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Star Citizen (Thinly veiled 'How many Irish backing this?')



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,553 ✭✭✭lmimmfn

    heres a video i made of StarCitizen on multi screen setup if anyones interested( was asked in another forum to do it ) -

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭Yeti Beast

    ED E wrote: »

    Forgot all about it. :o I assume both ships will make it into the game at some point.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,473 ✭✭✭R0ot

    Stev_o wrote: »
    Mostly the Pew Pew sounds weak and just childish.

    There is actually a very valid reason for the current sounds, something to do with a vacuum, physics, space and reverberation on the ship. They are going in to some amount of detail for sure.

    I'd say they'll be improving everything as it goes on and you can in the meantime override whatever you want sound wise.

    MISC Freelancer Commercial - Dat Jump Effect!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭Yeti Beast

    Is it just my crappy speakers, or was that Lance Henriksen doing the voice-over?

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 23,183 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kiith

    It's Admiral Hackett from Mass Effect (also know as Lance Henriksen).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,893 ✭✭✭Canis Lupus

    Kiith wrote: »
    It's Admiral Hackett from Mass Effect (also know as Lance Henriksen).

    I think you mean Bishop.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,643 ✭✭✭Glebee

    Cant get past wave 6 in the tin can that is known as the Aurora MR:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 36,167 ✭✭✭✭ED E

    Glebee wrote: »
    Cant get past wave 6 in the tin can that is known as the Aurora MR:D

    Had trouble with the third wave myself :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,473 ✭✭✭R0ot

