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March 2014 Babies Club



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    On them a month and will be for at least another month.
    Supposed to be starting a new pill soon but both myself and OH think the low moods was a lot to do with that so not sure what to do.

    Cyning yep A got them end of jan and been sick with a throat infection once since and her mysterious month and a half of diarrhea which seems to have settled. Before that she had croup in sept 2013 and was on an antibiotic 1-2times a month after that until she got them in jan. She had a week of being sick a few days recovrring then maybe a week when she was ok then statt again.
    My parents paid for her to go private so she got them quick. Was so worth it. .
    An ENT consult be no harm id say.
    Like S A used to get really high temps we used to have to stril her down and sponge her with warm water.

    Cant believe she is cruising. Wow obvuously all the sickness isnt affecting her development that way.

    Hope you get some answers too. Id say its awful.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,948 ✭✭✭Sligo1

    Suucee wrote: »
    On them a month and will be for at least another month.
    Supposed to be starting a new pill soon but both myself and OH think the low moods was a lot to do with that so not sure what to do.

    Suucee I was like a demon on the pill. Not Only a demon but had really low moods aswell. I tried a few different ones but microlite was the only one that ever worked without influencing my weight and moods too much. when I went off it and back on it again I got constant spotting. So since then I've not been on any pill. And that was 3 years ago. Me and OH are just being "careful"... Lol. I reallyy just can't tolerate the pill and me and OH were always fighting. I seriously put it down to that. I don't think I will ever take it again if im honest. As soon as I stopped I was like a different person. That's just me tho. I know most women are fine once they find one that suits them.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    They won't do grommets under 18 months so it would be next winter... Hopefully she won't. She just cannot keep getting sick :( we go privately but hopefully it won't come to needing them.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    Ah cyning. Grommets really arent that bad if it comes down to it. We were in at 7am, done at 9am and home at 1pm. she had a nap and was up running around not a bother on her after her nap. Loud noises got to her for a week or two she got upset as couldnt understand also she starting taking ages to go asleep as she could here everything. but they were worth it. This time last year she had less than 10 words. she sitting now reading a book with her daddy saying octagon and pentagon and the whole lot. Its just amazing how much she has come on with them.

    Hopefully she doesnt need them and something gets sorted for her soon.
    Hope your doing ok. All this hospital stays is probably so hard on you too.

    Sligo. I was on dianette for years before having A came off it got pregnant then went back on it after i had her. Decided to come off it when she was 13 months to have L. When L was born i wanted to go back on it but GP said it wasnt really licensed as a contraceptive anymore. Its more for acne but works as contraceptive too. So she started me on Ovranette.

    But since coming off that my moods have been so much better. My outlook on life too. I was always in such a rut . Even though feet are still sore im in a much better place myself.
    Last time i was in with GP we had that conversation and i said i wanted to try dianette again so she gave me the perscription (just waiting on period now). Had a little scare recently as period was nearly 2 weeks late. I was terrified at the thoughts of being pregnant again. i was feeling sick and all (obviously stress) . Bought a test and got period before it was needed. We were being safe but still i was terrified and thats why i decided i wanted to go on it again .

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 282 ✭✭Siipina

    yihhaaaaa finally we got internet. So happy. Ok will take a while to read all the posts to be up to date ;-)
    The move went well, Kieran was brilliant but all over the place. I was just so glad that we were always flexible with his schedule, that saved our life. He is back to normal, toddlin around with help of chairs, tables walls, what ever he can get. oh and most impo he is going to bed now on his own in the evening. He wanted it and he loves it.
    Everything else he is a little monster but happy.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,948 ✭✭✭Sligo1

    Glad ur all settled in siipina.

    Lilly had her 9 month developmental check with the public health doctor yesterday. Nothing to report really. She's in the 75th percentile for weight. I'm happy with that as Im kinda obsessed about what she eats at the moment. I think I am the way I am tho because my son was such a little savage and I had to restrict what he ate. And she's prob eating fine but my problem is I'm just comparing the 2.

