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Warning in Fantasy Sports Arena

  • 13-08-2013 12:45pm
    Registered Users Posts: 9,600 ✭✭✭


    I got a warning for this post in FSA.

    Bit of background, there's a troll on the forum that constantly posts smart comments relating to me and unfortunately I tend to bite, so I've been advised by the mods to report his posts and let them deal with it. In this situation I reported his post.

    He receives a warning, and yet I also receive a warning. I'm not entirely sure what for. I can only assume it's me saying "I wouldn't expect you to understand. Post reported." If it's not for this line I'm totally confused.

    If it is for that comment, which part? Saying 'I wouldn't expect you to understand' - he questioned the link between a bookmaker and the football, and I said I wouldn't expect him to understand. As I have pointed out to the mod, I wouldn't expect a lot of people to understand there is a strong link between both. I would have explained further but I have no interest conversing with this poster. Either way it's hardly uncivil. If it's for the second part - 'post reported' then I'm confused. Are we not allowed tell someone when we're reported a post?

    I've waited a few days and sent numerous PM's to Mr Moon who issued the infraction, but haven't heard anything back so I'm posting here. I'm not banned from the FSA forum, and it's a minor issue but it's setting a dangerous precedent if you are advising someone to report a post and then issuing them the same warning as the troll just for reporting it.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    Hi roryc

    Given you have attempted to contact the mod who issued the warning, I'll look at this for you now.

    "I wouldn't expect you to understand" is an underhanded dig at another posters intelligence & hardly a civil way to carry out a discussion. You say you could have elaborated further & explained your comment, but you have no interest in debating with the other poster - then why bother responding at all in such case? The correct course of action would have been to report the offending post, & explain why in the notes. Getting another dig in while also reporting the post, brings you into the loop, & as such you were both infracted. Consider the action upheld.

    Furthermore, this year alone, in the Fantasy Sports forum, you've had 6 warnings, 3 infractions, and 1 ban. The next time you're handed out as much as a single warning/yellow card, you're going to be banned from the forum for a considerable duration. The mods have invested enough time & energy into you and at this stage, & you're becoming a time sink. We can review this clause in six months, if, by then, you've proven yourself capable of behaving, I'll nullify the conditions of my statement.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,600 ✭✭✭roryc

    So I've questioned a warning I've gotten and you not only upheld it, but threatened me with a total ban if I get another one? My 6 warnings, 3 infractions and 1 ban all relate to one poster. I've tried putting him on ignore, other posters repost when he has a go at me. I'm sure you think it's easy enough to simply ignore other posters but it's a very small community. Not easy to avoid someone who has a go at you every chance he gets. You ask why I responded? I don't see why I should have to ignore a comment directed at me which is inferring I'm a liar. He gets a little yellow card but the post stays where it is? I'm think I'm perfectly within my rights to reply once I don't resort to personal abuse. I was perfectly civil in my response, cutting the conversation off and telling him I reported the post.

    Instead of using common sense and giving him a warning to show the rest of the forum that posts like that won't be tolerated, the mod made a joke of the report post function by giving us both a warning. You've looked at the post out of context, I see nothing wrong with saying 'I wouldn't expect you to understand" given the circumstances. I have seen, and written worse, and not had any issue. If you still think I'm being uncivil, fine. You make the decision. I imagine there aren't a lot of warnings overturned?

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,600 ✭✭✭roryc

    This has gone from not being an issue to now being one. I've reported another post and now been banned.

    Explain where in this post I'm being uncivil please. I'm not going to start quoting rules as I know they need to be flexible and at the moderators discretion, but it seems like we've both been handed a ban to shut us up. It would appear that if I report a post, and then reply in any way to end a conversation when someone is repeatedly inferring I'm a liar then I get the same punishment as the troll. Sound fair?

    I understand this is annoying for the moderators and it annoys me that I keep getting dragged into arguments with one idiot poster, but this is a ridiculous way to work things. One person trolls the other and they end up getting the same punishment, despite one person trying to follow what they have been advised to do and report the posts. I've received a warning in the past simply for referring to him as a troll ffs. If we are going to get the same punishment regardless then what's the point in holding back? I might aswell let loose and call him every name under the sun if I'm to get a warning either way by responding to him.

