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I don't know what I'm doing but I know what I've done



  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Saturday 20/7/2019

    A) High Bar Pin Squat
    135kg x 4 (@8)
    100kg x 8, 8, 13

    B) Snatch-Grip RDL
    122.5kgs x 8, 8, 14

    C) Hamstring Curl
    5 x 10

    D) DB Hammer Curls
    12.5kgs x 3 x 20

    E) Core Circuit - ~10 mins
    Weighted plank with 25kg

    10 rounds: 35s on, 25s rest

    Pins had been above parallel for pin squats previously and dawned on me today to try using plates under my feet to make the bottom of the squat lower and below parallel. Figured it would mean my top set wouldn't be much on my top set of 5 @8 but that was alright. Still feel like I'm getting used to it and i lost a bit of tightness at the bottom but was ok overall.

    RDLs were solid. Consciously focused on making sure shoulders did not roll forwards.

    Some other stuff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Sunday 21/7/2019

    A) Wide-Grip Bench
    70kg x 5 x 10

    B) Standing BB OHP
    52.5kg x 4  (@7)
    57.5kg x 4  (@8)
    60kg x 4  (@9)
    45kg x 8, 8, 8+

    C) Seated DB Powerclean
    9kgs x 5 x 10

    D) Facepulls
    4 x 10

    E) Rolling DB Tricep Extension
    12.5kgs x 3 x 12

    Gwan The Shane. F**king hell, what a day!

    Wide-grip bench was good. It's only 65% of my comp bench 1RM but wide-grip bench has always felt very weak and a lot different to comp bench even at light weights so it's good that it feels as comfortable as it does now.

    OHP felt good. Had something of a mental block to clear out with 60kg. Have done it maybe 4 times and never looked like I'd get a second (RPE 6.5). So had to just get on with it and blast through the set. While since I got that kind of a buzz! WOOF!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Tuesday 23/7/2019

    A) 3" Block Pulls
    165kg x 3 (@6)
    185kg x 3 (@7)
    200kg x 3 (@8)
    150kg x 8, 8, 12

    B) Deadlift Stance High Box Squat
    110kg x 6
    117.5kg x 6
    125kg x 6
    132.5kg x 6
    137.5kg x 6

    C) Leg Extensions
    4 x 8

    D) Calf Raises
    100kg x 4 x 8

    E) Weighted Sit up
    +7.5kg x 4 x 60s   (~30/60s)

    Block pulls a lot better than last week. Good to hit 200kg again because it's been a long time. I think it was the comp when I last pulled 200kg and that was 9 months ago. Jesus....i hadn't thought it was that long.

    Box squat was solid. Bit annoying to have to be standing on a plate but at least it keeps stance at right width...

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Thursday 25/7/2019

    A) Paused (halfway down) High Bar Squat
    95kg x 6 x 5

    B) Close-Grip Incline Bench
    80kg x 3  (@8)
    60kg x 8, 8, 8, 13

    C) Incline DB Press
    37.5kgs x 8
    35kgs x 3 x 8

    D) OH Tricep Extensions 
    5 x 10

    E) Reverse DB Flys
    9kgs x 5 x 12

    I've noticed that my hips shift to the right when I get down to parallel and into the hole. Presumably as a compensation for the left hip being gammy. Have to try and address that. I was conscious of it but didn't show up on high box squat which is maybe a touch above parallel. So it's the last couple of inches where it all goes askew (ooh MATRON!!!).

    Happy enough to get in a set of 8 with 37.5s on 45-deg incline.

    I really enjoy this type of training, ie working up to a top set based on RPE and back off sets for volume at a percentage of top set.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Saturday/Sunday 27-28/7/2019

    A) High-Bar Pin Squat
    142.5kg x 3 (@8)
    105kg x 8, 8, 12

    B) Snatch-Grip RDL
    130kgs x 8, 8, 12

    C) Hamstring Curl
    5 x 8

    D) DB Hammer Curls
    12.5kgs x 3 x 20

    E) Core Circuit - ~10 mins
    Weighted plank with 20kg: 10 rounds: 25s on, 35s rest

    Did the pin squats in COH's yesterday morning but couldn't finish off til this evening.

