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Brain dump

  • 14-08-2013 5:28pm
    Registered Users Posts: 4,057 ✭✭✭

    As requested I'll keep a log here for a bit so people can see what I'm up to.

    Right now I'm coming back after a 16 week break from lifting weights. During that time I've been doing bodyweight training and lots of roller derby so it wasn't a total break.

    So short term goals is to get my strength up to an acceptable level then think about hypertrophy.

    Current considerations in exercise choices:

    Wrist broken two years ago never healed properly
    Pec something weird going on in there needs to massage/torture to fix
    Something going on at the costovertebra joint at T7 not a big issue but will be watched out over the next few days.

    The sessions this week are just to get me back into things have a mess around with some exercises and get an idea of what needs work over the next training cycle

    Today's sessions


    6x3 klokov press @ 40kg 3010
    6x3 pull ups changing grip every couple of sets @ bodyweight 4010

    2x max reps back extension done curl up style focused on movement articulation and slow eccentric
    2x 10 jefferson curls with 20kg bar

    Front squat worked up to a single @105kg
    then 6x 2 at 85kg

    Seated db press 3 x 10-12 @15 kg 4010
    Trap 3 raise 2 x 15 @ 5kg 3020

    Straight arm pull downs 2 x 15 just working feeling the contraction and getting some blood into the lats.


  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Yay!!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,057 ✭✭✭amazingemmet

    Woke up this morning feeling it, but there's work to be done so no slacking. I used an advanced technique to decide what to train today. A secret technique born in a black ops bodybuilding project. I asked the simple question what's not hurting? Answer: Pecs and arms. Pecs was an odd one as I annhilated the pec that was giving me some grief with a ball last night.

    Am session:
    Warm up:

    2 x 15 lying hamstring curl, pumping cadence
    2 x 15 lat pull down pumping cadence

    Incline bench 10 x 3 @ 60kg light weight for the reps but wanted to make sure my pec was going to blow, all reps paused on chest and explosive turnaround

    Dips 2 max reps stopped the second set short as my left shoulder felt odd, needs some STR and should be ok

    face pulls 3 x 15 slow controlled tempo.

    20 mins handstand practice


    Back squat worked up to 140kg nice 10kg increase on monday, went but fine with tiny slow down through the sticking point. happy with this as felt wrecked going into the gym

    super set

    Incline curls 4x8-10
    French press 4x10-12 really focusing on contraction on these

    back extension arch up style 3 x 10 really working on feeling the spinal erectors contract at the top

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,057 ✭✭✭amazingemmet

    Today woke up badly dehydrated and feeling a bit rough. Played a bout of roller derby on saturday for about 6 hours so think it was the left over from that.

    Am session:

    Technique or tekkers (seriously?) as the cool kids call it
    Snatch grip high pull, I'd prefer to snatch but none of the bars in raw spin properly so not worth the injury.

    About 6 sets of 3 with 60kg. focusing on full extension no arm pull til bar cross navel. Also focusing on not scooping the bar towards me on the second pull.
    should of changed the session to something else as was feeling dodge

    Push press worked up to 90kg x 1

    3x3 clusters at 75kg

    then (5 4 3 2 1 ) x 2 with ten seconds rest between each mini set


    Front squat worked up in triples to 90kg with three second pauses top and bottom

    then singles til 110kg

    110 was easy on the legs but tough on the back

    then 3x10 back extensions with 10kg plate on back of neck holding extended position for 5 seconds on each rep

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,057 ✭✭✭amazingemmet

    Yesterday: Only one session as had some stuff to do

    Speed focus day:

    Box squat slightly wider then my normal stance 10 x 2 @ 50%

    Flat bench worked up in 3's til there was a change in speed got to 70kg

    Close grip bench 2x20 @50kg

    Hand release pull ups 30 total reps

    Hand release pulls are a winner in my opinion, to do them you need a bar or set of rings set so when you take a grip your arms are fully extended and feet are still on the ground then you focus on ripping your self up as fast as possible. Lower back down then take your hands off let them drop to your side then repeat.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,588 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Hand release pulls are a winner in my opinion, to do them you need a bar or set of rings set so when you take a grip your arms are fully extended and feet are still on the ground then you focus on ripping your self up as fast as possible. Lower back down then take your hands off let them drop to your side then repeat.
    How much 'rest' time between reps?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,057 ✭✭✭amazingemmet

    I just let my arms go limp til they hit my side then put them up and regrip the bar about 2-3 secs

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,588 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    I just let my arms go limp til they hit my side then put them up and regrip the bar about 2-3 secs
    Cheers. Must give 'em a try.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,057 ✭✭✭amazingemmet

    So all over the place this weekend.

    Friday fiancee got paid for first time in her new job = celebration

    Saturday 4 hour roller derby practice. more celebrating with fiancee in city centre. Only ate one meal all day.

    Sunday sister and fiancee were over for family sunday dinner which ended up turning into an epic piss up. Not normal circumstances, got to sleep about 4.30am.

    The above is to put the following into context.

    Feeling dehydrated and lethargic all day. Skipped my morning session to see my sis off. Dragged myself to the gym just now under the guise of I'll just do some foam rolling and mobility stuff.

