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I don't know what I'm doing but I know what I've done



  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Thursday 30/4/2020

    A1) Front-Foot Elevated Split Squat (8" elevation)
    25kg x 6 x 20 e/s

    A2) Weighted Sit Up
    6 x AMRAP

    B1) Banded Push Ups
    5 x AMRAP

    B2) Wall Sit w/ Alternating Leg Raise
    5 x AMRAP

    C1) Heels Elevated Narrow Stance Air Squat
    5 x 20

    C2) Mountain Climber
    5 x 20

    Was indoors for most of it so just did banded push ups. Increased the elevation of heels and slowed the tempo on C1.

    Messed about trying to use band and do leg extensions. Think I have a set-up figured out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Sunday 3/5/2020

    A1) Green band RDL 
    6 x 25

    A2) Weighted Plank
    25kg x 6 (~45s)

    B1) Purple Band OHP
    6 x AMRAP e/s

    B2) Banded Deadbug
    6 x 10 e/s

    C1) Wide Stance Box Squat (to chair)
    5 x 15

    C2) Inch Worm
    5 x 10

    Good burn in hamstrings from RDLs but will get the blue band for the likes of that anyway.

    Used a lower chair for box squats to make it a bit 'harder'.

    Left hip flexor just feeling f**ked so was being pulled forward with the right foot stretching out.

    Was carrying sandbag back into house and just decided to do farmers walks up and down the road (90s rounds). Hammered the obliques. In hindsight, probably wasn't the best idea for my hip but enjoyed it at the time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    In hindsight, probably wasn't the best idea for my hip but enjoyed it at the time.

    Yeah...when walking can cause discomfort, what would one expect to happen when adding load to walking...

    Quote of the day: "You went full retard, man. Never go full retard"

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Tuesday 5/5/2020

    A1) Front Raises
    6 x 20

    A2) Tricep Pressdown
    6 x 20

    B1) Purple Band BTN Press
    6 x 15)

    B2) Green Band Flys
    6 x 20

    C1) Band Pull Aparts (palms up)
    5 x 20

    C2) Rows
    5 x 10

    Hip was still achey after the retarded idea to do farmers walks on Sunday night and was very close to doing nothing but in the end I just did an upper pump sesh and glad I did.

    Found the old bar I got with vinyl weights in Argos about 10 years ago. Brought it out to see if it could be any use. Used it for front raises, BTN Press and rows.

    Spicy burn off all that. Chest, pecs (flys were killer) and shoulders incinerated.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Thursday 7/5/2020

    A1) Reverse Lunge
    25kg x 6 x 15 e/s

    A2) Russian Twists
    6 x AMRAP

    B1) NG Push Ups (on handles)
    5 x AMRAP

    B2) Banded Leg Extensions
    5 x AMRAP

    C1) Heels Elevated Narrow Stance Air Squat (30X0)
    5 x 20

    C2) Plank w/ Shoulder Tap
    5 x 20 e/s

    Lunges were sweaty and didn't feel burny til I could feel it coming down the stairs after.

    Got handles the other day for push ups...bigger ROM. They were narrow...a bit like doing close grip bench with a Swiss bar. Nice addition to the kit.

    Increased the elevation even more on the air squats to hit the quads a bit more. I probably should have added a bit of weight but forgot to. Will note that for the next day.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Sunday 10/5/2020

    A1) Orange band RDL 
    6 x 15

    A2) Weighted Plank
    25kg x 6 (~50s)

    B1) Sandbag OHP
    25kg x 5 x 20

    B2) Banded Deadbug
    5 x 10 e/s

    C1) Wide Stance Box Squat (to chair)
    5 x 25

    C2) Inch Worm
    5 x 10

    Did a few minutes of hip flexor march (just on the gimp hip side) before going out for a walk with the young fleh the last 2 days and it had an impact on the level of discomfort from walking. Good to see something start to work.

    Seeing improvement in the amount of contraction in left glute as well. Not lagging as much but need a lot more work to see if I can narrow the gap.

    As for the training, good burn off some of that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Wednesday 13/5/2020

    A1) Bulgarian Split Squat
    25kg x 6 x 15 e/s

    A2) Side Planks
    6 x Max e/s

    B1) Wide Push Ups (on handles)
    5 x AMRAP

    B2) Wall Sit w/ Alternating Leg Raise
    5 x AMRAP

    C) Plank w/ Shoulder Tap
    5 x 20 e/s

    Bulgarian Split squats were good. Nice and deep.

    Wide Push-Ups felt stronger than narrow grip ones did and that was not expected.

    Was short on time so dropped the narrow Stance squats. Hip had felt a bit glue today so decided to minimise hip flexion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Friday 15/5/2020

    A1) Green Band SG RDL 
    6 x 20

    A2) Ab Rollout
    6 x AMRAP

    B1) Green Band BTN OHP
    5 x AMRAP

    B2) Hollow Hold
    5 x Max

    Started late so only got As and Bs done.

    Blue band would probably be right for SG RDL.

    For BTN Press, looped band around middle of bar and other end under my foot. Was low 20s for reps with purple band so switched to green band and sets were 12-15. Widened the grip and felt it more in the shoulders and less in triceps than normal.

    Hollow holds were killer after ab rollouts.

    Time to get the blue band.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Monday 18/5/2020

    A1) Tempo Squat (4440)
    25kg x 6 x 20

    A2) Side Plank
    6 x 60s e/s

    B1) Wide Push Ups (on handles)
    5 x AMRAP

    B2) Split Squats
    5 x 20 e/s

    C1) Heels Elevated Narrow Stance Air Squat (30X0)
    25kg x 5 x 20

    C2) Plank w/ Shoulder Tap
    5 x 20 e/s

    Just wanted to see how hard normal squat felt with really slow tempo. Sets took foooorrrrrreeeevvvvveeeerrrr.

    NG wide grip push ups buuurrrrrned.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Thursday 21/5/2020

    A1) Orange Band SG RDL 
    6 x 20

    A2) Russian Twists
    6 x AMRAP

    B1) Purple Band OHP
    5 x AMRAP

    B2) Banded Deadbug
    5 x 10 e/s

    C1) Wide Stance Box Squat (to chair)
    5 x 20  (green+purple band)

    C2) Inch Worm
    5 x 10

    Was supposed to be done last night but got pushed back. Was probably just as well. Quads were actually still feeling Monday night's work.

    Had been trying the SG RDL with the orange band outside my hands last week and it was just weird so left it. Moved them just inside and I thought it was light but glutes really started to burn the last few reps. Felt like it was maybe 110/115 at the top.

    Just stood on purple band and did single arm OHP. Starting to feel like any imbalances are levelling out there.

    Tried purple and green band for box squats and quads seemed to burn more than with the sandbag.

    Tempted to pull the trigger on a 45kg slam ball for some conditioning.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Sunday 24/5/2020

    A1) Squat
    25kg x 6 x 30

    A2) Ab Rollouts
    6 x AMRAP -1

    B1) Close Push Ups (on handles)
    6 x AMRAP

    B2)Heels Elevated Narrow Stance Air Squat
    25kg x 5 x 20

    C1) Split Squats
    25kg x 5 x 20 e/s

    C2) Mountain Climbers 
    5 x 20 e/s

    Been working a lot on my hip lately. A lot. And it's improving...dragging it less when I'm walking and I've walked 8.5km pushing a combined weight of about 25kg of buggy+toddler and the level of discomfort is significantly better than it was 3 weeks ago when I had to stop 3 times on a 5k walk with aching in the hip.

    So I wanted to just do squats and see how deep I could go before feeling any impingement. All good.

    Legs tired.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Tuesday 26/5/2020

    A1) Orange Band SG RDL 
    6 x 20

    A2) Side Bends
    6 x 25 e/s

    B1) Green Band OHP
    5 x AMRAP

    B2) Hollow Hold
    5 x Max

    Found a couple of bricks and put them down on the orange band. Raised my feet 2.5" up to increase the tension at the top. Hamstrings and glutes feeling it after 2/3 sets anyway.

    Was standing on more of the green band that trying and really had to keep shoulders nice and packed cos band was trying to pull it back and down just off the bottom. Christ, they burned shoulders and triceps.

    Got started late so only got As and Bs done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Thursday 28/5/2020

    A1) Banded Rows (with bar)
    6 x 20

    A2) Wide Push Ups (on handles)
    6 x 20

    B1) Purple Band Chest Press
    6 x 15 e/sacred

    B2) OH Tricep Extension
    6 x 20

    B3) Single-arm Reverse Flys
    5 x 15 e/s

    C1) Chest Flys (purple+green band)
    5 x 15

    C2) Front Raises
    5 x 20

    C3) Tricep Pressdown 
    5 x 20

    Hip was achey so said I'd spare it for today.

    Really enjoyed that. It was pumptastic and my chest and triceps are going to feel it.

    Got the bricks I used for RDLs the other night and put the push up handles on them so I could have an even greater ROM.

    Tried a few different things with the bands to see how they worked. Not convinced about the chest press with the band but might try it again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Saturday 30/5/2020

    A1) Walking Lunges
    25kg x 6 x 20 e/s

    A2) Ab Rollouts
    6 x AMRAP -1

    B1) Push Ups on handles (13XO)
    5 x AMRAP

    B2) Wall Sits
    5 x Max

    C1) Heels Elevated Narrow Stance Air Squat
    25kg x 5 x 20 e/s

    C2) Mountain Climbers 
    5 x 25 e/s

    Walking lunges came back in. Gonna be DOMS. Bigly.

    Changed the push up and tried out the metronome app for counting the 3s pause at the bottom. Had meant to try out the app when I copped the sound in a Mike Tuscherer video for paused squats.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Monday 1/6/2020

    A1) Orange Band SG RDL 
    6 x 20

    A2) Russian Twists
    6 x Max

    B1) Purple Band OHP
    5 x AMRAP e/s

    B2) Hollow Hold
    5 x Max

    C1) Good Morning
    5 x 20

    C2) Plank w/ Shoulder Taps
    5 x 20 e/s

    Hip was at me earlier today and I was gonna modify the workout and do no hip hinging but gave it a go and was fine in the end.

    Grabbed a big ol' book and put it down on the orange band and then the bricks on the book so was raised 4".

    Switched to good mornings instead of box squats. Just wasn't feeling those anymore.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Tuesday 2/6/2020

    45kg slam ball arrived it for a bit of conditioning work. Decided to do some ground-to-shoulders having never done anything like it before.

    Just did 10 rounds of 60s on / 60s rest to see what 20 minutes would do.

    Need to play about with how I pick it up but was ok. Technique was shíte at the start but improved as it went on.

    Got a total of 71 reps so that's something to aim for with plenty of room for improvement.

    Think this was about set 5

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Thursday 4/6/2020

    A1) Walking Lunges
    25kg x 6 x 21 e/s

    A2) Side Bends
    25kg x 6 x 25 e/s

    B1) Wide, NG Push Ups on handles (13XO)
    5 x AMRAP

    B2) Wall Sits
    5 x Max

    B3) Mountain Climbers 
    5 x 25 e/s

    Could really feel the walking lunges. Kept stance shorter for quads.

    3s pause really burned the bejesus out of me on push ups. Max was about 15 reps. Hands were about 30" apart.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Sunday 7/6/2020

    A1) Red Band OH Extensions
    4 x 20 e/s

    A2) Shrugs
    4 x 20

    A3) Purple Band Pull Aparts
    4 x 10

    B Slam Ball: Ground-to-shoulder
    12 rounds: 60s AMRAP / 60s rest

    Started the day with a 9km walk with the youngest Veedersane. The last 4/5 weeks I've been making the most of getting him out for a walk; I've been conscious of how little non-exercise activity I have while working from home so I've been going for long walks on both Sat and Sun (and on the bank holiday Mondays)...worked up from 5km as my hip improved. It still gets uncomfortable to some degree but I will live with that (I'll have to, anyway). The soreness was a different animal but the hip strengthening exercises have definitely helped.

    Had free time so did the band exercises in the afternoon.

