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Due February 2014



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    Still waiting here!

    I had a stretchy wrap for my first (made by a friend) that in hindsight I wore too long and was totally ruined for use with another child. I also had a woven ring sling which my osteopath has forbidden me to use again as you carry your baby on one side and it misaligns your posture. I have a mei tai, made by another friend, which is still going and is great- slightly less of a learning curve than a wrap, and it's easy to do front and back carries and swop between the two within taking baby out (older child, from 4 or 5 months- don't try it with a newborn!!!). The fabric is really thick and a little coarse though so not ideal for the heat or a newborn. This pregnancy I indulged in an Oscha woven wrap, I really didn't need it but it's beautiful, soft and lightweight for the heat and we really didn't need to buy anything for this baby, so I thought I'd treat myself (and baby). I love the look and feel of woven wraps and they're probably the most versatile. Oh and we have a Phil and Teds backpack for hiking with an older child. It's really well supported across the hips and chest and has a sun and rain shield. The only maddening design flaw is the place for you to store your water bottle is impossible to reach while wearing the backpack! (Sorry for the baby wearing essay...I could go on- it gets to be something of an obsession!)

    Oh just to add, IMO pouch slings are useless. They have to fit exactly to be safe and comfortable which is more or less impossible in the first year when baby is growing and mum is (hopefully!) shrinking.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    We didn't get a chance to give our fella a proper bath until he was 10 days old :o :pac: I got a jeportemonbebe wrap, it was recommended to me by a few people but it looks fairly fiddly to start with so I'm gonna have to study youtube before I chance putting the baby in it :) Just looking at the kari-me ones there and I'm raging I hadn't heard of them before, they look that bit snugglier and more versatile than the one I got :( Ah well :)

    My little man is in his now for the first time! Yay! :) I went to a sling meet and found the jpmb's very heavy. The Kari me is lighter,so I went with that. Had hubby help me to make sure the straps werent twisted and otherwise it was pretty straight forward to put on! Very happy with it. Feels way more secure than I htought it would!

    Hes been so fussy this afternoon after our walk. he wouldnt really wake up for his feed, tried feeding him on and off for 2 hours as hed fall asleep again on the boob, but when i went to lay him down hed wake up and cry for more food, 5 min later hes asleep again! It was so exhausting but I think i got a total of 20 min feeding out of him. I managed to squeeze in a pump now that hubby is finished work, so he wont go hungry when he does wake up. I think hes gonna be awake all night at this rate:(

    Anyway hes in the sling so i can actually do something other than hold him and burp him. He desperately needs to poop aswell I think and thats whats annoying him.

    And we had such a good night last night ie one that included actual sleep! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    He desperately needs to poop aswell I think and thats whats annoying him

    Have you tried tummy massage? Look up videos on YouTube. I find it mind blowing that they are so new to the world that they actually have to learn to eat and digest! Glad you got some rest :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    Rosy Posy wrote: »
    Have you tried tummy massage? Look up videos on YouTube. I find it mind blowing that they are so new to the world that they actually have to learn to eat and digest! Glad you got some rest :)

    Yes we are doing that and cycling his legs too. Its coming up to 48 hours since his last one. Although that was formula based and massive. Should we be worried about it?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    Yes we are doing that and cycling his legs too. Its coming up to 48 hours since his last one. Although that was formula based and massive. Should we be worried about it?

    Do you have someone coming round checking on you? Here we have the midwife for the first six weeks and then the phn. It doesn't sound like you need to panic but if you're concerned you should ask someone. I have 0 experience of formula feeding or bottles. They always ask if there are plenty of wet nappies, I think that's the biggest concern. My daughter had the same problem in the early days, it was just a matter of the system getting used to taking food in and out rather than having a constant ebb and flow through the umbilical cord. When my babies were a good bit older but still exclusively breastfeeding they would do a massive show stopping poo once a week as they get so effective at taking all the nutrients from the milk and your body produces just what they need, but this is almost certainly not the case with a newborn. Best err on the side of caution and ask some kind of healthcare professional.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 197 ✭✭SaceyFlynn13

    Hes been so fussy this afternoon after our walk. he wouldnt really wake up for his feed, tried feeding him on and off for 2 hours as hed fall asleep again on the boob, but when i went to lay him down hed wake up and cry for more food, 5 min later hes asleep again! It was so exhausting but I think i got a total of 20 min feeding out of him.

