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The difficult second album

  • 08-10-2013 1:20pm
    Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭

    I've decided to set up a new log for a new year. My last log was more to see how I got on over my first year competing in tri's. Overall I enjoyed it and enjoyed most of the training that I done. I feel I had a pretty good first year, 2 top 40's in NS races and some good times. This year is going to be more of the same, only problem is I haven't really trained in the last 3 weeks, and before that I was only ticking over, if even, for the previous three weeks. Along with this I have moved back home with my parents so have had to join a new pool (17 metres, so not ideal), need to find new run routes and need to find some cycling routes too. On the plus side though my weight actually went down over my time off training.

    So last week I made my first start back to training and it went ok. Only ran twice and where both short runs and I was feeling it. Seem to have fallen back a lot on the run, pace was well down and wasn't very comfortable. I've been back on the turbo a few times but again power is down and legs not feeling as good as they did before. Swim is more of the same.

    To try and sort this out I'll be trying a few things. I will be cycling into work at least 3 days a week, won't be great training wise but will be more time on the bike. Trainer road will be continuing on the turbo over the winter at least twice a week and am hoping for some good improvements. I'm also looking at joining a cycling club and doing some of my spins with them and hopefully a few races too next year.

    There will probably be a few changes to my run training over the winter. This is the area I need to improve on most and towards the end of last season I was beginning to see some improvements so hopefully after a few weeks I'll be getting back to where I was.

    I used to swim with my club on Thursday mornings but unfortunately this has been cancelled for the time being. Instead of this I have signed up for and went to one session of the swimming on Fridays with interested. My swim fitness isn't anywhere near where it should be but with the pool sorted it should come back. The session with interested was very good. I've never had any real feedback on my stoke or technique before, most of how I swim is from watching others and from the little bit I learned in lessons when I was younger. Would hope to see some good improvements over the 10 week block.

    So this week has started well. I raced in my first bike race on Sunday, a 8km TT in Wexford. Wasn't sure how I would get on but gave it a go to see where I was myself. Plan was to push it as hard as I could for as long as I could. Ended up doing pretty well, 10.37 (official time, watch had it quicker by about 13 seconds but not sure what happened there). Came 2nd in A4's by 1 second and about 9 overall. Happy enough with how it went and puts me in a decent place to start my training. Monday was an hour on the turbo, meant to be longer but the race on Sunday took more out of my legs than I realised. No point killing myself this early in the season. Today was a short and slow 6km run before work, cycle into and out of work and a swim session tonight to go over some of the stuff I picked up on Friday night. Hopefully I can keep up the training now over the winter.



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Good to see another log from you!

    Have you joined from now till end of 2014 for the cycling licence? How much did it cost and what was the standard like overall for that TT, definitely something I am interested in for 2014

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    I probably should have said that in a whisper, was a small club race, more aimed at raising funds for the club than anything else. They were happy enough on the day to take my TI licence, and put me down as a guest or something. Overall standard wasn't too bad, not many TT bikes so I stood out a bit. The top 4 were miles ahead of everyone else, all sub 10 mins. Another group around 10.20--11.00 and then were the road bikes. A4 wasn't as competitive as I thought it would be, but there was a fair few other races in the area on the day so that was probably the reason for it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    You had a great season last season Joey and looking forward to reading about another great season next season...Thats some time for 8k tt..what were conditions like, tail wind? flat? around 46kph? well done!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    Bit of a tail/cross wind but more across than anything. Course was pretty fast alright, overall more descending than up hill but was two short climbs along it. Wasn't sure how it would go to be honest, think I paced it well. 8km is short enough that you can go flat out for the full course and really suffer at the end. Top speed was 60kmph so no huge descending, more gradual. Average speed around 46kmph so very happy with it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,304 ✭✭✭Chartsengrafs

    Well keep biking like that over the winter and the second album should hopefully be more 'The Bends' and less say... 'Room on Fire', 'Weekend in the City' etc...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    Tuesday 8th Oct

    Up early for a run before work. Only around 6km but haven't been running in a while so want to ease back into it rather than just straight into it. Pace was pretty slow and wasn't too comfortable.

    Cycle into and out of work, only about 10km each way. Won't count for much but still more time on the bike. Used a few lights as intervals between them.

