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The difficult second album



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Your swimming is coming on nicely- hitting 1:25's is a good place to be. Nice going on the bikes too, I doubt you'll notice any skipped runs by the time races come around.

    I envy your sleep pattern, lucky to get 7 hours myself and less if I have a few glasses of wine at the weekend. Do you stay away from screens in the evening before bed? (I won't expect any reply until tomorrow ;) )

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Prob not the best session to judge my swim times off, was drafting for 10 of the 16 100's, but still nice to be hitting them numbers. Month or two ago wasn't going under 1.30 for the 100 so a decent jump, if my steady pace jumps as much I'll be happier though.

    Yep my sleep is pretty good! I'm in bed asleep pretty much every weekday night by 10 (like last night!) and earliest I'm up is 6.10 so at least 8 hours sleep, with 2 x9 hours during the week. Weekend then would be a little longer too. I'm not great with turning off screens though, usually watching TV until around 9.45 or so and phone would be out too. Don't really have any issues going to sleep, only time is if I spend too long in bed in the morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭Pmaldini

    I'm with Kurt on the envy over the sleep, iv'e a swimmer in the house so we are up at 4.50 four mornings a week and even Saturday is early at 6.30!! take all the sleep you can now because if you ever decide to have kids the game is over, sleep will be a very distant memory:D
    Your training looks very solid at the mo Joey, great improvements all round, hope the foot doesn't give you too much bother. have you a half or a metric IM planned before the outlaw?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Cheers Pmaldini, nothing officially planned at the moment but do have some big enough weekends with long bikes and decent run on the Saturday and then a long run inbetween 2 bikes on a Sunday. This weekend should hopefully be one of these. I'm not too bothered about racing beforehand, it would be nice but I'm conscious enough of the time I'm already putting into the training and don't want to push it too much at home. There would be no issues but I'd feel guilty myself. I'm happy enough training away and trying to work around the current plan, I said I wasn't going to sign up to anything too far in advance but if I'm happy with how I'm going and see a race I'd like I might give it a go. No a huge selection this early in the season though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    A big enough week done, most hours towards the end though. only 1 swim, family stuff came up that meant I was out of work for a few days so wasn't near the pool. More important than swimming anyway.

    So for the rest. Bike, just under 12 hours done this week. Tuesday was a tough one with 8x4@around 120%, struggled for this and after the first two dropped it to around 115%. held it much better here, was still a struggle but could actually finish it. Thursday then was 90mins @210w within an 1hr 45 min session. New 90 min power record and 2 watts off my 60 min record too so was working hard. Had Friday off work so headed out for 3 hours in the morning. Nice to be out on the bike, especially when I knew what I had to do on Saturday. Saturday I had to be around the house so was around 5hours on the turbo @150w. Last half hour was very tough more from comfort on the saddle than anything else. Sunday morning was 45 mins with 30mins @ above planned race watts before my long run. And then an hour @160w in the evening. So a long enough week on the bike but even at the end was able to hold the power. Legs were definitely tired but pleased with what I got done.

    Run was big enough too. Just under 7 hours done. Sundays long run was 2hrs 20 mins. Pleased with this, done off the short bike and felt very comfortable. Got tough for the last 15 mins but not sure if this was a mental thing knowing I was close to finishing. Pace was consistent with only a little HR drift towards the end but only by around 3/4 BPM. 2 runs on Friday, one 45 min off the bike and then another hour easy later in the evening. Monday was easy and Wednesday had 2x20min steady sections in the hour run. Saturday was an hour off the 5hr turbo with the first 10km steady (41.30) and then easy running until the end.

    Total hours for the week was 20.5hrs so a good week down. Mainly over the weekend but pleased with it. Nutrition on the longer stuff was good, ate well on the turbo and then ran well off it with no issues. 2 gels on Sunday run, could probably have done with one more but no issues getting it done.

    An easy week this week. I had hoped to do a parkrun this Saturday but I don't think it will be happening. Club have an open water swim day on Sunday so will be first time in the open water this year, will try and get a fair bit done too. Tuesday next week is the interclub TT (may have few guest spaces if people are interested). Will be going in after an easy enough week and after this big weekend so I'm hoping for a decent performance this time around. Will be good to see what I can do power wise and where the bike is at. Plan will be for another big weekend like that in the June bank holiday weekend too. I'm hoping that these two big 3/4 day blocks will make up for the lack of a half before the main race. I already feel like I got a lot from this weekend, so even just for confidence it would be a good thing. I took yesterday off and back on turbo tonight, still a little tired but I'm feeling fit and fast.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    glad to see you back running well joey, didn't want to say it at the time and stress you out but i'd completely disagree with kurt about missed runs. you'd bluff it over short stuff but for IM you need the mileage in the legs.

    looking good, keep this up and we'll be expecting big things

  • Registered Users Posts: 827 ✭✭✭RJM85

    mossym wrote: »
    glad to see you back running well joey, didn't want to say it at the time and stress you out but i'd completely disagree with kurt about missed runs. you'd bluff it over short stuff but for IM you need the mileage in the legs.

    Running miles are important, not being injured on race day is importanter!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    So another step back/easy week done. Doesn't seem that long since the last. Bit of change of structure from now on won't see too many more really easy week, rather a few easy days. Will be interesting to see how it goes.