    Do any of your babas drink water? Lilly is taking 3 bottles and 3 meals now. She gets a bottle at 12 and her next one isn't till 7pm. And she doesn't drink anything Inbetween. She won't touch water. Pushes it away. She doesn't seem dehydrated but worrying what will happen when I put her down to 2 bottles. There's no way I'm going to give her juice so I don't know... Maybe I'll just keep trying everyday? Paul's be interested to know if any of yours take water?

    Cyning, how's S after her latest hospital admission?

    Suucee, are your feet any better and are you feeling a bit better yourself now?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Sligo literally Christmas week Sinead suddenly decided to drink water: after being offered it for months she drank 2oz and hasn't looked back since. My other little girl did the same keep offering and she will eventually get the hang of it. C is amazing for drinking water: also we use bottles not cool boiled for drinking because that tastes manky! Refused all juice until very recently just use it now to hide iron in every few days as she's prone to low iron levels.

    S is... Well S. We got out of hospital after 3 days of iv antibiotics; there was kids in with chicken pox and vomiting bug and out of the 7 wards/rooms on the children's ward 4 were in isolation so was very grateful to get out of there. Her ears seem to be improving but she's started coughing a lot so there's a possibility on her being readmitted if it hits her chest. She's back on an inhaler and singulair so hopefully she won't. She's on a therapeutic dose of antibiotics and changing to a prophylactic dose from Friday so fingers crossed. I am literally heartbroken over it all just exhausted from it all.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,449 ✭✭✭✭pwurple

    Water... yes, she takes it with food, but only in a beaker. Won't touch it in a bottle. I'm sure you know to mind the sodium levels on bottled water cyning... some are high. I don't boil and cool, she licks the floor most days, but I'd say you are more wary with her catching everything.

    She's gone back up to 5 x 6oz bottles though, as well as eating all round her. Tubbiest baby ever. She constantly grabs food off her sister's plate. Screams blue murder if someone eats in front of her and doesn't give her some. I don't understand how she is so hungry all the time! Her older sister is quite small, 25th percentile... but the baby is so different! Quite tall too, so I guess it's in proportion, somewhat. She's in 18-24 clothes. No wonder I was so ravenous all through that pregnancy.

    Cyning that is a complete disaster. I hope to god you have health insurance. I find the inhalor makes a big difference for the chest. We break it out anytime the 3 yr old gets a headcold, as instructed, and so far so good, it just passes without turning into anything nastier.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    We do have health insurance thank god: we get 75% of everything we pay back. Which remind me I have a bill to pay for the cystic fibrosis test from before Christmas. Also covers parking and 100% of consultant fees after a 3+ day admission. And if we need to travel at any stage it covers our accommodation to a certain amount too. I put it right up after her third admission!

    That's mad about her clothes: S is barely going into 9-12 month clothes now!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    Ah cyning poor divil.

    L is also in 18-24mnth clothes. the amount of stuff i had to bring back and change after xmas was as funny. no one bought the right size.
    He drinks water fine from a beaker too but i also use bottled here a lot of the time or cooled boiled as i wouldnt dare touch our tap water.
    He is on 2 bottles. one at approx 7am and one at 10pm, he drinks formula in a beaker twice during the day and drinks water in between.
    he also has a huge appetite , literally would be eating all day if he could.

    i forgot about the 9 month check, ill give it a few weeks and see do i hear anything. A never had a 9 month check as they kind of lost her somewhere along the line. was only when my brother mentioned his daughters (who was 5 weeks younger) that i rang them.

    Ah my feet are as bad as ever. pretty bad this morning again as walked to town yesterday so kind of took it a bit easier today.

