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The difficult second album



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    That's a solid block of training Joey, has the new shed helped with fitting sessions in without impacting on home life too much?

    ..... and the puppy, what kind are ye getting and do the boardsies get to name him/her?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Shed has been great Neady, hasn't changed too much really, I had taken over one of the bedrooms in the house before hand. It is nice to have a space though that's just for training and helps get in the right head space, no distractions in there, I know when I'm going in there it's to train. I have a black board on one wall with my seasons goals and a table tracking my progress on it, good for the confidence to see how things are moving. TT bike is pretty much permanently on the turbo so no excuses for not getting on. Laura does a good bit on the bike too, her turbo sessions are on Tuesdays and Thursdays as well, wouldn't do as long as me but handy when we both train at the same time.

    Laura would kill me if I let someone else name the dog! But she did think of a pretty good name, she want's to call her Kona. Sounds good to me. She is a little brindle french bulldog, won't be a big dog but will be a lovely dog.

    Bit like this dog,

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    She's calling it Kona, brilliant, that's a great name :) we wouldn't have chosen better.

    That's a very very cute breed. We will want many many photos when puppy arrives ... this will be a training & puppy log ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Mon 12th Dec

    Rest day.

    Tues 13th Dec

    Morning swim with P Kern. Moving better in the water today, starting to click a bit with what Peter has told me to do. Still a bit of a dead spot when my right hand goes in but working on it. still kicking too much, that's what really tires me out rather than the arms. Main set included 6 x150m fast, with Peter giving us the rests. Drafted the first 4 of these and came in on 2.08, lead one and drifted a little to 2.10 and then blew up on the last one for a 2.20. Pleased with the first 5 though, that's a lot faster than I have swam in a good while and would have had me on for a sub 3 min 200m I reckon. Then was 8 x25fast, 25 easy, these hurt a little at the start but there was a good rest and the easy 25 made it ok. A really good swim session.

    Evening turbo, 1 hour. Nothing fancy, just one hour easy spinning on the turbo, HR getting lower for holding the same power. Have been using HR against power and am holding the same power as late Oct/early Nov for about 6/7 beats less per min. Seems to be working well. Legs were tired after the swimming, kicking too much, so was glad it was nothing too mad tonight.

    Wed 14th Dec

    Morning swim. 2x(5x100m sw, 5x100m pull) all off 2 mins. First set of 100's swim came in around 1.31/1.32 and pull around 1.40. Drifted out to around 1.35 swim and 1.45 pull for the second set. Pleased with this though, swim has taken a bit of a jump, that's as fast as I have ever swam with the pull and was surprised to see the swim times down too. Consistent enough, dropping maybe 3 seconds on the second 50 compared to the first. Still plenty to do and was a good rest interval but swim is going the right way.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    since i just saw it
    what would zico do ???
    would he have swam 2.20 ??? ;-) ;-) ;-)

    adding to zicos comment doing the duathlon after the half we did was very right for me too . at the same doing a hard session after galway half on a friday after the race was the totally wrong decision ( and the worst thing is i knew the answer before that session but thought like zico if i dont do that session its easier to bail the next one )
    so the answer is it depends on many factors.

    of ourse gernallly speaking zico is right with his comment

    btw since i have both of youse attention what have the 2 of youse to say about clen ? Martin has both of you flagged as you are too and thin he wants to know where you buy your meet...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    No clen use here Peter, just good quality home cooked food! I could and probably will lose another 1kg/2kg before race season starts, usually race around 60kg, I'm about 61.5kg now, not bad though going into Christmas.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    No clen use here either, Peter. Just 20 hour training weeks and being disciplined with my diet when it matters. I doubt Martin did say that, but after swimming on Thursdays, my breakfast is often just grapefruit instead of bacon & eggs and porridge in Java.

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭rooneyjm

    zico10 wrote: »
    No clen use here either, Peter. Just 20 hour training weeks and being disciplined with my diet when it matters. I doubt Martin did say that, but after swimming on Thursdays, my breakfast is often just grapefruit instead of bacon & eggs and porridge in Java.

