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History Accounts :)

  • 08-06-2013 8:14am
    Registered Users Posts: 144 ✭✭

    Hey! So here's a list of all the History accounts that came up from 2005 - 2012

    I was thinking we could help each other out,
    I'll type out a few sample answers and someone else can type out a few etcc :) That way we can see what we're leaving out, and what info other people have blah blah and hopefully improve our answers!
    (I'll put the account in bold when someone has answered it)

    Note: The list doesn't include accounts of the Cold War, European Unity Q's etc or Social Change

    • The Council of Trent (2012)
    • The Court Of Inquisition (2012)
    • The Jesuits (2012, 2009)
    • Duties of the lady in a castle (2012)
    • Training of a medieval craftsman (2012)
    • Life of a serf in a manor (2012)
    • The Anglo-Irish Treaty. 1921 (2012, 2010)
    • Life in Ireland During The Emergency (2012, 2008)
    • The Civil Rights Movement in Northern Ireland (2012, 2010, 2008)
    • Nazi Propaganda (2012)
    • Nazi Economy (2012)
    • The Nazi's and the Jews (2012, 2008)
    • The Industrial Revoluton; Housing and Diet, Health and Leisure, Education (2011)
    • Celtic Ireland; Housing, Food and Clothing, Work Arts and Crafts (2011)
    • The Civil War 1922-23 (2011, 2006)
    • Achievments of the Cumann na nGaedheal government 1923-32 (2011)
    • The First Inter-Party Government 1948-1951 (2011)
    • Achievements of the protuguese voyages (2010)
    • Conflict between European Powers as a result of the voyages (2010, 2005)
    • The Spanish Conquest of Mexico or Peur (2010)
    • The Renaissance; Architecture, Science and Medicine, Sculpture, Printing (2010, 2005)
    • The Easter Rising (2010)
    • The Economic War 1932-38 (2010, 2005)
    • The defeat of France 1940 (2010)
    • The Battle of Britain (2010, 2007)
    • The Holocaust (2010, 2005)
    • Operation Overlord (2010)
    • Plantations In Ireland; Religion, Political Control, Language and Customs (2009)
    • Calvins Church in Geneva (2009)
    • Henry VIII and the Reformation in England (2009)
    • The Home Rule Crisis 1912-14 (2009)
    • The Irish Free State 1922-32 (2009)
    • Ireland under De Valera 1932-39 (2009)
    • Seán Lemass as Taoiseach 1959-66 (2009)
    • Causes of the American War of Independence (2008)
    • The Reign of Terror (2008)
    • Reasons for the failure of the 1798 Rebellion in Ireland (2008)
    • Reasons why the Industrial Revolution began in Britain (2008)
    • Living conditions in industrial towns (2008)
    • Improvements in transport during the Industrial Revolution (2008)
    • The First Dáil 1919 (2008)
    • Mussolini's political achievements 1922-1939 (2008)
    • Education and Youth Control in Nazi Germany (2008)
    • The impact of the Reformation on Ireland (2007)
    • Religious Wars in Europe (2007)
    • The Counter Reformation (2007)
    • Ancient Civilization outside Ireland (Rome/Egypt etc); Clothing and Food, Arts Crafts and Work, Burial Customs and Religion (2007)
    • Political Developments in the Republic of Ireland during the 1950's (2007)
    • Political Developments in the Republic of Ireland during the 1960's (2007)
    • Political Developments in Northern Ireland 1963-1974 (2007)
    • Operation Barbarossa (2007, 2005)
    • Operation Overlord (2007)
    • The Impact of the Famine on Ireland after 1850 (2006)
    • Problems faced by Irish emigrants (2006)
    • Contrasting Lifestyles between rural Ireland and industrial England around 1850 (2006)
    • Problems faced by town dwellers in the Middle Ages (2006)
    • The life and training of a craftsman in a medieval town (2006)
    • The Dublin lockout (2006)
    • Relations between the Irish government and the UK 1932-39 (2006)
    • The 1950s in Ireland (2006)
    • Terence O'Neill (2006)
    • Italy under Mussonlini up to 1939 (2006)
    • Britain between wars (2006)
    • The Soviet Union under Stalin up to 1939 (2006)
    • The invasion of Poland 1939 (2006)
    • The Battle of Stalingrad 1942-43 (2006)
    • The Fall of Berlin 1945 (2006)
    • The Impact of Exploration on native populations in the New World (2005)
    • The benefits to European countries from such explorations (2005)
    • The Shannon Scheme (2005)
    • The Mother and Child Scheme (2005)
    • Ian paisley or John Hume (2005)
    • The Blitz 1940 (2005)



