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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,456 ✭✭✭✭Skerries

    I only have about 20 - 30 hours played of it and I still don't know anything about it :D

    basically you start with a standard Tenno (build) that you can upgrade or buy a new model for by grinding or buying, it's a standard IAP game that way
    anyway the gameplay usually goes that you and other players are dropped in an area/ship and have to get to the other end with possible mission in between and kill as much as you can

    that's the basic version but it is a lot more complex and fun than that

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,878 ✭✭✭Robert ninja

    I ain't gonna list features or anything since that doesn't give you an idea of what it's actually like to play so I'll just explain how I'm having fun with it and glad I tried it.

    The combat is quite simply very satisfying and I believe that's extremely important in games where you're going to be doing a feck load of it to level and grind. If you in anyway like sword-play or third person shooting, it delivers pretty well in this regard. A reason I don't like too many F2P games is that the action in its self is usually lacking but it's not the case I've found with this game.

    The ninja acrobatics are not very useful early on but after you get used to how the routine of most missions go you'll start to see the environment in a new way and begin pulling off wall runs and dashes from them into combat maneuvers - feels very epic. The gameplay comes together with what I believe to be decent graphics... nothing ground-breaking but the particle effects combined with the dismemberment and sound is well executed. It's a spectacle. At least on PC, I don't know what the graphics, particles and physics are like on consoles but I've been quite visually entertained, especially on this 120Hz monitor (and yeah I hit 120+frames quite regularly on max settings).

    So... what are you missing out on? Metal Gear Rising meets Uncharted 3 Online w/ 4 player Monster Hunter styled co-op... in space. For free.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,576 ✭✭✭EoinHef

    Playing a lot of this over the last few weeks on PS4,enjoying it a lot. Its really improved a lot since release. A lot less buggy now.

    Starting to get used to how the mechanics work now,takes awhile as they are some what obtuse imo.

    Have not bought any platinum yet,i may do today just to speed up the crafting of my first archwing. Only figured out today i need to do the assasinate missions to unlock new planets so just about to unlock saturn and jupiter to get plastids. Also need orikon cells,ive a feeling i may ultimately need a lot of them? The blueprint for them is 100 platinum so they seem quite expensive.

    If i was to buy say 100 platinum where would i be best spending it in peoples opinions? Should i bother buying any at all considering im still fairly early game from what i can see?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,932 ✭✭✭YouSavedMyLife

    EoinHef wrote: »
    Playing a lot of this over the last few weeks on PS4,enjoying it a lot. Its really improved a lot since release. A lot less buggy now.

    Starting to get used to how the mechanics work now,takes awhile as they are some what obtuse imo.

    Have not bought any platinum yet,i may do today just to speed up the crafting of my first archwing. Only figured out today i need to do the assasinate missions to unlock new planets so just about to unlock saturn and jupiter to get plastids. Also need orikon cells,ive a feeling i may ultimately need a lot of them? The blueprint for them is 100 platinum so they seem quite expensive.

    If i was to buy say 100 platinum where would i be best spending it in peoples opinions? Should i bother buying any at all considering im still fairly early game from what i can see?

    Platinum seems super expensive on the PS4. I played Warframe on PC for some time and its possible to get a login reward for 75% off your next Platinum purchase.

    I'd buy Warframe and weapon slots, weapon catalysts or vanity items. Everything else can be got in the game by just playing

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,878 ✭✭✭Robert ninja

    EoinHef wrote: »
    If i was to buy say 100 platinum where would i be best spending it in peoples opinions? Should i bother buying any at all considering im still fairly early game from what i can see?

    On PS4 it's hard to reccomend buying platinum with real money because of the prices they peddle there. I got a 75% discount drop earlier last week. Last time it was 50% and I caved and got 1K plat for 22EU even but that was when I was balls deep into the game and I don't regret it. After a series of hugely dissapointing updates, nerfs and other dumb decisions from the devs I left the game for a while.

    But an 8chan clan brought me back because it was just too fun with them on mics. That's when 75% dropped so I caved again just so I could buy some stuff for the clan and gift a potato or forma here and there to help out clan members which always feels nice. It was only 11 quid for 1K plat and I'm pretty good at making plat stretch a while. I used my original 1K to trade for profit and ended up with another 500. I still had 300 of it left when I bought more last week.

