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Nighlife Waterford



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,207 ✭✭✭partyguinness

    Yes that's exactly what I'm saying . You obviously didn't wanna give it a chance .. Does the foundry even open before That time ? :s

    The Foundry was closed and was staying closed but that is just a nightclub for kids.

    I gave the place every chance. I walked up and down...went into a few bars. Looked into most. Asked locals for the lowdown. Hell I even started this thread!!! Not really sure what else I could have done. I was looking forward to it.

    Maybe it was just one very bad night and I was unlucky but I doubt it. But I would be quite happy to go again if the opportunity arises at the weekend.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 66 ✭✭Dave_Power

    I have been out in Dublin and Cork on wednesday night and you'd be struggling to find a saturday night atmosphere anywhere. You had your mind made up before u even came to Waterford, and you've a cheek to call people coffin dodgers, you'll be one soon. Waterford city on Wednesday night certainly wouldnt have an atmosphere with narrow minded people like you hanging around looking down their noses and been judged by you for their appearences and not by their charactor.

    did you expect to be entertained while you were in Waterford?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,207 ✭✭✭partyguinness

    Dave_Power wrote: »
    I have been out in Dublin and Cork on wednesday night and you'd be struggling to find a saturday night atmosphere anywhere. You had your mind made up before u even came to Waterford, and you've a cheek to call people coffin dodgers, you'll be one soon. Waterford city on Wednesday night certainly wouldnt have an atmosphere with narrow minded people like you hanging around looking down their noses and been judged by you for their appearences and not by their charactor.

    did you expect to be entertained while you were in Waterford?


    As a place that calls itself a city in the height of summer I would have expected plenty of entertain and a vibrant nightlife even on a Wednesday night. Sure not on a Friday/Saturday night scale but at least SOMETHING.

    I had my mind made up? Rubbish. Back that statement can't

    As I said I made a lot of enquires before hand as I only had 24 hours to make sure I made the most of my visit. I was really looking forward to it. I was even in the gay is that for narrow mindedness....;)

    Coffin dodgers...yes I will be one..hopefully. Not sure how that is cheek but clearly you have taken offence. Your issue not mine.

    Attack me all you want for all the good it will do. It's a shame you cannot make any constructive suggestions on why Waterford is dying on its feet.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 66 ✭✭Dave_Power

    Waterford is not dying on its feet purely on the basis that you had a crappy Wednesday night. I dont no what kind of constructive suggestions you expect.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,207 ✭✭✭partyguinness

    Dave_Power wrote: »
    Waterford is not dying on its feet purely on the basis that you had a crappy Wednesday night. I dont no what kind of constructive suggestions you expect.

    God I am not that

    I think you will find that alot of people from Waterford agree with me quoting unemployment as the main reason. There is no shame in admitting that a place is in trouble and needs life injected into it. Easier said than done.

    So Waterford is a vibrant energetic international looking cosmopolitan city with loads to offer even on a Wednesday night and I was just plain unlucky. Fair enough, I stand corrected.;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,503 ✭✭✭thomasm

    therealme wrote: »
    I was out in Waterford twice.

    Once, a guy was on the ground getting his head kicked in...the gardai walked straight past it. People stood around and let it happen.

    The cops seriously walked past and did nothing as someone was assaulted. How far were they from the assault. What part of town was it in. Why did you not report them(the cops).

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,207 ✭✭✭partyguinness

    thomasm wrote: »
    The cops seriously walked past and did nothing as someone was assaulted. How far were they from the assault. What part of town was it in. Why did you not report them(the cops).

    To be fair, that happens in every city at the weekend. I have seen similar in Cork and Dublin. Sadly not while abroad which says a lot about our attitudes as a nation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 221 ✭✭therealme

    thomasm wrote: »
    The cops seriously walked past and did nothing as someone was assaulted. How far were they from the assault. What part of town was it in. Why did you not report them(the cops).

