniors next weekend? Give the pb another shot? The heats for the 800 are a great chance for a pb, no fear of too slow a 1st lap ha!

    Thats good running its still nice to get the win either way! I usually loose my pace between the 300-600 mark and then manage to find an extra gear to bring me around the last 200. The race is up on flotrack now too I think. It can be strange watching yourself race!

    Won't be doing the nationals unfortunately, my season is nearly over so I want to concentrate on the longer stuff, I've a 5k coming up thursday week so hopefully can get another pb! That was only my second 800 this summer, I'm really just using them too build up the speed for the longer distances. Are you racing yourself?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Some good training the last few days after the 800 last Wednesday.

    Thursday 18th of July:
    5 miles on grass in 33:31 @6:42 pace per mile followed by a few strides too loosen out the legs. I felt good for this one and was well recovered from the race the day before. The pace felt steady but it didn't feel like we were going as fast as we were.

    Friday 19th of July:
    Track session of 4x1k with a generous 3 minute recovery. This session wasn't suppose to be too hard especially after the race but I felt good nonetheless.

    Times were: 3:04, 3:02, 3:03, 3:00.

    I had to do this session earlier so it was close to the hottest part of the day. I thought it would effect me but my body must be used to the heat by now and I flew through them. Once I had the first one in the legs they seemed to be getting easier and I had someone else with me who took out two of them so I wasn't doing all the work. One the last one I just pushed it out for the last 200 and finished well, thought I might have managed to get it under 3 minutes!

    Saturday 20th of July:
    Rest day.

    Sunday 21st of July:
    Long run of 12+ miles. Didn't have the garmin with me so I ran for time but one of the lads worked it out afterwards and said we had gone over the 12 miles. We were going fairly steady so i reckon we averaged somewhere in the 6:40's per mile. Wasn't as warm this morning and we were shaded by trees the whole way which made it easier.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Monday 22nd of July:
    6 miles on grass @7:05 pace per mile. I didn't feel great for this run and the legs felt tired and heavy but I didn't feel as bad near the end.

    Tuesday 23rd of July:
    Track session of 2x2k with a 5 minute recovery. Originally it was suppose to be a 3 minute recovery but I was feeling tireder than usual so needed the extra 2 minutes. The target time was 6:15.

    Times were: 6:17, 6:13.

    Overall a good session. I felt much stronger on the second one and finished well but it was very windy which held me back a bit. For the first one I went through the 1k in 3:10 which was way to slow so picked it up and did the second 1k in 3:07. For the second one I went through the 1k in 3:08 which was grand and did the second 1k in 3:05. Usually when I do sessions like this I'm with someone else and we take turns leading it out but this time I was on my own so I had to pace myself the whole way around. I think its good to be able to do these sessions alone because it makes you push yourself harder and its good practice for a race situation.
    I averaged 6:15 anyway which was the target and both were much faster than the session I did 2 weeks ago where I averaged 6:19.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Wednesday 24th of July:
    7 miles on grass @6:52 pace per mile. Felt grand after the session the previous day allthough I thought I would struggle because I was tired all day.

    Thursday 25th of July:
    5 miles on grass @6:51 pace per mile followed by 5x50m strides. Again I felt tired and stiff all day but once I started running I felt great and would have gone faster if the group wasn't slowing me down. The strides afterwards really loosened out the legs and I felt strong doing them.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Haven't updated this in a few days, training still going well.

    Friday 26th of July:
    Track session of 4x1 mile with a 3 minute recovery. Times were supposed to be between 5:00-5:10.

    Times were: 5:04, 5:04, 5:06, 5:02

    Good session overall, times were well on target and the weather was grand. I haven't done this session since last march so it was nice to get more strength in the legs. The average was 5:04 all together so it was fairly consistent. Had to do it on my own so I had to make my own pace but I didn't mind too much, I find I work harder when doing long intervals on my own anyway and its good not to rely on anyone to pace me. I was fairly tired afterwards and my legs were quite stiff the next day, more so than usually but luckily I had Saturday off.

