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March 2014 Babies Club



  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭central

    Thanks girls,

    I ended up meeting with the nurse today in Holles Street. She has put my mind at ease now. As this is my first pregnancy I was unsure what was "normal" and what wasn't. Anyway she assured me all was ok and like other posters have mentioned, probably just growing pains and stretching etc. I couldn't believe this happens already ( I am only 6 weeks gone) but I am glad it is nothing to worry about now. Still having a scan tomorrow and I am very excited, even though they said I might not be able to see anything yet!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Going to join in :)

    By dates I'm 8 weeks pregnant by dates andin and around 5th March... The EPU in the hosp saw me yesterday due to the fact I'm still breastfeeding and slightly unsure on dates so babs was measuring 6w 4d which was quite impossible as hubby was away ;) but she did say at this stage it can be hard to get accurate measurements and I'm a bit dehydrated too so that probably wasnt helping :) she's left my due date as 5th march for now.

    Keeping it secret as long as we can because at this stage with my little girl everyone knew I was pregnant because I'd already spent a week in hospital!

    I had those pains last time round too, and this time they are so irritating. I thought I wouldn't get them second time round!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    Congrats cyning.

    Best of luck to everyone today.
    I know i went through it last week but still nervous this morning.
    And tired. Very very tired.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,449 ✭✭✭✭pwurple

    Waahooo! Saw a wee heartbeat on the scan today. All good. :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I had those pains too. It is extremely scary but I got them early as well, and I am having some now. I also have very sore nipples, a pain at my gum line, something that feels like morning sickness, a sore shoulder and general tiredness. I tested the other day and it was negative, but it might have been too early, so will need to test again soon.
    I had all those symptoms bar the morning sickness in two previous pregnancies, one of which was an ectopic, the other one was healthy and very very recently.
    My last period was in March 2012, lol, and I can't for the life of me remember when we had sex (I know we did, I just can't remember the date), but I'll know more on Monday when I take the next test. We'll see if I join you then :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭central

    Hi ladies,

    So had my scan today and they confirmed I am 6 weeks pregnant and all is ok with pains I have been having etc.

    All I could see was a tiny black blob on the screen. They said they will probably do another scan in 2 weeks time so hopefully will get to see more the next time.

    Pwurple, can't wait to see our little one's heartbeat now. I am high risk so the sooner that happens and then we pass the 12 weeks the better.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Woohoo pwurple and central!

    Central I was high risk in last pregnancy too so had 11 scans throughout: at 8 weeks baby just looks like a bean but you should be able to hear heartbeat :)

    I can't wait until 12 weeks either: I thought I'd be less nervous knowing I can carry a baby and all that jazz but I'm really not!

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭central

    cyning, I am dying to be able to tell people so keeping it on the QT is proving difficult. We have only told my parents so far and I had to tell my boss today as due to being high risk I will be a frequent visitor of Holles Street and missing work so I had to explain.

    I figured we wouldn't see much else on 8 week scan but it will be amazing to hear the heartbeat for the first time I think.

    Congrats on your 2nd :-)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Keeping it quiet is proving difficult for me too: but I know it's nice only having us know for now. I told my 1 year old too but considering her speech consists of hiya and goidigoidigoidigu at the moment it's a pretty safe secret ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 92 ✭✭firsttimemammy

    Hi all,

    I posted the other day anonymously, but I think because my post had to be moderated before it appeared, it was overlooked.

    I'm delighted to be joining you as a March 2014 expectant! Due 25th March!

    After a miscarriage in April, I'm cautiously excited about this new pregnancy. As my name shows, this will be our first baby!

    I was 5 weeks on Tuesday, so really trying to keep it to ourselves until at least 10-12 weeks. I've told one friend, and we hope to break the news to the grandparents next week!

    Congrats to all!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 53 ✭✭moominn

    Yay pwurple and Central!! So happy for you both (and a wee bit jealous of your scans, truth be told!):o
    Exciting times ladies!

  • Registered Users Posts: 53 ✭✭moominn

    Welcome on board Firsttimemammy! Hope everything goes smoothly for you:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 92 ✭✭firsttimemammy

    Thanks Moominn. I see you're due exactly a week before me. Exciting times!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    Congrats firsttimemammy.
    Also pwurple and central. Glad everything went well.
    My scan went well today too. This week could see the sac and the little foetus growing inside. Still to small for heart beat. Measuring 6 weeks also. Hcg has gone from 3000 to 27000 so all is great and ive been discharged from the EPU. Thankfully as was a 5 hour wait this week.
    Have to go back to GP so will prob leave it for 2 weeks as my GP also scans (externally) so hoping to see heart beat then.
    Then just back to waiting until 12 week appointment.
    We have told loads. my parents and siblings and OH parents and siblings and ive told close friend.
    We hadn't planned on telling so soon but as we had the issue with possible ectopic we couldn't keep it secret as needed the support.
    Nausea got worse today and was even retching a bit but think that was because couldn't eat until after they done the scan which was 12 today and hadn't eaten since last night.
    Also twinged my back putting my 15 month old into the car a few days ago and its been kind of niggling since then the radiography even noticed as I tried to climb up on the bed for scan. (asking if I was in pain eh yea but not pregnancy related)
    Then done it again this evening putting her in to the car and done it worse this time. Don't know how I done it but it sore enough. I've never suffered with my back before so hoping it will be grand soon. She had a little fall just before bed and I bent down to pick her up and I couldn't, OH had to. Hoping to rest it over the weekend. Bloody typical.

