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Long termers TTC



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,636 ✭✭✭✭fits

    They arrived safely! Update in ivf journey thread.

  • Registered Users Posts: 932 ✭✭✭brokensoul

    saraj14 wrote: »
    Any word from brokensoul? Been thinking about her and her babies. Praying they are all ok.

    Hey, all is good! They arrived at 10 yesterday morning. Iarla weighing just over 5lbs and Evanne weighing just over 4lbs. Both healthy and gorgeous! They will be in special care first a while as they are small but they seem to be thriving.

    Hyper and exhausted and over the moon!

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭saraj14

    WONDERFUL NEWS!!! congratulations!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    I have 2 Blasts on board as of yesterday. A Grade 1 and a Grade 1-2. OTD 30th July. Now to keep busy in this 2WW !!

    Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine

  • Registered Users Posts: 229 ✭✭geez

    Woohoo Hollywood that is great news! I've been keeping an eye on your story. I too have endo and also same age I'm 30 next Feb with low amh. I have everything crossed for you! Hope the two weeks fly by x

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  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    Thanks Geez. Well keep the faith. My eggs were SO much better quality on this IVF round that the first one. What has me so shocked is on the first round they got 6 eggs and I have 2 transferred on Day 3. Neither of those were Grade 1 and they hadn't a perfect history. This time they got 4 eggs and ALL 4 made it to blast. I really couldn't believe it. I've 2 onboard and 2 in the freezer. This round went so so well and I'm so positive right now. I think this 2WW isn't going to be so bad for me (says that now wait until next week!!!) xx 11 days til OTD!

  • Registered Users Posts: 229 ✭✭geez

    Super Hollywood it couldn't have gone any better for you really! Anything you did differently to last time?

  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    Hi Geez

    I did alot different than last time. During our last cycle we had bought a house and we spent 11 months completing it, we were tiling right in the middle of the cycle which was a bad start. So this time we have moved in, we are 7 months in now which has really helped with the stress levels, while we were waiting on the house to be completed we were living with my mother in law whom I love to bits but just not to live with, also she smoked and the house was a bit damp.

    Moving certainly helped, I'm in love with my new house! As well as that, 4 months ago I started going to a Complimentary Healer ever second week, she helped me so so much with stress and other great tips she gave me. Through her I started doing Chinese cupping every night on my tummy, they're suctions cups really that get the blood flowing, these I found AMAZING.

    I exercised regularly and made sure I get good fruit and veg in daily, I wasn't by any means strict on the food but I was more conscious I suppose. I still ate chocolate and had the odd take-away!
    I also took Pregnacare Preconception, Omega 3 fish oils, Super 8's, Royal Jelly and Vitamin B complex daily. From day 1-14 of every cycle I took Evening Primrose Oil. I'm still taking Pregnacare, Vit B complex and the Omega 3's daily. From my complimentary healer I found out about the salt, the evening primrose oil and the super 8's.
    I read somewhere that tumeric was a great anti-inflammatory so I incorporated that into my diet as much as possible. I also started taking (every now and then) Himalayan Pink Salt, used that in all my cooking because its a good detox.

    I think a little of all of the above have got me as far as I am now. And you're right, it really couldn't have gone better for me, I really can't believe it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 229 ✭✭geez

    Thanks for all the info Hollywood

  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    No worries Geez, hope it helps.

    This 2WW thing is actually ZERO Craic ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,495 ✭✭✭bobskii

    Hollywood where do you get the super 8's and other bits from? I want to start takin some forms of vitamins to give myself a boost I think everything I've been through his last few years is takin it's toll and I want to keep trying for the next 6 months and give myself a good shot at it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 229 ✭✭geez

    I can imagine Hollywood are you back at work? Have to stay distracted 😊

  • Registered Users Posts: 82 ✭✭Fingersandtoes

    Hollywood130, while I haven't posted I've followed your posts with interest. I'm delighted it all went well. It's tough going and mentally not easy. I'm hoping for you and some more people here who have completed IVF recently also. I appreciate all the detail in your posts as I'm very clueless.

    Brokensouls twins arriving safely and the post from worked out well give me hope. While my last cycle didn't work just like you say every cycle is different.

    I'm still waiting on my period. It's 4 weeks waiting so I'm going up for a scan next week. I'm annoyed, disappointed and disheartened as I feel it's a month wasted. Even if I do get my period I need a low FSH from blood tests to begin IVF. When I first went to Sims in January I was told I'd one year to conceive a second child. I replay that conversation word for word a few times a day on a bad day when I'm worried.

