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  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    30 minutes of foam rolling and stretching, then...

    Bar x10
    40 3x5
    60 2x5
    80 x5
    100 x5
    110 x3
    120 2x2 ... easy.
    112.5 5x5 ... not so easy .
    90 x12
    92.5 x12
    95 x12 ... stomach turning.

    The 120 2x2 was easy enough: I could have managed a few triples, I think. I did 120 2x2 to try to make the 112.5 5x5 feel lighter ... stupid logic. The 3 sets of 12 were tough.

    BB Rows
    40 x10
    60 x5
    80 7x5 ... too easy.

    Face Pulls
    Pin 110 3x12

    Aussie BBQ
    Original Meat Box x2

    Good day.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    A programme plan has been forming in my head over the past few weeks. Two work outs:

    Back Squats
    Deadlift Variant (RDL, SLDL, etc.)
    BB Rows/Weighted Pull-ups alternating

    Sumo Deadlifts
    Front Squats
    Bench/OHP alternating

    With exercises like unweighted pull-ups, dips, and so on being used as super-sets, and face-pulls, band pull-aparts and so on being the fluff. Most lifts would be kept to 5x5, with a few heavier singles/doubles beforehand the odd time and a few sets of higher rep sets afterwards. Any criticism welcome.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Bar x10
    40 2x5
    60 x5
    82.5 5x5 ... paused. Easy.

    Decline Bench
    50 x5
    60 x5
    70 3x10

    Incline Bench
    50 x5
    60 x5
    70 x3 ... wasn't happening.
    60 4x6

    1.61km (~1 mile) in 7:47. About 1:25 slower than my PB from 2+ years ago.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    ****e day today. I knew I shouldn't have bothered deadlifting since my legs were still fairly banjaxed from the high-rep squats on Tuesday.

    60 3x5
    80 2x5
    100 x5
    120 x5
    130 x3
    140 x2
    120 3x5

    Everything felt weak. Decided to call it quits because my form began to collapse after a couple of reps into each set. Tried to do some front squats, but I couldn't get into a comfortable position with the bar so I called that quits, too. Lesson learned: don't train when your body tells you you're still not fully recovered.

    I spent the next hour doing tonnes of sets of fluff: curls, side/front raises, shrugs, and face pulls. I saw amazingemmet's post about improving ankle flexibility recently and decided I'll give it a go, so I spent about 5 minutes stretching my calves on the calf raise machine.

    When I go to do deadlifts I never really know what I'm going to be doing. I've decided from now on that I'm going to work up to a heavy set of 5, and try to add 2.5 - 5kg to that lift per session, followed by a couple of lighter sets of 5.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,146 ✭✭✭COH

    Blue shorts/grey tshirt?

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  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Had to look into my bag to see what I was wearing! But yeah, that was me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,588 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    gvn wrote: »
    Had to look into my bag to see what I was wearing! But yeah, that was me.

    Since Paul Galvin started training in Raw, COH has started critiquing training gear and what colours go together

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,146 ✭✭✭COH

    gvn wrote: »
    Had to look into my bag to see what I was wearing! But yeah, that was me.

    Your set up could use a bit of work on the sumo pulls. You're letting yourself stay out in front of the bar and rounding your back as soon as the bar breaks the ground.

    Since Paul Galvin started training in Raw, COH has started critiquing training gear and what colours go together

    You can tell I'm a fashion icon because I've been wearing the same Elitefts hoody for close to half a decade.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    COH wrote: »
    Your set up could use a bit of work on the sumo pulls.

    I'd say it could use a lot of work! I don't really know what I'm doing, to be honest. I've been making it up as I've gone along. All I know is sumo feels a hell of a lot more comfortable than conventional for me. Maybe because I've a long back, or maybe because my hips are fairly tight.
    You're letting yourself stay out in front of the bar and rounding your back as soon as the bar breaks the ground.

    I noticed yesterday for the first time that I couldn't get into a comfortable position and have my arms vertical at the same time. And I especially noticed my back rounding yesterday, too. It was probably as bad as it's ever been.

