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Due February 2014



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    We are 37 weeks tomorrow and just had an appointment in the coombe today. Babys head is down and engaged! ready to go the doc said. I definitely noticed the change in the shape of my bump the last 5 days/week and thought he could have moved further south! Doc measured him and said if he comes out on time, hell be about 7 and a half pounds. Thank god cos he was measuring big the last few times! well just have to wait and see now. :)

    cant really walk more than 10 min at a time now without build up of pressure and stitches in my side.
    cant believe how close we are to having a baby in our arms! Getting excited and panicky and emotional in waves!

  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭marysnow

    Yes, Dori, we are nearly there :)
    How do you feel, in general?

    So exciting time :)
    We have been given a deadline of the 11th of Feb, so...end is in sight :)

    Chances are, I am getting a C-section. Non particularly scared about it, actually I would rather prefer it.

    Anyhow, how are you all mums doing? It is exciting and scary at the same time, seeing this belly dropping every day :)

    And for us first timer it is the fear of the unknown that sometimes kicks in. Will I be good enough? will I be able to carry my baby without dropping him/her, clumsy as I am? Will I be able to understand if things are not right? I am scared to death of chocking and I am going to a CPR class (hubby did it already, he is my hero :).

    As you said, Dori, so many emotions going on. And, starting tomorrow, I will be really free from work, so I will enjoy some rest (let's pray the baby gives me one week for myself before deciding to arrive) and I will have to make sure that panic does not kick in too often.

    take care you all and let's see how is the first of us to bring home a baba :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    What was your original due date marysnow? Why have they said youll have a c-section? My friend had a c-section and said it was very easy to have on the first but wouldnt like to have a toddler running around and a baby and have to recover from a section.

    Ive been sleeping terribly, theres just so much pressure, and he suddenly feels heavier, like a bowling ball. Cant get comfy at all!

    Im terrified I wont know what to do. Hubby is so calm, I hate him! :) I really hate the unknown in general, makes me all anxious! Which I dont think is helping with the sleep issue. I just feel so busy these days, weeks flying by (and Im not even working!). I really wanted to do a first aid course before baby came, but the local community school stopped doing the baby one.

    We were in town yesterday after the appointment and stopped in the Disney shop, I actually cried in the lift looking at the cute 'baby Tramp' outfit we were going to buy! it was so adorable! I havent been too hormonal during the pregnancy, hubby was kindly indulging me in the extravagance, and the news from the doc, all together and I got so overwhelmed!

  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭marysnow

    Hi Dori, the first doctor we meet (around week 6 of the pregnancy to ensure it was not ectopic), gave us as date the 13th of feb.

    The consultant that is following us since the 12th week changed that date to the 7th of feb, so this became the new EDD.

    We are talking about C-section due to few issues I had with this pregnancy [I am still with my ligaments in bits, the palsy got better, but not completely gone and the expected weight of the baby if it goes too much over the 7th of feb (as it stands, waiting the 11th will be on the 9 pounds mark!)], but we decided to wait until the end of Jan, if the baby arrives by then we will try with a natural birth.

    So, it will be last minute call!
    The prof is going to be away for the days between 5th and 7th of feb to a conference, so we can be sure that those are the days in which I will start labor :)

    Your due date is the 11th, right? Apparently being suddenly very much emotional has something to do with the upcoming birth, so I hope you don't feel too panic about that :)

    If you could make a choice about it, when would you like to have the baby?
    I was just hoping to avoid Valentine's week as I think it would be not great having the b-day in that week (I know I am silly) :)

    We should organise a tea/coffee in town before we get stranded at home :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    Our dates by cycle are the 16th, but all scans ( week 7, 15,21, 26) all measured him as the 11th so the Israeli doc moved it to then. Hubbys family have an association with the 10th, but Id rather he have his own day! Im not too fussed about Valentines day, it was never an important day for us, but I can imagine wanting a bday dinner out when your older and never getting to have one!
    I really really, dont want to go too far over - Im already pretty sick of being preggers. So before the 16th please!
    Thankfully hubby hasnt any trips abroad planned, I warned him and his boss that he wasnt to leave the country after New Years! :) I have his boss friended on skype and have his phone number so if Hubby isnt contactable during work hours ( which is often - he likes to ignore me during meetings) he said I can call him! LOL!

    Is your partner going to be abroad for the conference? or in Ireland?

    We should def try for a meet up!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭marysnow

    Hubby was supposed to go to a conference cycle the last week in feb (in UK), but he declined as it was too close to the date. he is actually not even going out, to make sure he is in good form, when the moment arrives :)

    It is our consultant to be away those days and he is going to be in US, so no chance even to contact him if we need him. however, I am quite comfortable as when I got the Bell's palsy attack he wasn't there in the EM in Rotunda, but the staff took extreme good care of us. So, I would like for him to be the one to deliver the baby, but I know that whoever he will have as his cover, will be good.

