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Due February 2014



  • Registered Users Posts: 197 ✭✭SaceyFlynn13

    Congratulations on the birth of your baby boy :)

    I am now one day overdue have lower back pain and having slight pains in my lower stomach but lasting only 60 secs think I'm getting my Braxton hicks now :( have midwife now Tuesday so hoping he will make an appearance before then

  • Registered Users Posts: 10 BeanieBuddy

    Mega congrats to all the new Mums and Dads :)

    Still waiting here too... having the odd twinge, but really there's no signs of anything happening. Next checkup is Tuesday...

    Trying to keep busy in the meantime, knitting away and watching box sets and also dipping in and out of work things (the joys of being self-employed).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    Im soooo bored! and restless. All the super cleaning / organising / painting etc is done. Lists are all ticked off. Too sore to really do anything too. If I sit down to watch tv I remember I have the pain of getting up again every 30 min to pee - makes it not so enjoyable. If I have to hang around for another 2 weeks Ill go crazy! :)

    Also everytime I get up in the night hubby asks eagerly if anythings happening - he really didnt want to go to some meeting today :)

    So happy for everyone whos had their bundles of joy!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    Im soooo bored! and restless. All the super cleaning / organising / painting etc is done. Lists are all ticked off. Too sore to really do anything too. If I sit down to watch tv I remember I have the pain of getting up again every 30 min to pee - makes it not so enjoyable. If I have to hang around for another 2 weeks Ill go crazy! :)

    Also everytime I get up in the night hubby asks eagerly if anythings happening - he really didnt want to go to some meeting today :)

    So happy for everyone whos had their bundles of joy!

    Lol, my oh is the same, he's dying for his two weeks off.

    I find I get stiff through the hips if I sit for an extended period- have you tried sitting on a Swiss ball? You sort of have to keep adjusting your position but it's not noticibly uncomfortable and it stops me from seizing up.

    Can you do some sewing or something? That's a good distraction for me. Getting close to my time I always like to make lots of nice easy snack food like muesli and hummus and biscuits and stuff so you're stocked up for after the birth (for yourself and visitors).

    My house is in an absolute shambles and I need to make a roast and a lemon meringue pie for my OH's birthday and my folks arriving today...procrastination.

    Congratulations to all the families who've had their babies. Hope it's all going well for ye!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    Rosy Posy wrote: »
    Lol, my oh is the same, he's dying for his two weeks off.

    I find I get stiff through the hips if I sit for an extended period- have you tried sitting on a Swiss ball? You sort of have to keep adjusting your position but it's not noticibly uncomfortable and it stops me from seizing up.

    Can you do some sewing or something? That's a good distraction for me. Getting close to my time I always like to make lots of nice easy snack food like muesli and hummus and biscuits and stuff so you're stocked up for after the birth (for yourself and visitors).

    My house is in an absolute shambles and I need to make a roast and a lemon meringue pie for my OH's birthday and my folks arriving today...procrastination.

    Congratulations to all the families who've had their babies. Hope it's all going well for ye!

    Youre making a roast and a pie??? OK i feel bad. I cant really bend to reach into the oven (thats my excuse and Im sticking to it!)... Also im a terrible cook - Id probably poison everyone. The boredom is making me eat everything nice in the apartment! :)

    Sewing a bit but again with the sitting I seize up a bit and have to change position regularly. Also tried the bouncy ball stuff, but I have a bad back, and the ball would constantly put me off balance, I always woke the next day with a sore back. So I kindly returned it to its owner. Really wish it had worked for me though!

