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History Notes for Short Q's HL+OL

  • 11-06-2013 6:16pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 286 ✭✭

    I've decided due to demand and because I want to give a helping hand to my fellow boards people, that I'm going to just post loads of quick notes to help you with the short questions, goodluck with your exam, if you follow my notes, hopefully thats you covered, but for History in Higher Level, the short questions tend to change alot, but for OL your paper is quite short and time won't be an issue, for Higher Level time may be an issue.

    Theres plenty of good notes on People in History's and accounts throughout the forum, no real detailed thread for short questions so here we go.

    BC - Before Christ - AD- Ano Domini [Latin, means after jesus died] A question might be phased like this more so for OL, which is older 96 BC or 51 AD, 96 BC because its before jesus was born and AD is after.

    Ogham - This is an ancient form of writing/ancient alphabet

    Primary Source - This is a source directly from the past for e.g a diary written by a person from that time in history.

    Secondary Source - This is a source which is not directly from the past and is usually done by a means of research, for e.g a history book is a secondary source.

    Early Christian monasteries provided teaching and mass in Ireland.

    One work of art produced by Early Christian Irish monks is the Book of Kells.

    The three stages of becoming a knight are the following:

    Page: a young boy is sent to another household and is taught different skills in preparation for knightly training.
    Squire: trains under a knight. Some squires remain at this stage for their entire lives because they can't afford armour or don't develop the skills needed to become a knight.
    Knight: is blessed and dubbed.

    Renaissance artists:

    Michelangelo - The Last Judgement
    Raphael - The Coronation of the Virgin

    You will most likely be only asked one but I've done two just in case :)

    Enclosure is the term used when a fence is divided from another farm for e.g during the agricultural revoloution enclosure was common, fields were fenced off and there was no longer commons they were divided up.

    The abbot is the head of a monastery.

    The Chapter House is where all the important meetings of the house are held and where the Abbot is elected.

    St Bridgid - Kildare Monastery - This question is usually phased as "Name a monastery you have studied and one saint associated with that monastery"

    Arthur Griffth was the founder of Sinn Fein.

    Three leaders in International Releations

    Christopher Columbus is an explorer you have studied in the voyage of exploration.

    The three ships in the voyage of exploration were the Santa Maria, Nina and the Pinta.

    Scurvy was a disease while people were away at sea, it also had its other problems. People believed in sea monsters and they even believed they may fall of the edge of the world.

    Queen Isabella and Ferdinand of Spain sponsored the voyage of exploration.

    The earliest times were known as the stone age because metal hadn't being invented and people used stone to make things.

    The Aos Dana were the important people the nobles, the fili [poets] and judges etc.

    A serf was a farmer on the bottom of the social scale.

    Three important celtic festivals are samhain,imbolg and beltaine [you're only ever asked for 2 but just in case]

    The renaissance began in Italy because roman ruins served as an inspiration and people wanted to be more realistic.

    Two instruments used during the Age of Exploration are the Compass and Astrolabe.

    The civilization civilisation conquered by the Spanish conquistador, Francisco Pizarro was the Incas.

    Two important inventions during the industrial revoloution was John Mc'Adams improved roads and the spinning jenney.

    Two reasons why Unionists opposed Home Rule for Ireland is because

    1] They were settled in there British ways.
    2] Because they were mainly Protestants and wanted to swear alleigance to the queen.

    The political party founded by Éamon de Valera in 1926 was Fianna Fail.

    The League of Nations was set up in 1919 to settle wars peacefully without fighting but through talking and treaties.

    Two actions taken by Hitler to become dictator in Germany was the destruction of the jews and he passed the nuremburg act.

    The Blitz was the aerial bombing of British Cities by the Germans, these cities included London, Belfast etc.

    Propaganda - This is the spreading of rumours which may or may not be true.

    Bias - This is an unfair/ one -sided opinion

    Archive - This is where historical records are kept in a file, you would usually find an archive in a museum

    The Black Death was fleas on black rats.

    The religious order founded by religious order founded by St Ignatius Loyola to promote the Catholic religion
    during the Counter-Reformation was the Jesuits.

    One method that archaeologists used to check the dates of an object was Carbon Dating.

    In the middle ages, a curfew was "the time to put out the fire"

    In the middle ages a guild was a group where people could join. You could join a guild for a specific trade and the guilds job was to uphold standards within the trade and ensure everything was running smoothly.

    The plantations in which we have studied are the following

    Cromewellian Plantation: Oliver Cromwell.
    Laois/Offaly Plantation: Queen Mary, how you can remember that is Laois was called Queen's County

    They will only ask for one usually, but you should have two for safety :)

    From my study of International Releations, one event which led after World War II was the Boar War/Cold War, theres plenty of options there.

    The nazi party was the political party founded by Hitler and that was the only party in the german government. The blackshirts were supporters of hitler.

    Interesting fact: Benito Mussolini used to always leave his light on to make it look like to people he was working 24/7

    The cloister was a courtyard in the monastery and is where novices were trained.

    The refectory is where monks eat.

    During the period of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, the Inquisition was a court where people who questioned the court were tried.
    Two reasons why many people thought the Catholic Church was in need of reform around 1500 is because of simony and nepotism

    They're were onlytwenty-seven TDs present at the meeting of the First Dáil on the 21 January 1919 because many of Sinn Fein's TD's were in prison at the time.

    Ireland was neutral during the Emergency, 1939-1945 because they wanted to remain neutral and because they feared if they became involved with it, it could result in war for Ireland and possibly a nuclear war.

    One national project promoted by Dr.Noel Browne was the mother and child scheame

    In Mussolini’s Italy the squadristi were the Brown Shirts.

    There is so much to learn in History, these notes are all written on me through trying to identify patterns in the short questions and through means of research. All these short questions are correct and have being checked over.

    Look, I wish you luck in your Junior Cert History Exam, at the end of the day its only a stepping stone for your Leaving Cert, I hope that the people in history's you learn and accounts come up, along with these short questions. If you want me to add something or if the notes are not up to the standards you wish please PM me or post on the thread.

    - Kilkenny
