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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    I don't know how old Alex is, but it sounds like he is more than ready. And talk about gains he will make in a club environment! Proud pappa will be an understatement! :)

    There'll be tears of joy shed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    @Dory, Alex is 9. I was beaming already when he exclaimed "Daddy, I'm a Shark!". Big fish in his small pool, until he joins the real Sharks. Its not the swimming I was wondering about. More so the switch from a lesson environment to a training environment. He plays Rugby as well though so no stranger to competitiveness.

    Run 4 of AKW's #DecemberRunStreak

    Cold cold rain. Gear on, out the door and a brisk lap in the freezing rain. Watch charging so I just ran a circa 9k lap that I knew would be over the 30 mins. Calves and hamstrings tightening up and only 4 days in. I need to get stretching and rolling or the streak will come to halt soon. I also need to start bike training. Diet out the window until Christmas is done.

    Total this week|4:00:39|3,662 kcals|44.97km
    Swimming|0:33:55|370 kcals|1,500m
    Rowing|0:00:00|0 kcals|0m
    Biking|0:35:00|520 kcals|8.3km
    Running|2:31:43|2,581 kcals|32.44km
    Callisthenics|0:20:00|180 kcals|

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    A sort of decent week. 7 of 31 AKW December Streak runs done and finally 8,000 kcals achieved :) Today was worst. 6th session of the weekend, I was tired and in no mood, plus it was cold and raining heavily. Nearly called it until Caz made me get out the door for the half hour. 31 mins bare minimum done but streak not broken :)

    Weight is down to 82.9kg despite eating junk all round me. I just don't bother in the run up to Christmas. The only negative for the week is no bike sessions done. I need to get bike fit for the race in March and not just turbo fit but outside in the dark cycling up hills at silly o clock fit, aka our Iron Hoochie Oryx.

    Total this week|9:28:02|8,223 kcals|105.58km
    Swimming|0:33:55|370 kcals|1,500m
    Rowing|1:40:30|1,504 kcals|24,000m
    Biking|0:44:00|780 kcals|20.75km
    Running|4:39:37|4,649 kcals|59.33km
    Callisthenics|1:10:00|730 kcals|
    Yoga|0:40:00|200 kcals|

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    AKW #DecemberStreak 8 of 31

    Long day at work and I was procrastinating. Caz again ushered me out the door. I just ran with no real intention other than to put down at least 30 mins. Just under an hour later I arrived back with a red face and red legs. I think its cold enough to contemplate leggings. Can't say I enjoyed this run but did enjoy parts. The fact that my legs have put down more work in the last 8 days than the previous 3 months and not caved is encouraging. I need to dig out the roller. 12.22k (longest run in ages) in 57:40, pace 4:43, 930 kcals

    Run Dynamics - more erratic than the last run
    Cadence: 166
    VOS: 9.6cm
    GCT: 260ms
    Stride: 1.28m

    Total this week|1:06:40|1,060 kcals|16.37km
    Swimming|0:00:00|0 kcals|0m
    Rowing|0:00:0|0 kcals|0m
    Biking|0:09:00|130 kcals|4.15km
    Running|0:57:40|930 kcals|12.22km
    Callisthenics|0:00:00|0 kcals|
    Yoga|0:00:00|0 kcals|

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    AKW #DecemberStreak 8 of 31

    Long day at work and I was procrastinating. Caz again ushered me out the door. I just ran with no real intention other than to put down at least 30 mins. Just under an hour later I arrived back with a red face and red legs. I think its cold enough to contemplate leggings. Can't say I enjoyed this run but did enjoy parts. The fact that my legs have put down more work in the last 8 days than the previous 3 months and not caved is encouraging. I need to dig out the roller. 12.22k (longest run in ages) in 57:40, pace 4:43, 930 kcals

    Run Dynamics - more erratic than the last run
    Cadence: 166
    VOS: 9.6cm
    GCT: 260ms
    Stride: 1.28m

    Total this week|1:06:40|1,060 kcals|16.37km
    Swimming|0:00:00|0 kcals|0m
    Rowing|0:00:0|0 kcals|0m
    Biking|0:09:00|130 kcals|4.15km
    Running|0:57:40|930 kcals|12.22km
    Callisthenics|0:00:00|0 kcals|
    Yoga|0:00:00|0 kcals|

    Nice going on the run. Cold night for it. No idea how you're out in shorts though! I'm constantly shivering, must be all this body fat I'm losing :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    AKW December #RunStreak 10 of 31

    Hooked up with Bennymul for a lap of my local loop. I originally thought he had taken a leaf out of AKW's book and was taking the p!ss. Weather alert warning and all that... Nope straight up. Cold and windy but thankfully we got it done before the real rain kicked in. Pleasant run chatting. Calves feeling it now.