    Every day hubby comes home and says - I think tonights the night! I get to remind him every morning that hes wrong again! :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,391 ✭✭✭fro9etb8j5qsl2

    Baby Joseph was born yesterday at 451pm weighing 7lb 1oz :D I had to get the epidural in the end because my blood pressure went up into scary numbers and that was the only way to regulate it. Once I had the epi, I went from 5cm to 10cm within an hour :eek: Everything was going perfect until I began to push and then the baba decided he didn't want to come out after all and started having late decelerations. Next thing I knew the room was full of people and they had to get the head surgeon in to suction the babys head out :eek: All ended well though :) Had some serious back pain once the epi wore off so they had me on morphine, it was terrible not being able to do anything for the baby :( Thankfully I'm alot better today :) And I'd do it all again in a heartbeat we are so head over heels in love with our little bundle :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,862 ✭✭✭✭January

    Congrats mrspostman.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    Youre making a roast and a pie??? OK i feel bad. I cant really bend to reach into the oven (thats my excuse and Im sticking to it!)... Also im a terrible cook - Id probably poison everyone. The boredom is making me eat everything nice in the apartment! :)

    Sewing a bit but again with the sitting I seize up a bit and have to change position regularly. Also tried the bouncy ball stuff, but I have a bad back, and the ball would constantly put me off balance, I always woke the next day with a sore back. So I kindly returned it to its owner. Really wish it had worked for me though!

    Every day hubby comes home and says - I think tonights the night! I get to remind him every morning that hes wrong again! :)

    Gosh you sound like you're really suffering. Can you not squat/bend from the knees? I've been really lucky this pregnancy- it's been the easiest physically yet. I kept up the exercise til 30weeks or so and saw the osteopath regularly which I think helped.

    The pie was a bit of a fiasco in the making...took me about three times longer to make than it usually would and I really thought I'd cocked it up at every stage! Came out grand in the end. I really wanted to tell the oh to put his feet up on his birthday but he ended up helping with the cooking- we would've been eating at midnight if he didn't. I'm so inefficient atm!!

    Congratulations on your birth and your baby Mrs Postman- enjoy falling in love again!

  • Registered Users Posts: 10 BeanieBuddy

    Still waiting here... Had a checkup yesterday and was sent for a biophysical scan to check the fluid around baba. They were happy enough, but want to re-check on Sat, and will induce if it's low then.

    Otherwise induction will happen "early next week" but I have everything crossed (except my legs!) that things happen naturally before then.

  • Registered Users Posts: 197 ✭✭SaceyFlynn13

    Hey ladies how are ye all doing?

    One week overdue and there bringing me in to induce me tomorrow so we could have a valentines baby so excited and nervous at the same time :)

    Congrats to all the new mums :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    Had another session of acupuncture yesterday and felt a lot of movement downwards. I still don't feel totally over it yet so I think it will be at least another few days. I'm still not fully ready. Have a tiny bit of knitting to finish and am picking up the pool and the drugs today at my midwives appointment. Baby hammock is still on the line. Feeling good and rested though.

    How're all the new mums doing? No time to post, eh? Hope everyone's well and making getting enough rest a priority :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    Hi Everyone!

    Baby Eli was born Monday 10th at 4.30 pm - 1 day early. Contractions started at midnight Sun night, every 3 min for 1 min and no let up! I was in agony and cried when they told me I wasnt even 1 cm dilated. All common sense and knowledge went out the window :)

    I was so tired but managed to get through it all on the gas. I let them break my waters at 4cm as my back was breaking and I couldnt imagine lasting another 6 hours unassisted. After nearly 30 min of pushing, he decided he didnt want to come out so they started to prep for suction. they turned me on my side for some exam and bam he moved! so it was more pushing and out he came with a big mop of black hair on his head!

    Hes so gorgeous and worth every minute of pain! Hes an angel and loves to sleep but not feed :( Whole new adventure now we are home!

    wishing everyone the best!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    Lovely birth story, dori. Congratulations to you and baby Eli. Hope you both manage to get some rest!

    Saw the midwife yesterday and baby is not engaged, she reckons I'll be over by a bit. I'm not terribly fussed. Painters should be out of here next week so it would be good to get that out of the way. She said that last babies are often quite overdue as you can psychologically hang on! I've got one little mitten left to knit and then I'll be completely ready, but I might start a wee matching hat.

  • Registered Users Posts: 197 ✭✭SaceyFlynn13

    Hi Everyone!

