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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,629 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    The only difference Pa is that the young lads you're putting manners on are probably 18 or 19, the young lads I'm trying to keep up with are in their 40's :)

    What up next race wise?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    The only difference Pa is that the young lads you're putting manners on are probably 18 or 19, the young lads I'm trying to keep up with are in their 40's :)

    What up next race wise?


    I did a 5k road race yesterday, got 3rd in 16:05. Hadn't intended on doing this race at all since I don't really like the course. It was a an out and back course where we had to turn around a cone in the middle of the road at the half way point.. definitely lost 3/4 seconds there since I was basically coming to a stop. Also the last 100-200 meters were all up hill so probably lost a few seconds theres too! I know I'm in sub 16 shape, just have to get in the right race for it!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,629 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    We'll done Pa, class running.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Haven't done a proper race report in a long time and have been neglecting this thread for a while so I think it's time to start updating again!

    I had planned on doing this race for a good while since it's probably the fastest, flattest 5k road race around Tipp. Training has been going well enough over the past few weeks, it's been consistent and I've gotten in some good quality sessions. Being honest I'm feeling a bit tired doing them though in recent weeks due to work, getting up at 6:30am every morning and working a fairly physical job is taking its toll a bit on the body. I ran 16:05 this day two weeks ago so I knew a PB would be on the cards if all went too plan. Finish work early on a Friday so I got home around half 3, got something quick to eat and fell asleep for an hour since I was wrecked tired after a long weeks work. When I woke up I felt even tireder but after about a half an hour I started to perk up a bit and left for the race.

    I felt good during my normal warm up routine so all was going well. The race went off at a serious pace, straight away 3 lads tore off leaving myself and a few others trailing behind a bit. Hit the first kilometer in 3:04 which felt good, I like to get the first Km in around the 3:05 region to give myself a few seconds to play with incase I slow down. The second Km slowed a fair bit and hit the 2km mark in 6:20. I would have liked to be around the 6:15 region but I was running solo and the head wasn't in the right place. Got to the half way mark in 7:59. It wasn't looking very promising, even if I kept this pace I would only barely break 16. To make matters worse I hit the 3k point in 9:39 so I didn't actualy gain back any time at all. My aim has been for a long time to get under 16 and I had targeted this race to do it so I wasn't going to let myself run another 16:05. I was fairly pissed at the 3km mark so I said fcuk this and I put the boot down and blocked out everything. Don't know where it came from but I ran the next km in 3:07. At 4km I seen 12:46 on the watch so I knew sub 16 was on the cards. The last 1km had a bit of a downhill so I used this too my advantage and I was also closing in on the lad ahead of me. I turned the final turn and with about 30-40m to go I seen 15:4X on the clock and ended up crossing the line in 15:52 running the last km in 3:06 and the last 2km in 6:13 giving me a negative split of around 6 seconds!

    Delighted with this race, finally cracked the 16 minute barrier by a good 8 seconds! :D I knew I had it in me so I was surprised to loose so much time on the 3rd km. I think it was due more to the lack of concentration than anything else otherwise I wouldn't have ran the last 2km in 6:13. Ended up coming 5th overall and got a few pound to make matters better. :) Serious feed after the race too! I always say it but I reckon there's more left in the tank, if I can just keep concentration for the middle km I can shave off a few more seconds and get into the 15:4X region.

    Summary: 5k in 15:52 @5:06/mile - PB

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Haven't updated this in a while for the simple reason that I haven't actually been doing much running. Picked up an injury about 2.5 weeks ago during a run. Not sure exactly what it was but it caused my whole glute/groin/lower back to lock up with a sharp pain every time I tried to run fast. Since then I've took it very easy, I could just about manage easy running but anything fast seems to set it off. I've gotten about 5 sessions of physical therapy from a good friend of mine who deals with sports injuries/messages etc. basically what ecoli does. He said my glutes were very tight/weak and I could have a pinched nerve which is causing the sharp pain in my lower back into my inner glute. I took the last 5 days completely off and seem to be on the road to recovery so the plan is to do a very easy 3 mile run tomorrow and see where I am from there. I'm definitely on the mend it's just a matter of being patient and doing the strength/activation exercises that I've been given. It could have come at a much worse time which makes me very fortunate. The season is basically over now and I got in the majority of the races that I had initially targeted for this year. 5 days is the longest I've been out of running since I got back 3 years ago, I count myself very lucky!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    That's a very common problem for distance runners, plenty of glute bridges and foam rolling and you'll be sorted in no time.