    Other than that im feeling grand. constantly guilty about everything that has happened with him and how i felt about him.
    but onwards and upwards. My support worker thinks id be an ideal person to help other mums out as ive been through it and got out the other end and picked myself up.
    I run a local mums fb page where we organise meet ups and chats etc and she took the details today to pass on to other mums like me. she thinks its great.
    She also suggested today that she didnt need to come to see me anymore but mmm i was a little unsure so she said she would call again in 2 weeks.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,948 ✭✭✭Sligo1

    Thanks for replies :). Isn't it just mad how every lottle baby is so so different. Fr drinking, to eating to sleeping to clothes size... All so so different.

    Ah cyning, poor little S. Tom also takes a spacer as he's had a good few chest infections. Obviously not as serious as S's but it's all still worrying when they are sick. As I've said many times before, I don't know how you are still standing. You have been so strong for S... I seriously don't think I could have been as strong as you.

    Suucee, you seem to have turned a big corner which is so good to really glad thinhs are a lot better for you now :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,948 ✭✭✭Sligo1

    How's everyone going??

    Lilly has had a terrible month between being sick all over Xmas and 6 teeth coming! She has a cold at the minute aswell. The last month she has been waking up every night. But thank god (touch wood), the last 3 night she has slept through. And 4 little teeth have popped down altogether at the top front! 4 all at the same time! No wonder she was off form the little pet. Everyone has colds in this house at the moment and toms chest isn't great.

    I'm back to work. Eek! Only 2 days a week. But I've had to take a job I don't really like as I don't want to go back 5 days a week just yet. But it's nice getting out and talking to people again.

    LH how are you keeping? And how far along are you now?? I hope you are well. Are you finding it difficult being pregnant with a 10month old?

    Hope everyone else is doing well :) xx

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,449 ✭✭✭✭pwurple

    All going great here Sligo1, baby had a bit of a pukey evening the other night, but otherwise in great health thank goodness. She's zooming around the place, picking up good crawling speed. Having to do some finger waggling as she dives into drawers and cupboards. She doesn't like me saying "No" one little bit, bursts into tears! Awww.

    She has a few words as well, so adorable to hear the tiny voice. I just love when they start saying things! The usual mama , dada, baba (her sister), uh-oh and teddy.

    Work is grand for me at the moment. I've not taken on anything massive, so pretty much cruising through it. I'll gear it up in a few more months maybe.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,948 ✭✭✭Sligo1

    Ah that's great your LO seems to be flying it! And "teddy"... Jays well that's pretty advanced! Lol. Lilly just saying mama and dada at the moment. Lol. Shes Bum shuffling at the moment as she keeps getting her little leg stuck under her. But today she's beginning to master getting on all fours and did likes little 2 crawl manouver. Toms been a bit pukey this week and no appetite :(. Winter seems to be all about sickness in kids :(.

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭LH2013

    Sligo1 wrote: »
    How's everyone going??

    Lilly has had a terrible month between being sick all over Xmas and 6 teeth coming! She has a cold at the minute aswell. The last month she has been waking up every night. But thank god (touch wood), the last 3 night she has slept through. And 4 little teeth have popped down altogether at the top front! 4 all at the same time! No wonder she was off form the little pet. Everyone has colds in this house at the moment and toms chest isn't great.

    I'm back to work. Eek! Only 2 days a week. But I've had to take a job I don't really like as I don't want to go back 5 days a week just yet. But it's nice getting out and talking to people again.

    LH how are you keeping? And how far along are you now?? I hope you are well. Are you finding it difficult being pregnant with a 10month old?

    Hope everyone else is doing well :) xx

    My little guy has 3 teeth coming up on the bottom. , just not fully up yet ! Sleep has not been great the last few weeks !!

