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  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Shoulder and wrist stuff, then...


    (51 reps total)

    BB Rows
    75 5x7
    65 3x10

    Bastardised Hang Power Clean (tm)
    55 3x8
    40 3x10 (no leg drive, just traps)

    Had DOMS in my traps for 5-6 days after last doing these. Goes to show how much I used my traps.

    Really, really want to learn how to properly clean (and jerk, as well as snatch) this year. That's objective #1.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    EZ Bar Curls
    10 x15
    20 x10
    30 x5
    40 3x5
    30 2x12
    20 2x15

    Band Pull-Aparts

    Need a stronger band...

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Shoulder and wrist stuff, then...

    90 3x5 ... paused.
    75 5x10

    5s at 90 just isn't working. I've some kind of mental block. I'll try 5x3 or 3x3 at 92.5 or so next time.

    BTN Press
    40 3x5
    50 x5 ... push pressed.
    55 x5 ... push pressed.
    50 4x6 ... push pressed.
    25 x12
    27.5 3x12

    Was meant to squat too. Convinced myself not to...

    Can't wait to start a "proper" programme (well, however "proper" one I designed myself could be). It's probably gonna be 2-3 weeks before I can start it, though, so I'll just keep pricking around until then.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    100 10x1 ... paused.
    80 5x8

    Bastardised Hang Power Clean (tm)
    45 x5
    55 x1
    60 x1
    65 x1
    70 x1
    75 x1
    80 6xF ... bar is easily going high enough (the pull brings it to neck height, practically), I'm just chickening out of dropping a little bit for the catch.

    60 5x5
    45 3x10

    Have to try to scrape some pennies together to see if I can join Raw again. Not sure if I'll be able to for a few weeks. :(

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Shoulder and wrist stuff, then...


    (66 reps total)

    BTN Press
    25 x8
    40 5x5
    28.5 6x12

    Band Pull-Aparts

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  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Back Squat
    Bar 3x10
    40 3x8
    60 2x5
    80 x5
    100 x5
    105 x5
    110 x5
    115 x5
    110 x5
    105 x5
    100 x5

    First time properly squatting in about 5 weeks. I forget how to. Mobility has gone to shíte as well.

    Front Squat
    60 5x5

    Far too easy. Now that I can actually properly hold the bar it's become so much easier. Lots of wrist stretching has paid off!

    90 x5, x4 ... paused. argh.
    92.5 5x3 ... paused.

    Decline Bench
    60 x5
    70 x5
    80 4x7

    Have a bit of a cold so probably won't be in the gym again until Friday.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Back Squat
    Bar 3x10
    40 2x8
    60 2x5
    80 x5
    100 x5

    110 x5
    115 x5
    120 x5
    115 x5
    110 x5

    Front Squat
    60 x5
    70 x5
    80 x3
    85 x3
    90 x3
    95 x3
    100 3x2
    80 3x6

    Pull Ups
    BW 2x8

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Had gone intending to spend a couple of hours just stretching. That didn't happen.

    Back Squat
    Bar 3x10
    60 3x5
    100 2x5

    110 x5
    115 x5
    120 x5
    125 x5
    120 x5
    115 x5
    110 x5

    Front Squat
    60 x5
    80 5x5

    Felt a weird twinge on the last rep of the last set of FSs, just on the inside of my leg at the crease of the knee, right where tendon joins in on the medial side. Felt like something had given me a small shock. It went after about 5 minutes but it still kinda worried me.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    92.5 10x3 ... paused.
    80 x8
    70 3x8

    Both elbows and my entire arms, basically, were screaming 3/4 sets into the benching. This happened the last two times I tried to take creatine (I started it again about 2 weeks ago). I rolled out my forearms and triceps between sets using a BB's collar (great for it!) and it seemed to help a bit. Pain was gone within 30 minutes but I know it'll be back again next time. I'll attack my arms with a baseball tomorrow and stretch them as much as I can. That might work...

    BW 5x5 ... arms couldn't really handle it.

    Cable Row
    50 x5
    60 x5
    70 5x10

    First time doing this. I like it.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Spent about 2 hours rolling out my forearms with a baseball and giving them a good stretch afterwards. That's easily the most painful SMR I've ever done... I found a load of trigger points, especially adjacent to the Ulna, that made me want to scream. My wrists feel like they've just been oiled, though! ROM seems to have increased a fair bit too.

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  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Back Squat
    130 3x3
    100 x20

    Front Squat
    85 10x3

    Walking Lunges
    50kg BB x 30 minutes ... no idea how many reps. Lots.

    Good day.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Gave my elbows a good few days rest. All felt well today.

    90 x5, 5, 4, 5, 4 ... paused.

    I had the 5x5 in me but on both sets where I only got 4 I lost "tension" in my body because my feet slipped. Been pricking around with my setup. On the plus side it didn't feel all too heavy.

    Back Squat
    120 5x5

    Front Squat
    100 x1
    105 x1
    110 x1

    I'll be starting a structured programme next Monday so I'll just continue messing around until then.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Felt weak and tired today. Yesterday was platelet donation day and that always drains me for a couple of days.

