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Emirates Cabin Crew Interview Process

  • 24-07-2013 11:57pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2

    Hello world!This is my first ever blog, I was inspired by others who went to the effort of leaving their experiences online for other future interviewees. I was lucky enough to make it through to the final interview, which I had today so while it's fresh in my mind I hope to pass on some useful info.

    So first things first. If you're looking for notices of upcoming jobs & open days I would make sure you're signed up to or how I came across it, the local newspaper.

    You can't just turn up with a C.V, alot of people did over the course of day 1 & they didn't last the first round. You need to register for a paticular open day by visiting & filling out a long but not too laborious application form. Submit this with photos & they will get back to you to let you know the times, requirements & attire.

    You will need to wear a nice suit, nothing more than an inch above the knee, skirts preferred. RED lipstick is important & hair either in a bun or in a french roll. I opted for french roll on day 1 & the bun on day 2. The roll isn't too tricky, here's a how-to.

    Wear skin colour tights & avoid platforms. It is a muslim company so avoid over-doing make-up or any blouses too revealing or shoes with platforms etc. I'd suggest wearing pearl earrings if you have them.

    The numbers vary greatly depending on where you decide to go to the open day. Smaller city,its likely to have smaller numbers. We were told that on some first days there have been over 2,000 people. These were places like Milan etc.
    Regardless of this, turn up early!Obvious but I'll explain why.

    It will be most likely a 9 am sharp start. I was there about 20 minutes early & was about the 8th to sit in line. This meant that when we entered the room, I was automatically in the front row, this meant the recruiter could see me in whole, dressed as immaculately as I could manage, whereas the others would have to rely on their input from further back in the room. It also meant I could hear everything that was being said clearly so if she asked any questions I would be able to respond & she would be able to hear my efforts.

    Of course it sounds lick-arsy but if you really want the job, you'll do everything you can to appear the best suited.

    So it starts of with a little introduction, she lets you know what the company is looking for. Right now, they have alot of new aircraft ordered & so need to double their crew. This means something like 18,000 positions!

    In my case, There was interaction. Asking had any been to Dubai & did anyone know what dnata (ground operations)was & how long Emirates was around. Its a chance to get your voice heard & face remembered so study up . They tell you about all the brands & businesses associated with the Emirates Group.

    You then watch a couple of videos about how wonderful the job is from the Cabin Crew's point of view & a quick history of the ever changing Dubai.

    Amazingly as I'm from a small city there was under 40 of us. She asked each of us to bring up our C.V one by one, we sat for a moment with her, she asked us 1 or 2 questions & gave us a number each. Then split us up. She broke us into tens, asked the first 10 to stay & gave the others a break.

    When our ten came back we sat in a circle, we were paired with the person next to us & handed a page with an item on it, ours was socks, another was coffee, another a strainer. This was an ice-breaker. We had to discuss the alternative uses for each item with our partner & she came back to us to ask 1 of us to stand & describe what we'd come up with.

    During this time she took us 1 by 1 to do the reach test of 212cm. If you are 5'5 or possibly a little smaller, you should be fine! This can be reached on tippy toes with no shoes. Anyone who struggled was helped in every way, dresses being unzipped to make sure there was no restrictions. They give you every chance. Straight after, a quick sit down with her, just to ask if you're working & where, if its full-time. simple stuff.

    I suggest sharing the explanations. If you have 6, say 3 & hand the card to your partner.

    After this round she asked for a few minutes & as we all left the room for lunch. As we left she handed each of us a folded piece of paper that told us either you have been unsuccessful or successful. This part was tough, surprising to see that based on that small activity, some were sent home.

    After lunch we came back, the only ones left from about 36, were 12. Circle again but this time we were each handed the same situation to read. One person volunteers to read out loud. Ours read, you are the manager of a home department store. You have a bedset that is being discontinued. You have 2 left in store but you have 8 customers that all want the bed. You must discuss who to give the 2 beds to and then give reasons to support your decision.

    the 8 customers are:

    An interior designer that recommends your store highly to clients.

