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I don't know what I'm doing but I know what I've done



  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Wednesday 29/8/2018

    A) Pause Squat  (2-ct in the hole)
    157.5kg x 4 @8
    135kg x 5, 5, 7

    B) Low-handle TBDL
    182kg x 4 @8

    C) GHR
    3 sets @9 ; (18, 18, 17)

    D) DB Single Arm Row
    35kgs x 3 x 12 e/s

    D) Planks
    12 rounds: 40s on; 20s rest

    Hadn't expected to be able to train but things changed about 6.30 so took the chance since tomorrow is going to be a bit all over the place.

    Made a bit of a balls of the last rep on top set of squats...felt I was a leaning a bit much and ended up kicking the hips up and making it a bit slower than it should have been. Felt like it would look a lot worse than it did. Did not love having to do back off sets...1st felt like death. Second set felt a lot less like I was going to flatline so there's that.

    Trap-bar DLs were solid. Better than last week. Didn't keep lats tight enough through the first rep and lost it forward but rectified that on all the rest.

    Supersetted GHR and rows cos time and had some work stuff to clear tonight hence only 3 sets of GHR. Got a good burn off them though.

    Then planks at home.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Friday 31/8/2018

    A) Bench Press
    86kg x 8 x 5

    B) Pin Press  (chest level)
    77.5kg x 5  @7
    81kg x 5  @8
    85kg x 5  @9
    72.5kg x 5, 5, 6

    C) Lat Pulldowns
    110kg x 5 x 12

    D) Barbell Shrugs
    115kg x 4 x 12

    E) Rolling DB Tricep Extension
    10kgs x 3 x 12

    Thanxbetajaysus I did get to train on Wednesday in the end because I was bollixed yesterday.

    Fair whack of volume on the bench before getting into the pin pressing. Last warm up prompted the thought "this is gonna be a long night" but buckled myself in and got through it a lot better than anticipated.

    Smaller jumps on pin press this week to get a better gauge of what the right numbers were. Triceps in ribbons by the end so not a whole lot happening in the back-offs

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Sunday 2/9/2018

    A) 1" Block Pull
    175kg x 4 @6
    180kg x 4 @7
    185kg x 4 @8
    157.5kg x 5, 5, 9

    B) SSB Good Morning
    95kg x 5 @8
    80kg x 5

    C) High Box DB Step-Ups
    15kg DBs each hand x 4 x 10

    D) Ab Rollout
    4 x 60s

    Not sure if I ever trained early in the day on a Sunday but it was nice and quiet!

    Was feeling shítty yesterday hence training today. Still wasn't 100% but got through most of it. Had a bit of a knee twinge that didn't ease off during warm ups so had to try and force it out of my mind so I wouldn't end up extending my knees too quickly and lower backing it up.

    Started back off sets on GMs but had been a bit drained throughout so back offs were gonna be too sloppy so stopped where I was and moved on. Happy enough with the top set, all things considered.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Monday 3/9/2018

    A) High Bar Squat
    131kg x 5 x 5

    B) Bench Press
    95kg x 4  @8
    80kg x 5, 5, 5, 10

    C) Flat DB Bench
    30kg x 2 x 10
    32.5kg x 2 x 10

    D) Seated Row
    5 x 6

    E) Seated Facepull
    5 x 10

    Gym was busy so benched first. Set at 90kg moved so well, I put on 95kg and that moved really well. I think it may have been the best set I've ever's possibly the heaviest I've done a set of 4 with and all 4 reps were nice and tight whereas too often, I don't keep as tight for latter reps. Best AMRAP set in ages as well. Bleedin' massive inallinanywayas.

    After last week's DB Bench with 25s felt as good as they did, I reckoned 30s would be the right call, marginally. 2 sets in and I knew I had to have a pop at the 32.5s. Missed 10th rep on last set so happy enough with how it panned out.

    High bar was grand. Bar was a little bent which was a bit of a pain in the hole but sets were nice and smooth.