    I can be in town any day next week :)

    You are doing the right thing, having alternative contacts to reach hubby. The midwives told us that labor might last from 6 to 12 hours as average for the first child and I am sure this is a journey in which we would like to have the hubbies/partner/friends with us.

    I should have only invested in massage courses for the hubby as sometimes he is way too strong!

    ps how can you resist buy those little outfit in Disney, they are sooo cute!!!


  • Registered Users Posts: 18 ftm1989

    We are 37 weeks tomorrow and just had an appointment in the coombe today. down andmeasureged! ready to go the doc said. I definitely noticed the change in the shape of my bump the last 5 days/week and thought he could have moved further south! Doc measured him and said if he comes out on time, hell be about 7 and a half pounds. Thank god cos he was measuring big the last few times! well just have to wait and see now. :)

    cant really walk more than 10 min at a time now without build up of pressure and stitches in my side.
    cant believe how close we are to having a baby in our arms! Getting excited and panicky and emotional in waves!

    Hi I'm 37weeks and I have appointment on Thursday just wanted to ask you did they check your cervical? My baby is measuring big to but they didn't tell me how big it is so lil nervous about that

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    marysnow wrote: »
    ps how can you resist buy those little outfit in Disney, they are sooo cute!!!


    Ah! I havent even asked my consultant if she intends to be away in Feb! Didnt see her at the last 2 appointments. Im sure she would have let us know...

    The Disney outfits are sooooooo cute! Thankfully they only have a small range for boys! and also with a €30 price tag!

    My mother keeps telling my husband he has to follow all these traditions when the baby is born! Eh can we not start our own? He HAS to buy the baby a teddy. Hes SUPPOSED to buy me an eternity ring (eh we are broke, i dont need a piece of jewelry to remember the baby in my arms) He HAS to cut the cord. ridiculous stuff!

    Im gonna be in town next thurs at 4 anyway, northside or southside? :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    Getting close now! I'm not completely over it yet though. I do wish that there was some kind of maternity leave for SAHM's...30 degree heat and kids on school holidays has been tough. Focusing more on my physical, mental and spiritual preparation rather than acquiring stuff. We have or are borrowing most of what we need. I did treat myself to a new lightweight woven wrap sling- I've got an old faithful mei tai but it's very thick fabric and it's been so hot here. I've been seeing the osteopath and acupuncturist and working on my posture to encourage baby into a good position for birth.

    After a really good conversation with my midwife I've let go of the idea that the house will be completely done before baby arrives.

    I also decided that I don't want a baby shower this time- it gets a bit embarrassing on the fourth time round. Instead I'm having a blessing way in the birth space- lots of singing and candles and other hippy shyte, maybe some belly henna.

    Other than that I've just been doing a small bit of knitting and trying to give the kids a really good summer as I'm not going to be as available to them after the baby's born.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    My mother keeps telling my husband he has to follow all these traditions when the baby is born! Eh can we not start our own? He HAS to buy the baby a teddy. Hes SUPPOSED to buy me an eternity ring (eh we are broke, i dont need a piece of jewelry to remember the baby in my arms) He HAS to cut the cord. ridiculous stuff!

    If I were you I'd nip this in the bud ASAP or at least perfect the smile-and-nod. IMHO the single hardest part of the first year is filtering the bewildering barrage of well meaning advice and figuring out what works for you and your family.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    Rosy Posy wrote: »
    If I were you I'd nip this in the bud ASAP or at least perfect the smile-and-nod. IMHO the single hardest part of the first year is filtering the bewildering barrage of well meaning advice and figuring out what works for you and your family.

    See she tells him in secret! I only find out if he happens to mention it to me afterwards. She tells him he has to keep traditions alive, that I secretly love all the ideas, rubbish like that. I tell my family they are all nuts all the time. They think Im stubborn :rolleyes:

    I certainly wont be having a baby shower again! the expense people went to! Although it was nice to see cousins and friends together as Ill be limited in my catchups with them once babys born.
    Hubby came home from his 'mans' baby shower at 4am, and while packing the car slammed his finger in the boot! Blood everywhere! He wont be having one of those again either! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    Hubby came home from his 'mans' baby shower at 4am, and while packing the car slammed his finger in the boot! Blood everywhere! He wont be having one of those again either! :)

    My oh managed to do himself a similar injury before the birth of our last child! He had to take 5 weeks (unpaid) off work! It was good in terms of having him around but financially crippling at the time. He's supposed to be going to a stag on the weekend and the actual wedding is on valentines day. Strong words have been had about over imbibing on the day, it would be awful if I went into labour and he was half cut. The funny thing is the girl who's getting married is a midwife and pretty much all the midwives in the district are invited (it's a massive country style affair), I wonder should I be handing them out the same advice!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,391 ✭✭✭fro9etb8j5qsl2

