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  • 06-08-2013 1:23am
    Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭

    For most triathletes, especially long distance types, Kona inevitably pops the question and becomes the dream :confused: For me it didn't and for 2 reasons.
    1) The last 2 hours of Challenge Barcelona last year confirmed that running a marathon in heat after 6 hours of swimming and cycling is just not my thing. I've tackled the cramps from every angle and the idea of training my ass off to get a spot at some mdot only for them to surface later on the Queen K, simply doesn't speak to me.
    2) The Beast of Ballyhoura Adventure Race last year took me by surprise. I didn't expect the challenge that it was and it lead me to google and subsequently track the GODzone AR :eek: I was mesmerised and the dream became apparent!

    Proper Adventure Racing became the dream, albeit a long term one. I entered a few multi sports this year and bought some maps and a compass in earnest to learn how to navigate. Stuff happened and the year became a complete write off. I hit a low ebb (in training not life!), stopped training regularly and put on weight. I searched for something to get me going again. It was a chance encounter with an old rowing friend at Hell of the West. He had to drop out of a relay team and I did the swim for him. We caught up and chatted about some changes in the structure of Irish Rowing. Its been 10 years since I rowed back in Uni so I was out of the loop. It peeled back the cover of an old regret, to give up rowing (reluctantly) during a dark period in life. I loved rowing. The feeling of a crew in swing (powerful unison) or the wake of a scull healing itself on a crisp early dawn. I knew I had to go back.

    Although triathlon is no longer the focus, things like a black tee at Norseman or cycling up the Alp D'Huez exist on the bucket list as well as a return to the Lost Sheep, the highlight of my first triathlon log :). I've sold the TT bike, well most of it, and replaced it with a Concept 2 Model D rowing machine. Rowing is a hard sport and I'd like to get into basic shape before I get in a boat and learn to row again. Rowing will require some attention to strength and conditioning too. I've no big aspirations. I simply want to do a few races next year and enjoy the sport at whatever level I can. Oh, and learn to scull.

    The ARWS dream is still the dream so I will look to do the 40 hours Beast again next year or something equivalent if I can find a team. I'll do one or two shorter multi sport races too so that the road bike doesn't gather dust and to ensure I run up a hill from time to time.

    Swimming is the one thing I haven't mentioned yet. It is unquestionably the triathlon discipline I have progressed most over the few years I'm doing it. Its a skill I wish I learned as a child but having learned as an adult, one I'll never let go. I have a long swim in mind that too is a long term goal. For the foreseeable future I just want to enjoy some OW events. Next up is the 3.9km at Glendalough on Sept 8 :)

    This log will be different. It may not fit with the swim bike run logs. However, it will have races and will surely document the will to test the physical and mental limits...



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Well done, shotgun. You've made my night!! I can hear your happiness in your post. As always, you will be a joy to follow. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 226 ✭✭c07

    Good on you shotgun... Looking forward to reading your new journey ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    You've come along way MCOS. Looking forward ot it, good man

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,454 ✭✭✭mloc123

    We now have a Mod that is a messer, oh dear... I hope you don't start siding with 'that crowd' ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    I have a bit of a short attention span, so help me out here. You're going to do Challenge Barca again and you've done something to your ARWS. Did I get that right :D

    Welcome back mcos.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Ha ha my fellow comedian Mods
    @mloc - not sure I'd call rowing "messing" ;)
    @BTH - Hows that attention span going with married life? :D

    Tuesday August 06 2013

    Lunchtime Hilly Run

    Back when I had discipline I made time to get a couple of these in per week. I've watched my work run buddy through the window heading off for one of our loops so many times. I always seem to have someone approach my desk with something urgent on the lunch hour or worse still, invites to lunchtime meetings (WTF :confused:). I was all set to bolt on the hour today but he still left a few minutes before me. It took 15 minutes of moderately hard effort to catch up to him. If I hadn't caught him by the park, approx 3.5km I intended to give up the ghost. He was at a festival at the weekend so my reward for catching him was a slower pace and room to breathe :)

    We chatted on flats, focused on hills and panted our way around. I usually have 2 options with 2km to go as there is just one shower. Belt ahead to get there first or tack an extra 10 minutes and 2 more hills on. I opted for the latter. The 2 hills are pretty much in one of the roughest parts of town. I simply run up the hill and down to the other side and back again to work. When I turned around I heard the sound of hooves and shouting back the road. 2 sulkies were approaching. Crap! I had visions of a whip lashing out in my direction so I basically pegged it back up the hill like a vicious rabid dog was chasing me. Out of their reach, sure enough, I received some taunts but made it back to work safe. Longest run I've done in 3 months!