    Time to bite the bullet, drop the weight and slowly and consistently work up.

    Thanks for the tips, COH.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    I may have gone a little mad, but I've spent the past 3 hours stretching. Spent an hour rolling/stretching my hamstrings, an hour on my hips and glutes, and an hour on my lats, shoulders and chest. Gonna spend another hour later on my feet and sitting around in a deep squat. Great way to pass an evening...

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  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    5 hours of rolling my feet and calves in total today... I've gone a little mad. It's a very relaxing thing to do while watching television and studying, though, and my calves but especially my feet feel incredibly good now. It's amazing how good feet feel after a solid beating with a baseball.

    Also, I had a bit of an epiphany earlier. I was pricking around with a light deadlift trying to sort my form when I realised I wasn't engaging my lats at all, but instead trying to keep my shoulders back with my scapular muscles and traps, which would never be strong enough to maintain form. Once I realised this, I recorded myself and my back was perfectly straight when lifting. Looking forward to trying it on heavier deads later in the week.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    A tonne of band pull-aparts and band dislocates, and another 2 hours baseballing my hips and glutes (followed by static stretches and some activation drills. That's the proper order, right?). Hopefully I'll notice a difference in my squat tomorrow...

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Bar x15
    40 2x8
    60 2x5
    80 x5
    100 x5
    110 x3
    120 x1
    130 3x1 ... easy.
    115 5x5 ... easy.
    100 x15
    90 x15

    I'm disappointed with myself that I only got 15 reps at 100. I know I had 20 reps in me, physically at least, but mentally I just quit. Didn't have the grit. Same with the 15 reps at 90. Could have grinded out the final 5 reps in both. Still, though, I think that's possibly the most exhausting thing I've ever done in the gym. I felt like getting sick for a few hours afterwards and I've just been completely drained ever since. I plan on continuing to do a few heavy singles before each 5x5 because it makes the 5x5 feel so much lighter. Pretty sure I'm going below parallel with each rep. Really need a pair of eyes/video camera watching me to be 100% sure.

    Bar x15
    40 2x5
    65 x5
    85 5x5 ... grand.

    The 5x5 was super-setted with 5x5 pull-ups.

    Pendlay Row
    40 x10
    60 x5
    80 3x5

    Didn't have the energy to do much more. Finished with a calf stretch on the calf raise machine.

    Immediate goals (inside the next 2 weeks or thereabouts) are 90 5x5 on the bench, 120 5x5 and 100 x20 squats. Should be okay...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,146 ✭✭✭COH

    Depth on the squats looked fine... def below parallel

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Cheers, COH. Good to know! Had planned on bringing a camera today but it slipped my mind.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    That's the last time I'll squat when hungover... Was sweating like a pig during the warm ups with the bar.

    Back Squats
    Bar 3x10
    40 2x8
    60 2x5
    80 x5
    100 x5
    110 x3
    120 x1
    130 x1
    135 3x1 ... okay.
    117.5 5x5 ... okay.

    Couldn't do any high rep stuff. I'd have gotten sick.

    Front Squats
    60 4x6 ... crap.
    supersetted with 4x6 pull-ups ... crap.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Back Squats
    140 x1 ... okay.
    120 5x5 ... tough.

    Happy to finally have the three plate monster off my back. My right elbow has been killing me all weekend and the squats really aggravated it today. I think it's because I have fairly tight shoulders so my wrist position on the bar is forcing some awkward torque into my elbow joint. I've a history of tennis elbow (pain on the outside of the joint?) in that elbow so it's a little delicate and prone to aggravation. Squats weren't great. Couldn't get into a rhythm. Ah well. I hope to finish on Friday with 140 3x1, 122.5 5x5 and then 100 x20+, then I'll be taking a regretful break from "heavy" squatting for about 3 weeks while I head home for Christmas. Plan is to do lots of high rep stuff at home with an improvised squat rack.

    87.5 5x5 ... paused. Not great.