    My little man was totally the same and the phn came and told me to do 15 mins on both boobs every 2 hours as he was only comfort feeding she also said he had a slight touch of jaundice and to give him 30mls of cooled boiled water once a day and we are and now were doing bottle with formula then boob for 15 mins each and it would go bottle 4 hours then boob then 2 hours bottle again and in the space of 24hours the phn says she can see a huge difference in this so were gonna stick to it and it's him that's waking up for the feeds now rather than me waking him up..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    Yeah he was on his own little 2 and a half / 3 hour schedule for ages (ie 48 hours :) ), 10-15 min each side until hed latch off by himself, then Id maybe pump the rest out, change him and then if he was still awake and wanted a bit more hed go for another 10 min then go for a 2ish hour nap.
    He just threw me for a loop yesterday with sleeping for so long after his walk he slept for over 4 and a half hours, then the 2ish hours where I tried to wake him to feed. He was only in his nappy and I had a cold cotton wool going on his neck/face but he wasnt having it!

    Last night he was back to his little schedule though, and we woke this morning to an enormous poop explosion! Yay! The joys of being a mother :) the highlight of your day is when your child poops LOL. At least now I dont have to call the PHN about constipaton.

    I really think the formula was too heavy for him. It really clogged him up and made him gassy and uncomfortable. He gets way less red smushy faced on the breastmilk. :)

    Did your PHN give you tips on bottle feeding so they have to work for it and dont get lazy? I found my guy would reject my breast knowing that easier food was available in the bottle, be it EBM or formula. Now he latches on much quicker and no real stress and we are down to 1-2 EBM a day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 197 ✭✭SaceyFlynn13

    Did your PHN give you tips on bottle feeding so they have to work for it and dont get lazy? I found my guy would reject my breast knowing that easier food was available in the bottle, be it EBM or formula. Now he latches on much quicker and no real stress and we are down to 1-2 EBM a day.

    she didn't give any tips just told us to carry on what were doing as she can see a huge improvement and when he does bottle then boob I find that he latches on better and does the feeds better than before which is good I tried the whole pumping but I didn't feel it at the moment it was a bit sore but the phn said they are a bit swollen so il just keep using my cream and wait and try again..

    Yeah the whole wet cotton ball dabbing wasn't working on my little fella also..

    He's an old slob already don't even recognise that he's here :) hoping to go for a walk today if weather is good but knowing it prob won't :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    My phn showed me different feeding positions. The leaning back one works great for us as he was kicking a wriggling so much he'd break off. This way his feet are in my lap and he can stretch up. Also when he bottle feed we hold the bottle horizontal so the milk doesn't just flow into his mouth, he has to suck it out like at the breast. Also slow flow teet too that are proper nipple shaped like at the hospital. The avent starter pack ones basically just threw the milk in his mouth! He's a little gassier / gets hiccups from it but I'm now down to doing the bottle only 2-3 times a day so it's not so bad.

    The pumping hurts but even doing it on a low setting in the beginning really helped my milk production. I'm now only pumping 2-3 times a day too instead of every 3 hours. I now get a full 50mls in 15 min from 1 side. Perseverance, pain and zero sleep but its worked!

    We've a weigh in on mon, so I hope his weight is good, otherwise ill have to pump and supplement a little more. My boobs are always sore but after every feed I use the cream and some cold compresses. I'm really hoping we've cracked it!

    P.s. we also strip down to nappy to wake him up. Changing his nappy before a feed helps too but then sometimes youre changing twice!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    Baby Ronan swam into our home this morning- about 5mins after the midwife arrived! Oh was all geared up to deliver but he was spared at the last minute. Started getting tightenings after dinner last night, still going strong around 11 so got the midwife out. Baked the birthday cake then did lots of pacing and singing and had some good contractions but they started easing off around 2am so the midwife said to try to get some rest and left. I was still having contractions every 15mins or so and by 530am I got my oh up and got him to fill the pool. Had some massive contractions in the pool and my oh called the midwife to get her to come back. Transitioned and switched from singing to roaring, after which my waters broke and I couldn't help pushing. My oh rang the midwife again and got some basic instructions (he has no experience of water delivery other than our own) but she arrived just as baby was crowning. His head came out sideways and he turned his shoulders as I was pushing him out, which was one of the less pleasant sensations of my experience, then in one good push he was out and I brought him up out of the water and rested him on my tummy, where he let out a good roar. He's latching on really well and all the other children are thrilled, full of cuddles and bringing gifts of their old baby toys. It's so nice to be sitting in my own bed with my family around! Blissed out!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 197 ✭✭SaceyFlynn13

