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Kindle for a 10 year old?

  • 05-10-2013 12:43pm
    Registered Users Posts: 4,539 ✭✭✭

    Hi all,

    My daughter loves reading books and usually spends 40 minutes or so reading in bed before going to sleep and Saturday/Sunday mornings when she wakes up she turns to her book for a while. I'm delighted she enjoys reading so much.

    During our summer holiday we forgot to bring an extra book for her so I downloaded one to my phone and she used the Moon Reader app to read it. She loved it. Her Mum uses a Kindle Paperwhite all the time so I guess it makes her feel "big".

    Anyway, I'm thinking of getting her an eReader for Xmas with a nice "girly" cover etc. Good idea/Bad idea?

    I'd prefer to get her a "mini" eRader i.e. something smaller than a full size Kindle but the Paperwhite is so good with it's backlight (which I think will be better for her eyes) that I really can't see any reason to get anything other than the kindle for her as it will do her for 10 years if she looks after it and doesn't lose it.



