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LoL Patch 3.9 July 2013

  • 10-07-2013 11:23am
    Registered Users Posts: 680 ✭✭✭



    Pillar of Flame
    •Mana cost reduced to 70/75/80/85/90 from 70/80/90/100/110

    •Mana cost increased to 70/75/80/85/90 from 60/65/70/75/80

    •Mana cost reduced to 100/100/100 from 100/150/200


    A common Corki complaint is that he feels extremely mana constrained by the cost of Phosphorus Bomb. However, after looking at his abilities, Phosphorus Bomb needs to be expensive to balance out its lack of counterplay. So we instead reduced the cost on some of his other spells to make mana less of a constraint overall.

    •Mana cost reduced to 50 from 100

    Missile Barrage
    •Mana cost reduced to 20 from 30/35/40


    We lowered the early game damage output Draven got from his passive since it wasn't adding much in terms of satisfying gameplay. Unfortunately, to get the numbers right, we realized we would need to reduce his passive damage to a point where it would be even less satisfying. We instead opted to rework Draven's passive altogether into something that reinforces his current gameplay, something so… Draven… even his opponents will feel begrudged to applaud: Welcome… to the League of Draven.

    League of Draven (New Passive)
    •When Draven catches a Spinning Axe, or kills a minion or monster, he gains one stack of Adoration. When Draven kills an enemy champion, he consumes half of his Adoration stacks and gains 3 gold per stack consumed. Draven loses half of his Adoration stacks upon death.


    Agony's Embrace
    •Fixed a bug where the Sated buff and visual effect appeared when Evelynn hit only spell-shielded targets (visual change only)


    •Mana cost increased to 24/28/32/36/40 from 25


    •Fixed a bug where the buff icon countdown didn't properly match the 4-second channeling time


    By increasing the cooldown on Jayce's Acceleration Gate, we can keep his Shock Blast + Acceleration Gate combo impactful while toning down his poke and disengage potential. In addition, since later in the game not every Shock Blast will be accelerated, we've increased the base speed of the ability to make it better as a standalone skillshot.

    Shock Blast
    •Basic missile speed increased to 1450 from 1350 (Accelerated Shock Blast missile speed remains the same)

    Acceleration Gate
    •Cooldown increased to 16 seconds from 14/13/12/11/10


    Righteous Fury
    •AoE effect no longer affects towers


    Yordle-made shurikens seemed a little too sharp and pointy, so we've tuned down some of Kennen's early game lane harass given how much teamfight potential he has.
    •Base Attack Damage at level 1 reduced to 50.5 from 54.6

    Mark of the Storm
    •Mark duration reduced to 6 seconds from 8


    LeBlanc's Mimic was less a decision point and more of a tool to one-shot someone with Sigil of Silence. These changes aim to make Mimic equally interesting with other skills. For one, Mimicked abilities will now deal their own base damage instead of amplifying the base spell. This means players will be able to use Mimic in more creative ways at level 6, rather than saving it for Sigil of Silence. Additionally, Sigil of Silence will now deal less damage up front but more damage on detonation in order to better promote LeBlanc's multi-skill interaction.

    Mirror Image
    •The Mirror Image will now attempt to run instead of standing still

    Sigil of Silence
    •Mana cost reduced to 50/60/70/80/90 from 70/75/80/85/90
    •Damage changed to 55/80/105/130/155 (+0.4 Ability Power) for both initial impact damage and mark detonation damage
    ◦Impact damage was 70/110/150/190/230 (+0.6 Ability Power)
    ◦Mark damage was 20/40/60/80/100 (+0.3 Ability Power)
    •Silence duration reduced to 1.5 seconds from 2

    •Cooldown now starts on cast rather than after returning to your Distortion
    •Mana cost increased to 80/90/100/110/120 from 80
    •Fixed a bug where Distortion was visible in the fog of war

    Ethereal Chains
    •Slow duration (and time until root) reduced to 1.5 seconds from 2
    •Root duration changed to 1.5 seconds from 1/1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2
    •Cooldown increased to 14/13/12/11/10 seconds from 10

    •Mana cost reduced to 0 from 100/50/0
    •All mimicked abilities now deal their own base damage instead of amplifying the base spell's damage

    Mimic: Sigil of Silence
    •Now deals 100/200/300 (+0.65 Ability Power) damage once on impact and again if the mark is detonated

    Mimic: Distortion
    •Cooldown now starts on cast rather than after returning to your Distortion
    •Now deals 150/300/450 (+0.975 Ability Power) damage on impact

    Mimic: Ethereal Chains
    •Now deals 100/200/300 (+0.65 Ability Power) damage once on impact and again if the target is rooted


    Call of the Void
    •Now correctly grants vision on the entire line path
    •Damaged targets will now always become visible

    Malefic Visions
    •Will now jump when active on a zombified champion (i.e. Karthus, Kog'Maw, Zyra, etc.)

