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need opinions over division of labour!!

  • 15-08-2013 8:55am
    Registered Users Posts: 967 ✭✭✭


    We have 3 children - 4, 17 months and 7 weeks old. I'm basically exclusively breastfeeding the 7 weeks old - she will take a rare bottle if necessary but don't really have time to express. Also, it takes far far longer to bottle feed her than breastfeed her so it's much more convenient for her to be breastfed.

    The issue is weekday mornings. The baby will generally sleep until 6ish from 11.30pm/midnight. I then feed her and go back to sleep. The 17 month old will wake at about 7 and once he's up he's up! he can be a bit of a screamer until he's then taken out of the cot which is understandable - he sleeps 12 hours so is ready to get up! He generally wakes the 4 year old who is in good form in the mornings. The 17 month old take a cup of milk which he feeds himself.

    The issue is that my husband is of the opinion that I should be getting up with the kids from 7am (so basically from 6am) as he can't get up and mind them whilst getting ready for work. I disagree with this and think that he can of course - after all I have to get ready for the day with them. I think he should get up and I'll try and have a little lie on after doing the early morning feed until he has to go to work. The older 2 are good kids. The bigger lad will watch tv and the little guy just potters around. All he has to do is change the 17 month old's nappy and microwave the cup of milk.

    Anyway, we had a massive row this morning as my husband feels that I should be getting up with the kids. I think that he should be pulling his weight more with the older two.

    it sounds so silly writing it all down but we had the row of all rows about it this morning. What drives me really mad is that he doesn't go to bed until about 1/1.30am every night/morning and then can barely get out of bed in the morning and when I ask him to go into the 17 month old he looks at me as if i'm completely useless - even though I've just fed the baby!!

    Anyway, apparently i'm being completely irrational and maybe I am - I just wanted to come in here and get some advice as I was told this morning that he's "not spending the rest of his ****ing life getting up earlier than me" despite the fact that I'm the one doing all the night (now early morning) feeds.

    edited to say he leaves for work at 8am so I'd be obviously be up then anyway and also it seems extra infuriating because in a few weeks we'll all have to be up at 7 as the 4 year old will be starting school so we'll all have to be up, dressed and ready to go at 8am.

    Thanks everyone.



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,088 ✭✭✭aaakev

    Have to say i read the first half of your post and thought you were over reacting then after reading the second part he sounds like he is being a dick!

    Im up about 7 for work in the mornings, i always have breckfast so get the kids breckfast ready while im makin mine and get the younger lad dressed if they are up before i leave at 8, other half always has their school clothes ready the night before on the end of the beds. Works pretty well

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,449 ✭✭✭✭pwurple

    7 weeks old. Jesus, you're barely recovered yourself. You're doing all the night feeds and he won't change one kids nappy in the morning?

    Tell him to cop onto himself and go to bed earlier until the new baby is weaned at least.

    He's not a teenager, and you're not his mammy as well. He shouldn't even need telling to pull his weight.

    Change is stressful though, so maybe not roar it at him. :D I had divorced my husband several times mentally in the first few months until he got into the swing of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 700 ✭✭✭nicowa

    You're not being irrational. I have one kid (19 mths old) and am currently 40 weeks pregnant. But even before I got pregnant himself would get up, either before or after his shower, bring the baby in (while showering or dressing) and then bring her down with him for breakfast. I know it's only 1 kid so much easier for him.

    But when you've a 7 week old baby + two other kids to care for all day, I don't think asking for the extra hour in the morning is out of order. Especially if you have to be up with the baby 'til 11 and he'd choosing to be up till 1am. If they're that easy to mind in the first hour of the morning then push for it. Talk to him, show him that staying up 'til all hours is his choice, but he also choose marriage and kids and he has to make that part of his day too.

    And it's not simply about the extra hour in bed. They're his kids too and he needs to be involved in their day to day care too. Especially if he's out of home for most of the day. The 3 hours (depending on bedtimes) he spends with them are very important.

