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  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,136 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522

    Back to training this week, starting with an interval session. Up to now I've done 400m intervals but with the half marathon coming up I've gone for 800m intervals.

    I started with 1 mile warm up followed by 8x800m with 200m recovery. A good start to the week and helps shake off the cobwebs.

    Date 27/08/2013
    Session: Interval training
    Distance: 5.98 Miles
    Time: 59:52
    Avg HR: 152


    1 mile warmup@9:18


    1. 3.43.2
    2. 3.54.4
    3. 3.55.4
    4. 3.53.1
    5. 3:55.7
    6. 3.52.9
    7. 3.52.1
    8. 3.46.6

    I was aiming for 4 mins or under per repeat so that worked out ok.

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,136 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522

    I got out again tonight for an easy 7 miles, legs feeling pretty tired after the intervals yesterday. Half Marathon is 3 weeks from Saturday so just trying to build up some mileage between now and then.

    Hopefully get another easy run as well as a long run in before the week is out.

    I got keys to my new house today so running may need to take a back seat while I move house.

    Date: 28/08/2013
    Session: Easy Run
    Distance: 7.43m
    Pace: 9:26 m/m
    Avg HR 157


  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,136 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522

    So I've been moving house and not updating the training log.

    During the initial move I did miss a few sessions, I had intended on another easy run last Friday and a long run over the weekend but I had literally no time to myself so that didn't happen.

    This week I got back into it, going for an easy run on Monday, a Tempo on Wednesday and another easy run yesterday (Thursday).

    The plan for here is a long run on Saturday evening and next week to try and get about 35 miles in before easing off the following week for the Half Marathon that Saturday.

    Best laid plans and all that.

    Weekly Totals for last Week:

    Distance: 13.41 Miles
    Time: 2:09:55

    Pretty poor but I only managed 2 sessions that week.

    August Totals:

    Distance: 101 miles
    Time: 16:05:31

    August was my best training month so far, over 100 miles for the first time, previous best was 74 miles in June.

    Date: 02/09/2013
    Session: Easy Run
    Distance: 5.95m
    Pace: 9:40 m/m
    Avg HR 148


    Date: 04/09/2013
    Session: Tempo Run
    Distance: 5:00m
    Time: 44:03
    Pace: 8:48m/m
    Avg HR 162
    Lap Times : 9:15, 8:35, 8:35, 8:25, 9:11


    Date: 05/09/2013
    Session: Easy Run
    Distance: 7.10m
    Pace: 9:25 m/m
    Avg HR 154


  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,136 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522

    The intended to do a long run this morning. I decided to run on empty to see how i got on. Pace was 9.50/mile.

    All was going well until around 8.5 miles when I started to feel a bit of pain in my knee. sometimes i get a bit of pain that passes after a mile or so, but today it just got worse. At around 10.5 miles I decided it wasn't worth the risk of doing some damage by continuing so I decided to call it a day at that stage. It's disappointing as I haven't done a long run since before the Frank Dufy 10 mile. Hopefully next weekend I'll be able to go over the half distance prior to the race.

    Given we are only 2 weeks away from the half I hope that it is not going to be a persistent injury that is going to affect me. I'm hoping that a day or 2 rest will sort it out.

    Date: 08/09/2013
    Session: Long run
    Distance: 10.52m
    Pace: 9:52 m/m
    Avg HR 149


    Weekly totals:

    Distance 28.58 Miles
    Time: 4:32:17

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,136 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522

    Pretty nice steady run at lunch time today, probably faster than what I'll aim for in the half. Felt pretty good and I threw in a few hills to keep things interesting.

    No sign of the knee pain that bothered me on the weekend. Finding it hard to find the time at the moment so a short run at lunch was a good compromise.

    I'll attempt some interval work this week too but a long run on the weekend will be the most important session before the race on Saturday week.