    Master Yi

    Double Strike
    •Fixed a bug where Guinsoo's Rageblade wasn't properly giving 2 stacks


    Dark Binding
    •Fixed a bug where Dark Binding wasn't properly snaring stealthed Champions


    Siphoning Strike
    •Bonus damage now displayed as a buff on Nasus


    Dredge Line
    •No longer travels through some walls


    We've reduced the overall damage of Consume to prevent it from outsmiting Smite at rank one.
    •Health per level reduced to 96 from 108

    •Damage reduced to 500/625/750/875/1000 from 600/700/800/900/1000


    Command: Protect
    •Orianna now gains a passive range indicator that shows the range at which The Ball will return to her when attached to an allied Champion.


    Spear Shot
    •Fixed a bug where Spear Shot was not scaling with bonus Critical Strike damage when hitting an enemy below 15% Health


    Broken Wings
    •Fixed a bug that made it possible to chain more than 3 strikes


    Ki Strike
    •Fixed a bug where the visual effect wasn't properly appearing at the start of the game


    We're repositioning Flame Breath as a core tool for objective control and faster jungle clear, while also emphasizing its use as a “burn down” ability to be followed up with auto attacks against tankier fighters. We've also fixed a long-standing bug with Shyvana's Burnout where it wasn't scaling with attack damage while in Dragon form. This fix - along with her increased fury gains and reduced fury decay – will help her in late game teamfights. Lastly, we've moved the descriptions of her previous passive effects to their new ability tooltips to help centralize information.

    Fury of the Dragonborn - Remade. All Fury of the Dragonborn effects have been moved to their respective abilities.
    •Dragonborn - Gains 5/10/15/20 Armor and Magic Resist. These bonuses are doubled in Dragon Form.

    Flame Breath
    •No longer reduces Armor by 15%
    •Now passes through all units hit instead of stopping at the first
    •Debuff duration increased to 5 seconds from 4
    •Damage reduced to 80/115/150/185/220 from 80/125/170/215/260
    •On-hit magic damage to debuffed targets changed to 2% of the target's maximum Health from 15% of Flame Breath's damage (12/18.75/25.5/32.25/39 + 0.09 Ability Power).

    •Fixed a bug where Burnout wasn't scaling with attack damage when Shyvana was in Dragon form

    Dragon's Descent
    •Passive Armor/Magic Resistance component removed
    •Passive Fury Gain increased to 1/2/3 per 1.5 seconds from 1/1/1
    •Fury decay while in Dragon Form reduced to 5 per second from 6 per second


    •After initially using Death Sentence the tooltip will now describe his Death Leap ability


    •Fixed a bug where Twitch could revive in stealth when Guardian Angel or Chrono Shift was active on him


    Final Hour
    •Stealth from Final Hour will now properly be broken upon launching a basic attack


    Elastic Slingshot
    •Fixed a bug where aiming could preemptively break the targets' spell shields


    We wanted to make it easier and more rewarding for Ziggs to use Satchel Charge offensively, whether by detonating it immediately or leaving it as a threat on the battlefield to zone opponents. We also wanted to make Satchel Charge noticeably easier to use for players with moderate to high latency.

    Satchel Charge
    •Can now be reactivated while in flight, causing the Satchel Charge to detonate on landing
    •Missile speed increased to 1750 from 1600
    •Increased knockback distance to 400 from 350
    •Cooldown now starts when Satchel Charge is cast, not when it detonates

    General Champion Notes
    By constantly shifting between forms as they move about the map, certain champions have been artificially accelerating their access to fully stacked Tear items (Muramana and Seraph's Embrace) without using their mana.

    The following abilities no longer count as a spellcast for the sake of items like Tear of the Goddess, Sheen, etc.
    •Elise's Spider Form / Human Form
    •Nidalee's Aspect of the Cougar
    •Jayce's Transform: Mercury Hammer / Mercury Cannon

    We've normalized the hit delay on a few spells that had slight discrepancies between when the spell was cast and when it would take effect.

    The following abilities have had their hit delay normalized:
    •Brand's Pillar of Flame hit delay normalized to 0.625 secondsLeona's Solar Flare hit delay normalized to 0.625 seconds
    •Swain's Nevermove hit delay normalized to 0.875 seconds
    •Veigar's Dark Matter hit delay normalized to 1.25 seconds

    •When used on a CC immune champion, it will only display "Can't be slowed"

    •Summoners that disconnect while CCed will now properly run back to base

    In order to alleviate some of the gold pressure on supports as they push for vision dominance, we've made some changes to how the Oracle's buff works as well reworked the rewards for killing wards. First off, Oracle's Elixir no longer expires upon death, meaning players can be more aggressive with Oracle's, rather than just passively clear warded areas they know to be safe. Secondly, the gold from destroying a ward is now distributed between both the player who kills the ward AND the player who, whether through Oracle's or placing Vision wards, granted vision on that ward.