    Started the ground-to-shoulders badly. Technique was brutal. Wasn't getting the ball off the ground as explosively as I should and that just makes the rest harder. Struggled through the first three sets. 4th saw a definite improvement. Problem is if you're anyway loose with a rep, especially at the first phase of it, it makes the rest go very slowly. Definite parallels with deadlift in that regard, i.e. pulling from the floor with intent. By 6th/7th set, the 60s rest seemed to be disappearing a lot quicker than that. Got the 10 sets done for a total of 75 reps so 4 more than the last day. Better technique would get me above 85. The last 2 sets were just tough. Technique was good but was just slower between reps. A tired, sweaty mess at the end.

    Really enjoyed it. Its exactly what I wanted for conditioning. I'll add sets til I've 15 done and then work up from maybe 12 sets with 5s less rest each time. Up to 15 sets and then back to 12 sets with another 5s knocked off rest.

    Did a few 65m walks with slam ball on my shoulder but didn't feel like was giving me anything so I left those

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Tuesday 10/6/2020

    A1) Orange Band SG RDL 
    6 x 22

    A2) Weighted Sit Up
    6 x Max

    B1) Green Band OHP
    5 x AMRAP

    B2) Hollow Hold
    5 x Max

    Got started a bit later so missed out on Cs.

    Mini band around 3 books and put those on the band...raised it up about 12cm so about an inch higher than last week.

    Videoed the green band OHP using the band around the Argos bar...jesus its even more awkward than I thought between standing on it and then trying to get it around onto back of my shoulders and grab the bar.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Thursday 11/6/2020

    A) Slam Ball: Ground-to-shoulder
    15 rounds: 60s AMRAP / 60s rest

    B1) Face Pull
    4 x 20

    A2) Single Arm Rows
    4 x 20 e/s

    A3) OH Tricep Extension 
    4 x 20

    Started the ground-to-shoulders way better today. Set #4 is where I seem to get into my groove. Really started to feel it on set #11. The last day when I was at that point, I knew I had only one more set. Today I had 4 more. Was a battle to get through and not wanting the number of reps to fall back. Was a little slower between sets for the last few but still didn't drop off much. Most I got in a set was 9 and only dropped to 7 as my worst set. Had 6 reps more than the last day after 10 and 5 more after 12. Finished with 117 for 15 rounds. Had a nice long sit down after that.

    It's hard and making me work and I feel like I haven't had that kind of work in some time. And it's something that doesn't bother my hip, which the rowing had started to so it's just good to be able to do something like that of only just for general health.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Sunday 14/6/2020

    A1) Bulgarian Split Squat
    25kg x 6 x 18 e/s

    A2) Side Plank
    6 x 65 e/s

    B1) Push Ups on handles (12XO)
    5 x AMRAP

    B2) Wall Sits
    5 x Max

    C1) Heels Elevated Narrow Stance Air Squat
    25kg x 5 x 20 e/s

    C2) Plank  (press up position)
    5 x 60s

    Was supposed to do this yesterday but was wiped and fell asleep instead. Got in a 9k walk the morning though so at least got some level of activity in.

    Zero motivation. Actually, negative motivation. Struggling to find any motivation for these sessions. Getting bored of them...bored of the bag and bands. But I did it and at no point did I get into it but glad I did it. Or rather, it was the absence of the annoyance of not skipping doing it for no reason. Did laugh a few times at Bill Burr on JRE podcast though.

    Enjoying the slam ball training so will keep that in for every second training session so need to rejig training so that the priority is making sure there's a squat/quad exercise, bench type exercise and hip hinge exercise in every session to keep frequency up. Fill in with core accessories and something else if I've time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Tuesday 16/6/2020

    A) Slam Ball: Ground-to-shoulder
    13 rounds: 60s AMRAP / 55s rest

    B1) Reverse Flys 
    4 x 15 e/s

    B2) Banded Rows
    4 x 15

    B3) Front Raises
    4 x 15

    Started the ground-to-shoulders really well. Out of the traps very fast. Into the groove on first rep. Really started to feel it on set #8. Blister on my thumb started gettinf ripped on last set. Had 8 reps more than the last day after 10 and 10 more after 12. Finished with 113 for 13 rounds.  2 reps shy of what I did for 15 rounds the last day. Had a nice long sit down after that. There's a bit sweaty outline of me on the concrete. Very few loose reps today that had to be wrestled up.

    Thousand yard stare all through band stuff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Thursday 18/6/2020

    A1) Orange Band SG RDL 
    5 x 25

    A2) Heels Elevated Narrow Stance Squat
    25kg x 5 x 25

    A3) Band Pull Aparts 
    5 x 25

    B1) Banded OHP
    5 x AMRAP

    B2) Hollow Hold
    5 x Max

    RDLs were cardio. But really felt it hit the hams and glutes in a big way. Probably little bit less knee flexion than RDLs.

    The high elevation of the heels really hits the quads on the A2.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Sunday 21/6/2020

    A1) Walking Lunges
    37kg x 5 x 18 e/s

    A2) Push Ups
    6 x Max

    A3) Band Rotation
    5 x 15 e/s

    B1) Good Morning
    25kg x 5 x 20

    B2) Band Pull Aparts
    5 x 25

    Was supposed to do ground-to-shoulders with slam ball but was too late so said I'd spare the neighbours the thumping sound.

    Put the 12kg KB in a backpack for the walking lunges. Seemed a lot more than an extra 12/13kg.

    Slightly shortened session because it started late but got the main movements I wanted to done.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Are gyms reopening any time soon there?

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    BossArky wrote: »
    Are gyms reopening any time soon there?

    Next Monday but can only have 50 people indoors (for anything), which should he increased to 100 on 20th July. So there is likely to be a booking system and 1-hr slots for training. That's speculation but given the limitation on numbers, having to know who is in the building (for potential contact tracing) etc then it'll likely be booking for fixed slots.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,808 ✭✭✭✭Dtp1979

    My gym has closed down:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Saturday 27/6/2020

    A1) Wide, Neutral-grip Push Ups on handles
    6 x Max

    A2) Shrugs
    6 x 20

    B1) Rows
    5 x 15 e/s

    B2) BTN OHP
    5 x 15

    C1) OH Tricep Extension
    5 x 20

    C2) Band Pull Aparts
    5 x Max

    Hip has been in bits since lunges at Sunday. I think it may have been that I wasn't careful about hip flexion and given all the reps, it just made things worse. Some days it's been very VERY achey. It hasn't been that bad before but if it was the lunges, it's not surprising.

    Slowly easing but it's not very pleasant. 10/10 would not recommend.

    Felt less shítty today so felt like doing an upper body pump fest despite the heat.

    Felt good to do all that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Monday 29/6/2020

    A) Beltless, Paused High Bar Squat
    100kg x 6 (@6)
    105kg x 6 (@7)
    107.5kg x 6 (@7.5)
    85kg x 12, 15

    B) Tempo Bench  (4020)
    72.5kg x 6 (@9)

    Unsurprisingly, squats felt new. But damn did it feel good to be under a bar again. I'd say my max (no pause) would be 135-140 which is kind of in line with where I thought it would be. Good, bad or middling, it is what it is. A starting point. Been on this rebuilding road before so it's familiar territory.

    Pins and needles on the AMRAPs at the end. Hip has improved in last couple of days but didn't push my luck on those AMRAPs...just enough to make it cardio.

    Forgot how badly tempo bunch sucks donkey balls. It's the 2s concentric that's the killer.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,608 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Tuesday 30/6/2020

    A) Incline Bench
    60kg x 6 (@6)
    65kg x 6 (@7)
    67.5kg x 6 (@8.5)
    55g x 12, 13

    B) Snatch-Grip RDLs
    Sets of 15 up to 115kg

    SG RDLs were heavier than I expected. Had thought I'd top out at 130 when I started. Can't remember what I did before to know what was realistic so just worked up in 10 and 5kg jumps.

    Mad thing is the seat on Incline bench is so wide, my legs are forced out to a point it was uncomfortable. And was sore after.  State of that bench.

    Did some rows at the end because I had some time before I had to go.