    Unless a more common sense approach is taken to this it's going to end in life bans from the forum for both of us, as I've already been warned by FG.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    roryc wrote: »
    So I've questioned a warning I've gotten and you not only upheld it, but threatened me with a total ban if I get another one? My 6 warnings, 3 infractions and 1 ban all relate to one poster. I've tried putting him on ignore, other posters repost when he has a go at me. I'm sure you think it's easy enough to simply ignore other posters but it's a very small community. Not easy to avoid someone who has a go at you every chance he gets.

    Another users actions are not part of this discussion, this about you & your actions roryc. If another user is having a go at you 'every chance he gets', the the correct procedure is to report the offending posts, & not to react to them them on-thread. By reacting & retaliating, you're then part of the problem, everyone else has to suffer reading through the bickering, & it drags the entire thread off topic. That's what happens when you respond roryc, so please, again, report offending posts only. Think of it as taking the high road, knowing your doing the right thing, & then any moderating will not include you. Whether it's easy to do that or not is down to how you approach it, but by getting involved, you're part of the problem.
    You ask why I responded? I don't see why I should have to ignore a comment directed at me which is inferring I'm a liar. He gets a little yellow card but the post stays where it is? I'm think I'm perfectly within my rights to reply once I don't resort to personal abuse. I was perfectly civil in my response, cutting the conversation off and telling him I reported the post.

    You should ignore any personal attacks & report them, as I said previously. Bite your tongue, report the offending posts, & let the forum mods do what they're there to do. You need to grasp in your head that responding & continuing the derailing/bickering on thread, only serves to make you a target of warnings & bans too. Take the high road as I said, report report report.
    Instead of using common sense and giving him a warning to show the rest of the forum that posts like that won't be tolerated, the mod made a joke of the report post function by giving us both a warning. You've looked at the post out of context, I see nothing wrong with saying 'I wouldn't expect you to understand" given the circumstances. I have seen, and written worse, and not had any issue. If you still think I'm being uncivil, fine. You make the decision. I imagine there aren't a lot of warnings overturned?

    The moderator action was perfectly correct, nobody 'made a joke of the reporting posts system' roryc. There were two users, arguing, derailing & bickering on thread, insulting each other, & generally making it a pain for other users to read the thread. You can't only warn one of them. You were both warned. Had you not gotten involved, & reported the offending posts, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

    "I wouldn't expect you to understand" can be construed as antagonistic, & an underhanded way of insulting another persons intelligence. It's a confrontational way of making a statement, & baits another user to respond. As for if many warnings are overturned, statistics have nothing to do with this decision...every case is looked at on it's own merits.
    roryc wrote: »
    This has gone from not being an issue to now being one. I've reported another post and now been banned.

    Explain where in this post I'm being uncivil please. I'm not going to start quoting rules as I know they need to be flexible and at the moderators discretion, but it seems like we've both been handed a ban to shut us up. It would appear that if I report a post, and then reply in any way to end a conversation when someone is repeatedly inferring I'm a liar then I get the same punishment as the troll. Sound fair?

    The first part of your reply was perfectly fine. But adding "Post reported again" to your post is again antagonistic, confrontational, & serves to bait into further responses. You furthermore then posted a few minutes later:
    I have no idea what your fascination is with me. Please stop replying to my posts.

    Post reported again.

    This kind of post serves no purpose, & again will just cause a reaction. You really don't need to make posts like this, as you've been told numerous times now, report the offending posts & ignore any perceived attacks against you. Don't reply with 'Post Reported' if you feel you're being attacked, it's continuing the derailment & baits further attacks roryc. Despite my warning & advice at the start of this thread, you continued to get involved in the same type of posting behavior that got you into trouble in the first place.
    I understand this is annoying for the moderators and it annoys me that I keep getting dragged into arguments with one idiot poster, but this is a ridiculous way to work things. One person trolls the other and they end up getting the same punishment, despite one person trying to follow what they have been advised to do and report the posts. I've received a warning in the past simply for referring to him as a troll ffs. If we are going to get the same punishment regardless then what's the point in holding back? I might aswell let loose and call him every name under the sun if I'm to get a warning either way by responding to him.