    10km in 48:10, average pace 4:49

    Benchmark Ergo

    I'm not fit enough to even contemplate a set distance rowing C2 ergo test like 5 or 10k. I'm not fit enough yet either to do a warm up, then a session. I wanted to set a benchmark so I chose another standard ergo session.

    Best distance in 30 minutes rating no more than 20 strokes per minute.

    I got straight into it and found a steady state rhythm quickly. I felt good and had to reign the enthusiasm back. The effort was strong but comfortably aerobic.. for about 5 minutes. My heart rate tells the story. 160 at just 7 minutes and I was sweating. 170 at 14 minutes and I knew the second half would be tough! I crossed 175 with 10 minutes to go and was working pretty hard. Still, the power was there and the rate held rock steady at 20. From 10 to 6 minutes to go I struggled mentally. I was briefly distracted when a blister peeled off and fell on the floor.

    The hardest thing about this session besides the developing burn, is maintaining the low rate. It takes control. You want to let the rate climb as it would mean pulling slightly less per stroke and a temporary boost of oxygen. It always back fires as the effort always catches up. With 5 minutes to go I knew I'd finish but had to dig in all the same. My HR hit a max of 178 which would have been near max on a bike turbo FTP test! It was a solid piece and an honest effort. Benchmark established and I'll have another attempt in a few weeks. This is all just prep for a 5km test over the winter... shudder.

    30 minutes rate 20. 7,824m total. Average pace 1:55/500m. Average HR 170!

    If I had done a 30 minute run at 170 HR I'd have been in bits afterwards and possibly injured. The rower gave as good if not a better workout without the damage. Ideally on the next one I'll hit teh same distance or better, but at a lower HR.

    20 minutes stretching afterwards. Flexibility is simply shocking :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Best of luck with this endeavour Mike. I'm assuming you'll be racing Intermediate, if it's still called that :D Who are you planning to row with?

    I was recently talking to an ex-international who went back rowing Vet. Guy is a serious athlete with a 2:3x marathon or faster. He became disillusioned because of the lack of races on the Irish calendar. He busted his a$$ training all year for a couple of races, one of which was the worlds. As a result, he's taken up triathlon this year. Looking forward to see how ye both fair out at your respective choices.

    Why put yourself through the torture of a 5k ergo test????? :eek: :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    @pgibbo - jays us can he swim?! Serious running pedigree and rowers are no slouches on the bike. To be honest I rowed but have little experience really. 2 seasons at UL winning lots of races 2 novice pots. Then went off travelling. When I returned 2 poor seasons at Intermediate. I won more intermediate races with my novice Uni crew than I did as an actual inter! First year inter I failed to make the A crew and missed champs. I was going through a difficult time then. Came back and trained next year, mostly alone as Alex was a baby, made the crew but didn't gel and disappointing 4th at champs. It was the worst summer for me so I wasn't really up for it. I left the sport reluctantly and with as bad taste in my mouth. In a very different place now and ready to take the same approach to it I have taken to learning how to swim :). I wouldn't put myself through a 5k. It will probably be the club. Possibly St Michael's. So, are we ever going to see a log from your good self?

    Wednesday August 07 2013

    Plan: Swim 20*100m

    Rugby camp over so its back to swim lessons for shotgun junior. He is still learning the strokes but has a better backstroke than I already. I wished I had learned to swim as a kid and I get a real buzz watching him enjoying himself and making progress. It was a short session while he did his thing. Simple 200m easy warm up then 20*100m off 1:45. Terrible swim. Hit 1:36-1:38 for the first 10 albeit with poor form. The next 10 got progressively tighter and increasingly laboured. I just about made 1:40s for the last few. I need to start swimming regularly again. That Sligo swim was an anomaly.

    Actual: 2,200m inc 20*200m

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Thursday August 08 2013

    Plan: Short aerobic Ergo / Run

    Basic session just getting into the beginnings of a training rhythm again. The row was rock steady at 18-19 strokes per minute. I wanted to keep the heart rate under 160 for the half hour but the cardiac drift was well on just sitting on the seat! I kept the effort steady at 1:58-1:59 per 500 rowing long strokes. I intended backing off when the hr hit 160 but was too stubborn. I was at 161 with 5 mins to go and just held it.

