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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Excellent, every schoolboy-error box ticked...:)

    Thanks for the preview in McG's - great stuff!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    October 30 2013: Short Swim inc. 400m TT

    Tuesday was a wipeout. Merciless DOMS. Plonked on the couch and watched 3 straight NFL games. Couldn't even manage a walk around the block. Yesterday I had enough mobility to get in the car and get to the pool. I had planned 2k straight and very easy but what would I gain from that? Sure, it may help the legs and I haven't swam in weeks so it was a start. I decided to step outside the comfort zone for once.

    1,600m easy with tumble turns in 29:30, pace 1:51
    400m Backstroke TT in 9:10, pace 2:18
    Total: 2,000m

    I more or less had a lane to myself so I swam steady and relaxed. Fitness was the first issue and form the second. Both rubbish. I tumble turned throughout which was possible with the space and slow pace. I generally made a decent effort at each but they were untidy and I lose my breath easily. After 1.6km I thought I'd change it up to back stroke. I've never done more than 100m in one go so 400m was a big ask. I suck at every other stroke but I have tried back stroke a few times this year. I didn't horse into it as I didn't know if I could even complete 400m. After 200m I was wrecked and inhaling water. I never really found a rhythm but got through the 400m somehow. I felt as though I burned more energy doing the 400 than the previous 1600! I guess I can only improve :)

    October 31 2013: Short Technical Swim

    Legs are starting to come round but not to the extent that I am tempted to use them or use the roller :eek: So, I took the bag of toys to the pool and started some technique focus for the winter.

    200m easy
    4*50m kick no fins
    100m swim
    4*50m pull buoy
    100m swim
    4*50m catch up single arm
    100m swim
    4*50m ripple drill
    100m swim
    4*50m paddles
    100m swim
    6*50m kick with fins
    4*50m back stroke
    4*50m breast stroke
    Total: 2,400m

    I'm now drawing a line under 2013. Time to plug the discipline back in and focus on 2014 :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    November 01 2013: Short C2 Row/Run

    20 minutes on the C2 rower at 18-20 strokes per minute. 1:58.2/500m average pace and 5,076m covered. Short workout to begin with and it was enough. Followed up with 10 minutes super easy run. Quads feel much better but right hammer and outside of left knee not yet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    November 02 2013: Short C2 Row pyramid

    30 minutes on the ergo including 2,3,4,3,2 minute pyramid with 2 minutes easy between reps. Found this tough. No HRM on it but I was well into red zone counting down the strokes on the 4 minutes. Overall good control on the stroke ratio between the drive and recovery. The better the rhythm the easier it is to tolerate the pain usually. The intense bits rated 26spm, otherwise 20spm. 7,829m covered, average pace 1:55/500m. I wanted to do a short run this evening but a thumping headache killed that idea.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Just catching up on the internet thisevening after a bit of a break. Loved your DM race report, you're some man :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Really enjoyed your DCM report. I still think your mad but in a good way :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    November 5 2013: Easy Lunchtime Run

    Brrr 'tis colder out there. Its been a while since I trotted around time with my work run buddy so we had a pile of bitching chatting to catch up on. I opted for a slight longer route taking in a couple of hills and my calves did not appreciate it. The legs want to run again but need some TLC in the form of rolling and flexibility.... lots of it. They felt like stilts.
    9.88km covered at a leisurely 5:15/km

    November 5 2013: 30min Base Fitness C2 Row, HR <155

    A second session in the day. My body was rebelling. The intensity of this row was low and the cadence low too, rock steady 18 strokes per minute. The main feature of this short row was the cardiac drift coupled with the significant power loss from start to finish. Rubbish, but hey winter training has to start somewhere and I have to just keep at it now. 20 minutes stretching and rolling the tender calves afterwards, ouch.
    7,266m at 2:04.1/500m

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    November 6 2013: Short technical swim

    200m warm up
    100m hard
    8*50m kick
    100m swim
    8*50m catch up
    100m swim
    8*50m pull
    100m swim
    8*50m single arm
    100m swim
    Total: 2,300m

