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Eimear's study log

  • 06-10-2013 5:08pm
    Registered Users Posts: 30

    Hey my fellow 6th years! ;) I've decided to start one of these for a bit of motivation I suppose. Or maybe I'm just procrastinating because I should be studying atm.

    Anyway, the aim is veterinary so about 575/580 roughly. I'm not sure if I'm being realistic or not tbh. But it's worth a shot :) If not I'm looking at physiotherapy or veterinary nursing I'm UCD! If I get any of those ill be chuffed but obviously veterinary medicine is the dream ;)

    Here are my goals:
    English: A1 (definitely achievable, my best subject by far)
    Irish: A2 ( my teacher is the biggest pushover and we get nothing done in class but I find Irish fairly easy so I think this is realistic)
    French: A1 ( I'm finding my French is really coming together this year. It helps that I love the language itself. I'm also going to France next summer with my best friend. BUZZING :D )
    Biology: A1 ( I'm basically teaching myself because my teacher is an absolute idiot. Lucky enough I love biology so I should be ok I hope )
    Chemistry: A2 ( I'm not enjoying chemistry this year as much as I used to but it's fairly manageable)
    Geography: A1 ( Teacher is amazing :O )
    Maths : Don't even get me started...:L
    LCVP: Aiming for a distinction anyway. Hopefully I won't have to count it :)

    All higher level at the moment. Although I can't see that lasting with my atrocious maths skills :L

    So I'll try my best to post here everyday :) Remember everyone to keep here heads up. This time next year we'll have forgotten about the LC hopefully ;) Au revoir, x


  • Registered Users Posts: 30 eimearo124

    Ok so yesterday I got a good bit of work done; French: Opinion piece on speaking English over French and a reading comprehension. Learned some idioms.
    Biology: Looked over ecology definitions and completed all ecology questions.
    Geography: Looked over definitions for test on population density and overpopulation on Tuesday.

    Doesn't seem like a lot but it is for me since I've been slacking off lately. Off to do some more geography, Irish, Maths and chemistry. :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 306 ✭✭A7XGirl

    Do you mind if I ask how you study for Irish? I find it impossible to learn words off by heart and just rely on whatever words actually enter my head :/

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 eimearo124

    A7XGirl wrote: »
    Do you mind if I ask how you study for Irish? I find it impossible to learn words off by heart and just rely on whatever words actually enter my head :/

    Sure no problem!:) I usually write any words/ phrases that I find useful on a sticky note and stick it where I'm sure to see it like at my desk/mirrors/wardrobe etc. I also write words in my homework journal where I'm bound to see them. By doing this you're guaranteed to come across the words on a daily basis. You'll see them so often that they'll just stick in your head :)

    Also some of the vocab that comes up in the aural and written comprehensions tends to be repeated so its worth noting any new words that you come across.

    In regards to poetry and pros you just have to know them inside out. The easiest thing I find is to know what you want to say in English then try your best to know how to say it in irish. Also make sure you know lots of descriptive adjectives for the pros and an triail characters. Once again you can use the sticky note idea to learn these words.

    I hope that helps :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 306 ✭✭A7XGirl

    eimearo124 wrote: »
    Sure no problem!:) I usually write any words/ phrases that I find useful on a sticky note and stick it where I'm sure to see it like at my desk/mirrors/wardrobe etc. I also write words in my homework journal where I'm bound to see them. By doing this you're guaranteed to come across the words on a daily basis. You'll see them so often that they'll just stick in your head :)

    Also some of the vocab that comes up in the aural and written comprehensions tends to be repeated so its worth noting any new words that you come across.

    In regards to poetry and pros you just have to know them inside out. The easiest thing I find is to know what you want to say in English then try your best to know how to say it in irish. Also make sure you know lots of descriptive adjectives for the pros and an triail characters. Once again you can use the sticky note idea to learn these words.

    I hope that helps :)
    Thanks! I'll try these methods and see how it goes :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 eimearo124

    A7XGirl wrote: »
    Thanks! I'll try these methods and see how it goes :)

    No problem :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 30 eimearo124

    Didn't get much in study from 4-6 :/ Im having a fight with two of my friends so I couldn't concentrate. Lol only other 16 year old girls would understand. Anyway I managed to get a little bit done:

    French: Started preparing notes on my document.
    Chemistry: Wrote up two oxidation reduction experiments. Started notes on the atom.

    Aaaaand.. That's about it lol :D

    Off to learn for my geography test tomorrow on population distribution, overpopulation and migration. Hoping for an A1 :)

    Might learn some of my an triail notes aswell. Ugh I have so little motivation today :(

    Just remembered that I have an ecology test on Friday so ill have to do a bit for that!