    Anyway this week. 2 swims. One short enough in the pool and one short enough in Lough Lene. Water was freezing but glad I got in, hope to get in a bit now in open water and try and bump up my swimming time. We will see though.

    Bike. 4 sessions. 3x1hour on the turbo, 1 with 5X3@300w+, matched my best ever 3 mins watts on the last one of these so was well in control and felt good. Thurs was 8 min over/under as 2x(3@95%,1@105%). Again no real issues, working but never under huge pressure. EAsy enough 1 hour on the turbo on Sunday evening that felt very easy. Long spin on Saturday with A1CC, bout 90 mins solo before hand and we weren't long into the spin when two lads came together and a lot of broken spokes. 2 of us finished out the spin so meant pretty much the whole 105km I was on the front. Very comfortable though and never felt I was working too hard, really pleased after it when I felt like I had barely done any work.

    Run was 4 sessions. 2 easy mid week, long-ish for an easy week @80 mins and then an easy 5km at the club training day in lough lene yesterday. Ran that in new Nike zoom fly runners. Felt strange walking around in them trying them on but when I was running they seem to have the cushioning in all the right places and were very comfortable. Got them cheap enough on lifestyle so happy with them and planning to more than likely use them for the race.

    Weight is good, staying around 59kg but feel strong at this weight. health seems to be good too so I'll try and stick around this as best I can. Foot is all better, no issues from it at all so fingers crossed ti stays that way. Sleep wasn't great this week, lot of waking and twisting and turning. Has been better the last few nights so hopefully I can keep that going. So starting to get to the business end of the training plan and feeling pretty good, swim needs work but that's nothing new. Hoping to make the club TT tomorrow night, bike numbers have been really good so will be interesting to see what I can do on the road. Even this easy week seen me longer on the bike than my old big weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭Pmaldini

    even though it was an easy week Joey, restless sleep can be a sign of overtraining, or are you doing a lot of sessions late or later in the evening than previously? i've always found when i train late i have a restless night after it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Would have been one or two later sessions than usual P alright, think it was down to this a bit and then one or two other things going on outside of training. Nothing major though seems to have past and have been sleeping well the last 3/4 nights so all good now!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Quick update while it's in my mind. Club TT last night, was feeling good for this, as well rested as I would ever be coming off an easy week. Lumpy enough course and usually a head wind, tonight was no different. Didn't get the warm up I wanted done, traffic meant I only had around 20 mins between getting there and starting. Not ideal but got something done and it helped. The main lad I wanted to go up against wasn't there but had a goal watts target in mind anyway so would work off that. 16.5km (ish) route, out in 26.20 on 264W @59KG. Pushed hard, probably not paced the best though, set out too hard as usual. Felt strong though, bit blustery and one or two wobbles on the bike but nothing too bad. Back the same route in 27.20 and 181W, big difference in watts for 1 min. Some very easy pedalling back too and one section of a fair bit of free wheeling down hill thru some bends. Coming back was around the target watts for outlaw and it felt very very easy. Some of that will be compared to the 264w going out but overall very pleased with how it felt coming back.

    Have signed up for an open water clinic this Sunday too. Hoping I get something out of it but even the fact it will get me in the water will help!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    A good week, first week of block and some good hours and quality logged.

    Swim. 2 swim sessions during the week in the pool. First was with others and was 2 mini pyramids, 50,100,150,200,150,100,50 with 55 seconds (including rests) per 50m. Never led but was working to stay on toes, pleased with how I got on though. After this I done some pull buoy swimming myself. Next session was solo and was 15x100m off descending recoveries, trying to hold the same pace per 100. Again working well and pleased with how it went, some 200m pull and paddles after this with 50m fast swimming inbetween them. Worked well in the pool this week, couldn't really say there was much wasted time. A decent open water swim session yesterday then with Ocean breakers in Portmarnock. Nice and choppy in the water, picked up a few tips for open water swimming and felt I was moving well. Very comfortable in the water and my sighting was good too, pleased with how I swam.

    Bike. Tough session on Tuesday with the club TT. Worked hard and pushed well. Thursday was about 90 mins at 190w within an 1hr 45 session, very comfortable for this and got off very confident in my ability to hold the target power. Sat was a long solo Tt bike spin. 5hrs on the TT bike. Covering around 160km, had to go through 2/3 villages having communions so I'd like to think my average would be a bit faster in a race. Plan was to hold around 170-180W on the flat and push it a bit going uphill. Worked well and usually on the hills was averaging around 200w, won't be the way I race Outlaw but thought it would be a good session. Got tired with about 45 mins to go and was pretty tired finishing. Sunday then was 1hr on the turbo majority of the session around 170w, no issues at all with this and pleased with how the legs felt after Saturday.