    Saturday 27th of July:

    Sunday 28th of July:
    12+ miles on a forest trail. I did the same route as the last day so I just took out my basic stopwatch. Overall running time was 1 hour 27 mins. I took it fairly handy because I went out early and still didn't feel fully recovered after Fridays session.

    Total weekly mileage: Approx. 42 miles.

    Monday 29th of July:
    4 miles easy on grass followed by 6x50m strides. Didn't time this one because I was just taking it handy running with a group because I'm racing Thursday. Felt OK but my legs were a bit heavy which I think was due to sitting around doing nothing all day.

    Tuesday 30th of July:
    Rest. Taking it handy this week because I've a race Thursday and next Monday.

    Tomorrow - Wednesday 31st of July:
    Will be doing 3 miles easy on grass followed by a few strides to stay loosened out before the 5k race the next day. Feeling good today so hopefully all will go well.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,623 ✭✭✭dna_leri

    pa4 wrote: »
    Haven't updated this in a few days, training still going well.

    Friday 26th of July:
    Track session of 4x1 mile with a 3 minute recovery. Times were supposed to be between 5:00-5:10.

    Times were: 5:04, 5:04, 5:06, 5:02

    Good session overall, times were well on target and the weather was grand. I haven't done this session since last march so it was nice to get more strength in the legs. The average was 5:04 all together so it was fairly consistent. Had to do it on my own so I had to make my own pace but I didn't mind too much, I find I work harder when doing long intervals on my own anyway and its good not to rely on anyone to pace me. I was fairly tired afterwards and my legs were quite stiff the next day, more so than usually but luckily I had Saturday off.

    That's a savage session, especially on your own, sets you up well for a 5K. Are you looking for a PB?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    dna_leri wrote: »
    That's a savage session, especially on your own, sets you up well for a 5K. Are you looking for a PB?

    Thanks I was delighted with that session, earlier on in the year I was averaging 5:20 so I was surprised when I hit the first one in 5:04 which didn't feel too bad and I didn't burn out. I'm definitely hoping for a PB, judging on my sessions lately I should get one with ease so hopefully all goes well :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Haven't updated this in a while and don't worry, it won't become a regular occurrence! So basically I've been on my end of season break from running for 2.5 weeks (17 days) and came back running last Friday.

    Just before my break I ran a 10 mile road race in 58:55 (5:53 pace per mile) which I was delighted with. I was hoping to break 60 minutes so to end up breaking 59 was something extra special. For anyone following my training ye will know that I haven't been doing big mileage at all with my longest run being 12 miles. This was one of those races where I got myself into a rhythm of running between 5:50 and 6:00 mins for each mile and didn't go over 6 minutes at all. I purposely did the first two miles in exactly 5:40 so I would have those 40 seconds to fall back on if I did get tired. I was also lucky to be running with people up to the 6 mile point where I then pulled away and upped the pace again slightly. This was probably one of the nicest races I ran this year, after the 7/8 mile points I felt good and knew I could keep the pace going untill the finish. I did however notice a slight lack of strength over the last mile which is probably just due too low mileage. I can definitley see myself running a marathon in the future, I know 10 miles is nothing compared to it but it was still much longer than I've ever raced before. I can't remember much of the race since it was 3 weeks ago now so sorry for the short report!

    Overall I'm very happy with my track/road season. It was the first time I properly ran track. I've improved all my PB's from a 2:05 800m to a 58:55 10 miler so there is a nice mix of speed and strength. Next up will be the cross country which starts early October with the county championships. I did cross country last year and loved it so I'm really looking forward to it this year and feel my track/road season will give me a good bad going into it.

    I did no form of exercise on my break so the 3 miles I did last Friday felt like a marathon! I'll just be taking it easy this week with no sessions and just build back up the runs and slowly add in sessions again next week. I'll update my training after my run tonight.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Training for the last few days, just gonna take it easy this week and slowly build up the runs and add in a easy session next week.

