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Looking for a kiln (bronze metal clay) in Dublin.

  • 25-08-2013 12:10pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5

    Hi guys,

    is there anyone out there with a kiln suitable for firing bronze metal clay?
    The thing is that I would like to sculpt some buckles or strapends following the finds from 10th century Dublin. It´s for my personal use in re-enactment hobby. I would like to make maximum of ten pieces in a year time. As you can see buying a 500e kiln to fire ten pieces is not quite a good idea.
    Therefore I am looking for someone who, provided that I pay your time, material and energy needed, would help me out and fire these for me.

    Please let me know even if you know of some workshop where is a chance to have it fired.

    I would appreciate any help or info.

    Thank you,



  • Moderators, Motoring & Transport Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 6,351 Mod ✭✭✭✭fergal.b

    Try these they might be able to help If you could use a softer metal instead of bronze you could do your own white metal casting at home and make your own mould with a kit from I think they sell the rubber mould solution or you could make one with moulding sand.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5 Janekb

    Hi Fergal,

    thank you for the tip! I will send them a querry. The thing is I need it to be cast bronze as the archeological finds are cast bronze. Well I already ordered blue jeweller wax, hopefully I won't need to send it back to my home country to have it done hehe.

    Thanks again!