    YES...there was a crowd around - all the pubs on the corner were closing & we walked out to get a taxi. I went to walk over to tell the guy to stop kicking the guy on the groung - somebody tugged my arm and said "I wouldn't get involved"....that was when the Gardai walked past, looked & kept walking!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,107 ✭✭✭O Riain

    therealme wrote: »
    YES...there was a crowd around - all the pubs on the corner were closing & we walked out to get a taxi. I went to walk over to tell the guy to stop kicking the guy on the groung - somebody tugged my arm and said "I wouldn't get involved"....that was when the Gardai walked past, looked & kept walking!

    Total b*ll****, you absolute spoofer.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    O Riain wrote: »
    Total b*ll****, you absolute spoofer.

    I don't know if this particular person is lying or not but I live in the city on a very busy street and I have seen the gardai ignoring fights on many occasion. The gardai tend to avoid having to uphold the law if they can in my experience.

    Yeah Waterford nightlife has been pretty dead lately. Friday and Saturday nights you still get a decent crowd but not nearly the same as years ago, it seems to be getting smaller as time goes on. On a Wednesday night it will get busy again once the students come back, so that will bring a bit of nightlife back for the younger people at least.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 221 ✭✭therealme

    O Riain wrote: »
    Total b*ll****, you absolute spoofer.

    Excuse ME....I SAW it happen, one thing I do NOT do is lie.

    It was just outside The Woodman.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,326 ✭✭✭S28382

    The problem with the nightlife in Waterford is that people wanted cheap drinks and free in, the pubs/clubs gave in and were basically giving away drinks just to keep some people happy and make it seem as if it was busy then as time went on places closed because they could not afford to continue on the way they were.

    The problem with free in and cheap drink as was proven is that it brings out the scumbags and as places were more desperate to have bodies in their establishment they left in everybody and anybody in which it made it seem more like you were taking your life into your own hands when going out in Waterford. That might seem extreme but no one can deny that the last two years the nightlife in Waterford is gone more dangerous than ever before. We all now that there is other places in Ireland that are just as bad but unfortunately Waterford is definitely up there with the worst.

    So as more places jump on the bandwagon of cheap drink free in pubs/clubs could not sustain that kind of business plan and some went to the wall unfortunately i dont think its the end of places closing as the Wacky Apple has just found out.

    I dont think the price war lasted very long and the sad thing is that most places knew it was bad business but they did it anyway just to get people in and because of that places closed and good people lost jobs. Go half an hour up the M9 and there is not one place that went down the line of cheap drink and guess what there isnt a whiff of any place closing it just doesnt work businesses need profits to survive and i know there were pubs/clubs ripping off people (some still are) but in the main it wasnt too bad that it warranted the price war that went on. It helped ruin the nightlife in Waterford.

    In relation to the OP, Waterford is a nice place when it is in full swing and in these times the city is on its knees there is some good people trying to rectify that but when the city is being battered by unemployment its hard for it to be anything but dead. For a visitor in Waterford midweek is especially a bad time to go out as Saturday is the only night when there is people around. Dont let what happened put you off coming back but just like any place in the world when people drink there is the potential for trouble its not just confined to Waterford. When a sizeable amount of the people are not working then the chances of places being busy midweek are small.

    I have been a critic of Waterford on numerous times im from Waterford iv seen the good the bad and the ugly its in the bad/ugly stage now but it will turn around and then you will see the good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,510 ✭✭✭Max Powers

    CuriousG wrote: »
    As I said, not WHAT you are doing - I have gone out in Cork City, Kilkenny, and even Wexford (which is a small enough town in comparison with not much employment either) and the atmosphere has been a lot better! It isn't about what you can do, Waterford just has a crap atmosphere for the most part, and it is very quiet compared to other surrounding places. Other places have a good selection of venues while most Waterford bars are in and around the same atmosphere, not much jumping out if you're new here. Nothing more or less, just one persons opinion on the place, if you don't agree, fair enough, but I'm entitled to think that.

