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TTC and acupuncture

  • 08-10-2013 9:00am
    Registered Users Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭

    So, despite my awful fear of needles I had my first ever acupuncture. It was very interesting, we spend over and hour talking through my history / diet / cycle / bowel movement / life style / sleeping patterns.

    It was great to chat to someone so knowledgeable. We did 20 minutes of the needle part, I was very tense, but it wasn't a bad as I had built it up to be. Now that said, I didn't look at the needles, hopefully I will the next time, baby steps :P


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,495 ✭✭✭bobskii

    It's very relaxing isn't it,i dont find the needles anymore,had a look a few times!I find the ones she puts in my hands sore sometimes but that's all,must ask her about that!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Hi StickyBean I'm really glad you decided to give it a go and managed to get past your fear of needles. Fingers crossed it will help you out.
    I'm off for my 5th fertility acupuncture session this evening. This will be the first one I've had in which I had managed to fit in a full cycle i.e. was between ovulation and my period when I started so now I've had a period and an ovulation cycle so who period, should it arrive, is due in 6 days.
    I found that my last period (post starting with the acupuncture) was different than it had been previously which was heartening.
    We were a good couple this month, did the deed lots at all of the important times so I'm keeping my hopes up that this might be the month for us!
    That said I feel no different than I would normally so in all reality I'm probably not pregnant.
    Still without hope where would we be?!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭stickybean

    Sounds good Penny luck, every except my legs crossed for you, Lol!!!

    So I just had my second session today, it was okay, little sorer then the last, one of my needles bled (nothing serious at all but feeling a bit tender).

    We spoke a lot about diet and life style. I am cutting out dairy an wheat (which will be a struggle, but I will give it a try).

    We did a stress reading / test, I am very stressed out (which I already knew).

    I some breathing exercises which I am keen to try, I haven't been sleeping great the last few weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29 helserbelser

    Doing my third session of acupuncture tomorrow eve,wanted to do when had period but a day late ...fingers crossed :) my prolactin levels all over the place so been a roller coaster of emotions
    But the acupuncture is great so far,having one session a week. Needles are fine

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    stickybean wrote: »
    Sounds good Penny luck, every except my legs crossed for you, Lol!!!

    So I just had my second session today, it was okay, little sorer then the last, one of my needles bled (nothing serious at all but feeling a bit tender).

    We spoke a lot about diet and life style. I am cutting out dairy an wheat (which will be a struggle, but I will give it a try).

    We did a stress reading / test, I am very stressed out (which I already knew).

    I some breathing exercises which I am keen to try, I haven't been sleeping great the last few weeks.

    It's funny that you say yours was more painful second time around,the last session I had was more uncomfortable too.
    I mentioned this the acupuncturist and he said that he had more energy flowing through the points this time and that would account for that. It was a peculiar feeling in my legs where the needles were. It felt like the needles were very heavy points going though my legs keeping them pinned to the table. Thankfully that feeling wasn't there for the ones in my fingers, thumbs, forehead or head.
    The things we do to have a baby eh?
    I'm 2 days late but was as much as 9 late before and got super excited for no good reason so not loosing the run of myself just yet.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    Hate the sounds of the needles and the bleeding, ouch! Think I'll have to give it a go though, reflexology is supposed to be great, any of you try that??

  • Registered Users Posts: 29 helserbelser

    I swear Hollywood130 its fine, I was tad nervous at beginning too but nothing to worry about. I have had 3 sessions so far and all great....first session my left foot was bit sore but after a few mins all was fine.
    After each session I sort of float out of the office, so relaxing. Really recommend period can be very strange at the start, starting then stopping then starting but his month all ok, straight into it, done with after a few days. So already I can see results, amazing :O) Its proven to help so worth a try :O) Last session he said he was doing a much stronger session because I wasn't well for a few days, and I would feel a pulling on my stomach, I did indeed but it was very soothing:O)
    Any news penny dreadful?? I was 2 days late but got them in the end :o/

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Hate the sounds of the needles and the bleeding, ouch! Think I'll have to give it a go though, reflexology is supposed to be great, any of you try that??

    The bleeding is miniscule and stopped by pressing a cotton bud onto it for a few seconds. My therapist does that automatically and I never have even seen the blood.