    Anyway sorry for rambling!

    What to spend platinum on when you're getting into the game...

    In priority I'd say first get a potato (orokin reactor) for your main warframe if you haven't already

    Second buy more warframe and weapon slots. You'll definitely want to keep some weapons and you'll also need some space for ones you just want to use for mastery fodder. Trying out new warframes is also an essential part of the enjoying the game long term so you'll need space for that. Don't ever delete warframes to save space unless you already have the primed versions of them.

    Thirdly, more potatos for your weapons and new warframes.

    After that it's a toss up between using your platinum for some quick forma to mod optimise and currency to trade with other players.

    The absolute last thing you want to use platinum on is rushing items and cosmetic stuff. There's also bundles in the market that you should consider before buying anything with platinum because the bundles are actually not that bad some of the time.

    Although I wouldn't blame you for buying one colour pack. First one I got was classic saturated.

    Getting buffed up will serve you better because you'll be able to cut through higher level void missions to get prime items to sell in the trade chat for small bits of plat here and there. Also you can level up a syndicate more easily when you have warframe space to mod for loot detection builds and get those syndicate drop items. Once you max a syndicate you can sell the mods and even their weapons for tidy sums but it takes a lot of grinding I guess. Syndicate missions are still way more fun than regular in my opinion so at least it's not a snore fest.

    I don't know much about the PS4 version other than that a lot of players I met on PC said they started playing there first. And discounts don't drop on PS4 because of the way purchasing works. I did see some gameplay once from it... the framerate seemed kind of bad. This is one of those games that I'm used to tripple digit framerates on average with drops to 60 in the most intense fights. It's the amount of NPCs and other players' average FPS that causes the drops most of the time. 4 players on 4 decent spec systems with wired, non-crap connections keep a nice 100ish FPS most of the time. But there's always that one guy from zimbabwe playing off a toaster that tanks everyone to 30.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,576 ✭✭✭EoinHef

    Cheers,thanks for that.

    Had another session there tonight,got saturn unlocked,killed its boss and got enough plastids for a companion and an archwing,couldnt use either tonight because of the crafting delay but looking forward to checking them out when there done.

    Whats the advantage of joining the conclave on the earth relay station?
    Im still rank 2 so still cant do a lot of things,bout 3/4 the way to 3,but wondering what the conclave is as its available

    Did a bit of reading regarding the platinum prices on console and have to say its a bit disappointing but probably to be expected givin the console business model. Seasonal sales seem to be a thing though so if im still playing when one comes around ill have a look at prices and see,i see why the warframe and weapon slots are needed though after having a good look at my inventory.

    Also the game runs quite well now on PS4,unlike when it first launched. Much smoother and the movement feels a lot better imo.
    I could play it on PC,i actually have an account,but most of my mates are console gamers and a game like this i much prefer playing with friends,makes repeating lvls for mats etc less irritating for me with a mate there to chat to

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,878 ✭✭✭Robert ninja

    Conclave is PvP. I haven't touched it once and I've been playing for 100s of hours. Mainly because the gameplay is designed for PvE and conclave offers no PvE rewards, cosmetics, potatos, nothing. All you get is more conclave mods which will help you... play conclave.

    I think you get a small discount on plat if you're subscribing to PS+ or XBL. You'll have to check that yourself.

    And yeah it's much smoother. The new parkour system requires no skill so all the casuals are able to get to places that only vets used to be :P It's fine though because it's fun.

    And yeah I get you. You play where your friends are which is normal. Given that the game runs on a toaster I'd still stick with the PC version and wonder why my friends aren't there too since it's more accessible and cheaper. You're right that it's better with mics. As I said the only reason I even got back to the game and bought another 1K plat @ 75% off was to mic it up with a new clan I joined who are just the best thing ever. They're not playing lately though so neither am I now. Just how it goes. We use a mumble server so the voice clarity and responsiveness is perfect. Much better than the experiences I've had with steam and playstation and the WF in-game mics.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,576 ✭✭✭EoinHef

    From what ive played i doubt id have an interest in PvP,didnt even know the game had it so that tells how much i wanted it in this game.

    So after taking a look at the suggested stuff here i realise how early game i must be,have first warframe and melee maxed. Lvl 28 rifle and 28 pistol,so mearly there on them.