    Will agree above also, the only bands Waterford really tends to have on a regular basis are a few local bands that, although talented, won't suit everyones taste. There isn't a huge amount of variety, and there are no good live music venues that will cater to more than just the average popular music bands that play.

    fair enough if you think there is poor atmosphere, personal opinion so whatever. So boring was the wrong word to use, atmosphere is what you meant. Waterford would have more music going on, pubs and clubs than kk and wexford. if you are looking for alternative bands then we we (anywhere outside of Dublin) would be limited. Most bands have to play to the masses. check out o emperor and solar taxi, a bit alternative, i like em and play locally a good bit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,503 ✭✭✭thomasm

    therealme wrote: »
    Excuse ME....I SAW it happen, one thing I do NOT do is lie.

    It was just outside The Woodman.

    I sorry but I find it hard to believe the guards would walk right past someone getting there head kicked in on the street. What happens if the victim had died or suffered serious life long injuries, would they then be negligent for not doing there job. There has to be more to this.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    thomasm wrote: »
    I sorry but I find it hard to believe the guards would walk right past someone getting there head kicked in on the street. What happens if the victim had died or suffered serious life long injuries, would they then be negligent for not doing there job. There has to be more to this.

    I could tell you stories way worse than that about our force but that's for another thread. I have seen the exact same thing on a few occasions from my years of living in town, don't believe it if you want to be that naive.

  • Registered Users Posts: 221 ✭✭therealme

    thomasm wrote: »
    I sorry but I find it hard to believe the guards would walk right past someone getting there head kicked in on the street. What happens if the victim had died or suffered serious life long injuries, would they then be negligent for not doing there job. There has to be more to this.

    Jeeez, I'm not replying to this anymore - I SAW IT HAPPEN, I AM NOT MAKING IT UP.

    To be honest, I have never seen anything remotely like it in Dublin/Cork?Kilkenny - they are generally the cities I go out in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,503 ✭✭✭thomasm

    I could tell you stories way worse than that about our force but that's for another thread. I have seen the exact same thing on a few occasions from my years of living in town, don't believe it if you want to be that naive.

    I've seen the cops on plenty of occasions putting themselves into harms way to break up stuff like this. There has to be something more to this ! Perhaps they knew they guys involved and thought they are only scum so let them at it. You seeing this on a few occasions over the years does not make it the norm. Then again I'm not out in town much over the last few years so maybe things have changed in this regard

  • Registered Users Posts: 420 ✭✭CuriousG

    Max Powers wrote: »
    fair enough if you think there is poor atmosphere, personal opinion so whatever. So boring was the wrong word to use, atmosphere is what you meant. Waterford would have more music going on, pubs and clubs than kk and wexford. if you are looking for alternative bands then we we (anywhere outside of Dublin) would be limited. Most bands have to play to the masses. check out o emperor and solar taxi, a bit alternative, i like em and play locally a good bit.

    No, boring was the right word to use, because that describes the atmosphere.

    Anyway, agree to disagree, and enough about semantics.

    No, they and the Unusual Suspects or whatever are literally the three bands that play in WD, and they're good, I won't question that, but a bit of variety wouldn't kill the place. I'm not really into Alternative as such, would prefer something a bit heavier so maybe I'm just picky, but any other place I've been to has catered for that and Waterford rarely has.

    There are definitely more venues in Wexford in my opinion, and have only been to KK once so can't speak widely but still better atmosphere in my exp.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,245 ✭✭✭old gregg

    Posted on this topic a few times but I've lived in Waterford for years on and off and nearly always go to Dublin for a night out because the music scene in Waterford is pretty poor. Nearly always has been as long as I've lived here. Folks just don't go out and support live music. Personally I'm going through it at the moment trying to help organise SAW Fest for next month. Plenty of outside interest from artists and our hopefully happy audience once they've attended next month, but from within Waterford? Very little. Hardly any local artists were interested in taking part in an international festival (and consider that exposure for them), very few local 'Likes' on our FB page and most of our funders on Fundit don't even live in Ireland. But what do you do but keep plugging away.

  • Registered Users Posts: 781 ✭✭✭Nypd

    It is now 8pm. I am away from wife and kids and want to make the most of it.

