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New Beginning

  • 29-08-2013 3:03pm
    Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭

    Well I am starting this now.... I am completely new to triathlons and only started training for one at the start of this month...So far I am consistently getting about 110km/120km a week on the bike done and can see improvements already (This is only an exercise bike as I have no access to actual bike for the next couple months)

    I have recently introduced running straight after the bike but only doing this for a couple of km 3/4 times a week to get the legs used to the sensation. I am moving from my running log in the athletics session due to a change of focus. I also have no access to a swimming pool till late October so hence the ambition to try get a short tri done by around xmas time

    Training session 1 today: 29th Aug
    **** day in work and was frustrated so swtiched a slow day to a tempo day and got through 20km in 31.26 which is 1 mins 20 second PB in the last month on the bike

    I did this at the following levels 8 - 11 for 5 km each.

    Training session 2:

    Weights (Arms) and core session.

    Any suggestions towards a training plan would be appreciated.. This my first session back after a rest day yesterday


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    Welcome to the Dark Side Perkina3 :)

    Pretty sure one you get in the swing of it there'll be no turning back for you to 'just' athletics.

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭Perkina3

    Hahah thanks mate.... For the next couple of months my logging will be a bit sketchy at times but I will do my best...

    Thursday: This was a decent day actually... for training at least!
    I had some bad news which meant I went in and thrashed myself on the bike in a tempo ride... Again as you will guess my distances on the bikes (exercise bikes) are not massive... This was a 20km ride which I did at levels 9 - 12 with each last 5km... I knocked a good 1 min 20 sec off my best previous time to get to 31. 26 so was quiet happy with that... I followed that up with a 10 min run at 11km an hour on the treadmill...(Legs still pretty shaky getting off after the bike)

    Later in the night I did 75 mins of kickboxing to mix up the training a wee bit

    Friday: Was up at the crack of dawn for a team marathon.... For me a I took it as a bit of tempo training for an upcoming course.... I ran 4 one mile loops at 6.50, 6.30, 7.15 and 6.55.... Considering the session I had done the previous day had been quite heavy and it was a tough circuit it could have been worse.... My legs were definitely very heavy so I cancelled the second session

    Just an easy 20 km bike ride which I did at levels 6 - 9 and completed in 42 mins.... Was a nice stretch on the legs but was still quite tired after a long day the previous day so again just one session. Also did a 10 mins run after the bike at 11.5km per hour

    Total km on the bike for the week. 125km

    Sunday: Target km for the week.... 140 km

    Did two sessions today..... Firstly a 35 min hill session on the exercise bike as I only had that amount of time free today but still got 19km done and it got the blood pumping..... Not too unhappy with it though I know I need to increase the km now and get my legs running more

    Did a weights session for arms in order to start getting some strength in them so that it might make swimming a wee bit easier... Good solid session with 5 exercises for biceps and triceps each and then a 10/15 core session....I plan to work on obliques tomorrow and from Tuesday do a core session with each session I do in a day....

    All in all not a bad frew days...missed a couple of second sessions in a day but had to do what the body was telling me... Rest day coming up on wednesday and I am taking a protein shake after each session to try help recovery as I am currently trying to train for 2/3 hours a day

    Any advice is welcome as obviously completely new to this

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭Perkina3

    Ok so been a rats couple of days for training for me.

    Monday: I had possibly the worst day in my job in several years and was fit to punch somebody... That plus an incredibly long day meant that my training was not what it should have been and tbh focused primarily on getting rid of some pent up anger in a 90 mins kickboxing session...It worked the core and had some shuttle sprints but I dunno... I wanted a good session on the bike and some miles in the shoes....

    It just didn't happen...

    Tuesday: Tbh today has not been any better.... Things a lot better in work but I felt lethargic and out of energy all day. This is frustrating as I want to be doing a few hours of training every day and it is happening in fits and spurts the last week or so..... I am taking this as my rest day and literally did 15km on the exercise bike to Just keep my legs ticking over.... My food intake has not been great today so I think that has played quite a big part in my lack of energy etc....