    Run was a good week. Eeasy weekday run on Monday and Friday of about 45 mins and a tough session on Wednesday of 8x800m around 3.30min/km pace, with 2 mins walking recovery. Really happy with this, these were done on a slight incline and held between 3.31.-3.29 pace going up with 3.25-3.27 coming down. First hard session in a while and pleased with how fast I was going. Last year I done 10x400m with 90 seconds recovery and was doing them in around 1.22, these were done in around 2.42 so faster than last year for longer intervals. Only downside was my foot flared up a bit again on Wednesday evening and Thursday morning. WAs ok after the turbo on Thursday but I think I'll knock any hard running like that on the head for a while. It's not worth the risk of my foot flaring up again. Has been grand since and no issues at all though. Saturday was an hour easy run, wasn't done straight off the bike but body and legs were still tired when I was running. Took about 35 mins for legs to wake up but I just kept it easy, pleased to see at the end that the average pace was pretty much bang on for target pace for the race. Sunday then was a 2hr long run first thing in the morning. Body still a little tired but kept the pace easy and never felt pushed. Pace improved a little as I went on but pleased with how I ran on tired legs.

    About a 17.5hr week and feeling good. Lot of intensity there between Tuesday TT and Wednesday interval run session and I think it caught up with me a little on Saturday. Still got everything done though and good to start open water swimming properly. Hoping to get in more now over the next few weeks. Wasn't delighted with the long bike on Saturday when I finished but looking back now I'm pleased with it. Nutrition was good and for the majority was very comfortable.

    Sleep was good and weight is good too so overall pretty pleased. Have to keep an eye on the left foot and will swap any very hard running sessions like that for more steady HR based sessions, I'll still be working hard, just not as flat out. Really enjoyed the open water and the choppy conditions seemed to suit me pretty well, hoping for more open water swimming over the coming weeks in Skerries. Water temperature wasn't bad and was a nice change of session from what I have been doing.

    This week will be something similar but one or two changes to when I normally train to fit in a few extra work bits. Nothing major though and the hours should be similar enough to last week. Another big weekend planned for the June bank holiday weekend too so want to get there not too wrecked!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    2nd week of block done and turned into a bigger block than planned but had an opportunity over the weekend to add some training so took it.

    Swim, had only 2 planned this week and even then only 1 happened. 1 open water never happened cos of sea conditions yesterday, an unusually busy week in work meant I wasn't around the office and I usually got to the pool before work so never happened.

    Bike. A good bike week. Tuesday was 4x8@105%, 4 easy. Legs were tired for this and was a bit of a struggle, thought I would have to lower the target power but just kept going as well as I could. Really pleased I got through it without changing the targets. New 55 min power record set. Thurs was another tough enough session, 90mins with 4x12mins as (4x2@95%,1@105%) with 4 recovery. Again a tough session but no lowering of targets, stayed in the saddle for the whole thing too and no standing. New 65+70 min power records during this too. Sat was a long spin on the TT bike, held lower power than last week but was much smoother, very comfortable again, block head wind at times was soul destroying. Tired towards the end but not half as much as last week. Around 155km done. Sunday evening was 1hour steady on the turbo, most spent around target race watts. Legs felt ok, definitely some fatigue in them but no issues holding the power at all.

    Run. A big run week. Mon run cut a little short after 30 mins, a reminder not to eat a big bowl of pasta right before a run, no matter how easy it's meant to be! Wednesday was a steadier session, 10 easy, 30 steady (average around 4.10min/km), 15@planned race pace and then 10 easy to finish. Legs a little tired but no issues, settled well at steady pace and when going back to planned race pace it felt very very comfortable. An easy lunch time run on Friday of around 10km and then another 70 min easy run that evening. Sat was a run off the bike as 14km faster than race pace with 3km easy after. Faster than race pace settled around 4.18min/km while staying top end of easy zone. Dropped right back for the easy and let the body recover a bit. Sunday then was a long run of 2hrs 20 mins, running the furthest I've ever ran and through the half mara in around 1.41. Legs definitely fatigued but it still felt easy and controlled.

    So a big enough week at 17 hours but only 1 hour of swimming. Over this training I've tried not to look too much at distance ran, I'd get into a competition with myself about pushing it out further and further each week but this week I did have a look. Furthest ever @ around 92km. Thought it would be by far the furthest but when I looked back there's a few high 70's and mid 80's there so some good running. Definitely some fatigue in the body but not too bad. Another big week this week with hopefully some more swimming. I have Friday off work so will be doing a big enough weekend to bump up the numbers, into a step back week next week so all planned out.

    Sleep was good. Mainly around 8hours but 2 x10 hours means I don't feel tired. The one concern or thing in my mind at the moment is the bike on the day, I'm hoping for around 5hrs 20mins. Bike course is a bit long and not sure how fast it is. But on Saturdays cycle for 5hours I only cover 155km so leaves me well short of target time. Some will be having to cycle through 2/3 small towns and stopping at lights and stuff but not sure that would make a huge difference. But we will see, will just keep working away and what ever happens happens.

    Nutrition on the bike was very good this week, pretty much trialing food plan for the day and seems to be working well. stomach holding up and was well able to run off it, took 2 gels on the run, more to get used to rather than needing to and never felt under fueled. More water on the run needed but didn't have a bottle with me and will be aid stations on the race so not too worried about that.

    So overall a good week, more swimming planned this week, run will stay something similar and probably another long bike this week on Friday during the day. Looking forward to it and at the same time looking forward to the step back week next week!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Last week of the block and another big one, biggest week ever, run numbers down a little on last week but still a mid 80km week.

    Swim. Two sessions this week, both good ones and fairly long at over 3km each. Working when I'm in the water and no real wasted time. Pleased with the swim this week.