    Pin squats felt good and looked good right through. 132.5kg felt really good so went to 142.5kg. First two felt good. Heavy as they should, given they were over 90%, but defo felt I'd maybe 3 in the tank after second rep. Last rep I just lost tightness in upper back and let bar push my forward and hips went up first. Shítty rep but a good reminder that that's what happens when you take your eye off the ball for a split second.

    Hip felt a but funky lifting the bar from the floor in first rep of first working set on SG RDLs. But was grand after recurrence when I went back to the bar.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Tuesday 30/7/2019

    A) Wide-Grip Bench
    72.5kg x 5 x 10

    B) Standing BB OHP
    52.5kg x 3  (@7)
    57.5kg x 3  (@8)
    60kg x 3  (@9)
    47.5kg x 8, 8, 11

    C) Seated DB Powerclean
    9kgs x 5 x 9

    D) Facepulls
    4 x 8

    E) Rolling DB Tricep Extension
    15kgs x 3 x 10

    Wide-grip bench felt solid enough again. Did feel kinda shíte so felt a bit heavier than they should.

    Knew I didn't have more than 60kg in the tank for reps tonight through the warm ups. Bumped up the weight on back offs and got the volume in there.

    Given that I'm not doing rows go rest the elbow tendon, been doing a lot of band work like pull aparts, facepulls etc most days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Thursday 1/8/2019

    A) 3" Block Pulls
    175kg x 2 (@6)
    192.5kg x 2 (@7)
    205kg x 2 (@8)
    155kg x 8, 8, 12

    B) Deadlift Stance High Box Squat
    110kg x 6
    117.5kg x 6
    125kg x 6
    132.5kg x 6
    140kg x 6

    C) Leg Extensions
    4 x 8

    D) Calf Raises
    120kg x 4 x 6

    E) Weighted Sit up
    +8kg x 4 x 60s   (~33/60s)

    Block pulls felt decent. Left glute was twingy and I let it bother me too much on first rep at 205 so dropped it and cleared the head and went back and moved it properly.

    Did a lot of walking yesterday...pushing a stroller up hill out by Ticknock. Some cool views and great weather for it. Left quad felt a bit off today so was a bit conservative but think I got it about right. The set at 110 felt a lot heavier than I expected it to thought but ended up going a bit heavier than expected on the heaviest set and kept things tidy with everything coming up together.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Sunday 11/8/2019

    A) Double Pause High Bar Squat
    100kg x 5 x 5

    B) Incline Bench
    75kg x 5  (@8)
    60kg x 6, 6, 17

    C) Neutral-Grip Flat DB Press
    25kgs x 15
    27.5kgs x 12
    32.5kgs x 10
    35kgs x 8
    37.5kgs x 6

    D) Tricep Pressdown
    5 x 15

    E) Snatch-Grip BB Row
    50kg x 20
    52.5kg x 20
    55kg x 2 x 20
    52.5kg x 20

    New block! WOOF!

    Sleep hasn't been good so I took a bit of time in between to do not a lot of weight work. Found that the elliptical/cross trainer is the best way for me to get some cardio in. Rower involves too much hip flexion and last time I did it, I knew about it the next day. So the last week, I mostly did cardio and curls.  Enjoyed getting some cardio in.

    Anyway, day one...

    Quite enjoyed the double pause squats. Pause halfway down and then at the bottom.

    75 was where I had hoped I'd be anyway. 67.5 moved like 75 would be right. One slightly off rep but the rest felt right.

    NG pressing felt strong too.