    Busy public lane. Frustration session but persisted until it was done :rolleyes:

    November 7 2013: Short easy run

    Straight out of the bed and out into the lashing rain. I had a short window before work travel and made use of it. Soaked! Very cold to start but once the rain blurred my vision and dripped off my chin, I found a steady beat.
    6.15km in 30mins

    November 8 2013: Long swim with group

    2*400m off 6:50
    4*100m off 1:45
    2*400m off 6:50
    4*100m off 1:45
    10*50m paddle & pull
    10*50m kick with fins
    300m race starts
    100m back stroke
    Total: 4,900m

    Up at 0430 for a 5am start with a bunch of other lunatics. They had been at it for a few weeks so I was a blow in. Lead out for the main body of work. I had to work increasingly harder to maintain a 1:40 ish pace throughout. Enjoyed the kicking set. My shoulders were on fire after the paddles. Bought mine over 18 months ago and its just my second time using them. They are power paddles so a bit big. Good session.

    November 8 2013: Short steady tempo C2 Row

    30 minutes on the erg at 1:55.4/500m rating 20 strokes/minute
    Tough sweaty session. Just 31m off my 30rate20 best but I was working hard at the end and just couldn't pull any harder rating 20. Takes control and focus this session. Rewarding half hour :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    November 11-17 2013

    A few sessions to wake the body up and prepare for winter training...

    Short base run HR <155
    6.15km at 4:45 pace. Started too eager and soon had to rein it back. Felt positively wooden. HR shoots up just approaching an incline!

    Short base run HR <155
    Skipping warm up. 405 skips in 10 attempts. My goal for this little exercise is 2,000 in 10 attempts. The run was slightly better but pace 4:58 is pretty slow for base fitness. That is just currently where I am at. Just 9.42km done.

    Short technical swim
    400m easy warm up
    10*50 kick with fins
    100m swim
    8*50m pull
    100m swim
    8*50m paddles
    100m swim
    8*50m catch up
    100m swim
    4*50m back stroke
    4*50m breast stroke
    2,800m total

    Short base run HR >155
    10.4km at 5:15 pace. Attempted a longer run but achilles felt tight. Dropped the pace and abandoned.

    Long swim with group
    Silly O'Clock session
    1,000m easy warm up
    4*750m with 1 minute rest
    10*50 kick with fins and hand by side
    10*50 pull & paddle
    300m various cool down
    Total 5,300m
    I learned 2 new things to make it worth getting out of bed. Found a dead spot in my stroke and how to use the paddle for technique vs power to flush out flaws with the hand entry and catch :)

    Medium C2 base row HR <155
    An hour straight with a goal to keep the HR under 155 and pace under 2:10/500m or until I couldn't hold that pace at base HR. Just about managed to complete the hour at 2:09.7/500m for a total of 13,877m.

    Overall it was a few sessions less than planned but enough to start building towards the goal 2014 platform. Just have to write down the goals next

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Overall it was a few sessions less than planned but enough to start building towards the goal 2014 platform. Just have to write down the goals next

    Are you still contemplating Rowing for the year?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    how to use the paddle for technique vs power to flush out flaws with the hand entry and catch :)

    This sounds interesting Mike. Care to expand on it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Trig1 wrote: »
    Are you still contemplating Rowing for the year?
    Not full on. Just want to get fit enough to have a few races. Would love a spin at Mick's head and a regatta. I want to learn to scull too. Varied programme for me next year. Rowing is for the soul.
    pgibbo wrote: »
    This sounds interesting Mike. Care to expand on it?
    Basically you have a loop for your middle finger and one or two for your wrist. For technique leave your wrist free so only your middle finger is strapped. Swim with your normal stroke. If you are not catching straight or pulling straight the paddle will pull sideways and your finger will soon feel it, particularly if you turn your hand upon entry. A poor catch will be very obvious very soon. There should be an even pressure around the pad and your finger should barely feel the stroke. For power, strap the wrist in and swim normally. Again swimming as you usually do will magnify any faults.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    November 19 2013: Medium C2 Base Row <155 HR