    Date: 10/09/2013
    Session: Steady Run with Hills
    Distance: 5.15m
    Pace: 8:47 m/m
    Avg HR 159


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  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,136 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522

    Easy Paced run this evening, went well, enjoyed the run except for the rain which wasn't so much fun but wasn't all that bad either.

    Date: 12/09/2013
    Session: Easy Paced Run
    Distance: 8.38 miles
    Duration: 1:18:34
    Pace: 9:23 m/m
    Avg HR: 151


  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,136 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522

    Managed to fit in some intervals at lunch time yesterday. I was hoping to do 10x800m but given time was limited I had to settle for 8.

    This time next week the half marathon will be in the rear view mirror, so important to get the sessions in now while I can.

    Date: 13/09/2013
    Session: 8x800m intervals with 200m recovery
    Distance: 6.45miles

    1 mile warm up @ 8:45

    0.5mile cool down @ 4:34

    800 Times:

    1. 3.53
    2. 3:51
    3. 3:48
    4. 3:50
    5. 3:51
    6. 3:48
    7. 3:48
    8. 3:42

    Avg HR: 151
    Max HR: 175

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,136 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522

    Things are going badly. I went out for a long run on Sunday, weather was bad but there is something very satisfying about running in the rain.

    Similar to the previous weeks long run m knee was giving trouble. I fear I have neglected core and strength work for far too long and it may cost me the half Marathon I've been training for.

    The first 6 or 7 miles were ok, around 7 miles in I started to feel a bit of pain but decided to soldier on through. At about 7.5 miles I stopped to stretch out and got going again, the pain soon returned and in particular on the downhill sections it was pretty unbearable. I carried on though and I was able to keep going though it was tough. At around 10 miles I stopped to walk down some steps and then really noticed how bad it had gotten. I tried to get going again but could not really and had to give up and walk home in the rain.

    Things are not looking good at all for Saturday. All I can do is keep the training to a minimum this week, do some exercises and stretches during the week and hope for the best on Saturday.

    The run here was in Kilkenny!!

    Date: 15/09/2013
    Session: Long Run
    Distance 10.27 Miles
    Duration: 1:40:44
    Avg Pace: 9:48 m/m
    Avg HR: 145


    Weekly Totals:

    Distance 30.24 Miles
    Duration: 4:45:57

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,136 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522

    Short Tempo this evening in the rain, just keeping things ticking over with a relatively quick 3 miles.

    Various injuries stood up ok to it. I'll try 3 more miles tomorrow and that will be it until Saturday. Also my runners let in water in the rain so they need replacing !!

    Date: 17/09/2013
    Session: Short Tempo
    Distance: 3.01m
    Duration: 24:57
    Avg pace: 8:18m/m
    Avg HR: 157


    Lap Times: 8:39, 7:40, 8:34

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,136 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522

    Last Session before the race was yesterday lunchtime, again a short run, 3 miles, easy pace but with 6 strides of about 150 m built in.

    My Knee is still giving me trouble and I'm not real confident of finishing on Saturday. Anyway:

    Date: 19/09/2013
    Session: Easy Run with 6 Strides
    Distance: 3.01m
    Duration: 26:31
    Pace: 8:49 m/m
    Avg HR: 154


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  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,136 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522

    First thing to say is that it is very sad that there was a fatality out on the course yesterday, thoughts and prayers go out to the family.

    Speaking about my own race, I knew i had a bit of an injury going into the race and that is what was most on my mind at the start.

    I was targeting a sub 2 hour time and felt that this was quite achievable.

    I started out well, first mile in 8:48. The second mile was slower in 9:21 so I knew I would have to pick the pace back up again.

    Around 2.5 miles in my knee started to act up, this was very worrying as previously I would get to about 7 miles before having any issues.

    At this stage I didn't think I had any chance of finishing the race so I began to set myself small targets, e.g make it the water station at 3.5, back to th start area, next water station etc.

    I promised myself I would struggle through as much as possible and not give up until i was literally unable to run. I also decided that if I could make it to mile 10 that would make it to the finish.