    Hard to know what was correct weight for top sets on snatch grip rows because with high reps like that, it's hard to tell the level of fatigue. But it burned at the end. Lats, rhomboids incinerated.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Wednesday 14/8/2019

    A) High-Bar Pin Squat
    127.5kg x 4 (@7)
    135kg x 4 (@8)
    140kg x 4 (@9)
    112.5kg x 6, 6

    B) Snatch-Grip RDL
    135kg x 8, 8, 12

    C) Narrow Stance Leg Press
    5 x 15

    D) Hammer Curls
    10kgs x 100 reps

    E) Core Circuit - ~15 mins
    Weighted plank with 15kg

    7 rounds: 30s on, 30s rest
    8 rounds: 25s on, 35s rest

    Was supposed to go yesterday but work meant I had to go in today. Didn't really want to has been massively stressful.

    Pin squats were alright. Moved and looked better than they felt. Back was feeling a bit it was tight so left the back offs. It'd be nice not to have to do pin squats standing on a bumper like a circus act because pin spacings on rack are too far apart.

    Managed to underestimate the 100 curls. Superset them with the pin squats because time. Sick pump from them.

    Planks were hard and I knew I'd have to swing the work/rest split a bit to get through it properly. DOMS en route.

    Moved SG RDLs to the end to see if back was ok and it was.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    A few enforced days off training ahead. Ferocious back spasm tying my shoe laces this morning. Physio at lunch and nothing worrisome. Just some exercises to get back on track but I get up and down off a chair more awkwardly than a heavily pregnant woman. Easing though, thankxbetajaysus

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Tuesday 20/8/2019

    Woke up yesterday morning and back was in ribbons and not a whole lot better than last week when it happened. Was a bit concerned that it was worse than the physio thought.

    Had some big stuff on at work and sometime around midday I realised that it felt a lot better. Bit wary though cos expected it was just f**king with me. But no, it seems. One or two light twinges yesterday but nothing today. Still minding it a bit but seems the worst has passed.


    So went in and did a bit on the elliptical, curls, skullcrushers, DB OHPs, leg extensions, machine rows and hamstring curls. Just 4/5 sets of 12. All good, felt no twinges. Will stay away from compounds for a while longer but ease into it again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Back feeling a bit better again today but easing back into it slowly.

    Elliptical again to get moving.

    Some RDLs with an empty bar...just want to get those muscles engaged again. Hip thrusts as well. They were one of the exercises the physio gave me but initially my right glute wouldn't cooperate...couldn't get my ass more than half an inch off the floor. Just wouldn't react...just trembled. So RDLs, hip thrusts with some lightish weight. Taking it handy. Could probably push more but want to give it a week or so but building back up.

    Did the wide grip benching I was programmed to do this week. Straight arm pulldowns...they're kinda funky. A different kinda high-rep burn.

    Onwards and upwards.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Sunday 25/8/2019

    A) Double Pause High Bar Squat
    100kg x 5 x 5

    B) Incline Bench
    75kg x 5  (@8)
    60kg x 6, 6, 14

    C) Snatch-Grip BB Row
    52.5kg x 2 x 20
    55kg x 3 x 20

    Decided I'd ease back into it this week with a view to restarting week 1 of this block next week.

    Won't push it on pin squat and block pulls. Just knock a couple of the prescribed RPE for those just to get the movement going again. I've jumped back in too quickly in the past and it's not been good. Plenty of warming up and everything felt as it should.

    Didn't think I'd need to drop weight on pause squats given the % they're at. They moved well. Made doubly sure that everything over together nicely. Tiniest tweak made everything feel more centred. Felt smooth.

    Close-grip incline bench felt good. The top set felt much smoother than last day out but fewer reps on the AMRAP back-off.

    Only had time for one more exercise cos I got in late so I did the SG rows mostly cos I just wanted to get some rows in cos I haven't really done any in a while. I'll be doing this week of training properly next week anyway so no biggie.