    Run. Not as much as last week but was feeling it so wasn't too bothered with that. Easy 40 mins on Monday and easy 90 mins on Friday off the bike. Wednesday was 2x(5easy, 20 steady, 5min sub 4min/km). Legs were tired but was good return for effort, no issues at all holding pace and the sub 4min/km were held with no problems. No run on Saturday but my longest ever run at 2.5hrs on Sunday and just over 31km. Done on very tired legs and pace was good, felt comfortable and sustainable for the whole thing. A good running week, 3 big weeks in this block and consistent too.

    Bike. Biggest bike week ever I'd say. Tuesday was 90mins with 5x8@105%, 4 ez but had to change this a little to 5x8@102%, struggled just a bit too much at the higher power, but was still working hard and was wrecked by the end. Thursday then was 2hours with 1hr 45 spent around 85-93%, setting new 1hr 40, 1hr 50 and 2hr power records. Felt tough very early on but stuck with it and got through. Never comfortable but settled into it well and got it done. Friday was off work so was 4hours easy on the road bike, trying to hold it back a bit, not too hard after Thursday nights turbo in the legs. Nice to be out on the road bike and just taking it easy. Around 115km done. Sat then was to be my long cycle, made a decision late on Friday that I wouldn't run on Sat, I had my longest run planned for Sunday and had done a 90 min brick on Friday so the plan was to concentrate on the bike on Sat and extend it a little from the planned 5hours. Laura had gone down to her parents for the weekend so no rush to be back home and it was a lovely day so made the most of it. Got to around 170km after 5.5 hours so being so close to the 200km mark and not having anything else that day I stayed out to hit the 200km marker. Glad I did, home with over 200km on the clock and just over 6.5hours. Enjoyed the spin though and average speed was a fair improvement at times over previous weeks. Even with the time on the bike never felt sore or tired. Did tighten up a little and get tired that evening but the rest of the day was spent lying on the couch so a nice recovery after a long spin. Sunday then was 1hour easy on the turbo, mainly around 55% so nothing hard at all.

    So overall 23.5 hours this week with the majority being the bike. Bit of tightness running towards the end of the week and part of the reason for skipping planned brick on Sat, but got a long brick on Friday so don't think I missed too much. Sat and Sunday had over 10 hours of good sleep so felt pretty decent Sunday and Monday morning and feeling lot better now. Took yesterday off and this week is a bit of a step back week. Last 3 weeks have been a total of around 59hours training not including foam rolling or stretching with about 5 of them being swimming so a lot of bike and run work done! Swim as usual leaves a lot to be desired. Pleased with the bike and run at the moment, I'm nearly hitting race target pace for my easy pace in my runs and even at the last long run in the block I wasn't far off it, no real dropping of pace either through the run and never felt under any pressure. Bike, still come concerns about my overall speed but on Saturday I was moving well and was averaging good speed most of the time. Easy enough week this week, hoping for at least 1 open water swim. Run will be short enough and bike hopefully going in for a service on Friday so weekend spin will be on the road bike and nothing hard. This week has been timed well!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    That 200k will stand to you on race day, both mentally and physically. Good week put down.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    So a nice step back/recovery week, was glad of it, 3 big enough weeks had left me pretty tired so was good timing. Nothing too mad hours wise this week, approx 10.5, 3 bikes with 2 turbos, working hard enough but only an hour so over quick enough and then a nice easy 3 hour spin with my dad around howth, covering around the same climbing I will in the main race, over around 35km (I done more than this but was only around 35km up and down howth) so good to get it in the legs. 3 runs, 1 long -ish easy, pace a little out but had been at skerries tri earlier in the day and then there was an estate street party for all the neighbours to get to know each other so on my feet more than I would have liked. Decent brick run off the bike on Sat where steady pace settled just over 4min/km and easy pace settled around 4.30 min/km and was comfortable. Another easy run in there too. 2 swims this week, working hard enough in the pool and was holding pace well off relatively short recoveries. I think I'll just have to accept that 2 swims a week seems to be the most I manage for what ever reason and anything else is a bonus. Good sleep and food this week and plenty of resting.

    All set now for the last block, a little longer than past blocks but the end is in sight at this stage. Long bike and runs will reach their peak (pprob won't match the 200km but won't be too far off it) in the next few weeks and mid week will stay largely similar, body is feeling good and looking forward to seeing how it goes after a bit of rest following these weeks. bike is being picked up today after its service and getting a new chain and BB, had the hubs of the race wheels looked at too. bit earlier than planned before the race but the timing suited with the easy week so went with it, gives me plenty of time to double check everything is ok too. Batteries in power meter and HR strap will be changed in the next few weeks too and food for the race has already been stored away so I don't use it all!

    FTP test tonight, hoping for another jump, hoping legs are good. Felt good on Saturday and with little wind on the road bike I was holding very good speed for what felt like little effort, climbed well too and surprisingly for me was descending well too. Must be all the time spent on the bike the last while!

