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Due April 2014



  • Registered Users Posts: 116 ✭✭Claire de Lune

    Glad to see that everyone is doing well!

    I am now 13 weeks, I had my first scan on Monday and my little baby is just perfect :) so happy!!

    I don't look pregnant yet, I just look fat :p Looking forward to having a proper bump!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,773 ✭✭✭Synyster Shadow

    Yep it's the awkward stage I think, you just want to look pregnant but it takes so much time to get that nice round bump! I was 6-7 months before I got a proper one and then I looked like I swallowed a beach ball. This time I'm curious to see how long until I pop fully. Got a bit of bloating but nothin major with a bump yet but it's only week 11..

    Such a relief to see them kicking away though I near cried but held my hormones back. I cried more at the fact I'd be gone for my scan before my baba was awake he's only little and I get him dressed every mornin! I sobbed like a baby. Hubby had a good laugh then he cuddled me

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,016 ✭✭✭lilmissprincess

    Just gave myself mini heart failure and a serious case of the guilts unnecessarily! Am rocking that super sexy need-new-lungs breathing sound and (tmi)
    coughing up icky phleghm with little flecks of blood in it this morning
    . I took two lemsips over 10 hours last night - and then had a look online and all that was coming at me was "You can't have that" and stuff about constricting blood flow...

    Just found the actual box and feel a lot better as the one I took was literally just lemon flavoured paracetamol... but the internet is a scary place with this stuff :/

    Now to get my lungs back in working order...

  • Registered Users Posts: 178 ✭✭ynwa14

    I'm due around the 30th of April and knowing my family history it'll end up being May, but since there's no May thread here I'll pop my head in because I'm just so excited after having our first scan!! After being terrified to tell the boyf I thought I was pregnant to taking the test and the absolute relief when I saw the look of elation on this face when I told him and the scan this week, it's just been amazing :D So, hello bump buddies!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,016 ✭✭✭lilmissprincess

    Welcome to the thread!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,016 ✭✭✭lilmissprincess

    I went to bed normal looking, and woke up looking pregnant... the boobs and the belly have decided to arrive on the one morning... dressing for work is going to be fun!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,773 ✭✭✭Synyster Shadow

    Welcome ynwa.. You may just go in on time it can happen no one in my family did and I did.

    I'm feeling awful today had 2 hours sleep between 6 and 8 this mornin. My 5 and half month old is at war with his teeth and it was my night for gettin up with him. I'm at a loss as to what will actually help him Iv tried everything

  • Registered Users Posts: 178 ✭✭ynwa14

    I went to bed normal looking, and woke up looking pregnant... the boobs and the belly have decided to arrive on the one morning... dressing for work is going to be fun!

    Ditto... spent all week thinking I wasnt showing and tried to get dressed for work just now, suddenly there is no getting in them size 12s!

    First day at a new job this afternoon as well, the joys. At least the nausea seems to be fading!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,016 ✭✭✭lilmissprincess

    Good luck on your first day. I had terrible nausea last week and the week before but fingers crossed none for the last three days...

    Scan on Thursday and then I'll actually feel comfortable telling people before I wind up too big to get away with not saying it to work...

  • Registered Users Posts: 139 ✭✭Guestboarder

    12 week scan next Tues....soooo excited!! how is everyone doing work wise?
    I was looking for a job when I found out I was pregnant so I had to put that on hold as I was sooo sick for about three weeks, still nausea everyday but slightly more manageable, but some days I have ABSOLUTELY NO ENERGY and not sure how ill be able to cope with that and working full time, have any of you gals struggled with your jobs??

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  • Registered Users Posts: 178 ✭✭ynwa14

    ^^ I started a new job today, found out I got this the day it was confirmed I was pregnant so it was some shock! Found getting there very stressful because the boyfriend was at work so couldn't drive me, two buses and I got lost trying to find it D: Would have been bad if it weren't for a lovely taxi driver who let me get a ride in free of charge. Actual first day was pretty good, I'm worried about the long training days for the next two weeks though. Hope the nausea stays clear because I do wanna do well, it's my first proper adult job since leaving school and everything!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,016 ✭✭✭lilmissprincess

    Just got prescribed Stemetil to stop the sickness, it seems I've a tear in my gullet from it - superb start to the morning.