    •Vision and Sight Ward are now worth 30 gold, up from 25
    •Wriggle's Lantern Ward is now worth 20 gold, up from 15
    •The reward structure for killing wards has been changed to the following:
    ◦The killer of the ward gains 50% of the ward's base gold value
    ◦Nearby allied champions with Oracle's Elixir, or allied champions that placed Vision Wards nearby, split 50% of the ward's base gold value
    •Sightstone and Ruby Sightstone now display the number of placed Ghost Wards in their inventory tooltips

    Oracle's Elixir
    •No longer expires on death
    •Duration reduced to 4 minutes from 5
    •Invisibility detection radius reduced to 600 from 750
    •Now displays the radius of the detection effect to the buffed player

    Oracle's Extract
    •Invisibility detection radius reduced to 600 from 750
    •Now displays the radius of the detection effect to the buffed player

    Tear of the Goddess and Manamune were stacking up far too quickly given their low cost, so we've increased the cooldown per charge. On the other hand, Archangel's Staff is a top tier item and requires a higher gold investment, so we wanted to reward players who choose to invest in charging their Archangel's Staff faster.

    Tear of the Goddess
    •UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge
    ◦Cooldown per charge increased to 4 seconds from 3
    ◦Updated the tooltip to clarify its actual functionality

    •UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge
    ◦Cooldown per charge increased to 4 seconds from 3
    ◦Updated the tooltip to clarify its actual functionality

    Archangel's Staff
    •UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge
    ◦Mana gained increased to 8 from 6
    ◦Cooldown per charge increased to 4 seconds from 3
    ◦Updated the tooltip to clarify its actual functionality

    Previously, champions whose attacks applied a secondary source of physical damage (we're looking at you Jarvan), could unintentionally gain additional stacks of Black Cleaver's shred with one hit. Characters like Shyvana or Renekton that can apply multiple basic attacks at the same time will still stack up shreds as normal.

    Black Cleaver
    •Can no longer apply more than one stack of Armor Shred in a single basic attack

    We've made Maw of Malmortius' passive bonus easier to understand at a glance. Now Maw will grant its maximum AD when the shield procs, so players will know exactly when they're at peak power.

    Maw of Malmortius
    •Attack Damage increased to 60 from 55
    •Magic Resist increased to 40 from 36
    •Passive now grants 1 Attack Damage for every 2% of missing Health, up from 2.5%
    •Passive now capped at 35 Attack Damage, down from 40
    •Fixed a bug where the cooldown was not properly resetting when upgrading from a Hexdrinker on cooldown

    Wooglet's Witchcap
    •Fixed several unintended interactions with champion abilities and the Stasis active

    Zhonya's Hourglass
    •Fixed several unintended interactions with champion abilities and the Stasis active

    Summoner's Rift

    We've made some changes to death streaks in order to address strategies where repeatedly dying to lower your kill bounty could be used to gain an advantage. We know this may affect games where people are not intentionally dying, and we'll continue to monitor this.
    •Death Streak gold values have been reworked to be in line with pre-Season 3 values.
    ◦A player killed three times in a row without resetting is now worth 220 gold (previously 182 gold)
    ◦A player killed six times in a row without resetting is now worth 112 gold (previously 62 gold)
    •Minimum kill value of a champion increased to 50 gold (previously 15 gold)

    With Patch 3.9, we are setting a new precedent by making separate, map-specific balance changes to certain champions. The intent is not to reach a balancing cadence similar to Summoner's Rift, but to address some egregious balance outliers to improve the overall player experience. In this patch we're toning down Kassadin on Crystal Scar and Singed on Twisted Treeline. If this approach proves successful we'll follow suit with additional tweaks where necessary.

    Twisted Treeline
    ◦Armor per level reduced to 2 from 3.5 on Twisted Treeline
    ◦Insanity Potion cooldown increased to 120 seconds from 100 on Twisted Treeline

    Crystal Scar
    ◦Riftwalk cooldown increased to 9/8/7 seconds from 7/6/5 on Crystal Scar
    ◦Riftwalk range reduced to 600 from 700 on Crystal Scar

    Howling Abyss
    •Added new item: Orb of Winter
    ◦Recipe: Rejuvenation Bead + Rejuvenation Bead + Negatron Cloak
    ◦Total Gold Cost: 2080 (combine cost: 1180)
    ◦+70 Magic Resist
    ◦+20 Health Regen per 5 seconds
    ◦Unique Passive: Grants a shield that absorbs damage. The shield will refresh after a short period without taking damage.