    I've used acupuncture for a number of other ailments I've had and found it brilliant. It sorted out the problem and was thoroughly relaxing and chilled out. I particularly love when my appointment is a 5pm on a Friday. A truly blissful way to float off into the weekend.:)
    I swear Hollywood130 its fine, I was tad nervous at beginning too but nothing to worry about. I have had 3 sessions so far and all great....first session my left foot was bit sore but after a few mins all was fine.
    After each session I sort of float out of the office, so relaxing. Really recommend period can be very strange at the start, starting then stopping then starting but his month all ok, straight into it, done with after a few days. So already I can see results, amazing :O) Its proven to help so worth a try :O) Last session he said he was doing a much stronger session because I wasn't well for a few days, and I would feel a pulling on my stomach, I did indeed but it was very soothing:O)
    Any news penny dreadful?? I was 2 days late but got them in the end :o/
    Hi Helserbelser, my period is late and I'm showing signs and symptoms of something. Whether its my period or being pregnant I don't know. I use 3 apps to keep track of my cycle. According to one I'm 3 days late and the other two say 5 and 7 days respectively. Stupidly I took a pregnancy test last night which was stupid as I knew in my heart and soul is wasn't going to give a reliable result. I drink far too much water and tea during the day combined with a lot of fruit and veg (hence more liquid) to have any kind of decent urine for testing by 7pm. The test was negative but I'm not bothered by that right now as the test wasn't really a good one to do.

    My boobs are absolutely killing me and have been for over a week now and that is new. Previously they have been tender in the day before my period but they are super sore for a good while now and no period. Also I'm ready to cry at the saddest things on tv and again thats not usual. I was watching an old episode of 6 Feet Under last night and was choking back the tears at a funeral of a character I didn't even like! It was weird.
    So the big question for me is are these symptoms caused by pregnancy or the acupuncture??
    If I have no period by Saturday I'm going to test again with first morning urine. If its negative then I'll accept that for what it is and if its positive..........well thats a whole different ball game!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭stickybean

    Just back from my third session, I really enjoyed it today. I was so busy chatting away I didn't even feel the needles in my legs. Even the accupunturest commented on the difference in my energy. I went in 3 weeks ago in floods of tears, terrified, this week I was smiling the whole way through, I even had some in my head, which I said I would never do.

    I feel very relaxed and very positive after todays session. I also love being able to talk to her about my journey and how I am feeling.

    I never thought I would say this but I am really enjoying it, actually looking forward to the next session already.

    I tried reflexology in the past, while I found it very relaxing, I didn't feel there was much else to it. Thats not to say it doesn't work and has other affects, I loved and hour and a half to myself each week and the feeling for the days afterwards.

  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    Ah ok, thanks guys, feel much better about it now. Think I will look into acupuncturists in my area and have a go, I take it they need to be in the fertility field for this to have an effect?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 29 helserbelser

    touch wood Penny Dreadful....hope you find out soon either way:O) God this is all a big mind game isnt it, as you said are the emotions from the acupuncture or pregnant.
    Will my prolaction hormones high, my breasts were constantly killing me and period late a few times, so confusing as hell :O/

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Just back from the bathroom........I got my period.
    Back to the needles eh!

  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    Sorry to hear that Penny, it's the worst, positive thoughts though I suppose...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Sorry to hear that Penny, it's the worst, positive thoughts though I suppose...

    Thank you:) It would seem though that it wasn't my period after all:rolleyes::confused:
    You'd think at 36 I've had enough of them now to know what a period looks like and what I say yesterday morning had all the appearances of a period.
    However, after an hour or two it all just disappeared and there has been nothing since. Knicker watch is becoming an obsession over this last 24 hours.
    The symptoms of really really tender boobs has passed (mostly) and I am having some back pain but nothing major. I had also been feeling bloated over the previous few days but today that has disappeared entirely.
    My conclusion? Bodies are strange things.
    My decision? Just wait it out. Have a nasy cold brewing so am going to head home after work via the hairdressers for a wash and blow dry then to waste that by vegging out on the couch with loads of things on my Sky Plus planner in my most comfy tracksuit bottoms and endless cups of tea.
    Keep an eye on things happening southwards and see how we get on.
    At this stage I have no idea in the slightest if I'm late and pregnant or just late.

  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    Best of luck then Penny, fingers crossed for you! That's the best way to spend your evening planning on doing something similar myself and looking forward to it!