    Friday 26th of August:
    First run back of 3 miles on grass. Took it very handy and felt very sluggish. Averaged 7:05 pace per mile which was probably a bit too fast for my first day! Felt a bit stiff too afterwards so did lots of stretching and foam rolling.

    Saturday 27th of August:
    Rest. Didn't want to over do it coming back and felt a bit stiff still from the previous day.

    Sunday 28th of August:
    4 miles on grass @6.52 pace per mile. Felt much better doing this one and finished well, still felt a bit stiff later on in the day though.

    Monday 29th of August:
    5 miles easy on grass. Didn't have the watch for this one so I just ran how I felt and felt pretty good. I'm not breathing as heavy as the last two runs and the legs weren't as tired afterwards either. Did plenty of stretching and foam rolling at home afterwards and have a massage booked for tomorrow to keep loosened out.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,623 ✭✭✭dna_leri

    pa4 wrote: »
    Overall I'm very happy with my track/road season. It was the first time I properly ran track. I've improved all my PB's from a 2:05 800m to a 58:55 10 miler so there is a nice mix of speed and strength. Next up will be the cross country which starts early October with the county championships. I did cross country last year and loved it so I'm really looking forward to it this year and feel my track/road season will give me a good bad going into it.

    That's a great first track season, any long term aims for the track or road?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    dna_leri wrote: »
    That's a great first track season, any long term aims for the track or road?
    Thanks I'm very pleased with it now myself. At the moment my aims are mainly to improve my times and hopefully focus on the longer distances. As for long term aims I'd like to improve on my individual positions in races starting with my own county championships and then munster/All-Ireland championships. I won my own county intermediate road championships earlier in the year so I could probably tick that off the list. Hopefully next I'll start making a name for myself at munster level and pick up a few medals! If I can focus on my individual performance the times should come, I realised if I was worrying too much about times I was too cautious and I wasn't running to my potential. Next up is cross country for me so the plan will be to medal in both the county novice and intermediate and have a decent performance in the munsters/All-Irelands.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Good run this morning. Went out early straight after I got out of bed. I thought I would be stiff and tired but was well loosened out after the first mile.
    6 miles in total on the road @6:45 pace per mile. Went and got a massage afterwards which felt like another session in itself! Off tomorrow so should be well recovered. My body seems to be adjusting quickly enough to being back running so I should be back to where I was within a few weeks.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Wednesday 28th of August:
    Rest. Felt tired from the last few days.

    Thursday 29th of August:
    6 miles on grass @7.03 pace per mile. I really felt tired for this one. Was running in a group and started slow, think the first mile was around 7:30 and the rest were under 7 mins. I was really struggling to catch my breath over the last mile which shows I still have a fair bit to go before regaining full fitness.

    Friday 30th of August:
    4 miles easy on grass @7:22 pace per mile. I deliberately took this run easy and did it by myself so I would end up running faster than intended. Felt OK and the heart rate seemed to be OK too. I thought I would struggle because I felt fairly sluggish all day but the run ended up feeling quite relaxing.

    Saturday 31st of August:
    Rest day. Will definitely need it, feeling pretty tired at the moment and don't want to over do it.

    Next race will be on the 6th of October which is my county cross country championships giving me 5 full weeks of training. I should be back too were I was at that stage and it'll be good training for the Munsters which will probably be on mid to late October.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Nice easy run of just over 10 miles this morning. I didn't have the garmin so I just ran for 75 mins in total, started off easy and worked into it and felt good the whole way. It was my longest run since the 10 mile race I did on the 5th of August and to be honest it didn't even feel like 10 miles.

    31 miles in total this week for my first week back and ran for 5 days. I'm feeling much better today compared to last thursday and friday, the heart rate is slowly coming down during my runs. Will be adding in a session next week.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Grand run this evening, ran for time and did 37 minutes so probably around 5 miles if not a bit more. I didn't feel great starting off but eased into it and everyone was taking it easy so the pace was comfortable and enough to hold a a conversation. Plenty of stretching afterwards, I'm still at the stage where even if I feel good, a short run could leave me feeling fairly stiff.