    A hotel manager that needs 2 more to fill his hotel (opening tomorrow, the other 98 beds are the same,sold by you)

    A student, this is the only one they can afford

    A newlywed couple, who bought the same bed but it was damaged during delivery, they want the same bed replaced

    A loyal customer of 10 years

    A journalist, who did a piece on this set in their magazine

    An elderly couple whose family had bought them a voucher for this specific set

    And a senior employee not using any staff discount

    We had 15 minutes. Do your best to speak up, even if its not a great point, silence generally means you're going home.

    After this, she came at us, 1 by 1 acting as 1 of the customers we decided not to let have the bed. She acted quite annoyed & depending on how well you chose to respond, using empathy & other offers to make up for it, it either got more intense or she was happy & moved on. We gave the bed to the newly weds, as we decided they were entitled to our service promise & a working bed & to the loyal customer.

    I was asked from the point of view of the interior designer. I immediately let her know there was bad news but that we were able to remedy it. That we had very short notice of the discontinuation but I had looked ahead into what's coming in & we had 1 with the same wood, frame and microfibre mattress that the only difference was 2cm higher headboard. I said she could have it delivered Tuesday like agreed & offered to show her. She went easy on me & the other girls thought I did well. So phew. They will fight you further if you appear waffley or unprepared.

    Same process then again but we were all given the good news that she invited us to the final interview.

    She gave us the option of time slot over the next 2 days & walked us through forms.

    For the final interview we needed 6 passport photos, showing as far as the chest in business attire, might as well go straight after the first day so you already look the part.

    Then you need school qualification photocopies, leaving cert & anything higher.

    An updated C.V (meaning any employment that was missing from the 1 you produced earlier, add it in)

    Also 2 casual photographs, with you facing forward, not drinking, smoking or anything that could compromise your professional image. 4 x 6. Bring a few, you'd be surprised how picky they are, they will let you know which suits.

    And last a formal full length photo of you in business attire, jacket buttoned, hands by your side resting on your legs.background must be white (all the way, shoes and all) with no straps on the shoes. This picture goes on the front of the application that goes to the heads in Dubai after the interview. As she told us, this is their first impression of you. so do it right. Dont panic if you don't have everything. They give you a month to get missing pieces to them. We were given the recruiters parents home address & phone number otherwise you can send them straight to Dubai.

    When you go home that evening you will have to complete an online psychometric test (170 questions) before 9.30 pm. Its fairly straight forward. Do some samples if you like but be sure of your answers as once you move forward, you can't go back. It is apparently timed but I flew through them so as not to be second guessing.

    So the final interview. I had only 1 interviewer, same lady as day 1. We went through paperwork & photos & began the questions.

    Every question she asked she wanted an example from your work history as an answer. Can be tricky but they seem to looking for someone compassionate & exceptional. They want someone who will bend the rules & go beyond policies to help a customer.

    So they will ask about a time you exceeded the expectations of a customer

    A time you had conflict with a co-worker, how did you resolve it?

    When have you had to make an objective decision in the workplace about trusting someone? This 1 stumped me but she boiled it down to asking someone to cover you, why did you choose to ask them rather than someone else.

    She asked about times when i've dealt with adapting to and working with other cultures. I've lived with people from other countries, if you have, use that. Use anything you have. Sound like you appreciate the differences in people.

    An hour is allowed for each interview. Mine was nearly that, 40 minutes anyway. It wasn't the worst apart though. Day 1 was much more nerve-wracking. Some people say a shorter 1 means they were able to get the info they needed quicker so it may have gone better but lets not rule out the possibility of a good chat extending the time, thats definately good too!

    So from here its a wait of 6 weeks until what they've named the golden call. You can check it online I think also, on your application account, during it will say under review. I think after a good length & you've been successful it says that someone will be in contact with you.

    I really hope this helps someone out. As I said the process normally takes 3 days but my interview was in Waterford, Ireland so with so few there, we got through quick. Let me know if I can help anyone anymore. If I get through I will add the wonderful news.

    Best of luck to everyone applying for the hopes of flying!