    Evening was to the new pool for the first time. 17m doesn't feel that much shorter than the 20m pool I used to swim in. The pool was empty for pretty much the whole time I was there, so happy with that. Bit of a warm up then some kicking with the board. Spent a bit of time working on my stroke using stuff I picked up from the interested session on Friday. Few 100m's then at the end and really showed how much swim fitness I've lost, most came ina round 1.41, will hope to get these down as I swim more. Best part of the swim was when I was getting out and the aqua fit class were getting in and one of the lads going must have forgotten his hat. Decided that the closest thing to it would be one of the blue shoe covers for poolside on sideways. Think I might like this new pool.

    Wednesday 9th October

    1hour and 15 mins on the turbo. Just working on building a bit of a base at the moment so wasn't anything too strenuous. Feeling better on the bike and starting to get some strength back in the legs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    So last week fizzled out a bit training wise, didn't get as much done as I would have liked but got a bit done. Talk to the coach over the weekend and plans are in place for next season. Few races I'd like to do but will depend on the calender and how they fall. A talk with the gf and looks like I could be good to go to Sardinia again if the club go back for a training camp. Went to the new gym I joined and got the trainer there to do up a bit of a program focusing on core, legs and lats. A lot of low weight high rep stuff, will give it a few weeks and see how it goes.

    Monday 14th October

    Up onto the turbo before work. 1 hour 30 mins. Baxter on trainerroad. Again focus is on endurance with a bit more on tempo during this one.Thought the legs would be nice and fresh for this but was feeling it through out. Really need a fan for the turbo but in all the shops I have checked they are out of stock. Plan is for next week to be a test week so not looking forward to that on today's bike figures.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    Monday 14th Oct

    Evening: Home late from work but headed out for a steady 5km run. Nothing fast or great, just a steady 5km run.

    Tuesday 15th October

    Up early and another run. Again steady, just trying to get back close to where I was at start of the summer. Around 7km ran, lovely morning for it.

    Then was cycle into work, had to drop by another office on the way in so around 15km cycled. Legs felt grand, use these nearly more as recovery spins with few short bursts thrown in. Not sure how much use they will be training wise but can't hurt to spend more time on the bike.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    Tuesday 15th October

    Cycled home from work and straight to the pool. Again very quiet at 7 o'clock, had pretty much the place to myself. Spent an hour in the pool, working on stuff from the last swim session. Fingers together, flutter kick, stretching a bit more, hip rotation, pull to the hip and trying to keep the arm close to the body bringing it back around. A lot to work on but when it works I can feel the difference.

    After pool up to the gym to do some of the new exercises I've been given. Lat pull down, leg extensions, leg press and shoulder press. Weights are very low and high reps, going to ease into it rather than suffer with DOMS for the next two days. Bit of core work at the end then and was feeling surprisingly fresh after a busy day.

    Wednesday 16th October

    Another turbo before work, Peavine on trainerroad. Bit of a warm up then 3 X (3X3min intervals) ranging form 80% to 90% of FTP. With 1 min rest between each interval and then 5 mins between sets. Legs didn't feel too bad but was struggling towards the end. Really not looking forward to the 20 min test next week. That was an hour session so added a half hour free spin after it. Kept the power between 60-70% of FTP and concentrated on keeping as smooth as possible. Only one session and happy enough with it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    Thursday 17th October

    Only a cycle in and out of work today. Plan was for a run in the evening but a short notice union meeting stopped that. Added a bit to the cycle on the way home but still nothing major.

    Friday 18th October

    Bus into work and ran from work to the swimming pool, around 2.5km. Would have been a grand run apart from the people with huge umbrellas nearly taking my eye out a few times.

    Swim session was a good one. Moved up a lane or two and after the 400m warm up it was 800m on 14.00, 400 on 7.00 and then 200m on 3.30. Found these not too bad, was at the back of the lane so had a good draft for most of it. After this was when it got tough, 6 X 200m off 3.30 (up to now my average 200m time is around 3.10/.15). Was struggling towards the end of these and was getting less and less recovery but managed to hang on, just kept aiming for the feet in front of me. Tough swim session and around 3000m swam.

    Nice steady run home after this, wet evening but not cold or windy so was a nice evening to run. Around 6km ran.