    And, like the dad that posted above, my partner gets up and has breakfast with our little one. It's not a huge effort to put into the morning. The way forward is rational conversation though. I don't think another blazing row will solve it... :P Or maybe it will, each to their own.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,791 ✭✭✭ash23

    I think that you should both be up 5 mornings a week, both helping get the kids sorted (but if he is on his way out to work then he has more of a time constraint than you).
    Assuming he has two days off a week then each one of you should get a lie in for one morning while the other gets up with the kids.

    It's not as simple as him "just giving the toddler a cup of milk and changing his nappy". The children have to be supervised and he would be trying to get ready for work so that's difficult. And I can see why he would feel resentful if you were still in bed and he was up every morning. Also the exclusive feeding won't last forever and a better routine would have to be established.

    I can understand that you are both under pressure as you have small kids but don't take each other for granted. He should appreciate what you do but equally you should appreciate that he works hard during the day also.

    When I was with my ex we had one morning each a week where the other got up with the child.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,064 ✭✭✭Rachineire

    He definitely needs to be helping out in the morning- you need a break before minding 3 young children all day and even though it's only an hour its something! His job surely isn't harder than minding 2 toddlers and a newborn while breastfeeding and recovering from birth. He needs a reality check. They are both your children 50/50 so shouldn't the care for them be as close to equal as is reasonable? My opinion anyway.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,266 ✭✭✭NapoleonInRags

    Just a quick male perspective - I have two young kids with another one on the way. I leave for work at 7.20am in the morning and don't get back home until 7 in the evening.

    I have never had a problem with either doing night feeds or getting up earlier for feeds/nappy changes - and I won't when our new arrival gets here. In fact my wife and I normally take turns with the night feeds which works out very well. It seems reasonable for me to get up a bit earlier in the morning as I'm getting up for work anyway.

    Let's face it, the night feeds / early mornings don't last forever and as a father I think its important to be involved in this part of bringing up a kid as much as any other part.

    I can't understand your husband's perspective on this to be honest - it seems very selfish.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,175 ✭✭✭hoodwinked

    Just another opinion, we have 1 four year old so while not the same,

    my husband has to leave for work at 7.30, so we operate a if she's awake he'll get her up make her breakfast and make sure she's ok and let me have a small lie in,

    if she's not awake he'll continue on as normal getting ready for work,

    on weekends, Saturday is my lie in, Sunday is his.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,088 ✭✭✭aaakev

    Rachineire wrote: »
    His job surely isn't harder than minding 2 toddlers and a newborn while breastfeeding and recovering from birth. He needs a reality check.

    Thats a matter of opinion.... Iv had this conversation and nether of us would trade jobs because i wouldnt be able to have the kids all day and run the house, clean, cook dinners ect and she wouldnt be able to do my job so depending on his job you really cant say that....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    I have three and one on the way, and when the second and third were born until when they started sleeping through at around 1year, my oh got the other kid(s) up and breakfasted and dressed if he had time while I slept in. We never used bottles so the night feeds were all me. On the weekends we'd have one lie in each day. I literally couldn't have survived without this as none of my kids were great sleepers. You might find the book/site Babyproofing Your Marriage helpful in communicating this to your oh.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    ash23 wrote: »
    I think that you should both be up 5 mornings a week, both helping get the kids sorted (but if he is on his way out to work then he has more of a time constraint than you).
    Assuming he has two days off a week then each one of you should get a lie in for one morning while the other gets up with the kids.

    It's not as simple as him "just giving the toddler a cup of milk and changing his nappy". The children have to be supervised and he would be trying to get ready for work so that's difficult. And I can see why he would feel resentful if you were still in bed and he was up every morning. Also the exclusive feeding won't last forever and a better routine would have to be established.

    I can understand that you are both under pressure as you have small kids but don't take each other for granted. He should appreciate what you do but equally you should appreciate that he works hard during the day also.

    When I was with my ex we had one morning each a week where the other got up with the child.

    With all due respect, there's a world of difference between one child and three. Also the op has a seven week old. For the first three months you need all the help you can get and there's no sleeping while the baby sleeps in the day when you've got a 4year old that doesn't nap.

