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Due February 2014



  • Registered Users Posts: 20 Lil2010

    Hi all,

    I just want to share this important piece of information with you.

    I had a bit of indigestion over the weekend, we normally use peppermint oil in water as a treatment.

    I was just about to drink it when I said I better Google it to check is safe to drink while pregnant.

    And its not!

    The American Academy of Family Physicians states that peppermint oil can trigger menstruation, the shedding of the lining in a woman’s uterus. This is dangerous for a woman who is already pregnant. It is also potentially toxic when used or inhaled in large doses

    Some of you may know this already but it was big news to me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,622 ✭✭✭Baby01032012

    I just found out my wife is having another baby boy... 5 feb. yay :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    Im having trouble sleeping aswell! normally sleep on my tummy too. Ive no bump yet (15 +4) but the pressure hurts if im on my tummy longer than 30 min ish. Ive to use a pillow to prop myself on my side - husband isnt impressed by the pillow divide on the bed! :)

    might get one of those preggie pillows when im back in ireland in 6 weeks.

    Also has anyone not gained any weight? im a bit worried by that. i lost about 5 lbs in weeks 7-13ish with horrible all day sickness, gained one or 2 lbs back soonish once it settled down. only sick about twice a week now if i do something silly like not eat, or eat too much. its my first pregnancy, and I eat small meals a couple times a day. Ill be asking the doc later today anyway!

    Ive a big scan today, the doc says he might be able to tell the gender :)

    Wish me luck!

  • Registered Users Posts: 20 Lil2010

    Im having trouble sleeping aswell! normally sleep on my tummy too. Ive no bump yet (15 +4) but the pressure hurts if im on my tummy longer than 30 min ish. Ive to use a pillow to prop myself on my side - husband isnt impressed by the pillow divide on the bed! :)

    might get one of those preggie pillows when im back in ireland in 6 weeks.

    Also has anyone not gained any weight? im a bit worried by that. i lost about 5 lbs in weeks 7-13ish with horrible all day sickness, gained one or 2 lbs back soonish once it settled down. only sick about twice a week now if i do something silly like not eat, or eat too much. its my first pregnancy, and I eat small meals a couple times a day. Ill be asking the doc later today anyway!

    Ive a big scan today, the doc says he might be able to tell the gender :)

    Wish me luck!
    Hi Dori dormer, Im sure your weight is fine, its still early, as you said check it with the doc. Every women is different and some women gain weight some dont.
    Im 16weeks+2 days and Im am really showing, I was worried I was showing too much - at one point I was worried I may be having twins but my scan showed just one in there. Im normally small so maybe it just shows more on me.
    Dont be disaapointed but Ive heard its a little early to 100% get the gender right, and that you need to be 18 to 20 weeks to be sure. But good luck with the scan, let us know how you get on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    Im back from my scan!!! :)

    It went great. we were in there for about 30 min total. he measured everything, looked at the heart and brain. did a dvd and pics, and we saw some 3D images but none were good enough to print as his hands were covering his face. He brought us back in an hour later for 10 min to see if he could get a good profile pic, but baby was being stubborn! Saw all his little fingers!

    All healthy and perfect anyway! And moving about a lot just not the direction the doc wanted. :)

    Measurements come in at 16 wks, so pretty accurate.

    Also it was very obviously a BOY! Husbands ecstatic :D

    So now i need to rest cos I feel like someone punched me in the stomach! Doc put a lot of pressure on my stomach trying to get him to move the right way!

    Smiles all round!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    Congrats on your baby boy dori!
    I lost weight in the first trimester with my third pregnancy, but I had really severe morning sickness and was totally turned off a lot of foods like meat and dairy and anything sweet. That baby was over 9lbs at birth so I don't think it has an effect on growth at this stage.

    I'm showing now at 15 weeks. I guess it all knows where to go at this stage. I was biggest with my first (we did a belly cast which I haven't managed to fill on any of the subsequent pregnancies). He had a forward facing placenta which could have had something to do with it....that and a surfeit of magnums!

    I'm feeling less tired and nauseous in the last couple of weeks...roll on the good times! Trying to get some pretty major renovations done in our house atm and I'm praying we can squeeze them into the second trimester. I don't need my third trimester nana naps interrupted by hammering and drilling!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    Lil2010 wrote: »
    Hi all,

    I just want to share this important piece of information with you.

    I had a bit of indigestion over the weekend, we normally use peppermint oil in water as a treatment.