    Baby Eli was born Monday 10th at 4.30

    Congratulations dori :)

    Baby Aiden was born at 2:08 on the 14th febuary weighing 8pounds 3oz..
    I was a week overdue so they induced me Thursday at 4 and by 8 o clock I was 4 cm dilated and getting strong urges to push did it all with gas but had little help with suction as he was way to comfortable to come out

    Latched on well with one boob and when we tried the other it took at least 45 mins to latch he's very good also with sleeping had to wake him up for two feeds

    Good luck to the rest of ye ladies :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    Congratulations on your birth and your baby Stacey, he sounds like a dream! Still waiting here. Had a few contractions there and manically cleaned the house for about an hour but they've eased off again. A friend sent me this on FB...just about sums it up :o


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    my little fella has gotten really lazy now and wont even bother trying to latch on. he just goes mental when i put him on his side and will only calm down when i give him his bottle of EBM. i hate pumping, its so time consuming! think ill have to see a lactation consultant....

    we did have a good night last night though! i got 4+ hours of sleep and was only up for 90 minutes trying to BF - pump- bottle feed-change! yay!! there was two of us at it though...

    we had our first walk in the buggy yesterday, hubby and i fought for most of it over whos turn it was to push :) was fun though and nice to be outside for a bit.

    back to the hospital today for the heel prick test, and a visit to grannies - wish us luck!

    hope everyone else is doing well!

  • Registered Users Posts: 197 ✭✭SaceyFlynn13

    Thank you rosy posy :)

    That pic literally made me lol I'm still in hospital being let go home today so excited about that :)

    His latched on really well at birth and was feeding good then as time went he stopped sucking and was only getting 10 mins Feds but last night it all changed and he's doing half hour feeds on both boobs now which is great they are a bit tender but using some nipple cream called HPA Lanolin which is really helping with tenderness and soreness hope this helps for those who are sore and breast feeding :)

    Hope every one is doing well and babies are doing good :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 20 Lil2010

    Hi all, my little girl was born Friday 14th feb at 8.10am weighing 6 pound 10. We are so in love with her. I've had stitches and are really sore was really hoping I wound of avoided this but how and ever.

    Saceyflynn13 - I'm having the same issue of 10 min feeds every hour anyone any tips on this? Its very tiring x

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    Lil2010 wrote: »
    I'm having the same issue of 10 min feeds every hour anyone any tips on this? Its very tiring x

    IME this is really normal. If you're serious about bfing then you'll have to be prepared to do this for at least a week. Just try to relax about it and make this the one and only thing that you do with your time. It's a matter of your baby learning to feed effectively and your breasts learning to produce a large volume of milk at a time. You can make the process easier by eating really well, drinking heaps of water, I found breastfeeding tea containing fennel was helpful- yogi tee do a good one also weleda, literally doing nothing else but feeding and sleeping- let your oh or whoever else is around worry about nappies, meals etc, and don't be afraid to send visitors away if you're tired. Also be aware of the three day (ish) hormone dip that always leaves me a snivelling mess. It really knocked me out with the first baby but now I just relax and let the tears flow and know I'm not loosing my mind, and get my oh to field visitors so that only the ones that can handle the snot-monster get up the stairs ;). It's not easy but it's worth it for you and your baby in the end. Best of luck!

  • Registered Users Posts: 20 Lil2010

    Thanks rosy posy great advice xxx

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  • Registered Users Posts: 197 ✭✭SaceyFlynn13

    Thanks rosy posy

    I'm finding he's feeds are getting a lot better and my milk finally came in last night he's now feeding for 30-50 mins which is great :)

    Congrats Lil2010 our babies share the same birthday :)

  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,953 Mod ✭✭✭✭Moonbeam

    Hi Everyone!