    Planned session tomorrow:
    1st session: Cardio - Looking at making this my Longer cycle for the week and targeting 40 - 50 km on the bike at a steady pace. Will try toget 15 mins on the treadmill as a transition.....

    2nd session: Weights.... Again looking at a decent session on either chest or shoulders.

    Plan is to end both with a short and sharp abs session....

    Busy day in work tomorrow so we shall see how realistic this is as the day progresses!!

    A question to those who are reading this.... Should I be focusing on building a bit of bulk as well in order to help with the swimming I will be doing once I get back to the UK?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Perkina3 wrote: »
    A question to those who are reading this.... Should I be focusing on building a bit of bulk as well in order to help with the swimming I will be doing once I get back to the UK?

    I have been trying to justify my weight gains myself for the swimming that is sure to come this winter, but no whippet thin is where its at for triathlon I am afraid :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    catweazle wrote: »
    I have been trying to justify my weight gains myself for the swimming that is sure to come this winter, but no whippet thin is where its at for triathlon I am afraid :(

    Swimming has nothing to do with bulk. Gavin Noble swims with and gets his ass kicked by teenage girls. Are they beating him with muscle bulk?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    BTH wrote: »
    Swimming has nothing to do with bulk. Gavin Noble swims with and gets his ass kicked by teenage girls. Are they beating him with muscle bulk?

    From looking at Gavin - Yes!

    However thats what I was getting at anyways, to do well in triathlon bulk is not your friend!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    catweazle wrote: »
    From looking at Gavin - Yes!

    However thats what I was getting at anyways, to do well in triathlon bulk is not your friend!

    Ha, you think Gavin is skinny looking, wait till you see my "guns". Skinnier than every female triathlete in the country.

    Sorry for dragging this off topic Perkina

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭Perkina3

    Hahaha not a drama...Tbh I had a lil chuckle at it!

    Eh right ok so bulk is not my friend....Hmm...Well I am not exactly the lightest of blokes at 95kg and 6 ft 4 and I plod I think is the words I will use lol...

    This was a good and bad day at the same time... Good day as I got everything I wanted done...Bad day that it was all done in a marathon 2.25 hour sesison..... I got a good 45 minutes spinning session done (First on this type of bike) and did a form of interval training using my MP3 as my timer.... Was kept at low resistence but high tempo and alternated this with high resistence and as fast as I could got (akin to hill climbs I suppose)

    I followed this with a core session (short) and an arms weights session which was of a decent standard...Training with a bloke who makes me smash myself to keep anywhere close to him


    Again a total of nearly an hour on a mix of the spinner and the bike....

    some warm up time on the spinner before embarking on a speed interval sesison....Abandoned this after 15 mins because legs were shot and I wasn't able to put the effort I felt it needed into it... Transferred to an exercise bike and did a slow 15 km in 31 mins.... Seriously heavy legs and the worst session I have done in a month.

    Also did a killer session on my chest and some shoulders which has me stiff now but hoping some of this will help with some base strength...Not looking for size...Just some strength to start me off for swimming.

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭Perkina3

    Right so internet connection has been a bit of a drama and the last week has been a bit of a mixed bag...

    I will work backwards as it might refresh my memory from the earlier ones I have not posted.


    25km on the exercise bike...5km at each level 6 to 10....This is getting easy now so will look to up the intensity in the next couple of days..... 41.49 it was done in so not a massively quick time but the fact that I was not too troubled by it is a good sign in my eyes. Had been considering a run as a transition straight after it but with an eye on a big leg weights session for strength tonight I have decided not to.

    11th Sept - Well this is where I have a bit of a moan about work. I was up at work c. 0530 with the plus side being that I would not have to do anything much after lunch with my work completed. Instead what happened is I just had enough free time to get 30 mins to myself with a coffee before the boss snatched me to work all afternoon...Needless to say I was knackered.... I had a leaving meal to go to last night so as a result no session... Not a happy cammper!