    I was just about to drink it when I said I better Google it to check is safe to drink while pregnant.

    And its not!

    The American Academy of Family Physicians states that peppermint oil can trigger menstruation, the shedding of the lining in a woman’s uterus. This is dangerous for a woman who is already pregnant. It is also potentially toxic when used or inhaled in large doses

    Some of you may know this already but it was big news to me.

    Afaik large amounts of parsley have a similar effect. Used to use both to relieve pmt!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    My nausea has worn off but I'm wrecked all the time! I can only sleep for 4-6 hours at a go really, so was up at 5am, wrecked again at 11 and had to have a nap! :pac:

    Where did you get the cast from? Doc said baby is 145g which is on the biggish side for 16weeks , dad is tall so he could be a big boy !

    Still not showing at all, but I can def see changes in my shape. I've really gone off sweets, especially chocolate which I usually love! No cravings at all yet !

    Back again in 5 weeks for the big 20 week scan and to make sure I'm ok to fly before we move back to ireland!

  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭marysnow

    Hiya, I am still studying the eco-nappies under Rosy's instructions :)
    My nausea is a bitt better, but the reflux is not.

    Lil2010...I am really sorry, but I am not good at manage I end using gaviscon, bicarbonate of soda or rennie. I am so scared I may damage the baby, but the attacks are so severe at times (I had since before the pregnancy a hiatal hernia and it is quite painful as it is). The doc told me that I can use those products, but told me to try to minimise.

    A glass of warm milk before going to bed seems to help, together with 5 pillows :(

    It seems so that many of us are awake at night and exhausted during the day. I am thinking to buy a maternity pillow (Mothercare has one around 50 euro, but I am not sure about I): one thing is certain, after pregnancy pilates I slept like a baby!

    We had a scan last Tuesday and the baby is now 170 grams at 16 weeks...compared to the 145 it seems a giant! But the doc said that is still in the range. Maybe it will be on the high end of the spectrum, but daddy is very tall so it would not surprise me.

    How are you guys doing with food? I am still quite suffering for loads of things I seem unable to eat...but I am starting put weight on :(

    Damn carbs!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    Where did you get the cast from?

    My OH was working in the hospital at the time so he swiped the stuff from the supply cupboard :o ...back in the days of the boom so we didn't feel too bad about ripping off the impoverished health system. I think you can buy kits or just get the stuff in an art shop. It was just cloth bandages and plaster of paris with a shedload of Vaseline underneath. It was really messy and I had to stand around half naked for ages to let it dry so I'd recommend a warm room and lots of plastic sheeting!

    One thing I found great for the heartburn was icecream and ginger biscuits- I found a fancy brand that had bits of crystallised ginger in them and made an icecream sandwich with them...not the healthiest thing in the world.

    I'm putting on weight already...before I got pregnant I was pretty much always watching what I ate which has gone out the window now. I also had to give up a sport which I used to train for about 5hours a week. Still doing some cardio and strength stuff but its not the same.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 98 ✭✭clareames

    hey... first time to post here!! im 17 weeks gone due approx 12th Feb. got 2 different dates. 12th from scan and 16th from Doc. gona go with 16th so I wont be disappointed if I run over... Gone past that first tiredness thank god cos it was awful. I would fall asleep at the desk at work. a little bit more energy now. Im told this is the time when i should be gettin house ready for baby but still not energetic enuf to do all I need to do!! its mad! One question I have is: everyone is asking me has my tummy popped yet? I really dont know. I thought i felt a stretch last week in my lower abdomen and its definitely a bit harder down there but according to others my tummy will just get massive all of a sudden. Im lost!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    clareames wrote: »
    hey... first time to post here!! im 17 weeks gone due approx 12th Feb. got 2 different dates. 12th from scan and 16th from Doc. gona go with 16th so I wont be disappointed if I run over... Gone past that first tiredness thank god cos it was awful. I would fall asleep at the desk at work. a little bit more energy now. Im told this is the time when i should be gettin house ready for baby but still not energetic enuf to do all I need to do!! its mad! One question I have is: everyone is asking me has my tummy popped yet? I really dont know. I thought i felt a stretch last week in my lower abdomen and its definitely a bit harder down there but according to others my tummy will just get massive all of a sudden. Im lost!

    Welcome! 16th is my due date too! :)

    Havent heard about the tummy 'popping'! Is this your first?