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 eimearo124

    Haven't posted here in about three days :O Didn't do a lot in the past few days :( I had a geography test on Tuesday. It went really well hoping for an A :) Can't remember what I've done in the line of studying in the past few days lol. This is what I've done today.
    Maths: Questions on stem leaf plots and histograms ( I can't believe I actually done my maths homework lol)
    French: Preparing notes on le document
    Biology: Notes on sexual reproduction in flowering plants ( possibly the most boring chapter ever )

    I have an ecology test tomorrow so I'm going to go over that now. And I have to learn notes on máilí from on triail. Other than that I don't have much else to do for today :D

    I have maths grinds tomorrow evening from 6.30 to 8.00 :O Fingers crossed it all goes well :) Lets hope this grind teacher is a miracle worker ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 eimearo124

    I spent nearly 3 hours at maths grinds on Friday :/ I think it completely drained me because I did very little this weekend. I have grinds again next Friday. Hopefully they'll help. My grinds teacher done probability with me on Friday and I feel fairly confident with it now so all going well my maths grades might improve abit:) I just want a bloody D3!!

    Maths: Grinds. Questions on stem and leaf plots and histograms.
    LCVP: 2010 Q6. 2006 Q3
    Biology: Can ye actually believe this? For homework my biology teacher gave us a crossword and a wordsearch on sexual reproduction in flowering plants. Like seriously? That woman really puzzles me. She's an absolute idiot. I think she'd be better off teaching a preschool class than a 6th year biology class. Obviously I didn't do the 'homework' she assigned. I just made notes and done exam questions instead. Lol #rantover

    That's all I've done. I'm actually getting so lazy. It's nearly midnight and I still have loads to do. I have a Macbeth test tomorrow but I think I'll be fine for that. I can never really study Macbeth, Ill just look over some key quotes. Be graaand ;) I also have to learn a few paragraphs on Seanín An Mhótair from An Triail. Effort!:/ And I have to learn two 2 page geo essays on migration. Wish me luck. I could be here half the night. Oh and I almost forgot I also have the 'small' task of writing notes for ten questions that might be asked on my document for French. Remind me in future to not leave all my homework until late Sunday night and into Monday morning :/ This needs to stop.

    I blame snapchat and love/hate ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 eimearo124

    English: Had a Macbeth test today, in the process of recovering from that ;) Got a comparative essay back. I got 51/70, I'm quite disappointed with that tbh :/
    French: Still doing le document
    Chemistry: Volumetric analysis question. Revised atomic theory
    Biology: I got my ecology test back today. I got about 63% and I'm really mad with myself for that. I think I was over confident going into it because I had done all the past questions and I really didn't know it all as much as I thought I did. That result definitely isn't acceptable, especially since I'm aiming for an A1. I need to cop on. Big time! Besides that, I made a few flashcards on plant reproduction and learned some of the theory.
    Irish: Learned paragraph on Seanín An Mhótair for the test tomorrow.
    Geography: Ireland's immigration policy long question.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 eimearo124

    Sorry that I haven't posted here for the past few days. I've been getting horrible headaches the past couple of days. The wierdest thing is I never get them :/ A friend reckons it's from stress:L does anyone know if stress can cause headaches? God help me if I'm stressed and it's only October :P

    So the past few days I've done;

    Irish: Learned Bean Uí Chinsealaigh. That's it. Wow I really need to cop on with Irish. This weekend I'm going over all the notes I have on each character in an triail. I don't know about everyone else but my irish teacher hasn't done any grammar with us so far this year or for all of fifth year? So this weekend I'm just going to go over all the basic irregular verbs. The last time I've done irish grammar was in 3rd year. That actually sounds terrible :L

    English: We're revising Bishop in class atm so I've just been making notes and learning off quotes for her. I don't really enjoy her poetry if I'm honest. #sylviaalltheway. For the weekend Im just going to learn more bishop quotes and I might plan some past questions on her, time permitting.

    French: We've been writing up a lot of answers for questions that could be asked on le document so that we'll have it all prepared. We're also doing vocab and phrases on les personnes ageés so for the weekend ill be learning new vocab for that topic. I had an oral with my teacher on Wednesday. I just talked about myself, my family and my area. She said that my vocab and pronunciation was good but that I needed to develop my points more. I'm pretty happy with that because its the dirt time I've probably had a French conversation. Still lots of improvements to be made :) Next week were doing school and subjects so ill look over that vocabulary. Also, I was thinking of recording myself speaking French and downloading some podcasts that I could listen to while walking to school. Anyway I should stop ranting lol.