    Total this week|3:58:53|3,677 kcals|55.23km
    Swimming|0:37:00|386 kcals|1,800m
    Rowing|0:00:0|0 kcals|0m
    Biking|0:50:00|799 kcals|23.3km
    Running|2:31:53|2,492 kcals|32.13km
    Callisthenics|0:00:00|0 kcals|
    Yoga|0:00:00|0 kcals|

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Hit my heaviest weight in 5 years yesterday :D

    SFA training done in weeks BUT I have degreased the bike and have 100% washed gear!

    6 weeks to get fit for a 24hr race and ideally 6kg to drop in that time

    I'll be back logging soon!

    Happy Christmas folks :) .. **reaches for the last ferrero roche, in this box...**

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Some training! An early morning run. A shade over an hour but still my longest in months. Cold and wet but no wind. Hammers began to tighten for a finish. Too high an effort too soon but done in time for the kids breakfast which was all that mattered. I know there are all kind of difficulties with the snow in Europe but I'd love some even for a few snowy runs.

    Later the concept 2 for a 'piece'. In rowing terms a 'piece' is simply a block of work. Usually a set of long strength endurance intervals. This was a straight 8k. The idea is to row steady and enter the pain cave slower than you would lower your bare backside into a steaming hot bath. The pain cave came early. 173hr is the cave entrance. I hit that at 4k. Ended up at 184, within sight of Max. Return 31:22.1and avg 215w :mad: A month ago I did 32:17 in Z2. Still, I know where I stand now. To make matters worse my Bro set a new 500m mark of 1:27.5 which is bloody good and trumps my best (1:28.0 set Dec 2013). Oh well, first 2015 target set now :D

    1,632 kcals burned from 2 solid sessions. A start :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Last turbo session was sometime in summer 2012!

    Today I hopped on with no goals for the session. Just one thing in mind to motivate. 8+ hours on the saddle over every hill in Donegal first weekend in March :eek: Amazing what a decent night sleep, an icy breeze from an open door, some beats and past turbo pain long forgotten, can do. I felt great initially and the joy of spinning held firm for a half hour. By 40 mins my quads were getting anxious and by 60 were giving direct scolding feedback. Still, the mind controls the body so I punished the festive gluttony with another reluctant punishing half hour. 90 minutes at 232w. Last half hour was hell :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Dec 31 15km Run.. longest in ages. Wrecked.

    The line under 2014!

    The wheels came off all original ambitions bar the 10k swim at Eton Dorney. Injury sucks but hey we live and learn!

    Best race memories all involved my "Go Dark!" Triharder team mates :D
    I raced all unfit, blew up and finished at a crawl (or asleep at the side of the road in the Beast)

    The Muddy Race - Mountain Marathon with Kate (who won it!).
    The Gruelling Race - European Marathon MTB Champs with Warren
    The Most Beautiful Race - Achill Roar with Sean
    The Best Craic - a training day with the team :D
    The Epic Race - The Beast of Ballyhoura as a team.

    So 2015?

    It has extended to 72 hours and it is the Eurpoean AR Championship final. Last year #Team TriHarder were short coursed at the Beast of Ballyhoura AR. We have a score to settle...

    "Because you know
    I'm all about that Beast
    'Bout that Beast, no treble
    I'm all about that Beast
    'Bout that Beast, no treble
    I'm all about that Beast
    'Bout that Beast, no treble....

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Bloody Device Updates :mad::mad::mad:

    First the Nexus and Google's new Lollipop Android sh!te. It has reduced me to using the lap top for this kinda stuff :rolleyes: AND they have since released a patch to solution all forms of disgruntled Nexus users except Nexus 7 2012.. like WTF?!

    Anyway, assuming Google will sort it out so parked that one. Life moves on.

    Until the latest Fenix 2 update turned my watch into an ornament :mad::mad: This one p!ssed me right off. In short constant crashing and now dead since last update a few days ago. I read every Garmin Forum post and then some, tried every suggestion possible before composing an escalation email. I hold my breath....

    I was so annoyed and wasted so much time trawling the web for solutions before giving up the ghost and contacting Support that I only finished half my intended brick session.

    40 minute run done to kick off the new year. Hating technology right now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Interval session on the Concept 2. 3x2000m Z4 with 3 mins easy. Solid honest sweet spot work with a capped 172hr. Reps were at 1:52/500m and 244-247w.

    I had a go at a 500m TT earlier and set my Bro's PB (1:27.5) as my pace boat. Its an impressive 522 watts considering the current Irish Heavyweight record is around 650w. I held it up to 400m then lactic literally flooded my arms and legs and I faded dramatically to a 1:31.1 and 462w average. Something to work on.