    Game Interface •Fixed a long-standing bug where Attack-Move and Move commands could trigger while typing in chat
    •Fixed a keybinding issue where some modifier keys could not be used with certain keys and mouse buttons
    •Significantly improved performance when purchasing item upgrades

    League System •Added the ability to spectate players and teams in challenger tier via an option in the leagues menu
    •When viewing teams in the Leagues tab, clicking on a team will now show a list of the team's top players

    We worked with the Player Behavior team on a smaller change to remove all latency (ping) displays except your own. After looking closely at the data, it seems that showing pings during loading can add toxicity to games before they even begin. Ultimately we came to the conclusion that removing the ping display on champion load screens would lead to a healthier community overall, so we acted on it.
    •The load screen now includes Summoner Icons
    ◦The progress bar has been removed due to space constraints
    ◦The ping of other Summoners has been removed

    •The rune page has been significantly reworked to provide a more responsive experience:
    ◦Filtering out all runes of a given type (such as Marks or Seals) will cause it to turn grey, indicating that it's empty
    ◦Reverting the changes in the runebook no longer changes which is being edited
    ◦It's now possible to open more than one rune type at a time in the rune inventory
    ◦Right clicking or double clicking to rapidly add runes doesn't require waiting for the animation to complete
    ◦Shifted the rune slots slightly to reduce certain gaps
    ◦The scrollbars have been made more responsive and easier to click
    ◦The dividers between effects in the stats pane now scale down when the scrollbar appears
    ◦Dragging a rune into place no longer highlights slots near the drop target
    ◦Rune combiner animations are simpler and less CPU intensive
    ◦Rune combiner filters are now more consistent with rune page filters

    •When Smart Cast Range Indicators are enabled, the keybinding for Self Cast Spell (ALT by default) will activate the ability immediately on key press, rather than on key release. This matches the behavior of abilities which are innately self-cast, such as Sivir’s Spell Shield.
    •Added tooltips and visual indicators in the client to more clearly convey which game modes, maps, and types are locked for new and low level players
    • will now automatically scale itself down to 1150x720 or 1024x640, whichever is most appropriate. The most common desktop resolutions that will see their experience impacted are:
    •Logitech hardware support can now be disabled by adding "LogitechSupport=0" to the "General" section in your game.cfg


  • Registered Users Posts: 12,778 ✭✭✭✭Kold

    Spear shot is meant to crit? 40% of my ranked games, 70% winrate, learn something new every day. Pls nerf mana cost on Grand Skyfall tbh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,778 ✭✭✭✭Kold

    Also so happy to see Jayce get the sh1t ripped out of him, mananune nerfs were needed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    Two big impacts from that patch were definitly Jayce and Kennen.

    Jayce no longer is that insta lock toplane champ any more. I'm not even seeing the need to ban him in solo queue any more, the increase on Acceleration gate and the change to tear stacks has giving him a big nerf.

    I'm a big Kennen player and the base damage reduction was noticeable, although not overly hurtful. It definitly remove a bit of Kennen's early game, which was overly strong at times. But he is still viable and it's only a minor nuisance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 308 ✭✭Sycopat

    Rather than post another thread and clutter up the place I thought I might leave these here:



    Summary: While cleaning up Ashe's passive, we found a small bug that had been granting unwarranted Focus stacks. We ordered an orbital strike on the bug, and gave Focus a minor buff to compensate.


    Focus stacks per second increased to 4/5/6/7/8 from 3/4/5/6/7
    Fixed a bug where Focus was granting stacks while on cooldown in certain situations


    Summary: Spiderlings are now less tanky overall, particularly against champions who build armor penetration. Spiderlings will also descend from Rappel after Elise, meaning if she Rappels with tower aggro and no friendly minions around, she'll be targeted first once she lands (towers used to target Spiderlings first because they would descend first). Rappel also no longer allows Elise to travel outside of the indicated range.

    Context: Elise has been a high-value pick in competitive play for some time thanks to the overall strength of her kit. We considered reducing the damage of some of her abilities, but felt like we should target her more frustrating aspects first. Specifically, we wanted to reduce the tankiness of Elise's spiderlings and lower their utility as damage sponges. With these changes we can add a little more counterplay for her opponents, meaning Elise players will need to think more carefully about her Spider Swarm passive.

    The other ability we targeted was the deceptively long range of Rappel. We initially designed Elise's Rappel to allow for some extra travel space outside of her indicated range, but in retrospect this made the skill extremely frustrating to play against. These changes mean the circular visual indicator will more accurately show who Elise is able to descend upon.