    I didn't really feel like running afterwards. I wasn't wrecked after the erg but doing anything after a session on it is alien. What got me out the door was realising the Dublin Marathon is in 10 weeks. I need to start training!! The legs felt heavy to begin with but loosened out to find another good rhythm. It was just an easy jog to the local Industrial Estate dodging traffic in a misty rain. A short loop at a slightly higher clip and a nice jog home with the wind at my back. Glad I got out.

    Row 30 mins 7,662m avg pace 1:58.0/500m avg HR 158
    Run 30 mins 6.25km avg pace 4:48

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Congrats on the new blog Mike and your doing something I would love to go back to but unfortunately I cannot commit to a crew anymore with 4 kids (and the fact I'll be turning 38 soon :eek:) anyway I'll be watching your blog with interest especially your erg times...not a bad starting 30min piece either!!! I think SMRC is probably the only club in Limerick at the moment with competing Seniors and inters, If I'm right i think they have a pretty Solid Inter/Senior setup at the moment...would definitely be the club to join.. talk soon

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    @Trig1 - thanks man. Hey you are just a shade older than I ;). Kicks may be the logical choice although quite unsure how much I could commit to a crew. Just want to go back to enjoy and learn since I didn't row Junior and left the sport reluctantly.

    Friday August 09 2013


    Saturday August 10 2013

    Plan: 50min capped aerobic run

    Lovely balmy evening out there. I hadn't used the Garmin in months and had 4 versions of firmware to update. May have explained its giddiness at Sligo. I warmed up with the skipping rope. 200 jumps took 8 efforts. A mini goal is to be able to do it in one go. The run was to be steady aerobic and capped at 155hr. Overall good, although I nearly had to walk on some hills. While concentrating to keep in controlled on a long drag, a fella suddenly popped his head out of his concealed gate and shocked the bejeezus out of me! Otherwise a simple run dodging dog walkers. Tomorrow's plan is for a longer version of the same with a segment at 160hr.

    Actual: 11.5km in 55:40, pace 4:50, hr avg 146 Max 155

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    Very interesting change in direction MCOS (return to your roots) and you read as being extremely happy with your decisions. The very best of luck with it.

    One thing I'd propose is a rebranding of the T/D/AR forum to be Triathlon / Duathlon / Anybody Rowing forum. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    This is like having the gay, lesbian and trans gender board modded by a horny middle aged bloke who has a thing for 19 year old girls.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    tunney wrote: »
    This is like having the gay, lesbian and trans gender board modded by a horny middle aged bloke who has a thing for 19 year old girls.
    So expect objective Modding, ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Sunday August 11 2013

    Plan: 90min 'Long' Run <155hr with a section at 160hr

    This would have been an easy medium length workout back in January when I was fit. Pushing too much volume too soon back then has taught me a lesson. Carefully does it. I knew 90 minutes would feel like a real stretch today but I just have 10 weekends to get some long runs in before DCM and simply had to start with something resembling a longish run. It was a straight out and back on country roads. It was humid and windy. I felt wooden. I kept the first half hour under 155hr then pushed a little to 160hr for a half hour. It barely yielded 4:42 pace for that section and I asked myself if this would be a marathon intensity I could hold. In truth no hope. I leave forecasting for a few weeks. After the hour it got progressively more difficult to keep the hear rate down and my legs were stiffening up. Last few kms were at 5:10-5:20 pace. I had to walk on one hill :o So much to do in little time but still need to exercise patience.

    Actual: 19.05km in 92:38, avg hr 153 max 162

    Weekly Summary
    Running: 46.8km in 3:46:28
    Rowing: 20.7km in 1:20:00
    Swimming: 2.2km in 0:40:00

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Just keep at it smartly....and listen to the body. You've 11 weeks to go (right, 11 weeks?), but don't fret about your time. Do this one for fun and for the camaraderie amongst friends. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    I'm thinking of doing DCM but like you havent exactly being putting the miles in recently. Trying to work out if a 12 week P&D plan would be a stretch too far. Might be better off doing a HH type plan and not worrying about finishing time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    @hoochiedoubleD - bang on tri chick! Just a long jog with friends :)
    @griffin - not bothering with one of those plans. Work long run up to 2 hours then add work to it. 3 easy runs and one faster run. Whatever that yields will do.