    What about protein and carbs and recovery and all that jazz.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    rooneyjm wrote: »
    What about protein and carbs and recovery and all that jazz.

    Firstly apologies Joey for derailing the thread. Proper nutrition, eating the right food and all that jazz is of course important, but if you want to lose weight, consuming less calories than you burn is the only to go about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    It's no problem Zico, bit of discussion is always good.

    I'd be similar enough, I take a bit of whey protein every now and again, use the compression socks for recovery every now and again too.

    I don't count calories or really track what I eat but I only have breakfast, small lunch at 11, lunch at 1.30 and dinner at 6-6.30. Would be little to no snacking. No real alcohol intake either. Most of the stuff I eat is fresh apart from meat that gets frozen but other than that that's about it. I'd have a big sweet tooth so keep an eye if I'm eating anything sweet or if there is chocolate or cakes in work but a bit like what Zico said earlier, big training weeks help control the weight.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭rooneyjm

    zico10 wrote: »
    Firstly apologies Joey for derailing the thread. Proper nutrition, eating the right food and all that jazz is of course important, but if you want to lose weight, consuming less calories than you burn is the only to go about it.

    I know but a grapefruit after 90 min swimming. I'd be looking for small animals to kill on the way home.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Wed 14th Dec

    Evening run. Bit of a break in the weather and well timed for my run. 45 mins easy. Think the long run on Sunday is catching up on me, fair few niggles and tightness for this run. Pleased with the pace though. Cold out tonight.

    thurs 15th Dec

    Lunch time run. 35 mins easy. All short easy runs for my easy/recovery week. Again still some tightness there, few aches and pains too. Lot of coughs and colds going around the office in work, thought I had avoided them all but looks like I might have caught something. Hopefully nothing too bad. Again pace decent.

    Evening turbo. 40 mins easy. Had planned, felt very quesy during this, finished out the planned session but effort was too high for the HR and power. Kept cadence high and power low enough.

    Feeling lot better this morning, not sure what it has been for the last few days. Legs still feeling achey and tired though but putting that down to the long run on Sunday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    right so back to logging some training. It has been a bit all over the place the last while, the new dog had a bigger impact than I thought, wasn't fair to leave Laura looking after her all day so some days were skipped to try help her settle quicker. Getting there and starting to get back into a routine again. Will be a few small changes to my training, too many of my bikes are long and easy, going to shorten them a bit and introduce more intensity. Will try do 2 decent run sessions a week too and cut back on the mileage a little bit and become more about intensity and effort than just miles.

    So a few key sessions since the last log, done a park run to see how the legs were, run in not ideal after a few days off. Done the donabate one, nice and flat but exposed in places and bit twisty turny at places. Ran a 18.45 but missed a turn at the end and added on an extra 100/150m for myself and for about 800m at the back of the course I was on my own and exposed into the wind. A decent run out and not too bad a time, bit off my PB but I'll be running better soon.

    Few good bike sessions too, moved away from easy 1hour spinning with a little bit of work. Done a 2 x (5x1min @300w,1min easy) with 5 rest between sets, then 2 x (45@310w,45easy) again 5 mins between. Anothr session was 10x 2@ 260w,2 easy. Pleased with how I handled these, legs were ok, have repeated the sessions and the second time was probably better, more than likely because I was pacing better than stronger but good sessions. No real long runs but will get back again on Sunday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Fri 30th Dec

    Interval run. Bit of a warm up then 5x1km @3.35,2 recovery. Hit the times, wouldn't say it was comfortable but it wasn't until the 4th that it really started to bite. Around 10km done in total.