    Anyway the third mile was a bit of a struggle but the time was good 9:02. After the water station I started to feel a bit better and the next 2 miles were not too bad but still feeling the pain and worrying about finishing.

    I really started to feel the heat around farmleigh and was hanging on for the water at mile 7. I struggled on through there and shortly afterwards I saw a girl take a nasty fall when she ran straight into a traffic cone on the side on the course. I stopped for a moment but she seemed to be ok so I pushed on.

    Shortly after this I came across a guy being attended to by medics at the footpaths on the way back down chesterfield. When we came to the road there was a Garda stopping runners to let the ambulance get up to Chesterfield avenue, but that was too much for one guy who decided his race was more important and he ran out in front delaying the ambulance somewhat.

    Mile 8 was slower at 9:25 but I managed to up the pace afterwards and put in 2 quick ones at miles 9 and 10. I found the section where you leave the park and come back in the be the toughest and I'm pretty sure I was running with a limp at this point.

    The race up to this point had really taken a lot out of me so i slowed to a walk at the final water station while drinking the water before pushing on up the hill at military road. This was where the ambulance guys were treating the cardiac victim, after seeing this I would never run a race with headphones on as you just can't hear what is going on and a few people were oblivious to calls to keep to the right.

    Anyway my walk through the water station and the subsequent hill meant my mile time suffered, clocking in at 9:50 for mile 11. I still had a chance at sub 2 hours but would need 2 quick miles.

    The next mile was tough but I managed it 9:00 flat, in retrospect that was probably a mistake as on the final mile or so I had nothing left really and was just on auto pilot. I again slowed to a walk for a while but managed to get back running for the last half mile. Mile 13 was a pitiful 10:28 and any thoughts of hitting my goal time were now gone.

    I pretty much stumbled over the line in 2:02:23. Disappointed and happy at the same time. Delighted to finish given some of the struggles I had out on the course but ultimately disappointed now to finish the race in under 2 hours.

    I think the injury didn't impact my time too much, but not being able to get out for any runs longer than 10 miles over the last month certainly did. The training went so well up to the 10 mile race but the injury prevented me from pushing on from there.

    I don't know where to go from here as all the training as been gearing up to this race. Time to take stock I guess.

    I'll take a few days off and then maybe run the Rathfarnham 5k next Sunday.

    Date: 21/09/2013
    Session: Dublin Half Marathon
    Distance 13.28m
    Time: 2:02:34
    Avg Pace: 9:14m/m
    Avg HR: 167


    Weekly totals:

    Distance 19.30 miles
    Time: 2:54:02

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,136 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522

    Well I'm back, I don't know why I continue this log as a. I don't think anyone reads it and b. I have already progessed from beginner to Half Marathon. Ok I missed my target time but overall the log as served it's purpose.

    Perhaps i should start a new log, but for that I'll need a new goal. For the moment I have the Rathfarnham 5km on Sunday which I'm looking forward to even though I'll struggle to put in a great time it will at least be something fun to do on Sunday morning and keep me out of the pub on Saturday night. Well it might keep me out of the pub.

    I still have a concern about my injury so once the 5km is done I may take a short break for a few weeks before starting back and maybe having a go at the Clontarf HM in November. One more chance this year to go sub 2 hours.

    Finally I've been thinking for a while about a new pair of running shoes, as there is about 500 miles in my current pair of Saucony's. I asked the advice of a friend on if I should get a new pair. He said the correct amount of pairs of running shoes you should own is always N+1 where N is the amount of pairs you currently own.

    Good advice so I'm off to amphibian king in ballymount tomorrow night.

    Anyway I decided some 400m intervals would help to prepare me for the 5km on the weekend, the interval times were a bit all over the place but in the end I'm happy I got through them. I had intended on doing 12 but had to settle for 10.

