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L.C. French - expressions to get an A with.

  • 22-09-2013 4:01pm
    Registered Users Posts: 3

    I've only just begun my 5th Year and I'm already finding life a cauchemare! To try and make it easier, somehow, what with having gotten a tyrant for a French teacher, I am asking for help in French vocabulary. Our teacher regularly gives us a journal intime from past papers, and instead of answering it yet, for we've only just begun 5th year, she makes us write out 20-25 phrases or words to use in that entry.
    I've found some fabulous helpful posts over the Internet, but I fear they're way too complicated to pull off, and are way too obviously just -found- and not researched.
    The diary topic I have to write 25 phrases/words on right now, is about getting into a fight with a friend, which is very broad and general, but I'm at a loss half-way through the list. Any ideas?

    P.S. Any creative French vocab, on any diary topic, will be much appreciated.


  • Registered Users Posts: 44 j.l and its forum are brilliant for colloquial phrases - I did French in college, and they were invaluable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,159 ✭✭✭yournerd

    Here are some phrases I try and learn off and put into my written answers (the essays) and also I try and use them while speaking on different topics as they are fairly good! :

    Some Essay phrases..
    Il faut faire face à ce problème - We must face up to this problem
    À mon sens - In my view
    Quant à moi - As for me
    En ce qui me concerne - As far as I'm concerned
    Ce qui me frappe le plus, c'est.. - What strikes me the most is that...
    Qu'on le veuille ou non .. - Whether we like it or not
    Notamment - In particular
    Nul ne saurait nier que .. (use subj) - No-one could deny that..
    Il va de soi que/ Il va sans dire que .. - It goes without saying that ...
    C'est la grande question de nos jours - It is the big question now-a-days
    Qui plus est .. - What's more is..
    Il paraît que .. - It appears that
    Il me semble que .. - It seems to me that..
    J'ai honte qu'il y ait un tel problème en Irlande aujourd'hui avec .. - I'm ashamed that there is such a problem in Ireland today with..
    Alors, en conclusion, si on n'essaye pas d'éliminer le problème, la situation deviendra pire - Therefore, to conclude, if we don't try to eliminate the problem, the situation will get worse.
    s'intéresser à - to be interested in
    Être au goût du jour - to be trendy/in fashion
    Ça vaut l'argent - It's worth the money!
    Il n'y a rien que nous puissons faire - There's nothing that we can do
    Il faut voir les choses du bon côté - You have to look on the bright side
    C'est immonde (just negative) - It's unreal!
    Qui vivra verra - Time will tell
    Tout d'abord - First of all
    Puis - Next
    En un mot - in a word/ in a nutshell
    Il faut qu'on fasse quelque chose avant qu'il ne soit trop tard - It's necessary that we do something before it is too late
    Cela m'est egal! - It's all the same to me
    A vrai dire, on n'est jamais content n'importe quoi - To tell the truth, one is never happy no matter what
    Sain et sauf - Safe and sound
    Je crois que (+subj) - I believe that
    D'après moi/Selon moi - In my opinion
    Je le déteste - I hate it
    Je l'aime - I like it

    Some diary entry phrases..
    Me revoilà - Here I am again
    Devine? - Guess what?
    Quelle catastrophe! - What a catastrophe
    Il me tarde de sortir ce week-end - I can't wait to go out this weekend
    Je n'en croyais pas les oreilles! - I didn't believe my ears!
    Je n'en croyais pas les yeux! - I didn't believe my eyes!
    Je peux à peine le croire - I can hardly believe it
    Cela fait mal - It's bad news
    Tant pis - What a pity
    Ça me rend triste d'y penser - It makes me sad to think about it
    Espérons que ça s'arrange - I hope things work out
    Dieu merci - Thank God
    Je vais dormir comme un loir - I'm going to sleep like a log
    Je suis ravi(e) - I am delighted
    C'est une perte de temps! - It's a waste of time
    Quel ennui! - What a bore
    D'une part, D'autre part - On one hand, on the other hand
    Tous mes projets sont tombés à l'eau - All my plans are ruined
    Ils me traitent comme un bébé - They treat me like a baby
    Ils refusent de me laiiser + infinitive - They are refusing to allow me to ....
    J'en ai marre - I'm fed up
    J'ai perdu la tête - I lost my head
    Je suis en colère! - I am angry
    J'ai le cafard - I'm down in the dumps
    Je me sens si blessé, ce n'est pas vrai! - I feel like I'm injured, it's not true!
    Je viens de fondre en larmes - I am coming into tears
    Je ne l'oublierai jamais - I would never forget it
    Je ne vois le temps passer! - Time flies
    Je suis aux anges - I'm in heaven
    C'est embêtant - It's annoying
    Je sais que je dois payer les pots cassés à la fin - I know I have to face the music in the end
    Je suis privé de sortie - I am grounded
    Vouloir, c'est pouvoir! - Where there's a will, there's a way!
    Du plus profond de mon coeur - From the bottom of my heart
    J'ai de la chance - I'm lucky (I have luck)
    Qui vivra verra - Time will tell
    Quelle Barbe! - What a drag
    Voice quelques lignes pour te donner de mes nouvelles - Here are a couple of lines about my news
    J'ai du travail pas dessus la tête - I am overloaded with work
    J'ai trop hâte d'y être - I'm dying to be there
    Ma bande des copains - My gang of friends

    You should try using 'un tas de' / 'bon nombre de' / 'énormément de' / 'plein de' instead of 'beaucoup de' as everyone in the country will be using 'beaucoup de' !

    You should try and use some of the above phrases in your diary entries/essays/oral as they'll make it better and stand out. You could use some of the diary entry phrases and idioms in the written section and even the oral section, and vice versa. If you learn these phrases and are at ease writing them in your answers you should get on fairly well, examiners love their idioms and phrases! :P But don't over-use these like, you must have an understanding in writing 'normal' French too, especially for the diary entry when you have to describe what happened! :P