    Will be training 6 days this week so training is coming along well.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Grand run today of 6 miles on grass at 6:55 pace per mile. Very warm this evening, drank nearly 2 liters of water afterwards! Easy short runs now for the next 2 days.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Wednesday 4th of September:
    5 miles on grass @6:52 pace per mile. This run felt slower than it actualy was so it can only be a good sign that my average pace is coming down.

    Thursday 5th of September:
    I was down for 4 easy miles today ahead of my first session back tomorrow but i went out on the road and did what I think is approximately a 7k (extremely hilly) route. I didn't bother with the watch for this one but one of the lads I was with said it was around 31 minutes, probably a little over if it was actually 7k and we were taking it fairly handy, probably averaging around 7:20-7:30 pace. I found it much colder today and was half tempted to wear a jacket running but didn't in the end since I warmed up fairly fast. Did plenty of stretching and foam rolling afterwards and felt good overall so hopefully tomorrows session won't be too punishing :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Friday 6th of September:
    Track session tonight. First session I've done since the 26th of July although I did race on the 5th of August right before my break, still a long time though! On paper the session was 10x400m with a 3 minute recovery which I was suppose to jog a full lap. The times were down as between 70-72 seconds, nothing major given the generous recovery so it was an ideal session starting back. The good thing about 400's is no matter how bad your feeling its only one lap of a track.

    The times were: 73,71,70,71,71,69,68,67,68,64 giving me an average of 69 seconds.

    I was very pleasantly surprised by this session. Conditions were cold with a strong wind on the back straight and a bit of mist at times although I avoided the worst of it. The first 400 (73.01) felt a little strange and it took a while for my style to adjust to running fast but it wasn't overly difficult. The times began to pick up yet I still felt the same so I wasn't pushing it any harder than I had planned. After the 3rd/4th interval I started feeling a bit tired but once I got to the half way point I seemed to get a new lease of life. The 6th one was under 70 which was completely unplanned for, I decided after the first 5 that I would try and maintain 71 which was right between my target times. They began steadily picking up and as they did the better I felt. By the time I was on the last one I was flying it and decided to push out the last 200 to come home in 64 seconds.

    My speed/strength obviously hasn't gone far and my body adjusted quickly to the fast running which can only be a good sign. I think once the first session is in the legs the next sessions feel much easier.

    To say I'm crippled is an understatement today but its expected. I did plenty of stretching and foam rolling along with a good 2 mile warm up and down which probably helped a little. Good thing I'm off today anyway.

    Overall distance covered: 9 miles.

    Saturday 7th of September:
    Rest day.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Long-ish run today of 10 miles in 72 minutes @7:12 pace per mile. Had planned on meeting up with a few people for this but a few pulled out so I decided just to head out on the road myself this morning. To be honest I still felt fairly stiff from Friday and even as I'm writing this I can feel my muscles aching! Other than the stiffness from the session I felt grand even though I was literally out of the bed and just after eating 3 weetabix. Quite an enjoyable run but there was some chill in the air, took me nearly 3 miles to fully warm up and even at that my arms felt fairly cold. Probably should have worn a light jacket. It's my first week back training 6 days so my training is progressing nicely as planned. Back to college tomorrow so I'll have to get back into the routine off juggling college and projects with training but of course I'll always choose training over college work!

    Overall weekly mileage: 39 miles.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Monday 9th of September:
    6 miles on grass @6:54 pace per mile. Felt good doing this one, just one of those days where I'm full of energy. No tightness or stiffness of muscles that was still lingering the day before doing the long run.

    Tuesday 10th of September:
    5 miles easy on grass @7:25 pace per mile. I felt the complete opposite doing this run than I did Monday, the legs just felt tired the whole way and never really got into it.

    Wednesday 11th of September:
    6 miles on grass @7:15 pace per mile. I took this run fairly handy because some of the lads were after doing a tough session the day before so I went at their pace. Overall I felt good, about an hour beforehand I was wrecked tired, could hardly keep my eyes open but once I started running I felt great.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Thursday 12 of September:
    5 miles on grass @6:53 pace. Felt good doing this one but the legs were a bit sore, not even tired. I went out later than usual for this one and it was still fairly humid. These runs usually feel very quick when I'm feeling good.