    Geography: I got my test back on population etc. 71% :( Im so disappointed with myself. I made the most stupid mistake. Like I got 17/20 on the graph question, which I probably should be getting full marks in. So I instantly lost 3 marks there just for not labelling the axis. But I know I won't make the same mistake again. I also lost marks for reading from the graph because I said 4% instead of saying 4% of the total population. So they really were silly errors. I suppose it's not a terrible result but I know I can do better. Have to learn 2 long questions for the weekend- impacts of migration on receiver and donor regions & comment on the effect of rural to urban migration in a developed and developing region.

    Maths: Teacher was at an in service today and she just gave us some work to do so I done that today. Grinds again tomorrow evening :( I do feel I benifited from it last week but I was there for 2 and half hours straight with no break and I had minimal energy left after it. I barely got any study done last weekend because I was so wrecked after it :( Anyway, I'm planning on revising logs during my grinds and maybe get some help with a worksheet that I have due for Monday.

    Chemistry: Ahhhhh! I have a huge revision test on Tuesday and I'm so scared :( It's basically on all ye titrations- acid base, redox and oxidation reduction, the atom, electrons in the atom, the periodic table, stichiometty and the gas laws. I literally feel so unprepared like I don't know what to do. I've been making notes and attempting to learn stuff but nothing's going in. I've no problem doing the calculations and stuff but I always mess up when I go to to them in a test. I'm stressing myself out thinking of it :L

    Biology: I'm actually cracking up here. I hate my teacher so much. I can't stand her. There are five biology classes in my year and I ended up with the most annoying and irrelevant teacher ever. Wow I sound like a total bitch but here's an example of her stupidness :L - She was giving an example of a food chain and her is what she said: Cabbage leaf- ladybird- sparrow hawk. Seriously. Wtf? Since when do sparrow hawks eat ladybirds. Since when does any bird of prey eat a bloody LADYBIRD? I just don't have the words. Dare I say any more. I'm so sorry I'm ranting but she just angers me so much lol. I used to have a genuine passion for biology but lately, I don't even want to go to the class because I find it so un appealing, not very challenging, thought provoking or stimulating whatsoever. Anyway, I made notes on sexual reproduction of flowering plants and I plan on doing all the past exam questions over the weekend.

    LCVP (yes we get homework haha): Learned all theory regarding work experience/ shadowing ( common sense tbh)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 30 eimearo124

    OMG I've just realised the amount of typos in that post. #annoying

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 eimearo124

    Maths: Worked on probability in my grinds this evening . Feel fairly confident with it :)

    I've nothing to do for the rest of the night so I might as well study. I'm going coursing tomorrow and on Sunday so ill have little time this weekend. So I'm going to do as much as I can tonight. Sure what else would you be doing on a Friday evening :L #leavingcertproblems

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 eimearo124

    Completely forget about this study log. My bad :O The past few days have been hectic. It was my birthday on Monday. Finally 17! I don't feel so young anymore :D And our musical Jesus Christ Superstar has being going on for the last few days and our camogie team one the All Ireland 7's Final so our school has been so busy and I'm getting the distracted by all the happenings :P

    Most of the homework I've been doing isn't due until after midterm but I've made a start on a lot of it:

    Irish: 2013 Prós Question- Oisín I dTír na nÓg. I've half of the 2013 An Triail Question done so ill finish that tomorrow
    Chemistry: Started organic chemistry. Made notes on alkenes, alkenes and alkyenes.
    English: Started 2011 comprenhension Text 1 part (a). I have to do part (b) and part (a) of Text 3 over the midterm.
    French: Done the two reading comprehensions from 2011. Journal into me 2007 for over the midterm.
    Geography: O.S. Map questions 2012 and 2010.
    Biology: 2013, 2011 plant reproduction and photosynthesis exam questions.
    Maths: Statistics questions

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 eimearo124

    Journal into me. Lollll good one. *Journal Intime* I really need to stop posting from my phone. Predictive text is not a good idea. There's so many other typos there but I'm too lazy to correct them. The journal Intime one was annoying me though :/ :L

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 eimearo124

    Wow I have really neglected this :L Time to get back into it. Our school doesn't have Christmas tests but these are my averages for my Christmas Report..They're kind of giving me an indication of what I need to do (a lot)

    English- A2
    Irish- B2
    Maths - D3 wooooop
    French- A2
    Biology- A2
    Geography- A1
    Chemistry- B1
    LCVP- Distinction
    Thats about 535 points if im right. So, im still way off veterinary. But tbh, I feel this is my optimum so idk :/ I'd be just scraping physiotherapy in Trinity with these results if Im lucky. I didnt do too bad I guess, but I need to work way harder if Im going to get veterinary.