    Best of luck with the recovery.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Training going well the past few weeks.

    Last week:

    52 miles total.

    Key sessions: Hills & Fartlek. Felt good for the hills and crap for the fartlek but got through both OK.

    This week:

    Monday: 8 miles

    Tuesday: 4 miles tempo @5:45 pace. Felt terrible for this and it was an absolute struggle! I suppose since I haven't raced or done any tempo work in so long didn't help but I was feeling tired all day and the legs felt heavy for some reason doing the warm up. Got through it anyway in 23 minutes flat.

    Wednesday: 8 miles

    Thursday: 8 miles. Felt very tired doing this, couldn't wait for it to be over!

    Trainings going well and I've gotten in some decent sessions over the past 4 weeks since coming back from injury but I'm feeling tired this week. Not sleeping great either and getting up late since I'm not working (Now I know how Ososlo feels). I work much better when I'm in a routine with work or college but this week I just feel lazy and am really struggling to get out. I forced myself to get up extra early today so hopefully I can get back into routine :)

    I'm going to Croatia and Hungary next Thursday for a week so I more than likely wont be doing any running. I know I was injured and missed a bit but I'm sure the week off wont do any harm :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Wow two updates in two days!

    Fartlek type session today of 15 x 1 minute fast with a minute jog in between on grass. Felt much better today although still a bit tired but still got through the session ok. I don't know exactly how hard I was running but I just went hard for the hard sections and slow for the recovery sections. Felt good for the first 20 minutes but started to tire for the last 10 minutes.

    I covered 5.13 miles in the 30 minutes with an average of 5:51 per mile which includes the slow jog in between each run. Nearly as good as the tempo the other day!

    9 miles in total.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    14 mile long run this morning @6:50 pace. Hadn't done a 14 miler since before I got injured and I felt good doing it. Started off nice and easy and picked it up as I went along and finished very strong.

    A total of 55 miles for the week with two decent sessions. Started off tired enough at the start of the week but felt better as it went on.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Hill session today of 10x200m with a 200m jog back recovery. A tough session since the wind was against me the whole way but felt strong other than that. I struggled a bit on the last two but I think it was because I was pushing slightly harder than the rest of them. I always find these 200m hills the toughest, much tougher than 100m or 300m hills since I'm still pushing it fairly hard.

    2.5 miles warm up and 2 miles warm down. Only one more day of training before going off for a week on Thursday. I probably won't update this until after holidays since I'm only going for an easy 7/8 miler tomorrow :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    So I got back from my holidays on Thursday after a crazy 7 days away. Got back early Thursday morning but I was wrecked all day so didn't bother starting back training till Friday. The plan was to just take it easy from Friday till Sunday followed by a normal weeks training next week.

    Friday: 4 miles easy with 5x15 second strides. Didn't have a watch for this but I think it was around 7 minute pace since my first mile was around 6:58. Felt good but a bit tired after my strides which I done during the last half mile.

    Saturday: 8 miles on grass/road @6:52 pace with 5x12 second strides. Started off slow and sluggish but after the first 2 miles I started to perk up a bit. Looked at my watch and seen 6:50 pace so I just went along with it. The last mile was in 6 minutes which included the strides over the last half mile.