    Sat 19th October

    Up early for first spin with Dublin Wheelers. Gf asked me to go in beginner group with her to make sure she got on ok and the club prefer new people to try the group once to see where they fit into other groups so was a nice handy spin. Around 70km covered, again nothing fast but was impressed with the club. They look after their beginners and have a good plan for them to get them up to the touring B group. Next week I'll head out with the touring A group. If that goes well I'll look at the racing group the following week.

    Sunday 20th October

    Back to the pool, busiest I've seen it yet but still lots of space to swim. Only a short swim, around 1400m but working more on stroke and trying to remember everything I've been told. Felt ok in the water, when it works you can really feel it but didn't feel that too much today.

    After this was up for the circuit. Leg press, Leg extension, shoulder press, and lat pull down on the machines and then a core work out with planks, side planks, russian twists and leg raises. Felt strong through this and will look at upping some of the reps.

    Evening session was to be my first long run since my last race at the start of September. Plan was for 12km, wasn't sure on pace because I had been struggling a bit with my run so decided I'd run on feeling. Kept the pace at a steady one and averaged around 4.40min kilometres for the 12km and was feeling good. Was very happy after this, feels like the running legs are coming back a bit.

    Monday 21st October

    So the day I was dreading since I started back training. 20 min FTP test on trainer road. When I got back into it I lowered my FTP on trainer road (all workouts are based on this and was struggling so moved it down to a more manageable level). Turns out it was still too high. Tired to match the power they said I needed to put out and was feeling it very early on. Bad pacing and my pride meant I blew up around 5 mins into the 20 min section. Legs just had nothing left. Will do this again on Wednesday to see how I get on, I've lowered the FTP a good bit. Better to be able to go above what they say than be killing myself to stay at it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    Tuesday 22nd October

    Up early and to the swimming pool. Pool was lot busier than normal but people seemed to stay out of my way which suited me great. Bit of a warm up, then into two longer sets of 510m with 1 min recovery and then around 400m kicking. Felt good in the water, tried to concentrate on hip rotation and pulling thru to my hip. Altogether around 2500m done and was feeling ok, legs bit tired from the kicking.

    Straight up to the gym then for my core workout. Feeling ok with this and hopefully it will help with some strength in my legs.

    Evening session was a run one. Change in the running this year and tonight was a bit of a speed session. 3km warm up then into 10 X 400m (around 1.29) with 1.30 recovery inbetween. Felt ok during these, not as comfortable as they have done in the past but first time doing anything like this in a while and legs were pretty good. After this was a 2.5km cool down for a total of around 11km. Managed to miss the rain too which is always nice.

    Wednesday 23rd October

    So the dreaded FTP test, markII. Set it up much better and even though my legs were tired from the run I had to get through this one. Struggled through it and to be honest was a bit disappointed with the result(in around 130) but it's a start. I'd hope to have that number bumped up a good bit by christmas, with 2 sessions a week, commuting a few days a week and cycling with Dublin wheelers. Legs were really feeling it afterwards. That's all for today and looking forward to resting the legs a bit!

  • Registered Users Posts: 276 ✭✭blainj2

    FWIW my FTP is currently at 153 and i can guarantee you are a much more accomplished rider than myself. Are you getting that measurement from a power meter or an estimated power from the speed on your trainer?

    If its estimated power then from what other people are saying you shouldn't worry about what the actual number is just do the plan and try and improve on it. If you have a power meter then i would expect it to be higher with your level of fitness. I'm curious myself as to how it works. You may know something i don't?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    Hey blainj2, the power figure is based on the virtual power on trainerroad. I'd say your right and it's not 100% accurate, (I've been on another bike and turbo using a different trainer road account and was able to get up to 600 watts for a 10 sec sprint, mine I can only get max 300Watts) problem for me though is I've used it for 1 year now so it's more I'm not happy with it compared to where I was say 3 months ago, rather than the actual number.

    It's definitely something to build on and I'd say part of is a bit of rustiness after taking 2/3 weeks off. I'll give it a go with the power set where it is now and I can up it if the work outs are feeling too easy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    Thursday 24th October

    Run before work. Nothing fancy just a steady 12.5km run. After the run on Tuesday evening my groin was a bit sore and again after this run. I'll probably give my recovery run tomorrow a miss and won't run again until Sunday. Sunday's plan is for 6 X 1km's at around race pace so will see how it's feeling on the warm up before I start the session. If it's still at me I'l swap it for another steady run.

