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Work Placement in Software Development or Game Development Company

  • 15-08-2013 11:46pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 199 ✭✭

    I am currently about to enter 3rd year in my Software Design (Game Development) course and as part of our third year course we have to do some work placement for about 6 months.

    Would anybody know of any companies that would be approachable to look for such work, doesnt matter where they are based in the country as i wouldnt mind travelling for the work.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,404 ✭✭✭JustShon

    I don't know any specific companies but I was in your position very recently so here's some tips:

    Look for companies who are seeking an intern; they're more likely to have room for a work experience placement person.

    Research the company; find out who has the authority to approve your work placement then contact them directly if you can.

    Avoid online contact forms; your message is likely to just end up lost in a sea of admin especially for a big company.

    Walk into them with your CV and cover letter in-hand if you can; they can't ignore someone sitting in their office / reception area as easily as they can an e-mail. (don't forget to dress like a professional if you do this)

    Contact absolute shed-loads of companies. Hand-pick some ones that you really want for the show-up-on-their-doorstep treatment but sling e-mails to absolutely every company you can that there's even a remote chance of getting work experience with.

    Then contact them again. Chasing down the ones you really want is vital. Contact them, give them a week then contact them again. Repeat this until you get an answer either way.

    It's not going to be easy. Companies are shockingly fussy about the people they take on to do work for them for free. Stick at it and be as persistent as you can.

    Best of luck in chasing down that experience!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,508 ✭✭✭RedXIV

    Darby_321 wrote: »
    I am currently about to enter 3rd year in my Software Design (Game Development) course and as part of our third year course we have to do some work placement for about 6 months.

    Would anybody know of any companies that would be approachable to look for such work, doesnt matter where they are based in the country as i wouldnt mind travelling for the work.

    Start applying now! Myself and colleague were literally a week too late to get in to a place in Reno, Nevada, accomodation paid for too. Would have been the trip of a lifetime but we weren't able to get a Visa in time, that was the only reason we couldn't go :(

    Apply now and apply everywhere! If it helps, Activision in Ireland is where I did my work experience but it was no dev work at all