  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    Bobskii, the Super 8's, Evening Primrose Oil are both the Solgar brand. The Omega 3's are Holland & Barrett but I'd say Solgar have them too. Rogal Jelly too was Holland & Barrett, the queen bee takes these so they are good for your eggs apparently. Oh the Vit B complex is also Solgar. You'll get them in your local chemist or health food store. The salt I got from our local health food store but it was their own brand but again I'm sure you can source it locally. I was talking 4 capsules of the evening primrose a day. Make sure you stop those before ovulation because I've read it makes your uterus contract. The Pregnacare preconception you'll get in the chemist too.

    I would really recommend the above, I really believe they helped me over the past few months. The pregnacare has all the iron, zinc & other bits in it that are important. Hope this helps!

    Geez, I went back to work the day after transfer, I have an office job so I was able to take it easy really and it doesn't involve any heavy lifting, very tired this week though. Was in bed at 11 last night & got up this morning at 10:30!!! Totally needed it though! My sleep all week has been broken, getting up once per night for a pee (tmi)!! Hopefully thats a good sign, actually woke twice last night for the loo.

    Fingersandtoes, I'm a bit more educated on it now!! But if you have any questions at all I'm very happy to help. Its certainly not easy and its a really long and tough road. It takes its toll. During this cycle I've really tried to turn all the negatives into positives and tell myself, its all happening for a reason. I was supposed to start this cycle in May but dated claashed with a holiday I was having so I made the decision to cancel & still go on holidays which was a big decision for me, I'm glad I did because my uncle died & I wouldn't have coped withIVF & loosing him so the postponment was a positive for me.

    I know its hard but don't feel like its a wasted month, take a deep breath, get some fresh air and tell yourself that month needed to happen for a good reason. You stressing is no good for your body, being stress free or close to it makes a much nicer area for your babies to grow along with helping your eggs be better. It took me a long time to change my thinking but once I did I was a different person. It works! Sorry I'm rambling!! Put that conversation out of your mind, you can make positive changed to your body. A friend of mine has severe endometriosis and was told by 3 gynaecologists tjat she would NEVER conceive on her own & would need IVF, well she did get pregnant on her own through making changes to hee diet etc & her baby is due in December

  • Registered Users Posts: 82 ✭✭Fingersandtoes

    Hang in there Hollywood and stay positive. Your nearly there.

    I'd a scan this morning. My irregular periods are linked to my low AMH. I've lining which is good. The nurse has to chat to the doctor as a natural period is my best chance of a low FSH. The last time I was in the clinic my IVF cycle was cancelled and I was extremely upset. Thankfully none of those emotions this morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭saraj14

    Hi Fingersandtoes, just wondering if you've tried acupuncture. I found it great to regulate my periods.

  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    Thanks fingersandtoes, it's a long haul! I'm not too bad today, pre-occupied with work. Off at 12 until 2 for a funneral, then I've interviews from 2-4. Only an hour an a half left at work then so today should be ok. I too have low AMH but not irregular periods. You should look into some supplements maybe there are some that may help with it. I took lots over the past few months and I really believe they helped my egg quality.

    Had a horrible evening yesterday, so tired and just feeling down. Had a shower and listened to Bruce Springsteen for a while and I was cured :D out of nowhere though at like 10:30 I got the worst pain in the back of my head which slowly made its way all around my head, never felt anything like it so went straight to bed. Feel ok today. Getting alot of pinching pains in my tummy, can't do anything too quick. Turning in bed last night woke me with these pinchy pains. Anyone experience them?

  • Registered Users Posts: 288 ✭✭ally_pally

    Hi Hollywood, I've been a lurker on the TTC forum and have been following your posts recently. I definitely experienced pinching type pains a few days before I got my bfp. I know it's no guarantee of anything, but I definitely had that and never experienced it before. I also had my dates all mixed up in my head for that cycle and was convinced AF was on its way, around 5 days before AF was actually due. I had the sort of mild cramping and general feeling like crap feelings I usually would get right at the start of my period. I spent the evening wallowing in self-pity and the next morning was really confused at no AF. Looking back on it, it must have been implantation.

