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50 Weeks



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    5km hill run - 25.50

    Avg HR - 132

    Avg Pace - 5.11

    Altitude 850m (all runs til June)

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,588 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Do you mind me asking what run you're targetting? Good solid runs,by the way!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    Strongman session

    30secs each station

    50kg farmers walk
    Tyre flips
    Burpee pull-ups
    60kg Deadlift

    50m 50kg prowler push (4 high, 1 low)

    100m 50kg prowler push (high)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    Do you mind me asking what run you're targetting? Good solid runs,by the way!

    Cheers, I don't really have a target right now, just doing some easy base work to drop a few kilos and keep my cardio ticking over, trying to run ~30km per week, I'll kick off some proper running in about 8 weeks time and up the mileage, goals will be:

    @ 82+kg BW

    <11.45 3.2km
    <19min 5km
    <39.30 10km
    <90min Half marathon

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,588 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Jesus, some impressive targets there. If your easy runs are 4.30ish per km, then you've some solid groundwork put in there.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    Jesus, some impressive targets there. If your easy runs are 4.30ish per km, then you've some solid groundwork put in there.

    I work off the McMillan running calculator to assess my easy,pace and tempo times, find its a really good tool.

    I was running those times about 18months ago but series of injuries and work stuff has meant I'm a long way from there now, I generally find my running times are more a function of my current weight than anything else!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81


    15min foam roll - quads, calves, IT band

    Hip flexor stretch
    3x1min plank

    3x10 lying side leg raise
    3x10 glute bridge
    3x10 cook hip lift

    3x10 supermans
    3x10 lying side clam
    3x10 BW SLDL

    3x10 20kg DB side bend
    3x10 20kg single leg row
    3x10 7.5kg push up and row

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    5km pace run - 22.45

    Avg HR - 153

    Avg Pace - 4.32

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    ME Upper #2

    3x10 band pullaparts
    3x10 scap push-ups
    3x10 12kg KB swings

    A Bench
    1x10 20kg
    1x10 50kg
    1x10 60kg
    1x8 70kg
    1x5 80kg
    1x5 95kg

    B DB Inc Bench
    2x15 30kg
    1x10 30kg

    C1 4x10 75kg BB Row
    C2 4x12 plate 5 face pulls

    D1 4x10 20kg DB Curl
    D2 4x10 75kg BB Shrug

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    5km easy run - 23.40

    Avg HR - 146

    Avg Pace - 4.43

    Session 2

    2x10 pull-ups
    3x5 wide arm pull-ups (band)

    Core session

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    6km easy run - 28.58

    Avg HR - 144

    Avg Pace - 4.49

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    3x10 band pullaparts
    3x10 inverted rows
    3x10 scap push-ups
    3x10 10kg plate chops

    1x10 20kg
    1x10 50kg
    4x12 70kg

    Military Press
    1x10 20kg
    4x10 42.5kg

    4x10 BW Chin-ups
    4x12 plate 5 face pulls

    3x10 80kg BB Shrugs
    3x12 20kg DB curls

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    6km hill run - 29.05

    Avg HR - 147

    Avg Pace - 4.50

    session 2


    20min foam roll - quads, calves, IT band

    3x10 lying side leg raise
    3x10 glute bridge
    3x10 cook hip lift

    3x10 supermans
    3x10 lying side clam
    3x10 BW SLDL

    3x10 22.5kg DB side bend
    3x10 22.5kg single leg row
    3x10 7.5kg push up and row

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    Strongman session

    30secs per station

    80kg Deadlift
    25kg plate farmers walk
    16kg KB clean and press
    10kg box set ups
    50kg BB row
    25kg KB swings

    50kg 25m prowler push (3 high, 3 low)

    session 2

    7km easy run - 35.45

    Avg HR - 140

    Avg Pace - 5.06

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81


    ME Upper #3

    3x10 face pulls
    3x10 scap push-ups
    3x10 12kg KB swings
    3x10 pass throughs

    A Bench
    1x10 20kg
    1x10 60kg
    1x10 70kg
    1x6 80kg
    1x5 97.5kg

    B DB Inc Bench
    2x15 30kg
    1x10 30kg

    C1 4x10 80kg BB Row
    C2 4x12 7.5kg DB cleans

    D1 4x8 22.5kg DB Curl
    D2 4x10 80kg BB Shrug

    session 2


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    Tabata row - 991m

    5km easy row - 20.10

    Avg Pace - 2.01

    session 2

    20min foam roll - quads, calves, IT band

    3x12 lying side leg raise
    3x12 glute bridge
    3x12 cook hip lift
    3x12 supermans
    3x12 lying side clam