    I am 8 weeks today :) Doing ok , I feel sick at night and at weekends , so different than with little N !! I do find running after him scooping him up etc hard already , killing my back !!!! He is standing up holding onto things and trying to walk !!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    We got our 8th tooth Wednesday! First week of work went well I'm wrecked though: and had to collect sinead from childminder today and bring her to doc: start of throat and ear infection. She's on a prophylactic antibiotic so they reckon viral and my paediatrician is off this week as his father died so fingers crossed she keeps feeding and doesn't need admission! Have an appt with him Wednesday for allergy test results and dietician appt Friday till we see if there is something flaring her reflux :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    Oh cyning hope you get some answers. that poor little mite.
    Congrats to ye all back at work.

    6 teeth here with 7th on the way.
    L has the weirdest bum shuffle ever. but he gets around (slowly). he's also pulling himself up a bit and can stand holding things and walk when holding your fingers, but when we start that he doesnt want to stop.
    He has a few words too, mama, dada, baba, EEE AAA (aoife) uh oh.
    And he is finally finally starting to sleep the night. well in the past week he has slept 3 nights 7pm-6.30am. he has never ever slept that long. his appetite us unbelievable. he nearly eats as much as his sister whos nearly 3 and also has a huge appetite. i feel like im feeding them all day. Ive cut all bottles out completely. stopped last thursday and that has majorally improved the sleep. he mainly wanted bottles at night so we just went cold turkey and cut it out. his sleep couldnt get any worse. He still gets his formula in a beaker during the day though.

    We are getting married next month. decided to finally bite the bullet after 12 yrs. to us though its mainly about OH sorting gaurdianship, us becoming each others next of kins etc etc. we had planned to elope so had only told my sister and niece. but decided to tell our parents about 2 weeks ago. we literally had planned to go to reg office get married and thats is. so after parents were told we decided to have a small party in a local GAA clubhouse. just to celebrate with immediate family and friends.
    Oh no, loads of drama, i have fallen out with so many people, so much hassel. we both really wish we kept to our original plan. so immediate family has extended to loads of aunts, uncles, cousins etc. but hey were sticking to a party with just a buffet at 7pm in the evening. no fancy sit down meal. but ugh effort of it all, its so not worth it for 1 day.
    it will be all over in a few weeks. and nothing will have changed. other than my surname, lol

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,948 ✭✭✭Sligo1

    Congratulations suucee!!! I hope the 2 of ye have a lovely day. Do t be worrying about everybody else and just try and enjoy it with your OH.

    Cyning poor S. I hope she is feeling better soon. Please God when this winter is over and summer comes S will be feeling a bit better and won't be catching all these viral illnesses that are so prevalent in the winter time. I haven't even looked at childminders yet... I'm trying to put off the inevitable I think.... And trying to roster myself on around weekends, when my husband can take a day and work at home and when my mum is available. Mission!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Massive congrats Succee :) focus on the nice things and ignore the stress it's your day!

    How's work going Sligo? Did you find it hard to slot back in?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,948 ✭✭✭Sligo1

    cyning wrote: »
    Massive congrats Succee :) focus on the nice things and ignore the stress it's your day!

    How's work going Sligo? Did you find it hard to slot back in?

    Cyning I absolutely hated my first day back!!! I'm at work now on my break writing this. Lol. It been kinda ok the last 2 days tho. Getting back into the swing of things but it's just very different to the last position I held. And your kinda just thrown in at the deep end. I'm pretty sure after a week or 2 I will be flying it tho please God.

    How about you? How is your new job going?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 282 ✭✭Siipina