    Travis Day Interview @ Tales of Citizens

    Thanks to /u/WT_FivebyFive on reddit for the transcribe.
    1)Question about joystick control oversensitivity and if that's being looked at:
    • They are working on finding the sweetspot.they have many curves that they're trying for different HOTAS.Also working on how the controls work in relation to the maneuvering thrusters.
    • Additional info:Acknowledges that they still have to add a lot of audio/visual/HUD feedback that tells the player what's happening with the ship. Talks specifically about the sense of speed and how they need to communicate the sense of speed to the player.
    2)"Right now you can only have lateral thrust in decoupled mode.Is there a plan to change that"?
    • Absolutely.Even the base flight controls don't feel perfect right now.Lateral thrust is a "plus" control (more advanced flight control) and the focus right now has been on the base controls.But,yes,6DOF is coming,true Newtonian will be turned on.Right now you push one way and the thrusters will stop you as soon as you stop pushing with IFCS.They can do "no counter thrust" but it's just a question of getting it tuned to the point where people don't rage about it."
    3)"What are the differences,pros/cons between Ballistic weapons,Energy weapons and missiles?How will they be balanced"?
    • Ballistic weapons can penetrate the shield.They take a reduction in damage if the shield is up but do damage to the armor.Lasers have to deplete the shields first but do more damage on the armor while the shields are down. Missles are being heavily worked on.There are various types including:
    • EMP missiles that take out shields -Missiles that lay dormant and then pick up on an identified target,so you can "seed" missiles out there.
    4)Countermeasures:Are we expected to fire everything we've got and see what happens or is there an indicator here that we're missing,telling us what's coming at us?
    • You will know if someone has a Heat lock on you,or Radar lock on you.You will know what countermeasure to deploy.Hasn't been added in the first release.Flares for heat locks,Chaff for radar lock.
    5)Sense of speed: Are you satisfied with the effect or do you want to improve upon it to give players a better sense of speed?
    Spacedust needs to be improved.Maybe we'll make more dust or another technique to give that sense of speed.
    • Another thing that is coming is more sound effects to help with the sense of speed.Right now for example when you activate your afterburner,you don't hear it.
    • It's the total package that makes you feel like you're going fast:Rumble of the controller,screen shake,Hum of the engine and engine RPM.All of those are being looked at to improve the sense of speed.
    • One of the things that will be changing as well is the MAX velocity of ships.It's still pre-alfa.Relative velocities of the ships (max speed for all the ships) will be changing."Maybe the 300i ends up going 400m/s".This is all stuff that will be WILDLY changing.
    6) Power management: Are you intending to make it so that cranking more power to the engines breaks the speed limit?
    • Yes,also if you give power to the engine you will also give power to the maneuvering thrusters,so you can arrest angular velocity a lot quicker,so you get a lot less sliding and a lot less sluggishness in the responsiveness."The HUD controls need to be improved greatly".
    7) Weapon sound effects: Are they placeholders or are basic guns supposed to sound wimpy?
    • First of all the sound balance is important and needs to be worked on (engines/lasers/explosions ect).Currently explosions are loud but engines are too soft.All of this will be adjusted.
    • Bigger weapons will sound more powerful
    • Sound effects will definitely be improved .
    8)Ship balance inside Arena Commander:
    • By design,not all ships will be as good in combat as others,which works for the PU.However AC is all about the dogfighting.They will probably use a Point System like in Warhammer 40k.Basic idea floating around "and please don't quote me on the forums or Reddit with this" is that an Aurora would for example be worth one point (speculative) and the Hornet 4 points (speculative).If you kit it out with extra weapons it get bumped up to 6 points (speculative).The matchmaker then takes the available ships in the queue and makes a balanced match where both teams have the same amount of total points.
    • Another point that comes from this is that all ships must be made fun to play regardless of brute strength."It's like bot lane support in League of Legends,you have to make it fun or not enough people will play it".They are thinking about different game modes that incentives secondary (support) roles Mentions "Ferry the Cargo" game mode as a possibility:Centralized cargo depot that you have to capture,that has 10.000 metric tons of cargo.Suddenly a having a Freelancer that's protected by Hornets becomes a viable game mechanic,whereas normally people would just gravitate to just Hornets.
    9) Are the Big ships currently being worked on or are they shelved to give priority to the smaller dogfighting ships because of AC?
    • Compartmentalization makes sure that things are worked on in parallel.Manchester people are working on capital ships.One production team complements each other.Manchester team designs many of the ship systems since they make capships and gives it to the AC people.AC people concentrate on dogfighting mechanics,which the Manchester team takes and uses for Squadron 42.They also have [REDACTED] working on all the FPS and boarding mechanics the eventually will make it into AC.
    • "So we will be adding all those stacking layers where all of a sudden,Arena Commander is you flying from system to system and boarding ships,moving cargo,at a certain point,you realize this is the alfa for the PU".
    10)When is Multiplayer coming?
    • They are building the entire PU backend.They are working on their Network Operation Centers and removing any bugs that make the servers/clients crash.No hard dates :)
    11) Will we be able to trade our fish?
    • It's a good concept.Fish are just another commodity.Space Whales confirmed.
    12) Any Economy news?
    • Austin Studio is pretty deeply into the Economy right now.Building an offline simulator to test the economy out.
    13) Any Xi'an Scout news?/General thruster information.
    • Externally gimbaled thrusters are safe and will not change.
    • Some ships are designed to have less than optimal but more survivable thruster placement. For example,the Hornet has centerline maneuvering thrusters that are harder to shoot down than the 300i's.The 300i's can be shot off easier (more exposed) but are more oprimally placed for maneuvering.
    • Completely unintentional functionality that came up during testing.300i got its main engine blown off easier than the Hornet.Turns out the Hornet's tail acts as a damage sponge.
    14)Track IR implementation
    -For now it's in the backlog but will be worked on.Working on base systems right now.
    15)After we get the first planned multi-crewed ships
    • (Freelancer,Constellation),will we see other multi crew ships (Retaliator,Caterpillar) become integrated into AC as they get completed?
    • They are working on the ships by pledge popularity to maximize the people who can get their hands on their pledged ships.
    16)Any ship being worked on to replace the Idris as a Corvette?
    • Not at this point.
    17)When are we going to get Stealth Gameplay?
    • "We want to have this greatly improved by the time V1.0 comes out".Right now everything is dialed to 11.Radars pick up everything at maximum ranges and ships give of max signatures at all times.They have it like this as they debug the Radar/Stealth mechanics.They want it done sooner rather than later.
    18) Co-pilot functionality.How will it work in AC?What do you foresee as "Co-pilot actions"?
    • "The way we actually program the HUD and IU elements was that with the intention they can be broken off into their different subsystems.Each one of those can be assigned to different consoles in different seats of the ship.The idea is that any subsystem control should be assignable to any command chair (for example on the Constellation bridge).The system is designed to have a level of complexity in being the pilot of the Constellation that lends to not arbitrarily having one guy controlling the shields and one guy controlling your radar system,but there are going to be so many weapons on the Constellation and so much intricacy to the subsystems that one guy just physically cannot do it on his on.So what you want to do,it is to have it to where your ship's efficacy is increased by having additional people focused on those subsystems".
    • One of the coolest things is that the UI/HUD is displayed correctly even if you're not sitting on the appropriate chair.If you ask your friend to re-route power on the constellation,and you look over,you can see him using the actual power menus on his screen
    19) Voice attack/Native support
    • They like voice attack and would like some native voice commands but too early to tell.
    20) Gimbaled weapons/Aim assist:
    • They are actively looking to improve the ITTS system.Trying to move to a lead target indicator.From a design perspective,they want to let people be able to explore bad/good weapon loadouts (builds) in regards to fixed weapon combinations.Lead indicator "feels less like cheating".They want people realizing they're getting shot at by observing the "tracers" (like in War Thunder).The green diamond system always shot either on-target or behind so people never see any "tracers".
    21) Are we expecting to see different User Interfaces based on ship manufacturer?
    • "Yes,yes and yes"
    • They ran out of time but they're working on it.First pass will be a color shift.Moving on,they will be entirely different layouts.The aurora will use the LED Flatscreens.In the 300i,the "cupholders" beside the yoke are holo-projectors that will be used for information.
    • Helmet mounted elements will be dependent on whether you have your helmet on,or you will be able to transfer the helmet mounted UI elements to ship screens if you prefer.
    22) Scanned targets functionality
    • Targets are scanned and docked in your computer.Total number of docked targets will depend on your avionics package.You will be able to give orders to your a.i wingmen like "Wingman no1,attack dock 3".In a big ship like the Constellation,the commander can assign different missiles and weapon groups to fire at different docked targets.
    23)Is helmet flip coming back?
    • By V1.0 it should be in.
    24)Final thoughts about Arena Commander?
    • "It's not a scam"
    • They are closely monitoring the forums,looking for feedback.
    • 300i bed only has space for one person.Aurora can fit two.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,473 ✭✭✭R0ot