    Health reduced to 90-260 from 125-550
    Armor increased to 30/50/70/90 from 30 (based on Spider Form rank)
    Magic Resist increased to 50/70/90/110 from 50 (based on Spider Form rank)
    Multi-target damage reduction adjusted to 25% from 10/20/30/40%
    Spiderlings no longer continue taking actions before vanishing once Elise shifts into Human Form
    Spiderlings now group closer together while moving

    Volatile Spiderling

    Movement Speed has been reduced


    Elise can no longer descend outside of the indicated area
    Fixed a bug where Elise could begin casting spells and attacking as soon as she began her descent while she was still untargetable
    Spiderlings will now descend from Rappel slightly after Elise instead of descending at the same time



    No longer reduces Baron Nashor's, Dragon's or Vilemaw's Magic Resist


    Fixed a bug that occasionally caused rapid casts to deal no damage

    Lay Waste

    Now casts at max range when targeted beyond max range during Death Defied


    Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.2 from 0.25
    Fixed a bug where Cooldown Reduction allowed Defile to be rapidly toggled, increasing its damage output

    Call of the Void

    Missile visibility from fog of war and brush now consistent with other missiles

    Summon Voidling

    Voidlings no longer repeatedly switch targets when more than one unit is affected with Malefic Visions
    Master Yi (remake)

    Summary: Master Yi has been reworked with a new model and changes to his kit. For a full rundown of the Wuju Master's changes, click here.


    Health per level increased to 92 from 86
    Base Mana reduced to 180 from 199
    Mana per level increased to 42 from 36
    Base Armor reduced to 15 from 16.3
    Armor per level reduced to 3 from 3.7
    Attack Speed per level reduced to 2.75% from 2.98%

    Double Strike

    Every 4th consecutive basic attack, Master Yi will attack twice, dealing 50% damage on the second strike

    Alpha Strike

    Master Yi becomes untargetable and dashes to up to 4 units, dealing 25/60/95/130/165 (+1.0 total Attack Damage) physical damage and 75/100/125/150/175 bonus damage to minions. Alpha Strike can critically strike for 60% of Master Yi's total Attack Damage.
    Alpha Strike's cooldown is reduced by 1 second each time Master Yi basic attacks
    Mana Cost: 70/80/90/100/110
    Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14


    Master Yi channels for 4 seconds, gaining 40/45/50/55/60% damage reduction and healing for 30/50/70/90/110 (+0.3 Ability Power) per second. This heal is increased by 1% for every 1% Health Master Yi is missing. The damage reduction is halved against turrets
    Mana Cost: 50/65/80/95/110
    Cooldown: 35

    Wuju Style

    Passive: Master Yi gains 7/9/11/13/15% Attack Damage
    Active: Master Yi deals 10/15/20/25/30 (+0.1/0.125/0.15/0.175/0.2 total Attack Damage) true damage on hit for 5 seconds. Wuju Style's passive bonus is lost while the skill is on cooldown
    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14


    Passive: When Master Yi kills a champion, the cooldowns on his basic abilities are reduced by 18 seconds (half for assists)
    Active: Grants Master Yi 30/55/80% Attack Speed and 25/35/45% Movement Speed for 10 seconds. If Master Yi scores a kill or assist while Highlander is active, Highlander's duration is extended by 4 seconds
    Mana Cost: 100
    Cooldown: 75

    Aqua Prison

    Fixed a bug where the stun sometimes lasted longer than intended

    Heroic Charge

    Fixed a bug where Poppy would retain her previous move or attack order after charging
    Fixed a bug that caused Poppy to stutter briefly after charging

    Summary:The ranges of Ryze's spells are being reduced this patch, but his Desperate Power movement speed buff has been increased to compensate.

    Context: With his spell range and high late game damage, Ryze could effectively nuke back line squishies from distance while still playing the role of “tanky beast” (when built in that way). We wanted to refocus on Ryze's core identity as a mid-range mage, meaning his positioning and proximity to the enemy team is more important than before, while his increased speed should allow him to get up close to priority targets to melt their delicate little faces.


    Cast range reduced to 600 from 650

    Rune Prison

    Cast range reduced to 600 from 625
    Mana cost reduced to 60/70/80/90/100 from 80/90/100/110/120

    Spell Flux

    Cast range reduced to 600 from 675

    Desperate Power

    Movement Speed increased to 60/70/80 from 35/45/55

    Summary: Thresh's reduced base health and armor make him more vulnerable at early levels, but collected souls now grant a flat bonus with no diminishing returns.

    Context: We wanted to make trading in lanes a little riskier for Thresh as he had a lot of crowd control through Death Sentence and Flay. Additionally, collecting souls, while a vital part of early game Thresh play, had the tendency to become negligible late game due to their diminishing returns. Giving souls a flat bonus means Thresh's passive stays relevant throughout the game.