    Sunday: 4 miles easyish @7:07 pace. I struggled to get up this morning and went for my run about an hour later. I thought I'd find it tough but come the last mile I was feeling fine. Since I'm only just back I didn't want to do much more than 4 miles incase I over did things. Good thing I didn't do more since I could feel my breakfast slushing around in my stomach and couldn't do any strides because of it!

    Overall I'm feeling good to be back. In fairness I only took 8 days off and training was going well beforehand since my return from injury so it's really standing to me. Even the 8 miler I did on Saturday felt effortless near the end. I just hope all the drinking I did on holidays doesn't catch up with me! Back to college tomorrow which will be a major shock to the system after working and being off but I don't have as much hours and a few late starts so it should suit training nicely.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    2 sessions this week:

    25 minute tempo, covered 4.38 miles @5:43 pace.

    5x1k with a 3 minute recovery. Splits: 3:11, 3:09, 3:08, 3:06, 3:04

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,629 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    pa4 wrote: »
    2 sessions this week:

    25 minute tempo, covered 4.38 miles @5:43 pace.

    5x1k with a 3 minute recovery. Splits: 3:11, 3:09, 3:08, 3:06, 3:04

    Very tidy sessions Pa.

    Are you racing anytime soon or have the college birds and booze distracted you!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Very tidy sessions Pa.

    Are you racing anytime soon or have the college birds and booze distracted you!


    Thanks TbL!

    I'm racing in the county novice XC in two weeks, haven't raced since early July so we'll see how it goes. I'd ideally like a few more weeks of tempos but hopefully I'll be fit enough. I find that I'm struggling a bit with the likes of tempos but I can knock out a session of 1ks no bother! I'll get in another tempo next week which should bring me on even more.

    I kept it quite now this week and stayed in! Luckily everyone I'm living with in college are in their final year and play sports so there's not as much booze as I expected! It'll calm down in a week or two anyway :) I'm gonna be fair busy this year so it'll probably be eat, sleep, train and study!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Last week:

    25 minute tempo @5:39 pace on grass. Kept the splits fairly consistent and within around 5 seconds of each other. I felt good but not super since during the summer I would have knocked out 25 minutes closer to 5:30 pace with the same effort.

    3x1 mile on grass with a 3 minute recovery. I was sick the Wednesday and was up getting sick all night, didn't eat anything Thursday so I took this session handy enough on the Friday and only did 3 intervals just to keep the legs ticking over.

    Times: 5:19, 5:13, 5:12

    This week:

    10x1 minute hard with a 1 minute jog between. 20 mins running in total. Don't know what paces I was doing but I was pushing it fairly hard for the minute on. This type of session looks easier on paper but it seems like a long 20 minutes in the middle of it!

    Just the one session this week since I'm racing Sunday and nothing too hectic mileage wise. I feel like I'm struggling a bit with the runs and really don't feel 100% in the sessions so I think it'll take another few weeks to get back into the shape I was in during the summer.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Had the Co. Novice XC today. TBH I didn't know what to expect coming into this race but deep down I was still going for the win. The Co. Novice is always one of those unpredictable races and it's impossible to tell what good lads show up or what shape everyone is in.

    My own training had been going OK after my break 4 weeks ago. I've been getting in the sessions but the normal runs have felt like a struggle and with my final year of college in the mix thing aren't really going to get much easier.

    The race itself was held on a fairly nice course, reasonable flat with one slight pull at one of the corners, nothing too extreme though. A 2k lap meant we only had 3 full laps which mentally made things easier.

    The pace wasn't anything to hectic at the start, nice and steady with a big group for the first 1.5 laps. Up to this point there wasn't any leader just people spread across the front. At this point someone made a get away and although I made an attempt to go with them the legs didn;t have it so I settled back into the chasing pack. With just over one lap to go there was a sudden injection of pace and one person made a getaway, about 800m later they had a good 50m gap on the chasing group with me included. With about 1200m to go two lads passed me and I was really fcked at this stage with the lack of racing in over 3 months really catching up with me. I managed to hang in and with about 400m to go I knew the pace was about to pick up so I decided to make a sudden burst. I passed out the two lads ahead and was sitting in 3rd place. The lad ahead of me who is my training partner back home had about a 40m lead at this stage so I made a go to catch him. With about 120 to go the gap was about 30m so I dug down deep and sprinted as hard as I could and passed him out about 30m before the line. I think that's definitely my best ever finish to come from 5th to second in 400m and making up a 50m gap.