    Felt like an age since I'd done anything like training. Was good to be back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Tuesday 27/8/2019

    A) High-Bar Pin Squat
    120kg x 4
    127.5kg x 4
    132.5kg x 4

    B) Snatch-Grip RDL
    135kg x 6, 6, 6+

    C) Hammer Curls
    10kgs x 100 reps ....was probably more like 140-150

    D) Core Circuit - ~15 mins
    Weighted plank with 20kg

    18 rounds: 20s on, 30s rest

    Just wanted to play safe so knocked 5kg or so off what would be @7, @8 and @9 just to get build confidence that back was ok. Completely unrelated to anything else, I didn't feel brilliant - a but light-headed so stopped at the top set. Took a break for a while.

    Snatch-grip RDLs felt really solid. Delighted with that. Capped it at 7. Was feeling good but just using this week to get back into it rather than jump back into where I was, which is what I have done in the past.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Saturday 31/8/2019

    A) Wide-Grip Bench
    76kg x 6 x 8

    B) Close-Grip Pin Press
    72.5kg x 6  (@7)
    75kg x 6  (@8)
    80kg x 5
    62.5kg x 8, 8, 8

    C) Straight-Arm Pulldown
    5 x 15

    D) Facepulls
    4 x 15

    E) Skullcrushers
    22.5kg x 3 x 20

    Did A and B at COH's.

    Wide-grip moved well.

    Close-grip pin press was going fine. Jumped too much from the set with 75 @8. Couldn't lock out the 6th rep with 80. At least I'll know for when I do this week properly next week.

    More room on skullcrushers but always hard until you get into it with reps that high. Can just slow the movement when its a touch inside the ideal weight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Tuesday 3/9/2019

    A) 3" Block Pulls
    165kg x 4  (@7)
    185kg x 4 (@8)
    200kg x 4 (@9)
    160kg x 4, 4, 8

    B) Deadlift Stance High Box Squat
    102.5kg x 8
    112.5kg x 8
    122.5kg x 8
    127.5kg x 8
    132.5kg x 8

    C) Toes Elevated DB RDL
    40kg DBs x 4 x 12

    D) Calf Raises
    110kg x 4 x 12

    E) Weighted Sit up
    +10kg x 4 x 60s   (~28/60s)

    Last tester session before I get back at into it properly and do week 1 of this block properly from the start.

    Probably overshot the RPE slightly on top set of block pulls. Wouldn't say it was a 10 but wasn't sure it was a 9. Pretty happy with how it looked as well. Was delighted to not have any mindfúckery around my back.

    DL stance box squats was a touch (2.5kg) above the weight across the board compared to the sets of 8 last block. Moved better as well.

    Everything feels 100% again so back into it. Glad it eased back into it. It's a week not moving through the block but better to avoid any risk after that spasm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Thursday 5/9/2019

    A) Double Pause High Bar Squat
    102.5kg x 5 x 5

    B) Incline Bench
    75kg x 5  (@8)
    62.5kg x 6, 6, 13

    C) Neutral-Grip Flat DB Press
    25kgs x 15
    27.5kgs x 12
    30kgs x 10
    32.5kgs x 8
    35kgs x 6

    D) Tricep Pressdown
    5 x 15

    E) Snatch-Grip BB Row
    55kg x 5 x 20

    Ok...after a false start on week 1, a week easing back into it with a rerun of week 1, its been reset and today the block restarts.

    Double pause squats were nice. It's not heavy but heavy enough to move you out of position if you let it. Positions were good.

    Incline was same top set as last 2 weeks, so bumped up the back off a touch.

