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The difficult second album



  • Registered Users Posts: 645 ✭✭✭MD1983

    joey100 wrote: »
    And to finish off the very last one I got a little bit sick

    thats working hard!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Yep def was, thought it was a little burp but got a surprise!

    Session probably isn't that bad for some people but I usually struggle above FTP and last night was no different. A good confidence booster to get it done though, just need to get the next one done too now!

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    joey100 wrote: »
    Session probably isn't that bad for some people but I usually struggle above FTP and last night was no different. A

    all a matter of circumstance. I usually love my >ftp efforts, nothing like a good struggle on the bike. they are never easy though. last night however, new target after last weeks ftp test, scarily big number, and struggled big time. didn't hit the last 2. give me a few weeks though and i'll be more used to that level and be hopefully knocking them out again.

    ironic thing is that when you are able for the sets it probably means it's time to test again and move the goalposts:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    @ Mossym, or you are just off a recovery week and the legs are really fresh! ;)

    Good to know I'm not the only one who doesn't finish the sets sometimes though, Well done on the new FTP too, that's a nice big number!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Bit of a catch up, Wednesday 23rd March

    Evening run with the club and Laura. Bit shorter than usual this week. Very easy warm up then into 15 x 40 seconds hard, 20 easy. Ran 13 of these with Laura and then the last two myself, had forgotten to do the builds in my earlier run so thought this might be something similar. Good pace for them and was sub 3 min km pace for both. Pleased with this. Around 6km ran.

    Thurs 24th March

    Easy turbo. 1hr easy. Keeping it a bit easier than I have been the last while and power around mid 170's for a very easy effort. Legs felt good for this.

    Fri 25th March

    Morning swim. Not so early in the morning and the pool was very quiet. Even got a lane to myself for the whole thing. 400m sw, 4 x 100m b&b, 300m sw, 3 x 100m b&b, 200m sw, 2 x 100m B~&B, 100m sw, 100 b&b. Pleased with this session as well. The 400m came in at as the exact same time as my 400m pb in the 50m pool and didn't feel like I was working really hard. 300m was around 4.50, 200m around 3.15 and 100m around 1.34 so was moving as well as I ever have in the longer pool. Good session and a bit of confidence gained from it.

    Afternoon run. I don't mind running in the cold or the rain but I hate running in the wind. Especially when I'm running to pace. Plan was 5 x 1km at 3.30 pace. Use a 1km stretch close to the house for these, only problem was it meant 3 would be with the wind and 2 into the wind. First one in around 3.25 and even though was tough it was manageable. 3 min recoveries was plenty too. Next one into the wind and looking back probably pushed a bit too hard to make the time and was around 3.35. Bit out but not too bad. Effort was fair bit higher than usual though and I was already into the red. Next km splits were 3.28, 3.42, 3.29. The 2nd one made the last 3 really hurt and was a struggle to get through them. The effort was there even if the pace wasn't and all were towards top end of my heart rate zones.

    Easy turbo. New pair of bike shorts arrived so tried them out with an easy 35 mins on the turbo. Power kept around mid 160's. Legs felt better after than before.

    Sat 26th March

    A storm was forecast with heavy showers so I decided my long spin would be better off on the turbo. Storm never showed up and I spent 3 and a half hours on the turbo looking out the window trying to convince myself it would start to rain soon and I made the right decision. 1hr 40 mins easy then into 6 x 10 @ 205w and 10 easy. Total of 3.5hours done on the turbo. Had to stop once or twice to stretch out but other than that no real problems and legs were comfortable enough for the whole thing. Bit of tightening towards the end but that was to be expected. After the turbo straight into the compression leggings and focused on recovery for the long run on Sunday.

    Sunday 27th March

    Long run. Longer than I have run in a good while and was hoping I didn't do too much on the turbo on Sat. Plan was for 1hr 45 mins easy. Heart rate a little quick to climb and plenty of hills on the route meant that it wasn't my fastest ever run. On the plus side it did feel very comfortable for the whole thing and legs were feeling good. Ran around 22km in the time so moving ok, not super fast but was pleased with how it felt and the effort required for it.

    Mon 28th March

    Morning swim was planned but didn't get to do it because I didn't have the car to get to the pool. Only found out last minute I wouldn't have it. To try and make up for it I headed out for an easy spin on the bike. 41km done with average speed around 24kmph so took it very handy and just enjoyed being out on the bike. Legs were feeling good after a tough enough few days training and no real tiredness in the body.