  • Registered Users Posts: 121 ✭✭jennytightlips

    Hi ladies :)
    Just found out ill be joining you all too still in shock and wondering how ill cope as my youngest only turned one 2 weeks ago!!
    Hope everybody is keeping ok :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭LH2013

    Hi Guys so excited to be joining ye !!! 5 weeks pregnant ! Honeymoon baby ! Couldn't believe it happened so quick - met my GP today - roll on week 12 for scan !!!! Feeling so so queasy and loads of pains in hips and lower back ! Fingers crossed everything goes well - First baby so kinda nervous and cant tell anyone !!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Congrats firsttimemammy and Lh2013:)

    That's great news Succee you must be delighted all is good! That's great your doc has a scanner I'd love that :)

    Jenny there's only a few days between our babas :) lovely to see someone from July 2012 here too! We will be grand I had a wobble during week wondering how I'd cope but it will all be good. Scary to have 2 under 2 at the same time ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    Congrats LH2013 and Jennytightlips.
    My LO will be 23 months when no 2 comes so ill also have 2 under 2 but only for a month. Hoping to be able to get her in to a bed by the time we need cot. Have a moses basket But don't know whether to try move her before baba is born or after. Im thinking if we move her before, the cot will be idle for a few months so its not like shes evicted and baba is going straight in but also thinking would she be ready. I suppose ill have to wait and see. She was out of the basket by the time she was 2 months.
    But also worried if we wait until baba needs cot A might be put out that baba is going in her cot. And it might be a lot of hassle A getting used to bed and baba getting used to cot.
    Have loads of time at least until I need to worry about that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 53 ✭✭moominn

    Congrats Jenny and Lh2013! Wow things are certainly picking up here now:pac:
    Suucee I think it would probably be best to make the move from cot to bed long before the new addition arrives, Im sure there will be a certain amount of jealousy without adding more! Even my almost 14 yr old is feeling a little put out:rolleyes::pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 53 ✭✭moominn

    What hospitals are you all going to be attending? Destined for the Lourdes in Drogheda myself...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,948 ✭✭✭Sligo1

    EATING ALL ROUND ME :-(.... Seems to quell the nausea but doesn't make me feel great! Sooooo tired the last few days. Nearly collapsed with exhaustion this morning. Last year when I was pregnant I had the luxury of going to work where i could manage to sleep in my car on breaks. Now this time I have a veeery demanding 8 month old to look after (he is gorgeous tho and I wouldn't have it another way)... But how I wish for those days I could escape just for 5 minutes on my own to even just close my eyes.......

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    I'm attending Kerry again.

    I breastfeed and co sleep so I have a fun few months ahead of me :) don't want her to feel kicked out because of baba no 2.

    I'm glad I'm not only one utterly exhausted too... Hopefully it passes soon.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    Im in mullingar. Im finding tiredness worse this time too prob because of no 1 . No resting time.
    God the night time loo breaks already driving me up the wall. Been up twice already. And this time i was feeling sick/starvin so persuaded oh to go down stairs and get me some rich tea and milk. The late night eating didnt happen with no 1 until towards the end when i could only eat little and often, not this early.

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭LH2013

    Was feeling so so sick all day yesterday but I think I wasn't eating enough !! Must try having a few snacks today and see does it make a difference ! Wrecked tired but can't sleep :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 92 ✭✭firsttimemammy

    Congrats LH2013 & Jenny. Thus thread is getting busy now!
    Succee, so glad to hear everything is okay & you've been officially discharged!
    I'll be going to OLL in Drogheda too. I was very impressed with their care when I had my miscarriage a few months back.
    I'm meeting up with a few friends today. This will be my first test of hiding the not drinking thing!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,449 ✭✭✭✭pwurple

    Congrats all. The starvin and loo is pretty constant alright. The blasted flush woke up the smallie last night, had an hour of her wanting to play at 4am. No more nightime flushing for me.

    I've got the biscuit tin and a bottle of water by the bed Succee! Water biscuit and sup of water, back to land of nod. ;)

    I bumped into three people I knew in the hospital for that scan, one from work, a cousin and a friend. I was carrying the scan and maternity folder, and all of them said hi, so I reckon the world knows at this stage. Cork is so small and there is only one maternity hospital.

    I think we should tell familes, but hubbie is very superstitious. Doesn't want to tell a soul.

    My hips are loosening out a small bit already. Feeling them after long walks. I didn't get a pregnancy pillow the last time, but I think I might this time. Must google them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭LH2013

    I tried eating a little more today but soo sick - I am not loving this queasy feeling at all !!! Anyone have tips to ease this ?!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    LH2013 wrote: »
    I tried eating a little more today but soo sick - I am not loving this queasy feeling at all !!! Anyone have tips to ease this ?!

    First time i was like this some days vomiting all day so i didnt eat much at all. I tried ginger ale, flat 7up, coke, mints . Tried eatin more, not eatin anything, sipping water but some days it was just no good. And it didnt ease until 15 or 16 weeks. Thankfully this time im only a litttle nauseous the odd time. I find eating is helping though and not letting myself get too hungry.

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭LH2013

    Thanks 15 or 16 weeks .... Jebus ;) I am so not looking forward to full on morning sickness !! My mam had very severe ms so I hope I am not taking after her ha ha

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  • Registered Users Posts: 53 ✭✭moominn

    LH2013 wrote: »
    I tried eating a little more today but soo sick - I am not loving this queasy feeling at all !!! Anyone have tips to ease this ?!

    At the minute the only thing that helps is sucking a hardboiled sweet:rolleyes: Not enjoying this aspect one bit!