    3x6 12kg KB SLDL & row
    3x12 12kg KB goblet squat
    3x6 12kg KB reverse lunge

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    Core session

    Deadlift 1RM


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    5km easy run - 23.15

    Avg HR - 153

    Avg Pace - 4.39

    session 2

    3x10 band pullaparts
    3x10 inverted rows
    3x10 scap push-ups
    3x10 10kg plate chops

    1x10 20kg
    1x10 50kg
    4x10 72.5kg

    Military Press
    1x10 20kg
    4x10 45kg

    4x10 +5kg Chin-ups
    4x12 plate 7 face pulls

    3x10 80kg BB Shrugs
    3x8 22.5kg DB curls

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    5km easy row - 19.34

    Avg Pace - 1.57

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    20min stretch and roll

    3.30min front plank

    6x500m row w/ 2min rest

    1.44 avg


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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    Strongman session

    12mins working time

    30sec each station


    10kg DB clean and lunge
    10kg powerbag box step ups
    Burpee pull-ups
    40kg push press
    60kg Deadlift

    10 tyre flips
    30 hammer swings on tyre (15 each side)

    7 x 50kg 50m prowler push (6 high, 1 low)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81


    ME Upper #4

    3x15 scap push-ups
    3x15 12kg KB swings
    3x15 band pullaparts

    A Bench
    1x10 20kg
    1x10 50kg
    1x10 70kg
    1x8 80kg
    1x5 90kg
    1x4 100kg

    B DB Inc Bench
    3x15 30kg

    C1 4x12 80kg BB Row
    C2 4x12 plate 7 face pulls

    D1 4x10 22.5kg DB Curl
    D2 4x10 80kg BB Shrug

    session 2


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    Fitness test

    Agility test - 16.85

    Cadence push-ups - 43

    Cadence sit-ups - 38

    Plank hold - 4.15

    Bleep test - 11.0

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    RE upper

    3x10 band pullaparts
    3x10 scap push-ups
    3x10 10kg plate chops

    1x10 20kg
    1x10 50kg
    4x10 75kg

    Military Press
    1x10 20kg
    4x10 47.5kg

    4x10 +7.5kg Chin-ups
    4x12 plate 8 face pulls

    3x10 80kg BB Shrugs
    3x10 22.5kg DB curls

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    Core session

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    6km easy run - 28.06

    Avg HR - 153

    Avg Pace - 4.41

    session 2

    Meant to go foam rolling but instead ended up doing

    1x5 80
    1x5 85
    1x3 87.5
    1x3 100
    1x1 110

    Weighted Chin-ups
    1x10 BW
    1x5 +15kg
    1x1 +20kg
    1x1 +30kg
    1x1 +35kg
    1x1 +40kg
    1xF +50kg

    Military Press
    1x10 20kg
    1x8 40kg
    1x5 50kg
    1x2 60kg
    1x1 70kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    45min roll and stretch

    3x10 supermans
    3x10 lying side leg raise
    3x10 side clam
    3x10 glute bridge
    3x10 cook hip lift


    50m 50kg push (7 high, 3 low)

    50m 50kg drags

    50m 130kg drags

    session 2

    5km easy run - 24.05

    Avg HR - 140

    Avg Pace - 4.49

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81


    30mins roll and stretch

    1x10 20kg
    1x8 60kg
    1x5 80kg
    1x3 100kg
    1x1 110kg
    1x1 120kg
    1xF 130kg

    Core session

    All well below parallel, probably would have made 130 if I had stopped at 90. Knee didn't feel strong or healthy but no pain at least.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    ME Upper #5

    3x15 scap push-ups
    3x15 12kg KB swings
    3x15 band pullaparts

    A Bench
    1x10 20kg
    1x10 50kg
    1x10 70kg
    1x6 80kg
    1x4 90kg
    1x4 102.5kg

    B DB Inc Bench
    3x10 32.5kg

    C1 4x10 85kg BB Row
    C2 4x12 plate 8 face pulls

    D1 4x12 20kg DB Curl
    D2 4x12 85kg BB Shrug

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,191 ✭✭✭narwog81

    GOAL mile :D