    Neutral-grip DB Bench is great for getting in volume after incline bench cos it spares the shoulders.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Sunday 8/9/2019

    A) High-Bar Pin Squat
    125kg x 4 (@7)
    130kg x 4 (@8)
    140kg x 4 (@9)
    112.5kg x 6, 6 8

    B) Snatch-Grip RDL
    135kg x 8, 8, 8

    C) Narrow Stance Leg Press
    5 x 15

    D) EZ Bar Curls
    27.5kg x 100 reps

    E) Core Circuit - ~15 mins
    Weighted plank with 15kg

    18 rounds: 20s on, 35s rest

    Woke up with a small bit of tightness in my lower back. Nothing wrong with it but was in the back of my head on the set with 125kg. First rep was handy so  confidence mostly restored. 130 moved well...had intended to go to 135-137.5. But decided to go for it cos 130 had just moved that well. 140kg was decent enough. Some of the mistakes I make on high bar normally weren't there. Not perfect but better.

    Serious pump from all of the curls.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Tuesday 10/9/2019

    A) Wide-Grip Bench
    75kg x 6 x 8

    B) Close-Grip Pin Press
    70kg x 6  (@7)
    75kg x 6  (@8)
    80kg x 6  (@9)
    62.5kg x 8, 8, 11

    C) Straight-Arm Pulldown
    5 x 15

    D) Facepulls
    4 x 15

    E) Skullcrushers
    3 x 20

    Shoulder was feeling a little gimpy so left the wide-grip at 75kg.

    Close-grip pin press felt good. Little/no impact on my shoulder. Set at 75 felt as good as last week when I tapped out after 5 with 80. But it just felt like 77.5 was gonna be too light for RPE9. So danced with 80kg again and was @8.5-9.

    Good pump off the skullcrushers. Straight arm pulldowns as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Friday 13/9/2019

    A) 3" Block Pulls
    165kg x 4  (@7)
    185kg x 4 (@8)
    200kg x 4 (@9)
    160kg x 4, 4, 10

    B) Deadlift Stance High Box Squat
    105kg x 8
    115kg x 8
    125kg x 8
    132.5kg x 8
    135kg x 8

    C) Toes Elevated DB RDL
    45kg DBs x 4 x 12

    D) Calf Raises
    115kg x 4 x 12

    E) Weighted Sit up
    +10kg x 4 x 60s   (~28/60s)

    Had to finish up the accessories at lunchtime today.

    Forgot my chalk and could feel slight grip slippage with block pulls even on the 165 set. A slow down-command on top set and the bar might have slipped but only really kicked in towards lockout.

    Didn't keep my shoulders locked down on 1st and 3rd rep of top set and they rounded forward. Something to be more conscious of next week. Back-offs moved so well. Pretty happy with how drama-free that all was. I've a history of letting my approach be changed by the weight on the bar for the heavier (90%) pulls so drama-free is a good day.

    Had intended a heavier top set on DL stance box squats but knew it would just throw my form out so kept it sensible. Still got some extra volume with the sets ramping up.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Sunday 15/9/2019

    A) Double Pause High Bar Squat
    105kg x 5 x 5

    B) Incline Bench
    77.5kg x 4  (@8)
    62.5kg x 6, 6, 12

    C) Neutral-Grip Flat DB Press
    27.5kgs x 15
    30kgs x 12
    32.5kgs x 10
    35kgs x 8
    37.5kgs x 6

    D) Tricep Pressdown
    5 x 12

    E) Snatch-Grip BB Row
    62.5kg x 5 x 15

    Just had to finish off SG rows at lunchtime but the rest was done last night.

    Squats moved smoothly. Watching videos back after, the bar moves forward a very small amount but that could be bigger if the bar was heavier. Bar moved well but just need to be conscious of it.

    Pressing was strong.

    Slight rotation of elbows on SG rows meant the lats got a mad pump.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Tuesday 17/9/2019

    A) High-Bar Pin Squat
    130kg x 3 (@7)
    137.5kg x 3 (@8)
    145kg x 3 (@9)
    115kg x 6, 6, 8

    B) Snatch-Grip RDL
    142.5kg x 8, 8, 8

    C) Narrow Stance Leg Press
    5 x 12

    D) EZ Bar Curls
    100 reps

    E) Core Circuit - ~15 mins
    Weighted plank with 25kg

    15 rounds: 20s on, 40s rest

    Some giant bellend walked in front of me and stopped there during the top set. I don't mind movement in doesn't put me off but right in front of me. FFS. Anyway, settled and nailed it. Didn't overcook the back off sets.