    Monday 12 August 2013

    Plan: Row 2*15min rate increase pieces & some Yoga

    Rate increases is basically rowing at progressively higher cadence with same per stroke effort. The faster rate spins the flywheel faster, pushing back more resistance and building the power. The pieces were 5min @ 20spm, 4min @ 22, 3min @ 24, 2min @ 26 and 1min @ 28. 3 mins easy then repeat. I felt good at 22 strokes per minute but each step after became pretty challenging. I relished it though. Max heart rate 178 again.

    There is little to compare the workout you get from rowing. I tried to hold good technique throughout. For a finish my forearms were loose and quads burnt which is a good sign. I can't say much for my down dog and cobra techniques though. Its been months since I did Yoga and I had as all the flexibility of a barn door.

    Row - 45mins 11,659m, avg 1:55.7/500m
    Yoga - 30 mins gentle salutation sequences

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Tuesday August 13 2013

    Plan: Easy Run

    Hilly loop around town. Running feeling better in cooler weather. Felt sluggish on hills. A bit laboured overall. Noticed the Shannon was calm and undisturbed. Visualising my first spin on water killed a few kms. I'm a few weeks away as clubs are on a break after national champs. Despite the 'easy' effort, I finished sweating like a good thing.

    Actual: 10.05km in 48:45, pace 4:50 or so

    Session 2
    Plan: Ergo 30mins Tempo @ 22-24spm aim for 8,000

    Nice calm evening so put the erg out on the decking. Figured I'd need the cool air too. Ultimately I'm aiming for 8k rating 20 but waay off attempting that yet. It needs a 1:52/500m average. I figured I'd get close with a higher rate and set off at 24. I settled quickly at 23-24 holding target pace. I broke the piece down to 4*2k in 7min 30 each. The first 2k was good but my heart rate hit low 160s pretty early. 4k passed just before the half way point so I was still on target. It was beginning to hurt though...

    The 3rd 2k felt like it was over the horizon so I bore down on 5k to kid myself that I was nearly there. 5k passed in 18:35. I was almost happy enough with that to stop but just a few strokes later I gulped a few large breaths and plugged in for the pain. I found 19-25 mins mentally very tough. My hr entered the low to mid 170s and I fought with the will to stop. At 7km the sweat rolled down my face over my eyes making me squint. I knew I'd hit the 8,000 now if I just held it together for the final 100 strokes. Every stroke hurt. A lot. Max hr 179! It took a minute to stand up afterwards. Overall very pleased with the piece but have kicked off my first week with a tad too much enthusiasm. Need to bring it back to base effort for a while now.

    Actual: 30min 8,110m :D avg pace 1:51.0/500m, avg rate 23-24, avg hr 164 Max 179

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    I want to buy an erg now!!! damn you!!!:D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Trig1 wrote: »
    I want to buy an erg now!!! damn you!!!:D

    +1...was just reading the log and thinking the same thing. Then I spotted your comment.

    Where did you buy from Mike and how much? I know someone that has one gathering dust but he won't part with it. :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    pgibbo wrote: »
    +1...was just reading the log and thinking the same thing. Then I spotted your comment.

    Where did you buy from Mike and how much? I know someone that has one gathering dust but he won't part with it. :(

    +1, could be ideal for some cross training

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,771 ✭✭✭✭dahat

    Hi, Just wondering what Drag Factor you use?

    I use the rower at the Gym quite a bit and use 130-140 but my stroke rate could hit 32-35,would it be advisable to back off on the stroke rate?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    @pgibbo - bought straight from Concept 2 in the UK. I see it as a lifetime investment so shelled out just under 1400 inc delivery. Got a model D with PM4. PM4 because it picks up different HRMs. You can get cheaper second hand but they are hard to find. Rowing clubs always on the lookout and snap them up. My sister has one and just wouldn't let me have it even when pregnant! I wouldn't buy second hand from a gym as they are abused. Its a case of keeping an eye open and snap up a private sale of model C or D.