    Hope it works out and maybe try to not think about it, I know that is pretty impossible but it may help

  • Registered Users Posts: 29 helserbelser

    aweee Penny confusing or what :o/ poor you, could say try to switch off and relax tonight but that is hard to do :O)
    had good few months like that, well not as late as you, but its a nightmare all the signs and you dont know what going on ...hope acupuncture sorts my periods out
    take care and loads of tlc the weekend :O)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭stickybean

    Had my forth treatment today, thoroughly enjoyed it, left feeling really positive. I am on day 21, I was a bit sick the weekend (stomach pains and diarrhea) the acupuncturist said that's a really good sign :confused: I also have a bad head cold, she said was great :confused::confused::confused:

    When I asked why she said IF implantation occurred your immune system gets very low and as it is otherwise occupied and often gastro issues occur.

    Never heard of any of this in all the research I did, but nice to have a bit of hope :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    stickybean wrote: »
    Had my forth treatment today, thoroughly enjoyed it, left feeling really positive. I am on day 21, I was a bit sick the weekend (stomach pains and diarrhea) the acupuncturist said that's a really good sign :confused: I also have a bad head cold, she said was great :confused::confused::confused:

    When I asked why she said IF implantation occurred your immune system gets very low and as it is otherwise occupied and often gastro issues occur.

    Never heard of any of this in all the research I did, but nice to have a bit of hope :)

    Where would we be without hope?! I'll be having my 6th session tomorrow and would like to have a chat with the acupuncturist about a few things.
    I've just finished a pretty rough and ready period....well for me at least. It was later than usual in arriving (hence the hope!) and when it did it was bloody painful in a way that it hasn't been since before going on the Pill. I'm trying to see this as having been a good thing.
    What I do want to know though is how (apart from testing and tracking all of the month) am I to know or even estimate my fertile periods. When my period arrives late am I having a longer leutal phase or whats the story.
    Also want to ask (and this will be the question that can't be answered) is when should the acpuncture being to kick in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 200 ✭✭ahaaha

    Penny I have been seeing an acupuncturist since May and saw some benefits very early and others just kicking in now. I had a good few issues though so I guess maybe everyone reacts differently?
    I was very stressed at work, exhausted mentally and physically, had lost a stone in weight (now at 7 stone) since coming off the pill 9 months earlier and hadn't had a period in 3 months which added to all the stress!also a history of operations for endometriosis,cysts from my teenage years and early twenties.
    From the first session, the only way I can describe my mental state is 'balanced'. Work demands have stayed the same but I can handle it. I am a far nicer wife and coworker to be around for sure! My energy levels are great too.
    With relation to fertility I was at a standstill when I first went. My doctor wasn't willing to do any tests thinking it was stress or weight loss. But in 6 months I now have a regular cycle and just got bloods done and they are fine. Of course when I pms (which I am doing right now!) and get my period the little rat in my brain starts to question the written reports from surgeries in my early twenties. As they definitely do not match my recollection of what I was told by the doctors in hospital at the time. But I'm willing to wait a few more months before revisiting that area as I truly believe I will get pregnant from acupuncture. It's worked wonders to date. Best of luck to everyone x

  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    Do you all have health insurance? I do but obviously they won't cover anything because I'm 4 years trying to conceive and I only have the insurance 2 years. Is there any point in having the insurance at all? I'm really thinking of cancelling it once I'm finished paying this term??

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭stickybean

    Do you all have health insurance? I do but obviously they won't cover anything because I'm 4 years trying to conceive and I only have the insurance 2 years. Is there any point in having the insurance at all? I'm really thinking of cancelling it once I'm finished paying this term??

    I do, but they are not paying for anything to do with fertility. I have however used them when my daughter needed he tonsils removed and I had to see a specialist

  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    Thinking about cancelling mine, don't know what to do, just haven't seen any benefits of having it, I'd be saving myself €800 per year... I have Endometriosis but again it's a pre-existing condition so I've another 3 years paying before I can use it

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I have insurance and while it doesn't cover the likes of IUI, I got almost every penny back for blood tests, consultations and for my HSG. It meant that we were able to use the money we got back for an extra cycle of IUI.

    Apart from fertility treatment, unless you really really can't afford it I would keep it up. My husband needs regular medical treatment in a private hospital that improves his quality of life immeasurably. It is unlikely that this treatment would be available to him publicly, and if it was it certainly wouldn't be available as frequently as he needs it. It's expensive and his health insurance covers it all, and also covers the operations he needs to have every year or so that cost well over a grand. Without his insurance and this treatment the last 10+ years of his life would have been hell. It really is the kind of thing that you only appreciate when you need it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,495 ✭✭✭bobskii

    Hate the sounds of the needles and the bleeding, ouch! Think I'll have to give it a go though, reflexology is supposed to be great, any of you try that??