    Afternoon run. 45mins easy. Again heart rate a little quick to rise but I'm running a new route and I don't think it's as flat as I originally thought. When I was on flat sections pace was around 4.35min km so happy with that and that was around 8km into the run so legs were decent. Again pleased with the effort and a good few days training done.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Tues 29th March

    Evening turbo. Same set as last week. Decided because I hit the numbers last week I would aim a bit higher this week. probably not the best idea but I gave it a go. Worked well for 5 and a half of the 4 min intervals and then my legs went. 2 min recovery and then 2 X 2mins at around 288w to finish out. Legs feeling it by the end and nearly finished it. A hard session but I wasn't too unhappy about not finishing it, need to push more on the bike and if that means blowing up a bit well at least I know!

    Wed 30th March

    Another busy pool. Wed mornings are hard to get the set done but I gave it my best go. Main set being 10 x 200 alt pull/sw, swimming is strange, felt pretty good in the water this morning but my times were a bit out on last week when I didn't feel as good. Anyway tough enough session and done my best to get it done around the back strokers and breast strokers in the fast lane.

    Lunch time run. I forgot my heart rate strap, can't remember the last time I done that and today was the first run in a while where I would properly need it. 20 mins easy, 15 steady, 5 easy. Done to feel and keeping an eye on pace, probably not the most accurate but gave it a good go. Easy pace around 4.40 and steady around 4.10. PLeased with these, easy felt very easy adn the steady was a bit of a push without being too hard. Decent session.

    Evening run with Laura and the club. Back to the phoenix park for these runs now that we have the light. Longer warm up then into the main part of around 300m fast with around 150m recovery. Took these handy enough, probably pushed a little too hard earlier in the day or I'll have to have another look at how I'm going to run these sessions going forward but didn't feel great for these. Didn't like running on the grass, we were sort off of a track and was a bit lumpy and bumpy. Laura wasn't feeling it either so we didn't push too hard on the intervals and just kept a bit more of a steady pace. Altogether around 8.5km ran for around 18km ish for the day. Feet were a bit tender afterwards so think my trusty Saucony Rides are finally fit for the bin. On the plus side that does mean a new pair of runners.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    I'm in need of new running shoes too. Debating which ones to buy - I may go back to my Asics as I've had some good luck with that brand in the past. Will you stick with Saucony??

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Hey Dory, usually I just buy what ever is cheap! At the moment I have 2 pairs of puma faas 500, grand for up to 10-12km but don't like doing any more than that in them. A pair of nike lunar somethings that are pretty comfortable, only new enough so haven't worn them too long. A pair of kinvara 4's, like to do my interval stuff in these, will probably wear them for my half races. A pair of saucony ride and guide, ride will go in the bin, used both of these for my longer runs up to now. And a few pairs of racing flats to go with them! A lot of runners! I'll probably look at another pair of saucony rides for my next pair, saucony just seem to suit my feet, never have any problems with them and find them nice and comfortable. Have tried mizuno, adidas and asics in the past but they don't suit the shape of my foot or something, didn't find them as comfortable.

    So all that is a long way of saying I will probably buy a new pair of saucony rides, but if I get a cheap pair of something else they might have to wait a while!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,682 ✭✭✭MojoMaker

    Did you track how many KMs you got out of those Rides Joe? Gonna have a look at a pair myself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    @ Mojo, not really no. I know some people keep a good track but I just run in them and when I start to get aches after running I blame the shoes and bin them. I've had them around 1 year but alternate with 1/2 other pairs. Run on average around 50km a week, more this winter. I would take a guess at around 700-800km maybe? If you were to look at them though you would never really know, no huge wear on the sole and in great nick.

    Thurs 31st March

    Evening turbo. Feet weren't feeling great after the grass run on Wed and probably running too fast without the HR. So was nice it was just an hour easy on the turbo. Nothing fancy. Easy starting to feel easier.

    Fri 1st April

    Morning swim. Another swim where I felt like I was moving well but the times didn't match. Happy enough but still work to do. Arms tired after the swim and still a niggle around my left ankle.

    Talked to the coach and Friday run was binned. No point in running on the sore ankle and would be better giving it a bit of rest so I could get Sundays long run done.

    Sat 2nd April

    The club were having their training day for all the people who have taken part in the new to tri programme. Meant an early morning to give a hand. Timed 750m swim, then a 20km bike after a T1 demonstration. Quick T2 demonstration and then a 5km run followed by questions. I only done the 20km cycle and took it nice and easy. Average speed was around 22kmph so nothing major at all. Good session overall though and hopefully some of them got something out of it before their tri next weekend in Laois.

    Afternoon turbo. Later starting this than I would have liked but for the second Saturday in a row it was a 3.5hr turbo. 1.5hrs easy, averaging around mid 160's. Then into 4 X 15 @ 210w, 10 ez (building on last weeks, 6 x 10@ 205,10ez) with 3 X 3@220w, 2 ez to finish off the time. Legs felt a bit dead but good and no problem holding the power at all. Decent session but a long time spent on the turbo over the last 2/3 weeks.