    Woke up at 0430 and had difficulty getting back to sleep. Instead of broken sleep, which sets me off balance for the day, I got up and gear on sleepily. Cold HRM strap on, 49ers v Saints highlights on and onto the rowing ergo. Selected "re row" of the weekend's session and warmed into a steady rhythm at 19 strokes per minute. The pace boat was a shadow of my last session so I set off at the same pace with the intention again to keep the HR under 155. I thought I'd struggle but I felt quite awake and good.

    I hit 30 minutes a boat length ahead of my pace boat and my HR was still in the low to mid 140s. At this point on Sunday I dropped right off from 2:08 to 2:11 pace for the rest of the session to keep it in the right zone. This time I held the pace to 50 minutes before I had to back off. Progress :) I log my rowing sessions on the Concept 2 website logbook. They have a challenge going for Nov 28 - Dec 24 where they will donate $0.02c to a selected Charity for every km logged and $0.04c for every km over 100,000m. Not my thing usually but a little incentive for the month to put the work in on the ergo :)

    Total 14,101m at 2:07.6/500m, average HR 145

    November 19 2013: Yoga

    It was still stupidly early by the time I finished so I rolled out the mat to do some Yoga Sun Salutations. By Jesus I felt like a lump. Core gone! 30 minutes of further sweating was enough. Flexibility, although never great, was shocking too. Still, early when I finished that and showered so instead of the usual cereal or porridge and toast, I made a delicious smoothie and a couple of soft boiled eggs, yum :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    20 November 2013: Short Swim inc. 400mTT

    Had a very short window and when I saw an empty lane I decided to do a 400m TT. No consistent swimming or speedy stuff to expect a better mark but I belted off after 300m warm up. Went off way too hard and instead of letting up after the first 50m I kept pushing and died early. The last 100m was sheer slog. Stupid pacing and no form. Oh well, a better mark by 3 seconds for a 6:05. Splits were 1:24, 1:25, 1:31, 1:35. I was in bits.

    Another 300m easy later and I got stuck into another one. Backstroke this time. Inspired by watching shotgunjunior doing one armed backstroke drills in his lesson earlier. I gave it a go! It was simply rubbish. I swallowed water. Lashed my wrist off the lane rope. Crashed into the wall. All for 9:12. 2 seconds worse than last time. I was spent. Truly spent. Some day I will attempt a 400m IM and the mere thought fills me with real dread.
    Total 1,500m

    20 November 2013: Medium Base Run HR <155

    Chilly out there. Time for base layers. Skipping warm up while I waited for GPS signal. 486 for 10 attempts so 48.6 average per rep. The goal is 200. Intended a short hilly block, about 8km. However it was dry and cold, conditions I like. There were other high viz runners about and I found a nice rhythm after a horrible first few clicks. Keeping the heart rate down was the main focus and it took concentration! I had to slow to a near walk on one short sharp hill. I ended up running myself into a sort of trance and adding a few extra turns. Felt good for a finish, better than the start but the base fitness is not there. Pace well off. Just need to run run run...
    14.98km in 1:14:22, pace 4:57, HR 150

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    November 23 2013: Short Swim 5*400m progressive

    Dropped shotgunjunior off to a party and killed time at the Arena. Watched a couple of events at the IIRC (Irish Indoor Rowing Championships). 2 non rowers beat the entire rowing community in the menss open 2,000m and 500m :eek:

    Hit the pool for a quick 2k set of 5*400m starting rep really easy and finishing rep really hard. 30 seconds rest. 7:29, 7:07, 6:48, 6:35, 6:08
    Decent session, about all I've got in terms of pace right now. It will improve.