    Hip flexor has been at me a bit the last couple of days. Nay bother when I'm squatting but couple of sharp twinges yesterday. May get the physio to work his sorcery on it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Thursday 6/9/2018

    A) Pause Squat  (2-ct in the hole)
    162.5kg x 3 @8
    140kg x 5, 5, 8

    B) Low-handle TBDL
    187kg x 3

    C) GHR
    5 sets @9 ; (19, 19, 18, 16, 16)

    D) DB Single Arm Row
    40kg x 2 x 10 e/s
    42.5kg x 10 e/s

    E) Planks
    12 rounds: 45s on; 20s rest

    Felt much better than last week so unsurprisingly everything was better.

    Squats moved nicely. 150 moved nice and crisply so went for 162.5. Pauses were longer as well (though maybe not the first one). Happy with the top set. Not perfect but improving still.

    The TBDLs were slow to come off the floor but then went up quickly. Bit like how a sumo pull might look. Should have chalked my hands. Should also have taken a last warm up at 180 and used it to gauge what, if anything was left, because the top set was @9.

    Happy with the sesh.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Friday 7/9/2018

    A) Bench Press
    88.5kg x 6 x 5

    B) Pin Press  (chest level)
    80kg x 4  @7
    87.5kg x 4  @8
    92.5kg x 4  @9
    80kg x 5, 5, 5

    C) Lat Pulldowns
    120kg x 5 x 10

    D) Barbell Shrugs
    120kg x 4 x 10

    E) Rolling DB Tricep Extension
    12.5kgs x 3 x 12

    Forgot phone with programme on it so was hoping I wasn't going to misremember... got it right for the most part. Volume PR on bench for 87.5+ for whatever that's worth. Caught up on me on last set of pin press. The 87.5 felt right as an @8 but the 92.5 was @10. Back offs were a couple of kgs heavier than should have been and felt it. Reasonably happy with the numbers in light of the volume beforehand.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Saturday 8/9/2018

    A) 1" Block Pull
    175kg x 3 @6
    182.5kg x 3 @7
    190kg x 3 @8
    162.5kg x 5, 5, 9

    B) SSB Good Morning
    102.5kg x 4 @8
    87.5kg x 5, 5, 8

    C) High Box DB Step-Ups
    17.5kg DBs each hand x 4 x 8

    D) Ab Rollout
    4 x 60s

    Block pulls felt so much bette than last week. Learning to be more patient off the floor and not letting myself get pulled out of position  (at ****** last).

    Not ideal to have to train the last 3 days in a row...glad to be resting tomorrow, but it's not been too bad to be fair. That said, today felt way better than last week's DL day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Monday 10/9/2018

    B) Bench Press
    97.5kg x 3  @8
    82.5kg x 5, 5, 5, 10

    C) Flat DB Bench
    35kg x 4 x 8

    D) Seated Row
    5 x 8

    E) Seated Facepull
    5 x 10

    Will be training heavyish squat tomorrow so skipped high bar today and will see how I get them done in a way that gives enough recovery ahead of deadlifts later in the week...because would be a pretty big volume PR at the weight.

    Didn't really expect the 97.5kg to move as well as it did. Which was nice of it.

    Thought my ass was coming off the bench when I looked at the video - which it never does cos I get too much ass on the bench - but it was just the movement of the leg drive and the shine off the bench along by my hip. Tbf I didn't think it was anywhere near off it during but got a bit paranoid so had to check.

    DB pressing felt strong too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Wednesday 12/9/2018

    A) Pause Squat  (2-ct in the hole)
    160kg x 2 @8
    140kg x 5, 5, 5

    B) Low-handle TBDL
    192kg x 2 @8

    C) GHR
    5 sets with 5kg plate @9 ; (16, 16, 15, 14, 14)

    D) DB Single Arm Row
    45kg x 4 x 8 e/s

    D) Planks
    12 rounds: 50s on; 20s rest

    Trained in COH'S gym. Class set-up. Good times.

    However, what with it being underground, the centripetal force was stronger and calibrated plates so 20s were obviously heavier than 20kg...

    TBDL better than last week as well.

    Hamstrings were lit up by the weighted GHRs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Wednesday 12/9/2018

    A) High Bar Squat
    135kg x 5 x 5

    Catching up on the high bar I postponed on Monday.