    67.5 x1
    55 5x5

    BTN Press
    40 3x8

    Front Squat
    60 x5
    80 x3
    100 x2
    105 x1
    80 x5
    60 6x6 w/ 45 sec rest between sets

    BB Row
    70 5x7

    Cable Row
    Pin 80 3x10
    then a dropset of 70 -> 10 x10 with no rest between sets

    Face Pulls
    Pin 80 4x10

    Looking forward to starting to train with a bit of structure from Monday. Picked up some Whey Hey ice cream too. One tub of each flavour. Mmmm.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    And for anyone who's interested, the programme I'll be following is this:

    Back Squat - 5x5+
    Bench - 5x5+
    Pull Ups

    Deadlift - 5x5 to start with at least, but that might lower to 3x5 and eventually 1x5 when (and if) the weight becomes too much
    Front Squat - 5x5+
    OHP - 5x5+
    BB Row - 5x5+

    Back Squat - 5x5+
    Bench - 5x5+
    Pull Ups
    SLDL - 5x5

    The + means that if I can get more than 5 reps on the final set I'll attempt more (in the first few weeks at least, probably not after a while).

    I'll throw in stuff like cable rows, face pulls, pull-aparts, arms, etc., when and if I have time/energy.

    Starting weights will be (weight added per session):
    Back Squat - 110kg (2.5kg)
    Front Squat - 80kg (2.5kg)
    Bench - 80kg (2.5kg)
    OHP - 50kg (2.5kg)
    Deadlift - 100kg (5kg) very low so I'll have lots of time to work on technique

    Aims are:

    Back Squat - 140kg 5x5 (though I think 150 5x5 might be achievable if a little optimistic)
    Front Squat - 110kg 5x5 (achievable)
    Bench - 100kg 5x5 (very optimistic)
    OHP - 65kg 5x5 (achievable)
    Deadlift - 160kg 1x5 (achievable)

    And that's that.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    90 5x5 ... paused.

    BTN Press
    40 3x8

    Back Squat
    122.5 5x5

    Pull Ups
    BW 5x6
    supersetted with 5x6 hanging leg raises.

    Seated Cable Row
    Pin 80 3x10

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    This week has been a disaster in terms of training (did none) and diet (ate rubbish and drank a lot) so I'm holding off on starting the new programme until this Monday. Just signed up to My Fitness Pal. I need to start tracking food because I'm getting far too fat. Weighed myself this morning at 96kg, which is the heaviest I've ever been, and I'm also noticeably fatter than I was even a month ago. The tedium of tracking food depresses me slightly, though... Hopefully it'll become habit after a while. Not sure what kcal target to aim for. 3500, maybe.

    Also did 10 pull-ups and 10 chin-ups earlier which is a PB both in terms of total reps in one set and in terms of weight lifted (96kg BW).

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    That will be demanding enough programme if you're looking to lose weight. Good luck though.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Sangre wrote: »
    That will be demanding enough programme if you're looking to lose weight. Good luck though.

    Yeah it would be, which is why I think I'll postpone any weight loss goals for the 12 or so weeks. I'll be doing it with a slight calorific surplus so I'll just have to accept a little more fat gain. I'll be using MFP to make sure I'm keeping within limits because I've a huge appetite and can easily consume monstrous amounts of food in a day if I don't keep myself in check. I'm about 18-20% BF at the moment at a guess, so at this stage what's another few % points. Might try a 24 hour fast tomorrow or Saturday for the hell of it.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Taking my weight as 95kg (I ate a lot of salty food yesterday which probably explains why I'm now at ~96kg) and using calculators online to work out my calorific needs, I get a figure of approximately 3000 kcal/day. So I'm thinking either a) 3000 on rest days and 3200/3300 on training days, or b) 3200 on rests days and 3500 on training days. I think b) is probably the better option. I might alternate carbs, too, going fairly low carb on rest days and moderate carb on training days.

    My diet is fairly good. My staples would be eggs, rashers, milk, greek yogurt (with milled seeds), chicken, sweet potato, salmon, peanut butter, and then regular veg (broccoli, green beans, carrots, peppers, spinach, etc.), and I use coconut oil for cooking. I've a fairly fat rich diet so I'm slightly cautious of that and so am getting my bloods done this Tuesday (just to be sure everything's in check). I've never had a consistent spell of training (2-3 weeks has been the best without a week or so off) so I'm looking forward to Monday to get the ball rolling.

    Oh, and I'm going to try a 24hr fast from 6pm tonight just for the hell of it.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    24hr fast was grand. A lot easier than I was expecting. Weight this morning was 94.2kg, down from 96.3kg a couple of days ago — was carrying a bit of extra water weight from a salty few days beforehand.

    Did 250 pull-ups throughout the day. Wide-ish grip, no kipping, chin over bar, and dead hang at bottom. Started off with a few sets of 8, by the end I was really struggling with sets of 3 and even 2. The final 30 or so were killer. No elbow pain whatsoever on the plus side, though my left forearm is a little tight at the minute. Hands are in bits too.