    Also I don't agree with what you're saying about exclusive breast feeding being temporary. It's best for the child to be exclusively breastfed up to 6months and thereafter breastfed with supplementary solid food to at least a year. This means that the op could conceivably be taking full responsibility for night feeds for the next nine or ten months. If she chooses to do so it will be in the best interest of their child and she deserves support in this. Also demand feeding is best during the first three months, there shouldn't be pressure on the op to establish a routine too quickly, she should be more concerned with establishing breastfeeding and forming secure attachment.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,791 ✭✭✭ash23

    Rosy Posy wrote: »
    With all due respect, there's a world of difference between one child and three. Also the op has a seven week old. For the first three months you need all the help you can get and there's no sleeping while the baby sleeps in the day when you've got a 4year old that doesn't nap.

    Also I don't agree with what you're saying about exclusive breast feeding being temporary. It's best for the child to be exclusively breastfed up to 6months and thereafter breastfed with supplementary solid food to at least a year. This means that the op could conceivably be taking full responsibility for night feeds for the next n

    OP asked for opinions, I gave mine. I have one child yes. But I am parenting totally alone and I work full time and I have multiple sclerosis. So don't tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about because you perceive me to have it "easier" based on number of children.

    You don't have to agree with what I say but don't dismiss what I am saying on the basis that I have one child. Other people have posted here about having one child but you've not dismissed their opinions because of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,644 ✭✭✭✭lazygal

    I don't think there's anything wrong with expecting him to lend a hand for the morning routine. Sure at seven weeks breastfeeding is still getting established. We're due number two and there'll be a small enough age gap. My husband and me are a team. Sure he has to get himself out to work, but we'll have two kids and that has to be taken into account. I'll need him to get breakfast sorted and possibly get the older one up for the day. I'll be doing my share, dinner will be sorted and the home kept going while I'm at home, but when both of us are there mornings and evenings I don't think I'm expecting too much for him to take on some domestic jobs. Otherwise I'd be working a 24 hour day, while he'd be expecting to have the exact same down time as before we had children. That's not doable long term.

    I'm realistic. Being at home means I can take a nap and put my feet up when baby sleeps. But at the same time, my husband can't simply get up. go to work, come home and switch off like he could before kids were in the picture. I can't either, when I'm at work. We also do the one morning lie in each on Saturday and Sunday, so no one can say they never get sleep. I think that's only fair.

  • Registered Users Posts: 967 ✭✭✭highly1111

    OP here - really quick post before I have to tend to a crying baby!!!

    Just wanted to confirm 2 things. first of all we do take turns at the weekend. always have. always will. we both love our sleep (hence this argument!!) secondly, he is an amazing dad and pulls a massive amount of weight when he's home - the minute he walks in the door he's hands on and regularly takes the older 2 out at the weekends so I'm at home with just the baby and if I want a break/night out there's never a problem with it (problem with that is that even if we leave a bottle i'm too tired to do anything!!)

    I don't think i'm being unreasonable but obviously my husband feels differently - he's said he'd rather do night feeds than get up early with the boys. however, my argument with that is that when he has done the 2 night feeds he did I ended up waking up and waking him to get him to tend to the baby and she was roaring by that stage. she was having a complete meltdown by the time the bottle was prepared, then fought the bottle and the whole thing was a nightmare from start to finish - I really think he's "offering" to do that feed because the reality is we all know that it's far easier for me to do it and he knows i'm not going to take him up off it. The thing is he just seems to be able to sleep through the kids and so no matter what the agreement is the night before I always wake and then have to wake him.....

    thanks again for all the opinions and advice. hoping divorce can be averted ;-)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    ash23 wrote: »
    OP asked for opinions, I gave mine. I have one child yes. But I am parenting totally alone and I work full time and I have multiple sclerosis. So don't tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about because you perceive me to have it "easier" based on number of children.

    You don't have to agree with what I say but don't dismiss what I am saying on the basis that I have one child. Other people have posted here about having one child but you've not dismissed their opinions because of it.

    I didn't mean to belittle your opinion or your parenting experience, and tried to be respectful in my post. I'm sorry if it didn't come across this way.