    Rosy Posy wrote: »
    Baby Ronan swam into our home this morning- about 5mins after the midwife arrived! Oh was all geared up to deliver but he was spared at the last minute. Started getting tightenings after dinner last night, still going strong around 11 so got the midwife out. Baked the birthday cake then did lots of pacing and singing and had some good contractions but they started easing off around 2am so the midwife said to try to get some rest and left. I was still having contractions every 15mins or so and by 530am I got my oh up and got him to fill the pool. Had some massive contractions in the pool and my oh called the midwife to get her to come back. Transitioned and switched from singing to roaring, after which my waters broke and I couldn't help pushing. My oh rang the midwife again and got some basic instructions (he has no experience of water delivery other than our own) but she arrived just as baby was crowning. His head came out sideways and he turned his shoulders as I was pushing him out, which was one of the less pleasant sensations of my experience, then in one good push he was out and I brought him up out of the water and rested him on my tummy, where he let out a good roar. He's latching on really well and all the other children are thrilled, full of cuddles and bringing gifts of their old baby toys. It's so nice to be sitting in my own bed with my family around! Blissed out!

    Aww congrats Rosy :) glad everything went well and the midwife showed up just in time :) enjoy moments like that sounds lovely

  • Registered Users Posts: 98 ✭✭clareames

    I am booked in for induction Friday morning, really hoped that I'd be long gone by now. Tried the hot curry sat night and pineapple few nights, had 2 walks today bounced on my gym ball and just out of hot bath. Had my 30th birthday on Sunday, would have loved to have baby then, would have been cool but it's being stubborn. Any advice or ideas what else I could try? Just wish it was over now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    clareames wrote: »
    I am booked in for induction Friday morning, really hoped that I'd be long gone by now. Tried the hot curry sat night and pineapple few nights, had 2 walks today bounced on my gym ball and just out of hot bath. Had my 30th birthday on Sunday, would have loved to have baby then, would have been cool but it's being stubborn. Any advice or ideas what else I could try? Just wish it was over now.

    I had a glass of wine a few hours before I went into labour! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    clareames wrote: »
    I am booked in for induction Friday morning, really hoped that I'd be long gone by now. Tried the hot curry sat night and pineapple few nights, had 2 walks today bounced on my gym ball and just out of hot bath. Had my 30th birthday on Sunday, would have loved to have baby then, would have been cool but it's being stubborn. Any advice or ideas what else I could try? Just wish it was over now.

    Sex? The prostaglandin gels they use for induction are similar to semen. Also evening primrose oil applied to the cervix. You could get your midwife to do a cervical sweep. Also acupuncture- there's a point on your calf that's supposed to be effective that you can press and massage yourself.

    A bumpy drive, or if you're desperate some kind of laxative, although I tried it (castor oil) in my first labour and it was soooo unpleasant I really wouldn't recommend it.

    Best of luck!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    I had a glass of wine a few hours before I went into labour! :)

    No no don't do this! Alcohol can inhibit labour! Its been used in the past to stop women going into premature labour intravenously and orally. It's not super effective, as in if your baby's ready to come at the right time it's not going to stop it but definitely won't help you naturally induce.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    I think it was only a coincidence for me really! i was moody and cranky all day and thought it would help me unwind. :)

    a friend told me dates (i think) are supposed to help?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    I think it was only a coincidence for me really! i was moody and cranky all day and thought it would help me unwind. :)

    a friend told me dates (i think) are supposed to help?