    How are you supposed to get your house ready for a baby exactly? Like organise your stuff, or do those odd jobs youve been putting off?
    Once we decided to try again after our miscarriage last year, i did a massive clear out, knowing that id be around 6 months when we would be moving, and didnt want to be lifting/ scrubbing on my knees at that stage. Other than clean the new house, and putting baby stuff in it I cant think of anything else! Or have I got baby brain and am missing something? :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 98 ✭✭clareames

    Thanks dori!!

    Yes this is my first so all very new to me!

    Ha well I do not know! I am decluttering all old clothes I hoped would fit me someday again but in fact if they ever do then they prob be gone out of fashion so i just getting rid of them! made a great start a few weeks ago but I work 6 days a week at the mo and sunday is kinda like my housework/do other things day and so far i couldnt be bothered!!

    How are u feeling? :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    Gawd I hate how people can be so pass remarkable about your appearance when you're pregnant. The tummy 'popping' thing is ridiculous. I don't think there's a definitive '"pop" oh look, now I look like I'm pregnant' moment. Its more gradual but one day you find its more noticeable than before, and then you get to the point where you want to tell people- I'm pregnant, not just tubby! Everyone carries differently and it doesn't necessarily have a bearing on the size of the baby. I was biggest with my first and he was my smallest baby but his placenta was right at the front so it was all out in front.

    As far as 'getting the house ready', we're doing renovations atm and that's something that I'm keen to get over before the last few weeks of the pregnancy and definitely before baby arrives. I suppose if you were hoping to make a dedicated room for baby you might want to get onto organising that.

    Other than that all you need is a few nappies (not too many in newborn size as they grow so quickly and if you have a big baby they might be straight into 0-3mths), somewhere for baby to sleep (if you're not planning on cosleeping), a blanket and/or sleeping bag, a few clothes (I didn't put my newborns in baby grows for the first week because they irritated the cord stump so tops and pants or gowns are good- gowns were great teamed with a vest booties and legwarmers because you can change them without undressing them, most newborns hate getting dressed. Also essential is a hat and at least one pair of scratch mittens in case they come out with long nails and feel the need to pull at their faces.), car seat, some kind of transport (I never really used the buggy for the first three months or so, they're so light a sling did me fine but you might want just one or both), and some cloths. Almost everything else is extra. Changing table- a towel on the bed did me grand. Bath- nothing nicer than having a bath with your baby, or just bathe them in the sink. Wipes- cotton wool and warm water does the job. Toys- totally unnecessary until around 3 months when they can grab things. Especially if its your first you will be coming down with gifts and hand-me-downs from all sorts of random people...people love shopping for babies!

    Some people feel the need to go nuts cleaning their house before the baby comes, I never bothered, sure once there were other kids in the house of school age they're going to be dragging through every germ imaginable, grand for the immune system.

    Tbh if I were working six days a week I would get my OH to do the cleaning or pay a cleaner and spend the seventh day having a good sleep- that's the biggest preparation I'm doing for the baby atm!

  • Registered Users Posts: 98 ✭✭clareames

    Im just wondering is too early to be stocking up on baby supplies like baby grows, bibs etc. I plan on breastfeeding but should i be planning on having some bottles in the house too? does anyone know anything about pumps to express milk? Dont want taking over all the feeds, the hubby could get jealous!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    I think I read somewhere that you have to exclusively breast feed for a while, to get the baby used to breast feeding. If you mix it with bottles from the beginning the baby might well reject the breast and want exclusive bottle. I could be wrong tho! Or I could be mixing up breast feeding and formula!

    I really dont think my hubby will get jealous of the breast feeding! theres no way he wants to be getting up in the middle of the night for a feed, and then head out to work! Im gonna suggest we share the job - Ill feed, then he can burp the baby / mop up any puke :)

    Also he can do nappy changing exclusively when hes home if hed like to bond more! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 98 ✭✭clareames

    ha i was being sarcastic when i said hubby will get jealous! thought if using bottle to feed breast milk then he wont get out of helping!! but i like the sound of him doing the burping etc. He doesnt work every day at his job so I wouldnt expect him to get up the night before he is working... oh and the nappy changing is a plan too!! Thanks for the advice!! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    clareames wrote: »
    Im just wondering is too early to be stocking up on baby supplies like baby grows, bibs etc. I plan on breastfeeding but should i be planning on having some bottles in the house too? does anyone know anything about pumps to express milk? Dont want taking over all the feeds, the hubby could get jealous!!