    Base Health reduced to 500 from 541
    Base Armor reduced to 12 from 18


    Souls now always grant 0.75 Armor and Ability Power instead of starting at 1.0 and granting diminishing returns per soul collected
    Twisted Fate

    Summary: Loaded Dice no longer grants global bonus gold, but instead gives Twisted Fate between 1-6 gold per kill. Pick a Card has been changed, too, giving TF players a smaller window to throw the card after locking it instead of one long window to both lock and throw the card.

    Context: Loaded Dice was giving Twisted Fate and his team a lot of hidden power without feeling individually impactful. The change fits more thematically with his kit and allows his passive to feel more noticeable by giving TF more gold on average over the course of the match.

    The Pick a Card changes are intended to introduce more counterplay to the ability, as many players were locking their card within a second or two of shuffling, then sitting on the locked card for the rest of the duration to intimidate opponents. While these changes mean TF players have more time to utilize Pick a Card, they'll have a smaller window to act once they lock in their card.

    Loaded Dice (Remade)

    Upon killing a unit, Twisted Fate rolls his dice, gaining anywhere from 1 to 6 bonus Gold. Naturally, Twisted Fate has a higher chance to receive a larger bonus

    Pick a Card

    Now has 8 seconds to lock the card and 4 seconds to throw it instead of 10 seconds to do both

    Spirit Guard Udyr has new death animations


    Fixed a bug where the cast range was longer than intended (650 instead of 550)

    Final Hour

    Cooldown increased to 100/85/70 from 70 seconds

    Infinite Duress

    Fixed a bug where damage would continue to be dealt after being interrupted by enemy champions

    Elastic Slingshot

    Damage reduced to 80/120/160/200/240 from 80/130/180/230/280

    General Champion Changes

    Champions with dash abilities will no longer be able to activate them while taunted (Jax's Leap Strike, Katarina's Shunpo, and Shen's Shadow Dash)
    Champions that waste basic attacks or abilities on damage nullifying shields or absorption shields without breaking the shield (Kayle's Intervention, Poppy's Diplomatic Immunity, Morgana's Black Shield, Barrier, etc) will now be properly granted assists if that champion dies within the appropriate time frame

    Magic Resistance Items

    Summary: A new magic resistance item has been added to the game in the form of a mid-level MR item that builds into Spirit Visage and Banshee's Veil.

    Context: We wanted to reposition Magic Resistance as a personal stat as opposed to an aura-focused stat (see below for our Runic Bulwark updates). With these changes we specifically wanted to create more itemization options against sustained magic damage dealers in the mid game as well as create more options for tanks versus late game poke teams.
    New Item: Spectre's Cowl

    Recipe: Ruby Crystal + Negatron Cloak + 205 Gold = 1400 total Gold
    +200 Health
    +45 Magic Resist
    UNIQUE Passive: Grants +15 Health Regen per 5 seconds for up to 10 seconds after taking damage from an enemy champion
    Spirit Visage

    Recipe Changed: Spectre's Cowl + Kindlegem + 375 Gold = 2625 total Gold, up from 2200
    Health increased to 400 from 200
    Magic Resist increased to 55 from 45
    Now additionally grants +20 Health Regen per 5 seconds
    Banshee's Veil

    Recipe Changed: Spectre's Cowl + Ruby Crystal + 875 Gold = 2750 total Gold, up from 2520
    Health increased to 450 from 400
    Magic Resist increased to 55 from 45
    Mana reduced to 0 from 300
    Additional UNIQUE Passive: Grants +45 Health Regen per 5 seconds for up to 10 seconds after taking damage from an enemy champion or when the spell shield breaks
    Guardian Angel

    Recipe Changed: Negatron Cloak + Chain Vest + 1310 Gold = 2750 total Gold, up from 2600
    Magic Resist increased to 40 from 30
    Runic Bulwark and Locket of the Iron Solari

    Summary: Runic Bulwark has been removed from the game. Aegis of the Legion now builds into Locket of the Iron Solari.

