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Questioning Ludicrous ban

  • 10-09-2013 11:05pm
    Registered Users Posts: 6,575 ✭✭✭

    Hi folks,

    I'm in here because I was told to go down this avenue by a Mod after being banned for one month this evening. And without trying to sound smart, I haven't a blind notion why and that's being crystal clear.

    I was on the Motors chat thread and one poster pointed out a rather questionable opinion about another members car. I suppose it was his opinion but fairly harsh and uncalled for.

    So anyway another poster came on and went with the usual rolleyes etc so I just went on in a joking fashion and said ''each to their own'' and all that and none of that Mickey Mouse roll eyes wanted here etc, I made it clear I was joking around though by using this :D. I was in no way being serious or attacking anyone.

    I then posted again saying that it might have been a bit harsh and just asked the poster why he chose his new car ( a BMW) when he was slagging off someone else's car.

    5 minutes later I find myself banned for one month with no explanation offered as to why? Apparently after small discussion with a mod I mentioned someones' name on thread? I didn't mention anyones name!
    I mentioned a users name alright but nobody elses!

    I haven't a clue what's going on but having returned from a permaban after much apologies I haven't had any problems for weeks and wanted to stay that way, I'm a regular poster!

    Anyway if you could let me know either what I did wrong or what's going on that'd be great,



  • Registered Users Posts: 33,693 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    Hi 166man,

    One of the Rec CMods will look into this and get back to you. Thanks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,575 ✭✭✭166man

    Penn wrote: »
    Hi 166man,

    One of the Rec CMods will look into this and get back to you. Thanks.

    Thanks for that, it's not even as though I'm apologising, I need to know exactly what I did wrong to get this ban because after the dealings that went on previously I had no intentions of getting another ban. I have no issue giving a sincere apology but I honestly haven't a bulls notion where its gone wrong.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,693 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    Hi 166man,

    I've looked over this for you. It mostly centers around one issue:

    "Apparently after small discussion with a mod I mentioned someones' name on thread? I didn't mention anyones name!"

    Yes. You did. You used a poster's real surname (for discretionary purposes I won't repeat it here and would suggest you don't either. I can clarify which poster via PM if required). Your excuse of it being autocorrected to that on your phone simply doesn't wash. Considering you were also involved in an issue regarding that same poster's previous username recently, I fail to see how this could be any kind of coincidence.

    Unnecessarily posting another user's real surname is a serious breach of the site rules. Given your extensive ban/infraction history on the Motors forum, the numerous previous chances you've been given and the unfair amount of work you've caused the mods, your ban from Motors will be upgraded to permanent.

    You may request that an admin reviews this decision if you wish.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,575 ✭✭✭166man

    Penn wrote: »
    Hi 166man,

    I've looked over this for you. It mostly centers around one issue:

    "Apparently after small discussion with a mod I mentioned someones' name on thread? I didn't mention anyones name!"

    Yes. You did. You used a poster's real surname (for discretionary purposes I won't repeat it here and would suggest you don't either. I can clarify which poster via PM if required). Your excuse of it being autocorrected to that on your phone simply doesn't wash. Considering you were also involved in an issue regarding that same poster's previous username recently, I fail to see how this could be any kind of coincidence.

    Unnecessarily posting another user's real surname is a serious breach of the site rules. Given your extensive ban/infraction history on the Motors forum, the numerous previous chances you've been given and the unfair amount of work you've caused the mods, your ban from Motors will be upgraded to permanent.

    You may request that an admin reviews this decision if you wish.

    Hold on a second here, we need to go back a few steps here.

    You have not told me who's name I have referenced. You actually have told me nothing and expect me to accept that you have suddenly out of nowhere upgraded and already questionable months ban to a perma ban without even asking me for my side of the story? Democracy lads?

    In my post I think I misspelled a word? And if that's someone's name then that's hilarious because it should have read Mickey! I'd like you guys to tell me how I could possibly have known that was a users name? How in gods name could that happen? I don't know him, never met him and while I never want to after the bullying that went on, I'm in shock after this.