    If you can at all try to get a lend of a pump to try before you buy- they vary and you want to find one that suits you. My experience with bottles was that I gave my eldest his first bottle of expressed milk at around 6 weeks, when bfing was established and he was always fine with taking the odd bottle if I needed to be somewhere. I didn't try with the other two until way later, post 3months, and neither of them would take a bottle at all. I had a strong milk supply and I used to pump to relieve my breasts if the baby wasn't ready for a feed and they were full and painful. As the babies wouldn't take the bottle I ended up with a freezer full of breast milk- I used it in baking! It's quite sweet and made yummy muffins! Some people use it to thin out baby's first foods but we did baby led weaning so no mush! We went straight from breast to cup with all our kids, I reckon it's easier than weaning to a bottle then weaning from a bottle, although obviously that's necessary if you need to go back to work.

    Personally I wouldn't worry about buying stuff- you'll be given heaps. People love to shop for babies and if you have friends they'll be dying to declutter.

  • Registered Users Posts: 98 ✭✭clareames

    Have any of ye started to buy maternity trousers yet? I need to buy soon but im wondering which wud be more comfy the underbump trousers or over bump? i need to order online as cant get to any of these shops. my belly is startin to get quite big and the pressure down lower is something shocking so im thinking the underbump could dig into that area? any help???

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,391 ✭✭✭fro9etb8j5qsl2

    I bought a pair of under bump jeans in mothercare and they don't cut it at all because the whole front band is made of soft stretchy fabric. Although they are fairly comfy to wear, they are a nightmare to try and keep up and the material at the front has no belt loops :( The over the bump ones look way more practical so I'll defo be picking up a pair of them in the next week :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    I have a pair of harem pants that aren't maternity but are just low slung and they fit nicely under the bump. Any specific maternity stuff that I had was definitely better over the bump- I found the elastic annoying as I got bigger- it made me want to wee all the time! For winter pregnancies I loved dresses with tights- I got some woolly maternity tights in M&S I think it was. They were so much more comfy. I know it's a bit of a fashion faux pas but I'm really keen on some shorty dungarees. I've got some non maternity ones that I'm still wearing atm and I'd love to find some for when I get bigger. So far the only decent ones I've seen are ridiculously expensive...reduced to USD$166.60 plus postage from the states- I really can't justify it for something I'll only get a few months wear from. productimage-picture-the-romper-sale-723.jpg.360x500_q100_crop_upscale.png

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    OK so ive just popped! :)

    10 days ago, no bump to be seen. last week, small bump if you looked close. this week none of my clothes fit me!

    Ahhh! I was trying to hold out on buying maternity clothes til I got back to ireland, cos they are ridiculously expensive here but i think ill have to. I only have a few of my old clothes from when I was bigger but since the scales still says I havent gained any weight, they all fit in the waist but I have a saggy bum! This really should be in the moan thread i suppose!

    To top it all off, this week is my birthday and now I have no nice clothes to wear on my dinner out :(

    I dont like this stage at all.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    I was trying to hold out on buying maternity clothes til I got back to ireland, cos they are ridiculously expensive here but i think ill have to.

    I have hardly any actual maternity clothes, I have a few pairs of shorts and jeans that are low slung that fit under the bump and I'm a fan of harem pants with shirred waists. You can wear them down as pants with the elasticy bit around the bump or as a shorty jumpsuit. Not everyone's style, I know. Also if you're crafty at all you can turn any button side pants or skirt into a maternity version by cutting out a wedge shaped piece of thick elastic and sew some buttons on one side to correspond to the button holes, and put some button holes on the other. I also have heaps of empire line dresses that I just slit the lining of the skirt part which work really well. IMO, unless you have to go to work dressed a certain way most maternity clothes are swizz, too pricey for something that you're only going to get a few months wear out of.

  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭marysnow

    I could not believe my eyes, but my bump too exploded suddenly and quite strongly :)

    I had to run to buy maternity underwear (as all my supported bras were leaving marks on my skin!) and maternity clothes. I bought few items on offer in mothercare, but I am not really happy about the low cut jeans and pants, they are comfortable while you are sitting, but atrocious while walking (I have to keep pulling them up).

    Since, I agree with Rosy, it seems a bit of expense for few months only, I am already buying all things for discrete nursing, so I can make good use of them when the baba will arrive and I feel like I am making a better use of the money.