    Glutes really feeling the RDLs. Hammers too but just feeling the glutes more #prisonproof

    Last time I'll be doing EZ bar curls for a loooong time. Elbow/forearm  felt shíte not long after it. Hammer curls or tricep bar curls ftw.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Friday 20/9/2019

    A) Wide-Grip Bench
    78.5kg x 6 x 8

    B) Close-Grip Pin Press
    75kg x 5  (@7)
    80kg x 5  (@8)
    85kg x 5  (@9)
    67.5kg x 8, 8, 11

    C) Straight-Arm Pulldown
    5 x 12

    D) Facepulls
    4 x 12

    E) Skullcrushers
    30kg x 3 x 15

    Had to give last night a miss but got in tonight.

    Wide-grip was good. It suspect 6x8 is much more volume than I've done before, at this weight anyway. Had to really keep the scaps braced in place to keep the shoulder good. Worked a treat. Bar moved well.

    Close-grip felt really strong.

    Oh...hello there, pump #swole

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Sunday 22/9/2019

    A) 3" Block Pulls
    180kg x 3  (@7)
    195kg x 3 (@8)
    207.5kg x 3 (@6.....)
    165kg x 4, 4, 8

    B) Deadlift Stance High Box Squat
    107.5kg x 8
    117.5kg x 8
    127.5kg x 8
    135kg x 8
    140kg x 8

    C) Toes Elevated DB RDL
    47.5kg DBs x 4 x 10

    D) Calf Raises
    120kg x 4 x 10

    E) Weighted Sit up
    +10kg x 4 x 60s   (~28/60s)

    Block pulls felt strong. Given how bollócksed I felt today, it shouldn't have been the case but I was pretty dialled into it so not hugely surprised it went well. Brain not bothered by the number on the bar. Win.

    An RPE 6....
    Not perfect but definitely improving a lot.

    DL stance box squats were good. Last two reps were very sweaty and tired and hips came up a bit quicker...bit sloppy. But the reps up to then were solid.

    Good hamstring pump off the toes elevated RDLs, as you'd expect.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Tuesday 24/9/2019

    A) Double Pause High Bar Squat
    110kg x 5 x 5

    B) Incline Bench
    80kg x 3 (@8)
    65kg x 6, 6, 12

    C) Neutral-Grip Flat DB Press
    30kgs x 15
    32.5kgs x 12
    35kgs x 10
    37.5kgs x 8
    40kgs x 5

    D) Tricep Pressdown
    5 x 12

    E) Snatch-Grip BB Row
    70kg x 5 x 12

    Double-pause squats were solid. Left knee bit twingy last 2/3 sets. But nothing to make me think stopping would be necessary.

    Incline bench felt good.

    Didn't think I'd be going up on the DBs for all 5 sets but said I'd start out 2.5kg up on last weeks DBs and see how it went. And went heavier on each of the sets, so that was good. A rep short on the 40s but something to beat next week.

    Oh the lat pump off the SG rows. Tasty!

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Thursday 26/9/2019

    A) High-Bar Pin Squat
    135kg x 2 (@7)
    142.5kg x 2 (@8)
    150kg x 2 (@9)
    120kg x 6, 6, 7

    B) Snatch-Grip RDL
    150kg x 8, 8, 8

    C) Narrow Stance Leg Press
    5 x 12

    D) EZ Bar Curls
    100 reps

    E) Core Circuit - ~15 mins
    Weighted plank with 25kg

    15 rounds: 23s on, 37s rest

    Thought shítty sleep would catch up on me. Fell asleep putting the big littl'un to bed and woke about half an hour before got into the rack. New strengthshop hip circle is class. Great for getting hip muscles warmed up.