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  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    I've never been as banjaxed with DOMS as I am now because of those 250 pull-ups. Who'd have thought pull-ups could give you DOMS in your chest and triceps? Pretty much everywhere from my waist up to my neck is sore. Must do it again sometime! Decided to deload a bit (about 10% or thereabouts) at the start of this new programme which is just as well. I'll see my old numbers in 3-4 weeks.


    Back Squat
    110 5x5

    80 5x5 ... paused.

    BTN Press
    40 3x8

    Seated Cable Row
    Pin 80 3x10

    Face Pulls
    Pin 80 3x12

    EZ Curls
    30 3x10 ... decided to start doing curls in the hope it'll help with elbow health.

    Couldn't even attempt to do pull-ups so did some rows and face pulls instead.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]


    Sumo DL
    100 5x5

    Starting very, very light. Should hopefully see at least 1x5 at 160kg in 12 weeks.

    Front Squat
    80 5x5

    50 5x5

    Pendlay Row
    80 5x5

    BW x60s
    10kg x45s
    15kg 5x30s

    I like that workout.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]


    Back Squat
    112.5 5x5

    82.5 5x5 ... paused

    Pull Ups
    BW x5
    +5kg x5
    +10kg 5x3 ... weak
    BW 2x5

    BTN Press
    42.5 4x6

    70 3x8

    First time ever doing a RDL. Think I was doing it okay... felt a great stretch in both hamstrings at least and both are sore now.

    Seated Cable Row
    90 3x8

    Got weighed in the gym too. 94.5kg (with a good bit of food that morning and a nice bit of water as well), so I can safely conclude the scales I have at home are bollocks.

    I've been hitting 3600 kcal and 220g of protein daily quite easily, and all from good, whole food stuffs. Might up my kcals to 3800 on training days.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]


    Back Squat
    115 5x5

    Best they've ever felt. I really slowed down the decent (2-3 seconds) and controlled it more, so I found myself in a far better position than normally (fairly upright with a big chest).

    85 5x5 ... paused
    80 x8
    70 x10
    60 x12

    Need to start hammering my triceps because they're the only part of me that ever feels like failing when it comes to benching.

    BW x7,7,6,5,5 (30 total)

    BTN Press
    45 3x5

    Back Extensions
    BW 3x20

    First time doing these. Could barely walk upright for an hour afterwards!

    Seated Cable Row
    Pin 80 3x12

    Face Pulls
    Pin 70 3x12

    Also saw for the first time that Raw has a GHR. Must figure out how to use it.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]


    Sumo DL
    105 6x5

    Back Extensions
    BW 3x10

    Stupid idea to do these. Literally every piece of equipment I had any interest in was in use so I defaulted to this to kill a bit of time.

    Front Squat
    82.5 5x5

    52.5 6x5

    Pendlay Row
    80 5x5

    No floor space to do planks. Ah well.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]


    87.5 5x5 ... paused
    80 x8
    70 x10
    60 x16

    BTN Press
    40 3x8

    Back Squat
    117.5 5x5

    80 3x8

    Pendlay Row
    85 5x5

    Gonna have to push back W3D1 to next Wednesday instead of Monday.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    106 x1 ... paused
    101 x2 ... paused

    DB Bench
    31.5kg DBs 3x10

    56 x3
    61 x3
    63.5 x3

    Push Press
    66 x1
    68.5 x1
    71 x1
    73.5 x1
    76 x1

    One Arm DB Push Press
    31.5kg DB 4x6 e/s

    Love these. Will go for 36.5kg next time.

    46 3x8

    JM Press
    46 3x8

    Won't be able to make it to the gym until Thursday at the earliest (and if I do I'll do W3D1 on Thursday and then W3D2 on Saturday, then carry on as normal from Monday) so I'll be improvising until then. I picked up an ab wheel from Lidl: brilliant piece of equipment! Spent the weekend figuring out how to use it properly (engaging abs and limiting lower back involvement). It's made me sore in places I've never been sore before. Love it.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    9,9,8,8,7,7,6,6 = 60 total

    Band Pull-Aparts
    (pronated x15 + supinated x15 + overhead x15) x5

    Rear Delt Lat Raise
    6.5kg DBs 4x15

    EZ Bar Curls
    35kg 3x10
    25kg 3x15

    Bought this today to see if it'll help with some joint niggles I have, along with a roller from foamrollersbydesign on FB, and a copy of Starrett's Supple Leopard, which is half-price on The Book Depository at the minute if anyone's interested (€32.26 instead of €66).

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    96 3x3 ... paused for 1-2 seconds
    81 x10,9,8

    Incline Bench
    21.5kg DBs 3x15 ... far too light.

    Overhead Tricep Extensions
    21.5kg DB 3x10

    Will do more later.

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  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Power Clean
    76kg x1
    66kg OMEM for 20 min (21 reps)
    56kg 5x5 (from hang)
    Lots of shrugs too.
    All fairly easy and horribly ugly.

    91 3x8

    Ab-Wheel Roll-Out
    3x10 (from knees)

    The ab wheel genuinely feels like it's capable of ripping me in two.