    10 Sept: Same detail as a 11th though did get a good interval spinning session in for 40 mins where I did the following

    6 x 1 min sprints w/ 1 min rest between each

    4 x 5 min hill intervals with increasing resistence w/ 2 min easy.

    Good session here... Was quite happy with the power I was getting on the hill ones but the sprints tailed off on the last couple so a bit of stamina still needed.

    Second sesison with weights was planned but as usual...Work got in the way and I finished working c. 21.30 that night with a 0530 start... Needless to say I got food and went to bed for a half decent nights sleep by 23.30

    Did an easy cycling day and arms session so was content with the work for the day

    Sunday: Can't remember! but don't think it was a particularly eventful day training wise.

    Saturday: 80 mins spinning during a 14 hour day so was content as it had a good variety of sprint and resistence work.

    Friday: Rest - Was exhausted and took an impromptu day off when my body nearly piled in on me.

    As you can see training is a bit patchy now but largely aimed at building some base stamina in my legs for cycling which is beginning to develop I think. I am seeking advice on diversifying training and am considering adding runs in seperate to the bike sessions and sometimes directly after to get my legs used to transitioning...What kinda ratio should I be looking at for that??

    How is important is diet? and the same question for sleep?

    Sorry its a bit of an essay but it is a weeks worth!

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭Perkina3

    Legs today. Six exercises... 4 to 6 sets per exercise...Jesus... hardest weights session of the year

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  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭Perkina3

    A wind down session of sorts after a busy - ish week.....

    27km on exercise bike taking it easy but cycling for an hour. I was happy enough to be honest as the legs needed loosening after the legs day 2 days previous... Was content though will look to step it up from Monday again

    Second session was an arms session which again went well and was not too shabby with a rapid 45 mins in and out and 12 exercises done...

    The key for me here is to start incorporating running back into my programme now together with core work every second day. i have only been doing this intermittently so need to make a fixture now

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭Perkina3

    Oh and rest day today!

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭Perkina3

    Hmmm ok.... where do I start....

    Long and short I had an incident on Sunday night where I nearly broke my neck and spent half the night in a hospital in a neck brace getting xrayed.....

    I didn't want to be there and siad I was fine but they wouldnt listen to me! :/

    Anywya....I was told no training for monday...So thats what I did..

    I bedded back in on Tuesday with a back and tricep session but took it very light...


    Did a 20 km bike in 35.49.....Slow... legs were not firing on all cylinders but kept a decent ish pace up for most of it.....

    I also did a biceps and shoulders session which was good...

    Neck was still sore today and hence the reason I have kept it a step back unti l 100% and just going wit a slightly diluted version of the last months training....

    I will probably keep this for the rest of the week at least and longer if needed until neck and that are back to 100%

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭Perkina3

    Will be hnest the head still not feeling a 100% so wasn't happy to do any cardio but did a weights session focusing on Chest and legs which went ok.

    Going for an early morning run...BOLLOX! :(.... And another weights session TBC...If I can get a few easy km on the bike I will but not sure yet as potential for the gym to be closed the next couple of days!

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭Perkina3

    Been a fair while since I wrote on this so better keep you guys updated...

    Today... One session now today... It was a rats session aimed at power and stamina...

    10km bike at level 17 - 16.30 was my time...I was a full 2 minutes behind my mate here but I was in **** state by 6km

    7km row - This was again difficult as I have just started this as an alternate form of cardio to keep my body guessing... Was relatively pleased as I was only 2 mins or so behind my mate who was at one point in the GB squad for rowing...he has shown me a few tips for it which was nice.

    3km run to finish... - 14.30...Quite slow in the end tbh as my legs were just done at this point.