    Overall I don;t know what to think of the race. I'm not anywhere near the shape I was during the summer and I know I would have won if I was. Besides my finish I really struggled. I know people might think 2nd place is good but knowing that if I was anywhere near my best I would have won is tough to deal with but taking the positives out of it it's a good performance considering I was injured most of July followed by a break the end of August and only 4 weeks of full training since. Also I found that my spikes were giving me real trouble and killing my calfs so I ordered new XC ones today. We ended up winning the team having 4 lads in the top 9. The 3 others ran one of their best races ever so it was nice to take home the team title.

    2nd Place / 1st Team

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    55 miles for the week, 2 sessions.

    25 minute tempo @5:38 pace. Was no where near fully recovered after Sunday so this was a major struggle. I'm still surprised by the pace which just goes to show that the fitness is coming along nicely even though I was very tired.

    12x400m with a jog lap recovery on the track. First time on the track since the end of June so didn't no what to expect. Plan was to run them between 70-72.

    Actual times: 69, 71, 69, 69, 69, 69, 69, 69, 69, 68, 68, 63

    Felt tired enough going into the session and legs were a little stiff from the weeks training and sitting down studying all day. Felt much better as the session went on and finished off with a 63 second last rep. Legs were fairly tired Saturday, more so than usual but I expected as much after not being on the track doing something short in over 3 months.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Monday: 6 miles very hilly so took it handy but felt OK

    Tuesday: 20 minute alternating between 1 minute fast 1 minute slow so 10 minutes hard running in total. Average pace for the 20 mins was 5:50 so I'm not really sure how fast I was running for the fast bits, definitely under 5 min mile pace. Felt a bit drained from college but got through it OK.

    Wednesday: Only barely managed to get this run in. Did 5 miles @6:30 pace with a 5:52 last mile. A bit to fast after doing a session the day before but when the legs want to go what else can ya do but let them have their way!

    Thursday: 6 miles on grass @7:02 pace with the last mile in 5:25. Had planned on pushing out the last mile and was surprised how good I felt for it since the first 5 miles were fairly slow and it wasn't by choice, the body just wasn't feeling it so it's good to finish strong.

    Off tomorrow and I'll do a handy run Saturday before racing Sunday. I'm feeling fairly drained for my week day runs when I'm in college. I'm fairly busy with my dissertation and a bunch of other projects so things are a little hectic at the moment but the main thing is I'm still getting the runs and sessions in.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,724 ✭✭✭Ceepo

    ????? Race report ??????

    If you don't hurry up with it you will have 2 reports to write.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Ceepo wrote: »
    ????? Race report ??????

    If you don't hurry up with it you will have 2 reports to write.

    Haha sorry I've been so busy all week with college I didn't get a chance to do it yet! I'll do it now although the details are long forgotten!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Better late than never for this race report!

    Had the County Intermediate last Sunday. With the novice in the legs from two weeks previous I was more confident going into this race. With two weeks extra training and 3 quality sessions in the legs I was confident to either replicate my performance from last year (4th place) or better it. I had predicted the first two spots so realistically I knew it was a race for third.

    I was feeling OK most of the week, I struggled a bit on the Tuesday session and was a little disappointed in it so I foolishly beasted my Wednesday and Thursday runs and took Friday off. Saturday I just took it easy with a handy 3 miler in the morning to keep the legs loose. Come race day I was feeling OK. The legs were a bit stiff but I just put that down to general morning stiffness. Throughout the warm up the legs didn't have the 'bounce' that I would have liked. I hate warming up in long grass, I find warming up on the road increases my muscle tension which makes me feel stronger if mentally than anything else.