    I have reflexology whislt i'm getting my acupuncture Hollywood,i love it!Was back today for asession thoroughly enjoyed it,i can't recommend it enough!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    Definitely going to try it, can't hurt I suppose!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    ahaaha wrote: »
    Penny I have been seeing an acupuncturist since May and saw some benefits very early and others just kicking in now. I had a good few issues though so I guess maybe everyone reacts differently?
    I was very stressed at work, exhausted mentally and physically, had lost a stone in weight (now at 7 stone) since coming off the pill 9 months earlier and hadn't had a period in 3 months which added to all the stress!also a history of operations for endometriosis,cysts from my teenage years and early twenties.
    From the first session, the only way I can describe my mental state is 'balanced'. Work demands have stayed the same but I can handle it. I am a far nicer wife and coworker to be around for sure! My energy levels are great too.
    With relation to fertility I was at a standstill when I first went. My doctor wasn't willing to do any tests thinking it was stress or weight loss. But in 6 months I now have a regular cycle and just got bloods done and they are fine. Of course when I pms (which I am doing right now!) and get my period the little rat in my brain starts to question the written reports from surgeries in my early twenties. As they definitely do not match my recollection of what I was told by the doctors in hospital at the time. But I'm willing to wait a few more months before revisiting that area as I truly believe I will get pregnant from acupuncture. It's worked wonders to date. Best of luck to everyone x

    I know I'm being impatient with wanting to see the results of the acpuncture. I've used it in the past for other ailments and over time they were fixed and are still fixed.
    I was pretty down when I had my session last Friday and he was (or maybe I was just projecting) in an off mood too, or so I thought. Anyway the session was the least relaxing one I've ever had I think.
    Before we got started I explained that my last period was late, had a chat about the number of days in my cycle, etc and he asked when I ovulated. I said that I was relying on the app to point me in the direction but obviously if my period was late then this threw the ovulation prediction off. He asked why I wasn't taking my temp and recording that as a means of tracking my ovulation. I was a bit peeved at that. I had deliberately opted for acupuncture as a chilled out means of helping with the baby making process as I had found myself getting too caught up with things earlier in the year when I was using OPKs. Also at no stage during any of the previous sessions had he actually told or even implied that I should be tracking.
    I asked how long it would take to get my cycle on track and he said it usually takes between 4-12 sessions. I've had 6 now so hope to see it becoming regular soon.
    In an effort to hedge my bets I paid a visit to my GP yesterday to have a chat about the lack of baby despite our best efforts. He was lovely. So we're having day 3 and 21 bloods drawn and semen analysis done as a first step.
    Fingers crossed something gets moving. I find that I'm starting to avoid friends that have had babies recently and I don't want to get caught up in that. Life is life and it has to go on regardless.

  • Registered Users Posts: 193 ✭✭ellavin

    Thanks for your post penny dreadful I am going to enquire about it.. its so frustrating each time my period comes.. best wishes to ya's all

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    Went for acupuncture yesterday with my husband. My acupuncturist is a guy I used before earlier this year just after I came off the pill first and my cycles were all over the place. I stopped going to him once my cycles became regular and I started getting a positive opk every month.

    Anyway in light of recent bad test results for both me and hubby, we're now potentially facing IVF in the new year so in an attempt to get ourselves match fit for same, we're trying diet, exercise, acupuncture, yoga, meditation the works!

    So brought my husband in to my acupuncturist yesterday, my husband has never been before and I told him as a joke the night before that the acupuncturist had emailed me to tell me to warn my husband in advance that it would involve sticking needles in lets just say ''sensitive areas'' on my husband to improve his results, he believed me ! :D Don't worry I told him the truth after about 5 mins but it was worth it for his reaction !

    Anyway the acupuncturist did a joint session with the 2 of us together. He only put needles in my husband's shoulders and lower back. He took a case history from him etc. I was ovualting yesterday (that is to say, yesterday was 24 hours after I had gotten a peak LH surge on cheapie OPK) so he didn't do a whole lot to me, just a few needles, maybe he's afraid of interfering with mother nature on such a big day!

    Overall we were very impressed with him. He gave us a lot of advice even about not letting it consume our lives, and he said it's important to do something together (an activity) that's not TTC related - and not to get bogged down in teh detail of all the TTC related stuff we're doing to the point where it is what our entire lives are about. He said such behaviour is actually counter-productive. How ironic that by trying too hard to conceive, you could be actually preventing yourself from conceiving by causing too much stress! It's a catch 22 he was saying. Very good advice I thought from him