    Sun 3rd April

    Long run. 1hr 45, broken into 1hr easy, 30 steady, 15 easy. Legs felt good but heart rate was a bit jumpy and at any incline at all would climb too fast. Easy pace averaged around 4.48, steady around 4.20. Nothing fast at all, the only plus out of today was how easy it felt on the legs. 30 mins steady was grand, and at time the easy felt like I was barely moving. About 22.5km ran in the time.

    Mon 4th April

    Easy 1hr turbo. Again keeping it nice and easy. Ankle was fine after the long run yesterday but body was a little tired overall for this. Done watching the Rio test event from last year. Nothing fancy, average power around 167w.

    This Saturday is my first tri of the year at Laois. I'm hoping for a decent time, I'm learning that results just depend on who shows up on the day! I don't feel particularly fit or fast but looking back at Garmin connect and seeing the training I have done shows that I'm fit enough and there should be a bit of speed in there somewhere. Last year I done this race (1.07.40 overall, 12.25 sw, 33.15 bike, 19.34 run) and I would hope to be fair bit faster this year all going well. Last year I broke my wrist in January was back training 2 weeks and had to stop for a chest infection and xray for another few weeks. Then I got married and went on honeymoon so the time the race came along I had about 3/4 weeks of training done in the calendar year. This year I've missed a few days but nothing major so would like to think I can go faster. I'll be aiming for close to 12 mins for the swim (I'll probably regret saying this but 25m pool feels easier than 50m), close to 32 for the bike (I was held up by traffic twice on the course last year, hoping it doesn't happen again this year) and as close to 18.30 run as I can go. Should put me close to 1.04 overall and a big improvement on last year. Ambitious enough and we will see on the day how it goes but once this weeks training goes ok and I can get rid of any niggles I don't see why not. Easy enough week this week after what looks like a tough enough, but not as tough as last few weeks, turbo tonight. Then it's all about getting ready for the race. Looking forward to racing again, been a long while now.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Best of luck at the weekend. You've been training well and I think you'll go well this weekend. Given the pace you've been doing your speed work at (3:30 and faster) I believe you'll go sub 18 on the run this weekend. Have faith!!! ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    It very much depends on who else is in the lane, but you're well able to swim fast, argue your case for being as close to the front of the lane as possible. Don't shout too loudly though, because you don't want to be leading. You seriously undersold yourself last year, don't do that again. It's nobody's fault really, but once the order has been established, it's very hard to get past 4/5 swimmers in a pool.

    After the swim, just go hell for leather. Don't worry about numbers. Even if you do fade, the finish line in a sprint is never too far away.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    fair play for sticking the goals out there in advance. i'm with gibbo though, the training has been solid, the numbers been hit. i suspect we'll have a happy Joe come monday, but you'll have to hurt for it. best of luck:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    Go hard, race smart, leave nothing in the tank. Do that and its a success. Don't overthink before or during the race, leave the thinking under after. Just suffer and don't think.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Cheers folks, hopefully I'm as good as you all think! ;)

    @pgibbo, that would be a big surprise to me if I could run that fast, would more likely be a short course for a time like that, but you never know.

    @zico, I'll def be shouting a bit louder this year and to be honest I don't mind if I do end up leading out a lane, I'll see on the day but I'll be putting myself in the top 2 or 3 of the lane anyway.

    @mossy, I hear what your saying about the hurt, probably don't handle it too well really and nothing like a sprint for trying to figure it out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 706 ✭✭✭ray o

    Did you ever do the Fingal Tri? Our old swim coach used to get one of his swimming buddies to lead out his lane so he would be nice and fresh for the bike. Not sure if that would have made a whole lot of difference to him anyway at only 750m. I think they did 09:XX for the swim leg of those races.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    joey100 wrote: »
    Cheers folks, hopefully I'm as good as you all think! ;)

    @pgibbo, that would be a big surprise to me if I could run that fast, would more likely be a short course for a time like that, but you never know.

    @zico, I'll def be shouting a bit louder this year and to be honest I don't mind if I do end up leading out a lane, I'll see on the day but I'll be putting myself in the top 2 or 3 of the lane anyway.

    @mossy, I hear what your saying about the hurt, probably don't handle it too well really and nothing like a sprint for trying to figure it out.