    When I run around where I live I tend to stick to a route around the village, we have a 3.5km loop that is marked out and has an on road cycle lane too, well lit and good surface so can be nice for running. 2 new schools just built in the area so as part of this they are developing a sports area. I think there will be a 400m track built and at the moment they are finishing a 1km-ish loop around the outside of the area that will be tarred. Have been up to it once or twice over the last few weeks and each time the surface is getting better, will be great when it's done and should be good for some of my long runs, I'll be able to hide a bag with a bottle and gels in it up there. Will be good when it's all finished too and between that and the cycling in the area it will be great for training, if only they would get a pool sorted I'd have a great little training set up!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Quick update after FTP test. Have been doing a fair bit of biking recently so was hoping for a decent improvement over my current FTP of 254. Not as fresh as I would have liked to be for this, still a bit of fatigue in the body but in as good a condition as I probably am likely to be with the next block coming up.

    Plan was to go out hard and see what I could do. Held 316w for the 5 mins effort, highest ever 5min power and at 59kg is about 5.3w/kg. Working hard for this and pleased with that number.

    5 mins recovery and then the 20 min test, again go out hard and see what I can hold. First half was 280w and second half was 278w for an average of 279w. Pleased with this, was tough after around 5 mins so pleased I stuck with it and got thru it. New FTP of 265w so a jump of about 11w and about 4.5w/kg. Up from about 235w in January so a nice improvement, very pleasing though that it's all in aero and I feel I'm working even better at around 80-90% than ever before too. Trainer road has told me that it's 201 all time records, but that includes seconds and minute records within the hour, but for the big ones it's a new 5min, 10 min, 15min, 20 min, 30, 35, 40,45, 50 and 55 min power records so a lot of improvement, about 3/4 w off my 1 hour best too. My highest numbers ever and right before the last block of training so the bike seems to be in a good place. I'd like to think that there's another 3/4w in there from doing it in better condition but that's easy to say and I can't really complain with how it went. Weight has been somewhere between 58-59kg for the last month or so too but will record it as 59kg for this test, mainly cos if Laura see's I'm at 58kg she will kill me!

    Picked up the bike yesterday too and new chain and BB seemed to have made a difference, whole drivetrain just seems smoother, need to keep on top of it and keep it in good nick for the race. While the shed is great, in Winter the chains and cassettes on the bikes seem to suffer, have some things in it to help with condensation but might need to look at this a bit more next year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    First week into last block of training.

    Swim. 2 swim sessions this week. Tuesday and Thursday. Tuesday was all paddles and pull buoy or just pull buoy. Longer intervals. Feeling it getting out but a good distance done and pleased with the work. Was saving the legs for the fTP test on Tues evening. Thurs was swim pyramid, little slower than I would have liked but the effort was there and another good session.

    Run. An easy run on Mon and Fri, moving fair bit better on Friday though. Wed was 10 easy, 35 steady, 2km @faster than 3.50min/km then about 2.5mins@ faster than 3.40min/km then easy til end. Legs were tired enough after the FTP test but pleased with how this went, settled well into the steady section and didn't have to work too hard for the sub 3.50min/km, last section I was working but the end was in sight. Legs tired after but a good run. Long run swapped to Saturday this week and was to be 3hours. Set out well and HR nice and controlled, this run about time on feet rather than pace so just kept it easy through the whole thing. 4 quick walking breaks to take a gel. Pleased with how I held up, no real aches or pains, little tiring alright but pace was consistent throughout and never felt under any real pressure. Just over 37km done and pleased with it. Sunday was brick run off a long bike, done 20 steady, 20 slightly faster than race pace and then 20 easy. Steady settled well and was running 4min/km, slightly faster than race pace felt very easy and was about 10 seconds quicker than race pace but felt very comfortable. Probably felt more comfortable and natural than the easy run, felt a bit like I was working hard to slow myself down and just felt alittle clunky. Pleased with how I ran off a fairly long and hard bike and the day after a 3 hour run.

    Good bike week too. FTP test on Tues with a good increase. Thurs was 2 hrs on the turbo, meant to be polar bear on trainer road, with around 1hr 45 spent at 90% but this was never going to happen that close to an FTP test where I really gave everything. Started it but knew about 10 mins in that it wasn't going to happen. Changed to a session with 1hr 50 between 70-80% and was pleased with how I held it. Turbo on Saturday evening was 75 mins majority spent around race watts, pleased with how easy this was after the long run earlier in the day. Sunday I done the 2 county challenge with swords cycling club. Plan was the 150km route, I'd spin down from the house but prob drop off near the end as it passed the house so would end up around the 150km mark. 2 routes 150km and 100km, both would go to tayto park for the food stop about 70km in before it split. Went with the fastest group, averaged around 35km/hr to tayto park, big group so wasn't too hard but some of the group were dangerous, had a feeling there was going to be an accident so spent my time moving thru the group avoiding people. Quick stop in Tayto and we were back off, smaller group doing the 150km so bit better group, pace was still good but I could tell people were getting tired and again I felt like it was only a matter of time before an accident, there were a few very near misses thru the group. I put myself on the front at around 95km in and when we hit a few slopes I found I kept pulling away. I'd sit up and wait for the group to catch back on, after around the 3rd time I just kept going myself, so from about 98km to 125km I was solo until I got a double puncture coming into balbriggan, had both tyres changes before a splintered group caught me, reckon I had put around 4 mins into them over the 25km. I was working but legs were feeling good and it was getting to the stretch to the finish that I knew. Unfortunately my pump wouldn't work so had to wait to get a lend of one and by that stage it was lashing rain and I was getting cold. When I finally got all sorted I decided just to spin home, still done around 140km for the day in 4hrs 15mins so was good speed and got a real good workout done during that lone stretch. Was making excuses in my head on the way why I wouldn't do the brick but pleased I did and ran well off a hard enough bike.