  • Registered Users Posts: 144 ✭✭claryfray

    The Battle of Britain/Operation Sea Lion (1940)
    • Chamerlain replaced by Churchill
    • Hitler wanted to control English skies about the English channel
    • British Royal Air force VS German Luftwaffe
    • Hundreds of Luftwaffe attacked Britain daily
    • Day of the Eagle: almost 1,500 planes attacked
    • British has radar, advantage of knowing when and where the Luftwaffe were going to attack
    • In September, Hitler postponed the invasion until further notice, 1st turning point in the war, Germany’s first defeat
    • German planes continued to bomb Britain in the Blitz in order to break British morale
    • London and Coventry were bombed regularly at night children evacuated to the countryside for safety
    • Churchill went on the radio; never surrender, keep peoples spirits up
    • Hitler stopped the blitz when he needed the planes to invade the soviet union

  • Registered Users Posts: 144 ✭✭claryfray

    Operation Barbarossa (1941)
    • Hitler looked on Communist Russia as his greatest enemy
    • He wanted to obtain lebensraum
    • Ordered the german army to attack on the 22nd of June 1941
    • Used blitzkrieg tactics
    • Three pronged attack; Leningrad, Moscow, kiev
    • Used; Luftwaffe, Panzars, Infantry
    • Stalin called on Russia to fight back, ‘the great patriotic war’
    • Scorched earth policy (destroyed communication links, livestock, crops)
    • Hitlers progress halted by the Russian winter
    • Tanks and aeroplanes stuck in sludge, soldiers froze to death
    • In 1942, german armys advanced towards the oil fields of the Caucasus
    • They were stopped at the Battle of Stalingrad
    • Stalin insisted the city must not be lost Russians attacked from the sides, cut off the German army’s supplies
    • Germans forced to surrender
    • Aggravated Hitler, major turning point in the war

  • Registered Users Posts: 144 ✭✭claryfray

    Operation Overlord
    • Stalin demanded the Allies open a second front in the west of Europe
    • Allies (US and Britain) selected the Normandy coast for invasion, surprized germans who expected an attack at Calais
    • General Eisenhower gave the order to attack on the 6th of June 1944
    • Known as D-Day
    • Thousands of alied planes bombed the German defences – part of the Atlantic wall which Hitler had built
    • Dropped paratroopers behind enemy lines
    • Soldiers landed at 5 code-named beaches eg. Utah, Juno
    • Allies built a pipeline under the ocean (PLUTO) to supply oil
    • Protected by English and American aeroplanes who later advanced towards Paris
    • Allies suffered a setback at Battle of the Bulge but German advance was quickly halted

  • Registered Users Posts: 144 ✭✭claryfray

    The Berlin Blockade
    • Allis decide Germany will be divided into 4 sectors
    • American, soviet, Russian, French
    • Berlin divided into 4 sectors
    • Soviet union want Germany to suffer, huge reparations
    • America and Britain want strong democratic Germany, didn’t want to repeat the mistakes of the treaty of Versailles
    • George Marshall announced ‘The Marshall Plan’. Wanted to assist Europe and give aid so it could become strong democratic and provide market’s for Americans
    • Western Allies launched the Deutschmark
    • Soviets cut off communication links to west berlin
    • Western countries had to supply Berlin by planes in Operation Vittles
    • Food, medical supplies, fuel for next 11 months
    • Rationing of food + unemployment for West Berliners
    • Spirits kept up by huge public meetings
    • Stalin lifts blockade, realizes he won’t win
    • Major victory in the cold war for US
    • Berlin wall built to separate East/West Berlin
    • East Germany: Communist State
    • West Germany: Democratic State