  • Registered Users Posts: 35 flydub

    hey attended an open day today in cork, it was a very relaxed atmosphere and not too formal. the lady given the introduction and conducting the interviews was very informative and put all the necessary points across which was great as Im sure there were people there that taught differently of the job. as there were not a lot of people the assessor decided that she would conduct the assessments. The first assessment was done in pairs off 2 we were giving picture of an item and asked off 2 things we could use this item for other then its main purpose. while we worked together on this. Each person had to go up one by one to the assessor to do the reach test (this is a quick test to see if you can reach the a certain point) then we were asked if our pervious work experience was full time or part time. once everyone was seen we had to present our item and our 2 ideas off what our item could be used for, after that we were given a letter which either stated u have passed and are onto the next round or that you were unsuccessful. In this case I was unsuccessful which was gutting however I will apply again in 6 months and hope for the best. However I was surprised that after very little inspection such judgments could be made after all I have 6 years customer service to a exceptional level and very strong abilities in which I would have taught I would suited the needs off Emirates, In hindsights I do feel that with emirates its all about how you look. Anyone els attend and feel the same or pass ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1 EKhopeful

    Hey flydub was just typing in some random things to google and came across your thread. I'm sorry to hear you didn't pass on through. All I can say is DEFINITELY try again and don't give up. I attended the Etihad OD in Dublin in January of this year and also attended the Emirates OD in Cork yesterday. I was successful through to the final interviews which were held this morning. Expecting the worse possible outcome (because I had been burned before) I wasn't able to open the notes until I was completely on my own and was nearly blowen over when I was successful. So I truely understand the dissapointment but please go back and try again if It's what you want to do!!!...Emirates I've heard love determination. I'm going to have to disagree on the looks part. I thought everybody who attended the open day looked like the part and looked stunning. I really don't know how she widdled it down..its a tough hard job! The first time I attended I also felt looks played a huge part but I think confidence is key and looks come further down in the list. Even thought I'm not an overly confident person in day-to-day life...I tried to portray a more confident side at the OD. And quiet confidence is always a winner too. That's where I messed up the last time I think..nerves got in the way. I took a few deep breaths and went on in there this morning..nothing was given away in the so far as how well Im I now have the anxious wait of 4-6 weeks to hear and receive the golden call!! I will most definately post again if the news is good. Why do we do this to ourselves guys!! :O If anyone wants any info..let me know and I'll be more then happy to respond. Goodluck to all applying...go 4 it!!! ;)x

  • Registered Users Posts: 35 flydub

    EKhopeful wrote: »
    Hey flydub was just typing in some random things to google and came across your thread. I'm sorry to hear you didn't pass on through. All I can say is DEFINITELY try again and don't give up. I attended the Etihad OD in Dublin in January of this year and also attended the Emirates OD in Cork yesterday. I was successful through to the final interviews which were held this morning. Expecting the worse possible outcome (because I had been burned before) I wasn't able to open the notes until I was completely on my own and was nearly blowen over when I was successful. So I truely understand the dissapointment but please go back and try again if It's what you want to do!!!...Emirates I've heard love determination. I'm going to have to disagree on the looks part. I thought everybody who attended the open day looked like the part and looked stunning. I really don't know how she widdled it down..its a tough hard job! The first time I attended I also felt looks played a huge part but I think confidence is key and looks come further down in the list. Even thought I'm not an overly confident person in day-to-day life...I tried to portray a more confident side at the OD. And quiet confidence is always a winner too. That's where I messed up the last time I think..nerves got in the way. I took a few deep breaths and went on in there this morning..nothing was given away in the so far as how well Im I now have the anxious wait of 4-6 weeks to hear and receive the golden call!! I will most definately post again if the news is good. Why do we do this to ourselves guys!! :O If anyone wants any info..let me know and I'll be more then happy to respond. Goodluck to all applying...go 4 it!!! ;)x

    That's fantastic I'm trilled for you :) was wondering if anyone made it through. well please do let me know if you and when u get the golden call :) I will defiantly apply again and cannot wait for my 6 months too be up :) lol (feels like prison) Im sure confidence is defiantly the part and I will be sure too have it on my side next time. Good luck again and please do let us know how it goes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 441 ✭✭Ms.Sunshine

    Hi , I just came across this thread. I am going to Dublin to the open day this weekend & am I wonder would you mind sharing the type of clothes ladies should wear and if scarf around the neck is ok? Would a formal designer dress suit?

    I am curious to know if it is necessary to fill out the online application form? Dublin is not coming up that I can find under recruitment. If I apply now will it be alright for saturday? (two days!)