    Cycle in an out of work during the day.

    Evening session was back to the pool. Bit busier tonight but not too bad. Not too much kicking tonight, suited me grand, was feeling tired and hungry but got through the whole session. Worked on hip rotation, starting to get the hang of it now but when I start getting tired it seems to go missing. Noticed as well that when I breathe my arm pulling through the water really drops deep, something I need to try an fix. Long busy day in work and was wrecked by the evening. Tomorrow there is only a swim session so hopefully will give the legs a chance to recover.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    Friday 25th October

    Was feeling pretty tired today so cancelled the planned run home from the swim. Swim session was a good one, enjoying the structured sessions and getting to chase people faster than me too.Felt better in the water today, starting to get a bit of swim fitness back but still a good bit to go.

    Saturday 26th October

    Second club spin on the bike with the new club. Moved up to the touring B group (club want me to move up gradually and find the right group). Route was out to Skerries by the coast and then back towards Ballymun inland. Felt great through the cycle, group started to split with about 15km to go, big head wind and a long cycle meant some struggled a bit. Sat at the front of the group for around 3km and then when it started to rain I said my good byes and pushed on. Last 10km was done in around 19 mins so had plenty left in the legs. Altogether around 85km done and will move up to the touring A group next week to see how I get on.

    Sunday 27th October

    Had to go to a month's mind mass and visit family so was always going to be hard to get my 2 sessions done today. Could only fit in the run and moved swim to Monday. Run was tough,2.5km warm up and then plan was for 6 X 1km intervals at around race pace. Managed 4 of these at 4min kilometres, sore legs and the wind meant this was all I could do. Probably should have dropped the pace out to around 4.10 but will know next time. Added a few steady km in at the end to make up for the shortened intervals.

    Monday 28th October

    Back to the pool for Sunday's missed session.Bit of a warm up then 10 X 100m intervals descending. Fastest came in around 1.34 and was able to keep it at around this for the last 3 100's. Good bit of kicking at the end too.

    Straight up to gym after for leg press, lat pull down, leg extension and shoulder press.Then into core circuit. Felt good through this and legs felt good.

    Evening session was a turbo one. 1 hour session with most of it spent between 80-90% of FTP. Legs felt good through this and added on a half hour free spin at the end keeping the power between 65-75%. Legs held up well and felt good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    Tuesday 29th October

    Run session before work. About a 3km warm up then into 12 X 1 min intervals, with 1 min rest between each. Tried to keep the pace below 3.45 min km's and managed to for them all. After this was a 12 min cool down. Legs were feeling ok, tough but tough enough that I could still finish it.

    After this was a 10km cycle into work, nothing fast or hard just a nice spin in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    Tueday 30th October

    Cycle home from work. Felt fairly fresh for this so pushed it up the Malahide road from Fairview to Donnycarney. Legs felt really good on the bike, felt like I hadn't done anything in days.

    Evening session was pool. Bit of a warm up, main set concentrating on really really high elbows and then alot of kicking to finish. Legs were feeling it at the end but around 2.8km swam. Then was up for my circuit, not as fresh as usual for this, two days in a row showed. Core workout after this and was really feeling it but another good days training done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    Wednesday 30th October

    All on the bike today. Cycle in and out of work, pushed it a bit harder going home and felt it in the legs a bit. After work was straight onto the turbo, water in area was being limited at 8 o'clock so needed to get on and off and showered before then. 1hr and 15mins on turbo with 1hr of that spent at between 70-80% of FTP. Felt this more in the legs than I probably should have but put it down to getting straight off bike and onto the turbo.

    Thursday 31st October

    Long run before work. Around 13k ran, pace kept between 4.45-4.50 for all of these apart from one that was all up hill and drifted out to 4.58. Legs bit tired by the end of it but feeling stronger through the run than I have in a while.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    Thursday 31st October

    Pool session after work. Bit of a warm up then into the main set working on endurance. Felt a bit sloppy in the water and like I was fighting it a bit.

    Friday 1st November

    Recovery run before work, around 6km ran at a very slow pace. Legs felt ok, bit tired but not sore or too heavy.