    (I realize this is an account of an incident in the Cold War, which I didn't include in the list, but I was halfway through typing it up when I realized so...:P)

  • Registered Users Posts: 144 ✭✭claryfray

    The impact of Exploration on native populations
    • Pizzaro conquered Aztecs. Aztec empire in Mexico destroyed.
    • Cortez conquered Incas. Inca empire in Peru destroyed.
    • European settlers used the native Indian peoples as slaves on their estates/in mines
    • Many Indians were worked to death
    • Europeans brought many new diseases to the new world eg. The influenza. Natives hadn’t been exposed to these before and so many died
    • The Europeans threatened to kill the natives if they didn’t convert to their religion (Christianity). Many of the natives changed religion (many didn’t change religion and were killed)
    • The native americans were forced to give up their culture and live the way the Europeans lived
    • Europeans brought their language, laws, art and architecture to the lands they conquered

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  • Registered Users Posts: 144 ✭✭claryfray

    Tell me if anyone is benefiting from these because I 'll stop writing them up if they aren't helping :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 120 ✭✭abcdefghijkl

    They're very helpful, thank you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,823 ✭✭✭DublinArnie

    They're helpful for those who need it, but I already have a set of notes ready for cram night ;).

    Keep it up! :) I'll help tomorrow when I start studying, i'll post notes here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 792 ✭✭✭Cr4pSnip3r

    History you say? REVISION BOOK SAYS I! :D (Notes are awesome though)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,823 ✭✭✭DublinArnie

    The Blitz/Battle of Britain (I couldn't resit :o)
    -Operation Sealion was the planned Nazi invasion of Britain by sea.
    -Herman Gorning was the commander of the Lufftwaffe.
    -The Nazis needed full air control over Britain.
    -Herman said it'll take maximum six weeks to defeat the RAF.
    -On Augest, Operation Eagle was lanuched, this was also called the Battle of Britain.
    -Britain had advantages.
    -Aircraft such as the Spitfighter and Hurricane were most suprior than the german counterpart.
    -Radar stations along the coast were able to defect and give exact locations of german aircraft.
    -British aircraft were able to re-fuel on airfields. German aircraft were only allowed to stay airbourne over Britian for 30minutes due to fuel restrictions.
    -As Operation Eagle seemed more like a dream, Herman decided to concentrate on bombing british towns and cities.
    -This was known as the Blitz.
    -The Blitz lasted for six months.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 50 ✭✭Wiefi

    The life and training of a craftsman in a medieval town (2006)
    It's 1:00am so why not?
    -First stage of becoming a medieval craftsman is being an apprentice at a guild
    -A guild is an organisation of skilled craftsmen
    -As an apprentice you practice the trade, build up your skills and learn from other craftsmen
    -Next stage is Journeyman
    -As a journeyman you can travel from town to town doing work, once again practicing and building up skills
    -Next stage is Master Craftsman
    -To be a Master Craftsman you have to pass a test, the test involves creating a master piece in which you show off your mad skills
    -As a Master Craftsman you can now have your own workshop

    I'm typing from a mobile device so there's probably something wrong with this eh;;
    If anyone wants I can also post some History predictions for this year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 453 ✭✭sotisme

    Wiefi wrote: »
    The life and training of a craftsman in a medieval town (2006)
    It's 1:00am so why not?
    -First stage of becoming a medieval craftsman is being an apprentice at a guild
    -A guild is an organisation of skilled craftsmen
    -As an apprentice you practice the trade, build up your skills and learn from other craftsmen
    -Next stage is Journeyman
    -As a journeyman you can travel from town to town doing work, once again practicing and building up skills
    -Next stage is Master Craftsman
    -To be a Master Craftsman you have to pass a test, the test involves creating a master piece in which you show off your mad skills
    -As a Master Craftsman you can now have your own workshop

    I'm typing from a mobile device so there's probably something wrong with this eh;;
    If anyone wants I can also post some History predictions for this year.