    Date: 25/09/2013
    Session: 10x400m with 1 min Recovery
    Total Distance 2.85 Miles+1 Mile Warmup
    Duration: 36:27
    Avg HR: 156

    400m times:
    1. 1:36.5
    2. 1:44.4
    3. 1:43.1
    4. 1:44.8
    5. 1:50.2
    6. 1:49.1
    7. 1:53.4
    8. 1:52.5
    9. 2:04.5
    10. 1:56


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad

    Firstly well done on HM - I know you missed out on your target but nothing wrong with that on such a tough course on a very tough day.

    I follow your log - so at least one is reading it so definitely keep it up :D - maybe change the title though.

    Clontarf sounds like a good target - its eight weeks away so plenty of times to improve... pick a plan and stick to that and you should see your target being achieved - Clontarf is nice and flat too so will be easier than the park..

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,136 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522

    Thanks, good to know people are reading. Pity about the HM but for whatever reason I felt in much better shape for the 10 mile than the half.

    Anyway I'd like to give Clontarf a go but I'll make that decision over the next few weeks.

    Need to see a physio at some point too...

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,136 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522

    Thoroughly enjoyable 5km race in Rathfarnham this morning. Great weather and good atmosphere about the place.

    I hadn't done a 5 KM race since my very first race so didn't really have a time to aim for, decided to head out fast-ish and try and maintain that.

    Worked pretty well, consistent KM times and able to pick it up for the last 500 meters or so.

    Finished in 23:39, which I was happy with and will give me something to aim for this time.

    first race with new Saucony Omni 12's. Felt good and no knee trouble, hopefully the change of shoes will make a difference.

    That's the last of my races for the time being, first time since January I'm not registered for an upcoming race.

    Date: 29/09/2013
    Session: Rathfarnham AC 5km
    Distance 5.03km
    Time: 23:38
    Avg Pace: 4:42/km
    Avg HR: 169
    Max HR: 184


    Lap Times:

    1. 4:45
    2. 4:45
    3. 4:48
    4. 4:43
    5. 4:32

    Weekly Totals:

    Distance: 6.97 Mies
    Time: 1:00:06

    Monthly Totals:

    Distance: 85:09
    Time: 13:12:22

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,136 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522

    My blog from last year detailed my journey from a novice runner to an attempt at the Dublin Half Marathon in September.

    I was aiming for sub 2 hours and came up short, coming home in 2:02, partially due to messing up my pacing and partially due to dealing with a niggle on the day.

    Over the course of the year I ran my first 10k, 5 mile, and set a PB at 5km later in the year.

    For this year I would like to have a go at the full marathon with an aspirational goal of under 4 hours. I think it's a reasonable target as it is challenging yet achievable.

    Along the way I would like to improve on my PB's listed below.

    My first race of 2014 will be the BHAA 10K in the K Club on 12th April.

    Wish me luck, I'll need it as I've done little to nothing since November.

    Distance | Current PB |Goal
    5k|23:39 | 22:00
    5 Milke/8k| 44:22 | 40:00
    10k| 51:51 | 50:00
    10 Mile|1:29:39 | 1:28:00
    Half Marathon|2:02:23|1:55:00

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,136 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522

    Look at me with a fancy table and everything.

    Sunday 09/02/2014

    3.8 Miles, 10:06 m/m.

    Pretty tough start, only way is up from here.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,685 ✭✭✭Darren 83

    adrian522 wrote: »
    Look at me with a fancy table and everything.

    Sunday 09/02/2014

    3.8 Miles, 10:06 m/m.

    Pretty tough start, only way is up from here.

    Best of luck with the log what plan will you be following for DCM, it will be a target of mine this year

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,136 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522

    No idea, really, I'll see where I am in a few months, and I'll probably look for suggestions at that point.

    What plan will you follow?

    For the half last year it was the HH intermediate with some changes to put in more long runs at the weekend.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,685 ✭✭✭Darren 83

    Probably one off hals plans, did my clubs plans and got injured put me out all together.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,297 ✭✭✭SamforMayo

    Darren 83 wrote: »
    Probably one off hals plans, did my clubs plans and got injured put me out all together.