    One more question, what kinds of photographs are necessary to bring?

    I hope you see this on time ! Thanks

  • Registered Users Posts: 3 AMG21

    Hi there,

    I've just recently begun looking into Emirates Cabin Crew jobs, and the whole interview process. I'm currently finishing off final year assignments and getting ready for final exams, and noticed the next Open Day in Dublin is next week! I'm far too busy with exams and assignments to study enough and prepare in time for that open day, and I'm hoping I won't be missing out completely.

    How often do they have open days in Dublin? Or Ireland for that matter? I've seen a few posts which give the impression they're every couple of months. A couple of months would be perfect, would give me a chance to prepare for the open day. So any idea? Every few months generally?


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  • Registered Users Posts: 441 ✭✭Ms.Sunshine

    AMG21 wrote: »
    Hi there,

    I've just recently begun looking into Emirates Cabin Crew jobs, and the whole interview process. I'm currently finishing off final year assignments and getting ready for final exams, and noticed the next Open Day in Dublin is next week! I'm far too busy with exams and assignments to study enough and prepare in time for that open day, and I'm hoping I won't be missing out completely.

    How often do they have open days in Dublin? Or Ireland for that matter? I've seen a few posts which give the impression they're every couple of months. A couple of months would be perfect, would give me a chance to prepare for the open day. So any idea? Every few months generally?


    They have open days nearly every 2 months about in one of the hilton hotels in dublin.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3 AMG21

    Hi , I just came across this thread. I am going to Dublin to the open day this weekend & am I wonder would you mind sharing the type of clothes ladies should wear and if scarf around the neck is ok? Would a formal designer dress suit?

    I am curious to know if it is necessary to fill out the online application form? Dublin is not coming up that I can find under recruitment. If I apply now will it be alright for saturday? (two days!)

    One more question, what kinds of photographs are necessary to bring?

    I hope you see this on time ! Thanks

    Ms. Sunshine,

    Thank you for the reply on my query.

    Do you mind if I ask how your Open Day went and if you did apply online etc?

  • Registered Users Posts: 441 ✭✭Ms.Sunshine

    AMG21 wrote: »
    Ms. Sunshine,

    Thank you for the reply on my query.

    Do you mind if I ask how your Open Day went and if you did apply online etc?

    The open day is a bit strange IMO. You arrive dressed to the nines in business attire and the hair in a bun with red lippy etc and they show you videos about being an air hostess and living in Dubai and how wonderful it is. The lady then asked if anyone has been to Dubai and gets them to stand up and tell everyone what they thought. There is then a short Q and A.

    The lady then says she will collect them forms (we filled in upon arrival) and ask us to do the reach test which I think it 212cm if I remember correctly. I didn't like our interviewer she didn't seem too fair. She looked at me and said I don't think you will pass the reach test.. And when I did she was surprised but I still was not successful!

    I did sign up and fill the online form but it is not necessary. It is handy though because they email me every time there is another open day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3 AMG21

    The open day is a bit strange IMO. You arrive dressed to the nines in business attire and the hair in a bun with red lippy etc and they show you videos about being an air hostess and living in Dubai and how wonderful it is. The lady then asked if anyone has been to Dubai and gets them to stand up and tell everyone what they thought. There is then a short Q and A.

    The lady then says she will collect them forms (we filled in upon arrival) and ask us to do the reach test which I think it 212cm if I remember correctly. I didn't like our interviewer she didn't seem too fair. She looked at me and said I don't think you will pass the reach test.. And when I did she was surprised but I still was not successful!

    I did sign up and fill the online form but it is not necessary. It is handy though because they email me every time there is another open day.

    Sorry to hear you weren't successful. Do you think you'll try again? Or another airline?

    I'll fill in the online form then, that's handy that they let you know. Were there many people at the open day?

  • Registered Users Posts: 441 ✭✭Ms.Sunshine

    AMG21 wrote: »
    Sorry to hear you weren't successful. Do you think you'll try again? Or another airline?

    I'll fill in the online form then, that's handy that they let you know. Were there many people at the open day?

    Thanks! I dont know if I will apply again for a while. There were a good few at the open day over 100 anyways.

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