    I never meant anything by it at all, I had a huge ban and pleaded to be allowed back in and since then I caused no trouble but then all of a sudden a ONE letter in ONE word has me not just banned but perma banned?

    Please explain because Id love to know and I'd ask you to see this from my point of view.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,575 ✭✭✭166man

    Hi guys,

    while I see little point in asking I would like a CMod to review this as I find it quite hard to believe a spelling error can lead to me being permabanned.

    There is no, none nothing to prove I knew the name of the person I accidentally used in a post. I don't know him, I have never met him and none of my friends from the forum know him, I ask how I possibly could have known it was his or indeed anyones name. You can ask him if he knows me, and if anything else other than ''No'' is uttered he is blatantly not telling the truth, I don't know him, how could I know his name!?!

    I literally don't get it, I make a spelling error which happens to end up being the second name of a poster who bears a serious grudge against me and I'm banned? I'd have edited to post for pete's sake!

    I really enjoy the forum and spent ages in prison a while back trying to get my second chance, why on earth would I throw that away for something as silly as that? I really want to be able to post again, I don't care much for the other forums on the website, motors is where 98% of all my posts are written, nearly all 4000 of them.

    I'm asking for reason here.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 16,413 ✭✭✭✭Trojan

    Admin review.

    This is an interesting one. At first glance it seems absolutely unreasonable that
    166man wrote:
    a spelling error can lead to me being permabanned.

    How could a permanent forum ban possibly be a reasonable outcome for an accidental typo?

    First, we look at the user history - 9 Warnings, 3 Infractions, 8 Forum Bans - all from Motors - and 3 Site Bans (seriously?).

    Also, interestingly, there appears to be a pattern of niggles with specific people which lead to many of the above.

    So you posted one of these users' actual name, and claim it was a typo, and that you couldn't possibly know it was his name. Leaving aside that point (and I believe you're lying there), let's see how that might have happened:

    You meant to type "mickey" and it came out slightly changed because your phone autocorrected it, coincidentally to be the name, which I agree is very similar.

    I just tested my phone, and it does autocorrect "mickey" - it capitalises it to "Mickey". But as for changing it to what you posted, if you'd like like post your phone model & OS, that's about the only way I'll believe this aspect of it.

    Do you use the phrase "Mickey Mouse" often?
    Searching for "mickey" in the forum Motors in posts by 166man
    0 Results (0.006 seconds)

    No, never before on Motors in 4,000-odd posts. Interesting.

    So for now, I believe:

    1) You're almost certainly lying about the autocorrect and about not knowing the name, so I think you wrote the name deliberately to stir.
    2) You have a long history of trouble making on the Motors forum and know well that you shouldn't post stuff like that.
    3) You have been warned by admins before and even sitebanned several times.

    In summary, the 1 month forum ban was not only justified completely, it was too lenient based on your record, so the upgrade to permanent was reasonable.

    Ban upheld.

    Addendum: you really do deserve a siteban here as you're just too much work for the mods on this site. I note what Gordon said to you last time you caused hassle:
    Gordon wrote: »
    OK, I'm giving you one last chance. I've reduced your siteban to be lifted in two weeks. If you cause any more trouble, I'm removing your access for good.

    I've been through this quite a few times with users in the past, they say that they'll behave, they promise that they'll not get anymore infractions or bans and they'll be nice as pie. In many cases, it then takes a while and they're back to their old tricks, being abusive or trolling or sending abusive private messages and they get banned or warned. Because they promised they'd be fine, I then took them on their word and permanently sitebanned them. But in practically all of these cases, they say that they were banned unfairly, wrongfully warned for a crime they didn't commit hence a siteban is unfair. Just to let you know - I won't investigate your ban/warning for justification, I'll simply permanently siteban you, this really is your last chance.

    I'll let him make the call on actioning that.

This discussion has been closed.