    Scan tomorrow. More panicked crying chats with himself last night - seems all is still not right there :/ This is going to be a long adjustment me thinks :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,016 ✭✭✭lilmissprincess

    Just back from second scan - now measuring 12w5d, it didn't stop moving for the whole thing, it was incredible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,139 ✭✭✭olaola

    Due mid April! Had my scan in the Coombe last Monday at 12 weeks on the nose. Going with the Domino option, which I'm delighted with. Everyone so far has been amazing and so nice to deal with. First babby, don't really feel pregnant, so it's weird to look at the scan and think it's inside me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 178 ✭✭ynwa14

    My hormones are going insane, watching a repeat of Sundays x factor cause I missed it and I'm absolutely bawling at every eliminated act even the ones I dont like. Help.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,773 ✭✭✭Synyster Shadow

    I'm as bad I tell my husband somethin that's not remotely sad and iv to stop half way for few seconds to choke back the tears. Course he'd laugh if I cried

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,862 ✭✭✭✭January

    Just back from my first appointment and dating scan :D

    Due date by scan is 24th of April :) Have to have a GTT in January.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,016 ✭✭✭lilmissprincess

    Feel like I've been hit by a truck today - head and stomach both feel like they're about to explode. Hoping its a combo of round ligament pain or something, and sinusitis... :/

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,773 ✭✭✭Synyster Shadow

    Congratulations on the scan!! By my scan date my due date changed to the 17th which suits me it's my grannys 80th birthday that day.

    I had the GTT done at week 17 last time because I always have glucose in my test. They can't be told I'm ALWAYS that way been told because of PCOS I'll have high sugar levels it's part of it.

    I have my second scan on the 5th of November I thought that came round fast. Had expected it to be a longer wait

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,016 ✭✭✭lilmissprincess

    So the pain earlier was to the extent of taking a day off work and going to the doctor, and have now wound up in a hospital bed for the night... Not too sure what's wrong apart from dehydration, though they haven't put me on fluids, am on antibiotics for a suspected but unproven infection but lots of scans in the morning...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,862 ✭✭✭✭January

    Hope you're OK!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,773 ✭✭✭Synyster Shadow

    Hopefully they have it worked out what is actually wrong. I find they talk to other doctors and forget they haven't told you. Then you ask a nurse and they say oh I think they want to.... I know I was told I was having an opp and then I wasn't then I was and it was different doctors each time

    Hopefully they're feeding you nice food. Nothin worse than horrible food. And I hate been told I can't eat incase they want to do something

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,862 ✭✭✭✭January

    Going to add in due dates, so if anyone wants to do it just copy and paste the previous posters and I'll edit them into the first post on the thread :)

    January - 24th April - Coombe

  • Registered Users Posts: 32 NordieinDublin

    How are you today lilmissprincess?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,016 ✭✭✭lilmissprincess

    I'm free again, they threatened to keep me in for another night but I made the point that I could take the antibiotics from home and that I'd rest better in my own bed so they went for it.

    Suspected kidney infection, despite absolutely clear tests, back on Thursday and now most definitely have to tell work on Monday :/

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,773 ✭✭✭Synyster Shadow

    I asked this earlier but not much interested maybe it was because of awaiting first scans?

    January - 24th April - Coombe
    synyster shadow - 17th April - Mullingar

  • Registered Users Posts: 178 ✭✭ynwa14

    January - 24th April - Coombe
    synyster shadow - 17th April - Mullingar
    ynwa14 - 27th April - uk

    We decided to move back to oh's home to have our one as we'd have better living arrangements and would prefer to be settled before s/he comes rather than moving in a few years when school time hits! Very excited about this :D

    Has anyone ever had a CVS done? We were recommended either cvs or amnio because genetic disorders run in both our families and we're in a position where we'd have to be prepared if anything was wrong, from a money and working full time point of view. Cvs could be done in a few weeks but I know a lot of mums would be turned off because of the risks, I'm just not quite clear on how high the risk is?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,862 ✭✭✭✭January

    Have a look at this thread ynwa14 -

    It's stickied at the top of the forum and mostly Irish info but will give you some idea of what it entails.

  • Registered Users Posts: 178 ✭✭ynwa14

    Thank you very much!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭deh983

    Hi all just checking in as haven't been on here much lately. All going well with me thank god. At gp last week and had all the usual checks and heard the heartbeat :) scan on Thursday to check my cyst so fingers crossed it hasn't gotten any bigger.
    Waiting on appointment for Wexford, has anybody been there before? Off to Vegas in November so counting down the days.
    hope all is well with everyone and the sickness has started to fade :)