    Target was 20km in an hour and I was just over it so happy enough in the end

    Sat - Rest

    Friday - Another single session day today -

    I did 2.5km at 2 1.54 average splits for 500m a row....

    30 min at level where I managed 18.5km at level 17 which was decent on hills as well

    FInally, did some interval training on the rower.... 5x1 min on and 5 x 1mins rest.

    Thursday - 40 mins hills on the bike and chest and back session

    I also did 3 runs this week plus 2 more bike sessions and daily weights session but they are blurred in together...

    First session in the morning with a weights session in the evening.!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Perkina3 wrote: »
    7km row - This was again difficult as I have just started this as an alternate form of cardio to keep my body guessing... Was relatively pleased as I was only 2 mins or so behind my mate who was at one point in the GB squad for rowing...he has shown me a few tips for it which was nice.

    Nice indeed! Maybe you are in the wrong sport!

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭Perkina3

    Haha you know he said considering I have never done it before I am not at a bad standard... Right build and weight etc so I dunno maybe... :P.... I am going to look into doing it when I get back home...

    It is really good for cardio then... On the 2 mins behind him...He is not GB standard now but it is my aim to catch up at least a bit on him before I get back...

    I have aims of doing a half and full iron man so I want to get a good first few triathlons under my belt :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭Perkina3

    Session 1:

    5 mins warm up -

    30 min on random level 17 - 17.7km. This is a .5km improvement on my previous attempt at this so was quite happy. Noticeable difference in power and my energy for this one which is nice.

    5 mins warm down.

    Again a short, sharp and pretty leg heavy session but content overall tbh. I will look to up it to 40 mins at this level in about two weeks because of the level I want to give my elgs a chance to take in the jump in resistence and intensity

    Session 2:

    Either a cardio row and run session or weights... Either will be done with some ab work. More to follow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭Perkina3

    Will keep this really short..
    1 Oct - Did 40 mins of bike on Level 17 hills and then some air glider and 4 km row....

    Called it a day as was beginning to get to the point where I was struggling.

    2 Oct - Did Intervals on the bike and rower for an hour... 5 min intervals... It was HORRENDOUS.

    3 - Oct - 8 km run in 42 mins which was ok as it was a slow run!

    4 Oct - Rest with the race the next day

    5 Oct - up at 0400 for a race at 0500 - Ran it with 13 kg on my back and did the 25km in 3 hrs 3 mins which is respectable when running with weight. Considering I did no training for it I came in the top 20%. My knee was in clip near the end and I had kept a good shuffle going for most of it. I forgot I missed endurance events but knee is still in **** state lol

    6 Oct - Rest day after what has been a long long day. I might do a half hour active recovery on the bike at low reps and resistence

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭Perkina3

    7 October - Steady state cycle for 40 mins at level 12.... Nothing too heavy as legs were still quite tired from Sat morning.

    8 October - Uped it a little bit today - 20 mins strider at level 17/12, 20 mins bike at level 17 and then 10 mins rowing...Take it it easy...Tired this week

    9 October - Busy day today and had a function to go to.... I didn;t know so had an unplanned rest day.... Oh well

    10 October...Unexpectedly busy but got some intervals in for 30 mins on the bike... 1 km sprint level 17 and .5km rest...

    11 October... two sessions planned for today but we shall see how goes..Gotta go docs today

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  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭Perkina3

    Hi there...

    RIght to give everyone an update over the last month...

    Training has been patchy to say the least... I was given strong anti inflammatories to try and settle my neck down which didn't really work too well... I trained but not consistently...I had been training for 3 months solid so was pretty tired and I am not going to lie... I had just reached a block!! I also took 2 weeks off starting back training yesterday with a 35 minute run at a good pace. Not pacing it atm but it was faster than I have run in the last few months

    I will go for a slower but longer run today for an hour and see how we get on with it! With my shoulder though it is going to be a long run back to fitness. I start back in the physio this week hopefully. I will be running solid for the next two weeks with 2/3 bike sessions on top. Swimming now that I have access to a pool will start in late november!