    Took a breather to recover and hopped on the turbo for an easy Z1 hour spinning the heavy quads out. I was already sweating like a good thing after the row. I'm surprised the turbo didn't slide across the tiles for a finish.

    Later I wanted to test out the Fenix again after another factory reset and did so with an easy half hour running laps of the block (2km laps). No problems this time, the watch behaved itself. Garmin Express though is still trying to sync a problem activity I have since deleted so the good behaviour may be temporary. Nice chilly evening for it.

    All in all, good day and about 1,800 kcals burned

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Turbo today. The intention was 2 hours easy. Silly O Clock start and an hour in, wailing. Had to bail. Zoe 3 months old already. Ruling my life!

    Finished off the second hour this evening after her late feed. Need some tunes or movies to occupy the boredom of 'just spinning'. I've started training and cut out the sugar. My body is in shock!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Turbo today. The intention was 2 hours easy. Silly O Clock start and an hour in, wailing. Had to bail. Zoe 3 months old already. Ruling my life!

    Finished off the second hour this evening after her late feed. Need some tunes or movies to occupy the boredom of 'just spinning'. I've started training and cut out the sugar. My body is in shock!

    My Zoe is 10 years old, it doesn't get any easier. Maybe it's something to do with the name :) (I've another 3 behind her so I can test the theory).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Turbo today. The intention was 2 hours easy. Silly O Clock start and an hour in, wailing. Had to bail. Zoe 3 months old already. Ruling my life!

    Finished off the second hour this evening after her late feed. Need some tunes or movies to occupy the boredom of 'just spinning'. I've started training and cut out the sugar. My body is in shock!

    You need Netflix in your life as I expect a lot of your cycling will be turbo based?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    griffin100 wrote: »
    My Zoe is 10 years old, it doesn't get any easier. Maybe it's something to do with the name :) (I've another 3 behind her so I can test the theory).
    Alex is 10 in a few weeks. Never a so much as a peep out of him. Perhaps Zoe is Karma, but boy is karma cute and melts you with the mere hint of a toothy grin :)
    You need Netflix in your life as I expect a lot of your cycling will be turbo based?
    Yep, the turbo and I are getting reacquainted which means I will need Netflix or similar to stay sane and will appreciate any outdoor spins, particularly MTB that I get :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    2 hours turbo today. Steady at 224 watts. Cardiac drift throughout starting in Z1 and finishing just above Z2. Happy to get through it at 6am but it took focus. I need something batter that tunes. Must look into box sets.

    Easy 50min run later. Lovely clear chilly evening. A pleasure to be running in these conditions but legs were shot from the earlier turbo. I had originally planned this as a brick run but not yet ready for that. I need to be, soon!

    First week of 2015 done and getting back into the swing of things. Legs tired from the sudden interest in cycling. Plus its 100% turbo.

    Total this week|8:55:58|7,601 kcals|209.79km
    Swimming|0:00:00|0 kcals|0m
    Rowing|0:32:49|628 kcals|8,980m
    Biking|5:05:00|3,908 kcals|160.8km
    Running|3:13:09|3,015 kcals|40.01km
    Callisthenics|0:05:00|50 kcals|
    Yoga|0:00:00|0 kcals|

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Short run at lunchtime: Felt lifeless. Chore, felt like it would never end. One lamp post at a time kinda stuff

    First swim of 2015, 2*400, 6*200, 8*100 all off 2 min RTs. Should be easy. It wasn't. Made the wall each time but felt lifeless. Bit off more than I could chew. Muscle memory my gremlin!

    Form on both run and swim shocking but hey done! To celebrate I get to do a row after I feed Missy...

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Short swim, but felt like long swim. Simple 40 mins straight.
    Short run nattering with work colleague with dodgy ankle, slow 44 mins

    Then later. Turbo intervals. I haven't done intervals or intensity in a couple of years so the purpose was to get a feel for different cadences and intensities. 1 hour including
    6 mins at 240w
    5 mins at 260w
    4 mins at 280w
    3 mins at 300w
    2 mins at 320w
    1 min at 340w

    2 min easy recoveries. It wouldn't stack up to workouts in tri days but felt like a decent session. 25 mins Yoga afterwards. Feiced now, need sleep.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Nothing done yesterday, lost my window after sleeping in. Work travel today so late when I set the turbo up. An hour steady (5min 220w, 5min 230w, 5min 240w, 5min 250w)x3. Good use of the hour. Happy to get something done today. Starting to enjoy the shorter sessions! Weight down to 84.4kg.