    Bit of an epiphany moment during the 2nd and 3rd sets when all I've been reading about the bench finally made sense. I think I now have an idea of proper bar path so that's something to work on.

    BB Rows
    70 6x6
    50 3x10

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Been busy with college the past week so I haven't had time to do anything since last Monday. No more Raw (or any gym, for that matter) for about 4 weeks, either, so I'll be limited to ****ty home equipment. I expect to lose some strength on the squat but everything else should be okay. I plan on doing lots of high-rep back squats, split squats and GMs so hopefully I won't lose too much. Bodyweight is now 91kg, up from 88kg about 12 weeks ago. I seem to be a little leaner too so that's a plus. Aim is to be 95kg by next summer, which should be achievable. Anyway...

    Band pull-aparts, dislocates, and other shoulder stretches, then...

    25 2x10
    45 2x8
    All paused from here on down
    65 x5
    85 x2
    95 x1
    100 x1
    105 x1 ... Surprisingly easy. Token PB.
    100 x1
    90 x5, x4 ... nope.
    85 3x5

    Was very, very tempted to go for 110, but I was benching alone with no spotter on a ****ty York bench so it probably wouldn't have been the wisest thing to do. Fairly sure I had 110 in me, though.

    BW 10x5

    DB Bench + DB Rows superset
    31.5kgs 3x8 Bench + 3x10 Row
    21.5kgs 3x15 Bench + 3x15 Row

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Improvised squat rack time...

    Back Squats
    25 4x10
    45 2x8
    65 x5
    85 x5
    105 x5
    115 3x3
    75 9x10, 1x20

    I'm not gonna be able to do heavy reps with my setup. 115 was really pushing it, and I feel there's just an injury weighting to happen if I keep it up. So, 4 weeks without heavy back squats... Can I maintain strength with high rep squats, split squats, lunges and pistols alone? The 10x10 was tough but the weight I picked was too low. Will do 80 or 85 next time and see how it goes.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Pull-aparts, dislocates and other shoulder stuff, then...

    25 x10
    35 x5
    45 x5
    55 x3
    65 x1
    70 xF
    70 x1 (Push Press)
    58.5 2x5 ... nope.
    55 2x5 ... nope.

    Right elbow was screaming at this stage. Had to stop. Couldn't get any power through with my right arm. ****. Need to bite the bullet and rest it. It only really hurts when pressing, not pulling, so...

    BB Rows
    45 x10
    65 x5
    75 6x6
    65 4x8
    55 3x12

    Had planned on doing lots more but I was feeling sorry for myself so gave up.

    10x10 band pull-aparts super-setted with 10x10 80kg BB Shrugs, for my whinging.

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  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Bulgarian Split Squats
    BW x10 e/s
    11.5kg DBs x10 e/s
    21.5kg DBs x10 e/s
    31.5kg DBs 3x8 e/s
    26.5kg DBs x10 e/s
    21.5kg DBs x10 e/s
    16.5kg DBs x10 e/s
    11.5kg DBs x10 e/s

    First time doing split squats... What a horrible exercise. How can something so simple make me feel so sick? Lovely.

    Good Mornings
    25 2x10
    45 x5
    65 5x5
    45 3x10

    Reverse BB Lunges
    Listed as a total, so x20 is 10 each leg.

    45 x20
    65 5x10
    45 3x20

    Plus 12x10 band face-pulls and 12x10 band pull-aparts thrown in in between some sets.

    I've a feeling I'm gonna be good and sore tomorrow.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Lots of shoulder stuff, then...

    25 2x12
    45 2x8
    65 x5
    80 x3
    90 2x5, 1x4 ... nope.
    85 2x5

    Bench strength is shíte lately. 7 or 8 months ago I could easily do 95 5x5 (and finally 103.5 3x3 before I stopped) with a good pause and no more than 120s recovery between sets. Gonna drop back down to 75/80kg and work up in 2.5kg increments over the next 3 or so weeks and see if that helps. Not gonna OHP again until I hit a comfortable paused 90 5x5.