    November 24 2013: 60min C2 Base Row HR<155

    Shotgunjunior had a rugby blitz so this had to be done before he got up. Onto the C2 rower for 6am for an hour straight at rock steady 19 strokes per minute and holding the heart rate under 155 for a base workout. I had NFL for company which took the attention off the clock. Felt good and managed to hold a steady pace throughout, just hitting 154bpm at the end. Fewer blisters on the hands too indicating a relaxed posture and better technique.
    Overall 14,318m in 1 hour. pace 2:05.7/500m, HR 143

    Salvaged something from another disappointing week. Work a priority at the moment so any training done is a bonus stress relief.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    The lack of regular updates to the log directly corresponds to the lack of training happening! Currently I don't just feel out of shape, I feel generally unfit :(

    November 30 2013: Local 10k Race

    I had no intention of running a race but it was for a very good cause and one of the in laws was running. This was going to give me very direct feedback as to the current state of running form. I thought it would be a good opportunity to get a 3km TT in at the start and suffer on from there. That I did. 11:45 for the first 10k. Rubbish. Heart Rate maxed. Had to slow to a very slow jog. Decided to hang on for the cousin. No sign. Lost 5 places. Picked it back up. Red lined the following 7km at a higher average HR than any other race I've done. Picked up 2 of the lost places. The last one was comical.

    I could see the finish arch from about 1km down a long straight road. I slowly crept up behind a guy and sprinted passed him as a car passed me to disguise my heaving. It was approx 400m to go and I maxed out again. Had to pull up sharply to stop an asthma attack. A few gulps of air and the guy passed me again giving me a WTF look. Caught my breath and looked up, about 200m left. He was 30m in front of me and still running the same speed. I burst into another sprint for the line and passed him again. Hands on knees, again heaving. All for a 42.11!!! :mad: Slowest ever straight 10k! Yes it was a little hilly but it was a perfect day for running. Just 4 runs done in November including this one so what else could I expect :rolleyes: The only thing it proved was that holding a 180+ heart rate for 40 minutes meant I haven't lost the ability to suffer
    Total: 10km in 42:11. Pace 4:13

    01 December 2013: Short "Easy" Run

    Felt stiff from the 10km. Legs uninterested. Still, its December and after yesterday newfound positive direction distracted the huffing and puffing. 1 run, 1 day at a time.
    Total: 7.88km in 39:29. Pace 5:01

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    The only thing it proved was that holding a 180+ heart rate for 40 minutes meant I haven't lost the ability to suffer
    Total: 10km in 42:11. Pace 4:13

    always good to take something away. What's your max/threshold HR?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    mossym wrote: »
    always good to take something away. What's your max/threshold HR?
    I think if I see 190 I'm not far off not seeing 191. Yesterday it was 189.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    I think if I see 190 I'm not far off not seeing 191. Yesterday it was 189.

    Wow. Way to suffer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    December 02 2013: Short Run

    A massive 8km slog around the block. Very cold to start but the laboured effort soon warmed me up. Hills annoyed me. Impossible to keep the heart rate down but I will not walk. Some day the log may return to a shadow if its former self but thats currently over the horizon. 2014 Goals to be confirmed soon and I hell bent now on A) showing up and B) giving them my best shot :)

    Total: 8.12km in 38:36. Pace 4:45

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    December 02 2013: Short Run

    A massive 8km slog around the block. Very cold to start but the laboured effort soon warmed me up. Hills annoyed me. Impossible to keep the heart rate down but I will not walk. Some day the log may return to a shadow if its former self but thats currently over the horizon. 2014 Goals to be confirmed soon and I hell bent now on A) showing up and B) giving them my best shot :)

    Total: 8.12km in 38:36. Pace 4:45

    Whoop whoop!!!! :):D

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    December 04 2013: Short Run

    Another simple short run. My work lunchtime route this time. Last 3km is a long slow drag and killed me today. Huffed and puffed my way around the town. Wanted to stop at times but didn't. Even the stepping around suited pedestrians was an effort. Got a significant work thing done that was taking up too much of my out of hours. A lot more relaxed today. Had planned a row after work but a mate popping in for a chat. 3 days running in a row :)

    Total: 8km in 38:22. Pace 4:47

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    2014 Goals

    2013 was mainly a write off year for training and racing. 2014 I will get back to myself and have fun while I'm at it :)

    A Goal - Sub3 Hatrick (All May)
    Sub 3 Great Limerick Run
    Sub 3 42.2km Row on Concept 2 Ergometer
    Sub 3 Eton 10k Swim at Dorney Lake, London

    Its a big ask to nail 3 tough goals in 3 such different disciplines. In order of importance its Run, Swim, Row.