    Friday 13th of September:
    Track session tonight. On paper it was 5x800m with a 3 minute recovery. Times were suppose to be between 2:25 and 2:30. This was my first long interval session back so I was a bit rusty starting off but started loosening out as the session went on.

    Times were: 2:30, 2:29, 2:26, 2:28, 2:23.

    Overall a very good session which I'm very pleased with. My legs were tired leading up to it and I was literally just back from college after a 1.5 hour car journey but obviously it didn't effect me in a bad way. The first one I was a bit rusty but it still didn't feel too hard and my breathing was OK so at that point I knew I'd have a good session. When I'm doing longer intervals the first one always seems to be the slowest but the pace gradually increases as my body warms up and loosens out. The session seemed to go by very quick and mentally it felt easy, its only 2 laps of a track.

    I don't feel half as tired after that session than I did doing last weeks 400's. My body should be pretty much adjusted to these sessions again and I don't seem to have lost much strength. I'll more than likely be adding back in a 2nd session a week from next week onwards.

    Overall distance covered: 6.5 miles.

    Saturday 14th of September:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Long run of 12 miles on the roads this morning. First 12 miler in a long time. I felt tired starting off, I wasn't fully awake either which didn't help and up to half way and my legs were aching a bit. Coming near the end though I started to feel much better. I was soaking once I finished because it was raining the whole time but I still found it warm enough so it served as more of a relief than anything.

    Total weekly mileage: 40.5 miles.

    First week over the 40 miles so training is beginning to get back to where it was. I'll be doing 2 sessions next week so that will be my first full week of normal training. County novice is only 3 weeks away so I'll get two full solid weeks of training in and then an easy week before the race. The novice will mainly serve as a race to get my body back into racing mode for the rest of the cross country season.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Monday 16th of September:
    5 miles steady on the roads. Felt good doing this so decided to maintain a nice steady yet comfortable pace for the duration of the run. My Garmin wasn't loaded properly and said I did the first mile in 8 minutes but I know from feel it was definitely under 7. The last 3 miles, after it adjusted itself were around 6:30ish so I was going well. Very cold out during this run and still didn't fully feel warmed up after the run.

    Tuesday 17th of September:
    Hill session tonight of 8x300m, turn around and jog back 300m without breaks. I did this up one of the toughest hills in one of the toughest racecourses in Ireland so to say they were hard in a under statement. I didn't feel great starting off and it was lashing rain and fairly windy so this just added to the misery. After each run however I began to feel better and better and for the last 3 I felt very strong and powered up the hills. I know how I'm feeling now that I'll probably be crippled tomorrow but I did plenty of stretching and foam rolling so hopefully won't be as bad. Overall I'm very happy with this session. I haven;t done hills in about a year but they went better than expected and thankfully the wind was blowing at a weird angle that didn't effect the session. This is my first week back doing two sessions so please God I'll be fully recovered by Friday, I just have easy runs for the next 2 days anyway.

    Total distance covered: 8 miles.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Wednesday 18th of September:
    5 miles easy on grass @7:15 pace per mile. Was tired enough after the hill session.

    Thursday 19th of September:
    6 miles easy on grass @7:24 pace per mile. Felt a bit better but took it handy because I was running in a group.

    Friday 20th of September:
    Track session of 12x400m with a 3 minute recovery/Jog lap.

    Times were: 70,71,68,68,68,68,68,68,68,68,68,65.

    Happy enough with this session. Average was 68. Felt bad for the first too but got my rythim going and did 9 68's so there was good consistency.

    Overall distance covered: 10 miles.

    Saturday 21th of September:

    Sunday 22nd of September:
    Long run of 12 miles on the roads @7:20 pace per mile. Felt grand for this and took it handy enough because I went out fairly early. Got pretty warm near the end.

    Overall weekly mileage: 46 miles which is the most amount of mileage I've ever done in a week.
