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Help me out with some recommendations?

  • 23-07-2013 9:38pm
    Registered Users Posts: 58 ✭✭

    Hi, ive just finished Book 5 of "A Song Of Ice and Fire". For some reason i had it in my head that Book 6 was out next month, until i looked up exactly when and found it its due some time next year. So yeah, that was a bit of a let down.

    Anyway, i loved those books. I loved the dark aspect, the grey characters & believable ones, the tension and uncertainty as a result of the unpredictable nature of the writing. They're aspects i love in books and tv shows/films.

    Im also glad HBO took the story, only they could do it any sort of justice, even though after reading all the books i don't know how HBO can keep it to 6 seasons, which is usually their lmit. Im a huge fan of HBO, i consider The Sopranos and The Wire the pinnacle of tv drama and im actually currently rewatching The Wire again.

    These shows aren't cliche, they're not predictable, there is no "good" guy in their shows, everyone is flawed just like real people. They follow a pattern of 'what would most likely happen' in certain situations opposed to 'what people would want to happen'. Thats why there's not much happy endings or perfectly wrapped up conclusions.

    Among my favorite books are Cormac McCarthy books, 1984, Watchmen & V For Vendetta, 2001: Space Odyssey, Flowers for Algernon to name them from the top of my head. Im not usually a Fantasy fan but ASoIaF kinda changed that, since i doubt there's much out there as good as that.

    Anyway, sorry for the long post, i just want people to have a good idea of what type of taste i would have. Something dark, realistic characters, no cliche or mainstream stuff etc...

    Thanks in advance.