    I am feeling very very low and horrible. I am feeling like I go nuts here. I just screamed at lo and I have to admit I hit him on his bum. I am so bad. He was driving me up the wall with his winging and this totally pointless life. Every f.. g day the same f.. g crap. Getting up, cleaning tiding up, more tiding up and every day the same ****. I cant leave the house as Oh is having the car and he is not home until seven or eight. And then i have to cook his f.. g dinner bring the baby to bed as he cant f.. g do it. If I complain about his work hours he says he need to do it at the moment as he justvstarte and i understand that but i feel like i am going insane. I have no and I mean no time for myself. Not even on the weekend. I wanted to join a zumba class but he came home at seven and it started at seven he even told me that the baby and toddler group is time for myself. I dont really know anybody here so cant even go for a drink but I cant meet anybody if i am stuck at home the whole time. I would love just to run away at least for a few hours. I have nobody who can help I dont know what to do really. I have nobody to talk to as my mum died years ago and my father support s 100% my partner. Iam so jealous that he can leave the house and talk with people. Yes it is work and he always tells me that doesny count but it does. He can sit in the car on his own thats a big plus. I am always with lo. Dont get me wrobg i love him to bits and i am so proud of him but there is noooo me anymore. I get fater and fater and i even thought that i cant do stuff as i am to fat. Probably its not too bad as i still wear the same jeans but i just feel so bad. That stops me from doing things as well as i know i will think that the othervthink what does this fat woman here. Even if i tell myself it doesnt matter what they think, i know i will feel bad and wont enjoy it. So yeay.
    So I m feeling ****e and the poor baby has to live with me. Great. I think I m a horrible mum. Its not his fault. I am just horrible.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,449 ✭✭✭✭pwurple

    Oh Siipina you poor thing! You're totally isolated. That's like solitary confinement! :(

    Can you get out and about without a car at all or are you in the countryside? No walks/bus available?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 282 ✭✭Siipina

    pwurple wrote: »
    Oh Siipina you poor thing! You're totally isolated. That's like solitary confinement! :(

    Can you get out and about without a car at all or are you in the countryside? No walks/bus available?

    no we live on the country side the village is 2km away and there is nothing anyway and the road has no footpaths. I tried it once to walk to the village but it was useless. Yes i was out but it didnt help. The walk wasnt nice and i didnt see people anyway.
    OH should have finished an hour ago but still nothing from him.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,131 ✭✭✭RentDayBlues

    Siipina wrote: »
    I am feeling very very low and horrible. I am feeling like I go nuts here. I just screamed at lo and I have to admit I hit him on his bum. I am so bad. He was driving me up the wall with his winging and this totally pointless life. Every f.. g day the same f.. g crap. Getting up, cleaning tiding up, more tiding up and every day the same ****. I cant leave the house as Oh is having the car and he is not home until seven or eight. And then i have to cook his f.. g dinner bring the baby to bed as he cant f.. g do it. If I complain about his work hours he says he need to do it at the moment as he justvstarte and i understand that but i feel like i am going insane. I have no and I mean no time for myself. Not even on the weekend. I wanted to join a zumba class but he came home at seven and it started at seven he even told me that the baby and toddler group is time for myself. I dont really know anybody here so cant even go for a drink but I cant meet anybody if i am stuck at home the whole time. I would love just to run away at least for a few hours. I have nobody who can help I dont know what to do really. I have nobody to talk to as my mum died years ago and my father support s 100% my partner. Iam so jealous that he can leave the house and talk with people. Yes it is work and he always tells me that doesny count but it does. He can sit in the car on his own thats a big plus. I am always with lo. Dont get me wrobg i love him to bits and i am so proud of him but there is noooo me anymore. I get fater and fater and i even thought that i cant do stuff as i am to fat. Probably its not too bad as i still wear the same jeans but i just feel so bad. That stops me from doing things as well as i know i will think that the othervthink what does this fat woman here. Even if i tell myself it doesnt matter what they think, i know i will feel bad and wont enjoy it. So yeay.
    So I m feeling ****e and the poor baby has to live with me. Great. I think I m a horrible mum. Its not his fault. I am just horrible.

    All of this times 100, somedays maybe times 10 but being at home with a baby all day is mentally exhausting, and having no alone time is so damaging. I have a 2 1/2 yr old and an 11 month old, and while I love them to pieces, there are days when I am a horrible mum and I wonder if we would all be better if I went back I work and them to creche.