    Evening swim session with interested. Felt much better in the water tonight but still a bit sloppy. Not many there so meant I was in a lane with one other who is usually a good bit faster than me and got to chase him all night. Enjoyed it and managed to keep up with him for a lot of the swimming.

    Saturday 2nd November

    Out with the touring A group with Dublin wheelers. Really enjoyed this spin. Good group and not too big. Covered around 112km altogether. Pace was kept up fairly high for most of it and even got to climb a few hills in north county Dublin. Got drowned in the rain and parts were very very windy but was a really enjoyable spin. Near the end 3 of us tried a bit of a team TT along by the airport when we had a bit of a side wind. Around 2km covered and pace kept up around 46kmph and legs felt grand. Pleased with how it went and will stick with this group for the next few weeks, I'll be missing around 3 weeks coming up, heading to London, work and christmas party means I'll have a bit of a gap between spins but will use the turbo these days instead.

    Sunday 3rd November

    Meant to have a swim today but wasn't feeling great and with the choice between missing the swim and the run it had to be the swim. Missed too many running sessions and they always seem to be the first to go. Run session was 3km warm up, then 6 X 2 mins (at below 3.50min pace) with 90 seconds recovery between each. Then was around 4km cool down. Felt good on the run, better than I had all day and even though the intervals were tough I was able to maintain the pace and finished strong.

    Monday 4th November

    Turbo before work. Hour and a half with it all spent between 60-75% of FTP working on endurance and tempo. Few times it felt bit tough but got through it all, noticed how much the spin on Saturday took out of the legs. Have got netflix sorted now so had something to take my mind off the turbo too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    joey100 wrote: »
    Have got netflix sorted now so had something to take my mind off the turbo too.

    Do you not find it distracting?

    I find if a good song comes on I lose focus and before I know it my power has dropped below target. Maybe I'm easily distracted :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    Find that for an hour and a half on the turbo my mind starts to wander and then I start doubting if I can finish at all, once I start thinking like that I find it hard to finish. If I have something to take my mind off how I'm feeling I can last longer and suffer better. More background noise than anything but keeps me distracted.

    Tuesday 3rd November

    Nothing. Not a thing. Was feeling crap all day Monday and up most of Monday night so took Tuesday completely off. Missed a run and a swim session.

    Wednesday 4th November

    Turbo session. Hour and a half, majority spent between 60-75% of FTP with around 4 X 3min breaks between them. Legs struggled through some of this, still not feeling 100% but got through the session. 21 Jump street on on Netflix kept me distracted for most of it though. Long steady sessions like this I really need something to take my mind of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    Thursday 7th November

    Plan today was for my long slow run. Decided to change it up a bit and ran into work, around 8.5km, took it fairly easy and was only in the last 1/1.5km that I had to stop for lights once or twice. Day of work and then a run home in the evening, first 2km bit more stop start than on the way in but again around 8.5km covered. Pace was kept below 4.55 for the whole thing and legs felt grand.

    Evening session was to the pool. Bit of a warm up then into main set working on endurance. Altogether around 2.7km swam and legs were feeling tired, rest of body felt grand but legs were feeling the runs. After this was up to the gym for core workout and leg press, lat pulldown, shoulder press and leg extension. Good training day and a few more like that will set me up well.

    Friday 8th November

    Nice and easy 6km recovery run before work. No garmin on for this, just took it easy and slow. Tonight is swim session with sub60 and then a busy enough weekend of training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    Friday 8th November

    Evening swim session with sub60. Very enjoyable session, few fast 25m's to start off, then into 600m kick (all my kicking last winter has been worth it now!), then it was 4 X 50m coming in on the same time each one and then 200m on the equivalent time. Managed to keep the times fairly tight and swam 2 of my fastest ever 200's at 3.08 and 3.06, for what felt like relatively easy effort, definitely not as hard as I swam them before. Really enjoyed this session, even if my legs were pretty dead after it.

