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how to do co ordinates in tomtom

  • 06-07-2013 10:51am
    Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 1,322 ✭✭✭


    so i want to plan a route..

    i go to PLAN ROUTE

    then ADDRESS

    and it comes up CITY/POSTCODE

    for instance, i want to look for PEYTON AVENUE in rathcoole..

    i want to type in peyton and there it is,, no such luck,, how do i do this..

    also,, the co ordinates for peyton avenue on goodle maps is


    how do i enter this into the satnav ??

    i can go to the LATITUDE/LONGITUDE and it gives the option in

    for example

    N53o22.928' and W 6o14.202'

    so how do i enter the google maps one or convert them to the recognised satnav co or ?