    I also know there's a huge element of driving yourself crazy by analysing everything you feel and every minute change in your body in the TWW. Hang in there, not long to go now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    Thanks for posting :), always good to hear from people with good news stories! Today so far was great, haven't been able to think about it for the past 4 hours because I've been so busy so that was really great. I'm completely exhausted now though and can't wait to get home! Looking at my dates, AF would be due tomorrow, egg retrieval was on the 13th so 14 days after that is 27th, I'm usually 26 day cycle so surely if I get over tomorrow I might be into positive looking territory. I am analysing my pains one minute I'm like 'oh they're definitely not AF pains' next minute I'm 'ok that's an AF pain'. I think mostly they're not though. Time will tell I suppose.
    So glad to read about your BFP, it gives me hope :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭dreamstar

    Best of luck Hollywood. Have everything crossed for you! Xxxx

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  • Registered Users Posts: 82 ✭✭Fingersandtoes

    I'd a scan on Tuesday and my period came yesterday. I was delighted!!
    Another scan today and blood tests for AMH and FSH. My FSH needed to be under 12 and it was 9. I'm over the moon. It's a great start. Soni start on Gonal F from tomorrow
    Hollywood I'm thinking of you xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 119 ✭✭Farmerstatia

    Hi is everyone doing??
    on my second round of gonal f and ovitrelle..
    Feeling very different cant understand it at all..
    Im 7 dpo was fine till two days ago.. if i eat im nausous or today i was cutting up chicken breasts fpr dinner and the look feel and smell of them had my stomach doing somersaults and i would never be squemish over anything!! It just hits me in bouts that and lower abdomin and lower back pressure and sont talk to me bout the tiredness! !! Im grand for a few hours and then bang it all hits ne again!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    So I done the test on Saturday morning, 2 of them actually and much to my shock and disbelief, I am pregnant! Really can't believe it. After 7 years and 3 months it has finally happened. Completely overjoyed!

    Fingersandtoes, very glad to hear things are moving along for you, wishing you the very best of luck xx

    Farmerstatia, I get you with the tiredness, I'm completely wrecked, taking naps everyday, not like me at all!!! Fingers crossed for you too xx

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 941 ✭✭✭Typer Monkey

    Congrats Hollywood!! I don't post in this thread but used to post in the forum while TTC last year so occasionally pop in still. What wonderful long awaited news for you and your partner. Fantastic..well done!!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,636 ✭✭✭✭fits

    Delighted for you Hollywood! That's great news :) fingers crossed now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 75 ✭✭ali_d

    Congrats Hollywood!!! I am thrilled for you, had been logging on all weekend hoping for good news!
    Everything was so positive for you on this round.
    I get you on the naps thing, I was/am the same - listen to your body is my advice, if you're tired then rest.
    Enjoy every second of your pregnancy :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭dreamstar

    So I done the test on Saturday morning, 2 of them actually and much to my shock and disbelief, I am pregnant! Really can't believe it. After 7 years and 3 months it has finally happened. Completely overjoyed!

    Fingersandtoes, very glad to hear things are moving along for you, wishing you the very best of luck xx

    Farmerstatia, I get you with the tiredness, I'm completely wrecked, taking naps everyday, not like me at all!!! Fingers crossed for you too xx

    I'm so unbelievably delighted for you!
    I kept logging in for an update.

    How are you feeling??

  • Registered Users Posts: 82 ✭✭Fingersandtoes

    Hollywood130 I'm delighted. Literally over joyed. I'm new to this at 19 months and I can't even imagine your joy after 7 years. I was like a psycho checking all weekend.
    Look after your self xxx

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,636 ✭✭✭✭fits

    Is anyone taking CoQ10? I got a box of it delivered from US the week I found out I was pregnant. Its Puritans pride, 600 mg. Costs about 60 quid a bottle here. I have five bottles. Can pass it on at cost price (much less than 60 euro) if anyone is interested. Box wasn't even opened.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    Aw ladies I'm so sorry I left you all hanging all weekend! Thanks so so much for checking in and for your well wishes, it means so much.

    Dreamstar, I'm feeling quite good. Very tired, very sore boobs, regular cramps and very bloated. Apart from that I'm very good. Just in utter disbelief really. The clinic just called and I'm in on the 18th for a scan!! I really can't believe I'm typing all this :D

    Looking forward to the scan to see how many are in there! I have a 40% chance of twins and for some reason I have a feeling there are two!! I'm glad I could log in here and tell all you because it's going to be a hard secret to keep!!
    Feeling nervous too so keeping everything crossed and praying