    Wasn't as fresh as I would have been on Monday but got it done, drama-free. Pretty big volume PR. Have done 2 sets of 5 with 135 on high bar but nothing more than singles at heavier weight.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Thursday 13/9/2018

    A) Bench Press
    90kg x 6 x 5

    B) Pin Press (chest level)
    80kg x 3 
    87.5kg x 3
    97.5kg x 3  @9
    82.5kg x 5, 5, 8

    C) Lat Pulldowns
    130kg x 5 x 9

    D) Barbell Shrugs
    125kg x 4 x 8

    E) Rolling DB Tricep Extension
    15kgs x 3 x 10

    Went to physio this morning for hip flexor issue. Entered a world of pain...but feels so much better and the physio identified the exact cause so that shouldn't be happening again.

    Had a look back and five sets of 3 is the most volume I've done with 90kg in a bench session so pretty big volume PR. Was focused on keeping up the technique gains I've made lately and making it move like it should. Had pulled open a callus on my hand which was throwing me off a little but yeah, straightforward.

    Pin press felt much better this week. 97.5kg was more. Had a suspicion it might feel heavier but no, which was nice.

    Followed by all of the things.

    Good times.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Saturday 15/9/2018

    A) 1" Block Pull
    180kg x 2 @6
    190kg x 2 @7
    205kg x 2 @8
    175kg x 5, 5, 6

    B) SSB Good Morning
    110kg x 3 @8
    92.5kg x 5, 5, 8

    C) Ab Rollout
    4 x 60s

    As was warned by physio, inflammation after treatment might cause some discomfort. Just a lot of pressing off nerve yesterday and hip kept giving. Miles better today bit still at the back of mind starting into deadlifts. But warm ups went smoothly and beltless til 180.

    180 felt and looked good. 190 looked better. On went 205. First rep was nice and patient. Second was too but didn't get my hips down to flatten out my back. That said, it moved smoothly enough. Happy with how it went given how I didn't think I'd be doing anything yesterday

    Racks busy so went to do step ups ahead of GMs but hip said 'nope'. Probably a bit too soon.

    Rack appeared and got onto it. Solid enough.

    That'll do, pig. That'll do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Monday 17/9/2018

    A) Squat
    140kg x 5 x 5

    B) Bench
    101kg x 3 @8.5
    90kg x 3, 3, 7

    C) Floor Press
    70kg x 4 x 12

    D) DB Chest-supported Row
    35kg x 4 x 12

    All of the racks gone for aaaages so benched first. 101kg top set just because. Have never tripled 100+. The AMRAP set with 90 was possibly a rep PR as well.

    Worked in with someone in squat rack. Took jumps too big so wasn't as warmed up as I'd like and it was the 4th before they felt as good as they should.

    Floor press felt a bit weird but better towards the end so could probably jump up a nice bit next week.

    Not a session I felt fired up for but bench felt comfortable. Getting the hang of being very calm and collected on bench and it's making me execute a lot better.

    Business end of the cycle has begun in earnest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,157 ✭✭✭COH

    Who's Earnest and does your wife know about him :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    COH wrote: »
    Who's Earnest and does your wife know about him :eek:

    Turns out I misunderstood when he said he wrote about 'being Earnest'.

    His name was Oscar...

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Wednesday 19/9/2018

    A) Squat
    167.5kg x 3 @8
    150kg x 3, 3, 7

    B) Low Handle TBDL
    182kg x 5

    C) Lat Pulldowns
    4 x 12

    D) Face Pulls
    4 x 12

    Didn't feel brilliant at all today...just tight as bejaysus. Took an awful lot of mobility to feel vaguely normal. Squats went alright. Didn't feel smooth as I would expect but I ended up working up to the range I had in mind so, Saul Goodman.

    Second rep was a bit loose insofar as I lost a little tightness at the bottom and sank too deep but looking at the video (somehow only got reps 2 and 3) the bar path was straight, so there's that.

    182kg on trap bar DLs was probably closer to @9.