    However, the situation you have outlined is totally different to that of the op's. I'm not saying one is easier than the other, just different and I do believe that from having had the experience of having one child and of having multiple children, they are qualitatively different. I have never had the experience of solo parenting, apart from briefly while my oh has been away on business/holiday, so I'm sure I'm scantly qualified to comment on that. The op is asking for advice on dealing with an issue of co-parenting within a multi-child family, with one stay-at-home parent which I and other posters have tried to give her. I didn't dismiss your opinion out of hand but you do appear to be the only poster who thinks that the op is being unreasonable and I think you might benefit from a little perspective.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,791 ✭✭✭ash23

    Rosy Posy wrote: »
    I didn't mean to belittle your opinion or your parenting experience, and tried to be respectful in my post. I'm sorry if it didn't come across this way.

    However, the situation you have outlined is totally different to that of the op's. I'm not saying one is easier than the other, just different and I do believe that from having had the experience of having one child and of having multiple children, they are qualitatively different. I have never had the experience of solo parenting, apart from briefly while my oh has been away on business/holiday, so I'm sure I'm scantly qualified to comment on that. The op is asking for advice on dealing with an issue of co-parenting within a multi-child family, with one stay-at-home parent which I and other posters have tried to give her. I didn't dismiss your opinion out of hand but you do appear to be the only poster who thinks that the op is being unreasonable and I think you might benefit from a little perspective.

    Did I say she was unreasonable? When? All I said was that as her husband has to be out by a certain time, he has time constraints in the morning so it's not as easy for him to be responsible for getting the kids organised as he is on a schedule in the mornings. Also that it's not just a matter of changing a nappy and heating milk. For example he couldn't go off and have a shower and a shave and leave the kids on their own in the morning.

    OP has said in her subsequent posts that he is very good with the kids in the evenings and at weekends.
    In my experience as a parent who has to get out for work in the mornings, it's quite stressful trying to get everything ready and organised while also trying to get yourself out the door by a certain time. So maybe I can also see it from the husbands side. I didn't realise one had to be in the exact situation of the OP for an opinion to be valid.

    If someone spills milk or does a poo or has a tantrum or gets yogurt on your shirt, it can mean you are leaving a few mins later which in turn has a knock on effect in terms of traffic. Leaving five minutes later than usual can mean getting to work 25 mins later than usual. It's also not a great way to arrive into work, frazzled and stressed before you even deal with a customer.

    I believe what I said was that they should both appreciate what the other person in the relationship does. He is out the door at 8am every day. I can see why he may feel resentful if he is up early 6 mornings out of 7, only getting one morning a week to not have to get the kids sorted. And I can see why OP would be stressed having to do all the night feeds.

    But what's more important? Imo, the marriage is. So compromise is key. Perhaps they can do alternate weekdays so her husband has some mornings where he just has to get himself out the door.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    The issue is not about getting up and helping in the morning, but about getting up alone without help every morning including both Saturday and Sunday and not having time to get ready for work while supervising the children ensuring that are not too loud that they would wake the baby.

  • Registered Users Posts: 700 ✭✭✭nicowa

    I think part of the problem isn't simply that he's rushing out the door in the morning but that he deliberately stays up extremely late at night and is barely able to get himself sorted in the morning. A bit more cop on in that regard and he'd be able to help out in the mornings. Even if two mornings out of five OP ended up getting up to help I think she'd feel more rested, more supported.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    ash23 wrote: »
    For example he couldn't go off and have a shower and a shave and leave the kids on their own in the morning.

    Of course he can. If the op is expected to get up and start her day with a newborn plus two other kids then so can he. I wouldn't have a problem leaving a 17month old with their 4yo sibling if they were fed and changes for 10mins while I had a shower- I know my house is set up so they can't get into anything really dangerous- but if you're not comfortable with that he can give the child her milk and bring her into the bathroom with him. I'm sure that's what the op and most sah parents need to do at some points.
    ash23 wrote: »
    In my experience as a parent who has to get out for work in the mornings, it's quite stressful trying to get everything ready and organised while also trying to get yourself out the door by a certain time. So maybe I can also see it from the husbands side. I didn't realise one had to be in the exact situation of the OP for an opinion to be valid.