    B Goal - Proper AR (August)
    Beast of Ballyhouras ARES (Adventure Racing European Series)

    I did this once before it joined the ARES. I completely underestimated it. I was late into an IM training programme so the Mountain Biking was ok. The Trekking is what killed me and I got both gear and nutrition wrong too. I'll have to either join a team or assemble my own team. One way or another I am not missing out on this experience.

    C Goal - Some Summer Racing Fun (June - July)
    AR National Series Events
    OW Swim Events
    XTERRA Ireland
    Rowing Regatta

    The rowing is purely for the soul. Generally during this period I want to enjoy some "shorter" races and do as well as I can. I will need to hit the trails with the bike and hills for running/trekking.

    D Goal - Fun
    Rowing Head of the River
    4 Day Charity Cycle with Superwoman

    I'd love to get into a boat for an early Spring Head of the River race. I'll explain more how it works when the time comes. I've never done an IMRA race and would Love to make it to some of the Wednesday night league races. I've committed to accompanying Superwoman (My Mum) on a 640km cycle over 4 days for Down Syndrome Ireland.

    Overall its set up to be a real challenge of a year. Everything until May is geared towards improving Run, Row, Swim fitness and building some core strength and stability. If I manage to achieve the Sub3 Hatrick I'll ride the crest of that wave through the summer races to build some bike fitness. Everything until August is geared at having fun and taking a better approach to the Beast,

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    now there's a different set of goals than you'll see anywhere else on here!! Fair play.

    We cycle the xterra race ocation hills every so often on mountain bikes with lights, you're welcome to join us if you like. usually some weekday night at 8/8.30, up there for about an hour

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    December 04 2013: Short Run

    Yesterday was not Dec 4th :rolleyes: Almost a carbon copy of that run with a little extra added on. Felt really tired all day since I woke up and the fatigue was the main factor here. Mind wandered and I nearly tripped up a few times. Hills were a slog. I only finished it because I had to.

    Total: 9.2km in 45:00 Pace 4:53

    @mossym - I'll drop you a PM, thanks

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    December 05 2013: Short Run

    Took me as long to get out the door as it did to do the feicin run! Didn't feel like running. Calves were tender. I was hungry. Caz basically sent me out to do a half hour easy. Started horribly, snails pace, but my mind wandered and by the time I snapped it back to the present I was across town. It was warm and running slow but steadily by then too. Basically the last 10km of the Great Limerick Run route in reverse. I almost enjoyed it :) Managed to cook something tasty with the dregs of the fridge too. Happy days :)

    Total: 10.42km in 50:05. Pace 4:50ish

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    mossym wrote: »
    now there's a different set of goals than you'll see anywhere else on here!! Fair play.

    We cycle the xterra race ocation hills every so often on mountain bikes with lights, you're welcome to join us if you like. usually some weekday night at 8/8.30, up there for about an hour

    I'd be interested too!!!

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Trig1 wrote: »
    I'd be interested too!!!

    more the merrier, will pm you in a while

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    mossym wrote: »
    now there's a different set of goals than you'll see anywhere else on here!! Fair play.

    We cycle the xterra race ocation hills every so often on mountain bikes with lights, you're welcome to join us if you like. usually some weekday night at 8/8.30, up there for about an hour

    I would be interested too, any specific lights needed ? (sorry for jumping on your thread Mike)

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    rather than derail Mike's thread any more, why don;t anyone else who is interested pm me. I'll take on the role of chief organiser.

This discussion has been closed.