    Predictions Please!

  • Registered Users Posts: 50 ✭✭Wiefi

    The Renaissance; Architecture, Science and Medicine, Sculpture, Printing (2010, 2005)

    -Influenced by Roman architecture
    -Movement from Gothic to Romanesque style
    -Example of Romanesque style is rounded arches

    Science & Medicine
    -Galileo was an Italian scientist and astronomer
    -Built a large telescope and had an interest in astrology, discovered that the earth revolved around the sun
    -People learnt more about blood and human anatomy
    -Improvements in operations

    -Larger focus on anatomy
    -Micheal Angelo is a renaissance sculptor, created the sculpture 'David'
    -Artists such as Leonardo Da Vinci also deeply studied anatomy
    -Dissections of humans also led to a better understanding of human anatomy

    -Printing press invented by Yohan Gutenburg
    -Helped to spread new ideas across Europe during the Renaissance (and later the reformation with Martin Luther too)
    -Printing press also helped to make books more available, cheaper. An example of a book would be The Bible
    -The vernacular is when books were written in the language of the people

  • Registered Users Posts: 50 ✭✭Wiefi

    Predictions for this year;

    -Explorations are likely to come up for Q.6(a)
    -Q6(d) will include either Operation Barbarossa, The Blitz, Battle of Britain or Operation Overlord
    -There will be an account question on a major crisis during the Cold War between the USA and USSR in Q6(d)
    -Something about The Emergency
    -A person living in Ancient Ireland or a civilisation outside Ireland and a named reformer are likely to come up for People in History

    That's about it

  • Registered Users Posts: 50 ✭✭Wiefi

    Nazi Propaganda

    -Used to make Hitler appear like a strong leader,brainwash the people and to highlight his military efforts
    -Minister for Propaganda was Joseph Goebbals
    -All media had to be state approved: included radio, television and newspapers written by those of Aryan descent
    -Young boys had to join Nazi run youth groups like like Hitler
    -There they were encouraged to become soldiers and the fathers of pure Aryan children
    -Young girls were encouraged to look forward to their future roles as housewives and mothers
    -They joined Nazi organisations like The League of Young Maidens
    -Regular rallies were held at Nuremburg

    this is addicting;;

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,823 ✭✭✭DublinArnie

    Cuban Missle Crise

    -Cuba is a country beside Miami.
    -It run by a dictator called General Batista
    -He promised not to turn Cuba into a communist country so America liked and helped General Batista despite the terror he gave the people of Cuba.
    -Castro encouraged a communist revolution during the late 1950s.
    -Castro became a new dictator, promting communism.
    -The USSR liked this and helped Castro.
    -The CIA tried to help overthrough Castro but this resulted in the Bay of Pigs.
    -On October 1962(?), a U2 spy plane flew over Cuba.
    -Missle lauching sites were seen, John F.Kennedy was shocked.
    -Defcon 4 was activated, the closest state to war its self.
    -He ordered a naval blockade, not to allow any ship enter Cuba without being searched.
    -USSR ships had missles in them, and they were heading towards Cuba.
    -Nikita Khruschev ordered the ships to turn back, they were just 30minutes away from the bloackade.
    -In result, there is now a hotline set up between the president of America and Russia.