    If someone spills milk or does a poo or has a tantrum or gets yogurt on your shirt, it can mean you are leaving a few mins later which in turn has a knock on effect in terms of traffic. Leaving five minutes later than usual can mean getting to work 25 mins later than usual. It's also not a great way to arrive into work, frazzled and stressed before you even deal with a customer.

    I believe what I said was that they should both appreciate what the other person in the relationship does. He is out the door at 8am every day. I can see why he may feel resentful if he is up early 6 mornings out of 7, only getting one morning a week to not have to get the kids sorted. And I can see why OP would be stressed having to do all the night feeds.

    But what's more important? Imo, the marriage is. So compromise is key. Perhaps they can do alternate weekdays so her husband has some mornings where he just has to get himself out the door.

    This could be solved or at least alleviated by her oh going to bed early and getting up early enough to factor all of this in. A new child means a change in the family dynamic and the transition time can be really tough. The OP is making sacrifices by taking exclusive responsibility for feeding the baby, and for night parenting. Her OH needs to make some sacrifices (his late nights and his lazy mornings) as well. From the OP it sounds like he wants to stay up late pottering about and, even though she has been up with the baby in the night, HE expects the lie in, just getting up on time to get himself together and get out the door. That doesn't seem fair and you're absolutely correct, what they need is a compromise. The problem seems to be that he is putting his secondary need (to stay up late having some alone time) with her basic, survival need (to have enough sleep to get through the day). By him prioritising his time in this way IMO he is the one jeopardising the marriage.

    The thing is, it's not going to be forever- for the first three months it's all hands on deck and the goal is to get through it with the majority of your marbles. It's a time when you really need to pull together but sleep deprivation brings out the worst in everyone.

    I found with my first child I did everything, I felt it was my duty as a SAHM. But with subsequent children I realised that that just wasn't possible. I believe that the role of a SAH parent is to look after the children while the oh is not there. Once the OH gets home from work the job is halved.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,644 ✭✭✭✭lazygal

    Rosy Posy wrote: »
    I found with my first child I did everything, I felt it was my duty as a SAHM. But with subsequent children I realised that that just wasn't possible. I believe that the role of a SAH parent is to look after the children while the oh is not there. Once the OH gets home from work the job is halved.

    This. We're due number two shortly and it'll be a different kettle of fish to first time. There's the older one to get off to the minder and the baby to be minded as well. She's a great child and not much work at all, but who knows what'll happen with a newborn in the mix. It's not forever - our lass slept through from five months - but during that intense stage if there's more than one, you need to have some equal division of the home work when there's two adults in the picture. I'll have dinner ready and the house clean 90% of the time, the least I expect from my husband is to dig in with the children when he's home.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,916 ✭✭✭✭iguana

    Is there any possibility of putting the older children to bed later in the evening and having them sleep from 8 to 8 instead of 7 to 7?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,449 ✭✭✭✭pwurple

    iguana wrote: »
    Is there any possibility of putting the older children to bed later in the evening and having them sleep from 8 to 8 instead of 7 to 7?

    I thought of this too, but it's probably tricky enough to help 3 kids that young get dressed and fed at the same time on your own? I find it tough enough getting out the door with one in the morning.

    Here I am at work tea-break though, noticing my hair is lopsided, I missed a bit of makeup on one eye, and my mum sent me a text asking why I have two different socks on the child. And two of us were there getting her sorted this morning. He did clothes and I did brekkie and packed her lunch.

    Having them up early enough for someone to get them started for the day is probably really handy!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,893 ✭✭✭Hannibal Smith

    Hah..we had similar words not so long ago. It was about the husband giving out about how tired he was...yet going to bed earlier is a crazy idea ;)

    We get up every second day with them. .so we take every day in turns.

    But if I was exclusively breastfeeding a 7 week old and getting very little sleep...I would be expecting the husband to do more.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,893 ✭✭✭Hannibal Smith

    ash23 wrote: »
    OP asked for opinions, I gave mine. I have one child yes. But I am parenting totally alone andrk full time and I have multiple sclerosis. So don't tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about because you perceive me to have it "easier" based on number of children.