    I went with the excalibur warframe as default,wanted something durable while i learnt the game. Enjoying it,but ive found most mod drops are primary related,where im enjoying the melee more. Only like two of the abilities though,slash dash and exalted blade.

    I crafted a Karak as my primary,i just liked the look of it really. Love myself an AK in fps games so thought id go with that. Found the higher the lvl the mission is the less effective the firearms to be. In missions like static defence ive found them to be near useless if its high enough level. I did notice the potential if working in a team for at least one member to use a gun and take out as many at range as possible and leave the cqc to the melee guys. Bit ive also found people dont tend to listen to any startegy,even my mates. Everyone just wants to ninja about the place ha

    I bought dual skanas with platinum at the start by mistake:( I like them but was silly spending what plat i had so early,didnt realise what i was doing really. Have decent mods and being dual swords the extra capacity is nice. Have them doing frost damage at the moment.

    Have the default pistol,piece of s**t...nuff said.

    So my next goals are:
    -Let the archwing craft and mop up the missions left on the early planets. Hopefully gettimg resource extraction(How does that work?)
    -Equip companion and kit him out
    -Then im going to go looking for potatoes and golden potatoes:)
    -Also an orikon cell for crafting a new pistol
    -Rank up to 3 when it becomes available

    Is there anything else i should be doing? Apart from having fun:)

    Also is scanning objects for the codex useful,ive scanned a few things and only got a bit of xp,any other reason to do it?

    Bit of an essay there sorry:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,878 ✭✭✭Robert ninja

    Excalibur is a great starting frame now thanks to the buffs he got. In comparison to mag who got hit with lots of nerfs you made a solid choice but volt is still a good choice. Karak is a decent starting primary.

    It's funny you think that guns are bad for defence because they're actually the only thing that's viable for late-game defence. The thing about defence is that it scales infinitely so if you play long enough without extracing you will eventually come up against enemies who will one-shot you and won't go down without unloading full magazines of fully specced out high-level weapons.

    Too bad about the plat spending on a weapon. Easy mistake early on I guess.

    Good luck finding potatos. They don't drop normally they're rare alerts or during events usually after dev stream they put one up for 24 hours. You can get the warframe alerts app (there's a few as far as I know) and filter it to just warn you when there's potatos or whatever else you're looking for. Handy when early and mid-game but I've no use for it now with the stuff and plat I have I can just easily trade or grind for it no problem.
    EoinHef wrote: »
    Is there anything else i should be doing? Apart from having fun:)

    Nothing too particularily. You'll figure the game out slowly. Check for info. Great resource.

    If your mates aren't playing teamwise, I'll send ya an invite to the clan I'm on. Most of em' seem pretty solid so far even the noobs so you'll get some direction from em'. The dojo's decent now too and like I said some of em' are on a mumble server or discord for VOIP.

    Unless you're stickin' with the PS4 then all the best becoming the commander of your friends. It's a tough job but someone's gotta do it!
    EoinHef wrote: »
    Also is scanning objects for the codex useful,ive scanned a few things and only got a bit of xp,any other reason to do it?

    It's not something you should feel you need to do. It gives a small bit of affinity to level up and fills your codex with information... none of which holds a candle to the info you get from the wiki so it's really just a collection thing. Later on there's this scanning syndicate but that's a little bit of a different story.

    And yeah the starting pistol is one of the worst things I can remember weidling in the game. The starting weapons not bad (Braton,Skana) but for the secondary don't know why they went full poverty on it.

    Also don't put forma or potato on any of your starting weapons... none of em' are worth it.

    If it makes you feel any better Dual Skana is a decent melee to have early game so it'll carry you through earlier missions. Good multi-hit on it from what I remember.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,576 ✭✭✭EoinHef

    Turns out there is a dev event next month,the PS4's latest update allows you to view lists of upcoming events on the platform so i thought id have a look and there was one for there for warframe.

    Potato blueprints have chance to drop on a 24hr alert mission on mars so ill have to see if ill have the time to grind that for a few hours.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,576 ✭✭✭EoinHef

    ^^That event actually starts tonight at 19:00. And runs till 19:00 on monday

    Its called Project Undermine and will an alert mission on mars.