    Not sure how accurate this information is yet but CR quoted as saying AC multiplayer for a few hundred next week and thousands the week after with the hopes of version v1.0 being released before the end of the month.

    Obviously treat this with a giant shot of penasilin.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭Yeti Beast

    Some E3 coverage. Haven't watched these yet, so don't blame me if they're up to GameSpot's usual standards. :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,473 ✭✭✭R0ot

    Multiplayer Roll Out has begun
    Greetings Citizens,

    If you’re a very early backer, check your e-mail! The first invitations to Arena Commander’s multiplayer have gone out. QA invited the first 250 backers to start playing today. These backers were selected by the team because of their especially valuable bug reporting skills during the Hangar module release.

    The team decided that reports were looking good and that we should begin the general rollout. Only a small number of Citizens have been sent invites at this point, but we hope to increase that dramatically in the near future. From this point forward, invites will be based on Citizen number in the aims of giving the earliest access to the backers who have supported us the longest.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭Yeti Beast

    So anyone with a low citizen number who can expect to play soon then?

  • Registered Users Posts: 36,167 ✭✭✭✭ED E

    Yeti Beast wrote: »
    So anyone with a low citizen number who can expect to play soon then?

    Im at the 71K mark, is that low? "Enlisted Nov 19, 2012"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭Yeti Beast

    ED E wrote: »
    Im at the 71K mark, is that low? "Enlisted Nov 19, 2012"

    Not bad. I'm something like 420K (not that my current PC can play it anyway)! Depends on how many more they add each update I guess.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,643 ✭✭✭Glebee

    Big changes to hanger after latest patch...

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,473 ✭✭✭R0ot

    Multiplayer Roll-Out
    UPDATE: Tests are going well and we have upped the number of invitees to the first 2,477 Citizens (plus the original testers)! We do not expect to add any additional slots until after the weekend.

    Retaliator WIP pics (can't wait to see this in hangar!)

    And for any fellow subscribers the new monthly flair -

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,452 ✭✭✭✭The_Valeyard

    Wonder whats next...

    Come on Connie updates!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭Yeti Beast

    Although it will crash my PC, I want to see my asteroid hangar damnit!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,473 ✭✭✭R0ot

    Mad about the flight model read this -

    And 10 for the Chairman basically goes over all this also -

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,452 ✭✭✭✭The_Valeyard

    What has you mad over it R00t?

  • Registered Users Posts: 36,167 ✭✭✭✭ED E

    New patch just dropped. More citizens added. No invite my way yet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,473 ✭✭✭R0ot

    What has you mad over it R00t?

    I forgot the question mark...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,452 ✭✭✭✭The_Valeyard

    R0ot wrote: »
    I forgot the question mark...

    ahh right, lolz.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,976 ✭✭✭✭humanji

    A new ship has been added to the shop. The Xi'An Khartu-al, a light fighter that they say is for scouts/explorers. Catchy name. For $150 it'd want to be something special.

    An a related note, they're testing the new store ship viewing system with this ship: so you can get 3d views of the ship. A bit sluggish at the moment, but it is testing, I suppose.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,473 ✭✭✭R0ot

    As always in the development process of SC you need to take this all with a pinch of salt.