    You don't have to agree with what I say but don't dismiss what I am saying on the basis that I have one child. Other people have posted here about having one child but you've not dismissed their opinions because of it.

    To be fair you did say your ex and you took turns looking after your child, suggesting there was 2:1 of you when your child was young. With the op its 1:3 all at very young ages and the op is awake at all hours feeding a 7 week old. So there is a bit of a difference.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,791 ✭✭✭ash23

    To be fair you did say your ex and you took turns looking after your child, suggesting there was 2:1 of you when your child was young. With the op its 1:3 all at very young ages and the op is awake at all hours feeding a 7 week old. So there is a bit of a difference.

    Other people said they had one child but I was the only person told I was basically not qualified to advise. Those other posters with one child weren't pulled to task over only having one child but I was.

    I was a single parent when my child was a baby. I was in a relationship when she was a toddler and I've been single again for a number of years, working full time. I was parenting a newborn alone and working full time. I'm sure that not every person who is posting here is in the exact position that the OP is in.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,893 ✭✭✭Hannibal Smith

    ash23 wrote: »
    Other people said they had one child but I was the only person told I was basically not qualified to advise. Those other posters with one child weren't pulled to task over only having one child but I was.

    I was a single parent when my child was a baby. I was in a relationship when she was a toddler and I've been single again for a number of years, working full time. I was parenting a newborn alone and working full time. I'm sure that not every person who is posting here is in the exact position that the OP is in.

    You're not being singled out or told you're unqualified to comment. A new born plus 2 others is different to just one. Surely you can see that?

    Either way...its about the op and her husband sharing the load.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,791 ✭✭✭ash23

    You're not being singled out or told you're unqualified to comment. A new born plus 2 others is different to just one. Surely you can see that?

    Either way...its about the op and her husband sharing the load.

    Which is what I commented on and was told there was a world of difference between one child and three. Other people who have one child weren't told that. I felt my opinion was being invalidated because I have one child and I found it patronising. I was also told I needed a little perspective. I was told I said the op was being unreasonable which is not what I said at all.

    Also I think that had I been agreeing with the majority, my having one child wouldnt have been an issue and my opinion would have been perfectly acceptable even though I am only a mother of one.

    I was trying to show the op the issues the husband might be facing in the mornings and as a working parent who has to get a child and myself ready in the morning, im perfectly "qualified" to comment on why the husband might not feel it's fair to be getting the kids organised 6 mornings out of 7.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,916 ✭✭✭✭iguana

    pwurple wrote: »
    I thought of this too, but it's probably tricky enough to help 3 kids that young get dressed and fed at the same time on your own? I find it tough enough getting out the door with one in the morning.

    But does the OP have to get them out the door by a certain point each morning? If not then adjusting the children's bedtimes and wake up times so that she gets the little extra sleep she needs and her husband gets the morning routine he wants could be a better solution than one partner 'winning' and the other feeling aggrieved.

    Another solution could be one similar to the routine my parents had when we were kids. My Dad was always up an hour before we were and his routine was to bring my mum breakfast in bed before he left for work. That way she'd have 20 minutes to relax and eat before having to get us up, get us ready and bring us to school. She got a little extra sleep, a chance to wake up and eat and that way was better prepared to deal with getting 3 kids up. My Dad got to do what he wanted in the morning but went to a little extra effort to make my Mum's morning easier.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    iguana wrote: »
    Another solution could be one similar to the routine my parents had when we were kids. My Dad was always up an hour before we were and his routine was to bring my mum breakfast in bed before he left for work. That way she'd have 20 minutes to relax and eat before having to get us up, get us ready and bring us to school. She got a little extra sleep, a chance to wake up and eat and that way was better prepared to deal with getting 3 kids up. My Dad got to do what he wanted in the morning but went to a little extra effort to make my Mum's morning easier.

    Your Dad sounds like a saint! What a lovely thing to do for your partner!