    Sat 31st Dec

    Morning cycle. Didn't get up as early as I wanted but took the extra time in bed and headed out on the bike. I'm not sure if it's a pulled muscle or something but I feel like I've tweaked something in my back. Wasn't too bad running, more when I twist around. Felt it today on the bike when I tried to have a proper deep breath. Didn't really affect the spin too much, was an easy 2hours anyway so wasn't pushing it. About 53km done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Sun 1st Jan

    Morning run. Loner and easy. 75 mins, pace was decent, windy out there today and colder than it has been in a while. Bit clunky but a good run to start the year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Mon 2nd Jan

    Evening run. 15 easy, 10 tempo and easy until 10km. Happy enough with the tempo pace for the HR, not too far off where I was at last year, def work to be done but was comfortable enough. Legs little tired but not too bad. 10km done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Tues 3rd Jan

    Turbo. 1hr with 3x(9x30 seconds@290,30 easy) with 4 mins between sets.legs were able for this, pleased with how it went, bike strength seems to be coming back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Wed 4th Jan

    Easy run at lunch time in work. About 45 mins one, pace was decent, legs a little tired but overall a good run.

    Thurs 5th Jan

    Lunch time run in work again. Harder run today. 2km warm up then 5 x 1k@3.35,2 rec. Done these on a road near work that has a slight rise on it, it's pretty much exactly 1km long so was perfect otherwise. the ones down it I made, the ones up it I missed by a second or two but the effort was a lot higher.

    Still trying to find the balance with training. Feel like I'm not doing a lot but I've moved a good bit to my work lunch breaks and when I get back swimming I'll feel like I'm doing more too. Enjoying it though.

    And for anyone that is interested here is a picture of the new addition to our family and for now the reason behind the reduced training hours, she's already getting bigger but is a lovely dog and we have been lucky with her so far.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Great training Joey but look at that face ............

    She is so cute, god she'd steal your heart :) She's some poser too eh?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Hard to find a picture of her where she isn't posing Neady!

    Fri 6th Jan

    Lunch time run in work. I've started running every day at lunch time in work, it gets me out of the office and is great for clearing the head. Today was 40 mins easy, took a wrong turn so ended up around 45 mins easy but was a good run. Legs a little tired but overall a good session.

    Evening turbo. Starting to use some of the trainer road sessions, takes the thinking out of it and they are probably a little harder than what I would do myself. 1hour session watching some cyclo cross on youtube. Set was 2x5,2x6,2x7 @ approx 90% with 2 mins easy between the efforts. A good session, tough but well able to finish. Starting to feel stronger on the bike, legs are tired but feel like training is going well.

    Sat 7th Jan

    Another turbo and trainer road session. 2hr 25 min @ 65-75%. Legs a little tired for this one, stayed aero for as long as I could. Legs felt it but was a good session and definitely worked harder than I would have just done 2hrs easy.

    Sun 8th Jan

    Long easy run. 1hr 20 mins and just over 16km. For the first 10km of this I felt like I was running well for the first time in a while. Pace was good, effort was right down and HR very controlled. The last 6km were tougher I had done an out and back route with the first half being easier. I'm hoping that running the harder bit on tired legs will help build some strength. Still another good session done.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Mon 9th Jan

    Afternoon run. Bit of a build, 10 mins@ 5min/km, 10@4.50,10@4.40 and then the last 10@4.20 (this was about tempo pace by HR last week). Went well, legs well able for it and had to keep pulling back the pace if anything. HR only really rose out of easy zone for the last 10 mins. Just over 10km done.

    Tues 10th Jan

    Still no swimming. This has to change.

    Afternoon run in work. On the turbo tonight so an easy 8km today. Felt very easy, HR good, pace good, everything getting better. Even if I was in an awful mood all morning!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    joey100 wrote: »
    Still no swimming. This has to change.

    Stick yourself down on the SBR table, joey. Nothing gets you in the pool faster than a big fat zero by your name!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    I would Kurt but my technical skills are not that good at all, I've tried before and just keep messing that stuff up, even after reading lots of descriptions on how to do it! Other thing is I tend to get caught up in them things and start logging crap stuff really just to get the numbers! If I can figure it out I'll give it a go.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Kurt.Godel wrote: »
    Stick yourself down on the SBR table, joey. Nothing gets you in the pool faster than a big fat zero by your name!

    i'd hope you'd have more motivation than that kurt. do it for you, not for others seeing your numbers

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    mossym wrote: »
    i'd hope you'd have more motivation than that kurt. do it for you, not for others seeing your numbers

    The exact opposite of that mossy! I take motivation from those with bigger numbers (or faster times). Besides that its a helpful snapshot of ones training balance.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Kurt.Godel wrote: »
    The exact opposite of that mossy! I take motivation from those with bigger numbers (or faster times). .

    you/joey don'y need your numbers up there for that :)

    i'm only joking really, the tables are useful, but if you're not feeling the guilt/need to do sessions without the table know what i mean..knowing joey he'll be in the pool without the table :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Overanalysis going on here... easily fixed though...