    a 17.5 hr week and felt good. Not my longest week but it was fairly tough with some hard workouts and my longest run ever. PLeased with how I held up and even though body is little tired now it's nothing major. Sleep was very good this week, Fri and Sat night were around 10 hours, last night about 9.5 with nothing less than 8 during the week. The other real positive this weekend and something I have been working on was the recovery. Friday evening I made few batches of food for the weekend, meant when I finished the run on Sat I spent the day with my feet up and food already prepared for the day. only got up to go toilet really. After the turbo was the same, feet back up. Legs were def a bit tired on Sunday morning but was pleased with the recovery and Sunday after the 2 sessions was pretty much the same. Another good week down and around 3.5 weeks left!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    59kg!! That makes you a few kg lighter than my 13 year old!

    Ticking along nicely. With the volume you are putting in would you consider getting a deep tissue rub on an off week? Great consistency going on

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Cheers Shotgun, yep I'm a lightweight! (Actually closer to 58kg at the moment but we will keep that quiet!) Always have been pretty slight, I'm only just 5''8 as well so that helps! Back when I used to Kayak the smallest kayaks were designed for people 65kg+ and I'd always have more difficulty controlling and throwing about the boat because of my light weight. Laura keeps saying that if she could bottle my metabolism we would be millionaires!

    I've never had a massage so it's not really something I had planned. I've half thought about it but I'm the type of person who likes to stick to routine and not really change anything, so even though I'll think about it I probably won't have one.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    joey100 wrote: »
    I've never had a massage so it's not really something I had planned. I've half thought about it but I'm the type of person who likes to stick to routine and not really change anything, so even though I'll think about it I probably won't have one.

    I love your honesty :D

    I have to say that I'm an advocate of massages since suffering a few injuries. I'm of the opinion that prevention is better than cure so I generally get the physio to do one two weeks before a big race and two after. He cuts me a deal on three sessions so it works out not too expensive.

    I find the two massages after a race are great to shine a spotlight on any niggles or weaknesses left after a race.

    In saying that, if it ain't broken, don't fit it. You're consistency and dedication to the plan is top notch Joey, commendable and a joy to follow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    We will just have to wait and see if the plan was worth the dedication and consistency now Neady!!

    The massage thing has got me thinking, I helped a lad out with his training for a half and few other races and he has done a sports therapist course (think that's what it's called!) and has offered massage in exchange for the help. Might take him up on the offer during the taper!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    joey100 wrote: »
    We will just have to wait and see if the plan was worth the dedication and consistency now Neady!!

    The massage thing has got me thinking, I helped a lad out with his training for a half and few other races and he has done a sports therapist course (think that's what it's called!) and has offered massage in exchange for the help. Might take him up on the offer during the taper!

    I don't know. If you've never had one why risk one during taper?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Now you have me going back the other way P! Maybe now isn't the time to experiment alright, probably best sticking to what I know and keeping the routine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    One week closer to the end.

    Another decent week.

    2 swims as per the norm at this stage. One swimming with others and working hard, 2 mini pyramids with 55 seconds per 50m including rests. Held this well and find that the longer the interval goes on the better I am able to close the gap on others, lose a lot of time turning every length but I won't have to turn in the race so that shouldn't matter. One session by myself of 400's alt swim/pull buoy then moving to 200's doing the same. Felt I was moving well in the water and getting more pleased with where my swim is at.

    Bike. A good biking week. 2 mid week turbos. Made a mistake with Tuesdays session and done the wrong session plan was for 4x8@102%,6ez, ended up trying to do 5x8@102%, 4 ez. Struggled with this, got through the first 3 then for the last 2 had to split them with a short break in the middle. Still ended up working harder (TSS value wise) than I was meant to in the session so that made me feel a bit better for not being able to finish at the end. Thurs was a sort of ramp session 14 min intervals, going up in 10% blocks, starting @60 and finishing @100. Good session and was only in last 5 mins it started to feel tough. Sunday turbo was done in the morning rather than the evening, and the legs were feeling it. Not a hard session, same as last week, 75 mins with the majority spent @race watts. struggled to get comfortable and never really settled but hit the numbers and got it done. Sat was a long spin on TT bike. Changed the route to cover some of the route I done on the sportif last weekend. Better surface and included from Batterstown out to Trim and back so around 20km of straight road each direction. Less small towns to go through and even though I felt like I done very little climbing I still climbed the same I usually would. Average speed up a good bit and power was a little lower than I was aiming for. 5hrs done and cover mid 160km. Lot more comfortable on the bike too, surface wasn't as bad, on the other route I find I get beat up a bit as it goes on and I get a pain in my lower right back as the spin goes on, can feel it build up on rough ground and put it down to that, no real issues today so reckon it's just poor surface causing it. This spin was a definite confidence booster, ate well, could probably have drank a bit more but drank everything I brought with me, and got good return on my power without ever really having a tailwind.