    Possible rewards:
    Orikin Catalyst bluprint
    Snipetron blueprint
    Stratos Emblem

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,576 ✭✭✭EoinHef

    Did the event on PS4,got the potato bluprint and the snipetron blueprint(thought i might as well but cant see myself ever using it). Couldnt do the Ceres mission for the sigil,dont have the nav segment to get there yet and when i went in a squad my survivability was not good. Was a pain for people trying to come back and revive me so i just jumped out.

    Also decided to start playing it a bit on PC,1440p at 96Hz maxed out barely even taxes the PC. Also,much higher fidelity on PC,can really appreciate the smaller details on the warframes and weapons and just generally better texture resolution.
    I still think the PS4 version runs very well given the hardware and ill prob be playing there mostly with my mates while there playing but they wont be on regular enough for me so gonna put a bit of time in on PC and ultimately probably play there in the long run.

    Feel like im progressing nicely(on PS4),have my default excalibur maxed with a golden potato,and melee(Dual Ether) and secondary(Vasto) leveled and catalysts installed. Using a Karak as my primary but not sure i like it so holding off potatoing that for now. Its only now im starting to realise how important mods are as you progress up the levels. My limit seems to be about level 25 enemies,in the void anyway. Hoping to improve that as my mod levels go up. At that stage im just constantly using exalted blade with its small spin blind at that level and then just wreck with the sword,game is so good at making you feel like a boss:p

    Started crafting my second warframe finally,Rhino,have the blueprints for Ember also but want a tanky warframe to farm in the void. Going to collect Mag on mars tonight just to have them but the next frame im going to target after Rhino is Valkyr. Rhino has just over two days left till crafting finishes. 72 hours is just too long imo regardless of business model:(

    One issue is setting up a Dojo with only 3 of us playing in the clan,i bought the reknown pack IV on the PSN store for €20:
    -510 plat
    -Gorgan with catalyst(prob never use)
    -Viper with catalyst(prob never use)
    -A few obsidian skins

    Bought three forma just to set up a cross section,reactor and trading station in the dojo. Figure these are essentially the bare minimum,while not totally messing up the dojo layout if decide to expand at a later date. Want to be able to exchange blueprints and the odd bit of resources with the lads,help them out where i can. I really would like to get access to the abilities of the dojo ie research,dueling etc but it will take too long or too much plat for me to get up and running alone. Anybody playing in a clan here on PS4?

    Also bought a golden potato,few warframe and weapon slots also. Have just over 400 plat left and im going to keep that for now. Cant see anything i need to spend it on atm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,878 ✭✭✭Robert ninja

    Snipetron is building too. They didn't fix archwing (it still has gravity controls and physics lol) but there's enough new content for me to have new personal goals. Running out of personal goals makes Warframe way too boring.

    Good call keeping the plat Eoin. It really is nice having it when you need it. Suddenly running out of slots, forma or needing to potato something happens all the time.

    There's that limited time Valkyr skin for 150p. not sure if I want it. I don't really play her so I'm probably going to skip it but I have a few days to mull it over. There's actually guys from the mumble server playing again so it's 100 times more fun with them now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,576 ✭✭✭EoinHef

    Once i get up and running on PC i wouldnt mind an invite to your clan if there taking members:)

    Decided to buy one more warframe slot,gathered the blueprints for Ember and Mag and decided to craft the Ember frame as well as Rhino,after playing for a bit i also realise i need to constantly be working on mastery,now ill have two new frames to level over the next week or so and Excalibur is fine for farming higher level gear.

    Crafting a Scindo for Rhino as well,i know ill need mods to make it effective but id say it will look awesome:) Unsure what gun to make his primary but im thinking some sort of shotgun

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,456 ✭✭✭✭Skerries

  • Registered Users Posts: 577 ✭✭✭Justwinginit

    I just started this back up last week, I have now over 110 hours clocked up, and only beginning to learn what to do. Just having a blast, the gameplay is sooo freaking good. It's like ME3 on Steroids...and then more steroids on top of that....anyone wants to add me GT is locknloadeire on PC

  • Registered Users Posts: 577 ✭✭✭Justwinginit

    Holy moly, just done the Archwing mission. No spoilers, but damn that's cool!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,576 ✭✭✭EoinHef

    ^^You still playing?