    ...just get in the bloody pool joey! ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Ah I will get back in the pool, things just a bit all over the place with the puppy now. Shud settle a bit next week hopefully.

    Tues 10th Jan

    Evening turbo. Tough session, 3x(90sec@110%,1easy, 3@105%,2easy, 5@102%,3easy). First one and last one were tough, second was actually comfortable enough. Middle interval was the hardest but pleased to do them all.

    Wed 11th Jan

    Strange day today. Entered a competition to win a bike fit and won it so its pencilled in for today. That and another competition won to the premier of the new Ben affleck film, live by night, means today is a bit messy but the bike fit will take a while and will have me up on the bike for most of it so might get something from that!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Wed 11th Jan

    Bike fit done. Was good, done a bit of a flexibility assessment first, I'm not flexible. Got up on the bike then and had a look at my current position, he said it was pretty good and was surprised at it given how my flexibility isn't the best. Few little changes, pads moved forward a few millimetres, saddle up a bit and another spacer under the pads. Feels more comfortable for the short time I was on it. Something I had been looking to do for a while so was glad to get it done.

    Thurs 12th Jan

    Lunch time intervals. Ran this with a lad from the club who is a low 35 min 10km runner. 12x400m with 30 recovery. While since I've done 400's and took me 2/3 to figure how out how to pace them best. Consistent enough times, slight rise on going one direction, times on this were 1.28-1.30, coming down it was around 1.25-1.27. Tough session but a good one. Going to try and run together most Thurs lunch times, nice to have a bit of company for it. Warm up and cool down done too.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Fri 13th Jan

    Evening turbo. Building set, 10 mins @80%,2 easy, 10@85%, 2 easy, 10@90%, 2 easy and then 10@95%. Tough enough, wasn't sure I would be able for it at the start but seemed to settle into each one as it went on. Legs were tired but to be expected this far into a block of training.

    Sat 14th Jan

    2hour turbo later than I would have liked. 2hrs @65-75% with 30@80%. No real problems with this, even on tired legs. The 80% was comfortable enough, I knew I was working but was well in control.

    Sun 15th Jan

    Primed coaching training day. Said I would give this a go, booked earlier in the year and was looking forward to it. Started with about 1hr 15 swimming, some individual filmed swimming, then some 100's. Worked on some breathing and stroke drills too. Decent swim session, no idea of how far swam but was plenty! We will be getting feedback during the week on our swim.

    Short discussion about swimming and technique after this and then a run session. Some technique drills, that I was awful at and then some running. 2mins running, then turn and 2 mins back trying to end up where you started. Done about 4 of these and was averaging around sub 3.30 pace. Highlight of the day for me really, I woudln't say they were comfortable but I was able to put 4 of these back to back with around 90 seconds recovery with 1 being a 3.23 kilometre.

    Turbo session then in the afternoon. Lots of high cadence stuff to start, then 4mins @ 60%, 3mins @70%,2mins@80%,1 min @90%. Tough going for this, room was roasting! After this was some big gear work of 2 x8 mins BG with around 2 mins recovery. Legs were really feeling it by the end of the day.

    A good days training and a nice way to finish off this block of training. No long run this week but it did have 2 days of intervals (1 of 400's and 1 of 1km's) so not too worried. Got some good info on structuring my training and nutrition during a race from the training. We will be getting feedback on how we got on during the week, including the swimming.

    Mon 16th Jan

    Rest day. A day off to let the legs recover. Were really feeling it this morning. The increasing the work load on the bike seems to be working and after a block of proper intervals I already feel stronger on the run. Need to swim more but was pleasantly surprised with some of my times in the pool yesterday but need more endurance.