    Walked toward John Street (I think) where there is a basically pubs everywhere. I looked into every pub and I would say that 90% were completely empty or had maybe a handful of patrons around a table chatting.

    I was in my bed by 11.30pm. that it? is that the best you have to offer?

    I dont care if it was a Wednesday night. That is no excuse for a "city". It is no more than a provincial market town at best. Sorry but it was a fairly crap experience.

    You went to bed too early,
    Johns street normally comes alive around that time.
    The live music venues advertise their bands starting at 11/11.30
    Kasbar and Geoffs would normally have a few in around at the times you mentioned.

    Waterford is having a very rough time at the moment and there is a lot of people working hard trying to help the old girl back on her feet.
    I know they say first impressions last but hopefully someday we can change your mind.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 275 ✭✭ex_infantry

    therealme wrote: »
    Jeeez, I'm not replying to this anymore - I SAW IT HAPPEN, I AM NOT MAKING IT UP.

    To be honest, I have never seen anything remotely like it in Dublin/Cork?Kilkenny - they are generally the cities I go out in.
    ya get the same violence anywhere ya go, i was based in cork during recruit training when in the army and our corporals warned us if we go out in cork on a weekend that if someone asks ya for a fag kick him straight in the nuts and run as there eye ya up to start on ya

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 694 ✭✭✭Tragamin2k2

    ya get the same violence anywhere ya go, i was based in cork during recruit training when in the army and our corporals warned us if we go out in cork on a weekend that if someone asks ya for a fag kick him straight in the nuts and run as there eye ya up to start on ya


  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    thomasm wrote: »
    I've seen the cops on plenty of occasions putting themselves into harms way to break up stuff like this. There has to be something more to this ! Perhaps they knew they guys involved and thought they are only scum so let them at it. You seeing this on a few occasions over the years does not make it the norm. Then again I'm not out in town much over the last few years so maybe things have changed in this regard

    I am not saying that guards never break up fights but they have ignored them in the past. From being in the U.K. a good bit I find that our "police service" is lacking in many ways, but I am not sure if that's the fact that the people who are recruited tend to not all be the nicest people ( Some of them are the nicest people you could meet) or whether its the fact that they are being cut left and centre for the past few years because of the recession.

    I would also say people who live in the centre of town would see them ignore things or not respond to calls more than people who live in the suburbs because there is more anti social behaviour in town. I am not slating the gardai by the way, I just wish that I could have confidence that next time someone is trying to break into my house, they turn up next time when they are called rather than letting me to deal with it myself. Which is crazy considering I live so close to the station.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2 MissElection

    main reason waterford is doing so badly is because most of its employment came from industrials and factories etc etc etc.....smaller towns are prob doing better because they more than likely have farming backgrounds... i.e you might have a bar man working in a bar but who also might be helping out the farm at home etc etc...meaning alot more people with farming background have more income...which obviously helps with more spending and thus allowing more money to circulate...... but next time your passing from the airport you should drop into the uluru outback bar :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 162 ✭✭JourneyMan8

    simple fact is Waterford is on its knees,

    working in a nightclub in waterford iv seen how bad it is,lack of income means people will drink at home with their own cheap drink,even sneak that drink into the club(how can you stop them? strip down before you enter please lol), this also means that these people are going into the club off their heads thus creating a terrible atmosphere and not buying any drink once they get in the place, how is a nightclub/late bar going to survive that?

    also drugs is getting worse and worse in this city...the trend of not drinking and going out on 'bangers' has increased massively in the past year, yes it's always been around but its to the point where even 16 year olds on their dodgy fake id's are banged off their heads,

    has anyone had good night's in a nightclub/late bar? (by that i mean Foundry Crystal Masons etc) id be able to count on one hand the amount of 'good' nights iv had in a nightclub in this city,all my best nights have come in pubs or abroad.

    the trouble people are talking about above goes on in every city in Ireland, going to actually go as far as the Garda deal with it very well, i see it alot, not just someone who see's one bit of trouble and lets that paint the picture of a town.