    Good run week too, volume not as high as at my peak but plenty of working this week. Easy run on Monday and Friday. Wednesday was start easy and then 50 mins@ steady effort. Averaging around 4.08min/km for these, bit tough towards the end and probably a little longer than I should have went but I'll learn from that. Prob better to split it in 2 with short break. Sat was a 75 min brick. Settled really well and was running faster than race pace by around 10 seconds for the first 6km, settled more realistically after this but was still just under race pace for easy HR for the rest of the run. Sunday long run was a little different this week than the normal long easy km's. First 30 mins easy then 90 mins @ around race pace, finishing with 15 mins easy. Easy pace just a little slower than planned race pace but HR was right at bottom of easy zone. Tired enough legs for this, race pace effort settled faster than planned race pace but it felt easier to run at this effort than to try and slow it down, felt more natural. Averaging around 4.30 min/km for this effort and never under huge pressure, Hr stayed in easy zone, top 3rd of it but not on the limit either. Covered just under 30km for the time so pleased with this effort and how it felt. So bit of work on the run this week and feeling more confident about it too.

    Mid 17 hour week again. Weeks have tended to start slowly and then build as they go so happy with this number. The intensity was there this week that might have been missing in other weeks and had to lower the total volume a bit for this. Pleased with the decision though and even though the legs are tired now I know I'll gain a lot from this week, that sort of running in the past has really helped me and I have got good benefits from it. Sleep was really good this week, lots of it! Even a short 45 min nap after the sessions on Sat. Sunday wasn't the best day, went to the Fingal County fair in the Morning so was on my feet and in the heat more than I should have been before my long run. Eating was decent this week, probably a little less than what I should have had mid week but I'll work on that (weight low 58's). Nutrition on the bike and run is working well and the stomach is fine with the gels and bars. This is probably the first week in this plan that I have felt the motivation drop a bit, always happens me coming up to the race, the end is in sight and I have a tendency to drop the sessions now rather than continue with the plan. I know this about myself so made sure I got out for the long run on Sunday that I kept putting off. Seeing RJM's last long bike on Strava before IMUK helped get me up off the couch!

    This week will be similar enough, I won't do too much on the Wednesday session and today is a rest day so slight differences but hours should be around 18 for the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Second last week of last block and probably biggest week of the block done (4 big weeks in this block rather than usual 3).

    Swim. 4 times. Yep you read that right, 4 swims this week! 1 open water on Monday, was to be a rest day so when the club organised a beginner open water swim day I dropped down. Good to be in the water and felt strong, think the pull and paddle work I have been doing has helped my wetsuit swimming, tried the planned race suit underneath the wetsuit too and all worked grand. Tues, Thurs and Fri then in the pool. Tues was 20x100, probably a few seconds off where I would like to be but consistent times. Thurs main set was 12x100 off 1.45, drafting for some of these and led some too, held 1.30 pace and went sub 1.30 for my ones. Pleased with this, especially after the slower times on Tues. Followed this with some broken 300's (200m pull buoy, 100m swim). Working hard for these and pleased with where I was coming in. Friday then was 4x(250m swim,250m pull, 250m pull and paddles). Tired enough but a good session. A really good swim week for me.

    Run. Only 3 runs this week so not ideal, Mon run was scrapped as it was rest day, no harm there. Friday run was started but abandoned, I'd had stomach cramps all day and when I start running I'd get a really bad stitch just below where I was having the cramps. Had to stop 3 times in 12 mins to walk it out so reckoned it was best just to bin the session and rest up for the weekend, not ideal but only 1 session. Wednesday was 75 mins easy, legs were feeling the run work from the last week so this was just an easy run. Sat run was a half marathon off the bike, plan to start at race pace and slowly build as it went on. Worked well and was well able to build it, HR all stayed in easy zone and was through the half in 1.35, rough plan for the race is 1.40 so happy with how it went. Few mins easy running then to finish out. Sunday was a long run off another bike of 2.5hours, one of them runs when you never really settle or get going, felt a bit clunky all the way around and legs were tired but pleased with how it went, HR towards lower end of easy and pace was only 6 seconds per km off goal race pace.Never felt under huge pressure, if never feeling very fluid.

    Bike. A good bike week this week. Tues was 4x9@95%,9ez, rest was plenty long, prob as rested after 9mins as I was after 4/5 but tough enough on tired legs. No issues though and all done. Thurs was to be 2hours @around 88%, knew this would be a struggle on tired legs and the heat so lowered the target a little. Held 2 hours around 210-220w so pleased with it, all aero and in the end was higher than aiming for but just a few watts below the initial target. Sat was the big one this week, 6 hours solo on the TT bike. I like the new route I used last week, road conditions are much better and don't feel as beat up on the bike, still cover same climbing so similar to what I have done in the past and a similar profile to the race, with one bigger climb and then few rollers. On the bike at 5.45 in the morning to get it done before the heat really started and knew I had a tough-ish run off it so wanted to get it done early. Plan was a bit like the run, build through the cycle, worked well and ended with my last hour my highest average power for the ride. Covered 203km and averaged just under 33kmph in 6hrs 5 mins. Fueled well, stopped to refill bottles after around 3.5hours and felt good on the bike, no real tightening on the lower right of back. Last time I done this distance it took me 6.5hours and was similar power output, was wrecked after it too and pushed the planned brick. this time I got off and ran a comfortable enough half marathon in 1.35. A really good training day, tough enough and lots of hours but really pleased with it. Sunday then was taking JB's advice and a 45 min turbo before my long run. Built through it to start easy and finish around 95% of FTP before heading out on long run, tired legs and took about 10 mins to get going but once I did felt good. Held around 245w for the last 5 mins before heading out on long run. Sunday evening then was 75 mins mainly spent around race watts. Again a little bit of time to settle into it but once I did no real issues.