    I'm surprised we haven't had any early arrivals on the thread yet :) My bp is still acting up so there is some mention of inducing me but I have to wait to see the consultant in the morning to know. My birthday is tomorrow so I was thinking it would be awesome if I shared it with my little man but I think the chances of that are fairly slim :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    I really hope my little guy comes early! Hes been engaged for over a week now and its sooooo uncomfortable :( Cant sleep or move or clean or really do anything except moan about it! I hate being exhausted as it makes me so cranky and emotional.

    Was at a sling meet today and met a woman there whos baby was fully engaged for 2 and a half months! :eek: He came out with a cone head and slight bruises where hed been constantly rubbed against her pelvis.

    So whos due first? :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    I'm due somewhere between 11th and 18th but it could go over since all the others have been late. My first was engaged for six weeks! I feel your pain dori! I'm getting strong contractions every evening and baby's shifting between LOA, ROA and ROP. I'm still working hard on positioning to keep him/her from stargazing. A word of caution ladies, don't put your feet up too much! Wouldn't wish an OP labour on anyone!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,622 ✭✭✭Baby01032012

    My wife is due in just over a week. We got a vomiting bug at the weekend and have all been sick every since. I couldn't move yesterday but my wife even in her sickness and 9 months pregnant was up all night with our son. I don't know where she gets the strength from. The last thing we need right now is for her to go into labour.

  • Registered Users Posts: 98 ✭✭clareames

    I am due somewhere between the 12th and 18th... What do ye tell people when they ask?? I just say around the 15th!! ha... 2 more days to work then id love a couple of relaxing days at home then it can come anytime it wants then. im told my bump is still fairly high and i havent too much pressure down there - only for peeing!! hopefully it will start to drop soon... my 30th birthday is the 23rd... I dont know whether id like the same birthday or not! be defo a birthday id never forget! So much for a glitzy dress, high heels party! ha ha... but seriously anytime next week would be great as i feel like a tumbled sheep in bed at night. so uncomfortable! the end is in sight tho :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    clareames wrote: »
    I am due somewhere between the 12th and 18th... What do ye tell people when they ask?? I just say around the 15th!!

    I say two or three or four weeks ;)
    If I were you I'd tell people the latest date possible or you'll be driven mad by texts and emails. People get so impatient, they don't seem to realise that its hardest for the mammy to wait! I went over with each of mine and got pretty fcuked off with the constant enquiries (tbf I was pretty fcuked off with everything by that stage!)

    I'm happy to wait a wee while more least until the scaffoldings off the house...I'd like to be free to lol around in bed with my tits out without worrying about a painter popping up at the window! Also I'd like to sort out the clothes and knit some more booties and scratch mittens. My oh is keen for an early birth- I'm getting contractions every evening and each time he's hopeful...I think he's looking forward to the two weeks off work!
    clareames wrote: »
    my 30th birthday is the 23rd... I dont know whether id like the same birthday or not! be defo a birthday id never forget! So much for a glitzy dress, high heels party! ha ha...

    I was eight months pregnant with my (as yet) youngest child for my 30th- what an anticlimax! I made loads of nice food and had friends round but I was so knackered I was in bed by midnight! You'll have to make up for it with the 31st!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    does everyone get braxton hicks?

    I dont think ive had any, the odd weird twinge here and there in my side that i figured couldnt possibly be the baby. but nothing to make my stomach hard, or uncomfortable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 197 ✭✭SaceyFlynn13

    does everyone get braxton hicks?

    I dont think ive had any, the odd weird twinge here and there in my side that i figured couldnt possibly be the baby. but nothing to make my stomach hard, or uncomfortable.

    I havnt gotten Braxton hicks either just light lower back pain my bump dropped and feeling a lot of pressure.. My due date is next Thursday the 6th my OH reckons he will come on the 10th

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  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭marysnow

    Dori, I can be in town tomorrow at 4pm.
    Would Bewleys in Grafton Street suit? Is anyone else able to join? :)

    I am due the 7th of February and I would be happy for this baby to arrive at anytime after the 1st of Feb.

    The head is down since weeks now.

    I feel a bit weird as since Monday the baby moves, but I do not have the usual 40 minutes of madness. We had the check yesterday and all was fine, but baby is moving more than the 10 times in 10 hours, but it is not the usual self. Not sure if I should panic or not.

    I will do yoga tonight, I might go to have another scan done tomorrow if I feel weird about it...I just don't know when one should get worried or when things are normal.