    Baby Eli was born Monday 10th at 4.30 pm - 1 day early. Contractions started at midnight Sun night, every 3 min for 1 min and no let up! I was in agony and cried when they told me I wasnt even 1 cm dilated. All common sense and knowledge went out the window :)

    I was so tired but managed to get through it all on the gas. I let them break my waters at 4cm as my back was breaking and I couldnt imagine lasting another 6 hours unassisted. After nearly 30 min of pushing, he decided he didnt want to come out so they started to prep for suction. they turned me on my side for some exam and bam he moved! so it was more pushing and out he came with a big mop of black hair on his head!

    Hes so gorgeous and worth every minute of pain! Hes an angel and loves to sleep but not feed :( Whole new adventure now we are home!

    wishing everyone the best!

    Aww:) Congrats:)
    I was wondering how you were getting on and hoping you had not gone a week over:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 98 ✭✭clareames

    Congrats to all the new mammys!! I'm hoping I won't be too much longer. Tomorrow is my due date. :-D due back to hospital on Thursday, be great to go before then. But I know I could easily be another couple weeks :-( just wondering what is the procedure when I get to hospital? Do I sign in or go straight to labour ward? If I sign in, what details will i need to have with me? Bit clueless!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    I dont remember signing in, I think all they needed was my hospital number. We just brought my appointment card that had it on it.

    I hope you arent waiting too much longer!

  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,953 Mod ✭✭✭✭Moonbeam

    clareames wrote: »
    Congrats to all the new mammys!! I'm hoping I won't be too much longer. Tomorrow is my due date. :-D due back to hospital on Thursday, be great to go before then. But I know I could easily be another couple weeks :-( just wondering what is the procedure when I get to hospital? Do I sign in or go straight to labour ward? If I sign in, what details will i need to have with me? Bit clueless!!!
    It depends , normally you go up to the admittance office and take a seat on the corridor waiting but on my last 2 I was checked in after baby was born due to speed so do not worry :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    Also In the Coombe you get sent straight to the assessment unit upstairs. I was admitted, dont know what happens if you not!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    Forgot to say congratulations lil! Hope you're enjoying your bundle.

    I'm one day over now and am definitely having a Pisces, not an Aquarius. I've been going for a brisk walks on the stoney beach, floating on my tummy in the river, ate a really spicy curry and all the other things that reportedly bring it on ;);). Having another acupuncture session today but I'm not going to ask him to do an induction treatment yet. I'd rather let baby come when they're ready at this stage, I'll start the more drastic measures in a weeks time if there's still no movement. Painters will be finished by Friday (they say....) so it might be nice to have a weekend baby. OH is more desperate than me- the weather's been fantastic and he wants his time off!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,391 ✭✭✭fro9etb8j5qsl2

    Congratulations to all the new mammies and daddies and good luck to all the ladies in waiting :D Tomorrow would have been my due date, it's really weird to think of it now because even though our little man is only 11 days old, it feels like we've had him forever :D Did anyone else end up buying a baby sling? I haven't had a chance to use mine yet but hopefully if the weather is nice tomorrow I might get out for a walk and give it a go :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    Congratulations to all the new mammies and daddies and good luck to all the ladies in waiting :D Tomorrow would have been my due date, it's really weird to think of it now because even though our little man is only 11 days old, it feels like we've had him forever :D Did anyone else end up buying a baby sling? I haven't had a chance to use mine yet but hopefully if the weather is nice tomorrow I might get out for a walk and give it a go :)

    I got a Kari-Me. Havent had the time to try it yet ( havent even had time to bath the poor child since the hospital!)

    My friend called in today who knows all about slings and she threw it on herself and popped Eli in to show me how its done. So hes been in one for 1 minute ( her baby got real jealous :) ) but not on me!

    Was gonna try mine out tomorrow properly too!

    What type did you get?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,391 ✭✭✭fro9etb8j5qsl2

    We didn't get a chance to give our fella a proper bath until he was 10 days old :o :pac: I got a jeportemonbebe wrap, it was recommended to me by a few people but it looks fairly fiddly to start with so I'm gonna have to study youtube before I chance putting the baby in it :) Just looking at the kari-me ones there and I'm raging I hadn't heard of them before, they look that bit snugglier and more versatile than the one I got :( Ah well :)