    Used cable machine for lat pulldown cos usual one was taken but I quite like the different ROM. Bit wider and feels more like pulls elbows down into sides. Good pump off it anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Friday 21/9/2018

    A) Bench
    92.5kg x 5 x 5

    B) Close Grip Bench
    80kg x 5 @7
    85kg x 5  @8
    92.5kg x 5 @9
    83.5kg x 3, 3, 7  (fractionals came out)

    C) Barbell Row
    72.5kg x 4 x 12

    D) Tricep Pressdown
    4 x 12

    Turns out the callus I ripped off has got a bit infected. So holding the bar doesn't feel pleasant but neither does having sand in my vagina so I just have to motor on.

    Considering 92.5kg x 5 (@8) was a PR 3 weeks ago, 5x5 at it is a pretty big PR. First set felt I was really unsteady. Checked bench and it was wobbly as f**k. Changed bench and all was well again, even if it was a bit high. Bench is feeling great lately. It's still a bit sh*t but increasingly less so.

    Had to quickly rack on the top CG set because I hit the pins twice so had to move down.

    Threw in some curls at the end because my triceps were out of control #pump

    Mah tittays got a nice pump too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Saturday 22/9/2018

    A) Deadlift
    176.25kg x 3  (brain-fart loading)
    187.5kg x 3
    195kg x 3
    175kg x 3, 3, 5

    B) RDL
    152.5kg x 6 @8

    C) Seated Row
    3 x 12

    Today was a bit all over the place. Had limited window and probably should have spent more of it warming up for and focusing on deadlifts and dropping whatever. Still, actually wasn't bad...just not as smooth as last week

    Been ages since I've had RDLs to do. Felt pretty decent.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,903 ✭✭✭Blacktie.

    Saturday 22/9/2018

    A) Deadlift
    176.25kg x 3  (brain-fart loading)

    I've done this with squats but was off by like 5 kg. And instead of doing the obvious thing of checking and fixing the weight I just kept shifting across till the balance felt right not realising the obvious issue that the weight was wrong. I'd say that was pretty funny to see happen. Surprised I'm not on the internet somewhere for that one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Blacktie. wrote: »
    I've done this with squats but was off by like 5 kg. And instead of doing the obvious thing of checking and fixing the weight I just kept shifting across till the balance felt right not realising the obvious issue that the weight was wrong. I'd say that was pretty funny to see happen. Surprised I'm not on the internet somewhere for that one.

    Have done it a good few times mostly with squats. Except I presume I've misloaded by now. Thankfully it's usually only on warm up sets cos it happens when i forget to put a 10kg plate on one side...either at 80kg or 120kg.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Monday 24/9/2018

    A) Squat
    147.5kg x 4 x 4

    B) Bench
    102.5kg x 2 @8
    92.5kg x 3, 3, 6

    C) Floor Press
    77.5kg x 4 x 10

    D) DB Chest-supported Row
    37.5kg x 3 x 10

    Squat felt nice and comfortable.

    Bench was good. Slight mistake on eccentric on 2nd rep of top set: paused it a touch too high and it slowed the rep a little but was nice and comfortable...@8.5 at worst.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Wednesday 26/9/2018

    A) Squat
    172.5kg x 2 @8
    155kg x 3, 3, 6

    B) Low Handle TBDL
    184.5kg x 4

    C) Lat Pulldowns
    4 x 10

    D) Face Pulls
    4 x 10

    Happy enough with top squat. Second rep was a little less tidy than I'd like but stayed with it and got it back in order and locked it out. 2 in the tank alright.

    I seem to have edged my grip in closer these last couple of weeks so that was right in the middle of knurling between smooth and rings. So edged it back out between half an inch and an inch. Last back off set felt so much better. It felt like bar was right in my feels like narrow grip may not have helped but we'll find out next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Friday 28/9/2018

    A) Bench
    95kg x 4 x 4

    B) Close Grip Bench
    85kg x 4 @7
    90kg x 4  @8
    95kg x 4 @9
    85kg x 3, 3, 8

    C) Barbell Row
    80kg x 4 x 10

    D) Tricep Pressdown
    4 x 10

    Last set on bench felt though it was heavier on one side. Strange. Still, big volume PR at the weight. It's only the last month or so I've been confident for more than singles at 95+ and while it's not the heavier day, it's helping build some good confidence under the bar.