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭Perkina3

    13 November - A solid paced 40 min run... Nothing too fast.

    17 November - 50 mins - steady, steady but good... Ran maybe 10/11km which is my longest run time wise in a little while
    18 November - Tempo run - 25 mins but this was at a very brisk pace... I only started to flag on the last few 100 metres!

    All in all I have been pretty happy with the sessions to date though... These two weeks have always been planned for an easing back into running and the bike work I completed in the months before seem to be counting now so I am happy

    Starting to use the foam roller quite a bit as muscles are showing signs of wear and tear after 10 years of playing sports.... All good though... :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭Perkina3

    Tuesday 19 November.... Unscheduled day off...We had guests over and it ended up being quite late when they left so it was too late even for me to go for a run

    Wednesday 20 November.... Slow steady 40 min run today and I am not going to lie this was the hardest one I have done over the past couple of months... I was tired from the outset and chest was tight most of the way through as well!! All in all was the shabbiest run in the last couple months... Only good thing was I kept a pretty steady pace....20 mins out and 20.40 on the way back so thats ok I suppose lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭Perkina3

    Thursday 21 November - With one eye on a long run tomorrow this was a very sedate 30 minute run over the same route I ran the tempo run a couple days ago.... Was nice and chilled though was tired in general today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭Perkina3

    Well I have more news on my injury. Physio today spent 90 mins looking at my shoulder... (Neck is next week)....Believes I have a combination of issues including a torn or poorly healed rotator cuff and poor traps and scapula...

    To keep this short... No physical games (Rugby/Soccer) till easter and no road running and swimming till at least xmas.... I am gutted....

    I am back to the training board and am now looking at a cycling package for the next two months...

    If anyone has any core sessions/bike session could you drop me a line...

    No training this weekend as I was travelling back to work and it took most of yesterday.... Today gym is closed for the bike after a late first day back...

    Bike sessions of some sort for the next 5 days and rest day planned now for Sunday....

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭Perkina3

    ANother rather tardy update but oh well....

    Yeah the SHoulder upon looking druther has not gotten any better, with my neck needing up to 6 weeks to fix as I compressed a couple of vertebrae in my neck (C1 & C2). I currently have my back taped and had my first bout of both electro shock and acupuncture which was excruciating.

    Next session.... I will have 2 physios apparently working on me as in my physio's words....I have an 'interestingly complex' injury.

    Two bike sessions so far this week.
    Monday: 35 mins Random pace at level 16 which went well if a little heavy.
    Tuesday: 45 Mins hard cycle but at level 12. I completed 25km in 42 mins which was alright on a machine and then a 3 mins warm down plus stretching.

    Overall.... Now that I am close to completing planning forthe first month I am happy enough with how things aree going.... Body feels quite fresh if a little lethargic and want to transition to longer sessions from January so lots to do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭Perkina3

    So as you can probably gather from the sparodic reporting on this thread training had hit a virtual brick wall as a result of this injury I am gettin treated...

    I had another specialist look at my shoulder today and I have been told I can start running again as they believe the problem is focused on somewhere else and is not 'overly' affected by the impact from running..

    The instructions I have been given is to run but take it easy and see how I feel... I will do just that so will keep them short and sharp at about 30 mins a day but will try and mix it up with a couple of interval sessions a week and then just some steady runs.... That and any sessions I can get on a bike..

    Considering I was expecting not to run for another month I am chuffed with this and I am now looking forward to trying to mix up the training and getting a bit of motivation back....

    Long term prognosis for my shoulder is not so good as it is quite complex involving a certain amount of muscular and muscular - skelatal problems and for the physios it is trying to trace it back to its origins and fixing the initial problems before they can solve the rest of it.... So here is to seeing where we go now... but I am back doing low level building for the next couple months till I get told i can step up training so I am content..

    Sorry for the essay... Will be quiet now ... :rolleyes:
