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I don't know what I'm doing but I know what I've done



  • Registered Users Posts: 24,607 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Monday/Tuesday 18-19/1/2021

    A1) Nordic Curls
    4 x 9
    1 x 12

    A2) Single-arm Banded OHP
    4 x 12 e/s
    1 x 21 e/s

    B1) Double DB Row
    30kgs x 0 x 15
    30kgs x 21

    B2) (Purple) Banded Curls
    5 x Max e/s

    B3) Double-Pause Push Ups
    4 x 16
    1 x 22

    C) Weighted Plank
    5 x 50s

    Not sure if the bed is moving during Nordic curls or just the part of the frame my feet are anchored under... Might switch back to RDLs next time.

    Had a back spasm this morning and just really wasn't interested in making things worse doing lunges. Not sure if it's to do with the work set up at home or what but was like a cattle prod jammed in my lower back as I sat there typing. Will try get something done when the back settles down to make up for it.

    The double-pause push ups are deadly. Enjoying the burn off them.

    Serious core burn on the planks using the band as a weight. Im always very conscious of making sure my back isn't in extension doing these as I don't really want to create a problem.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,607 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Wednesday/Thursday 20-21/1/2021

    A) Wide-Grip Push Ups
    4 x 25
    1 x 40

    B1) Purple Band Pull Aparts 
    5 x 17

    B2) Single-Arm Kneeling Banded Rows 
    Green x 4 x 20 e/s
    1 x 31 e/s

    C1) Tricep Pressdown
    4 x Max

    C2) Ab Rollouts
    5 x 12

    Back is way better but I was conscious of it so said I'd skip the squats. Will go back at them on Saturday or Sunday.

    Will bring in the push up handles for greater ROM.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,607 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Friday/Saturday 22-23/1/2021

    A1) DB Floor Press (@9)
    30kgs x 4 x 13
    30kgs x 13

    A2) Side Planks
    5 x 50 e/s

    A3) Face Pulls
    5 x Max

    B1) Narrow Push Ups
    4 x 25  (may have done 5)
    1 x 42

    B2) Banded Lateral Raises
    5 x Max e/s

    B3) Banded Shrugs
    5 x Max

    C) Hollow Hold
    5 x Max

    Floor press was solid. Upped the reps per set by one rather than just look for extra volume in an AMRAP last set and got 3 more reps than last week. Will stay at sets of 13 for a few weeks until the AMRAP set suggests I can go up again.

    Lost count on the number of sets of push ups

    Birra pump.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,808 ✭✭✭✭Dtp1979

    Have you tried any banded push-ups yet?

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,607 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Dtp1979 wrote: »
    Have you tried any banded push-ups yet?

    Yep. Not just yet this time around but with red then purple band before.

    They're in the longer term plan for this lockdown but will use the handles for a while and do more tempo push ups and paused ones on the interim.

    Bench has held up well when I got back to the gym the last two times and was able to PR before the October lockdown so think I can build on what I did before

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,808 ✭✭✭✭Dtp1979

    Boards not loading new

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,607 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Dtp1979 wrote: »
    Boards not loading new

    Same happens me with bluewolfcake's log but if you switch to full site it's visible

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,607 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Monday/Tuesday 18-19/1/2021

    A1) Black Band SLDLs
    5 x 12

    A2) Split Squats
    25kg x 5 x 15 e/s

    A3) Single-arm Banded OHP
    4 x 13 e/s
    1 x 18 e/s

    B1) Double DB Row
    30kgs x 5 x 18

    B2) (Purple) Banded Curls
    5 x Max e/s

    B3) Double-Pause Push Ups
    4 x 17
    1 x 20

    C) Weighted Plank
    3 x 50s

    For whatever reason, had a flare up in my hip today. Limping heavily until about 5pm when it eased relatively quickly. Thought it would be a bad idea to do split squats and first set was uncomfortable down my left leg. Said I'd try another set and was a lot less uncomfortable. Less so as the sets went on. Delighted to not be skipping it again.

    Need to add another couple of books to the one (first time I've used 'Supple Leopard' in a while) just so there is a greater ROM with tension. Made them SLDLs instead of RDLs for that reason. Need to used the bar instead of handles as well.

    Bit of a niggle in the hip but it's been feeling gammy for days. Probably my own fault...took my foot off the pedal with regards to the exercises when it started feeling much better.