    In an interview by PC Gamer, CR says SQ42 will be released middle to end 2015 and the PU will be released middle 2016.

    source -

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,452 ✭✭✭✭The_Valeyard

    So its 2018 then? If going by previous deadlines? lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,473 ✭✭✭R0ot

    Summarized over on r/starcitizen -
    Santa Monica

    * Finishing touches being put on Patch 12.4

    * Working on custom key binds

    * Large improvements to the flight model and HUD improvements

    * Some other surprise features

    CIG Austin

    * Continuing to work on PU design

    * Working on tools for star system creation and mission creation

    * Working on the Economy

    * Work on the Freelancer variants, Constellation, Mustang, M50, Aurora variants, 300 series, Hornet variants, P52 Merlin, Avenger, and Xi’an Scout

    * Working on some FPS and characters for use in ship commercials

    * Animation work for SQ42 and FPS

    * Worked on lots of bugs for Arena Commander

    * Began evaluating Avatar customization tech

    * Migrated public universe cluster from Rackspace to Google Compute, and made progress on large universe cluster scripted deployment.

    * Sound and audio improvements continues

    Foundry 42

    * Started whiteboxing of the first few missions in SQ42

    * Started work on multi crewed ships

    * The Capital ships are looking great

    * Planning to unveil some cool stuff at Gamescom

    * Behind the scenes work for future DFM, SQ42 and the PU

    * Worked on to individual manufacturer HUD colourisation, HUD usability updates, UI for multi-crewed ships, audio improvements, GPU and CPU improvements and bug fixes as well as controller customisation, conversation system prototyping, and more

    * Capital ship design and Seat Action work in progress

    * Ran through the “Vertical Slice” mission this month for SQ42, lots of outstanding issues to solve, but the walkthrough was awesome

    * Idris getting texture and PBR pass soon. Should be Hangar ready soon after that.

    * Improvements to the docking system on the Idris

    * The “Javelin Destroyer” and “Escort Carrier” are still in Grey box phase, but are coming together really well

    * Looking forward to show more of the Gladius and Gladiator to the community

    * Heavy Fighter in concept phase with Gavin Rothery

    Behavior Interactive

    * Started revamp of the Discount, Business, and Deluxe hangars.

    * Ramped up work on the MobiGlas

    * Next flair object is almost ready. Will make you Dance with joy. It should be released early July


    * Worked on the FOUR variants of the Constellation

    * Continuing to work on the Idris

    * Ironing out the final models and textures for the Male and Female explorer

    Freelance Contractors

    * Virtuos is starting work on a couple of variants of the Cutlass

    * Started testing a new vendor, Red Hot CG, on some concept work for ship components

    * Jim Martin is refining concepts for the Caterpillar in preparation for modeling

    * Rob McKinnon and David Brochard are polishing some character concepts for FPS characters

    * Several of our contract concept artists have been working on a variety of Vanduul ships. George Hull has delivered a gorgeous illustration of the Collector ship

    FPS Team (Illfonic)

    * Artists continued to work on the space station environment

    * A first pass concept of the FPS HUD was created, and working on hooking it up in the game

    * The animation team has been working through the mocap data, which will continue for quite some time

    * The design team has been tweaking the properties for a few of the weapons, mostly making sure that they feel good and are well balanced

    * Improvements to the cover system, zero G movement, a prone stance, energy recharge stations, HUD implementation, ammo variety system and more

    * The FPS module is finally getting to a point where most of the core features have been implemented, at least in prototype form

    Void Alpha

    * Terra Prime is looking better & better thanks to some additional help from CIG Austin

    * Centermass is a shop that needs to look extremely futuristic, sleek & classy. It has changed directions in some significant but subtle ways to achieve this look as it wasn't quite there at first. It is now closer to that goal.

    * Sherman has received tons of concept art attention, getting final designs for the interior & exterior for the Edge of Oblivion bar as well as the Military Police building

    * The Blocks also got some much needed assistance for concept designs such as the ticket kiosks, turnstiles, graffiti & the monorail car


    * The platform team is currently hard at work on the design and UX of Orgs Drop 2

    * The first version of the ship catalog took most of the programming time this month and is our main focus for a release soon

    * Hoping to have many more ships in the Ship Viewer and more functionality to view the different types of POI on the ships so you can really “see” the ships while browsing their specs

    * Work on the leaderboards system is expected to pick up soon now that AC multiplayer is ramping up. The data exchange process between game servers and the platform servers is now identified and set up

    Moon Collider

    * Since the FPS team is working on the FPS Module they will need FPS AI and the AI efforts will shift to that

    * Resumed work on getting dogfighting AI running on the server which, as well as being essential for the Persistent Universe, could open up some interesting possibilities for new Arena Commander game modes

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,553 ✭✭✭lmimmfn

    Just got my multiplayer invite, sweet

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭Yeti Beast

    Let us know what you think!
