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Witty log title



  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Coach's Eye app is great for viewing videos in slow mo and manually moving the clip forward and back as you want.

    Just looked it up and it looks like it'd burn a few hours! Unfortunately I don't have one of those new-fandangled phones so I've to record using an old fashioned camera, and my Windows version isn't modern enough to run it on the PC. I feel like a bit of a Luddite.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,588 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    At least you have Windows.

    I invested in a free upgrade to smartphone for getting my video on.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    At least you have Windows.

    It's all relative I guess...
    I invested in a free upgrade to smartphone for getting my video on.

    Maybe some day. I have priorities, though... such as a pair of adipowers whenever I have the guts of 200 to blow!

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]


    All paused
    55 x10
    72.5 x10
    80 x8
    82.5 x6

    70 x10
    72.5 x10
    77.5 x8
    80 x6

    42.5 x12
    45 x12
    47.5 x10
    50 x8

    Pull Ups
    +20kg 3x5
    BW x10

    Roll Outs
    From knee

    3 rounds of:
    YTWLs x12
    Overhand pull-aparts x20
    Underhand pull-aparts x20

    Hot as hell, but everything felt lovely and light. Is it wrong that I find the most sweat-inducing part of most upper days to be the YTWLs? A humbling little circuit, so it is.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]


    All paused
    55 x10
    72.5 x10
    80 x8
    82.5 x6

    72.5 x10
    75 x10
    80 x8
    82.5 x6

    45 x12
    47.5 x12
    50 x10
    52.5 x8

    Pull Ups
    +22.5kg 4x4

    Went to lidl. No donut makers left. :(

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  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]


    DeFranco's Limber 11 as a warm up

    Back Squat
    110 4x8

    Conv. DL
    115 2x8

    Front Squat
    95 3x5

    Box Jumps
    36" 3x5

    Tried making sweet potato fries/chips last night. It did not end well.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]


    All paused
    85 x8 ... max reps

    No spotter and absolutely alone in the gym so didn't want to risk 1 or 2 more

    75 x10
    77.5 x10
    82.5 x8
    85 x6

    47.5 x12
    50 x12
    52.5 x10
    55 x8

    Pull Ups
    +25kg 5x3
    BW x12

    Week one done and dusted with no missed reps. Looking forward to next week—another 5 day week but the rep scheme is a good bit different so it should be good.

    Calories this week have been good:


    It's getting easier to hit the 5000 kcal mark daily! Had the biggest meal of my life last night. Got out of the gym at 20:30 and had the majority of the day's calories to consume, so in the space of 45 minutes I had:

    500g greek yogurt
    50g 85% chocolate
    4 scrambled eggs
    3 rashers
    8oz striploin steak
    500g of mashed potato (made with milk and butter... mmmmm)
    700ml of milk

    Probably the greatest achievement of my life.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]


    Back Squat
    125 x10
    127.5 5x3 ... strict 60s rest between sets

    120 3x8

    Front Squat
    100 3x5

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]


    All paused
    77.5 x10
    82.5 x8
    87.5 x7

    80 x10
    82.5 x8
    85 x8

    52.5 x10
    55 x8
    57.5 x6

    Pull Ups
    +27.5kg 6x2
    BW x12

    3 rounds of:
    YTWLs 2.5kg x12
    Overhand pull-aparts x20
    Underhand pull-aparts x20

    Happy to have gotten through that ... I'm still completely fried from yesterday.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]


    Back Squat
    127.5 x10 ... PB
    122.5 10x3 ... strict 60s rest between sets

    That was fairly brutal.

    120 3x8

    Front Squat
    105 3x3

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  • Subscribers Posts: 6,408 ✭✭✭conzy

    Not sure if calories or training is more impressive. subscribed!

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]


    All paused
    77.5 x10
    82.5 x8
    87.5 x6

    82.5 x10
    85 x8
    87.5 x8

    55 x9+1
    55 x8
    57.5 x6


    +22.5kg 3x5

    Have to push Sunday's workout to tomorrow, and Monday's workout to Tuesday—gym opening hours over the bank holiday weekend aren't great. I'll probably do something stupid on Sunday to make up for it: a few hundred pull-ups maybe. Absolutely drained from yesterday so I'm happy to have gotten through that. Not looking forward to the morning...

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    conzy wrote: »
    Not sure if calories or training is more impressive. subscribed!

    I'm on for a personal best today! Should hit about 5300 or 5400 calories by the day's end. It's not easy when you're eating "clean" (god I hate that word).

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]


    All paused
    82.5 x10

    85 x10
    87.5 x8
    90 x8

    52.5 x10
    55 x8
    57.5 x6

    Not programmed, but:

    60 x4
    62.5 x3
    65 x2
    67.5 x1
    70 x1

    Switched to a thumbless/suicide grip for the press to test it out. Think I'll stick with it... seems to be easier to keep upperback tightness with it.

    Pull Ups
    +25kg 4x4

    Week 2 done.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Roll Outs
    From knee

    Pull Ups
    BW 5x10

    Never thought I'd see the day when I could do sets of 10 pull-ups without too much hassle. About 15 months ago I couldn't do one!

    Chin Ups
    BW 3x8

    Second time ever to do chins. Absolutely hate them.

    Pull Aparts
    From every conceivable angle and hand orientation x millions

    Food quality yesterday was shíte. 'twas my birthday so I had about 4000 kcals of cake and brioche. Good day.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Well shíte.

    Woke up with a strange pain on the inside of my left knee this morning. I could feel it coming on last night in bed and this morning it's pretty bad. No idea what caused it or what's wrong with it. I've been icing it and I did Starrett's suprapatella smash and floss and it gave it some relief. Doubt I'll be able to squat and deadlift tonight so that completely throws off the rest of this programme... Fúck it anyway.