    You're personally abusing another user here, is this meant to show me how civil you are?

    You got the same warning because you took the bait, not because you reported a post. Taking the bait & reporting a post at the same time doesn't mean you're then absolved of any moderator action. Had you not took the bait, & simply reported the offending posts, again, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Report, report, report, & take the high road. Don't take the bait, don't get involved, keep the thread on topic, & you'll find the results will change.
    Unless a more common sense approach is taken to this it's going to end in life bans from the forum for both of us, as I've already been warned by FG.

    The common sense needs to come from your end roryc, not ours. Read what I've said about reporting & not taking not doing so, you're part of the problem. Now, if it wasn't for FutureGuy, you'd be facing a months ban for disregarding my warning set out at the start of this thread. Because FutureGuy explained to me the nuances of this case, I'll allow his ban of one week, instead of mine for a month. You owe him one. But let me be clear roryc, the next time you get involved in derailing, taking the bait, bickering on thread or anything else in the Fantasy Sports Arena, you will be banned for at least a month. You have your warning, you know what to do, now please, stay off the mods radar. Report offending posts, there's no need to post "Post Reported" either ok? Just report, explain why in the text, & say no more. You'll find things become different then.

    The ban stands. I'll say no more on it roryc, I've given you my advice & pointed out where you went wrong. Please heed what I've said. You may have an Admin review this decision if you so wish.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,600 ✭✭✭roryc


    So moral of the story, report a post but don't actually say 'Post Reported'. This reminds me of Roy Keane's tackle on Alf-Inge Haaland where he was punished later for talking about it. Even FutureGuy has admitted by PM I was being civil in my response. And I hardly think I should be forced to keep quiet when someone is inferring I'm a liar.

    Thanks for replying but I can't agree to the terms you've mentioned above. The response has been totally disproportionate in giving us both a ban. Common sense has been ignored here - there is one poster instigating this and causing problems, and one poster who has been reporting his posts and trying to bite his tongue when replying. Both have received the exact same punishment.

    I see no point in wasting an Admin's time on this, you've made your decision and I hardly think an Admin is going to disagree with either you or the mods. And I'm hardly going to thank FG for giving me a week ban instead of your month ban. I know the job you both do is thankless, and it's frustrating having to deal with petty arguments like this, but I don't agree that either ban was warranted so why should I feel like I owe him one?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    roryc wrote: »
    And I hardly think I should be forced to keep quiet when someone is inferring I'm a liar.

    Reporting a post is not keeping quiet. You're expected to abide by the rules of the forum, as is every other poster. Engaging & responding to baiting ultimately makes you a part of the problem. Report offending posts, do not respond to them.
    Thanks for replying but I can't agree to the terms you've mentioned above. The response has been totally disproportionate in giving us both a ban. Common sense has been ignored here - there is one poster instigating this and causing problems, and one poster who has been reporting his posts and trying to bite his tongue when replying. Both have received the exact same punishment.

    Note 'trying' to bite your tongue. Try harder, don't respond. Report.
    I see no point in wasting an Admin's time on this, you've made your decision and I hardly think an Admin is going to disagree with either you or the mods. And I'm hardly going to thank FG for giving me a week ban instead of your month ban. I know the job you both do is thankless, and it's frustrating having to deal with petty arguments like this, but I don't agree that either ban was warranted so why should I feel like I owe him one?

    He made a case for you, if it were me I'd see something in that. I'll end just by reminding you that when your week ban is up, do not appear on our radar again for six months rory ok? This has gone on long enough, you're a good contributor to the forum, & a good poster, we recognize that, just don't allow yourself to get baited in the future. It's not fair on the other readers of threads to have to suffer bickering & off topic arguments.

    This can be marked as resolved.

This discussion has been closed.