    So this weekend I done;
    •Biology: Revised food and done all oat exam papers on it. Learned transpiration in plants. Different plant tissues & The TS of a root.
    •French: Revised faire in all tenses. Learned vocab and phrases on sport for test on Wednesday.
    •Chemistry: Notes on chapter 21 and 22 (organic)
    •Maths: Worksheet (could hardly do any of the questions :L)
    •Geography: Question on central place theory.

    Still have to learn 2 other geo long questions and a paragraph about an meain chumarsaide in Irish. Productive enough weekend but I still have to push myself a bit harder. On a positive note, I've no school on Friday because of Pt meetings (ahhhh) and Monday. So thats a four day weekend to look forward too. Yaaaay :D and only 24 days until Christmas. So excited!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 eimearo124


  • Registered Users Posts: 30 eimearo124

    Between yesterday and today:
    Biology; Revised IAA experiment and done exam questions on it. All past exam questions on cell structure.
    Geography; Learned central place theory and hoyts sector model question.
    English; 2011 Paper 1 Text 3 QA (i)
    Maths; differentiation
    Chemistry: Learned alcohols, aldehydes, ketones etc.
    Irish: nothing :L
    French: L'anorexie

    *I have a French test tomorrow on sport so I need to look over that in my double free tomorrow morning + I need to start revising my physical geo. I also have Revision test on chapters 5-8 in Chemistry next Tue so I need to start revising for that.

    So much to do. So little time -_-

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 eimearo124

    Had a day off yesterday because of strikes. This is what I got done (very little)

    French: Learned faire, aller, avoir and être in all tenses. Learned vocab on natural disasters and Typhoon Haiyan.

    Chemistry: Notes on chapter 6 ( took my about 4 hours to do- im not even joking)

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 eimearo124

    Irish: General phrases and seanfhocails for the aiste + an exam q on Lisín

    Chemistry: All past exam questions
    from the past 6 years on chapters 5-8 (bonding, trends, radioactivity etc). I'll do the next 4 years worth of questions tomorrow

    Biology: Finished notes on transpiration. Started notes on the skeleton.

    What I have to do tomorrow:
    -French: Go over vocab on natural disasters again.
    -Biology: Start exam questions on all plant biology
    -English: 2011 p1 text 3 QA part (iii)
    -Irish: learn vocab on an meain chumarsáide
    -Chemistry: Finish those exam questions and make flashcards on definitions.
    Geography: Go over questions
    Maths: exam questions

    Wow I've so much to do tomorrow. But I plan on staying positive and getting it all done so I can rest on Monday because we have another day off:L

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 eimearo124

    I didn't get everything I had planned to do done today.

    Chemistry: Chapters 5-8 Exam Questions 2006-2002

    Biology: All exam questions on food storage, transportation in plants. Started notes on skeletal system.

    Geography: Learned question on the Central Place Theory

    Planning on doing a bit of more Geography and French now and then Im off to bed. What an exciting life. I've another day off tomorrow because of a holy day or whatever and I also have a free house so Im planning to get the following done.

    •English: Finish 2011 text 3 comprehension. Maybe start Mahon essay time permitting???
    •Maths: Exam questions due for Tuesday
    •Irish: Revise an meain chumarsáide for test on Friday. Learn general an aiste phrases aswell.
    •Geography: Learn notes on concentric zone model and Hoyt's sector model. Might revise plate tectonics.
    •French: go over natural disaster vocab again!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 30 eimearo124

    I'm so happy that the Christmas holidays have arrived :) The past couple of weeks have been pretty hectic in school with all the different activities: Christmas mass, Carol service evening, our school talent competition, teacher v students Christmas debate, Christmas fashion show & selling raffle tickets for the Christmas hampers :O Pheww its been a hectic few days. I haven't had much time for any extra studying so I've just been doing my homework. Plan on getting loads done over Christmas. Only 5 weeks until the Mocks when we return to school :/ Obviously Im taking the 24th, 25th, 31st and the 1st of Jan off;) Also I have a New Years Resolution. Im going to make an extra effort to eat healthily. I was doing so good at it over the summer and my energy levels were sky high from eating plenty of fruits and natural fiber. But as soon as sixth year came along it was back to the junk food. Im sure many of you will agree that its so much easier to grab the packet of crisps, instant noodles or a cup of tea with all the studying and stress. But its really taking its toll on my energy levels so Im really hoping to get back into the healthy eating thing in the New Year. Lots of fruit, veggies, wholegrains and green tea:) Plan on getting back into my jogging too:D I hope some of you can join me in my new plan. Trust me, a healthy diet and exercise can and will make a difference your results. A healthy body is a healthy mind!:) Lol sorry for the big rant everyone. I talk a lot :L

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,608 ✭✭✭cathalio11

    I'm in the same position as you. Need around 560 points for my course and feel that at this rate, I'll get 530-540.