    Saturday 9th November

    Another spin with the cycling club. Up early and down in plenty of time. Good group of us (around 16) and off we went for an approx 100km spin. All going well until about 15km into the spin when we came round a bend and suddenly people started hitting the ground. I was near the back of the group at this time and no choice but hit the ground or cycle into someone on it. Turned out the whole road was covered in ice, didn't think it was cold enough for it but what ever surface was on the road didn't help. Wasn't too badly hurt, few cuts on hands, hip and knee were sore but no damage to the bike so was happy enough. But my shorts were tore and new overshoes too. Few of the other lads took harder hits and just found out that one has 2 hairline fractures in his hip. Decided to keep going after we all regrouped a bit and some of the more hurt headed home. Altogether covered around 95km and was feeling ok. Bit sore but nothing too bad, even managed to pull away from most of the others round the back of the airport keeping the speed around 50kmph for about 1km. Legs were feeling good, bit tired but nothing major.

    Only when I got home and stopped cycling that I started to get sore. Left knee is pretty swollen, left hand is swollen and nice bit of swelling and road rash on my left hip. Luckily nothing more serious but will be uncomfortable for next few days.

    Sunday 10th November

    Wasn't sure how training would go today after the fall but headed out for my run anyway. Leg probably feels better running than when I walk on it. 3km warm up then 6 X 2mins (pace below 3.45) with 90 second recovery and then around 2.8km cool down. Legs were bit stiff but felt good. Was faster than last week too which is always nice. Evening session was to be a swim but didn't fancy it with the road rash on my hip, cuts still a bit open but should be good to get back into the pool on Tuesday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    Monday 11th November

    Turbo session before work. Hour and forty five mins but nothing too hard so was ok. Majority spent between 60-75% of FTP, Threw in a few 10 second sprints and then 5 X 3 mins at around 85% of FTP towards the end. Legs were feeling good, left leg feels better when I'm on the turbo or running than when I'm walking. Road rash is not nice. If I can get out of work early tonight I'll do an easy 5km, not much chance of getting out early but fingers crossed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    No run Monday evening, didn't get out of work until late and was freezing when I got home.

    Tuesday 12th November

    Busy training day. Up before work for a run session. 3km warm up then a type of pyramid interval session, then a 5km cool down. Altogether around 11km ran and legs were feeling ok. I'd say I did look a bit strange running up and down the main road doing the pyramid intervals though.

    Commute in and out of work on the bike, around 10km each way, took it handy enough.

    Evening session was a swim. Legs were bit stiff but felt ok in the water. Bit of a warm up then some sculling. Part of the main set was 4 X 50m off 1.10 with a 200m after the last one done twice. Times for the 50's came in around 43-45 seconds. Idea was to get as close to 3 mins as I could for the 200's. Two of my fastest 200's ever were on Friday evening so was hoping to match these times. The times for these 2 came in at 3.01 and 3.02. Session was a bit messy because of the 17m pool, meant more wall turns than I would have liked, but if anything I'm pretty slow off the wall and meant I swam around 205m. Tried to hold my stroke as well as I could for as long as I could rather than just going flat out and seemed to work well.

    After this was gym circuit, leg press, leg extension, lat pull down and shoulder press. Then straight into a core workout. Long day training and was feeling pretty tired after it.

    Wednesday 13th November

    Only an hour on the turbo today and didn't mind that at all. Most of the session spent between 60-80% of FTP with 3 X 2 min intervals above FTP. Then 3 10 second sprints towards the end. Was feeling it towards the end, body felt a bit tired but that's the only session today so should be all good again tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    Thursday 14th November

    Long run day so ran into work again, around 8.5km in. Took it fairly handy and didn't get stuck at too many lights. Run home too, same distance, legs felt better running home.

    Straight to the pool when I got home. Nice long warm up, then some paddle work and some fast 50's. Didn't get to finish the set, the women for water aerobics had invaded the pool about 10 mins early, were too busy walking up and down talking to even notice me swimming. Core workout after this and some of the light weights. Another good day's training. Have an optional short slow run tomorrow morning but reckon I'll skip it, fairly tired and will be busy weekend too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    Right been a while since I updated this,

    Friday 15th November

    Morning run session was an optional one and I skipped it, had been tired all week and needed a bit of extra sleep. Evening session was a swim with sub60. Bit of a warm up then into main set of a 20min test, see how far we could swim in the time. Set off at a good pace and managed to keep it up for most of it, lost the feet in front after a while but got passed again by a faster swimmer who stopped at a wall and stayed on the feet until the end. Felt like I cheated a bit but sure I'll be drafting in my races anyway. Bit of confusion over the distance but reckon around 1200m and very happy with that. Pool swim at Joey Hannon last year had me at 26min for the 1500m so reckon I'm a good bit ahead of where I was this time last year. Rest of session was drills and figured a bit more out about the body rotation, these sessions have been great. Missing 2 in the next three weeks with work and a weekend away but will keep up the swimming myself.