    I think it can help some people psychologically- I've heard of midwives suggesting a glass of wine if someone is super tense about birthing and they're not progressing because of it- so much depends on being able to let go and surrender to it- but chemically, alcohol is an oxytocin inhibitor, so it probably wouldn't do you any favors if you weren't going into labour naturally.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    So how is everyone doing?

    My hubby just left for a week long business trip. I dont know how Im going to survive! I have people calling in to me every day but still, the days are so long with a newborn! My mum offered for me to move in with her but I think that would make things worse.

    Eli is at least back to a regular-ish schedule. Since last weekend hed been cranky and awake for HOURS on end, I counted 5 hours one time. He was exhausted but any time he was put down hed scream the place down. Didnt know what was wrong with him. He was also cluster feeding like crazy last weekend. Ive cut out chocolate and tea for the last few days and it seems to have helped, he must be super sensitive to caffeine.

    His pooping schedule is still off, he hasnt gone in 36 hours at this stage. Maybe hes just a bad pooper?

    On the happy side he had his 2 week checkup and hes grown a cm, and gained over a pound since leaving the hospital! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    We're all doing pretty well here. Finally a good sleeper! None of my others were keen on sleeping alone and the other boys didn't have solid stretches of sleep til they were much older, but Ronan's doing a few blocks of two to four hours through the day and night- I'm really enjoying him now that I'm not exhausted, and trying to savour it all since I know it's my last baby.

    He's a reluctant pooper too but the midwife assures me there's nothing much to worry about, he's just getting used to digestion. He got himself fairly worked up about it over the first few nights- roaring for ages before passing wind but he seems to have gotten used to it now.

    I took him out for a little walk in the sling yesterday which he seemed to like (he loves the noise of the birds and the insects) but I guess I'd been inside so long I didn't realise how hot it was- I was really knackered afterwards and my whole middle ached. My abs are really destroyed, I've got a belly support which helps but I can't wait to get back to proper exercise, it's so annoying having to wait!

    My daughter was up in the night for two nights with a tummy bug. She's been quarantined downstairs and I'm upstairs with the baby. I really really can't afford to get it right now. I've been passing instructions to my poor oh on how to launder the mess. It's been an eye opener for him but to his credit he's done it all without a fuss. It's really hard on my little girl not being allowed to hold the baby, the poor pet.

    Dori, to support Elis sleep have you tried a baby hammock? It saved us with my first two. We have a natures sway because they're the most popular in NZ but I'm sure they or something similar are available in Ireland too. I used to carry my sleeping newborn in a sling and also cosleep. I know it's not ideal but if it gets you and baby more rest to get through the early days then IMO it's worth it.

    Edit: found a link for hammock

    Hope all the other mums and babies are doing well. @clareames, I've been thinking of you, hope you had a good birth!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    Rosy, he sleeps fine in the sling and in our arms / on our chests in an emergency(!) but find then its harder than ever to put him back in the crib. He really enjoys the warmth and closeness but I cant give it to him permanently or I dont sleep myself! :)

    We were visiting family last week, and everyone wanted to hold him. He slept for 3 hours in peoples arms. Got him home, fed and changed him, put him to bed and he screamed for 3 hours! Only stopped when we picked him up. He has really bad gas too which I think wakes him up!

    Ive been trying to read up on babies and sleeping patterns. I think we really have him awake for too long. I read they should only be awake about an hour inbetween sleeps. Hes been feeding like crazy so I think hes actually awake on average about 2 hours (I never really timed it before), and then hes really overtired and screams the place down. So now Ive put him back down after an hour and well see how it goes! Daddy was a divel for chatting and playing with him for ages.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    Rosy, he sleeps fine in the sling and in our arms / on our chests in an emergency(!) but find then its harder than ever to put him back in the crib. He really enjoys the warmth and closeness but I cant give it to him permanently or I dont sleep myself! :)

    We were exactly the same with my other boys. I really can't recommend the hammock enough. Also we would put a hot water bottle down in the bed while I was feeding then take it out just before we put baby down so that he was going from warm arms to a warm bed. Elizabeth Pantley's 'the no cry sleep solution' has heaps of good ideas as well.