    Anyhow, another 2 days and our babies will be February babies :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    marysnow wrote: »
    Dori, I can be in town tomorrow at 4pm.
    Would Bewleys in Grafton Street suit? Is anyone else able to join? :)

    Sorry I meant I have an appointment at 4 tomorrow also in town! I would be able to meet earlier!

    Bewleys would be good tho!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,391 ✭✭✭fro9etb8j5qsl2

    I haven't told anyone except close family the exact date I'm due because the mere thought of people starting to ring/text me for updates makes me want to stick rusty nails in my eyeballs :o Anyone who asks, I just say 'mid february' or 'in a few weeks'

    Marysnow have they told you exactly how engaged the head is? I'm 4/5th palpable at the moment which means that only 1/5th of the babys head is engaged in my pelvis so far but at least it's a start :) I'm gonna keep bouncing on my ball to see can I move things along a bit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 98 ✭✭clareames

    does the ball bouncing actually work? ive yet to start at it! feels a bit silly but could be all i do in a week or two when im fed up and want it out! im thinkin of startin on the pineapple anyway to start to ripen my cervix (isnt that what its meant to do??) I dont drink hot drinks so the raspberry tea is a big no no for me! Its funny, i never thought id get to this stage but sure i could go anytime really! I just hope my waters dont break at work!

    On another note my boss just told me he wasnt expecting me to finish work until Saturday not Friday... Another day :( Feels like a lifetime now! I think the 31st Jan is the 31st Jan NOT the 1st Feb!.... Think ill be extending my maternity leave another few days just for spite! im mad!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,391 ✭✭✭fro9etb8j5qsl2

    I find the bouncing/pelvis rotating excellent, i really feel the pressure after it but then again, that's the whole point :D Apart from helping the baby move down, I find it excellent just to sit on. I have problems with my pelvic joint since before my pregnancy and I have found that the only way I can sit comfortably is on the ball because it lines up your back properly. I'm also drinking the raspberry tea twice a day, it tastes really manky but I let it infuse and cool and then knock it all back in one :pac: I'm not sure whether it really does help but I have definitely noticed that it brings on stronger and more painful braxton hicks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 98 ✭✭clareames

    I'm also drinking the raspberry tea twice a day, it tastes really manky but I let it infuse and cool and then knock it all back in one :pac: I'm not sure whether it really does help but I have definitely noticed that it brings on stronger and more painful braxton hicks.

    I can finally find a use for my shot glasses!!! :D:p

  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭marysnow

    Marysnow have they told you exactly how engaged the head is? I'm 4/5th palpable at the moment which means that only 1/5th of the babys head is engaged in my pelvis so far but at least it's a start :) I'm gonna keep bouncing on my ball to see can I move things along a bit.

    hi Mrspostman, no...they did not, but I did not ask either. I only know that I can barely walk! I will be in hospital again on Tuesday and I will ask :)

    How are you all doing? Come Saturday and I will be counting down the minutes until this little one arrives.
    It is two nights I have dream that it is a girl :) , we'll see :)

    I am just very glad it did not happen last night as hubby was working, from the 1st, every day is fine!
    (but we are pre-booked for the 11th if the baby does not arrive earlier)

    ps going to a breastfeeding meeting on Monday, did anyone attend any?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    marysnow wrote: »
    hi Mrspostman, no...they did not, but I did not ask either. I only know that I can barely walk! I will be in hospital again on Tuesday and I will ask :)

    How are you all doing? Come Saturday and I will be counting down the minutes until this little one arrives.
    It is two nights I have dream that it is a girl :) , we'll see :)

    I am just very glad it did not happen last night as hubby was working, from the 1st, every day is fine!
    (but we are pre-booked for the 11th if the baby does not arrive earlier)

    ps going to a breastfeeding meeting on Monday, did anyone attend any?

    I meant to go but never looked any up in my area! where abouts did you find the one you are attending?

    Id be able to meet in bewleys around 2 if anyone is interested!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,391 ✭✭✭fro9etb8j5qsl2

    Saw the doctor this morning and he was talking of maybe inducing me after next week because I have a few red flags for PET even though I'm asymptomatic. So off he went to ask the consultant for her opinion and he came back and told me that the consultant would prefer to deliver me within the next few days :eek: :eek: I don't want to get my hopes up because they are constantly changing their minds but the thought that I could have my little bundle by the end of weekend is both exciting and absolutely terrifying :eek: :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 98 ✭✭clareames

    ah mrspostman that would be great... cant imagine actually having the baby in my arms... so exciting and definitely terrifying... no going back now!!

    I could go anytime myself really and thats the wierd part... never thought id get this far! its mad...

    Best of good luck to you and hope to see some good news on this and the first (?) february baby to be born!! :):)