    So 20.5hours this week with a missed/aborted run. not a bad return. Feel tired today but not sore or achey, On friday night I was in bed asleep at 9.30 before the early cycle and had a 75 min nap when I was done on Sat. Probably the last really big week but will probably hit around 18 hours this week to finish off 4x17+ hour weeks before the taper. Saturday gave me a fair bit of confidence for the race, everything was done on the 3rd week of a big block and was pleased with how it went. Looking at some other people's times from races at Roth and Austria makes me think I might be being a bit ambitious with my goals but I've looked back at my training and I'm happy with it so far. Onto my last weeks training before taper!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    Things are looking good for you. Was that 6 hour bike done with a full race set up?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Hey Zico, nope not really, I hope to be using the disc and deep front wheel for the race but that will depend on the wind. The 6hour spin was done with a normal road bike front wheel and a deeper back wheel. I'd like to think that's an extra bit of speed right there, there will be less bottles on the bike too, was loaded up because of the forecasted heat, on the day I won't have as many bottles on the bike so a little weight saving there too.

    In the last 2 cycles the plan is to use the full race set up and see how it is, the deeper front might get swapped for a shallower one if it's windy but that will depend on the day and conditions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    Even better so. You can confidently expect an extra few km/hr with those changes.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    So last big-ish week done. 4th week of 17+ hours training and by the end the body as feeling it, was very tired.

    Swim. Back to normality this week and only 2 sessions. I will count 1 session as missed on Friday but for good reason, work interview that morning so was spent prepping for that. I got the job so all good there. Tues was solo and main set was 15x100 off 1.50 aiming for 1.35, never really pushing it and held the times well, more working on a steady speed than fast. Pleased with this. Thurs was 4x200m off 3.30 descending times, drafted 2 of these and held the feet no issues at all, felt very comfortable, led 2 out and was pleased with the times. Led fastest out and went sub 3 mins for what felt like a comfortable enough effort, definitely another few seconds there. After this was 10x100m off 1.45 again aiming for 1.35, pleased with how I held this and no real drop off in time, working more though towards the end but a good session. I've started to breath nearly every 2 strokes, mainly on my right hand side, finding it works well. The swim in the race is in a rowing lake and shouldn't need too much sighting so breathing all on the one side should be grand.

    Bike. 3 turbos and 1 outdoor spin. Sunday was 1hr turbo with most spent around race watts, was very tired for this but held the power no problem, only issue was I settled probably a bit too high above target, found it more comfortable and natural but was a bit higher than ideal. Tues was 90 mins, first hour was 4x7@102%, 3.5ez, one of them ones where I was working from the start but just broke it down into individual intervals and didn't think about anything else, held power well and all done. After this was 30 mins building from 180W to 220w, slow and steady build but pleased with it after the earlier intervals. Thurs 2 hr turbo was moved to Fri evening to give me time for interview prep, This was a tough tough session, 3x30 between 80-93% of FTP, 5 recovery. They were broken up a little, in that they weren't the exact same power for the whole 30 mins but they moved up and down a little. Settled in and just got it done, trainer road has released a new analytical centre, lets you look back on your ride and compare to older ones. It now records a lot more power records than before and told me that pretty much everything from 55 mins up to the 2 hours for this session was a new power record, a really good session, not ideal having to do it on Fri so close to longer bike spin but at least it got done. Sat was long-ish spin outside, just over 4 hours and around 130km done, tired legs for this and was a bit of a struggle to get motivated for, started well but longer it went on the more I just wanted it to end.

    Runs. 4 runs this week and a bit of intensity back in. Wed was a main set of 2 x(15steady, 5 faster than 4 min/km, 5ez). Steady felt ok, was working but settled into a nice rhythm and was moving well. Working harder for the faster bits but not under huge pressure, tree coverage made it hard to judge the pace though, watch would jump about so I don't fully trust the paces I got at the end. The effort was there though. Fri run moved to thurs and was 70 mins easy, one of them runs when everything clicks and I was moving really well and all felt very very easy. Saturday off the bike was 30 steady (averaging around 4.05min/km) then 30 as 10 seconds faster than race pace and finished with 10 mins easy. feeling it by the end, Fri turbo really took it out of the legs. Last long long run on Sunday of 3hrs. Picked up another water bottle from home after 1hr 50 mins but the whole thing was a bit of a plod, never really settled into it but pace was decent and even though it was a clunky, plodding run the effort was in the right place.

    So the last big block done. Body is tired, nearly into taper mode now, bit of working this week on the bike but the run will be pulled back a bit. No more long long runs to do, and cycles aren't too long either. On the home stretch now! Strava tells me for June I only didn't train on one day and my hours for June were nearly 76 and May was around 74 so 2 big months done. Pleased with where I am right now, last while I've been training on tired legs and haven't been far off the goal race pace, I'd like to think that with the taper and a bit of rest I'll be able to hold the pace. 3 weeks yesterday was race day, and with all the big european races on the last few weeks the excitement is building a bit.