    A huge push during the Christmas holidays will be needed and I'm really setting the bench-mark of having everything revised for the Mocks. Healthy eating is back and I feel that when you can discipline yourself in other aspects of life, it really gives the motivation to get studying too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 eimearo124

    Biology: Summarised notes on the food tests and completed all past exam questions on them.
    Endocrine system notes and all exam questions

    English: Flashcards for key quotes on the first two acts on Macbeth

    Irish: Spailpín Fánach notes

    Plan on doing the 4 french comprehensions that I have for homework and translate any words I dont understand.

    Gonna do Chemistry, Maths, Biology and Geography tomorrow

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 eimearo124

    French: Reading Comprehensions.
    Geo: Revised convergent and divergent plates. Learned urban problems question on Rio/São Paulo.
    Biology: Learned all experiments on microscope/cell and done all exam questions on them. Notes on blood chapter.
    Irish: Learned Spailpín Fánach notes.

    It doesnt seem like much but I feel I got a good bit done. Off to my friends house now to get ready for tonight. Vodkaaaaaa:P Happy New Year everyone and enjoy yereselves if yere going out tonight :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 eimearo124

    Got nothing done yesterday due to a hangover.
    Chemistry: Revised prep of ethene and ethyne and done All exam questions on them. Started exam questions on prep of soap ( I'll finish them tomorrow). Revised fuels, octane numbers etc..
    French: 2007 comp 1 and 2
    Bio: All the exam questions on the Heart, Vessels & Blood

    Seems like very little but the chemistry took along time bc I'm trying to the organic as best I can before the mocks.
    Plan for tomorrow;
    Geography: Learn 2 urban problems case studies. Go over Hoyt Sector model Q & revise volcanoes.
    Irish: Gnáthrud
    English: Personal Essay on a 'Beautiful Place'
    Biology: Revision sheets for hw that is about 60 pages in total. Im not even kidding.
    Chem: Finish soap questions. Revise the functional groups and Hess' Law.
    French: Translate the remainder of the comprehensions.
    Maths: Exam papers

    Tomorrow is going to be a long day. I'll probably have to prioritise and do the English, Maths and Bio first because they are work actually assigned by my teachers. I've been putting off my homework and just doing my own thing so I really need to get cracking bright and early tomorrow. I'm planning to take most of Sunday off so I want to get as much as I can done between tomorrow and Saturday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 eimearo124

    English: Personal Essay on a place you consider beautiful + finished speech..
    Irish: Br. Saor
    Bio: Revised 1st half of excretion chapter. Learned cell devision definitions.
    Geo: Revised Central Place theory, Hoyt's Sector Model, Urban Problems in São Paulo + Rio.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 eimearo124

    Geo: Learned causes and solutions Traffic Congestion in Dublin
    Chem: Notes on chromatography and revised functional groups.
    Irish: Gnáthrud
    English: Revised general vision and viewpoint for comparative.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 eimearo124

    I've basically being doing Biology the whole day. I have a test tomorrow on all the experiments and I've literally spent hours and hours studying them. I done every single exam question on ALL the experiments which has taken forever. Knowing my luck my teacher will forget about the test or it will end up being really easy or something. All I know is if I dont get an A, I'll give up. Atleast I have all the practicals revised fairly well for the mocks! It better be worth it seeing as I've sacraficed all my other subjects today. Might force myself to study some Geo and French. Im really wrecked though.

    My school is having study from 9-5 every Saturday until June. Looks like my weekends are going to be sacraficed too. This better be worth it :/ Also I've decided to dedicate an hour each to practicing for the Irish and French orals every Friday..

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 eimearo124

    I've done absolutely nothing this evening , just too tired :L I can do it all tomorrow anway seeing as I'll be in school for about 7 hours:/ I feel I need to take the oppurtunity and go in because I'll get so much more done in school than at home. Its just a pity my Saturdays are gone now. This is never ending. I'm just doing my homework that the teachers gave me and on top of that I have to do my own revision. Only 4 weeks to the mocks at this stage. Im not too pushed about my results but I want to atleast put a bit of effort into them so that they can be slightly more realistic. Anyway I do hope to get a lot done tomorrow and I need to stick to the revsion plan I've made to prepare for the mocks. Im probably going to be wrecked tomorrow after 7 hours! Plenty of food should keep me going:L

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