    Remind me again who it was that held you up last year?............. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭Pmaldini

    tunney wrote: »
    Go hard, race smart, leave nothing in the tank. Do that and its a success. Don't overthink before or during the race, leave the thinking under after. Just suffer and don't think.

    great line Mr T.

    best of luck at the weekend Joey

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    It seems a bit early in the week to be wishing you well at the weekend....but smash it on Saturday! Smash the crap out it!!! You've been doing some impressive training that will stand to you on the day. As the others have said, don't overthink...just go like hell. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    tunney wrote: »
    Remind me again who it was that held you up last year?............. :)

    To be fair, before the race started, I told him to go in front of me and he was having none of it.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,157 ✭✭✭Kurt_Godel

    joey100 wrote: »
    I'll be aiming for close to 12 mins for the swim (I'll probably regret saying this but 25m pool feels easier than 50m)

    1:36/100m pace for 750m? You're well capable of that solo- a good draft will have you going much faster! There's a minute or two to be gained or lost in the pool, be assertive when deciding lane order. Bound to be a few chancers who stuck down 12 mins on a prayer. Ask what pace people are going to swim- the decent swimmers will know their pace/100m straight away and that should cut the wheat from the chaff.

    Best of luck!

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    zico10 wrote: »
    To be fair, before the race started, I told him to go in front of me and he was having none of it.

    But you did let him through right?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    tunney wrote: »
    But you did let him through right?

    I'm pretty sure he was never on my feet. I let other people through though and I was let by after they tired. I never felt like I was holding a markedly faster swimmer up. There's a very simple explanation as to the people behind you might think they can swim faster. It's the nature of a triathlon with a pool swim. Joey positioned himself badly at the start and he was either swimming behind a complete ignoramus, or he was too polite to tap their feet to get through. I told him he shouldn't start behind me, he didn't listen. It might seem harsh, but as far as I'm concerned he only has himself to blame for a slow swim time last year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Lets not get into this but I was tapping feet from about 200m into the swim after the girl who went 2nd let a huge gap open up from the go. I take full responsibility that I positioned myself badly and it was my own fault. To say I didn't tap feet is wrong though, I spent the whole swim tapping feet and even calves trying to get through, not 1 swimmer let me through. But again let's not get into it, it was my fault for not putting myself further up the swim and being more confident in my times.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    zico10 wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure he was never on my feet. I let other people through though and I was let by after they tired. I never felt like I was holding a markedly faster swimmer up. There's a very simple explanation as to the people behind you might think they can swim faster. It's the nature of a triathlon with a pool swim. Joey positioned himself badly at the start and he was either swimming behind a complete ignoramus, or he was too polite to tap their feet to get through. I told him he shouldn't start behind me, he didn't listen. It might seem harsh, but as far as I'm concerned he only has himself to blame for a slow swim time last year.

    I was fairly sure you'd see it that way.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Right so back to logging some training.

    Monday 4th April

    Evening turbo. Nothing fancy, 1 hour easy. Usually run on Monday but wasn't too disappointed to see no run there today. Legs felt better as this went on and overall the body was tired but was comfortable enough,

    Tues 5th April

    Evening turbo. Not as hard as previous weeks with the main set being 5 x (1@280w,1@230w). This went better than expected, averaged around mid to high 280's for the first and high 230's for the second. 1 min isn't too bad but was pleased with how I held up for these. Then it was 5 mins @280, held around 290 for this and even though it wasn't comfortable it wasn't entirely uncomfortable either. I have been doing 5/6 x 4mins @ this power so really 5 mins by itself shouldn't have been too bad.

    Wed 6th April

    Morning swim. At times the stroke clicked a bit today and it started to feel easy and fast again. Not a lot of the time but a bit. Shoulders a bit tight today but overall decent.

    Lunch time run. 40 mins easy with a few builds. Body feeling good and was pleased with the pace for the effort. Started the builds and got a shooting pain that I'm hoping is just a cramp/stitch, never usually get them but had to stop after 4 of the builds and walk for a bit just to get over it. Was grand during easy but once I pushed at all it flared up again. Hoping it's nothing and was a once off. have tomorrow off anyway so next run will be on Friday and is only short so should be grand.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Assuming you're in wave 8 on Saturday, what lane are you in? There's a joe in my lane (lane 1) but pretty sure it's not you.

    The fact I'm in the last wave when I sandbagged my predicted time (13.45-14) means there might be some much slower swimmers than you in the wave so don't be shy at putting yourself up front.

    If I manage to hang around that long (my kids race at 8.30) I'll try and say hello - you're the one with the green tattoos??

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Griffin, I;m in lane 2 so will be in the lane beside you. I'll be around all morning, it's a long wait from registration to our wave. No green tattoos but plenty of others colours, will also be wearing a questionable runner choice. If you see me say hello, be good to put a face to the name.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Griffin he is the guy that weighs the same as an empty packet of crisps:)

    Good luck at the weekend J, go hard.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Good luck this weekend Joey, don't forget to enjoy it ;)