  • Registered Users Posts: 50 ✭✭Wiefi

    Causes of the American War of Independence (2008)

    The Enlightenment
    -Writers suchs as Jean Jacques Rosseau and Voltaire wrote about the idea that a country should be ruled by its own people
    -Promoted the ideas of democracy and fighting for freedom
    -Their ideas heavily influenced American, French and Irish revolutionists

    Boston Massacre
    -1770, a group of local colonists against taxes were attacked after jeering and throwing stones at British soldiers
    -The soldiers opened fire and killed five people
    -Resulted in outrage amongst the colonies

    Boston Tea Party
    -Colonists smuggled tea into the country to avoid paying high taxes
    -Many Americans grew rich from this smuggling
    -In 1793, English ships arrived at Boston Harbour with cargoes of tea
    -Colonist disguised as Native Americans snuck aboard the ship
    -They dumped tea into the harbour to protest these taxes
    -Resulted in Boston Harbour being closed down and the locally elected council being replaced with representatives from Britain

    Question of Taxes
    -Stamp Act; This was a tax paid for American documents suchs as newspapers, wills and contracts
    -Many Americans were unhappy with this tax and highly objected them
    -'No taxation without representation' was the motto of these colonists
    -They were unhappy with how they had to pay taxes without having a proper representative in parliament

    Navgiation Acts
    -All trade with America could only be conducted from British ships.
    -Products like sugar, cotton and tobacco could only be sold to the British
    -This meant that trade was very expensive for them which made colonists unhappy
    -Trade between Britiain and the colonies could only be conducted on British ships, this made trade very expensive for the colonists

    The First Continential Congress
    -1774, delegates from the thirteen colonies were chosen to meet in Philadelphia
    -This was an important meeting called on each colony to train a militia to fight against the British

  • Registered Users Posts: 50 ✭✭Wiefi

    Achievements of the protuguese voyages (2010)

    -Prince Henry the navigator was a Portuguese explorer
    -He opened a sailing school in Sagres
    -He was able to sail along the west coast of Africa before returning to Portugal
    -This was Portugal's first step into finding a new trade route to India and the Spice Islands
    -Bartolomeu Diaz was able to lead voyage down the west coast of Africa to the very south of Africa
    -He was able to reach the cape of storms and renamed it the cape of good hope as the Portugeuse now had hope of finding finding new trade routes
    -Vasco Da Gama travelled past the the cape of good hope and stopped in Malindi which is present day India
    -There he hired an Arab guide that led his fleet to Calicut, India
    -He returned to Portugal a hero, bringing with him spices and precious resources such a as jewels
    -A new profitable route to Asia was found the Portuguese planned to guard it

  • Registered Users Posts: 3 Andrewethridge

    Hey guys,
    Any predictions for q4 people in history?

  • Registered Users Posts: 144 ✭✭claryfray

    Okay thanks, I am glad they're helping some people ha ha...probably could revision for me typing 'em up anyhow ! xx

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  • Registered Users Posts: 50 ✭✭Wiefi

    Hey guys,
    Any predictions for q4 people in history?

    -A named Reformer
    -A monk in Early Christian Ireland
    -A serf on a Lords land
    -A person living in Ancient Ireland
    -A person living in Fascist Italy or Nazi Germany

    Just to clarify, a person living in Ancient Ireland means Celts right? Or do they mean like Mesolithic Ireland?

  • Registered Users Posts: 144 ✭✭claryfray

    Cuban Missle Crise

    -Cuba is a country beside Miami.
    -It run by a dictator called General Batista
    -He promised not to turn Cuba into a communist country so America liked and helped General Batista despite the terror he gave the people of Cuba.
    -Castro encouraged a communist revolution during the late 1950s.
    -Castro became a new dictator, promting communism.
    -The USSR liked this and helped Castro.
    -The CIA tried to help overthrough Castro but this resulted in the Bay of Pigs.
    -On October 1962(?), a U2 spy plane flew over Cuba.
    -Missle laughing sites were seen, John F.Kennedy was shocked.
    -Defcon 4 was activated, the closest state to war its self.
    -He ordered a naval blockade, not to allow any ship enter Cuba without being searched.
    -USSR ships had missles in them, and they were heading towards Cuba.
    -Nikita Khruschev ordered the ships to turn back, they were just 30minutes away from the bloackade.
    -In result, there is now a hotline set up between the president of America and Russia.