    Had a look back and 8 months ago, 90x3 @8 was PR on close grip. So that's nice.

    That was the quickest session in ages.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Saturday 29/9/2018

    A) Deadlift
    170kg x 2
    190kg x 2
    170kg x 3, 3, 5

    B) RDL
    160kg x 5 @8

    C) Seated Row
    3 x 10

    Trained in COH's gym again so extra gravity was involved. Still, worked up to opener weight territory and reasonably happy with it. Heavier single next week will be somewhere around second lift territory.

    No straps for RDLs so mixed grip.

    Enjoyable session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Monday 1/10/2018

    A) Squat
    155kg x 3 x 3

    B) Bench
    105kg x 1 @8
    95kg x 2, 2, 2

    C) Floor Press
    82.5kg x 4 x 8

    D) DB Chest-supported Row
    40kg x 3 x 8

    First set of squats was a bit off. Anticipated twinge in my knee that I felt on warm ups and subconsciously changed my movement. Stopped being a soft c*nt on second and third. Moved well.

    Top bench set was alright. 100 moved so well, 105 seemed about right. Moved smoothly enough or felt like it did at least. Could have done with better leg drive to get it back off the chest Maybe an @8.5. Happy enough with how it felt. Pause felt longer than it was but it was a pause, at least.

    I love that 100kg is no longer a big deal. Never thought I'd see myself saying that

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Wednesday 3/10/2018

    A) Squat
    177.5kg x 1 @8.5
    160kg x 2, 2, 2

    B) Low Handle TBDL
    184.5kg x 3

    C) Lat Pulldowns
    4 x 8

    D) Face Pulls
    4 x 8

    Gonna try get back into physio...hip still pretty tight but leg isn't giving on me at least. Just throwing me a touch, mentally. Not sure what, if any impact, that has but would be nice to just feel a bit looser.

    Small loss of tightness in upper back and it cost me on the top squat. Timely reminder to not be sloppy. At all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Saturday 6/10/2018

    A) Deadlift
    210kg x 1
    190kg x 2, 2, 2

    B) RDL
    172.5kg x 4 @8

    C) Seated Row
    3 x 8

    Last heavy deadlift (well, in @9 territory) before the comp. Happy enough considering the day I had yesterday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Monday 8/10/2018

    A) Squat
    162.5kg x 2 x 2

    B) Bench
    107.5kg x 1 @9
    100kg x 2, 2, 2

    C) DB Floor Press
    37.5kg x 4 x 6

    D) DB Chest-supported Row
    42.5kg x 3 x 6

    Bit of a scramble for plates for a good while. All sorts on the bar for half the squats. Tidy enough.

    Bench was good. Bar a touch high on my chest on the 107.5 but it came off fast and a brief pause before powering out the lockout.

    No rack for floor press so just did em with DBs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Wednesday 10/10/2018

    A) Squat
    180kg x 1 @9
    162.5kg x 2

    B) Lat Pulldowns
    4 x 6

    C) Face Pulls
    4 x 8

    Weirdly doubting myself on top end of squats despite 170 looking and feeling good. Made hard work of 180.

    Elbow was at me so pulled the plug on back offs on first set.

    Some lightish lat pulldowns and face pulls just to keep blood flowing.

    Disappointing...not sure if the hip thing has been playing on my mind or what but I've just been a little shy of confidence on the top sets the last few weeks even though I know they're within me. I just have to remember that Henry Ford quote "whether you think you can or you can't, you're probably right" and get on with it on the day.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Friday 12/9/2018

    A) Bench
    100kg x 2 x 2

    B) Close Grip Bench
    85kg x 3 @6
    92.5kg x 3  @7
    97.5kg x 3 @8
    90kg x 2, 2, 2

    C) Barbell Row
    90kg x 4 x 6

    D) Tricep Pressdown
    4 x 6

    This cycle has seen a huge leap in confidence in my bench. Doubling 100kg tonight didn't cost me a thought. Didn't even bother with wrist wraps like I usually would if what I'm lifting is heavy for me. It's still not a great bench but it's moving in the right direction.

    CGBP was at a lower RPE than last week so had to remind myself to make sure to stick to it.
