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ChAos & PAIN



  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭Sea The Starz



    85kg 3x3
    60kg 3x10


    120kg 3x3

    Legs were taking the piss, so I said **** you legs and done hill sprints after this, haven't been able to walk since.


    Weighted Chin

    35kg 5x3

    BW 6x10 (wide, narrow, normal)

    Pushups 20x3

    1 arm DB Row

    32kg 2x10 per arm

    BB Curls

    Bar 3x12


    Strict OH Press

    Bar x5
    40 x 3
    50 x 2
    55 x 1
    60 x 1
    65 - FAIL x2 fcuksticks

    50 5x3

    Partial Rollouts


    BTN Push Press

    40kg 3x12

    Farmers Walks - 3 rounds

    Bodybuilding stuff to finish.

    Got 62.5 about 6 weeks ago on oh press so a bit disappointed not getting 65. Got it about 5 inches off my chest and stalled both times. BTN presses feel a little uncomfortable, will have to work a bit on shoulder mobility.

    Have some specific goals I want by Halloween

    20 chins - should get this pretty soon
    50kg weighted chin
    rollout full extension
    70kg OH press
    100kg paused bench
    120kg paused squat
    180kg deadlift (might push this out till Christmas considering I only have 145kg worth of weight)
    Do a muscle up
    Learn how to front squat grip.
    Abstain from **** till Christmas

    Can't think of anything else really- will update it if I think of anything else.

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭Sea The Starz



    Explosive 5x3
    20kg 5x3

    Partial Rollouts



    3X10 (wide,narrow,neutral)

    1 arm DB Row

    36kg 2x10 per arm

    Face Pulls


    BB Curls


    Explosive pull ups are to help with achieving the muscle up. I start from a dead hang and get my chest to the bar as fast as possible, which involves using legs - I don't swing like those crossfit donkeys.

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭Sea The Starz


    Bench Press

    85kg 15x1 (paused)


    BW 3x15

    Farmers Walks

    40kg per hand x 2 rounds

    Face Pulls


    Finisher Pushups

    Felt good today, bench is definightly improving. Enjoying the paused singles, took 60 sec rest between sets, will try for 92.5kg next week.

    The similarities between me and Patrick Bateman are slightly disturbing. Obessesed with our skin, inferiority complex, jealousy issues and homicidal thoughts :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭Sea The Starz



    85kg 7x2
    80kg 3x3
    60kg 1x10


    60kg x5
    90kg x3
    110kg x3
    120kg x2
    130kg x2
    140kg x1
    145kg 5x1

    Rollout Progressions


    Finisher KB swings x50

    Squats still muck but have accepted it and need to be patient. Need more weight for deadlifts, getting bored with 145, definitely feel I have 160 at least in me.


    Explosive Pullups


    Weighted Chins

    37.5kg 5x3

    Partial Rollouts


    BW Chins

    3x10 (wide, narrow, netural)
    2x8 (wide, narrow)

    1 arm DB Rows

    31kg- 1x15 per arm
    1x12 per arm

    BB Curls

    Bar 3x12

    Hornier than a peado in a primary school the last few days and feeling strong. Weighted Chins felt uber easy considering I've never done 5x3 with that weight. As i said super horny and training gives me that release, just finished the workout today and already really looking forward to training tomorrow. Definitely think the energy is due to getting at least 8hrs sleep a night, high protein diet and abstinence, so will try to keep it up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭Sea The Starz


    Weighted Dips

    35kg 5x3

    Bench Press

    70kg 5x5
    60kg 1x10

    OH Press

    40kg 5x5

    Face Pulls 3x15


    Pyramid down from 15 to 5 reps. Total Reps 110



    Back Snapz

    60 x 3
    100 x 2
    140 x 1
    160 x 1

    Went to the college gym today, but was in a rush and had literally 5 mins to go to gym so didn't even change and lifted in jeans. There was no rest once i finished a set i put on extra plates and lifted. I was sweating and breathing heavily for the 160 and considering the most I've ever lifted was 145 before this, it wasn't exactly great preparation. Got it up ok, felt heavy and the form was sooo bad my back started feeling sore straight away.

    At my home gym - back is fairly tender so went light


    60kg 3x10

    Split Squat

    Bar 3x12

    Wall Squats 3x 30sec holding 2x10kg plates

    Walking Lunges

    Bar x loads

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  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭Sea The Starz


    Explosive Pull Ups

    5X3 - chest to bar

    Weighted Pull Ups

    20kg 5x3

    1 Arm Roes for the Hoes

    38.5kg 3 x 10

    Chins for the Minge

    BW 3 X 10 (wide, narrow, neutral)

    Face Pulls


    Curls for the Gurls

    Bar - to arm orgasm

    I still love Ross Enamait - can't think of many people who could be a top class strongman, powerlifter, bodybuilder, boxer, ninja warrior and crossfitter, all at the same time. Would love to see him focus on powerlifting, he'd post a serious total.

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭Sea The Starz


    Bench Press -paused

    Bar x10
    60kg x 3
    70kg x 3
    80kg x 2
    87.5kg x 1
    92.5kg x 1 PR

    70kg 2 x 5


    BW X 20, 15, 10

    Farmers Walks

    40kg per hand x 3 rounds

    BTN Presses

    30kg 3 x 10

    Face Pulls


    Finisher Pushups

    PB was a grinder, thought it would be easier as 87.5 felt easy. I got it 8 inches off my chest and stalled for a second or two, and kind of forgot about leg drive so twinged my already sore back. Got it up eventually, I have no spotter, and because I pause on the chest I have to set safety bars below my chest so it was a case of get it up or be pinned.

    Bench has increased 7.5kg in about 2 months which is more than it did for all last year, was thinking putting on weight has caused this but I'm still 80kg on a fat day, so it must be my new patented training program :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭Sea The Starz



    80kg 3x3
    75kg 3x3
    70kg 3x3


    60kg x5
    90kg x3
    110kg 3x3

    Wall Squat

    20kg 2x1 min (max tension)


    60kg 3x12

    Walking Lunges

    30kg x loads

    Finisher bw squats x50


    Explosive pull ups


    Weighted Chins

    BW x5
    10kg x 5
    20kg x 3
    30kg x 2
    35kg x 1
    40kg x 1
    45kg x 1
    50kg x 1

    BW 6x10 (2x wide, narrow, neutral)

    1 arm DB Rows

    40kg 2x7
    26kg 1x15

    BB Curls

    30kg 2 x 8
    20kg 2 x 12

    Sat :Leg day was depressing as usual, nothing new there. Went light on the deadlifts trying to get form up to speed, went slow down on rdls so had doms in my upper back on sunday. Trying contrast showers every morning, don't know if they do anything but it's refreshing at least

    Sun: Achieved my goal of 50kg weighted chin, technically a PR by virtue of the fact I've never tried a max in it before. If I didn't have doms in my back I'd say I could have got 55kg so new goal is 60kg by Halloween. If I can nail 60kg that would be a bit over 75% of bw so might start looking toward training for a 1 arm chin up (never thought I'd say that).

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭Sea The Starz


    OH Press

    50kg 7 x 3

    Weighted Dips

    30kg 4 x 5

    Farmers Walks

    3 trap shocking rounds

    1 arm DB Bench Press

    31kg 3 x 7

    BTN Presses

    Bar till it burned

    From Jamie Lewis's facebook page:

    After watching Aftershock last night, here is how I think Eli Roth would deliver a bedtime story to a 6 year old little girl:

    Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess who lived in an awesome castle made of marshmallows. Everyone loved the princess, and always remarked that her pretty pink ruffled dress covered in sparkles made her the prettiest woman in all of the land. Everyone loved everyone and they ate cookies and no one got fat.

    Then, one day, for no reason whatsoever, a bunch of semi-retarded convicts showed up and gang raped the princess, and then cut her up with broken bottles and ate her skin and plucked out her eyes and peed in her eyeholes. Then, they tore off her pretty pink dress and took a **** on the floor and wiped their asses with the pretty pink dress, and everyone remarked how good the sparkles felt on their buttholes. Then, a friendly lumberjack showed up to save the day, and he hacked all of the tards to death with his axe and made a cool tower out of their bodies, but just when the princess thought she was saved, the lumberjack raped her eyeholes and ate her brain raw while ****ing his own ass with the severed limbs of the retards, all the while laughing about how stupid the princess was.

    Then, out of nowhere, MS13 showed up and shot and stabbed and raped the lumberjack, who was sleeping because he was full and sated from his day. MS13 is stupid though, so they wandered off and got lost and fell down a well that caught fire and exploded and the fire raped everyone.

    Everyone else thought they were safe, but then a a rape asteroid from a demon dimension showed up covered in huge penises and rolled over the entire Earth, raping everyone to death and people exploded for no reason and severed heads flew like birds through the air and ate the birds who were raping some insects and everyone died and no one lived and the whole world is filled with rapists and explosions and exploding rapists.

    The end.

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭Sea The Starz



    85kg 5x2
    80kg 3x3


    60 X 5
    90 X 3
    110 X 3
    130 7x1

    Roll Out Partials


    Wall Squat

    20kg 2x1 minute

    KB Swings

    26kg x 50

    Considering chopping my legs off as they're so useless, absorbing nutrients that my upper body could put to good use.


    EXPLOSIVE!! pull ups


    Weighted Pull Ups

    25kg 3x3

    Weighted Chins

    40kg 5x2

    BW Pull Ups


    BW Chins


    1 arm rows

    35kg 2x8, 1x12

    BB Curls

    30kg 2x8
    20kg x 12

    Haven't trained weighted pull ups as much as chins, they feel weird once my shoulder is in line with my elbow, I feel like it's grip and shoulder that take over.

    The chins felt good, going a bit heavier as need to strengthen the tendons and elbow joint, as don't want to rush it and get tendonitis. Sad state of affairs when your weighted chin is getting close to your squat.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭Sea The Starz


    Bench Press

    80kg 8x3 paused

    Partial Roll Outs



    BW 5x12

    Farmers Walks

    3 Rounds

    Face Pulls 3x15 supersetted with
    Pushups 25,15,10

    Bench felt better the more sets I did. I don't know how people train without listening to mp3 player, and, if training heavy I don't know how they don't listen to metal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭Sea The Starz



    70kg 4x7 paused, 1x17 not paused

    Wall Squat

    30kg 2x1 min hold

    Partial Rollouts



    80kg 3x10

    KB Swings

    26kg x50


    Explosive Pull Ups


    Weighted Chins

    35kg 5x3

    Weighted Pull Ups

    20Kg 3x4

    BW Chins

    5x10 various grips

    DB Rows

    40kg 2x8, 1x10

    BB Curls

    30kg 2x8
    Bar x12

    Will do a push day after leg day as I generally have doms in my back from deadlifting or variation thereof. As a result of doms today didn't overdo it. Need to build a ramp and put it against safety pins for rollouts as I'm stalling at the mo. Some acne starting to come back,not happy, might have a rage day this week ie smash the **** out of tyres with sledgehammer and smash the **** out of heavybag with my fist.

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭Sea The Starz


    Bench Press

    70kg 5x5 paused

    Weighted Dips

    35kg x 5,4,5,5,5 - I have no idea why I decided to do 4 on the 2nd set.

    Partial Rollouts


    Farmers walk

    3 rounds

    BTN Presses

    35kg 2x10
    20kg x 15

    Finsher BTN Presses with empty bar with pushups and face pulls. Some of the BTN presses were strict whereas some were push presses. Went to a local shopping centre and I would have let it rot in about 90% of the women there, it's been over a month since jerkin the gherkin, and my standards have dropped to the floor....looks at sheep out the window.

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭Sea The Starz



    72.5kg 4x7 paused, 1x13 not paused

    Wall Squat

    30kg 2x1 mins hold- so horrible but once you stand up it's grand


    90kg x10,8,6

    Face Pulls


    KB Swings X50

    Did a few rollouts aswell, quads were fried after wall squats so I lied down on the bench in a decline position, some sick came up my throat and out through my nose, stung like a beatch. Had a couple more reps in me on the last set of squats but didn't want to go to failure. I need to gain weight, sittin at about 78kg and 6ft 1 so gonna gorge on cashew nuts from dunnes, 600cal a pack so should do the trick.

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭Sea The Starz


    Bench Press- paused

    85kg 5x2
    82.5kg 3x2


    BW 3x15

    Farmers Walks

    2 rounds

    BTN Presses

    30kg 3x10

    Pushups and Facepulls aswell


    Explosive Pull Ups


    Weighted Chins

    bw x5
    10kg x5
    20kg x5
    30kg x3
    40kg x2
    45kg - 6x1

    Pull Ups/Chins

    5 wide grip pull ups with 5 narrow grip chins x 5 sets

    1 arm DB Rows

    38.5kg 4x8 per hand

    BB Curls

    30kg 2x8
    Bar - till I could nah lift it no more

    Felt a bit lethargic the last couple of days, probably could have done with a deload week, but got through a decent bit of work and hopefully will stand to me.

    Some gold from Glen MacCharles:

    So this asshole came to my house wanting a donation to some charity or another. The planet. The kids. The animals. Cancer. Whatever.
    I told him "Listen, you ****! Don't you know Ben Affleck is going to be Batman? There are actual problems in this world, numbnuts. Serious problems!"
    And he was all like "But... But..."
    So I knocked a few of his teeth out and kicked him around the yard for a while until my legs got tired. When the police arrived later I explained the whole situation and they arrested him immediately. One less scumbag on the streets.

    Decided to do a burnout bench set with a light weight - video is below:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭Sea The Starz



    75kg 4X7 paused
    75kg 1x15 not paused

    Partial Roll Outs


    Wall Squats

    30kg 2x1 mins


    70kg 3x10

    KB Swing X50


    Weighted Dips

    37.5kg 5x3

    Bench - paused

    70kg- 4x5, 1x7

    Farmers Walks

    3 rounds

    BTN Presses

    30kg x10,8,8

    Face Pulls

    Probably need a deload as last two sessions were harder than they should have been.... but I will keep going and just eat and sleep more. Hopefully the "no brain, no gain" saying isn't really true.

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭Sea The Starz


    Explosive Pull Ups


    Weighted Chins

    BW x5
    10kg x5
    20kg x5
    30kg x3
    40kg x2
    45kg x1
    52.5kg x1 PR

    Pull Ups/Chins

    5 wide grip pullups and 5 close grip chins x3

    1 arm DB Row

    36kg 2x10

    Curls - who cares

    Again felt a bit stale today, couldn't even get a semi listening to porn and doing curls. 52.5 chin felt good, no pressure on the elbow, hopefully 55 won't be a problem. This song got me through the workout, the first 30seconds of it just enrages me... I don't know why. Rest day today thank christ

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭Sea The Starz


    77.5kg 4x5 paused, 1x10 not

    Partial Rollout



    90kg 3x8

    Wall Squat

    30kg 2x1mins

    KB SwingsX50

    I'm giving up back squatting as I don't know what I'm doing. I need to get a PT or someone who knows what there doing to sort me out as I'm pretty sure I'm doing everything wrong. I get crushed under any sort of weight and It just doesn't feel comfortable, from bar position to mobility to pushing knees out its just one huge clusterfuck. Having the posture of the Hunchback of Notre Dame doesn't help either, just can't keep a straight back for squats or deads. So I'm going to focus on pistols and will continue with the other leg work I am doing. Will also finish leg day with some proper conditioning ie hill sprints or a circuit from Ross Enamait.

    I have no idea how many things I'm doing wrong while squatting so every workout is just a hail mary and I'm pissing against the wind so hopefully pistols will give me more bang for my buck. Really need to work on posture I'd say I have some form of pelvic tilt and I definitely have rotated shoulders so I will have to sort them out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭Sea The Starz


    Bench - paused

    90kg 10x1


    BW 3x15


    2 rounds + 1 round at the end

    BTN Press

    40kg 3x5

    Face Pulls


    Finished with pushups. 90kg is over 97% of 1rm so took plenty of rest between sets and was happy as I was never gonna miss a rep. Will try for 95 pr next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    throw up a squat video?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭Sea The Starz

    Sangre wrote: »
    throw up a squat video?

    I'm a cheapskate and would normally love to get free advice especially given there's a lot of strong and well educated guys on here. However, I know my squat is a complete mess and I'd need one on one training in person, as I've probably spent a year doing it wrong, I'd need to start from scratch, as such I feel I'll get more bang for my buck doing other less technical exercises like hill sprints, pistols, deadlifts ,lunges, step ups etc.

    I know the squat is a great exercise when done correctly but I don't do it correctly, also I have no intention of being a powerlifter/Olympic lifter so I'm gonna leave squatting on ice until I get some training on how to do it proficiently. In the meantime, I'm looking forward to learning how to do I can randomly show off ie drop something on the floor and do a pistol to pick it up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭Sea The Starz


    Muscle up transition training

    Jumped up to bar and done transition. Felt good, the dipping part is easy, but when lowering down I think I'm gripping the bar too tight and my wrists are too tight because it felt a bit sore on my elbows. First time ever doing it so should feel better the more I practice.

    Explosive Pull ups


    BW Chins

    1X20 rep PR

    3x8 L sit chins (legs were about as straight as a roundabout)

    BW Pull Ups

    3x8 wide grip

    1 arm rows

    31kg 2x10

    Kneeling Roll Outs



    30kg x10.8
    20kg x 8

    Was smoked after the chins, 20 was an all out max definitely had no more reps left. Didn't feel like doing much after the chins so.. I didn't. The joys of not following a set program. Looking forward to training for MU, as it requires a bit of skill/agility which is a nice change of pace from just increasing weight or banging out reps on the same old exercises.

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭Sea The Starz


    Jump Rope

    10x1 minute freestyle intervals

    Pistol Progression

    8X2 per leg


    100kg 3x5

    Tractor Tyre Flips


    Wall Squats

    30kg 2x1 min

    KB Swings x50

    Haven't jumped rope in a while but still as good as I ever was. Pistol progressions were dirt but that's expected first time trying, need to improve balance. All in all a fun day, the depression that permeates my workout after back squats is no longer there. Tractor Tyre flips are dogs bollox, don't know why I haven't done them in so long.

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭Sea The Starz


    Weighted Dips

    35kg 5x5

    Bench Press

    70kg 5x5 -with 3 sec pause on chest

    Farmers Walks

    2x40kg 3 rounds

    BB Shrugs

    130kg x 10

    BTN Press

    40kg 2x5 strict
    1x12 push press

    Finished with band facepulls, lateral raises and rear delt flyes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭Sea The Starz


    Explosive Pull Ups


    Weighted Chins

    37.5kg 6x3

    Wide grip Pull Ups

    BW 3x8

    BW Chins

    3x10 (wide,narrow,netural)

    Roll Out Partials

    5x3 standing
    1x10 kneeling

    Db Rows

    41kg 3x6


    Did some muscle up training aswell, but nothing to write home about.


    Jump Rope

    10mins freestyle warmup

    Pistol Progressions

    10x2 per leg assisted with band

    4x1 per leg unassisted with heel on 2.5kg plate


    100kg 3x5

    Wall Squat

    30kg 2x1min


    60kg 3x8

    Tyre Flips


    KB Swings

    26kg x50

    Couldn't believe I could do the unassisted pistols, albeit on a 2.5kg plate. I thought it would take months to do a pistol especially considering how weak my barbell squat is, but I didn't find it overly difficult strength wise. I just need to work on flexibility and ankle mobility and I'll be suckin diesel.

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭Sea The Starz


    Bench Press -paused

    Bar x10
    40kg x5
    60kg x3
    70kg x2
    80kg x1
    90kg x1
    95kg 2x1 PR

    80kg 2x3


    BW 3x15

    Farmers Walks

    3 rounds

    BTN Press

    30kg x10,8



    Wasn't overly happy with first 95kg bench, didn't bounce the weight but didn't pause it either. I was slightly wary of getting pinned as I have no spotter and safety pins are well below my chest. Second one was much better with a definite pause. Was planning on doing more btn presses and facepulls put my traps/shoulders/triceps died.

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭Sea The Starz


    BW x5
    15kg x5
    30kg x3
    50kg - 7x1 2sec pause at top,3 sec lowering down (not sure if that's eccentric or concentric but lowering down sounds just as technical:))

    BW 2x10 (Wide and narrow grip)

    Partial Rollouts

    3x3 crap


    4X2 per leg (heel on 1.25kg plate)

    Pull Ups


    DB Row

    31kg 2x10

    Bicep Orgasm Foreplay

    30kg 2x8
    Bar - till ejaculation

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭Sea The Starz



    Pistol Progression

    Spent about half an hour working on form, technique and balance


    120kg 3x3

    Wall Squat



    60kg 3x10

    Finisher tyre flips



    80kg 10x3


    BW 3x15

    Farmers walks

    2 rounds supersetted with shrugs

    Ran out of time...stupid real world responsibilities messin with my training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭Sea The Starz

    DB Snatch

    36kg 3x3 per arm

    BW Chins and Pull Ups

    Did a set of 7 pull ups then 10 chins with various grips

    7,10,7,10,7,10,7,10,7,10,6,9 -total reps 100

    Partial Rollouts


    DB Rows

    36kg 2x8 per arm

    Finished with curls. Horrible pump in my forearms from the chins/pullups. Rollouts were pathetic again today. It's bulking season so as Mac would say "I'm not fat I'm cultivating mass"

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  • Registered Users Posts: 145 ✭✭Sea The Starz


    Pistols - 30mins


    60kg 4x12

    Wall Squat

    30kg 2x1 mins

    KB Swings x50

    That's all I can remember, short term memory isn't the maywest


    Weighted Dips

    35kg 6x4


    70kg 5x5

    BTN Press

    Bar 3 x infinity

    Again although only yesterday I can't remember if I did anything else. Did some lateral raises, rear delt flyes and facepulls


    Weighted Chinsz

    BW x 5
    20kg x 3
    40kg x 1
    50kg x 1
    55kg x 1 pr
    60kg x 1 pr

    40kg 3x3


    4 sets of varying reps and distances

    Wide Grip Pullups



    3 rounds

    Supersetted the final farmers walk with shurgs holding 2 20kg plates, where I squeezed the traps and held them in the top postion for a 10second hold x6.

    Had to go to Dublin to pick up accountancy books but underestimated the amount, so ended up doing a 1hour farmers walk with 25kg in each hand. Downloaded some new metal tunes on the mp3 and listened to them on the bus up and down to Dublin so rage was building up all day and so I tried heavy chins.