    Context: We wanted to reduce the burden of buying an Aegis/Bulwark every game. By combining Aegis and Locket, we can more clearly push them into their strategic niche of team fight area-effect damage reduction items.
    Aegis of the Legion

    Combine cost reduced to 375 Gold from 625 (total cost reduced to 1900 Gold from 2150)
    Health reduced to 200 from 250
    No longer grants self-only Magic Resist
    UNIQUE Aura – Legion
    No longer grants Armor
    Magic Resist increased to 20 from 15
    No longer grants additional bonuses to minions
    Runic Bulwark

    Removed from the game
    Locket of the Iron Solari

    New build path: Aegis of the Legion + 600 Gold = 2500 Gold
    +300 Health
    +20 Armor
    +10% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Active retained
    Now grants UNIQUE Aura - Legion
    Blade of the Ruined King

    Active Haste/Slow duration reduced to 3 seconds from 4
    Warden's Mail

    Passive Slow duration reduced to 1 second from 1.5
    Cost reduced to 1000 from 1100
    Randuin's Omen

    Passive Slow duration reduced to 1 second from 1.5
    Cost reduced to 3000 from 3100 (combine cost unchanged)
    Frozen Heart

    Cost reduced to 2900 from 3000 (combine cost unchanged)
    New Icons

    The following items have received new icons
    Abyssal Scepter
    Catalyst the Protector
    Deathfire Grasp
    Glacial Shroud
    Haunting Guise
    Hextech Revolver
    Vampiric Scepter

    Summoner's Rift

    Jungle Monsters

    Summary: All camps outside of buff camps will now spawn later in the game. Some experience has been moved back from the Ancient Golem and Lizard Elder to their Young Lizard spawns meaning junglers will have to fully clear the camp in order to hit level 2, and not just kill the buff monster.

    Context: Our first jungle modifications in 3.8 were not quite enough to enact the changes we wanted, so we're pushing spawn timers even further to finish the job while fixing some other unintended side effects.

    Junglers could completely cripple their enemy team counterparts – especially early on – without fully committing to confrontation by smiting the buff and escaping, or killing their opponent with the immediate level advantage. We like the importance of aggressive early game invades, but want to make sure there's an appropriate amount of risk involved.

    Spawn time increased to 2:05 from 1:55
    Spawn time increased to 2:05 from 1:55
    Giant Wolf
    Base experience granted increased to 170 from 153
    Spawn time increased to 2:05 from 1:55
    Big Golem
    Base experience granted increased to 160 from 137
    Ancient Golem
    Base experience granted reduced to 260 from 340
    Base Health reduced to 1400 from 1500
    Lizard Elder
    Base experience granted reduced to 260 from 340
    Base Health reduced to 1400 from 1500
    Young Lizard
    Base experience granted increased to 50 from 10
    Base Health increased to 400 from 300

    Baron Nashor

    Summary: Baron Nashor now takes less physical and magical damage from targets affected by Voracious Corrosion (the single target debuff he applies to whoever's tanking him) as opposed to directly reducing Attack Damage.

    Context: Soloing Baron with sustained magic damage was too easy for a select few champions. This change makes things more consistent overall. A noted side effect is that teams who start fighting Baron will be at less of a disadvantage when engaged upon by the enemy team due to the fact that Voracious Corrosion no longer alters overall attack damage and instead only reduces damage directed at Baron Nashor. We'll continue to monitor this and act if it seems to be a significant problem.

    Voracious Corrosion
    No longer reduces the target's Attack Damage by 50%
    Now reduces the physical and magic damage the target deals to Nashor by 50%


    Summary: Turrets are now harder to push down within the very early stages of the game. We've also corrected a minor bug that gave purple side inner turrets slightly more armor than intended.

    Context: Due to the high global value of map objectives and the ease of taking down turrets in the early game with certain compositions, players – particularly in competitive play – have been entirely bypassing the laning phase. Ultimately we didn't want to completely eliminate this strategy but its prevalence was invalidating many champions who have high potential during the laning phase. These changes should introduce more risk into aggressive early-game objective-focused strategies without eliminating its viability completely.

    For additional context, while the numbers might initially seem high (in particular the Purple Side Inner Turrets having 10 more armor than intended), Turrets begin the game with much more armor relative to champions so these changes are not as significant as they might first seem.

    Outer turrets now gain 60 bonus Armor at the start of the game, which starts decaying after 4 minutes have passed and finishes decaying 4 minutes later
    Outer turret base Armor increased to 60 from 54
    Outer turrets no longer gain Armor over the first 8 minutes of the game
    Fixed a bug where purple side inner turrets had 10 more Armor than intended
    Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar

    General Changes

    Summary: Needlessly Large Rod and Deathfire Grasp have been removed from these map modes, with more mid-level AP items added in, including Liandry's Torment, Seeker's Armguard, and Moonflair Spellblade – a mid-tier defensive AP item. Blackfire Torch now has the same active ability of Deathfire Grasp.

    Context: This small-scale AP rework is intended to address AP survivability and viability in Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar. Needlessly Large Rod (and, by extension, Deathfire Grasp) have been removed because it was unreasonably difficult to save up for on these maps. The addition of Moonflair Spellblade and Seeker's Armguard should help with early-mid game survivability.