    In hindsight I shouldn't have bothered doing anything today. From now on I'll stop with the back-to-back days and leave one day rest in between. Legs are in bits from yesterday.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Legs are still a bit stiff and sore from the other day. Haven't had DOMS that lasted this long in ages.

    80 5x5 ... paused. Easy.
    super-setted with 5x5 pull-ups.

    DB Bench
    31.5kgs 3x9
    super-setted with 3x10 DB rows e/s.

    Was meant to squat too. The thoughts of 10x10 make me want to gag. Gonna go get some food and try to see if I can motivate myself to do it a little later. Whiskey's calling, though.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    In an attempt to postpone the inevitable, I pricked around with some one arm DB push presses for the first time. Did about 25 reps in sets of 3-8 with each arm using a 31.5kg DB. Cool exercise. Even holding a DB overhead for as long as possible seems like a good (if a little dangerous... I've seen Jayoo's video) core exercise. Anyway... ugh...

    25 3x10
    45 2x8
    65 x5
    85 x5
    105 x5
    80 10x10

    No part of me wanted to do that. Now, whiskey...

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    82.5 5x5 ... paused. Easy.
    ss/ with 5x5 pull-ups.

    DB Bench
    31.5kgs 3x10
    ss/ with 3x10 DB rows e/s.

    BB Rows
    70 4x8
    60 3x12

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Might as well put all of this food to good use...

    85 5x5 ... paused.
    ss/ with 5x5 pull-ups.

    65 3x10

    BB Rows
    70 4x8
    60 3x12

    Flew through that in about 45 min.

    Got a new scales in the house. Turns out the old (and cheap) one is slightly inaccurate... I'm closer to 94kg than to 91kg. Weighed myself the past three mornings PMD and got 93.9, 93.8 and 93.9, whereas the old scales puts me at 91kg. I think I'll believe the new one... That's a 4-5kg gain in 3-4 months. Didn't take me long to get back to my weight of ~6 months ago.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Been thinking about what kind of programme I'm going to follow for the next few months. I think I'll start something like the following and stick it out for 12 weeks:

    Back squat
    BB Bench

    BB Rows

    (bit iffy doing OHP and deadlifts on the same day? Which order would be better? hmmm.)

    Back Squat
    BB Bench
    BB Rows

    All of which would be 5x5 with some higher rep sets thrown in the odd time, and stuff like face-pulls and band pull-aparts and so on thrown in at the end each day.

    Either that or I'll do Stronglifts, but replace the back squats in B with front squats and do them after deadlifting. Don't know really. I've got 3 weeks to figure it all out.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    BB Bench
    85 5x5 ... paused.
    ss/ 5x5 pull-ups.

    75 x10
    65 3x12

    BB Rows
    70 4x8
    60 3/4x12

    Bastardised Hang Power Clean (tm)
    50 3x8

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Bulgarian Split Squats
    BW x10 e/s
    11.5kg DBs x10 e/s
    21.5kg DBs x10 e/s
    31.5kg DBs 3x10 e/s
    26.5kg DBs x12 e/s
    21.5kg DBs x15 e/s
    16.5kg DBs x15 e/s
    11.5kg DBs x15 e/s

    Good Mornings
    25 2x10
    45 x5
    65 5x5
    50 3x10

    Reverse BB Lunges
    Listed as a total, so x20 is 10 each leg.

    45 x20
    70 5x10
    55 3x20

    Plus 10x15 band face-pulls and 10x15 band pull-aparts thrown in in between some sets.

    Must do lots more Bastardised Hang Power Cleans (tm). Upper back and traps especially have been in bits the past two days.

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  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Had the manflu for the past 4-5 days so couldn't do much the past week.

    Shoulder and wrist stuff, then...

    87.5 5x5 ... paused.
    75 3x10
    65 x15, x14, x10

    Triceps were absolutely bollocksed at this stage.

    BTN Press
    40 2x5 ... nope. Shoulders and triceps were banjaxed from the benching.
    40 4x8 ... push-pressed. Love these.
    25 3x12

    Flat DB Flyes
    11.5kgs 3x10