  • Subscribers Posts: 6,408 ✭✭✭conzy

    gvn wrote: »
    Well shíte.

    Woke up with a strange pain on the inside of my left knee this morning. I could feel it coming on last night in bed and this morning it's pretty bad. No idea what caused it or what's wrong with it. I've been icing it and I did Starrett's suprapatella smash and floss and it gave it some relief. Doubt I'll be able to squat and deadlift tonight so that completely throws off the rest of this programme... Fúck it anyway.

    Nothing more frustrating, I couldn't squat towards the end of my last training cycle because of a mystery knee injury also. Might be worth a trip to a decent physio

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    conzy wrote: »
    Nothing more frustrating, I couldn't squat towards the end of my last training cycle because of a mystery knee injury also. Might be worth a trip to a decent physio

    It's very frustrating alright. I've suffered my fair share of knee injuries (patella-femoral pain syndrome and issues with my ITBs) but this is completely different. No idea what caused it ... my knee was perfectly fine yesterday, but began to get sore last night. Fingers crossed it'll be good again by tomorrow and I just twisted something in my sleep. I've been following RICE and using a difene spray on it as well as doing some soft tissue work above/below the sore point. I'll give it a few days before I throw money at a physio!

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Knee is 90% better. Still a bit of a niggle there so I'm giving it a break. Plan is to repeat week 2 of the programme from next Monday and just mess around for the rest of this week, hopefully squatting on Friday. Anyway, today...

    80 x6
    90 x5
    92.5 x5
    95 x5
    97.5 x4
    100 x3
    90 x5
    80 x10

    Pull Ups
    BW x5
    +20 x3
    +25 x1
    +30 x1
    +35 x1
    +40 x1 ... PB
    +35 x2 ... PB
    +30 x3 ... PB
    +20 x6 ... PB
    BW x11

    Chest-supported DB rows (on incline bench) - 2x25kg DBs 4x15
    Rear delt flyes - 7.5kg DBs 4x12
    Roll outs from knee - 4x8
    Scap pull-ups - 3x15

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    70 x1
    65 x4
    62.5 x5
    60 x6
    57.5 x6
    55 x8
    52.5 x8
    50 x7

    Incline DB press - 25kg DBs 3x15
    Inverted rows from rings - 3x10
    Lateral raises
    Pull aparts
    Scap pull-ups
    Band dislocates

    Should be okay to squat and deadlift tomorrow unless my knee explodes over night... I love having no programme and just doing whatever I feel like. Back to the programme on Monday though.

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  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Back Squat
    100 x3
    110 x3
    120 x3
    130 x3
    135 x3
    140 x3

    Paused Back Squat
    100 x3
    105 x3
    110 x3
    115 x3
    120 x3
    125 x3

    Conv. DL
    Up to 150 x3

    All double overhand. Grip strength is really improving because there was no chance of that slipping. Must be the weighted pull-ups...

    Roll Outs
    From knee

    Knee's back to 100%.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Pull Ups
    BW 10x10

    Hundreds of band pull-aparts and dislocates.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]


    Back Squat
    125 x10
    127.5 5x3 ... strict 60s rest between sets

    120 3x8

    Front Squat
    3 second pause at the bottom
    90 x5
    92.5 2x5

    Roll Outs
    From knee

    Disappointed I've to repeat this week again and kind of losing interest in this programme because of it, but I'll try to stick it out. Spent about 2 hours attacking my glutes with a baseball earlier today and it made a huge difference to the squats. Plan for tomorrow is to spend about 2 hours attacking my hamstrings and adductors—they're in pretty bad nick.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]


    All paused
    77.5 x10
    82.5 x8
    87.5 x8

    80 x10
    82.5 x8
    85 x8

    52.5 x10
    55 x8
    57.5 x7

    Pull Ups
    +22.5kg 3x5
    BW x10

    Incline DB Press (25kg DBs 3x15) supersetted with incline chest supported DB row (25kg DBs 3x12)
    Rear delt flyes 10kg DBs 3x10, 7.5kg DBs 3x10

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Band dislocates
    Band pull-aparts
    Band face pulls
    Scap pull ups w/ 3 sec hold at the top
    More band pull-aparts
    More band dislocates

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]


    90 minutes on feet/ankles/calves (impetus from Hanley's webinar)
    30 minutes glute ballin'


    127.5 x10
    122.5 10x3 ... strict 60s rest between sets

    120 x8
    122.5 x8
    125 x8

    Front Squat
    3s eccentric, 3s pause at bottom
    95 3x3

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]


    All paused
    77.5 x10
    82.5 x8
    87.5 x8

    82.5 x10 ... ugly as fúck, so I went off plan and dropped the weight
    70 4x8

    55 x10
    57.5 x8
    60 x6

    Pull Ups
    +25kg 4x4

    Roll Outs
    From knee
    +20kg vest x1 ...hah
    BW 3x10

    Aldi now do pulled pork... 130g for €2. So so good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,588 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    gvn wrote: »
    2.4Aldi now do pulled pork... 130g for €2. So so good.

    For a while now.

    Tasty with a capital T.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    For a while now.

    Tasty with a capital T.

    Nobody told me, Alf. Nobody told me. I've just scoffed 3 packs... Delicious stuff. Need to buy a slow cooker and make it myself.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,588 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    gvn wrote: »
    Nobody told me, Alf. Nobody told me. I've just scoffed 3 packs... Delicious stuff. Need to buy a slow cooker and make it myself.

    I would have told you but I was busy filling my face with it.