    127.5kg felt a bit heavier than it should. But 135kg moved like it should. 142.5 the same. 150 for top set. Didn't keep glutes tight enough in the hole but locked it out comfortably enough. Was still RPE 9. Left a couple in the tank on back offs because RDLs.

    Think my best on conventional RDLs is 152.5kg x 6 @8 so three sets of 8 with snatch grip is decent. Felt tired on last set and had to really set myself for the last couple of reps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Saturday 28/9/2019

    A) Wide-Grip Bench
    82.5kg x 6 x 6

    B) Close-Grip Pin Press
    80kg x 4  (@7)
    85kg x 4  (@8)
    90kg x 4  (@9)
    72.5kg x 8, 8, 8

    C) Straight-Arm Pulldown
    5 x 10

    D) Facepulls
    4 x 10

    E) Skullcrushers
    40kg x 3 x 12

    Trained the bench movements in COH'S. Wide-grip was solid. Close-grip felt good as well. Surprised I made it through the last back off set cos was laughing too much. Good times. Craic PR.

    Finished in Flyefit. Pumpity.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Sunday 29/9/2019

    A) 3" Block Pulls
    185kg x 2  (@7)
    200kg x 2 (@8)
    212.5kg x 2 (@9)
    170kg x 4, 4, 8

    B) Deadlift Stance High Box Squat
    112.5kg x 6
    122.5kg x 6
    132.5kg x 6
    140kg x 6
    147.5kg x 6

    C) Toes Elevated DB RDL
    50kg DBs x 4 x 8

    D) Calf Raises
    130kg x 4 x 8

    E) Weighted Sit up
    +10kg x 4 x 60s  

    Mostly done on Sunday night but finished off at lunchtime today.

    Block pulls felt good. Was more preoccupied than I'd like going in so found it harder to focus. But 185 moved well and 200 moved well. Feeling much more positive about pulling again. 200+ isn't so much a mindfúck and a case of "what if I fail?" or "what if it feels heavier than it should?".

    Much more conscious of nailing technique on the back off sets than I probably might have been before. Nor just going through the motions. I'm not sure if that's what I always did but it feels like I'm much more conscious of getting as much value out of the back off sets as I can.

    No idea how much will carry over to the deadlift but if nothing else, I feel like quite a good mindset has been built for pulling.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Tuesday 1/10/2019

    A) Double Pause High Bar Squat
    115kg x 5 x 5

    B) Incline Bench
    85kg x 2 (@8.5)
    67.5kg x 6, 6, 11

    C) Neutral-Grip Flat DB Press
    30kgs x 15
    32.5kgs x 12
    35kgs x 10
    35kgs x 8
    37.5kgs x 6

    D) Tricep Pressdown
    5 x 10

    E) Snatch-Grip BB Row
    77.5kg x 5 x 10

    Only free bar was one without centre knurling, which was less craic than I remembered. Not that it moved around as such...just didn't feel anchored in.

    Squats were good. Great worker of technique, the double pause squat.

    Incline bench was strong.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Thursday 3/10/2019

    A) High-Bar Pin Squat
    140kg x 1
    150kg x 1
    157.5kg x 1
    125kg x 6, 6, 6

    B) Snatch-Grip RDL
    155kg x 8, 8, 8

    C) Narrow Stance Leg Press
    5 x 8

    D) Hammer Curls
    100 reps

    E) Core Circuit - ~15 mins
    Weighted plank with 25kg

    15 rounds: 25s on, 35s rest

    140 moved well, 150 moved like an RPE 8. Felt like 157.5kg was right for 9. Didn't focus on keeping upper back as tight as I should and it made it a 9.5. But it's the heaviest high bar squat I've done but. Stopped last set at 6 cos of SG RDLs next.

    RDLs were heavy. To be expected.

    Enjoyed that. Very sweaty but it's nice to get up to something heavy with the squat. I enjoy the building but it's nice to see how something heavy feels.