    @JB- super XC workout. A mate of mine (MOB) who got Kona on his first go at IM used to do 40mins once or twice a week during the winter. Irish Rugby squad use for XC. Most Tug of War teams (proper sport on these shores) use them. Would do your swim and bike no harm :)

    @dahat - drag factor 125. I keep damper lever between 5 and 6. If you are doing 32 spm at 130+ damper level its a fair bet you are not engaging legs, glutes, core etc.. and end up wrecked quite quickly. Check out this as a very good example of correct technique. http:// I'd recommend backing off on the stroke rate. Bring it back to 22-26 range and focus the different sensation to the drive and recovery phase. You will be able to go longer and get many more muscles engaged. Any idea what the force curve of your stroke looks like?

    Wednesday August 14 2013

    Plan: Swim 20*100 off 1:45

    Same session as last week while shotgun junior did his lesson. 200m easy to find my stroke then straight into it. Last week I struggled to make the 1:45 by the 20th rep. This was better.
    In on: 90, 94, 92, 94, 95, 95, 94, 92, 91, 94, 94, 95, 95, 93, 94, 93, 95, 94, 92, 94
    There was a bit of traffic in the lane so the faster reps just involved overtaking. The times were much better and pretty steady. The efficiency told a different tale. I started at 36 strokes per length and finished on 41 strokes per 50m. Basically the classic sign of A) stroke inefficiencies magnifying as fatigue develops ( no technique focus this year) and B) lower fitness level (averaged just 1 session a week for the summer). I've 3 weeks to the Glendalough Swim. :rolleyes:

    Actual: 2,400m inc 20*100 off 1:45

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    You're a savage for the residual fitness you have. That swim set you did looks good to me, good metronome pacing practice too. Glendalough will be a blast, really looking forward to that swim. Your towel will be dry again by the time I get in (let the sandbagging begin;))

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Thursday August 15 2013

    Plan: 80min Aerobic Run/Row

    Simple base session. The more I ran the less I had to row and vice versa. Keeping the whole workout under 155 hr. The run felt OK. Still wooden and heavy but starting to adapt to my local suburban route. Very humid out there. I'll know fitness is improving when my hr stays in the target zone running over a short sharp flyover near home. I started thinking 50/50 run and row but the marathon crossed my mind again and I tacked a little extra onto the run.

    Just as well. I was sweating starting the row. It was easier to control the hr on the erg as the display is right in front of you. Its also indoors so no windy or hilly spikes. I rated at a low 16-17 strokes per minute and felt comfortable. My splits consistently got worse to keep the hr down. I was well into the fat burning zone as the sweat dripped off me. Decent session overall.

    Run 55min 11.39km pace 4:50 avg hr 147 Max 156
    Row 25min 6,058m pace 2:03.9/500m avg hr 153 Max 155

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Saturday August 17 2013

    Plan: 1hr40 Long Run <155hr

    Another DNS today not showing for GFW. I've lost a stupid as mount of money on race entries this year. Triathlon was great but one of the cons was the mentality developed on the race season. Pick the races and enter them all in the spring :rolleyes: Anyway that's rant #1 I'll get over my own stupidity on that. Rant #2 is the stupid Achilles. Again my own fault for stupidly running a pre breakfast training marathon back in Feb. Overkill. I was being sensible for this run. Add just 10 minutes to last week. Cap the heart rate. Take it easy on hills. Enjoy. However much to my annoyance the Achilles started to feel tight right away. I bailed after 40 mins as it wasn't any better. No damage but I really want to run DCM. So, running will be about short runs, roller and stretching this week. Take 2 next weekend.

    Actual: Abandonded after 8km

    Sunday August 18 2013

    Plan: Erg 60mins aerobic at rate 18 and capped hr<155

    After yesterday's frustrating session I figured an hour on the erg would be a satisfying close to the week. I really wanted to have another go at a long run but discipline won for once. This session too would require discipline. As hard as it is to sit on the erg for an hour, an hour at rate 18 makes it tougher. A capped hr meant it was all about discipline to ensure the whole hour remained in the target zone.