    Good luck with your goals! There will probably be a novice s thread with a plan on here, I followed it last year and it was great, both the plan and the advice available.

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,136 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522


    3.8 miles @ 10.2 m/m

    Well it's not getting any easier, the runs are a bit of a struggle at the moment, wind and snow didn't help either. Hopefully the fitness will start to come back before too long !!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,824 ✭✭✭vitani

    Ah, it will. I was out for about four weeks late last year and my first run back was absolutely horrible. It took a good few weeks but the fitness was still there, and came back quite easily in the end.

    Just keep it at an easy pace and don't make big jumps in your weekly mileage too quickly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,297 ✭✭✭SamforMayo

    adrian522 wrote: »

    3.8 miles @ 10.2 m/m

    Well it's not getting any easier, the runs are a bit of a struggle at the moment, wind and snow didn't help either. Hopefully the fitness will start to come back before too long !!

    Don't panic, build up slowly, this weather would make anyone struggle

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,136 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522

    Will do, I was just checking my times from this time last year and it was something similar, I was probably in a worse position if anything.

    At least I can now say I've run in the snow. And with less hilarious results than that deadspin video.

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,136 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522


    4.17 Miles @ 10.28

    There seems to be a recurring theme to my runs, when I leave the weather is calm blue skies etc. Within 10 mins gale force head winds and either sleet or snow.

    Also how can the wind be against me on the way out and the way back?

    Anyway, another good session with some strength and core work at the end. Enjoying the lunchtime runs, gives me more free time in the evening for sitting on my sofa.

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,136 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522


    5.2 miles @ 10.32 m/m

    Good weather today for a change. The start of this run was a bit of a struggle, I was probably dehydrated or something but I felt very weak for a time and felt like giving up after about 1.5 miles. I decided to push on and went on to run over my target distance of 5 miles. Didn't set any land speed records but that's not the point at this stage.

    That's my week done, after starting on Sunday, I got out 3 times this week, so happy with that. Hopefully I'll be able to up the milage a bit next week but still no thoughts of doing anything other than easy miles at this stage. Intervals, Hills and tempo runs can wait.

    Weekly totals:

    13.17 miles - 2:17:40 - time

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,136 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522


    5.45 miles @ 10:28 m/m

    I'm starting to enjoy the sessions a bit more now, tonight was the first run where I was able to go in short sleeves and that felt good to be honest, even if I did get very wet halfway through.

    My pace is still about the same but my HR is way down on last week indicating that my easy runs are getting a bit easier. Today was also the first time I finished a session and felt I still had more in the tank if necessary.

    I still get a bit of soreness in the knee area so I may just go to the physio to get some advice there.

    On another note I've managed to get tickets for France v Ireland in Paris next month so that should be a fun weekend and set my progress right back !!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,297 ✭✭✭SamforMayo

    adrian522 wrote: »

    5.45 miles @ 10:28 m/m

    I'm starting to enjoy the sessions a bit more now, tonight was the first run where I was able to go in short sleeves and that felt good to be honest, even if I did get very wet halfway through.

    My pace is still about the same but my HR is way down on last week indicating that my easy runs are getting a bit easier. Today was also the first time I finished a session and felt I still had more in the tank if necessary.

    I still get a bit of soreness in the knee area so I may just go to the physio to get some advice there.

    On another note I've managed to get tickets for France v Ireland in Paris next month so that should be a fun weekend and set my progress right back !!
    Good stuff! and sure one weekend wont set you back at all

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  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,136 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522


    4.8 Miles @ 10.18 m/m

    Nice run at lunchtime today. Great weather and pleasant run. My HR monitor informed my that my HR hit 101% of my max so something obviously wrong there.

    Trying to be good and also doing some core and strengthening work in order to help prevent knee problems. Hoping for the best in that regard.

    Hopefully get another one or 2 runs in this week and try to vary the sessions a bit from next week.