    I know what you're saying about your oh keeping him up playing- we have the same with our older kids- everyone wants a go of him and really at this stage they're just eating and sleeping so it's mostly just mummy time. My oh does about one nappy a day and has a hold while I have a shower and that's about it...he's pretty busy with the older three and my 2yo is still in nappies :/ I'm sure there'll be plenty of time for bonding later on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    the hammock looks brill, unfortunately wed have no room for it in our tiny apartment :( maybe if we moved to a bigger place in the summer!

    i only heard that book mentioned yesterday when i was trying to figure out his sleep pattern. i must check and see if its in the library

    i dont know how you manage with 3 others!

    ive been up since 4 as he wouldnt settle after his feed. he slept for 45 min around 6 ish but that was it. got 3 full hours sleep between 1 and 4 though! although from 9 - 10 last night he was screaming like a banshee! hope the neighbours didnt want an early night!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,391 ✭✭✭fro9etb8j5qsl2

    That hammock looks awesome :)

    I've had to start supplementing bf with formula because our poor little buster has reflux and the phn reckons the formula is heavier and might stay down better. He is a lot more settled since we started giving it to him yesterday but he is still sicking up a fair bit and because his weight hasn't changed since last week, we've to go the doctor on monday to get something on prescription to help him, the poor little thing :( We are blessed though, he is as good as gold and only cries when he's hungry, windy or being changed :) The only problem is that he has his nights and days mixed up so he sleeps a lot of the day and is nigh on impossible to wake or keep awake and then he ends up restless and hard to settle when we want him to sleep at night :( I've picked up the no cry sleep solution so I'm hoping to find some good tips in it :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    the hammock looks brill, unfortunately wed have no room for it in our tiny apartment :( maybe if we moved to a bigger place in the summer!

    Mine has a door clamp so you can hang it from any door or archway- great for travelling or visiting. DSC05505.JPG

    My oh is off for another week and my parents are here for another three, so they're looking after the other kids and I'm just concentrating on baby and recovering. I did get up while baby was sleeping this morning to make breakfast, I thought my oh deserved the lie in after being up with round two of the tummy bug :/

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    Rosy Posy wrote: »

    My oh is off for another week and my parents are here for another three, so they're looking after the other kids and I'm just concentrating on baby and recovering. I did get up while baby was sleeping this morning to make breakfast, I thought my oh deserved the lie in after being up with round two of the tummy bug :/

    im so jealous of all your help! my hubby has been away 4 days now. had a really bad first night on fri night and cried from exhaustion on sat morning on the phone to my mam - her response was ' i really dont want to have to come over to you' and she only lives 20 min away! So i sucked it up. My sister was really kind and invited me to stay over with her sat night which was great as i got to pass the baby to them when he was doing his 3 hour screaming/ im never going to sleep again routine at 10 at night. 3 people made it so much easier to cope with! Also Sun morning he decides to do his once a week ENORMOOUS poop - it was everywhere - had to hose him down in the bath! So glad I wasnt on my own for that! Then he kindly peed on me :rolleyes:

    Today its a morning version of 'im never going to sleep again' hes been awake since 8 am. only had 3 10 min naps. hes roaring in the sling now. nothing seems to calm him. glad we had a decent nights sleep !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    im so jealous of all your help! my hubby has been away 4 days now. had a really bad first night on fri night and cried from exhaustion on sat morning on the phone to my mam - her response was ' i really dont want to have to come over to you' and she only lives 20 min away! So i sucked it up. My sister was really kind and invited me to stay over with her sat night which was great as i got to pass the baby to them when he was doing his 3 hour screaming/ im never going to sleep again routine at 10 at night. 3 people made it so much easier to cope with! Also Sun morning he decides to do his once a week ENORMOOUS poop - it was everywhere - had to hose him down in the bath! So glad I wasnt on my own for that! Then he kindly peed on me :rolleyes:

    Today its a morning version of 'im never going to sleep again' hes been awake since 8 am. only had 3 10 min naps. hes roaring in the sling now. nothing seems to calm him. glad we had a decent nights sleep !

    Ah dori, it sounds like he's giving you a hard time, hopefully he's more settled now. Just remember the parenting mantra 'this too shall pass'! The hardest thing about this stage IMO is that they're so unpredictable. Our 'good sleeper' is a bit of a Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde- some days he's perfect and has good naps and night sleep, other times he roars like a demon and the only thing that will console him is being on the breast for hours and hours. Just trying to focus on the good times and know that the bad ones won't last forever!