    Every mum goes through this, your partner cannot fully understand the frustration and loneliness, I know mine struggles even after all this time. You need to have a chat with him, it will damage your relationship if you feel resentful towards him for his freedom, I had to explain it in work terms: you job share, the other person doesn't do their share, doesn't arrive on time, doesn't appreciate the work you do, how would you feel?

    When I had my first I met a wonderful group of mums who were going through the exact same problems, and that's where I vented. Have you met any nice people in the toddler group? Would even going for a drive at 8 each night help? I go to the gym at night - even though I'm exhausted just to get out!

    Remember above all, you are not a bad mum, you're a tired mum and an hour of you one will make a world of difference, I hope you get it

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    Siipina wrote: »
    I am feeling very very low and horrible. I am feeling like I go nuts here. I just screamed at lo and I have to admit I hit him on his bum. I am so bad. He was driving me up the wall with his winging and this totally pointless life. Every f.. g day the same f.. g crap. Getting up, cleaning tiding up, more tiding up and every day the same ****. I cant leave the house as Oh is having the car and he is not home until seven or eight. And then i have to cook his f.. g dinner bring the baby to bed as he cant f.. g do it. If I complain about his work hours he says he need to do it at the moment as he justvstarte and i understand that but i feel like i am going insane. I have no and I mean no time for myself. Not even on the weekend. I wanted to join a zumba class but he came home at seven and it started at seven he even told me that the baby and toddler group is time for myself. I dont really know anybody here so cant even go for a drink but I cant meet anybody if i am stuck at home the whole time. I would love just to run away at least for a few hours. I have nobody who can help I dont know what to do really. I have nobody to talk to as my mum died years ago and my father support s 100% my partner. Iam so jealous that he can leave the house and talk with people. Yes it is work and he always tells me that doesny count but it does. He can sit in the car on his own thats a big plus. I am always with lo. Dont get me wrobg i love him to bits and i am so proud of him but there is noooo me anymore. I get fater and fater and i even thought that i cant do stuff as i am to fat. Probably its not too bad as i still wear the same jeans but i just feel so bad. That stops me from doing things as well as i know i will think that the othervthink what does this fat woman here. Even if i tell myself it doesnt matter what they think, i know i will feel bad and wont enjoy it. So yeay.
    So I m feeling ****e and the poor baby has to live with me. Great. I think I m a horrible mum. Its not his fault. I am just horrible.

    Ive been there. and its horrible. a friend set up a wonderful facebook group for local mums and i really put in a lot of work and it has just exploded. we organise meet ups other than just parent and toddler groups. (i go to all them too) but we meet for coffee or go for walks etc. I have a few that i have gotten very very close to and we are very honest with each other about when we feel crap etc. we organise play dates to each others houses , and organise going to bokwa together, even nights out. it really helps to get out with other adults. i have lost it completly on more than one occasion and im not half as isolated as you. i have family, i drive and i live very close to town but being at home all day with only small children is very isolating.

    Do you get to parent and toddler groups, maybe try get chatting to someone about having playdates (they could maybe call to you), even go on facebook and see if there are any mums groups in your area. Playdates are great to spend time with others while ammusing the kids but if your lucky enough to have a friendship from it it could mean having someone to meet up with for a coffee/drink in the evening.
    I have spent so much time feeling like you and i really hope you can get some me time.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,948 ✭✭✭Sligo1

    Suucee wrote: »
    i have lost it completly on more than one occasion and im not half as isolated as you. i have family, i drive and i live very close to town but being at home all day with only small children is very isolating.

    +1 to this! Siipina, it is extremely hard being At home all day with a small baby. Especially in a new house and area where you know nobody and have have no support.

    You HAVE to talk to your husband if you want to make things better. You have to make him understand your situation any way you can. My husband finally "got it", after months of me trying to explain to him how I felt. I was jealous of him getting out every day and getting to go to work. Sometimes I wonder if I was a bit more down than I shpuld be. But when he "got it" things got better. And he made me go out when he got home. Even for a manicure or a coffee or whatever.

    After my 1st I felt one day just rolled into the next. I never went out. I didn't know where to go. I was scared or didn't know how to use pram carseat etc etc. I was breastfeeding and felt awkward going out and feeding in public. I had every excuse in the book to not go out. You have to MAKE yourself go out for your own sanity.

    Knock is a small town siipina, and I would think your options are pretty limited there to get out and meeting people compared to the likes of cork, Galway or Dublin. But you need to get out. Google any meet ups or parent gps and go to them. And if I'm honest siipina... I think in a place like knock you really need to have a car. It's not like Dublin where you can just jump in a bus. Even if you buy the cheapest sh*tiest car you can (as long as its safe)... I think it would be a good investment for your own sanity. You need to have some independence and you need to be able to leave the house during the day. X

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,449 ✭✭✭✭pwurple

    Yes, what Sligo said. Get some shape of car. Being locked in a house all day every day is like being in prison.

    I live in a city for exactly this reason. On first baby I found it horrible having no-one nearby. I would be waiting by the door for him to come home and tell me what he did everyday... When he wanted a few mins of downtime. So he kept staying later and later. If you are renting, move. If not, get a car.

    And one last thing. I don't know what sort of job he has, but where I work, i have never been impressed by people staying late unpaid at work. To me it looks like they are too inefficient to do their job in the time they have, and I put them down as less competent team members than the people who get it done in the work day. If the workload is that large, ask him can he take a laptop home or something and do it after the baby is in bed... (While you are in the cinema!)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 282 ✭✭Siipina

    Thank you all so much for your support. After he came home, of cause late again we had a chat. He is still not really getting it but he trys. We will get a car but he is still like can you not wait a month. For him it is more, it will be better in a few month i just have to get through this time. He is sometimes very old school german. With his work the same, that comes first and then everything else. I dont get it either with the overtime. I think its just letting the company taking over. Like come on why would they pay you anyway if you are working unpaid hours all the time. ok he just started and there are some major issues so told him, that i will give hime some time but that i won't t take it for ever. He brought lo to bed last night and it worked. So he has to do it now more often. Even when he woke up he went up and brought him back to sleep. He is still not getting that I am wrecked after a day at home. Anyway I decided to go horse riding again. I had horses all my life so i think its good to connect with my old self again. We already go to baby and toddler groups but still new and that will take a while.
    I think its more the car issue as I feel totally trapped. I am sitting in the house and do the same **** everyday and cant leave. LO had a little accident last week. He hit his upper lip on the bed while he was walking around. I just saw that he fell on his bum and started crying. While i was holding him I saw that his mouth was full of blood and it was running down as well. Nearly got a heard attack. Wasnt bad he just split his frenulum of the upper lip and it stopped bleeding after a few minutes but still. He looked very much like donatella versace with it later. Anyway told himself yesterday as well, like what would I have done if it is next time something major? I cant just go then to a doctor. And often he is not even answering his phone at work cause he is in a meeting or something. That point got to him so he said we will start looking for a car. We will see. So hope i get this day over as I have drop him down to work tomorrow so i can go to the baby group. Would be easier if I wouldn't have tried to drown the sorrows in wine. Didnt help either they could swim. Now i have a good headache but there is some light on the horizon.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,449 ✭✭✭✭pwurple

    Dropping him to work is a great idea. Definitely do that! And well done on him doing bedtime. More of that for sure!

    And you're doing a great job under massive pressure. Humans are social animals, none of us do well under isolation, it's really hard going mentally. Work is definitely easier than being at home. I know, I've done both.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,948 ✭✭✭Sligo1

    Is everybody still giving their babies the vitamin d drops? I know your meant to give them for 12 months but I stopped months ago and just kept forgetting to give them! Wondering if I should start giving them again and keep it up for a few months??