    Needlessly Large Rod removed
    Deathfire Grasp removed
    Liandry's Torment enabled
    Seeker's Armguard enabled

    RETURNING ITEM: Moonflair Spellblade (Ranged Only)

    Recipe: Seeker's Armguard + Negatron Cloak + 420 Gold = 2300 Total Gold
    +50 Ability Power
    +50 Armor
    +50 Magic Resist
    UNIQUE Passive - Tenacity: Reduces the duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds, and immobilizes by 35%

    Blackfire Torch

    Reworked: Blasting Wand + Fiendish Codex + 720 Gold = 2400 Total Gold
    +80 Ability Power
    +10% Cooldown Reduction
    UNIQUE Active: Deals 20% of target champion's maximum Health in magic damage over 6 seconds and increases all subsequent magic damage taken by the target by 20% (60 second cooldown)

    Wooglet's Witchcap

    New Build Path: Seeker's Armguard + Blasting Wand + Amplifying Tome + 1045 Gold = 3500 Total Gold
    Armor increased to 45 from 40

    Bug Fixes

    Vilemaw now properly selects his melee attack for melee champions with more than 100 range
    Vilemaw no longer twitches when players leave his lair
    Lesser Wraith Health now properly scales with time
    Champion Search Tags

    Summary: Now, champion search tags more accurately represent the team role each champion plays and better explains the recommended play style for a particular champion to new players. In future releases, we'll continue to refine these tags and how they appear in For more information on our changes, read more here.

    Champions will now be tagged with a single, primary role from the following:
    Assassin, Fighter, Mage, Marksman, Support, Tank
    You'll see these changes across
    Ready Check

    Summary: In order to get players into games faster, those that habitually fail to accept matched games will be temporarily removed from the queue. This should help players with longer queue times in addition to removing some fringe abuse cases.

    Players that frequently fail a Ready Check will be given time-outs from re-entering the queue to prevent them from lengthening the queue times of other players
    Normal play patterns (including missing a Ready Check every once in a while) will not trigger this penalty

    Fixed a bug where the /mute chat command did not work
    Fixed a bug where you could not use the /mute @ChampionName chat command unless the target was on your friends list

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,360 ✭✭✭✭Rikand

    I think a new thread would have been a good idea :)

    I like some of the item changes.

    Bulwark gone is good and puts less pressure on support to try and make gold, get locket + aegis and just get the new locket.

    Also, like the new Spirit visage :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    Good patch for top lane

    The item changes bring down the cost of some good tanky items which is a big bonus. The likes of the Spirit Visage change is really nice for the likes of Zac. Frozen heart coming down in price is always nice, and an item to combat AP characters is always welcome. Double AP comps are becoming the norm now, and a HexDrinker wasn't sufficient to deal with this as a top laner.

    The nerf to Ryze is lovely. I've been seeing him being a bit bull**** lately. His Q trading ability was way too strong with that range, forcing you to stand off and farm from distance. His range reduction means you can get closer to farm which is nice. As is he scales a bit outragously without actually building AP, thought that was something they would address. Maybe can be dealt with by the new MR item.

    Elise nerf is nice too,.

    All in all a good patch for me. I main toplane on the likes of Kennen, Shen and Renekton and I feel this is has been a buff patch.

  • Registered Users Posts: 308 ✭✭Sycopat

    From my own point of view, there's not many of the champions I regularly play been touched much in this one. I think twisted fates passive change is a long time coming tbh. Be interesting to see what it's average contribution actually is.

    I really like the aegis/locket changes considering how often I feel like I'm buying one, the other or both anyway.

    The changes to the jungle camps timers is pretty big, be interesting to see how that shakes out. IIRC didn't they change the XP and health on the different monsters a while back because AOE based junglers were able to clear camps much quicker than solo target junglers? I guess they're okay with that now (or think the trade off is worth it.)

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,137 ✭✭✭✭TheDoc

    Sycopat wrote: »

    The changes to the jungle camps timers is pretty big, be interesting to see how that shakes out. IIRC didn't they change the XP and health on the different monsters a while back because AOE based junglers were able to clear camps much quicker than solo target junglers? I guess they're okay with that now (or think the trade off is worth it.)

    Yeah there where changed a while back, and then the changes last patch. I'm not sure what direction they are going with it, but they definitely look to be wanting to remove early lane pressure from junglers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭Seifer

    The jungler changes have little to do with actual junglers except Nunu.
    As explained in the patch preview video, the spawn timer change is purely to make it inefficient for the blue bot lane to take double golems.
    Moving some xp to the small minions in the buff camps is a change being commonly referred to as the "Fúck Nunu" change. It prevents him from flashing in at level 1, consuming and smiting your buff, getting level 2 immediately and then blood-boiling away.

    Patch preview for those that haven't seen it:
