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March 2014 Babies Club



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    Oh sligo poor lil guy. My toddler has vomiting bug again.
    Im sick of her being sick . She only had tonsilitis 2 weeks ago. Had to have 2 antibiotics before it shifted. Lost weight and all.
    And had bug 2 weeks previous to that aswell. I dont know how she keeps gettong everything. Half the time its just her sick too.
    OH is off tomorrow as supposed to be going to a pet farm for Ls birthday.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    How are ye doing Sligo? Will it be 5 days on the meds for ye?

    Succee when they are constantly sick like that it's so frustrating. Drives me nuts.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    Jeez shes nothing like poor lil S cyning. Also shes nearly 3 so able to tell me whats "sore".
    Sligo hope T is doing better. And your guy too LH.
    A spent alot of the day just lazing about buy we had to call to my sisters this afternoon. She got a bit sick when we got there. I duno if it was the car that made it worse again.
    She purked up a lip and went to play a bit. When we came home she ate a lil which is great as hadnt eaten anything all day and only some toast yesterday.
    She perked up after eating and had a nice bath.
    Fingers crossed for tomorrow.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    I think S has chicken pox. Aargh.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    Oh no. I remember reading that she was in contact with a chold with them.
    Hopefully she doesnt get too bad a doing. No doubt C will get it too.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    I think I managed to use every curse word I know in one sentence ;) oh I hope I'm wrong.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,948 ✭✭✭Sligo1

    Hi guys, Tom got discharged today thank god. I stayed with him overnight. They gave him 24hours IV antibiotics and then changed him to oral so he could go home. So he'll be on the antibiotics for a week. It's his third antibiotic now! They 2 of them are so chesty. I think there's an absolutely awful dose going around this year. And I think poor Tom had a couple things that just progressed and got worse. He's in ok form tho and sleeping well which is good.

    Suucee v&d is just the worst! I hate it! And I find it so stressful tbh!

    Cyning I hope a doesn't get the dressed c.pox! Do u think she has it?!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    She has a rash on her belly but no blisters or anything yet so fingers crossed it's a heat or viral rash. She's like a briar all day too.

    I'm so glad ye got to come home Sligo it's such a relief to get out of there!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,948 ✭✭✭Sligo1

    Will keep my fingers crossed for u cyning! Seems to be one thing after the other for ye. And this is defo the last thing S and you need! X

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,449 ✭✭✭✭pwurple

    Glad you're out Sligo1... Hope the oral antibiotics don't upset the tummy. That's what happened for us last year.

    Oh cyning, bloody chicken pox, why isn't on the vaccine schedule. Grr. It was your childminders daughter ye were exposed to was it?

    Suucee hope you are coming out the far end of it.

    I don't want to jinx us, but we seem to be ok health-wise at the moment. Thank feck, because there's plenty of other stuff going on. The car is about to keel over, so trying to decide whether to repair it and keep limping akong to the next thing (has cost us 1200 in the last year in repairs. It's really goosed)... Or get a loan and look for something else. Trying to save for an extension so the girls don't have to share a room, so a car isn't in the budget. And i'm rocking the boat at work a bit, trying to change some things for long term improvement, but there is big resistance, so that's really on my mind. There's always something though eh.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    No another little girl the childminder minds: she's only two. Her dad didn't realise spots meant chickenpox and sent her up: but regardless they would have been exposed before that.

    We had been discussed getting her the vax after the scheduled ones (the thinking was 15&17 months I think), but the paed wasn't sure until we saw how she reacted to mmr.

    And maybe it's the mmr causing the rash actually? Oh that could be it either: 14 days later? Think I'll be ringing doc in morn regardless she is so miserable here

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Rash gone such relief here: I know she's still likely to get chicken pox but hopefully we won't :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,948 ✭✭✭Sligo1

    What a relief cyning! Hopefilly she will be ok.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    Happy first birthday to my lil L.
    Who just about made it in the march 2014 thread.

    On way home from a pet farm. Loves his presents (flying aroind the house on his scuttlebug) although his big sis thinks there hers. Gona have a nice cake just the 4 of us when we get home.
    Having a joint party in 2 weeks as toddler will be 3 next month.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    So hows everyone getting on.
    L is flying around walking and near running . He is still very strong willed and can be very head strong. He amazes me with his speech. Of course having my first who had a delay its such a comfort. Although he is a little blabber box but love it.
    He is being refered for his hernia as doesnt look like it is going to settle itself. He has an umbibical hernia and we were playing the waiting game but no joy.
    I myself am doing good mentally. I was diagnosed with arthritis and on methotrexate and arcoxia. Still trying to get meds sorted. Ive had so many tests xrays and bloods done. My family are a great help with the kids but i cant help but feel bad that im not as energetic as id like and do the things id like to with them .
    Hows everyone elses babas.
    Hows S these days cyning.
    I cant remember whos pregnant LH was that you. Hows things. Hope everyone else is well and happy back to work

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 282 ✭✭Siipina

    Sorry to hear that sucee must be horrible
    but great that your family can help you.
    Kieran is flying. He is running around the place and climbing on absolutely anything. I found him today sitting on the dinner table. He is going up and down the stairs on his own which is a great help as he is getting very heavy. He is so head strong and full of misheaf. Two weeks ago he climbed up in the press to reach the rinse aid and had a good sub. Thank god nothing really bad happend but a huge big shock for me. It was so high up I thought there was no way he could reach it. Well now it's all in a high up cupboard. If he can get up there then I have to look them in. He is not speaking yet but that's often with bilingual raised children. He understands everything though English as well as German. I think one day he will just get it and then he won't stop anymore. The dog's are getting fatter every day as he loves to feed them with everything.
    how is everyone else getting on?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 282 ✭✭Siipina

    Sorry to hear that sucee must be horrible
    but great that your family can help you.
    Kieran is flying. He is running around the place and climbing on absolutely anything. I found him today sitting on the dinner table. He is going up and down the stairs on his own which is a great help as he is getting very heavy. He is so head strong and full of misheaf. Two weeks ago he climbed up in the press to reach the rinse aid and had a good sub. Thank god nothing really bad happend but a huge big shock for me. It was so high up I thought there was no way he could reach it. Well now it's all in a high up cupboard. If he can get up there then I have to look them in. He is not speaking yet but that's often with bilingual raised children. He understands everything though English as well as German. I think one day he will just get it and then he won't stop anymore. The dog's are getting fatter every day as he loves to feed them with everything.
    how is everyone else getting on?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,948 ✭✭✭Sligo1

    Awe so nice to hear about the March babies! Suucee I'm really happy you finally got a diagnosis. At least you know now and can get the correct treatment. Poor wee L with his hernia. Hope all will be ok?

    Siipina, K sounds like a character. What a climber aye. I think it's wonderful that he will have 2 languages. What a gift! And I bet he will turn into a right little chatterbox!

    Well L is just amazing. Every single time I look at her I just have to squeeze and kiss her! Now I know that sounds cheesy and ridiculous and all. But Tom never let me cuddle him! He wouldn't stop long enough for a kiss or cuddle and was all about daddy. But L is such a Mummy's girl. And she's just so god damn cute.

    She's not walking really yet. Wel she kind of is. Can do a very wobbly length of the room and sometimes just a few steps before she falls. But she's getting there :). She has so many many words! I'd say around 40 or so. And I don't know how as she never lets me read to her! Just throws the book out of my hands which is quite frustrating. She must get the chat from Tom I think as his speech is unreal.

    I've just spent the last couple days toilet training Tom. Started Tuesday. Wednesday he had 1-2 accidents and today he had none so I'm happy out. However, he won't for love nor money poo in the potty!! He prefers it running down his legs and All over the deck!

    I have my 2 booked in for respiratory paediatrician in July as they seek to be constantly chesty. I think they will give Tom a proper asthma diagnosis but we will have to wait till Lilly is 2 for a proper diagnosis.

    So great to hear from Ye :).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,449 ✭✭✭✭pwurple

    Suucee It's great to hear things are coming together. Bit by bit hopefully it will all get back on track.

    All great here. The smallie is just ruling the roost everywhere she goes. The bossiest baby you ever met. She has all the older kids in the crèche doing her every command, along with the whole family. Super cute with her little blondie curls too. I love this stage, she is just adorballs!

    We have our first au pair coming in a few weeks. We're very tight for space, so the living room is becoming her bedroom! I'll still keep the crèche going in the mornings for the smallie, but our eldest is starting school in September, and I really wanted her to come home to her own house after school, rather than into the crèche with the smallies for after school. Hope that works out! Fairly daunting picking a random girl off the Internet to mind your children.

  • Registered Users Posts: 324 ✭✭LH2013

    Suucee - glad you got a diagnosis at long last !!!!! My little man is flying it ! All chat , in everything , on everything ! Can open kitchen door and nearly the front door !!!!! He is getting a sister in 10 weeks :eek: time has flown by !

    How is everyone else ?!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,449 ✭✭✭✭pwurple

    LH2013 wrote: »
    He is getting a sister in 10 weeks :eek: time has flown by !

    10 weeks!
    Oh my goodness I'd be a ball of stress. That flew!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    I have to admit it knocked me for six but glad we know what were dealing with and trying to get meds to work .
    Like you sligo L is so much more cuddly than A ever was. Although shes cuddly now that she sees him doing it.
    He deff rules the roost here too he throws awful tantrums already over the simplest little things. Just today we went out for a walk and i would let him go in to someones garden. Kept telling him no this way ah ah no come on. Next min he bends down pics up a stone and fires it at me and starts screaming and stropping. I picked him up to take him out of the garden and he was kicking and screaming. Thankfully a leaf distracted him. But thats normal with him. Shocker as his sis was so placid. Awful for climbing too but his sister tells on him so thats a plus. Although shes 10 times worse . I really have my heart broke when we go to the playground with the 2 monkeys. They are such great lil friends though and A is always looking out for him. Wow LH 10 weeks. That really did fly. Siipina are you expecting too?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    It's great to hear how everyone's going!

    S rarely makes much noise but she does like to say rrarrr while playing with a dinosaur and uh oh and very very occasionally mama. She's walking away :) she's pretty petite still: in mostly 9-12month clothes some 6-9 months: she weighs at 15 months what her sister did at 7 months! And she's an eensy size 3 in her shoes. She is tough out though: God help any child who takes a toy off her.

    We are just playing the waiting game on results for her right now. She's seeing the immunologist in September so there will be more tests then. I'm stressed out, but then I guess that's pretty understandable. Changing hospital was a good idea: I was sick of hearing it was normal: her 10th admission in total and 8th for being sick, 2 day cases. It's really hard: if these tests are clear that's obviously great, but still a massive worry because there's something not right there.

    Then C is up in Crumlin in July for an echo and consultation for her heart murmur. Non stop!

    Are they on inhalers Sligo?

    LH i love the close age gap between my two! I have no idea why I bothered buy a second bed because the two of them sleep in a bed together holding hands (until they want my bed lol!). It's beyond adorable l :)

    Siipina my two cousins who are totally bilingual too (German and English aswell) spoke a bit later and hybrid German English for awhile; I'll never forget trying to figure out what blümen were! I think it's amazing to have two languages!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭Suucee

    Cyning you popped in to my head for some reason today. I dont have much time for boards these days so havent been keeping up. Hope your 2 ladies are doing well.
    LH how is everything for you. Hope your lil man has his new sister.
    Pwurple and Sligo hope ye are all good.

    Ive brought L to gp so many times over so many thing as he just never stops. He is so whingy and throws awful tantrums over absolutely nothing but all they kept telling me was that is his personality . So i went in with a list.
    -Doesnt sleep well
    -Cant and never could lie him to change nappies. This was awful until he walked and now change him standing up.
    -the dribbling. I must have brought him 5 times about the excessive dribbling
    -the arching the back and screaming while eating
    -complete melt down going in to his car seat. We have him in an erf and its pretty reclined
    -the fact he wakes screaming and wriggling and arching the back like he is pain.
    -loves when we take his trousers off. Always an instant way to calm him.

    They think he may have reflux so pushing up his paed appointment that they originally sent for his hernia. . They put him on zantac in the mean time and we are seeing a good improvement most days. Although he seems to be ok for a few days and starts all over again so pharmacist and gp both have us slowly increasing it. The gp thought it unusual to start at his age but it didnt we have just put up with it as they kept telling us there was nothing wrong with him.

    Im doing ok at moment. Had flare up over the summer and had to go on alot of steroids. Will now be starting a new drug called enbrel where i need to inject myself. The thoughts of that but anything that helps. Had an injection in to my left index finger to bring it down . OMG the pain. But helped hugely. After that an injection in to the thigh once a week should be easy. its all driving my tummy nuts though and i had ibs before any of this but in bits lately.

    A fnally had her ent appointment and we will be another yr waiting to get those dreaded tonsils out and will probably need grommets again but waiting to do a repeat hearing test as she had an infection when the last one was done. Shes also still getting bouts of diahrea and constantly complaining of her legs being sore. Had thought it was laziness but now thinking might actually be growing pains. Thankfully she is due in for her follow up paeds appointment next week.

    So yea past few months i have spent 90% of my time with doctors. 😕

    Hows everyone else doing?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Reflux is a curse alright.... Hopefully you might get answers soon... That's so frustrating. And that the Zantac kicks in too.

    We were back with ENT recently too but he won't touch her tonsils yet: over 3 and over 15kg. Hopefully you might get seen sooner there's a lot going on.

    S is pretty much the same... Well kinda. She's had a very good 3/4 weeks she's only had one vomiting bug and hfm again so that's brilliant. We are awaiting a cardiology appt and getting results from infectious diseases at end of month: they are testing for a host of things including something called DiGeorge syndrome but more to rule it out than in. Still scary though.

    How is everyone else getting on?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,449 ✭✭✭✭pwurple

    Crikey. I don't know what to say. Thank goodness the only GP visits for the girls have been for jabs.

    We have a noisy little household at the moment, neither of them stop talking from one end of the day to the other, and they are picking up a little bit more language from our au pair now as well. Can't hear myself think, but that's a good complaint.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    S says wuv you now (normally when she does something she's not supposed to!) and loves to walk around shouting bum bum bum... I love this jibber jabber stage :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,948 ✭✭✭Sligo1

    So nice to hear from everyone :). Not too much news here really. We've had a few illnesses the last few weeks with the dreaded hand foot and mouth and chest infections. But currently (touch a massive piece of wood) we are all good.

    Had a great Halloween last night. Lilly absolutely loved it!! Today I asked her what she liked best about Halloween and she said "puta in the bag!" Lol. She loved putting the treats into the bags of the people that came to the door the best. But we went around a few houses aswell which she liked. It was Toms first proper Halloween aswell and he just ran into all the houses!!! Morto! I think lilly is learning things so quickly and I put that down to Thomas. It's mad how they just try to copy everything their older sibling does. So many laughs but sooo many fights. Usually over the 1 toy when there are 50 others in the room!

    Anyone had a developmental check recently? Or know when the next one is?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    I cancelled one for last Tuesday because i couldn't drive: it's 18-23 months... So anytime between now and March. C is due her 3 year old one so doing them together so that will be fun they think the phns office is their own personal play room :) and they know where the stickers are kept!

    S is starting to drop her nap and I'm heartbroken over it: are the others napping much? She's impossible to get down for a nap these days and the childminder is finding it tougher than me... So she's awake at 7, if you can get her down at 10.30/11 for an hours nap she will go to bed at 730. If it goes later (say 1/2 for an hour) she mightnt go to sleep until 1030/11 and still get up at 7... She doesn't really sleep through which is ok but I really would like her to keep her nap a big longer!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,948 ✭✭✭Sligo1

    Thanks cyning. I will try and get T in for his 3 year check aswell so! He will be 3 end of this month. Both line are still taking a good nap 1-1.5 hours. But T has started waking up around 7/7.15 instead of 8 so I'd say he doesn't need that amount of sleep anymore. But I really don't want to cut the naps as on my days off its the only time I get to chill. And the earlier starts aren't too bad anyway... I can't really complain about a 7am start realistically as they'd need to be up by 7.30 these days for Montessori/creche etc. it's the weekends that we'd love to have an 8am sleep in! Lol