    One of the things it says in that Babyproofing your Marriage book is that you both need to adjust your attitude so that instead of thinking what do I need for myself you're both thinking what does the other person need. It only works if your both on the same page! I thought it was great but my oh wouldn't read it :( . He's got a thing against self help books...

    I don't know about the op's kids but my kids get up at the same time every morning regardless of when they go to bed, we've never been able to get them to have a lie in when they've had a late one if we've been out at a BBQ or whatever. On the plus side I can put them to bed at 6.30 on nights that my OH is working late without them being up before dawn.

  • Registered Users Posts: 967 ✭✭✭highly1111

    OP here. Thanks to everyone who replied and for all the feedback and suggestions. I like the one where I get breakfast in bed most!!! (sorry - I don't know how to multiple quote)

    Putting the kids to bed later doesn't work for us - they still wake at 7ish. however, like Rosy Posy, we can put them down at 6.30pm or so if they are utterly exhausted and they won't wake earlier so every cloud......

    we had a lot of "discussion" today - the core "agreement" is that he'll get up with older 2 and i'll have to be up at least 15 minutes before he leaves to give him a chance to get sorted. I think that that is totally fair - I just wish we didn't have to go through (almost) a divorce to come to this conclusion. He admitted that today was the first time he had really thought about it but I know he was just resenting me more and more as time went on.

    In the last few months since our baby was born he has been up most weekends and before that he would have always gotten a really good lie in at the weekends when we just had 2 but since 2 became 3 and night feeds have been back I've been looking after the baby while he looks after the older 2 so his lie in's have completely gone and I suppose to conclude, although he's gotten less sleep, at least it's been unbroken yet I've gotten more "hours" in bed if that makes sense. Neither of us are good when we don't sleep and I think that often we don't appreciate everything that the other does. I know I'm incredibly lucky to have him and that he's an amazing dad but with the arrival of a new baby and all the tiredness and upheavel sometimes what is supposed to be the most special time can turn into the most argumentative as everyone tries to adjust.

    one thing I still think he needs to work on is coming to bed earlier (as someone mentioned) because that is the crux of most of our arguments. Despite having a good diet and exercising regularly (well as much as someone with 3 kids under 4 can) I think that he's constantly exhausted. He claims that it's only really between 11-1am that he gets his "down time" but I think that if he got more sleep he wouldn't need as much "down time" - I think it's a vicious circle and that he really needs to go to bed earlier.

    on the plus side, he gave the baby a bottle of formula earlier and she downed it! he admitted to me that he wants to spend more time with the baby as with me exclusively breastfeeding we've fallen into a habit of where i'll mind the baby and he'll mind the other 2 and that's not good either. of course the older 2 love it because they're stuck with me all day and are all over my husband when he comes in from work but on the flip side he's not really getting any quality time with the baby. so tonight I put the other 2 to bed and he gave her the bottle and after a little struggle she took it.

    Finally to answer the question of how do I get ready for the day - the 4 year old gets to watch fireman sam, the baby is in her bouncer snoozing and unfortunately for me and the 17 year old he crawls into the bathroom and just stares at me while I shower!! he is my absolute shadow during the day and I do suppose that I find it hard as there's no "coffee break" and although I love love love being at home with the kids there are of course times when I would do anything to trade with my husband in order to get 5 minutes to myself - i'm jealous of his coffees, his constant adult company, his toilet trips with no audience, the fact he gets to read the newspapers whilst I actually genuinely sky plus the news so I don't feel like a complete idiot and I hate the fact that he comes home to a be-draggled, hassled, exhausted wife who hasn't had the time to have a cuppa, never mind put on a bit of make up. It's not that he gives a monkies about any of that - but I do - and I wish that I had more "me time" and "me energy" - i'm getting off topic now!! the 4 year old will be in school in a matter of weeks and I know things will ease up then.

    thanks for listening and for the advice. Really appreciate you commenting and if you've made it to the end of this post - CONGRATULATIONS!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 700 ✭✭✭nicowa

    Yes, I made it to the end of your post. :) I'm really glad ye were able to talk properly together. It really is the heart of the relationship. And I'm glad ye worked out a compromise. It sounds like a good solution. :)