    Omg you obviously made a type but its so funny

    -Missle laughing sites were seen, John F.Kennedy was shocked


  • Registered Users Posts: 3 Andrewethridge

    Yes, it's definately Celtic, but they usually ask for any person from an ancient civilization OUTSIDE of Ireland., so like roman or Celt or Egyptian... Nervous that they might ask for someone just from Ireland...?

  • Registered Users Posts: 50 ✭✭Wiefi

    Yes, it's definately Celtic, but they usually ask for any person from an ancient civilization OUTSIDE of Ireland., so like roman or Celt or Egyptian... Nervous that they might ask for someone just from Ireland...?

    Ah, okay thanks! I always get thrown off at that one :c

    Took a quick look at the exam papers and yes, person from ancient pre-Christian Ireland has come up in the past a few times in 2008 and 2005!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,823 ✭✭✭DublinArnie

    claryfray wrote: »
    Omg you obviously made a type but its so funny

    -Missle laughing sites were seen, John F.Kennedy was shocked

    Oh wow :o I was tired! ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 286 ✭✭cfc.forever

    By a named reformer, does a religious reformer count for e.g Martin Luther :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 7 enutrofnnelle

    here are my notes on the holocaust/the final solution. I hope they are helpful :)
    - Jews put in work camps called ghettos
    - Numenburg laws restricted the rights of Jews
    - nazis decided they wanted to kill Jews
    - moved to extermination camps
    - killed by zyklon b gas then burned bodies
    - able bodied worked until murdered or died of disease
    - over 6 million Jews were killed

  • Registered Users Posts: 50 ✭✭Wiefi

    By a named reformer, does a religious reformer count for e.g Martin Luther :p

    Yeah, Martin Luther c:

  • Registered Users Posts: 712 ✭✭✭MmmPancakes

    Cuban Missle Crise

    -Cuba is a country beside Miami.
    -It run by a dictator called General Batista
    -He promised not to turn Cuba into a communist country so America liked and helped General Batista despite the terror he gave the people of Cuba.
    -Castro encouraged a communist revolution during the late 1950s.
    -Castro became a new dictator, promting communism.
    -The USSR liked this and helped Castro.
    -The CIA tried to help overthrough Castro but this resulted in the Bay of Pigs.
    -On October 1962(?), a U2 spy plane flew over Cuba.
    -Missle lauching sites were seen, John F.Kennedy was shocked.
    -Defcon 4 was activated, the closest state to war its self.
    -He ordered a naval blockade, not to allow any ship enter Cuba without being searched.
    -USSR ships had missles in them, and they were heading towards Cuba.
    -Nikita Khruschev ordered the ships to turn back, they were just 30minutes away from the bloackade.
    -In result, there is now a hotline set up between the president of America and Russia.

    Pretty sure it's Defcon 2. Defcon 4 is relatively standard, it's decon 5 pretty much all the time n America, so it was Defcon 2 (fun fact, the highest defcon america has ever reached, only happened during the missile crisis. Defcon 1 would be a nuclear war :P)

    Defcon 1 is worst, Defcon 5 is not dangerous, you got them mixed up :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,823 ✭✭✭DublinArnie

    Pretty sure it's Defcon 2. Defcon 4 is relatively standard, it's decon 5 pretty much all the time n America, so it was Defcon 2 (fun fact, the highest defcon america has ever reached, only happened during the missile crisis. Defcon 1 would be a nuclear war :P)

    Defcon 1 is worst, Defcon 5 is not dangerous, you got them mixed up :)
    Ah, thanks! I knew defcon 4 didn't sound right ><. I guess america was also on defcon 2 during 9/11? :)