    I making the move to PC and wouldnt mind someone to run missions with,a few days and ill be levelled enough to do a few of the harder missions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 577 ✭✭✭Justwinginit

    EoinHef wrote: »
    ^^You still playing?

    I making the move to PC and wouldnt mind someone to run missions with,a few days and ill be levelled enough to do a few of the harder missions.

    Sure am mate. If you're making the move a KB&M might be a bit hard for you starting off with this game. Have you got a controller? When I first changed it took a while to get used to KB&M. But hey, you could be fine...I play with a couple of friends, and we're trying Dolby Axon at the moment. Download here:
    Add me on it 'locknloadeire' Usually on Monday evenings and Wednesday evenings (with the odd sneaky friday eve up to 9:30) Oh and Download Mumble as well just in case Dolby is updating or summit:

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,576 ✭✭✭EoinHef

    Cool man,i sent you a friend request this morning. Im working nights atm which means my hours are a little unsocial but ill be on fairly regularly. Didnt know dolby did voip,ill give that a bash.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,878 ✭✭✭Robert ninja

  • Registered Users Posts: 577 ✭✭✭Justwinginit

    Just seen and accepted a couple of requests last night.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,576 ✭✭✭EoinHef

    Good stuff,i havent got on really except for once the other night myself because of work. And that was for an hour or two after 2am.

    Presume rob invited you to the clan,i sent you a friend request,GT El_Chorizo. Wasnt many on the other night when i was on,considering the time im not surprised. But the few lads that were were fine,just introduced myself and ran a few missions. A fully built dojo is impressive sight,still nowhere near high enough rank to use the stuff there yet but it looks awesome. Ive logged in everyday,try to get that 7 day login reward going. 2 more days to go now.

    Im off the weekend so hope to catch yourself and rob on. Hopefully learn a bit about how dojo research/crafting etc works as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,878 ✭✭✭Robert ninja

    Was on tonight meself. Sold two syndicate weapons and made a tidy 100p :O Syndicate weapon prices certainly have shot up. But then I turned around a bought the Synoid Simulor syndicate weapon for 35p.

    I have no idea what's happening with the market lol. *gets cane out* Back in my day syndicate weapons sold for 40p and that was that.

    I've been in the mumble room consistently whenever I play. I did notice that in-game mics have become a lot better now, though. So if not everyone has mumble or doesn't want it we can revert to in-game mics.

    Should be able to play on the weekend, too. I'll keep an eye out for ya, Eoin. I haven't managed to get an invite sent to Just yet but I'm sure I will on the weekend when soldier ranks and higher are around. Not sure if you have your own clan there though, Just.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,576 ✭✭✭EoinHef

    I have mumble setup so either is good for me really.

    Sh*t thats nice to be able to sell gear for plat. I wanna get myself a marelock when i get up to sufficent rank.

    Man ive amassed so much gear on the PS4,once you get the hang of it and always have some crafting on the go the gear really stacks up.

    Have Excalibir,Rhino,Ember,Nyx,Mag,Valkyr and Oberon has a few hours left before its finished crafting!
    Have a ton weapons as well,amd a decent amount of them levelled!
    Be awhile amassing that on PC although without the learning curve it should be a lot easier. Another weapon i cant wait to get on PC is the Hek,awesome shotgun and so much fun to use.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,878 ✭✭✭Robert ninja

    I'll be on tonight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 278 ✭✭Dard23

    Just started this game tonight, loving it so far!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,576 ✭✭✭EoinHef

    Sh*t,let my 7 day login lapse last night! Totally forgot to log in:(

    Determined to get that 75% off plat to drop at some point!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,932 ✭✭✭YouSavedMyLife

    EoinHef wrote: »
    Sh*t,let my 7 day login lapse last night! Totally forgot to log in:(

    Determined to get that 75% off plat to drop at some point!!

    I don't know if they changed it since last i played but there is a higher chance for you to get the 75% off plat if you login for 2 days then miss 1, then repeat. At 7 days there are more rewards so it lowers your chance to get the one you want. Google it :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,576 ✭✭✭EoinHef

    I don't know if they changed it since last i played but there is a higher chance for you to get the 75% off plat if you login for 2 days then miss 1, then repeat. At 7 days there are more rewards so it lowers your chance to get the one you want. Google it :D

    Cheers,ill check that out. That would make it a bit handier:)