    Used the metronome for the paused push ups...just to make sure of the consistency of the reps. 3 more reps than last week but cleaner, more consistent reps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,607 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Wednesday/Thursday 20-21/1/2021

    A1) Tempo Goblet Squat (4310)
    30kg x 4 x 8

    A2) Wide-Grip Push Ups (on handles)
    4 x 21
    1 x 34

    B1) Purple Band Pull Aparts 
    5 x 18

    B2) Wide-Grip Banded Rows 
    Green x 4 x 20
    1 x 27

    C1) Tricep Pressdown
    5 x Max

    C2) Ab Rollouts
    5 x 13

    Started to feel a pinching in my hip at the start of the 5th set of Goblet squats so just pulled the plug there. in some leg work this week at least.  Onwards and upwards.

    Can definitely feel the difference in ROM with the push-up handles. Pecs be pumped.

    Dusted off the old Argos bar and used it for banded rows with a wide grip...nice hold to maximise the contraction. Really felt it in the lats.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,607 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Friday/Saturday 29-30/1/2021

    A1) DB Floor Press
    30kgs x 4 x 13
    30kgs x 15

    A2) Side Planks
    5 x 50 e/s

    A3) Face Pulls
    5 x Max

    B1) Narrow Push Ups
    4 x 25 
    1 x 44

    B2) Banded Lateral Raises
    5 x Max e/s

    B3) Banded Shrugs
    5 x Max

    C) Hollow Hold
    5 x Max (~40s each)

    Almost had a 16th on the AMRAP set of floor press but just couldn't lock it out. Last set was the best set. Could feel it in my chest more than I expected along with the tris.

    Will change a couple of things for the next 4-weeks. Small changes in a couple of exercises. Like how I'm getting through it so far.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,607 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Monday/Tuesday 18-19/1/2021

    A1) Black Band SLDLs
    5 x 15

    A2) Split Squats
    25kg x 5 x 16 e/s

    A3) Single-arm Banded OHP
    4 x 14 e/s
    1 x 16 e/s

    B1) Kneeling Banded Row
    4 x 20 e/s
    1 x 30 e/s

    B2) (Purple) Banded Curls
    5 x Max e/s

    B3) Double-Pause Push Ups
    4 x 17
    1 x 22

    C) Weighted Plank (push up position)
    4 x 50s

    Keeping the volume ticking up.

    Will change the double pause to a tempo, change the plank to a banded rotation (the kneeling one-arm row is like an anti rotation movement as well as a row), curls for maybe a tricep extension and maybe the row for straight-arm pulldown.  Will have a proper look across the week and other changes and decide.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,607 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Wednesday/Thursday 20-21/1/2021

    A1) Tempo Goblet Squat (4310)
    30kg x 6 x 9

    A2) Wide-Grip Push Ups (on handles)
    4 x 23
    1 x 34

    B1) Straight Arm Pulldowns
    Purple x 5 x 15

    B2) Seated Wide-Grip Banded Rows 
    Green x 4 x 20
    1 x 29

    C1) OH Tricep Extension 
    5 x Max

    C2) Ab Rollouts
    5 x 14

    Much less discomfort in the Goblet squats this week. Wasn't so much the hip that was the problem last week - even if the pinching was there - but more so down the outside of my quad, coming from the hip. Glad to get them done as they haven't felt brilliant before so getting through them feeling alright is the big positive. Threw in an extra set.

    Pulldowns were a nice addition. Could really feel the lats work.

    OH extension with red band (standing on it) gave a serious pump.

    Enjoyed all that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,607 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Friday/Saturday 5-6/2/2021

    A1) DB Floor Press
    30kgs x 4 x 13
    30kgs x 14

    A2) Banded Rotation
    5 x 20 e/s

    A3) Single Arm Standing Reverse Fly
    5 x Max e/s

    B1) Narrow Push Ups (on handles)
    4 x 25 
    1 x 31

    B2) Banded Front Raises
    5 x Max e/s

    B3) Banded Shrugs
    5 x Max

    C) Hollow Hold
    5 x Max (~50s each)

    Did the above in reverse cos it was just going to be easier to get through it that way.

    Floor press felt tired from the start and could feel the effects of the push ups from yesterday. Still though...ok numbers.

    Probably should have dropped the reps on the narrow push ups...knew I wouldn't be getting many extra reps on the AMRAP set from set #2.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,607 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Monday/Tuesday 18-19/1/2021

    A1) Banded SLDLs 
    5 x 20 (may have been 6 sets)

    A2) Banded OHP
    4 x 14 e/s
    1 x 16 e/s

    B1) Banded Row
    4 x 20
    1 x 30

    B2) Underhand Tricep Pulldowns
    4 x Max e/s

    B3) Tempo Push Ups (30X0
    4 x 15
    1 x 20

    C) Weighted Plank (purple band)
    5 x 30s

    Was with a sports and exercise specialist yesterday about my hip. Had been recommended by the physio. Really glad I went...forensic assessment. So he's given me some work to do and will contact the physio on what needs to be done over time based on how it responds.

    Didn't follow through with continuing the work before when it was feeling way improved and now I can feel it regressing. But having identified the source of the issues insofar as the tightness and dysfunction the work can be more tailored.

    First rep or RDL with the orange band shot up through my hip and sharp pain for a split second. Bar dropped. Think i started from a postion that was in yhr 'this won't be pleasant' range. Used a combo of the green and purple band together and did higher reps.

    Skipped split squats, which was last on the list, and did my exercises instead. They had some early effects in easing pain in my hip so I worked them a bit more which will just make split squats feel better the next day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,607 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Wednesday/Thursday 20-21/1/2021

    A1) Goblet Squat Iso Hold
    30kg x 5 (30s per hold)

    A2) Wide-Grip Push Ups (on handles)
    4 x 24
    1 x 32

    B1) Straight Arm Pulldowns
    Purple x 4 x 16

    B2) Seated Wide-Grip Banded Rows 
    Green x 4 x 20*
    1 x 30

    C1) OH Tricep Extension 
    5 x Max

    C2) Ab Rollouts
    5 x 15

    Had a bit of a niggle I've had from the chair I'm working in and it was bothering me towards the bottom of the squat so instead of skipping that exercise, I just did iso holds at parallel until my legs shook like I had severe hypothermia, which seemed to be about the 30s mark. Wasn't ideal but got a bit of quad burn and was good to feel my legs do a bit of work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast

    What are you hoping to get from the sports specialist - sorry is to polish up your position or get other alternative exercises?

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,607 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    holdfast wrote: »
    What are you hoping to get from the sports specialist - sorry is to polish up your position or get other alternative exercises?

    Well, what he did was look for where the problem was actually stemming from that was causing the issue. The previous physio I went to was addressing the tightness but not working back along the chain to address the underlying problem that was causing the issues.

    A lot of assessment of movement until he arrived at what he thought was the problem...or the chain of problems.

    The couple of things he suggested in the short term have had a noticeable impact. There is no guarantee of how much improvement can be made because fundamentally its about making sure I have a decent quality of life and not having as much discomfort as i have had at times so that ultimately I don't need to go down the route of needing the hip replacement in the next 10 years.
    But we can just put in the work and see where it takes us. Previously, I made improvements but they weren't going to be long term because they weren't addressing the underlying problem. Hopefully now we can make a longer lasting difference.

    Tl;dr to put together a programme that addresses the underlying issues that have caused a lot of dysfunction and undo as much of that as is possible. Not least because one of the knock-on effects is my pelvis being pulled into asymmetry which is the likely reason I get recurring niggles in my lower back on the right

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast

    I can see the need as some physio may not have the depth when it comes to S&C for rehab. It might be something I may have to consider myself with my wonky knee. While I have work arounds and kind of know what upsets it, maybe my form etc could do with tidy up. Also a more in depth professional assessment than me reading T-nation articles

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,607 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    holdfast wrote: »
    I can see the need as some physio may not have the depth when it comes to S&C for rehab. It might be something I may have to consider myself with my wonky knee. While I have work arounds and kind of know what upsets it, maybe my form etc could do with tidy up. Also a more in depth professional assessment than me reading T-nation articles

    Yeah he was recommended to me as being top of the food chain and when I mentioned him to the physio (that I went back to after being seen for the symptoms elsewhere) he said much the same.

    A lot of what he said from assessing me and how it would manifest itself stacks up with what I've experienced in terms of dysfunction.

    I was working around it and addressing symptoms but not the cause and I was spinning my wheels for too long and it's at the point where some days I couldn't comfortably stand on the leg on the bad side to put on my sock on the other foot. So it was about more than making sure I've done what I can to squat and deadlift!

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,607 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Monday/Tuesday 15-16/2/2021

    A1) DB Floor Press
    30kgs x 14, 14, 14, 13, 14

    A2) Pallof Press
    5 x 20 e/s

    A3) Single Arm Standing Reverse Fly
    5 x Max e/s

    B1) Narrow Push Ups (on handles)
    4 x 25 
    1 x 32

    B2) Banded Front Raises
    5 x Max e/s

    B3) Banded Shrugs
    5 x Max

    C) Hollow Hold
    5 x Max (~50s each)

    Had done a lot of this on Friday and felt like garbage on Saturday, had a go and confirmed it. So took Saturday off and took the break on Sunday as usual and restarted it all on Monday.

    Floor press was intended to be sets of 13  and an AMRAP but went for it and said I'd try sets of 14 even though that was my AMRAP after 4 sets of 13 the last day. Still adding to total reps across the 5 sets.

    Can add more to pallof press...the Banded rotation wasn't something my hip enjoyed so switched to anti-rotation. Had never done it before so was a bit of feeling out.

    Added purple band to green band for shrugs. Some burn off them.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,607 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Wednesday/Thursday 17-18/1/2021

    A1) Tempo RDLs (42X0) 
    30kgs x 5 x 9

    A2) Split Squats
    25kg x 5 x 17 e/s

    A3) Banded OHP
    4 x 14 e/s
    1 x 19 e/s

    B1) Banded Row
    4 x 20
    1 x 32

    B2) Underhand Tricep Pulldowns
    5 x Max e/s

    B3) Tempo Push Ups (30X0
    4 x 16
    1 x 20

    C) Weighted Plank (purple band)
    5 x 30s

    Went back to the tempo RDLs. Hip was better with it today, which is a positive. Nice feeling of working the hamstrings.

    The purple band worked the planks a lot harder. It really tries to pull the lower back into extension so you have to work hard to keep everything neutral. 30s really was hard.

    Still adding to the volume week on week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,607 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Friday/Saturday 19-20/2/2021

    A) Goblet Squat
    30kg x 5 x 15

    B1) Wide-Grip Push Ups (on handles)
    4 x 25
    1 x 31 (+3)

    B2) Straight Arm Pulldowns
    Purple x 5 x 17

    B3) Seated Wide-Grip Banded Rows 
    Green x 4 x 22
    1 x 25 (+3)

    C1) OH Tricep Extension 
    5 x Max

    C2) Ab Rollouts
    5 x 16

    Just changed the Goblet squats a touch. I wasn't sure why but they were at my lower back on the right the last couple of times I did then with a tempo and I don't know why so I just switched to ordinary goblet squats with very short rests between.

    I might bring in the slam ball workout ad part of this day if I can get a dry spell - wet 45kg slam ball is zero craic to pick up. Probably does as much for my legs anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,607 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Monday/Tuesday 22-23/2/2021

    A) DB Floor Press
    30kgs x 4 x 14
    30kgs x 15 (+2)

    B1) Pallof Press
    5 x 25 e/s

    B2) Single Arm Standing Reverse Fly
    5 x Max e/s

    B3) Double-Pause Narrow Push Ups (on handles)
    4 x 15 
    1 x 19

    C1) Banded Front Raises
    5 x Max e/s

    C2) Banded Shrugs
    5 x Max

    D) Hollow Hold
    5 x Max (~55s each)

    2 reps more on floor press this week. Felt so solid.

    Extra reps on Pallof press made a difference alright.

    Hadn't planned to change anything but when I looked at last week's rep total on the narrow push ups, I thought I better make it a harder version. So double pausing - one halfway down and at the bottom as well. Metronome in play to keep the pauses honest. Really felt the bigger ROM more so.

    The hollow holds burned like a mofo.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,607 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Wednesday/Thursday 24-25/1/2021

    A1) Tempo RDLs (52X0)
    30kgs x 5 x 9

    A2) Split Squats
    25kg x 5 x 18 e/s

    A3) Banded OHP
    4 x 15 e/s
    1 x 17 e/s

    B1) Banded Row
    4 x 22
    1 x 29

    B2) Underhand Tricep Pulldown
    5 x Max e/s

    B3) Tempo Push Ups on handles (30X0)
    4 x 16
    1 x 19 (+3)

    C) Weighted Plank (purple band)
    5 x 32s

    Slowed the tempo a bit more on the eccentric part of the RDLs. Feeling less pinching in the hip and the ROM was probably a touch bigger this week so the early basic stuff is reaping rewards. Only one piece of the puzzle but has definitely helped a lot.

    Hadn't done the tempo push ups on handles last week but had started them on auto pilot so went with it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,607 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Friday/Saturday 19-20/2/2021

    A) 45kg Ground-to-shoulder
    10 rounds of 10 in 25.06

    B1) Wide-Grip Push Ups (on handles)
    4 x 26
    1 x 29 (+2)

    B2) Straight Arm Pulldowns
    Purple x 5 x 18

    B3) Seated Wide-Grip Banded Rows 
    Green x 4 x 23
    1 x 27

    C1) OH Tricep Extension 
    5 x Max

    C2) Ab Rollouts
    5 x 17

    Did ground-to-shoulders with the 45kg slam ball rather than high rep Goblet squats today. Hadn't done these  since August/September so knew I'd find it hard going. Before it was 60s go, 60s rest. Just did sets of 10 and about 60s rest this time. I figured it might be slower versus the 60s on/60s rest because the sets of 10 got slower as it went on, they took more out of me and didn't have any longer recovery. But its something to aim to beat and it felt good to get the heart rate up. Topped out at 162 bpm.

    Hip seems to be relatively ok but we'll see how that goes.

    Some good pump off the rest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,607 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Hip seems to be relatively ok but we'll see how that goes

    May have been premature to go for the slam ball just yet. Not overly sore today but a slight discomfort I was more aware of than of late. Probably just a lot of flexion and loading at the greatest flexion. Live and learn.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,607 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Monday/Tuesday 1-2/3/2021

    A1) DB Floor Press
    30kgs x 4 x 14
    30kgs x 17 (+2)

    A2) Pallof Press
    5 x 30 e/s

    A3) Single Arm Standing Reverse Fly
    5 x Max e/s

    B1) Double-Pause Narrow Push Ups (on handles)
    4 x 16
    1 x 18 (+3)

    B2) Banded Front Raises
    5 x Max e/s

    B3) Banded Shrugs
    5 x Max

    C) Hollow Hold
    5 x 55s

    Think for the next block I'll do the floor press with extended pauses...maybe 2s or so. Rather than just keep increasing the volume.

    Really felt the Pallof press working this time with the higher reps.
    Hollow holds still killer.

    Will make some changes for next 4 weeks...nothing major but just a change in some exercises without completely changing what is being worked.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,808 ✭✭✭✭Dtp1979

    Would it be a bad idea If you did a floor press with your back supported off the ground a few inches so you could get mire ROM?

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,607 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Dtp1979 wrote: »
    Would it be a bad idea If you did a floor press with your back supported off the ground a few inches so you could get mire ROM?

    Nope. I could, in theory, use something like an aerobics step but with more support and maybe a bit wider than normal ones. And that'd make it more like a bench ROM. Would only need to get me 6" off the ground.

    Haven't really looked for something like that though to be honest. Have considered making something that I could use that would be 6" thick, maybe 9" wide and 36" long that I'd cut into three sections, hinge them and I could fold it into a 18" high stool, which is the same as the eldest uses for music so would have another use as well as being a fold-out bench. That might just stay as a sketch on my notepad though :pac:

    Doing plenty of pressing on the handles to work through a greater ROM than bench and I actually don't think it will take too long to get back to where I was with what I'm doing so I'm not too overly concerned with increasing the ROM on floor press but I might look for some other handy hacks

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,607 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Wednesday/Thursday 3-4/3/2021

    A1) Tempo RDLs (52X0)
    30kgs x 5 x 10

    A2) Split Squats
    25kg x 5 x 20 e/s

    A3) Banded OHP
    4 x 15 e/s
    1 x 19 e/s (+2)

    B1) Banded Row
    4 x 23
    1 x 29

    B2) Single-arm Tricep Pushdown
    5 x Max e/s

    B3) Tempo Push Ups on handles (30X0)
    4 x 17
    1 x 17 (+2)

    C) Plank
    5 x 75s

    Tempo RDLs giving a better burn than expected. Can't find the wedge to put under my toes. Pushing back the hips to get bit of extension in lower black to help with the stretch on the hams. Really have to focus on trying to keep it symmetrical as best I can even though it won't be....I can't contract my left glute as hard because of the APT and tight hip flexors in particular. It's one of the by products if the hip issue but can hopefully be redressed.

    Made stance for split squat a bit longer to work hips/glutes work a bit harder. Trying to get left glute working more.

    Want to sub out the banded OHP for next block. Feels like I've been doing it forever and want to just change it up.
    Will slow the tempo on the tempo push ups to 4s. I remember how big a difference going 4s to 3s on tempo bench so expecting a jump in difficulty.

    Will look at what I can do with split squat and will probably change the plank to an alternative.