    Saturday 16th November

    Morning spin with Dublin Wheelers. This week wasn't as flat as the previous weeks and we managed a few more hills than usual. Don't mind this really, I'm 5''8 and weigh 61 kilo's, if I wasn't good at climbing I wouldn't be good at much on the bike. Hills were grand, pushed it up the hills and waited at the top for most of the group. Did manage to get two punctures but other than that it was a grand trip. Legs were feeling tired after it but put that down to coming off the end of a big block of training rather than the cycle itself.

    Sunday 17th November

    Run and swim day. Decided to do both in the gym, weather was crap and didn't fancy running in it. So straight to the gym and onto the treadmill, gradient up to 1% and a 3km warm up. Then main set of 5 X 1 km at 4.00min kilometre pace. These felt comfortable enough and it wasn't until the last one that I was really feeling it. 3km cool down after. Was absolutely soaked after it and this is when I made the mistake, No water with me and didn't take any in the gym. Bit of a circuit then into the pool. Wasn't far into the warm up when I felt crap. No strength and felt stiff and sore. Done about 1km in total fairly easy before I had to call it a day. Only later on when I was thinking about it that I realised what I had done, won't be making that mistake again.

    Monday 18th November

    Easy enough week this week and Wednesday was in as a rest day. Still wasn't feeling great today so took it as my rest day instead.

    Tuesday 19th November

    Missed the pool today, usually do it after work but have to be done by 8.00 because that's when aqua aerobics start. Me and one of the lads in the centre I work in have started up a bit of circuit training for some of the young lads in the area and took a bit longer than planned. If this is going to keep happening I'll be looking at swimming before work.
    Got a run in after work though, 3km warm up then main set of 4 X 200m, 100m recovery between each, 4 X 400m, 200m recovery between each, 4 X 200m 100m recovery between each. Pushed these and was feeling it, pace was kept around 3.30 for each and by the end the legs were pretty dead. Afterwards around another 3km cool down.

    Wednesday 20th November

    Turbo session, moved from Monday. Power profile on Trainerroad. 1 hour 22 mins, bit of a strange session this one, bit of a warm up then 3 X 1 min intervals at pretty much FTP, rest period then 5 mins at FTP, rest period then 5 mins above FTP then few sprints thrown in at the end. ENjoyable enough session, legs felt strong and it wasn't as tough as I was expecting. Few problems with chain dropping off and right foot unclipping but nothing else. Will look at raising the FTP after the weekend.

    This weekend I'm heading over to a mate in London to go see Fulham play Swansea. Will be a weekend of drinking, staying out late and eating crap. Not flying out until Friday afternoon so will train on Fri morning and get back late enough on Sunday so probably won't get much done. Hopefully I'll be well enough on Monday to train and I won't feel like crap for too long!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    joey100 wrote: »

    This weekend I'm heading over to a mate in London to go see Fulham play Swansea.

    Not a good as seeing the mighty Leeds but much better than the Owls!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    2 Seasons ago I went to see Sheffield Wednesday play Charlton, first time ever seeing them play live. I enjoy watching football and would watch nearly any match on tv but it was tough to sit through it. Was like watching a primary school football match, that being said I'd say it's better than watching a Leeds match, at least I follow the better team in Yorkshire!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    So a tough weekend in London, and I'm still feeling the effects of it. Two late late nights out drinking and only back training yesterday. Hour and a half on the turbo, most of it was handy enough but there was 5 endurance efforts, these were done above my FTP and felt pretty good. Feeling stronger on the bike than I have in a while. Have missed the last two swim sessions and slept through the alarm for another one this morning. Should be able to get it done tomorrow before work and will try a 400m TT in it just to see where I am. Should be running tonight and then back to normal timetable from tomorrow. Hoping another nights sleep will sort me out.