  • Registered Users Posts: 98 ✭✭clareames

    Finally.... Had my little boy Kyle on Fri 28th.. was booked in for induction at 5.45am but started to get severe pains myself around 12 o clock, thought it was just anxiety so tried to sleep, no good, was up and down to the loo and at about 2am i couldnt lie down with the pain, started to vomit badly... woke the hubby and rang the hospital. i was really unsure if i had actually started myself but hospital told me to come in anyway seen as i was booked in for later anyway... so we hit off on the 1hr 20 min journey which only took us 50 mins. contractions were coming every minute at this stage. it was shocking! coming near the hospital, i said to himself "I better be bloody 7cm dilated and not F-ing 2cm" 10 mins later i was examined and i wasnt even 1cm... I said to hubby, I cant do this, I will die... i couldnt stand or sit the pain was so severe... we chatted about pain relief and i gladly accepted the epidural and thank god i did... over the next few hours I dilated gradually and then all of a sudden I went from 7 to 10 in no time so it was almost time to start pushing... 1hour 10 mins later Kyle was born. at 1.20pm.. I had an epiositomy and stitches but chatting afterwards with hubby I said it wasnt the most horrific thing to do and it wasnt so bad... isnt it mad how u forget... Kyle was in a little distress so a section wasnt ruled out even up to the last few mins but glad i didnt have to go down that route.. he was brought to special care as he swallowed meconium but he was fine in no time... he was actually ready to come back almost as soon as he got there but by then I started to haemorrhage really badly, blood was just gushing out of me... it was all stations go, i was faint and weak and the doctors surrounded me pumping my stomach to get all the blood clots out and then used my arms as pin cushions to get veins to give me blood... i lost 2 litres of blood which is substantial enough... i couldnt even open my eyes. i could feel and hear but that was it... hubby was sitting in the chair in room and all he could do was watch what was going on... that was such a horrible experience and left me really really weak. when i came to, hubby went down to see kyle, still in special care, waiting for me and he got to do the first feed and change. I didnt get to cuddle him until 8pm and give him his first BFeed. it was so worrying for both of us and i could see it rattled the doctors and midwife.
    Friday night was a long night, i was sore and weak and tired. the nurses took kyle from 1am until 4.45 when he needed another feed but i didnt even get to sleep properly. on the saturday I decided to start bottle feeds as i hadnt the energy for BFeeding, kyle was much more satisfied then and so was i, knowing he was being fed properly. I got home on sunday and its been great, we have our own little routine here now... he feeds almost exactly every 4 hours except when we have lots of visitors and it throws him off kilter a bit but he is mainly a very good baby for 9 days old... i dont know what i ever did without him here... and i think we both are very lucky at what i have come through as it could have been so much worse of an outcome! but lookin forward to lots of fun with our gorgeous little man! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    Congratulations clareames! Hope you're getting lots of rest and being looked after!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,391 ✭✭✭fro9etb8j5qsl2

    Congratulations clareames sounds like you've been through the wars :eek: Hope you're resting up and enjoying your little man :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭marysnow

    Hi all,
    first of all congratulations on all our little arrivals! We are now quite a group :)
    What about meeting up at the end of march?

    Ah, Dori, our little fella finds the hair dryer noise quite comforting (each to their own...), but it seems to have an effect on lots of babies. we use youtube for it, most of the time. Ths,m in particular, seems to work .

    Here we have been through mad times: the baby had lost 14% of his weight and we were sent to ER. They told me to use formula at each feed and the breastfeeding is not going very well now. I am very upset about it and I have had a lactation consultant coming at home. She told me to start to accept the possibility that I might not be able to breastfeed, but we we can give it a last try.

    At this stage, I would be happy to breastfeed him at least twice a day, morning and night, but I truly believe in an incorrect management of all this by the hospital first and the local nurse. I have to admit, even going privately, I did not have a great experience in hospital.

    Anyway, the baby is a joy! It is mad to see how much such a tiny thing has already his own quirks and his own personality. His expressions make me fall in love every second with him. What a journey to get here!!!

    take care and hugs to the little ones :)