    The race itself was 8k, a 5.5 lap course. I hate doing laps but TBH they actually went quick enough so looking back on it I've no complaints there. The course itself was OK. The ground conditions were perfect and the course wasn't to hard but it had two hills, one very tough one and another not as tough but certainly not easy. Of course it started to rain pretty heavy during my race and the wind picked up a fair bit but luckily going up the tough hill the wind was on our backs and we only had to face it the downhill section and on the easier hill.

    The race went off with the usual suspects tearing off at the start. After around the first lap the first two lads were away and at this point I was sitting back in 7/8th. I really didn't feel strong for the first 4k, although I was picking off lads I was struggling, the heaviness in the legs was still there. After about 5k I was sitting in 5th and about 30-40m behind 3rd and 4th. Any time I tried to pick it up I couldn't seem to close the gap. I thought maybe on the last lap I'd have a speed to carry me into third but unfortunately this wasn't too be. The lad who won the novice ended up in third although he wasn't half as far ahead of me this time round which is a major positive.

    Looking back I am happy enough with the race and position. The only negative aspect of the race was the fact that I didn't really get going until around the 4th KM which is no good in an 8km race and I feel this might have cost the 3rd place. I'm always going out to medal no matter what sort of shape I'm in. I was much further ahead of the other lads I beat in the novice which is another plus. We ended winning the team again making it a Novice and Intermediate double :D

    I ended up taking it very handy this week so far. My legs started to cramp up after the race which never happens me and all Monday and Tuesday the legs were fcuked so I had to take Tuesday completely off. I ran Wednesday and Thursday and felt much better. Next up is the Munster Novice on Sunday so we'll see how it goes. The easy week this week could either work to my advantage or be a disadvantage so lets just hope its the former.

    5th place / 1st team

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    Going to keep this short and sweet!

    Had the Munster novice today, came 27th out of 117 people. I had a much better run than the last 2 races and I was about 30-40 seconds faster over the exact same course than I was in the County novice 3 weeks ago. I got a good start and paced myself well and felt much stronger than last week. We got 3rd county team and I was 5th scorer so I came home with a bronze medal. :) Unfortunately we got 4th club team, our leading athlete dropped out with about 1500m to go which would have given us a very comfortable 3rd place. :( Nearly beat the brother too but the 1:53 800m speed at the end was too much for me! Overall a good race and I'm happy with the performance, I think I ran to the level that my current level of fitness will allow me too. (Of course I would have liked to have been up higher but what can ya do :pac:)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    pa4 wrote: »
    Going to keep this short and sweet!

    Had the Munster novice today, came 27th out of 117 people. I had a much better run than the last 2 races and I was about 30-40 seconds faster over the exact same course than I was in the County novice 3 weeks ago. I got a good start and paced myself well and felt much stronger than last week. We got 3rd county team and I was 5th scorer so I came home with a bronze medal. :) Unfortunately we got 4th club team, our leading athlete dropped out with about 1500m to go which would have given us a very comfortable 3rd place. :(Nearly beat the brother too but the 1:53 800m speed at the end was too much for me! Overall a good race and I'm happy with the performance, I think I ran to the level that my current level of fitness will allow me too. (Of course I would have liked to have been up higher but what can ya do :pac:)

    Good running genes in your family!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    pconn062 wrote: »
    Good running genes in your family!

    Thanks, I've a lot to live up to so :pac:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,629 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    FFS another one gone.

    I really enjoyed PA's log.

    It's haemorrhaging decent runners/posters around here lately!


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    FFS another one gone.

    I really enjoyed PA's log.

    It's haemorrhaging decent runners/posters around here lately!


    One of the few track logs as well, hopefully he changes his mind.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,008 ✭✭✭barryoneill50

    Knock knock PA. Just noticed you closed your account. Hope you decided to kick start it again. If not best of luck with the training.....