    Rolled quads and glutes. approximated shoulder capsule 2 mins each side.

    Decided to try some push press, worked up to 80kg by 3 feeling slow and useless with no upper back control so stopped there.

    Was thinking I should go but said f*ck it lets squat. Worked up in triples til 100kg then singles all the way to 150kg which is a pr at my current bw of 83kg It was slightly higher then my normal ass to grass but deeper then most peoples normal so I'll take it.

    Lesson to be learned here never trust how you're feeling on the day. Some days you feel **** but the weight feels light.

    Also poses the other question if I was fully hydrate with better sleep would I of fared better or worse?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,057 ✭✭✭amazingemmet

    So change in training focus from today onwards, going to try push my wrist to the limit and see where I can get to with my beloved handbalancing

    Am session: Handstand focus

    Warm up wrist

    Joint traction and stretching flexors, 3 x 2 min sets

    A few sets of bodyline work

    active flexibility work:

    A1 Jefferson curls 20kg 2 x 10 with 10-15 second pause at the bottom, my flexion was agony to hold, going to need to focus on this big time

    A2 arch backs (no handed bridge), 2 x10 with 10 second pause with head on podium, podium slightly higher then belly button


    5 x tuck, 5 x straddle, 5 x pike, just focusing on rhythm here.

    10 sets of 20-30 handstand holds, alternating between the four main positions, tuck, straddle, fork, straight.

    Couple of sets of planche leans to see how my wrist was, was 50/50

    Done about 5 sets of 20 cossack squats with 16kg kettlebell for active mobility work while resting from handstands

    Finished with some bridge holds 2 sets of max time, doing some contract relax of the abs during.


    Front squat worked up to 110kg for a single, forgot my o-lifting shoes so was feeling off but depth was fine. Think my legs could of gone higher but my upper back was taking the brunt of it. Cure: super heavy front squat holds coming tomorrow

    reverse hypers 5x10 with 10kg and slow eccentric. I have fanatises of getting this lift up to 100kg one day.

    Incline trap-3 raise, Y-raise, 4 sets of 10-15 slow and controlled 5kg

    Some wrist stuff for the dodge wrist:

    Tried some false grip hangs, wasn't going to work as I was too sweaty, need to bring some chalk

    3x12 behind the back wrist curls focusing on peak contraction

    3x10 ulnar flexion with cable stack and rope

    3x10 pronation with above

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,057 ✭✭✭amazingemmet

    Today feeling good in general, hamstrings feeling a bit abused and some rebound tightness from stretching my splits yesterday but nothing major

    Am: Handstand session


    Scapular mobilisation routine with elastic tube.

    A1: Dish hold with 5kg held over head 45 secs

    A2: Jefferson curls 20kg, despite the tight feeling in the hamstrings I was getting a decent bit deeper today

    Hand stand entries, 5 of each, lunge tuck straddle pike

    Handstand holds 12 holds of 20-30 seconds of each variation

    Interspersed with some cossack squats with 16kg kettlebell and some weighted pike stretches.

    10 x 5second L-sit hold focusing on upper back contraction

    5x5 ab wheel roll outs focusing on hollow body position

    Pm session

    2x15 hamstring curls just to warm up the hams ~20rm weight

    4x 20 KB swings, just done this as oddly enough all 4 racks in raw were being used

    Worked up to 155kg x 1 on the back squat, Disaster struck the bar I was using was bent and coming out of the hole it slipped slightly off causing me to coming up well crooked. Feeling it now in the lower back, cut the work out short and went home 800mg of ibuprofen and an ice pack.

    As an FYI I typed this post with the ice pack on my ball sack., lets see if the chinese are right.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭RidleyRider


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,057 ✭✭✭amazingemmet

    Hmm I'd better click that link and try fix my braindump, thank you spam poster

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,057 ✭✭✭amazingemmet

    Ok last week was a bit of a write off with personal stuff but back to vengance this week. My wrist is feeling ok after loads of graston technique stretching and anything else I can throw at it. The big decider I think though was starting to retrain my false grip on rings. So today I decided to do some O lifitng for the first time in ****ing ages

    Warm up 2 rounds at a non taxing pace:

    300m row
    10 reverse hypers
    10 GHR sit ups
    10 dips
    10 chins
    some over head squat faffing
    10 dislocations with stick

    Snatch javorek complex with bar to warm up, some people call this the Bumgardner warm up but he totally ripped that **** from javorek.
    6 reps of each pull from hips/pocket, pull pocket to hips, high pull, over head squat, drop snatch, row

    worked up in doubles on power snatch to 65kg receiving the bar was my problem I was guarding my wrist and not turning it over getting the weight up was easy but I stopped as it just wasn't worth it if I'm not catching the bar right.

    Clean and jerk same problem worked up to 85kg, bw, but stopped as the jerk was **** in receiving

    3x5 overhead squat at 60kg, 3210 temp though started using longer pauses ~10 secs as the weight was piss easy.

    3 RFT

    400m run
    21 swings @24kg
    12 pull ups