    The first time I did the Beast I was fit but clueless
    The next time I did the Beast I knew a bit but was unfit
    This time I will be fit and ready. The team too. Get fit or get out. Its on!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    We had sun, we had wind, we had snow...
    Over 3 hours up on the Ballyhoura trails with my Team #TriHarder teamie, Kate


    The turbo work gave me some legs but turbo does nothing for bike skills. Long week and concentration waned at times. One too many. Over the handlebars and a heavy clumsy landing on rocks. Luckily just 2 swollen palms and 2 swollen bloody knees. It hurt. Superficial so it will pass soon. Kate didn't hug any trees and soldiered through her inaugural 2015 team spin unfuelled and unfazed as she does most things.

    Overall simply loved being back out there. The white loop is a bit of a slog but the tech loops are great fun. We wondered if Boards would turn up a second team for this years Beast?. It promises to be the best one yet. I was wrecked and sore for a finish but mountain air over turbo, no brainer Looking forward to another spin out there already.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Next spin? Could be Sunday, February 15th. Come one, come all. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Next spin? Could be Sunday, February 15th. Come one, come all. ;)
    Unfortunately I'm away with work for this :(

    2 very uncomfortable sessions today.

    1: Turbo 2 hours. Easy 3hrs planned but it was my shoulder that hurt a lot. I've dislocated it a few times and it feels just like it popped in and out yesterday. Didn't realise also my knee had started bleeding again until I was done as I was watching a few episodes of Friday Night Lights for distraction. I was also hungry. Early morning turbo needs fuel!

    2: 16km run planned. Bailed after 12+km and that was through sheer stubbornness. I basically made myself run to the hour then promptly stopped and walked home. The knee swelling had come down but all in all I ached and it felt progressively worse. No metrics as I forgot to charge the watch. Last charged it over a week ago and I've been wearing it daily, not bad.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    That post reminds me of all the times I got nagged advised not to train when injured.... as I was told then, dont try too much too soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Page 2 yikes!

    Sum of training this week has been a half hour easy run in the snow the other morning, joy :D

    A lot of other stuff going on which has taken precedence. I was thinking of pulling out of the race when I read about someone looking for company for a 4 hour bike 4 hour brick run. It landed what I had signed up for :eek:

    Giving myself a week to get my ass in gear or the decision is a no brainer. Time to SIU buttercup. Using the fact that one of my #TriHarder team is out there on the AON course hopefully leading the charge to Glenmalure, to stir some motivation. Go Warren!

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    I'm not doing anything like that volume either. I don't know if I should be concerned :) Don't underestimate your base and strength. I reckon you can pull it off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    Oryx wrote: »
    I'm not doing anything like that volume either. I don't know if I should be concerned :)Don't underestimate your base and strength. I reckon you can pull it off.

    I agree with you on this. The sheer stubborn doggedness of the man will get him through. :D The problem is pacing.

    Mr Boom Boom doesn't quite grasp not being competitive and racing to complete. ;)

    To be fair it's why he's Captain as it's a fantastic virtue to have and very motivating. If paced properly there is no doubt in my mind the Race is doable for someone of his experience and ability. Go out hard though in 'compete' mode and I worry about his season to follow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    AKW wrote: »
    The sheer stubborn doggedness of the man will get him through.

    Never a truer word was spoken :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Ive no doubt you'll get through The Race. It might hurt alright but from what ive read on others training wise you have a number of years extra behind you and a better understanding about what you can achieve on the day. The experiences you have already had will stand to you. That 4hr bike, 4 hr run was madness. A 4hr bike, 1hr run wud have done the trick and wouldnt impact on the days ahead as much. Gota be thinking of the bigger picture (the next days training). I wouldnt even attempt that! Now i dont know the guys background, he cud be another enduro for all we know but of anyone i can think of who could do that enduro probably stands out as one of very few in this country!

    So what im saying is - dont you f%$king dare back out :P

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Jesus I better do this thing to avoid a punishment beating by my great boardie friends :o Thanks guys, way to make a guy swallow his words :cool:

    @Oryx - I do trust my ability to suffer but it has taken me to dark places and not pain, that is a given. It is the A goal that is the primary concern.

    @AKW - Boom! Hit the nail on the head. Maybe its a blessing that I'm unfit, thus less likely to push it. Pacing is key, no question

    @Bambaata - I hear ya :pac: I had no intention of a 4hr bike 4 hr run, it just brought home the volume of running in the event. But hey, 24 hours to get it done, how hard can it be, right? At least you will represent us at the pointy end!

    So, a second session done this week. 16,000m row on the erg in 68min and change. An easy 164w but I let my work last autumn slip and need to reel it back in slowly.

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