    I started conservatively and held a rock steady 18spm at around 2:02/500 pace. After 30mins my hr was 152 so I needed to back off to 2:04 to hold it. Soon after 2:06 and 2:08. The last 15 minutes was enough of a workout even at that effort. I was determined to keep it in check so splits didn't matter. They will improve. Overall a satisfying session and feeling good again :)

    Actual: Erg 60min at rate 18, avg hr 148 Max 155, 14,482m, pace 2:04.2/500m

    Weekly Summary
    Running: 29.64km in 2:18:45
    Rowing: 40.31km in 2:40:00
    Swimming: 2.4km in 0:42:00
    S&C: Yoga 0:30:00
    Weight Check: 81.6 kg or 179.9 lbs

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Monday August 19 2013

    Session 1 Plan: Group swim

    The hardest bit is getting out of bed. I have rolled over for the extra sleep for weeks. Made it down the stairs this time. Made lunch, packed the bag and onto my bike destined for the Arena. The odd commute I do is the only cycling I'm getting in so I push it along with some sprints and big gear up hills to get a little benefit from it. It was just Water polo Boy and I in the fast lane. My nemesis was leading out the next lane and I contemplated jumping on her feet when I saw the set.


    I just got stuck in at a steady pace. The coach usually prescribes circa 2k main sets so this was geared for endurance. I wondered how many times Water polo Boy would lap me. Several times was the answer. He did the entire 3km with paddles too :eek: I had a decent enough swim on my own, holding a better pace than my nemesis in the next lane. In truth she was gliding along leading a gang and flipping onto her back when she dropped them. I was tired for a finish but generally happy to get through it.

    Actual: 3,500m total in 63mins

    Session 2 Plan: Short aerobic run hr <155

    Cool but very humid out there. I wore the sketchers go run 2s for this and liked them. They have zero support but are super light. First run in ages where my hamstring didn't finish tight:) I did 200 skips on the rope while the watch searched for GPS. It took me 7 attempts. My main attention was on the Achilles.

    I started out gingerly to warm up and settled into as steady sweaty rhythm. Every time I approached another runner my pace would creep up and with it the hr. I managed to keep it in check overall except for the flyover again. The pace felt on the edge of comfortable throughout. I have no idea what my marathon pace feels like. I haven't done one in 2 years. I asked myself if I could 4 of these together and the answer was not, hell ya! The good news however is that the Achilles felt OK, for this run.

    Actual: 11.45km in 54:26 pace 4:45, avg hr 146 Max 156

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    That's a tasty swim set. Worth rolling out of bed for. :cool:

    I got some slagging for mentioning those sketchers on twitter. What do you think of them? They seem to be very popular with a lot of UK athletes - Team Freespeed, Black Line London, etc

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    @pgibbo- I like them. I got a pair of soft washable sketchers walking shoes originally. Love them. So tried runners. Only a few short runs done. Yesterday was the longest. I've a neutral gait, so I don't need the support. Won't suit heel strike but great for mid foot. Very soft so perfect for stuffing into gear bag too

    Tuesday August 20 2013

    Session 1 Plan: Easy Run

    Headed out at lunchtime with my run buddy. Cool but still very humid. Pace was easy and we chatted like would ones. Its a hilly loop around the town and I felt progressively heavier. I wore an old pair of Mizuno Wave riders that I keep under my desk. I once considered it a light shoe but no comparison to their sketchers for weight and comfort. 2 runs in 2 days. Its been months since that happened and the legs were sluggish. The last couple of hills were a chore. The pace was easy but it took more out of me than I anticipated. Achilles OK. Calves stiff from the skipping yesterday.

    Actual: 10.05km in 49:50

    Session 2 Plan: Erg 4*4 mins with 2 mins recovery

    I wasn't sure if my fitness was ready for 'pieces' as the are called in rowing. Intervals for everyone else. Just 16 minutes of work but work to pack a slow heavy punch. The 10min warm up felt rough. The body rebelled. I knew a small battle lay ahead. Each piece was to be done at 25-26 strokes a minute. So, just 100 or so strokes per piece. I set a pace boat last 1:49.0 and set off.

    Rep 1 Max hr 169 and 1:48.1/500 avg. Solid piece
    Rep 2 Max hr 175 and 1:47.9/500 avg. Had to work hard
    Rep 3 Max hr 179 and 1:48.6/500 avg. Nearly dropped the handle, hung on
    Rep 4 Max hr 180 and 1:48.3/500 avg. Pain cave. Had to dig deep.

    Overall I was happy to get through it. The body felt heavy and lacking zipp. It was much harder than I expected :rolleyes:. I was toasted for a finish. Shock to a tired body.

    Actual: 30min including 4*4min at 1:48.2/500m avg and 26spm. Total 7,665m

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