    Been quite sick lately with coldish flu symptom, my nose is as red as Rudolf's one and I have to stay close to the toilet because whatever I am eating comes up quite soon: got sick 3 times in the last two days :(

    And everyone told me this trimester would have been great! piled up weight, painful walking and still easily exhausted! I hope you are all doing better!


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    Not really! Im exhausted all the time :) But thankfully not on the sleeping schedule I was on before : 4 hours sleep, 4 hours awake, repeat all day! Can definitely take a 1-2 hr nap in the afternoon, every day, and in bed by 9.30 exhausted if I dont manage one!

    I get sick in the morning if I dont get up and eat early enough, or if im stressed a bit. very annoying. think Ive a weak stomach now!

    I wasnt really having trouble with tops fitting, but all of my jeans/ shorts really hurt my stomach! so I bought 2 pairs of maternity trousers in H&M and 2 pairs of shorts all on sale and over the bump. I have dresses and leggings and some loose linens that will do me until I leave Israel in a few weeks.

    I dont really see them as a waste of money cos Ill get 5 months almost continuous wear out of 3 pairs of trousers, and this is my first so hopefully ill be able to reuse on future kids! and then i can pass them on to someone else! I think being preggers during summer would be easier with leggings etc ah well! at least big baggy jumpers are in fashion! :)

    Also I felt movement for the first time this week! felt really weird! I was 18wks +4!! On Sat i sat on my ass for 2 hours just feeling him move - he was going crazy! havent felt him that strongly since, but its early.

    Hope you feel better Mary!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    Feeling lots of movement too, it's so exciting! Baby always seems to wake up when my oh puts his hands on my belly. I've been having to wrestle him off cuddling me in his sleep cause the baby starts kicking like crazy and it wakes me up!

    I've started getting some back pain too- I had a back injury a few years back and it always flares up when I'm pregnant. Will have to start working on the pelvic floor!!

    All in all I'm finding this trimester a lot easier than last. I'm not sick at all anymore and less tired than before. I'm trying to enjoy it/cram it all in while it lasts!

  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭marysnow

    Thanks Dori and being your first as well it must have been so emotional to feel the first kick!
    The ObGyn told us that I will feel the kicks around week 24 as the placenta is on the front, but I am convinced that it is a while that I can feel the baby moving, from the inside, while pressing my hands on the belly. I feel more like a squishy movement of liquid inside, so no real movement, but during each scan the little one was moving like a swimmer, so that has been very emotional too :)

    Yes, you are right for the clothes and I am buying more dresses as they are more comfy be it at work or around.

    Rosy for the back pain, if you can, pilates is helping me a lot. The exercises on the ball and the stretches are a God sent as the whole body feels better after it! Did you feel back pain for the other pregnancies as well? Did you have any massage? I was thinking to give it a try.

    Today it is three years we are married and a movie and a take away will be the most romantic celebration I could dream of, with little baba on its way :)

    And life starts in full speed again, the college starts tomorrow and I am sure all those commitments will make the next 4 months flying! When are you coming back from Israel, Dori?

    Take care girls :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    We come home to rainy Ireland in 2 and a half weeks! :(

    Feeling the baby move for the first time really was amazing - I thought I was imagining it as I was told 20 weeks on the first but its such a weird sensation I knew it cant be anything else! And it happened on my bday! Lunch time is his favorite time to move, and my hubby felt a little bit last night.

    I have some back aches too, think its because im off balance with the weight in the front and Im not compensating well. Might try and look up a preggy pilates class or something when im home.

    I stupidly went walking around in 32 degree heat yesterday and fainted! Very nice lady in the market gave me her chair before I hit the ground, must be more careful!

  • Registered Users Posts: 10 BeanieBuddy

    I got a few things in H&M and New Look, and a friend of mine loaned me a bunch of her maternity gear (lucky me - we're the same size).

    Started to feel movement just at 19 weeks - my little one seems to be opposite of yours Rosy Posy - he/she will kick away until I put my hand on my belly, then baba totally settles down! The OH has felt about 3 kicks in two weeks - funnily enough the first one was a kick to the face, because he had his head resting on my bump! :D

    How many of you are going to find out the gender? We have the "big scan" tomorrow and should know very soon!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    How many of you are going to find out the gender? We have the "big scan" tomorrow and should know very soon!

    We had a big scan at 15 weeks, 3D and everything. Saw very clearly ours is a boy! Finding out has given me peace of mind and focus. Also I think its really helped me bond with him. I was finding it really had calling him 'it' or 'the baby' it just felt so detached. Maybe on others ill want the surprise!
